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Archie Herrick Interview University undergraduate studying chemical engineering (University of Durham)Ideal member of our primary audience.

Production - Q: Did you find the production intellectually engaging?Archie’s answer to this proves our successful choice in interviewees, this is a factor that in hindsight would not be changed. He specifically references the diversity or range of experts, this owes to his own sophisticated understanding of documentary as a media outlet. In relation to Baudrillard’s idea that a documentary is a medium with which we present the creator’s own version of reality, Achie recognises that the independent views of experts provides a balance that is convincing enough. Therefore he may still question what we present, but realises that we have limited our own impact on the outcome of the interviews within the production. Q: Rating out of 10?His answer of 8.5 reinforces our success – he was entertained by the production. Despite this there are improvements to be made, and one such improvement that we have identified is the quality of audio. This is a drawback from our production.

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Q: Have we clearly represented the different areas of creativity?The question relates to the previously mentioned variety in interviews. Archie identifies the contrast, from recreational artists to those that have fully embraced it and have forged large companies as a conequence, as a positive. This was very important to us when considering Hall’s theory of audience reception - we wanted to encourage a positive reception by allowing the audience to make their own decision on the definition of creativity, and the use of contrasting interviews successfully achieved this.Q: Was the length appropriate? + Improvements?Archie agreed that the length was suitable for one sitting and provides just enough information. He does somewhat criticise the pace, perhaps owing to his fox-thinking. As a young and sophisticated achiever (VAL type) his brain is suited to fast pace activities rather than that of a hedge-hog thinker. This is another element that we could have improved, and ideally we could have shortened the montage sequences in order to cater for our young primary audience. He again identifies pace as an improvement – specifically in terms of transitions between shots. This is again owing to his fox-thinking mentality, and he likens the pace he prefers to a standard YouTube video – being slightly shorter. This reinforces that our audience are digitally native, and as a consequence are familiar with web 2.0 and we should have looked at the appeal of videos on social media in order to forge a better understanding of how to edit our video.

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Q: Did you agree with the music choice?He agreed with the music, as it was in keeping with the style of the video. The pace of the music helped to propel the documentary on a narrative arc, and this is a definite success. He also mentions the sophistication of the music, as it was not mainstream and therefore catered better to his tastes. This would be applicable to any of our primary audience, who often might shy away from more mainstream media. Poster -

Q: After looking at the poster would be inclined to watch the documentary?He would watch the documentary – stating the quality of the poster as a motivation pursue the documentary. This is an example of our success within the production stage, and proof that our investment in improving the poster in InDesign was worthwhile. The enigma within the poster – being the image of the chainsaw – provides enough intrigue for him to consider watching the documentary “I would want to know more about the topic”. Q: Do you think the design of the poster is appropriate? He identified that the chainsaw drew attention to the poster – it is very unusual. If we apply Barthes theory of narrative code we can see the effect of the enigma code here – this has a very strong draw to our primary audience.

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Radio –Q: Was the radio advert?Archie appreciated the consistency with the music, creating a professional feel suitable to a professional production. Of note are the comments regarding the diegetic sound from the workshop that starts the radio advert – whilst it does capture attention it may become repetitive or annoying. This is a drawback as our use of sharp sounds may become frustrating. Q: Was it long enough?The length was seen as suitable in order to get the information out and did not drag on. This was a good method of targeting fox-thinkers. He also again referenced the use of sounds from manual tools, and thus peaking his attention: ‘can they really be creative?’. This is further use of enigma to intrigue audience members.Radio and Poster – Q: From the ancillary tasks what would you expect from the production?He would expect ‘something sharp with clinical production values with a minimalistic style and tone throughout’. This proves that we created a successful brand identity that links all 3 of our products together. Q: Where would you expect to find the ancillaries?A: Radio – independent radio station ---- this is a positive. We felt that the advert may have been too similar to a mainstream radio channel yet Archie contests this. Poster – Urban Areas with a creative drive. This is the area we had targeted and is therefore another success.