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UC Applications Specialists

Console Portfolio Update for Cisco SE’s and Specialists

Anthony [email protected]


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© 2009 Arc Solutions (International) Ltd. All rights reserved.

&eet Arc

• 'ptimize person!to!person communications in the

Enterprise• Design and develop UC Business Applications -

E(clusi)ely for Cisco

• In-house design, development, integration & testing

• Global Sales, ar!eting & "echnical Support

• #resence in $$A, USA, iddle $ast & Asia-#aci%c• *echnolo+y ,e)elopment- Solutions Plus- and 'E&


• Strong or!ing relationships ith product and technicalpersonnel ithin Cisco ' Similar to a Cisco Business Unit

•  "ight alignment ith Cisco #roduct, ar!eting, Sales, and

$ngineering "eams• Sophisticated Console and ,irectory Solutions

• So(tare available directl) (rom Cisco or Certi%ed *eseller

• Console o( choice (rom UCBU and Advanced Services

• +ut o( Bo and Custom Application Solutions

•Its all about the data . . .

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• Ciscos +perator Console #ort(olio

• Cisco Uni%ed Consoles

• Arc $nterprise

• Application Decision "ree

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© 2009 Arc Solutions (International) Ltd. All rights reserved.

Perspecti)e onCisco Attendant Console ! CAC

an) basic (eatures needed

/ac!s "rans(er recall, director) & search customi0ation, segmented Call#ar!

/ittle call in 1ueue in(o, operator statistics, supervisor pac!age, multi-tenant (eatures2

3ot supported in all countries

3ot architected (or *ight to /e(t language support

4as Accessibilit) issues3ot architected (or 5A6S screen reader (or sight impaired

4ad to remove 7Support (or 5A6S8 (rom all docs 9doesnt or!:

;uture needs also on the hori0on

<ista=6indos> support, CU#S #resence & 6eb ?.@ integration ill becritical

ulti-)ear development re1uired to address customer needs & to be atcompetitive levels

Cisco Attendant Console is aging, last ne (eature introduced @

an) customer problems

*ecentl) decreased the number o( supported CACs per cluster

an) maor escalations in last E months



End of Sale

 process toease customer


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Console Positionin+

Small usiness


&ultiple /ueuesComfort messa+esCall recordin+Lar+e- multi feed directory&ultiple )endor presence inte+rationComprehensi)e reportin+esilience

Customer re/uirement *ype of sale

Low touch‘box’ sale


Standard Mid CUCMofer 

Standard Large CUCMofer 

High touch solutionsale

&ultiple /ueuesLar+e directoryCUPS presence inte+ration1$00 director


&ultiple /ueues$00 directory

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Cisco Console Positionin+


&id &ar4et5$00 phones6

Enterprise51$00 phones6

Lar+e enterprise

5120-000 phones6

7loal Enterprise51$0-000 phones6

Arc E(press

Cisco Uni8ed 3usiness Attendant Console

9 Cisco Uni8ed ,epartment Attendant Console

Arc Enterprise

Cisco Uni8ed Enterprise Attendant Console

Cisco Uni8ed 'E&':erin+s address;$< of Customer


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Arc x!ress "or CUCM

• Use mouse or !e)board• ;ull drag and drop• See calls in 1ueue• See call details be(ore

ansering• Abandoned=ansered call

list per 1ueue

• ultiple call 1ueuing

• 3ight service b)destination=time

• Individual priorit) settings

• Destination status previe• Bus) /amp• Import utilit) (or large,

manual director) imports

• Simple telephon) icons

• ultiple call hold• Consult trans(er

• ultiple call handling

• Independent Speed dials

• Alternative number dial• Speed search

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3usiness!ules ,ri)en


3L> ? Phone infofrom CUC&

E(tensi)e %28eld role ased


eturnin+ calls


Enterprise ! console client



Presence infofrom CUPS?'CS




Asence notes

Par4ed Calls

Speed ,ials

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Cisco Uni8ed ,epartment Attendant Console

=ueue >eatures

•Support for one /ueue•Sho Calls in /ueue•=ueue ')ero

,irectory >eatures•,irectory up to B$0•CUC& ,irectory inte+ration

•% ,irectory Search options

*elephony >eatures•2 Concurrent 'perators•$ ,epartments &a(imum•*ransfer ecall•Call Par4 •Call Par4 ecall

•Call *o++le•Conference•Speed ,ial•Localization•Presence 5CUPS6

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Cisco Uni8ed 3usiness Attendant Console

=ueue >eatures

•Support for three /ueues•Sho Calls in =ueue•=ueue ')ero

,irectory >eatures•,irectory up to $00•CUC& ,irectoryinte+ration•" ,irectory Search options

*elephony >eatures• Concurrent 'perators•*ransfer ecall•Call Par4 •Call Par4 ecall

•Call *o++le•Conference•Speed ,ial•Localization•Presence 5CUPS6•Di+ht &ode•Emer+ency &ode

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Cisco Uni8ed Enterprise Attendant Console

=ueue >eatures

•Support for 2$ /ueues•Sho calls in =ueue•')ero options to=ueues

,irectory >eatures•,irectory up to 2$-000•CUC& ,irectoryinte+ration• ,irectory Search options

*elephony >eatures•2$ Concurrent 'perators•*ransfer ecall•Call Par4 

•Call Par4 ecall•Call *o++le•Conference•Di+ht &ode•Emer+ency &ode•Presence 5CUPS6•Camp 'n•Set C>,

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Solutions Plus Enterprise F ,i:erentiation

Fueue ;eatures

• Unlimited =ueues

Director) ;eatures

• ,irectory of B00-000

• L,AP ,irectory inte+ration

• ,irectory Search options

 "elephon) ;eatures

• B00 'perators

• Email Doti8cation

• Super)isor Client

• &onitorin+- eportin+-Lo++in+

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Arc Enterprise F ,i:erentiationFueue ;eatures

• Unlimited =ueues

Director) ;eatures

• ,irectory of B00-000

• L,AP ,irectory inte+ration

• ,irectory Search options

 "elephon) ;eatures

• "$0G 'perators

• &'C Hnte+ration• 'utloo4 Hnte+ration

• S&S- and I&L Doti8cation

• edundancy

• &ulti!*enant

• Serial Callin+

• I&L Phone ,irectory

• J*&L ,irectory 5Hntranet6

• I&L Presence

• I&L hisper

• Clic4 to ,ial

• ,irectory Hnte+ration

• I&L Screen Pop

•  Ka)a &idlet

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• Super)isor >unction• isual Statistics

• eal!time monitorin+

• 7raphical reportin+

• Li)e chan+es

• eport templates

• ')er 2;$ reports

• Hnuilt P,> creator

• &easure performancea+ainst a ser)ice le)el

• PC alloard

• Do Call Control• isual Alarms

• System Administration

• Concurrent Usa+e Licensin+


$ital business tools "or managers or teamleaders

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Applications Architecture


Console Supervisor 




Windows Server 



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Server #e$uirements

• *he Arc Ser)er application needs to run on a dedicated

hardare ser)er platform. Do other applications mustrun on this ser)er.

• Pentium " 2.2 7Jz

• "0 73 Jard ,ri)e

• 27 A&

• indos 2000?200% ser)er

• &icrosoft S=L 2000?S=L 200$

• S=L E(press 200$ for smaller installations

• All Arc applications are pro)ided as MArc softare onlyN.*he partner?customer has to source the hardare and&icrosoft softare?licenses

• All Arc applications are ased on concurrent usa+e


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Pricin+ F At a +lance

Arc $press S#-A*C-#S-A""-C+3 H@JCUDAC CUD-A""-C+3 HKJ


CU$AC CU$-A""-C+3 HK@@@

Arc $nterprise Console S#-A*C-$3#-A""-C+3 HE@@

9maintenance purchased (rom Arc Solutions:

9Arc /ist #ricing:

Arc $nterprise Server HJ@@@

Arc $nterprise Console H?J

Arc $nterprise Supervisor H?J

Arc 6hisper #age 9@@ Seats: HJ@@Arc / #resence 9@@ Seats: HE@@

Arc 6allboard HJ

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CUC& Console comparison

Product Hmplementation Scalaility >eatures Up+radeaility Supportedy


anual CUCcon%guration,i0ard install, morecomple re1uiringtraining or ideall)Arc installation L#S

Up to B00 consoleclients, GG1ueues,dual (ailover server,up to B$0-000 entries

#resence, etendedsearching,phonetics, (ailover,international dialplan support, in1ueue messaging

Upgrade or add onan) (eature in Arcport(olio including#recision, SA, "I,6itness, etc

Arc Solutions orreseller9supportcontractre1uired:



anual CUCcon%guration,

i0ard install, morecomple re1uiringtraining

Up to B00 consoleclients, normal

1ueue limitations,up to B00-000 director) entries

Core console(eatures ith

6hisper #age onl).

3o Arc Solutions orreseller


CUEACCisco Uni%edBusinessAttendantConsole

6eb based, simple,limited options 9noserver apps:

2$ consoles,B00-000 director)entries, ma $0 1ueues. Director)imported (rom CUC

Subset o( $nterpriseSL. 3o 6hisper,#resence, Diversetelephon) (eatures

3o Cisco "AC

CU3ACCisco Uni%edBusinessAttendantConsole

6eb based, simple,

limited option 9noserver apps:

 consoles, $00 

director) entries,ma % 1ueues.Director) imported(rom CUC

Subset o( $nterprise

SL. 3o 6hisper,#resence, idar!et leveltelephon) (eatures

3o Cisco "AC

CU,ACCisco Uni%edBusinessAttendantConsole

6eb based, simple,limited options 9noserver apps:

B0 consoles as $ pairs each ithaccess to B 1ueueMNB$0 databasedentries imported

(rom CUC

3o 1ueues indo,6hisper. Basictelephon) (eatures(or team anser(unctionalit)

3o Cisco "AC

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'perator centers

• Spotting an opportunit)• aorit) o( incoming calls not managed b) DID or call center

• 4igh internal call traOc

• *ole based personnel

• 6h) not use a phone=sidecarP• #Bs operator consoles have ala)s been highl) (eatured

• +perators have epectations o( telephon) (unctionalit)

• +ther vendors have mature and ell (eatured options• $Ocient (ront line call handling is a given

• +perator center vs Contact centerP• Similar re1uirement in call routing

• Identi()-prioriti0e-route-anser-conclude-measure

• Anser L trans(er vs anser L conclude

• +perators need director) L advanced telephon)

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Oey usiness re/uirements

• Call Fueuing• ultiple incoming calls into one point

• Business rules to prioritise• +ptional voice message to com(ort=in(orm

• *eporting based upon 1ueue activit) and per(ormance

• Bus) /amp ;ield• Instant presence indication across the enterprise

• $nable trans(er directl) (rom B/;

• *apid call trans(er• inimal !e)stro!es

• Screened=unscreened options

• Intuitive but comprehensive inter(ace

• *ecall and progress in(ormation• Unansered calls to come bac! ith ID

• 3o calls should be lost or le(t hanging

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,ecision *ree

•Jo &any Users are inyour C& ,irectory

•Jo &any Concurrent'perators B00!B$0







Hs this for

Communications&ana+er E(press


Arc E(pressConsole

,o you needQ•LCS Hnte+ration•'utloo4 Hnte+ration

•L,AP Hnte+ration•&onitorin+•eportin+•edundancy

En+a+e Arc*hrou+h eseller

En+a+e Arc forQ



ecommendUni8edQ•Enterprise Console

•3usiness Console








•Enterprise Console

•3usiness Console


•Arc Enterprise

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Application ,isco)ery

,isco)ery =uestions

B. ,o you e)er +et calls for people ho ha)e left the company

• Do these calls end up in e-emplo)ee voicemail ith no return callP

2. ,o you e)er +et calls for employees in particular departments

• 6hat is the process (or loo! up and trans(erP

%. ,o you e)er +et calls for employees that are not in your directory

• 4o do )ou handle these callsP

". ,o you e)er +et calls for employees in other locations or on other systems

• 4o do )ou handle these callsP

$. ,o your operators need to coordinate a physical replacement for rea4s and o: hours

• 4o do )ou handle operator calls in remote locationsP

. ,o your super)isors and mana+ers need to pro)ide a certain le)el of ser)ice for their operators and help des4s

• 4o are things measured toda)P

• 6hat is the process (or measuringP

#. ,o your operators le)era+e instant messa+in+ to interact ith employees

• Is presence a !e) component to ho the) interact ith Instant essagingP

;. ,o your operators ha)e )isiility into employee calendars or room schedulin+

• Is the tool integrated into their telephon) s)stemP

. ,o you ha)e multiple sources of information?directories that need to e accessed y your operators oremployees

• 4o man) director) sources do )ou haveP 9Callanager, Active Director), $change, Unit), SA#, Internal etc:

• Are these all managed separatel)P

• 6hich o( these contain in(ormation pertinent to an +perator 9probabl) more than one:

B0. ,o your 'perators ta4e a lot of MinternalN calls

• Are these calls mainl) (rom emplo)ees tr)ing to reach colleagues in other locations or departmentsP

• 4o about pushing it out to the phones, or an intranet based director)P

• 4o about through a Speech inter(ace

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Application ,isco)ery

3usiness alue Usa+e =uestions

F When %our compan% receives a call for an emplo%ee who is no loner with the compan%' would it "e "eneficial to "e a"le to tell

the caller that the emplo%ee is no loner with the compan%' and transfer the call to someone in the same department andperhaps with the same (o" title' rather than transfer a call to a voicemail "o) that will not et chec*ed+

F When %our compan% receives calls for new emplo%ees' or for emplo%ees in particular departments' would it "e helpful if' %our

operator sent all of these calls to the riht part% the first time+

F When an operator from a remote "ranch leaves for a "rea*' emerenc%' or at the end of the "usiness da%' would it "e helpful if

the calls can overflow to an operator in an alternate location' "ut still "e answered with a reetin from the local office or


F hen a call comes in for an employee or a department- ould it e ene8cial for your operator to ha)e)isiility into the employees presence and calendar information Hf the employee is in a meetin+- ould ite helpful to send a )isual messa+e to the screen of the phone in the meetin+ room

F hen a call comes in for an employee ho has an out of oce messa+e set- ould it e )aluale to informthe caller of the +reetin+ efore o:erin+ to transfer the call to )oicemail

F Hf that same person as tra)ellin+ and had an alternate numer that she could e reached at- ould it ehelpful to transfer the call to an alternate numer rather than a messa+e system

F ould it e )aluale to streamline the update process to ha)e a central mana+ement point for all of thesedirectory inte+rations

F ould it e )aluale to ta4e the directory that the 'perator has and push it to the company on an intranetsite ith clic4 to dial- an (ml ser)ice on an HP phone- and a natural speech interface

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Local eferences

• Babcoc! and Bron

• /evi Strauss

• Bass #ro

• 4eQernan Insurance Group

• Cit) o( Sacramento

• +a!land School (or the Arts

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7loal eferences

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• Ciscos +perator Console Strateg)

• Cisco Uni%ed Consoles

• Arc $nterprise

• Decision "ree

• "4A3R +UTT

Anthony [email protected]
