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A 8tWt OP d3!8MHn;HBiCB2dB AUtlVITr TAL8B8



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freaoatcd to the jnedty of the oiadaate 4


Mvidea of tbe teaaa geehaoiogieai doUoiii in lar t id fnidUaeat

of tbe jMtauiraeenta Per tbe Degree ef

mxsfm m ABTC


Oail Bdaard tcnaerealag, B* A* Burktamett, Taaae

Adgaat, 1989


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. . tkMtJL Of 8 0 B m i 8

^r^ MaffBB PAOB

'^^'^ I IBlEdPUOTIOB t' Parpceo ef the atady • • • * * * • • • * 1

Btateaeat cf tbe Preblea * • • • * * * • 8

Matcride aad Bethede 8eed • • • • • • • 8


miaee of Bxtia«Garriedar Aotivitiee * d

dbjeeuvo criteria * * * * * • * * * • • T

2)cIidtioa of Tcrae * • • « * • • • • • 8

III BTOBt <» mtxxs PAitiaiBAfxoi Atteniaaec • * * • * • * • • • • • • * • 10

Biadpiiao * * * * • * • • • • • * * * * 18

acbdari^ip * * * • • * * * * • * * • • IB

Witdfawda * * * * * * * * * * • * • • 81

Baplcyaont • • • * • * * * * * * * • • • 84

adlcgo failure • * • • * • * * * * • • 88

Sanaary * * • * * * * * * * • * * * • • 8T

XT 8fE0)r m Mmtn PABTxaitATxca M^iUty * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 88

Meeipliae • * • * * * * * * * * * * • • 80

Oiaee epcaecrabip • • * * * * * * * * • 81

Oaidaaee * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 88

Onwannlly Activitioe * * * * * * • * * • 88

io^edly Appaainal * * * * * * • • * • * M

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fiuiLB Of o o B m t a

Ottftaa 1A8B


dCHamily Bcepenee # • * • . • * . * . • . • . * • • . 48


Pia&iage of the etedy * * • • * • * * * 48

deaeiaaieaa * # * * • * * * * * • * * * . 48

BiBLIOCBim * • • • * * * * • • • * * * * * * • 80

ACTBBDH * # * # * • • * * * * • * • * * • * * * 81

. 5 t,;

-» • > V.

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f o Bora i fxo i Of BABneiPATioe * * * * XX

n * 90m CABSBS Of ABSiMB fOB OOMHaiSOB • * 18


X?* fiVB aiBdBa m fA8i>xi«8;d f o g coufABi* SOB * * * * * • * * • • * . * « * * * 18

f t 4W^t Of JPXeCIfUBAkf BEOBLiiMS kSQO«^

I I t o OOB£»XfXOB Of fABTIOXfATICai * * 17

VX# 8<8tfABX80B8 Cf CAdBS CdP DICaiPLIBK • * • 18

f ix* ST»X)t Of OAUa^ Of fAlMBK AOOOHPIXa

fo o<aQ:ti5exoi or HBncxiaTKni * * * • i f

vxxi* ccatfABZB^ or 0Ati8i;8 m pkxmm • * * • * i f XX* STO^f Of CCMfABttlVB Q B A S ^ A0808bXB8

TO 8<^XTI<»I Of BaBHaZfATKBt • * * • d B* BTUBf <Xf UAUSi^ Of dTHDRAlAL A0008S)»

xm w eoi&isioi Of BiBnoxBiTxai * • 88

Xh QQUBkU^m Of GA88B8 Of WlTH2>BAmXi * • * 8 8



OOBDZTKBI or BsLETICirATXCUl * * • * • 88

BXf* fBROBBtAax Of eotLMB Moa%Jk>UTf • • * * • 87

jEf* t^nxct nr BIOR COBOOII WkWhtt uoBiLin • • 89

XfX* BIOIT Cf l«»SIXLITt Of iOitim fA08I.TT * • • 89

XrXX* BTQDf Of laClPLIBfLRT fB<BLKM8 * • * * • 80 mim 8BD>T Of 8U88 BfOBSOBBt 198f<*88 AID

1988*89 # • * * • * * * * * * * • • • 81

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XX8T €f 2ABLB8

XXX* 8T(rDT Of 0XA83 8fOB40B8 OfBB fBdCD Cf 8X3L XkABC * • * • * * • * * * * *

XaU aiUDT Of QOXbAWOB 8A8B8 A8OOHDXX0 fO ooHbiTios Of arowoBOBif • • * * * *


XJUtX* BABK8 AddKMDGD tO BlfRA* 0llBaXCBT4AB A O T i v i n ^ Aoooj^xia TO OOBPXTICB Of mfmi^cmmx^ * * * * * * * * * * * * 8f

ixxxx* 8anc8BXfr APitAXBAZi i x TBBBS or auncB ABBXaS!^ * * * * * * * * • * * • * * • 89

. • • • ' i f f '

XXXf• 888881188 AfIBAIBAL IB TiytUS Gf BAXXB A88X88i8) • * * * * * * • * • * * • * * 40

xj:r* noMPABisoi m RiBicxiaa c i tm BASZC m BtTBiiiaiTt km coMUQfBXTr nspmmi)& • * 48

XBVX* f XXUnXAl AID ATTIB^AXOB Bfif OBT, 1 9 8 7 « 8 8 * 48

m i x * 8<BlfABXdOB Of tAtlXa AOTXTITiBS, 1987«B8 • 44

XBfXXX* OQMfABXaOB ef BATXXO AOTXYXTXBS, 1 9 9 8 « 8 9 • 48

..< >i.^ •. s* .

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g&kS'sm X


PB^CCC e^ the study* Ime to the oritidam

that tbe echoole do not develop tbe ebole child, aad

tbe cftea-aade aocoaation that ooteide aotivit iee are

evereapbadaed, tbia atody baa been oadc; not with

tbe purpeae of jaeti:Qriag any preconceived contentieB,

bat ef attcaptittg te aeecrtaia the matcrid bcaefite

rceultiag fren cxtra-eorricolar actlTltiea in the bigb

ecbeel prograsw /

Tbe bietcry of education bac deaeaetrated the

v d i d i l y cf Ihe firet eritician* The ideal cf l i f e ad-

Jaetaent eanact be rcdlaed throui^ purely aeadaiie

trddng* I d e atatenent baa been cetabliahcd ae above

euceeaefd ccntradlction* Tboa le reeo^tnieed the poe-

d b i l i t i e e ef the axtra-eorricolar f ie ld , and tc thcac

pceeibiliUea t d a atody ia directed*

Whether or act each aotivltlea are evereapba­

daed i e act of priaary coaoern ander thie eobjeet,

acither ie an cvaluatloa of the different aet lvit iea

aeeording to AU of their aloe aai objectivca* Bather,

Mie problCB caeaye to deterdne te what extent thcac

ebjectivee have been redlaed ia teroe of actud a d

Vieible aadfee tat ieae Rcedtiag perfonmace la the

^eurint-rd ef eoeiety, and eo ahall be the baaia


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fer tbia etcdy* The rmior predee i f the fact tbat ax-

tra-corrlcolar activitlee arc reccgdaed aa potent ac­

tive tl one te the l i fe iatcrecta cf the achool* rbere-

fere, ander three principal beadinga, t d e preblea

ie preecatcd« firet, the natcrlal resdta of partici-

pati«i te the etodent doeelf, both during i»nd after

d a disk echeel daye; aecoBd, tbe muterlal reeolte

cf dirccUoB or epaeaerehip te tbe teachert ana tdrd ,

tbe material reedta to the eebool froa the eomraodty*

Btateaeat of tkm Preblea* Tbe ccanodly mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmm mmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm ^

ferae Ita cpidoae of the h l ^ aehool largely by what

i t can ace, and i t aeaaorce the value of edioatioa ia

terma of vidble aooeeae The teacher dcairea te baov

and iCicald kacw the pceaibilltiea ef extra-corriedar

activitlee ia eider to take advaatage of the enlarged • • * •

epportodty* Ibeae eiaeero<ai-rcal l i fe eorrclatiene

auet Jaetify their exietence aad aaawer the geacral

pabiie'e ^acry of **wbat goed arc eocb thingaf* ia the

light Of aeaey expended and value received« Therefore,

t d e etudy attempte te anewer the i;ioeetlon, ^ot what

practical value are extra-eorrleolar aotlvltieet**^

Materiala and ^ethode ueed |gi the stody^

TWO methode are ueed in thie studyt f iret , job analy^

Bia$ and eeecBd, the <|oeetlonnaire* ihe method of

Job aoalyeia inolodea etudies of attident grcopc coa-

parcd te criteria est up in the fcllewing cbapter;

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group eorvey of claeaea, group ctudice ccaeerdag the

fbedty, eorvey of publicity given extra-corriedar

activitlee by tbe ieeal preee, and eorvey of gate re-

eeipta aad attcadancc*

The ioceticBBalare ie applied by the writer

appeariag befere each groupe ae tbe ?• r* A* , tbe

Uoae and kotery daba, tbe facdly, varioue bad-

i^ee aca, and other patrcne cf the eebed; alee*

tbrougb pcmonal eeaferenoce with the euperiateadeat,

tbe priaelpal, tbe eebocl aeeretary, the aponaore,

the ceacbea, the koma-rcea teaekere, the Bcheol

beard, and varioae eaployere witda the ccaaod^*

Materiale aaed Inclode the peroancat recorda

ef the eehed, grade eheeta, grade bccka, e l lg lbi l i -

|y blaaka, abaenec and tardy allpe, ddly rcgietcre,

traaeeripte, honor rolle, and repcrta* A U date ec-

cored arc free the Burkbomett dtfi school, the Bork-

baraett 8tar, and the city of j^irkbornett, and are

applied along thcac linee ia which the meet (Ajeotive

atwiy ia fcadble« The etudy ia act widely ecapr^ca»

alvc aor i d l y eoaelodve, but the writer believee i t

to be a erediteble atteapt to plaee the practical

valaee of extrti-corrloolax activitlee on an ebjective

b a d e Tbe eohooi teme ef 1987 88 and 1988-89 are

eoTorod by t d e atody*

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aaavKT or BAIAI-^ ^ rxi ^

^ ^ ? P ^ -,^^"0^^^^^«ft^ ^f t lYi t ice 2be

furpoec of thie chapter ia to etcdy the vduea of extra«

eorrieular activit ica aa eat op by reoogdaed aotbori*

tica ia ^ e edaeational field aad to foroulate froa

thcee valoee a ayetem ef (^jective criteria for the

purpoee of oeaeuring thae Tbe writer darea eooh an

atteapt en the atrcngth cf a etatement by Fretwcll tbat

•"the cad la act yet* mere are ao flBal aotheritiee la

t d e field* Tde eoeial crgadaatlcn of the aehool in

and oat of tegular olaae ia yet la i ta iBlaacy***^ Be

ceatiaaee tbat **i£xtra«cairficolar aotivit iee aay be de-

fiaed aa ^eee legitioatc act ivit ies of the achool not

ctkerwiac previdcd fcr"*^ Oubbcrlcy aaye, «ihe eo-

eallcd axtra-corricolar activit lee offer the aehool the

SM et oeefd toela for that adaptive, directive, and

corrective t r d d n g ef youth which i t l e now eoneelved

te be the foaetion cf the aehool to provide***' uc ia

eantalaed by Beyer ia tbe etatcoent ttiat 'TXtza-eorri-

^ >:• Xm fretwell , iJttru-earrloulur i^euiviUes In Bcciuidary ^hoola. Prexaoe* "**

^ Ibid., p* 8*

^ XbidL, d i tor*c introdoetioa*


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aalar aetlvitiea are tbe teele cf cbaxacter bdlding**^

Aoocrdiag to neycr the vdoee of extrude orrl*

calar aetivitiee are ae f ell owe i '

1« predacce togetberaeee 8* develepe ecbeel aorde 8* createe Icadcredp 4« dlreete aerd aotivitiee 8» cbecke aebed acrtality 8* eaggcete peeelblc avenoee of l i f e work 7* aabliaatee undcairable tendeaoiea 8* createe eoeid atacephere 9* devdi^^ pcracaal reiq^cadbilltr

10« develepe SmXr play ; ^ 11* iBduece aneelfleb ecrvice

18« activetee eelf-dlrected effert

l^ere are ether valaee euggoated wdch iadi-

eate whdeeme reeulta frca outdde aotivitiee* d t o -

gether tbey caMtitatc a reatateaent of the eeven prln-

ciplee of eeeendaiy edaeatioa*^ Theee are (1) etbieal

efaaraeter, (8) citiacnadp, (8) health, (4) wcrtl^

heme aeadierahip, (6) wcrtby uee of leiaarc tiac, (8)

veeatlcB, aad (7) ceanand of foadaaental proceeace

Iberefore, Meyer* ae well aa ether writera, eonforu.B

to tbe affiraatiaa tbat extia-oorricuiar activitlee

have largeiy the came rcadta aa tbe prcecea ef formal

edaeatloa# Thua there are evident valuea, but ae yet

tbey reou in ia a rather aubjective etatc*

Boeaer and Allen ect forth theee valuea ia

* »t B* Mg«r, |andbcck M i^tra^comcular Activi-

^ Xbid^ PP* 1.$.

' Bareaa ef Jdacation Bullctia Be 86, Oardimil ffiaciplce e£ secoadarif MocatioB. p* i c .

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t h e i r *BoadiBge»t^

X# edueatieB fer deaeeraey 8* eccialiaatica 8* dcvclepaeBt of cbaraeter 4* aead traidng 6* tcddBg ia eitiacBedp $m partlcipatiOB i a r o e p c a d b i l i t i c e fm thrift trdning 8* dooaticB of cacticaa 9* fl^erteaaBebip

10* ee>»operatlcn 11# aclf-dlrectcd atady

IfcKewa in hie etudy elaeeifiee theee valaee

in the fd ladag oaaaert® 1* prepare etndeat fer l i fe la a deaeeraey 8* aake atadent iBcreadngly eelf-direetive 8* teach co-operatlcn 4* iBcrcaeee iatereet cf etadeat in eebocl 6* ioater cimtlaeBte of law and order 8* dcvdep i^eeld ability

boa , in d o moiXir^tj cf forty aothora of oda-

eational beoke, found a more eenpreheaeive l lat i^

1* traidng la aoae c ivie-eecid-acid re­in tlonedp

8* accialiaaticn 8e trddng i^ eoeial eo-operati<m 4e actual cxperleace ia group l i fe 8« traiaiag fer etbicd living da t r d d n g far cit laeaabip i a a deaeeraey 7* t r a i d n g for leaderebip 8e worthwhile frlendttipa 9* t r d d n g fer wortby heae aei^erebip

lOe tntlnittg in parliaaeataxy oaage ! ! • iai»roved dieeipiiae and eebocl epirit IM% t rddng for recreatloBal aad ee tbe tic

partieipatiCB 13* bedtb

^ y* Boeaer and u* f* Alice, BAjptnii ia ^vi-ci-otirri-c a ^ 4>etivl tieo> orccr ox chape* *"*

• B* 0* MCKcwBt i^tracurricolar 4^cUviUee. cbap« I,

^ Batienal Society for the study cf i^oeation, Tweatr-

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18* t«ddag in boeiaeee aethcde ids intelleetaal dovelcpaeat l i e reteatiea ia eohoel iMm reeegnitioa ef iatereete aad aabiticne If* explnaatien 80* iaprevoa eebdarndp 81* ecoBtructivc iaflueaee en iaetruction 88s reeegnition of addeeoeat aatare 88* trdniag in fua&aaoatd prceeeeM 81* relatiea ef echod aad ccoaadty 88e diaebarge ef eeperabaaftaat enerey

tlll^^^* MiSaa^ ^^ ^* 'orcgdag

earvey i t ia eeea tbat a nuflUicr of valoee lead tbea*

eelvee readily te ebjeetive e ody rieting tbeee,

aad caittiag a l l tbcae ef largely imbjective natorc,

we bavct 4aMv wirea^w^e ^a*^^ a^araa w^wmamt ^^ee*a* ewaa*aik e^p

if participati^ ia rei^sndbilitiea Be thrift tialdng 4e t^ter eentiaettte ef law aad order 6» iaproved dieeipiiae i* hedtk V m* w w^^^^w ^eaa Wisaw^wa ^araaeaaapa aavjp

8e ret«itiea in ached 9* iapref ed echeiaredp

18b reiatica of eebod aad ceoaadly

mma ecae ef tbeee valoee have a vague t ed i*

ly and ecae of tbea overlap ia eccpe BarUcipation in

reepeneibilitiai dependa iargely apcn eireaaataaece

Thrift tedalng any be evld mced ia waye ether than

JinaBOlaie aentiaeate far law and crder are aadfeeted

ia fOi Knt fer authority, and civic pridee Badtb ia

aa iaeladvo tera* thorefare, aaing the above i ie t

aa a bada cad reaording i t for adaptatien to tda

atady, tbe writer propoeee tbe feUcdag mlaee aa

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erlteria for a def ldte , ebjeotive Inveetigatloas

la atteadanee 8* diedpllBc 8* acbclaredp 4* vithdraaaa 6* cagLeyncat $m ccilegc failare 7* gddaaec

3)efidti^ca 3^ SSSSS^ ^ attendaace we

eball anderetaed tbe reeiad cf abeeacce and tardice

with tbeir eauece aad r e e d t e Bf dieeipiiae we ebdl

Qiean tbeee caaee which rcaohcd the office, d t b re-

iercaee tc teacher aa well aa pupil* aeholaredp, of

coorae, meaaa the gradee ef the groupe aedcr ccaeidcr-

atica* tltbdrawai meana eebool aortdity* mvieyaeat

aeaae the eoeudag cf a remmerative peeitiea* ccilegc

Bailure meaaa failure to oeet college ro^dreawite ia

echeiaredp and citiaeaedp* Oddaace aball oeaa the

peraen»l leaderebip ef the teachcra* ^ ^

A participant ebdl be defined ae a atodeat

who offered bimaelf for one or aore aetlvitiea and re-

aained eonaected d t h thcac activitictt until their

ccmdoaioe A aca-participant le one vkc did not f d -

f i l l thcee rc^drctacnte* Tde die tine ti on eball be

^iatdaed tbrougboot the atody* the mxprmmmXon,

extaa^carricular activitlee, ehall repreeeat the

fcllewing groop el fonctlenes aaecobly prcgsama,

baeebail, beakstball, claee clube, claae playa,

debate, dcelaaation, eeeay writing, footbdl , glee

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club, baee-rooa progsna, Judor-aedor baa^uot, pep

atuad, npaniab baataot, toade, track, typing een»

tee te, and volleyball*

Agriodturc and beae eceacaiee aetivitiee

ate ineluded in elnee e l i^e Band waa act inelcded

bceauee i t aae net crgadacd until late in tbe 19b8^9

tera and waa aet to be reeogdaed ae a etandatd aetivi-

ty antil ttie f dlowiog year* .

,5 fi-.

...f i ^ ,r i ...i . • . . .-"1 V

' ' ' •.


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forewords ainoe the achool la tor tbe

bcacfit aad developmeat ef tbe etodente, i t follove

tbat tbe rcedt iag valoee ebcdd be acaeoBbblc tc cone

degree* the ebeervatioa oi trende for a am^er of

ycare iBdicatca an evidmice of aoch valoee d e ob ip-

ter cadeavore tc i l loatrate eeae of the tCBdcaciea eoa-

cerdng eeoc of tbeee v d o e e

"Iberc ia the reoot^oltion tbat threap popil

iatereete and through aatlaiyiag ptactlcc ia the extra-

earriealar f ie ld , come ef theee deeired end a aay be

acre ceapletely attdaed for a grafter noober tban

tbrooch the eorrieular field aleae***^

AttCBdance^ "Bcgular attemianee and pane-

teality are eeaentlal tc aatiefaetory achool work" aay

the rcpert carde, yet abeeacce and tardiee e t l l l

cxiet* There arc many reae<me and excoeee Thie atady

abewe the dtaat ioa la the Borkbumett dgb Behcd

viewed froa tbe cuzricular-extracorrieular ataadpoint*

the caoeee given ia Tkble l were takea frcai

abeeace excoec alipa i i l l ed out by tbe atodentB and

ebecked hj the priaelpal daring the ached ycare of

1 * %0 t^ fretwell , .:^tm-(;orricolar AcUvitica in


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I9VMNI aad 1988 9* She tabalaUMi aae baaed apen

10 BBaber of etedcata giviag tbeee reaeona, aad aei*

tber tbe Bnadier ef daye abeeat aor the aaiyier of eta»

d«ite giviag aero tbaa OBO reaeoa wae oowiidercd*

t u u X* Btmt Of OAaagg or ABdSBCB ACCOHDIBU

y 9oy ;t;o8 f^|i||ffiffAn^>By^g^ Oauae of Abeeace I, ., , ,, A%, ^^f, \m ^ „^t i^- » q ^f XllnaNi 88 7 H 81 88 89 XUneaa in A»dly 18 8 T 18 9 f vent viaiting if 8 i f U 0 U vent i^opiing id J U 88 8 18 idped at hcae 8 4 4 U 4 f vmt te ebew U 1 10 « 0 8 dBr^ueMa CNaa ^e^a ^p^awi^e wr ^m mm if ^i wa

Piayed "beiOMiy* 88 0 fli U 1 U MA net want to eaae 9 8 f 18 0 18 Bne did not ecae, 84 8 fd 0 0 0


teueee eaeb ao iliaeee, illaeee in faaiiy,

vent vidMag (out of toiai), helped at beae, aad baa

did act eoao, are aet indieative ccecNuriecae* Prcbab«»

iy ndtber ia »relativee eaac" cf nueb vdue* Tda

leavoe fear defldte eauaee fer eeaparieea* In 1987*88,

eat ef f earte«i i^o *'weat i^eppiag* oaly three were

parUcipanta IB extra^^orrieular aetivitiee, wdlc tbe

mnddag clcvea tNire not* A U but four of theee eta-

denta were g i r l e in 1988«89 ody two oat ef twenty

were partieipante d l thcee etodente were g i r l e

deven etadeate went to the ehcw inatead ef attendlBg

eebool in 198f**88# A U but two cf thcee eaeee were en

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mday af temoeae Thdr pareate knew ef tbeir plane

bat did not ebjoct* ceiy oac girl wae aa extra-earri*

oalar partieipant* there were fear beye aad eevea

g i r l e The aext year liated caly elx who f erecek

ecbeel fer the ocviag pietatee and acne ef then tock

any kind ef part in etodeat aet iv i t iee Tweaty*three

atndeBta ia 1987«»88 were elaaaed defidtciy ae piaytag

"hookey*** It ie aotieeable that act a eiagle cac ef

tbeee aae a participants The feliewlBg year twelve

played ""hookey", cae of the aoeher being a cube ti tote

CB the feetball icaa* Bine etodeata tbe firet year

and fifteca the ace cad year gave aa their reaaea tbat

they did act waat tc ecae to eebool* All ot tbaa teek

aaall iatereet ia extra«»echolaatle fuBCticae

XB 1987-38 the etadeat body auabered 488*

Of tkX9 Bomber 879 were claeeed aa aon-partioipanta,

v d l e 74 were active partieipaate la 1988-89» cot

cf a etodint body of 486 there were 888 nea»9artiei-

paate and 81 partieiiaate Theee f i e r c e will fera

the bade fer the perceatagea derived la t d e cbapter*

the ai^tie cf Bon-participiinte te participaate the

dre t year wae 8*01 to 1* ihc ececnd year t d e ratio

wae 4e60 tc 1# t d a iadieatee aa iacreaecd partieipa-

t i o e Xt^rtielpaate apT>car tc be Bavcrcd by the eea-

parieene ebcim by the pcrccBtagee ia Table XU Xa

tbe reaedial eaeee cdy four cot cf fifty^three a'ta»

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deata ia 1987*88 aad ody three cat cf fifty*three ata-

dente in 1988*89 took part la oateide aeUviUca« i c -

aedial eaeee are thcee wdeh offered ao legitimate

reaeca abeenoe dace a l l abaeacea were ceBaidcred,

Ida appoare to iadleatc tbat partidpatica teade tc

iapreve attendaace*

tlBlJ: XX* foaa CAnaKU Of ABBxaca roa COMPAHIJ >»

<exareeeed in tcrae cf pereentagea) Uaaea cf Abaeace

jar* 80B P* Par* BOB P* mmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmimmmm ! • MI [ • • i a i p w i > a i g . » . > w w < < M — — i — 1 1 . mmmmmmmmmmmmm

veat ebopping 4*08 8*90 8*47 4*98 vent tc ebew l«48 8*88 0 1*84 fUyed •heekey* 0 8*07 i«88 8*oi Did not waat to ecae 0 8*86 0 4*11 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm W I M m > — I . » — I I * < W M W P W W W — « w i * M i i ^ w i M i »

me other pbaee at atteBdaace ie tbat cf tar*

diacee* mble XXX illoatratea t d e matter* Tbe caoaea

i^emi ia tble table were takiei froa tbe tardy cxeoae

eUpe fi l led cut by the etedenta and checked by the

priaelpal* the bade of the tabula tioa caa the noi^cr

ef etudcnte giviag thcee reaecae, and acither the nua-

bcr cf timee tardy aer the aoabcr ef etodente giviag

acre tbaa aae reaeoa wae gi^^ ccaeideratimu

Beet ef thcee reaaoaa are plaueibic* ^Xd

not get up in tine" may have beca the pareate* fadt«

Xt aay bave beca elaply aa excoec* At any rate, oaly

eevea cat of fifty*otte were active la extra*corTicalar

ae t iv i t i ee The other BOBBXBO reaaoBC ebew a baUaee

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in fbvcr ef participatiCB, but caBact be oenddercd

ae iadicativc of any particular trend, beeaoec, i f

true, they are talid caoeee Tde atody did act a t ­

teapt aa analyda ef thcee eauaee centeidBg a reaeoa-

able doubt*


' xo c^m:mm OP ^j||Ty;-^n^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Oaoee of Tardincea

Bo* Bar* Son P* Bo* agur* Bon P< .iW<i>—WiWw—wiiii*«iwi.ii.iiiiiwwii. II II I I. mm m ii .Mii5Mi»irflwiwiafc—w •»!• >i » — M g . — i » i w i » w p — » — — . i w ^ i *

XOBBXBa Did act get op in time Bad tc ge tc tswa Oar wodd act atart Baa waa late weather too bad XmoM diatanoe to wblk Wad te do houeewcrk BOOB BidlBg around aeat to tewa wcat hoae with friead MUMS CIA33M rept by teacher Pattiag away euj^liea went tc Iccker Tt eat te reet room mil. mmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmimm .i i m i m n mmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

tardineea at the BOOB hour i s icaet exooaablc

of al l* The atadaate, for the acet part, were at

ecbeel during the aordng, and le f t of thdr own vo-

U U e n at ncoa* fifty*throe etodeata were U t e bc­

eauee tkaj "rode around*** Biae of the Bued cr were par-

tielBante ia the ooteide act iv i t lee oi tbe eebocl,

wdlc fcrty*foor were aot* fewer partieipaats "wwat

81 9 16 84 18 d if

88 10 18

84 88 89 18

8 1 7 8 4 0 0

4 8 8

10 U 6 e

19 8 6 76 9 8 17

m 7

U 14 11 84 18

89 7 18 0 10 8 14

81 16 U

88 19 48 17

4 8 7 0 4 ff-l


8 1 8

9 18 10 8

86 6 6 0 8 7 18

16 U 8

18 7 88 U

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te tewa* tban ne»»participanta, while tbe xatie in

•nieBt hcae with a friead" wae caly five eat ef twealfw

BBtv a CI1A86 eaoaee eocb ae "kept by teaeb*

mr* and «pi|ttiag away eappliea" reveded wpm iaveeti*

gatdM tbat the teaehere ihvcred partieipaate ia aa­

ing ntedent help* Ecotlae wae charged fer oaeh of the

*kept by tbe tsaeber" inetead cf dieoipliBary aeaeuree*

"Beat tc rent rcca" wae act ceaddered adaptiUilc* Bow-

ever, "went tc loekor** wae a proaiacat exeoee« piB-

teea cut ef eighly^ene were parUeipaate aa eaipared

with aixtr*aix nen>»partieipaate iStmm^ dve of tbe

etated caoeee Xmlk tbenaelvce to the etudy* Table iv

repreeeate tbeee reiatlcniUiipa ia terae of pereentagee

tbe latioe weceeeary for t d e ccapariaen were capidaed

in the paatgrapli imaediateiy precediag table ii*

1^L£ XV, fXVB u:0mm of tim)iBB8a BOB em^Aaiism

(expreeocd la percciitagca) mmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtimmiimilm'u WIIWIIJMMM.III i i i | |^yi*i |*Mi|ja^ 1 T H'lparr^Ter''''**'"''*

Oauae cf mrdiaoee ri I •J 'II • ••• • f ^ f t ^ . f f m , n , ..#, .^pny* n o n —a.,. Pid not got up m tlac 4«08 8*01 4t98 8*86 Biding arcuBd 8*40 f*88 8*04 4*88 cent to town 4»08 1«84 1*88 8*88 tmt bene with frimft 8*70 8*89 8*89 8*19 Beat to looker i*78 8*97 18*84 8*78

•m$mammmmmmmmmmmm\mi\mi"\\»"mmi\mmu\immmmmmmmmmmitfmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmm m m i mmmmmmmmmm i i ] ummmmmmmt

ii' tbe participaate have a better ratio in all

bat "went te tewa* in 1987*88, or aa advaatage cf four

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te cne« The advantage ia 1988*89 waa three te two la

Bavcr at the BOB-purtlcipanta« Tboa, tbe firet year

would eeea to indicate that participation ia extza-

corricalar aetivitiee would tead to aecrcaac tardineee

Bewever, the acecad year weakeaa the value of aoeh aa

aaaoaptice la view of tde ibet i t aceae doobtfd

ttmt extra*acholaatic participation has a aaterid

effect upoa tardineee^

I)leciPllBe» The behayior cf aay body of

atudcBte ia a variable thieg* there are Boaerooe daor

dleeipliBary problena which arice ia any claeeroae

Thcee prebliuMi aay be doc te a variety of oaoeea* Hew-

ever, la the province cf tda iavcetigaticn, oaly

tboec dleclpliBC caeca wdeh came tc the attcatlMi of

the priBCipd were eoaeidercd* dnee eitiacaedp le

a priaary aia cf cxtra*eorricalar aetlvitiea aa well

ae cf cdaeatiOB la geaerd, the laitter of dieeipliBC

ia aa index ae tc tbe cfiectivoBcee of thie phaec of


table V aheva the dietribatioa of diaciplin-

ary eaeee mm the eebocl ycare of 1987-88 and 1988*39*

BeleciBg eebocl property laelodca aote cf i&tra*elaae

rivaliyi tbat i e , painting ca fcacee aad boildinge*

X larcepect te teaehere may be a reedt cf inexperienee

er iBceapctCBee ea the part ef the teacher, bot that

dece act excoec atodCBte idioec traidng baa acoght to

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teaeb then habite cf cearteny aad of roapect*

tAB!^ T* 8tQX)T Of DxacxruBAHT PHaBraaia ACOOHLIBG

f t . ffcr. »»?. uu aa. >»F, •IM*M*MIMMWi)nnMM«HMMIMIW«IMWWMWNMn.MW^^

BoliMiiag eebod property I>i8reepeet te teaehere tlayiag "hcekey" Diaturbing ciaeece fighting dtealiag XaedUag girle lying

U 8

88 8 6 4 6 6


0 1 0 1 8 0 0 1

id 7

88 6 8 4 d 4

18 8

18 7 4 8 4 8

8 1 1 1 X 0 0 1

16 4

XX 8 8 8 4 6

Piayiag "bcckey** aaually iBdicatee a lack of

iatereet ia eekodt or at leaat, leea in tercets tbaa

la eeaetdag dee* Dietorbiag elaaaee iBOlcdcd aanacra

ae well ae intentifiuial decdevooeBoae figbtlBg aau­

ally takee place oft the ached grcuade, and ia a

d i i ^ e d t problem te reaoh and eelve dtealing ie aa

aaeieat problaa and ie nvreecated by a caBpavatively

andl neabet* Xnadtiag girle dght be ^oceticBable,

be^uee in ecae eaeee the girle aay be te biaae BOW*

ever, any bey who ciaime tc be a gcatleaaa would not

bo ebarged with eocb ceaduet* lyiag ie comaoB ae a

defenee aeaeure, bot ie alee enplcyed ae a aeaae cf

rctaliatiea* Bxpreeeed la perecBtage and f ollowlBg

tbe dan prevlcueay explained, table vi acta fcrtb

theee eoapariecae a^rtlcipaBte ahow a load la five

out of eight the firet year and elx cot of dght the

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ceo end year* The pereentagee were derived aa was ex-

plaiaed earlier in the cbapter*

tAMh& TXm Q(M^kaid>m or a^dh^ or rij^xPLXB^

iWff^o ^ lyay^B^*^' ' Ift3 -I>i)— Qaeca at DieclpUae

Par^ Bon P* gar* BOB P* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnim m>i» iii«i.».iwii»M»..i n m mimmmmmmmmmmmbmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0mSmmmmmmmmmm^

Dfiaclag achool property 0 4*8s 8*70 4*11 Blercmpcct to teaehere U86 1*86 1*88 1*09 Playing "boiycey* o 6*08 1*88 8«0i Dieturblng claeaea i«88 ^ 1*88 1*£8 1*64 f latt ing 8*70 *79 1*88 *88 ilteallBg 0 1*06 0 *88 Xaedting girle 0 U68 0 U09 lying 1*86 U06 1*98 1*86

Tda brlnga out, in u relative eenee, one

cf ^ e claioa mi thcee who booet tbe extra-corriedar a

phaec of echod l i fC| Bamely, that diecipllBC i e i a ­

proved* ccrtdnly a teadency ia ehcwa la tbat diree-

t i o e Xt waa aotieeable that participaate were more

apt to be engaged ia fighte tbaa aoa-participaBte

Theee who took no part wbataoever in tbe echod l i f e

act iv i t lee were the <mea involved in the acre aeriooa


8chcla^ahip* imny faetere alfeet ecbclar-

ehip, bceauee, aaasg other tdnge, gradee are rela­

tive end variable* Bcvcrthdeea, they are capieyed

te repreeeat etcdcBt pro qrcee, and chow iBdicatione

whCB aaalysia i e aade* Bomerooe caoeee arc givea aa

reaaoBc Xer ihilure* Theee nyriad eauaee are d i i f i -

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cult te eatdomic individodly* However, tbe tirm

gCBcrd caoeee ia tabic VXX cover the field rcaeeaabiy


tkBTJL VXI* BtUDT Of QAUldiig v)f fAlXiUlUt ACCOjaa^BO

a^r^ Oaaece cf fdlure

lotal %xm Bon P* Totd Par* Bon P* mmmmmmmmm

Execee abeeace 44 8 48 89 8 86 xmk mi appUeaticB 9 1 8 14 8 18 Appoare aot to try 11 l 10 10 1 9 too aany intereete 4 0 4 8 1 7 xaok ef fcuBdatica 7 8 6 16 8 18 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I t aoet be r«ieabered tbat f d l o r c , aa oaed

here, mcane failare to rceeive oredit by Individoal

etodente, aad tbat the caoeee advaaoed were tomcd ia

by the teacdag etaff after ccmeid era tioa of each case*

figorce rcfreaent bie aehool ycare and arc, perhapa,

beat anderatced ia terma of eoaparative perceategea*

thie infcraatioB ia illoatrated ia mble VXII* Botice

i e attracted particularly to the matter cf exceedvc


tABIJfi f i l l* o BifABXdoB f OAUaxd Of ikiyam

(w^rcesed la pcrccBtegca) mmmmmm

Caucee ef failore 2iiXm BOB P* far* Bon ?i

mmmmammmmmmmmmm in i> •» m • • • ^ f c w . l . i ii ii • • i n i. iwi 11. • • ii • • IM I

Axecea abeeace 8*70 11#09 8*79 9*86 Uck ef avpUoaUcn 1*86 8*11 8,47 8*86 Appoare not to try 1* 6 8*68 Uk8 8*46 TOO aany iBtereeta 0 1*06 1*88 1 91 Xaek cf fcundatiaa 8*70 1*81 8*70 8«66

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thcee who tock ao active parte in atodent ac«

tivitice were abeeat iroa eebool mocb aore tbaa theee

who were active* rmak oi appllcatioB wae ebarged a-

flikiaet more non-par tl el pan te, ae well aa appcarlBg

act to try* Too many intercata indicted aore noa»par­

ticipaate alec* Xftck of proper foundaUoa wae tbe

caly caoee ef fdlorc ia which participaate led* rdc

ccBditioB eesaa evideat ia aoat eohooie, and ia a na-

toral ootcoae at participiitioB la aetivitiee ia which

the iBdividoaia aaaifeet great pcreenal iBtcrcet*

Xt wcdd eeea thea, with many Icae fallorce

aamig the active participaata in extra-curricular ac-

tivitice tbaa amoag the non-par tici pan te, that taking

part ia them rcduoee idloree ia the claaaroeoe A

etudy of gradee dght daaoaetratc t d e invcetigbitloa

mere clearly* mble XX llloetratce, ia terma of pcr-

ceatagc, the coaparative gradee cf the eatire atodeat «

bcdy, tbe participaate, and the aon-participaate

The pereentagee la table ix were derived

frca tbe total cf gradee by eobjecte frca the peroa-

BCBt giadc ceiecte* Beet ef the etodeate were carryiag

aa acadede load of ioor eobjeeta« Apprcxiaately oae-

dgbth of the etodeat bcdy were takiag five aubjecte*

Abeut mXxiy par ecat were tadag phyaleal edocatlcn*

A etrikiag reeeabluBec io eecn betweca the two grapha;

aad alec the obecrvatica that aore "average" etudcate

Page 27: Approved - TDL

participated la extra-eurricolar aetivit iee tbaa cither

the facter er tbe dower greup*


H B U I XX^ dTDX r Of C'OMPAIUTXVi O B d i ^ A Q O O B U B U

iwIM" ^ ^ ' ^^^^^^^t^l^

60 66 60 46 40 86 80 86 80 U 10 6 0

60 66 60 46 40

80 86 80 16 10 6 0

Bntire atodeat bcdy Participa&te Boii*par tiolpa&te

4ii lo BO accorate material wae avdlable ae

evideBOe, i t waa fooBd tbat two cot cf the pact d e c

ecdor claee prcddeate had i d l e d tc graduate, aad

that five ef tbe dae had fd lcd aoae eooraee t d a

iadieatee tbat eoeial pepularity waa dodaaat aad

pdnte cat a weakacae a<»;aewhere in the edocatioad


Witbdrawala* ^oae eho drop cot cf acbod «M«(MM«H|MIMMnMHH«MW

proacat a preblea pertiaeat tc edocatioe The aohciaa-

tie ccBCoe ia further ooaplieated, aad the oaee who

withdraw cad their fermal cdooatica ia aany caace with

Page 28: Approved - TDL

a blttcraeae er reecatacBt toward the achool* Many

JttVCBile deUB4ocnelea are attributed te withdrawal

frca eebcol* Teaehere receive aach ef tbe blaae Xor

ecbeel mcrtelity oenditione, and come of the iadiot-

aent i e Jaet, bot tbe reefcadbiUty aoat be chared

by tbe pareate, clee the tcacbere are help!cae Bork-

buraett Bigb aebcei loaea a aaaber cf popile eaeb yeart

tbe eauaee being much the cane froa year to year^

etudy bee beea aade and ecae aetioa taken tc beep ete-

deate ia eehed* However, the dtoatien hae act

changed a great deal*

dace the "bean daye", Borkbumett baa dc-

eliaed ia earella^t and aeobcredp doe to Hoc tea*

t i ^ e la the oil ladoetry* Thie ceaditioa caaaet be

ceepidered a ref lect l^ opoa the iceal achecl syetea

bceauee acviag away dece act neceeearily acaa with­

drawal frca eebool altogether* If participation ia

cxtra-earricolar aetivitiee kcepe etodeata ia achool

who otbetdec dght ^ d t , then each partleipatloB

aaaerte i te value tc t e etodente and to the eebccU

table X i owe tbe Burkboraett dtoatioa duriag the

twe eekccl ycare cf 1987*88 and 1986*89«

OdldrcB froa fadl ice wdch moved frc^oeat-

iy aaaaiiy did aot take part la eobool-liic activitlee^

!!hc roaeea for t d e aceae evident* ficwever, aaong

tbeee wbe to i t eebod and rcaaiacd la the eonaudty

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there wae dialike tar the eebcol la some way*

tlB^^ X* 8TIXDT or OiaCi ii Of WXTHDfiaWAL ACC Uc XBG


Oaaece of dtbdxawal Tot* mr* Boa t>* Tot* Par. Boa P*

Bcved May 48 U 81 87 8 19 X>id aot Uke eebcol 17 1 U 18 0 18 Bailare 4 1 8 6 0 6 Did aot Uke teacher 8 1 8 8 1 1 werk 7 0 7 6 1. 6 XllBcaa 8 0 8 6 0 8 fUdiy troablee 1 0 1 0 0 0 fiaaacUl d i f f i cdUce 8 0 8 8 1 1 Batriage 1 0 1 8 0 8 mmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmtmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiim n . wiimiiw wnw • •• i i n i i n n • — — • > i .

table XX caprceaee tbe axoreaeBtioned eaoaee

i a pere^tagee*

' tABUi; XI* C M%«; )B Of f^^f .1X1^4^111^^

Oaueea af dthdrawd Par* Bon P* ^r* Bon ?*

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . i » immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm m \ mi \ mmm-mm.mmmmm

Moved aeay i4*8d 8*17 9*87 6*80 Did not like eebocl 1*86 4*84 0 8*88 luiluro 1*86 *79 0 l*8d Did not U k e teacher 1*86 .bE 1*88 *87 eerk 0 1 ,84 1*88 1*86 Xiiacee 0 *79 0 8*17 faally trcublea 0 *86 0 0 flBanclal difficdtiea 0 *79 1.88 *87 Marriage 0 •86 0 *81

Xa 1987*4^ there were elx cot of d a e caoeee

ia iavcr cf participaate Xa 1968*;59 tbe eoaat wae

the eaac, dtbougb oa diffcrcat caoeee« xt wcdd

eeea, thas, tc eoggeot a tendeBoy of participatioB

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tc decrcaee dtbdrawale freo achooU At icaet, tda

le tbe iadicatlM frca the l ld tcd aumber of eaeee la

tbe Burkboraett eitoatioe

icat* Obtdalag work baa beca a

aeriooa preblea fer young peeple for a aumber of yeara^

There are aany applleaatc, bot few jcbe traidag

bae beca paehed aeide fer experieaee, aad tbe begiiH

aer bae aeed [for eeoctdng tc get the attcatica or the

iatfreet of the enpleyer* there are tbeee who oontCBd

that partieipatioB la axtra-eoriicular aetivitiee ie

a great help la t d e drecUca* mble XXI illoatratea

the i^ueetion of eaplsyaeat covered by tda iaveeti^i-

t i e e



7 6

47 68

0 1

19 14

7 6

U 8

ClaedfleatioB Bo* Buktm Boa P« mmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHtmtam rnxmim miimimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

1987*88 Witbdxaaale 1988*89 Witbdrawde 191^ dradoatee 1988 ^rudoatee


atadente eiaaeified ae dtbdraimla weat te a

work through aeceeeity, la elevea eaeee cot of t d r -

teaa ia pareate* boeiaeee The gradoatee were diatri-

boted widely aad abeerbed dewly, a aoabcr beiag ae

yet uaeafleyed* three Joiaed tbe 000, wdlc five

Joiaed tbe arnr and twe the aavy* of the 1987 grcap

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eeventcmi veat te ccilegc, and ef tbe 1986 gradoatee

tweatr*eix weat tc ceUege

Twe partieipante were capieyed la cat-cX-

tewB budaceece ae ccmparcd with ac aon-partieipaate

tdrty^ene partieipante worked la local bodneaaea ae

0capered with twentr^twe Bc»»partlelpante OX thie

aunber daetcca were copleycd in their Xathera* bod*

ncee lixeeptiag tbeee etodeate who weat to college,

theee who were active ia cxtra-aehclaetlc ionctiena

ebew a better average ia (riitaialag copicyaeat* Tda

aay iadicate a taadency ef participatioB to d d ia the

eeeuriag ef mmpXmjmanU

Budaeee aca oonplaiB that dgh echool gsad*

aatee waat too high a aalary to bcgla ca, aad tbat a

large aajcrity dleCaia ioiBoal labor* However, many

boeineee oca aceert tbat parttcipaata ia extra*corri-

colar aetivitiee "acet the pubUe" better tbaa do tbe

BoB-pur tieipah ts*

9< llege ij^llurc* Tbeee h i * eebocl eta*

den|e who go tc college each r^fkt are net aeceeearily

pteSUfOd fer er edted to eocb t iddag* oat of each

group of cdlcgc catraate ecae of thca aay be expect­

ed te f d l ia thdr eooraee Bcvertbclcee, in a

werU ef cca^ctiticn, trddag ie a vitel factor and

Jbllure ia tnaining ie aa ladloatioa worthy ef lavca*

tigatieae tabic XXXX ehcwa tbe dietriboUcn of grad*

Page 32: Approved - TDL

oaten ef fiurkburaett Hi A acheoi acecrdiag tc tbeir

college acrtality* i t will be aotiecd that there i e

BO bade fer eeaparieea with refereace to the f iret

^ic i t e a e Another point te be coBBldcred ie tbat

tbeee figorce iaclodc gradoatee frea aix mmXar elaae-

ee loavlag Borkbumett High dcbcol Coring the ycare

1188 tc 1988 iaeluaivc*

tk3X*& XXXX* BTODT Of iJOI*Xmii£ijL ihXmWi ACCO iiJ XBa

TO COBIITK^ or PAHTIQXPAriOB 4 m \ ^It^^agBcc ^ ^ l a l i o r e a

y y e of i ^ ^ d ^ , ^ ,. Hoff ^ ^ ' Son ?> Bueiaeee edlege 8 18 0 0 Vecaticnal eebcol . 8 1 0 0 yudcr college id 16 1 8 Denfl * ceUege 16 18 8 6 atate ed lege 18 U 8 4 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.mmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmm^

BualBcee and vceatiCBal echoola eeldea, i f

ever, I d l their etodeate* rda does aot acaa that

t b ^ have ao poor or weak etodeate, bot their prece-- «

dare i e tc poe^e&e certifieatloa or gradoatioa oatil

the work bae beea aade eatiafactcry* Therefore, under

t d e etudy, there i e ae de f ld te baaia for cei^arleoe

Bewever, the iaferaatica l a table XIIX ia aore clear*

i y preeented la terma of pereeatagee derived froa the

i i l^rce ia Table XXXX* Tde matter le iUuetrated in

table ixf*

A teadCBcy i e deacaetmted toward fever fa i l*

oree aaeag partieipante la extm*corriedar a c t i v i t l e e

Page 33: Approved - TDL


Tboe, tbe aortaUty of partieipante i e leee tbaa that

ef acBF^particiiante ia a l l three eaeee where coapuri-

ecae were pcedble*

tlBLi. XXT* ^mi^tkM Of a3Rttk .iTr

Stye of achool Par* lulling Hon * fail ing

Baeincee cellege 0 0 Tceatioaal eebcol 0 0 yader eellege 7*U 80 Deaca* ed lege 80 87*87 State ccilegc 16*66 88*67 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaammmmmmmmmmm tm m mi i. w>i<w»wii>.»»wiwMW.MWWWWMwMNW»iwww»iiW i H H mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimimmm

daaaary* tbia cbapter hae preeented aoaer-

eua cenrariaoBe, aeae oX which were vary preBcaaeca la

mm way or tbe ether, bot tekca together ebeuld raprm^

ecat the preblea aa a whole iaeeiar aa atodeat partici-

paticB i e coneemed* AB exadaation ef t d a total eea­

parieea d l l be aade ia a later chapter, bot aoffiee

i t to etatc the aoabcr cf peiate ef ccnparleea ia Barer

cf participaata wue forty-dae, wdlc the aaaber of

pdate la favor cf Bon-participaate wae ealy tweaty*

Judging frca the treade bereia aoted, tbe coBcloaica

d g h t be drawn tbat participatloa la extra-corricolar

act ivi t lee baa de f ld te valoee to the atodent which

cue tela ae well aa eopplcaeat hi a regolar eebcol werk*

fortbcr, partieipation bae beneficial valiee tc ecver-

d phaeca ef echool adddetration* These are geaexal-

ieati^M and will be calart^cd open at the coacloaieB

ef tee etedyt

Page 34: Approved - TDL



kany tlaec teaehere ecapiaia cf tbeir extaa-

ciaaarcca dutiee and oppoec varleoa atodent aetivitiee*

dcaetimee thie ivfceiUoa ie JueUdcd* The previoue

cbapter iadieated eeveral valoee tc etodeata who parti­

cipated in extra-corrieoiar aetivitiee, mad i t aeeoa

Icgical tc aoppoee that come eocb valoee appcrteia tc

teacher apcnecre* Tde brief atody doee act atteapt

to deterdne tbe extent cf any eocb valaee, bot to at*

tcopt aa erientatioa oi the valtice theaeelvee* 6ix

tcpiee will develep the idea ae i t wae found la tbe

Ibirkburactt High dehool* Theee elx topiee, la order,

arci acbility, diecipline, claee (^i^oaecredp, g d ­

daaec, comaimity activitlee, and faculty apprdeal*

Bcbl^lltr* Mobility ie a tera deaotiag

cbangeableacee ca the part of the facdty* Tcaobcre

aake cbangea fer varied reaaaaa* Thcee reaeoae eoggcet

trenda wdch nay give aa iadsx to the teaehere* part

in cxtm*corrleolar aetivitiee* mble Xf ehowe a eoa-

parieen of facdty acbility la Borkbomett dgh bcheol

over the peded 1988-1989*

Doe te the lew ealary level of tbe echool

%dte a aaaber of teaehere cbaage each year* dxtcca

fcaad better teacdag pceitione, foortcen epenecriag

Page 35: Approved - TDL


«atin*ecbelaetie aeUvitiee ae ceaparod with twe wbe

did net* Thcee f eurteen tcacbere attribote their ad-

vuBceacat tc thdr extra*eamcdar work* blx cbaaged

to other profceeloac, four bdag participaate and two

beiag aon*partieipunte One yeaag weaan, a leader la

clii^ work, oarried and redgaed* Ihrec teaehere were

diadeeed eutri^t* Bene ef the three were acUve la

ecbed*epcaeered foBcticae*

tkih& XT*

Aeeiq t better poaltloa 16 14 8 OhaBtgc prcfccdca 6 4 8 Carriage 1 1 0 Diadead 8 0 8 XUaeee 0 0 0 Death 0 0 0

for the aake cf cea^parieoa, tbe eaae iafer-

aatiOB for tbe eatire faculty ie ebowa la table XVX* «

the peried covered ie the eaae ae ia table X7* c


oaaece of .ilthdmwal ?^>,,, ^^^ SaaJ&t

Aoecpt better pod^cn 80 88 8 ttaage profoedon 8 4 4 Barriagc f f ' Diaaiaeai 4 0 4 Xllaeea 1 0 1 Death 1 1 0


the aarrlage ef a young lady teacher auto*

aatieally toxaiaated her contmet, wdeh elidnatee

Page 36: Approved - TDL


t d e pelBt froa ccaeideraUen* Ukewiee, XUaeee aad

Boath arc iovalid tc t d e etady* the iaf creace ie evi*

deat tbat participaUca teade tc dd the progreee of

the teacher* Certdaiy t d e wae a dcoenetmte<i fact

ia tbe Burkbomett High hchcoi, aitboogb the extcat

cf eocb aid ia a aoot ^ocatioa*

Dieeipiiae* DieeipllBary prebleae arc a

eooree ef eadleee trouble for attmeroue teaehere* IB

fitet, the iBabillty tc ocpc with thea hae coat aany

tcacbere their p^ttticae* DieeipUac eaeee arc aaacy-

iag bot are te bo expected at tSjmmm dponecriag extra*

earriedar activitlee effere aa epportodty for a weak

teacher to ctreagthen hiaacU, bot at tbe came tiac

may be an cceaalMi fer loeiag what ccatrel be nay have

peeeeeeed* the eaeee appeariag ia mble XVIX are ef

teaehere rather thaa individad problaM* That l e ,

the eaeee may be aeveial ecaeerdag the eaae teacher*

bot dace the teacher hiaeclf l e aadcr ccaaidemUen

t d e l e a proper divieioa* thm echool ycare of 1987*88 I

and 1988*89 are eofcred*

T4Bi.E XfXX*

le of Llaeiffiia^, ; Bo* ^ l , „ >* » ff mmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmm^m^^^^^" •

XnaabcrdiaaticB S * t Paper wade, ete* f i S iletorb claee by talkiag ! S ! xiereepeet ! 5 5 ghoffliag feet la etuOy hall ^ 2 1 deat to office fteauaatly 8 1 8 « « l i » a M W i M i a N . « i M M . M » a l N W M M M n M | .

Page 37: Approved - TDL


the enc parttcipaat odcr "iaeobordiaatlcn"

aad "ecat to office frc^ocatly" le the eaae pcreoa*

Iherefcre, caly two parUeipaate bad Alff l e d tica cf

aerleue enough character to eoae to tbe aotiee of the

prli»>ipal« TWO BOB-participanta were vicUaa cf d d *

lar elreaoetenee Olearly, tbe nM^partldpante are

ehevn te be at a diaadvaatage la thie reepect parti*

eipatlca eccoa tc tend teeard the d idaat lca cf bether*

ecae dieoipliBary prebleae aiaec, cot ef ecveatcea

tcacbere, acre were particlraate tbaa ctherwiee tbe

proeeding table ia aelf*evidMt aa far aa j^urkbomett

Bigb achecl ie emMicmed*

SBmL tt<m,ffi^g> ^« reepeadbiUUee

cf elaee epaeaerehip eall for aoalitice cf icadcredp,

and whether the etodente elect or the priaelpal aedgae,

tda eoadderatiai la reeogdaed^ teaehere idic are ae*

tlvc ia cxtea-acholaetic affaire aeaa tc be givea the

preference la thie matter* i^ie la better ^owa ia

table xrxXX*

U^X$M XTUX* atODY or QiAM dPOB^Oa . 1987>88 ABI 19a8-89

0 ^ « I2S SSSX iSSmmS^Lm^

acaiot (deoted) 4 8 1 jTudor (elected) 4 8 1 Bophcaoto (aedgaed) 6 6 1 freebaaa (aedgaed) 6 4 8 t\mmimm\mmmmmmmm>mmmiimmmm\m\irm\ I M . I I I II HI I pin M HHM • m m • .1 i i • • — w ^ w i . i »

apcnecre who are aedgaed aay receive their

Page 38: Approved - TDL

chargce through adddatrative aaecadty, bot where

peedble the priacipal takee Icadcrehip aa evideaeed

la extra-corricolar eork ae a gdde la aaklBg aedga*

aea te fcpolarity playa a fart ia the else tica of

epeneorc Iy elaaaee^ bot eocb pefdarity la extreaeiy

di f f iea l t tc oaiatdB odeea merited by pcrecaal (leali-

t lee aad ecrvice* ^t any rate, i t revcale atodeat

reecgdtioa of tbe teacher* Xa crder to broaden the

eccpe ef tbe preblea aad give nore oredence to the ae-

eo£3ption, a longer peried of tiac wae oonaidered*

Btblc XIX coverc the ycare 1988-1989*

aTUl -f OF yr .i ^o^m 9ym ^^^^ '^ ^^ ^ ¥ ^ , * ,

mmm Olaea BQ* air* Boa

•iMiWtM.WII«»n>KiiWWi.I• i i i iwi . i i i . iiiiwi iiiiMi w m Wi I. iMi «ii • i l . i . M mmmmmmmmSmimmmmmmmmmimimmmm

bodor (elected) ,9udcr (elected) eephcaerc (asdsned) freehBaa (aasigned)

18 18 mlamm


U 9

18 16

1 8 8 6

Thue, the previooe teadcacy ie verified,

and the iBdieatioa i e that participatioB hdpa prepare

for claee apoaaorehip* At leaet participatioB tei^e

tc d d claee iqpoaeor^^iie let any cvcat i t tenia tc

coeaand the recogdtion of the etodeat body and the

principal for the teacher* dace there Ofts aa avemge

cf ecveatcea ca tbe faculty each year, and eiace five

were habitually exel^pt, theee facte are evident with­

out the owe cf pcrccntegce*

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Otoidanoe* whatever eervice a teacher aay

give along the Uace of ^pUdance ie largely pcreeBai*

there are aany coapUcatieBe and relaticne to ceaeidcr*

Certdaiy, eooraee are offered in gddance, bat theee

eaeee i a which the etudcate eoae volonUoliy to the

teacher for eouaecl are oeoally aore worthwhile* la

Burkbomett High acbcol a eooree ie offered each ec-

aceter i a voeatlonal guidaaec, bot that i e the ext«it

cf a formal guidaaec progxaa*

there are auacrcoe etodente whe cotae pereon-

a l iy tc the varicoe tcacbere fer advice theee tcacb­

ere wil l be coaaidered la twe groapc} tbe par t ic i van te

and the nen-partdcipante The gddance prebleae wiU

be grcupecl according te the principal enca for which

cconael aae ecagbt* Xa thie aaaaer the preblea ie aet

fartb iB table XX*

tiB:t»K XX* 6T0DT I. CHIXlABOis: OkdM UU ).aili.;


Preblea Bo* to Pur* Xe Bon P* mmmmimmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmBmm. m iwi M*.^—Mim i n m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmm

tieeeeae 68 44 19 Veeaticaal 61 87 U jiceial HclaUmie ££ 80 8 f inaacid 8 6 0 feracBal 9 9 0 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiim Hiiimum'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmm « i—w i w i i . i * W — . i i > - . — W K » W » M » — . — ^ w .

Theee etodente who came \,a tcacbere for con»

fereaece about their Iceemia asma for cdaeatioad g d *

daaee, fattheracro, they eaae to the iaetroctcr ef

tbe eooree they were taking beeaoec of ebvicoe accee-

Page 40: Approved - TDL

8ity* in t d e reepect tbe ebeiee ef the ccaaacUor

aade by the etodeate aae act fureiy vduntary* Boa»

ever, acre etodeate eaw f i t to apprcach teaehere d t h

whoa they had cotabUched ceatacta ooteide the claae-

rcca* Wheacver etudeate eeek vccatieial gddance they

geaerally daglc out eoae teacher wboae Judgacat they

reepect* The ebeervatioa ie borne out tbat active

teacher*apoaeom are fevered* It dght be coaclodcd

that parttelpatioa by the teacher ae a epoBecr or lead­

er facilltatee prebleae ef gddaaec*

the real tact cf gddaBce iaeiodca the laat

three itase la table XX* Social relatione, ae here

CBfleycd, refera te oaaaere, coorteelea, coetaae,

aad peiate ef oondoet wdch beye aad girle feel the

aeed of aa they eater and advaaec late the eoeial ae*

tivitice cf life* m t d e point the partleipating

teaehere are heavily pratarradm lattcm ccaeerdag

aeaey were caafided te active tcacher*epcBaore, while

BO eocb caafideace m*e even eobcceted tc thoee teaeh­

ere wbe took ae part in the extra-aehelaatic XXta at

tbe ecbeel* the mama ie true of pcrecaal aiddaaoc*

TaiBg people deeire to kacw oaey tdage ccacerdng

problaae of eex« Theee mattere are highly coafideatial,

and the teacher ie highly eeepUmcated la a prdeaeioa-

al way who ie able tc iniq^irc eoch eiacerc ocafidaEiyee

thoe, participatioB by the teacher in the

Page 41: Approved - TDL

leadcyahip ef exUa*eumeular activities iadieatee

etreagly that prebleae cf gddaaec arc aateridly bene­

fitted therefrea, aad tbat aveaace of approach, d t h -

erte aaavalUblc to the teaeher, are cpeaed tc the

proepect of pcreeaai ecrvice

flfffy^,^ Aetivitiee* the aeUvitice cf

the teacher are aot ccBfincd te hie rclaUoae with d a

etadeata# Be la aa addt aad bae d e coatacte with

citieeae cf tbe caaaodty and d t h patrcae ef tbe

ecbcei* BO catcm late addt aeeial l i fe or dmwa a*

way frca it* mblc xxi claealflea the Burkbomett Bigh

mtkaaX 8aedty acecrdiag to partieipatica ia ecaaudty

aetiviUee doriag XWhm and 1988*89*




OiViC club 4 4 0 etudy elab 8 1 1 Oardea elab 1 1 0 '^mdmm 8 8 0 dandtf jichool teacher 4 4 0 c£aaber cf Qaim&ercc 8 8 0 Bcy ^eute 8 8 0 . Dattcnetiatlca dob 1 1 0 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm'mmmmmm

AU the above activitlee were voluatarily en­

tered* the f* t* A* wae aot Ueteu ae the entire faed«

ty wae ecaaidercd aotooatieally a part of it* the in*

dieaUca eeeae eenolodve that parUeipaUag teaehem

Page 42: Approved - TDL


are aaually active in cenaadty affaire* AffUiaUea

with theee orgadeaUoae gdae the reccgdUca cf the

oeoBudty aadealargce la aany reepecte the ephcre cf

ittflacBce of tbe teaeher*

iSaSiM. iPoraied* ached aea arc act a-

greed ecaceming extra-corriea?Uur act iv i t lee the

teacdag etaff cf Burkbomett High aehool ie ao execp-

tlcn* Oaaaldcrablc cppceitioB ie voiced againet the

etreae aad aegllgeaee ef varicoe aet iv i t iee The mr-

tlclpatiag tcachcra rdee acre critioiem tbaa the aon-

participante* tshia may be doe t^ a deeper kacdcdgc

cf tbe el toe tica, or i t may be doe tc the eta toe of

the particular activity* table XXXX preecBte tbe re­

eolte cf a %ocetlCBBdre to the high ached facdty of

the parevleaeiy aentioacd ycare Xt appeare la the fora

of a ocapceite raaklag*

Altkcugh thie table la toe leagtby to be

anaiyaed ccn^leteiy here, there ie one pdat pertiacat

te t d e iaveetigatiee the particifatiag teaehere

maked the aetivitiee more nearly acecrdiag tc their

aiae and objectivee with refercBce tc tbe etodeate,

wdlc tbe iaaetive teachers raaked thea more acecrdiag

tc ecaaudty ecBtlmcat* A more detailed atody of laak-

iag will appear la the fcllowlBg chapter. However, > >

one re^uidte ef tbe eocceeefd teaeher eeema tc be aa

active iatereet ia extra*oorrlottlAr work*

Page 43: Approved - TDL

• M .



Baeebail Baeketbdl Ulaae clube Ciena piaye Debate DeeiaaatioB

fccfbaU Olce club H«ie rooa audcr-dedor baauoct fop e uad apadeh baaqtoet Teade tvack trMUig TdleybaU

8 10 9 4 6 1 8 8 7 8 18 16 17 18 18 14 U 16

8 16 U 8 6 1 4 7 e 9 10 17 16 18 18 U 8 U

8 17 6 6 8 4 7

XX 8 1 18 9 18 U u u 10 u


dthcat here eoaaaridag by peiate i t aay

eafely be add tbat partieipatica cf the teacher la

extra-eorrleolar aetivitiee ebows a teadcaey tc peint

cot the degree af d e prcfeedend epirit*

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OBAf 71^ T


APPrda^l f Bxtra-oorrieolar AC Uvitice*

IB epitc of the fact tbat aany activitica are approved

1^ the ceaaodty* they de act uleaye reeclTe a eup-

port prcpcrUaaitc tc tbat approval* Tbia mene that

ccmc of the aeUvit iee eponacrcd by the eohooi aay be

cwapleteiy leered by the pobUe or elee may be the

very ceater of iatereet* The porpoee of thie ebapter

i e to etudy ecaaodty appraled ae exprceeed ia the

ecBtiaent of eebod catreae and tc compare t d e rating

with the acccaqpanylng ccmmodty reepoBcc*

Toward the olcee of both the 1987-88 aad the

1988*89 echool teme the writer cimulatcd a %aeeUen!»

adre tc dcteiaiae the ccmaodty makiag of the echool *e

coteidc aeUvitiee* Tde particolar time wae ehoeca bel

caoee of tbe i d l ia extm*corrieolar aeUvitiee Joat

pfior te gredoatioB tXim when biased opidcaa appeared

leant likely* one hoadred foortcen persona maked the

dgbtcea aeUvit iee engaged la by the aehool* Theee

peeple, beth aiaai aad wcaca, repreeeat a crcea-acctioa

ef ecaaudty l i f e ia Burkbomett* xaelodcd were tweatyw

cae budaeee aca, eevcBtc«ii prdeaalcaal mea, fifteca

ccntiaetcre, oarpentcre, pipe l inere, puapcre, and

goagem, t d r | r * d g h t houacdvea, aevcateca teaehem.

Page 45: Approved - TDL


and elx d d e t e r e

one hoadred eleven theaght parUclpatica la

extm-eorricolar actlviUee la^e a atodent lor l ikely

tc euceced la college^ ehilc caly three theaght dif-

fereatly* one hondred elx thooeht partioipatioa aade

a etudent acre Ukely to aoeceed in the boeiaeee world

aa ceaparcA d t b eight who did aot think eo* The pri»»

cipal bCBCfita acordng frea purUcipaUoa by the eto­

deat wem aa fellcwet (1) cc-cpcratioa, (k) eelf-een-

fideace, (8) eoc id adjoatacnt, (4) aportaaaaadp,

(6) i d t i a U v c , and (6) rcn^ondbility* mblc XXXXX

ehowe tbe mUag of hii!^ eebcol aetiviUee by a croee-

eccUoB of the cotaaodty*

T^BIiK JSXXXX* QffM^MTt 4?Pxtiii wn IB xmm J-M I^L.MA AQ^IGI^^

mmmmiimmmmmmmSimT,, ,timntSmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmSimmmmSmmmmmmmmmm^^ • •! M i l

ACUvlty If 87*a» 1968-89 i i i . iw i i iWWiiB I S M I I I I I I i i i W U iwiiiiiiii I I I I WWHiiii I • • i i i w ^ w . ^ . i . i . — i i n i • • ! • . • II i i . w i . • i i i i i i i >

Acecably prcgxaoe Baeebail Baeketball Olaea elobe dane playe Debate Dee laoa tioa Baeay wriUng PcctlaU Olce elab Home rcca progrua irm^i^m* baatact Pep e^aae ^ ipvafaab ama ^ a*H |Lea™ a

teade track typing c<mtceta VeUeybaU

8 U 11 8 6 1 8 4 9 7 10 17 18 16 18 U 8


4 U u 7 6 1 8 8 U 6 9 16 18 If 18 10 8 U


Page 46: Approved - TDL


BeaUaeat teward anytbiag i a Uke ly te chaage

ecacwhat frea Uae tc tiac* the precediag tabic iadl*

eatee ecae iNbaagce* oiec aXab. Beae roaa pregraoe,

«rt«4»8r* baauact, Teade, tvaek, typlag ecatceta,

and f e l l eyba l l were advene cd l a t h d r raak* Olaea

playa, DiUM tc, and pep a^oad rctaiacd their rating,

vbUe the ethere chewed a receedea* pcctbaU l a t c m e t

weakened pemcpUbly, aad the fact that the pep e^uad

mimkmd l a e t both yearn brought abeot a decidMi to a-

b d i e h i t ae aa crendeaticn* Act iv i t lee which etreae

pcreenal acecBtUahaeat appear te be gvadoaliy wcrklag

t h d r way teward the 1m» Xt i e aoUocable tbat debate

adutalacd i t e mak ae f i r e t i a the nyce ef the peepie

ef tbe cenaodty*

tkBlM XXX7* mmMk^m kWfmimx tM.tmm m B^':^ j.^^i'^11.2

1938*69 mmmmmmmmmmUmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm im '» m mmmmmmHrnmrnmiimmmmmmm

Aeecabiy pregraoe 9 ^9

iCinileef'' —^w ^r^^^aa»^>

dlaee dnbe 8 8 DctN^tc • M DcciamaUcn If 14 iaeay wrlUng If i f fcoSwai % , i eiee elab If ^ %mm roca pregraoe 16 4 yre4»8r* baaiaet 18 ^f f ^ e^ead 8 18 8pad8h baauoet X8 IB t e a d e T U truck U . 8 typing centeetn 10 10 veueybaU u 6


Page 47: Approved - TDL


the Ieeal acwepaper aitmra a aceae of ceapari«

aea ca t d e preblea* OraaUag tbat each publicity aay

act be perfectly aecomtc, i t renaiae tbat i t ie a

Bdrrer of eeatlacat for aany ae well ae a meane of pro-

paenada for ctbere the aoabcr of eolooa iBCbca apace

la the baele of makiag capieyed la mble XXIT*

AC la Table XXXXX, obaagea are evideat* dice

d a b , HCBC roca prograaa, Jr**iir* baa^oct. Track,

aad VcUeybdl advanced la rank* Aceeably prograaa,

Baeketball, Claee clube, foetbaU, aad typing con-

teete kept their etaadlag, and the o there loet grooad*

Xt wcdd be d l f f i edt aceoratcly tc meaeore oomaudty

appraiad, i f aoeh acaeuraseat may be poedblc* Hoa»

ever, the toceUcaaaire and the preae fora a workiag

bade fer tda etody*

Armaging a l l t d e material late oac table

to get a better view cf the dtoatioa, mad oeing the

poblicity raUage cf 1987*88 aa the meaeore of eoapari-

ecn, the prevlouely meaUoaed facta appear la lablc

XXf OB the f dlcwiag page

The porpoee of t d a table ie tc anther al l

the appmieal material late oac place for compar kUve

atady* ccaaoaity praiatmm diffem eobetaatUlly froa

tbe publidty mUage, la aany iaataaeca beiag pracU*

eally the cppedte The echod poUcy f cllowed the

pabUeity makiiig acre cicaely tbaa the ecaaudty pre-

Page 48: Approved - TDL

ference, eepccUUy IB atdeUe and etrictiy eecUl

eveate However, eperte lend theaeelvee acre readily

tc pftbiieily, capitaUaeoore m tmdiUca, and

attmet larger crcwda tbaa ether aotivit iee


ABD COMMgBXTY PR fifiSaifflCS: Bcwepaper Cooaodty

^ H T ^ ^ / ^987*8^ 19;>a-89 1987*8^ fccthaU aiaee clube Baeketball Claee lOaye Debate BaaebaU teade fop eauad Aeec^ly prcgmoc typiag c eatee le VeUeybaU gpadah baatuct Deeiaaatica tPack Beae roca prograae 16 ^x^^x^im banquet Koaay vriUag

X 8 8 4 6 . 4 7 8 9 10 u 18 18 U 16 16 17 18

1 8 8 6 17 18 U U 9 10 6 16 Wena

8 4 7 16 16

9 6 U 6 1 18 U 18 8 8 U 16 8

U 10 17 4 7

U 7 18 6 1

U XM 18 4 8 U 17 8 10 9 16 8 6


the acaeore of the real eoeoese cf extra*

carricalar acUviUca le tc be found la the rcepoaec

cf the eoaaudty toward tbe echool* e catcrpriece

that la , the echod bae beea aooeeeafd la i te ef forte

ia theee acUviUee whmicvcr the coooodty mepoade

ia prepcrUca to their cdocaUeaal pctcatialiUcc*

ecaaadty i|eepcaae|* Broup reapenae nay

aet caaliy be defiaed, bat flBaaeld coppert and at-

Page 49: Approved - TDL

UBdaaee are d t d a the reach cf thie atody* Theee twe

iteae ehall be tbe bade of rcepoaec aa dieooeeed hem,

aad offer twe aveaoce cf eeapariaoa; tbat i e , theee

m^cnaoe aay f am a aeaae cf makiag the aeUvitiee

d e e the cightcea aetiviUee prevlcody liated are

here armaged with reeeipte and attcadancc tar each

year cf the biamlaa under coaeideraUfm* table XXVX

mpreaeate I987*88e

1*AllT.l£. XXVI


MiHSlM. iSUlElS. iMP« ttCBdaaec

Aeecabiy pregraoe BaaebaU BaeketbaU dane elubn Claee playa Debate Deeiaaatica Mmmajy vrlUng PooftaU dice oXmk Booc room progmae ar**8r«^ baafuct fop euead ^padih baagnet teade tmek tydng caoitcete TdleybaU

aoae acae

% 104*86 194*18 816*76 n«ae aoae

#8981*86 acne Bene

8 188*60 110*76

84*60 aeae mmm BOBC

1 81*70

atodent bcdy 800 617

acabcre d 9 860 880

ccatcataate 8449

186 etodeat body

109 8816

d U6 876

ccBtcetaata 617

aena cf theee acUviUee lead theaeelvee

acre readily tc ccmaodty eupport than othere for

the Mbe ef eenparleca the paylag acUvltice am greap-

ed acecrdiag to publicity mak, financial mtoma,

ecaaudty preiereace, and paid attcadancc, xa t d e

Page 50: Approved - TDL


nanacr a caepamtive etody ia peedble* Thie iaf oraa-

Uoa ic ect forth la table xxvil^

TikJi'Ji XX7II*

foe* Fiaan* ?rex* i^ttea* aim of AcUvity Bank i oUc Bank Hank aanke

fectbaU 1 1 8 1 Claee clube 8 8 8 7 Baeketball 8 6 4 4 Claee playe 4 8 1 8 f ep eooad 6 6 8 8 fclleybaU 6 7 6 6 epadeh baauuet 7 8 6 8 Jr**8r^ baa^oct 8 4 7 6


It WiU be aotlced tbat the maklBga caploy*

cd here are rclativcj that i a , they are aot the eoae

ae oaed ecaeerdag the eaUre els^teca aeUvit iee , bot

repreeeat the caapoaite mnk of thcac eight caly* The

ing^ertaace of pobUcity ie apparent ia that the fiaan-

c ia l aad attcadancc raab vaiy more aoeordlng tc the

preee thaa tc coawidty a ^ r d e d * The public i s led

tc eupport thoae ac Uvit ice which arc dedred by thoee

ccatrolUag the poblieity* Tde eog^'cete tbat any ac*

Uvity ccdd be eacoora^ ed and eopported i f i t were

backed by the proper poblicity* It alee cog eete tbat

acet peeple put adde their owe pn^ference la favor of

the pmf ereaee of pubUelaed groupe*

the eaae infcraaUoa dght be givea for 1988*

89 aa la table XXVX, bot for the porpoee of t d a etody

caly tbe paylag aet iv i t iee wiU be oonaidered aa they

Page 51: Approved - TDL


were in Table XX7XI* Tberef om the euoe arraageaaat

i e followed for 1988*89 in £able XXYIII*


—Activ i ty Bank Bank leink aaak Kaakc

fcotbaU 1 1 8 1 1 Claee playe 8 8 1 8 8 BaeketbaU 8 8 4 4 8 VdleybaU 4 4 6 6 4 lire^im baai^oet 6 6 6 6 6 fop a^oad 6 8 8 8 7 Oiaee elaba 7 6 8 8 4 iapadeh baoiioet 8 7 7 7 8

mmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m .nniiw \imimmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

xa t d e table the fiaaadal mnk ie almoet

IdcaUoal tc the pubUclty rank, a forther demonetra*

Uen that adverUdng pays* The aame ie largely troe

cf the atteadaace mak, letich ot coorae ahoold be pre-

pertiomte tc the finaacial mnk* the prefcrcaec mab

i e e U l l at variance d t h the othere The order ie

ecacidMt cbaaged* Athletic aetivit iee reoaia toward

the top, with close playa beeodag a facter to be ecn-

eidered* Although the objccUve material relative to

ecaaudty rcepoaec ie meager, and the amooat of epacc

devoted tc i t mthor e a d l , i t la evideat that the re-

epoaee ia pr^orUonate to the pia»Ucity« a ny achool

oca ecapida that extra-currioolar activitica get more

attcatica froa the poblic tbaa regolar echool work:

dece Thie vmrr fact oakee the topic cf t d e chapter

of f iret lapcrtaaee xt pdnte cot a chaimcl of pce-

e ibiUUee fer the local d t o a U c e

Page 52: Approved - TDL



yiifdi^e o£ thi atody* the foregolag three

cbaptem bave preecated ia a l ld tcd eay etodice of pa-

pii parUcipaUon, faoolty parUeipation, aad coamoa-

i ty reaeUca with refereace to extra-corricolar aetivi­

Uee ae they edet ia the Borkbomett uigb 3chod*

t d e chapter eecka te etatc the gcacml lindinge of the

etudy and propceca come geaerd ooacloeione oonoerdag

the local eitoaUcn la t d e particolar dgh aehool* XB

aoae laetaneee the iafonaitica eeeme meager, aad the *

aoabcr of eaeee ma^am few* ^Ue le to be ejected la

a echool of eaall daej bot dace the etody oovere

acre tban oac year and dcala with acted experieaee,

i t le beUcved by the writer tc bear opoa the problea

ia a rcaeoaably cbjecUve aoBBcr*

Pupil particlpaUoa waa eeea tc have acme

effect open the attendaace, dieeipUne, eeholaredp,

witbdmade, caplcyacBt, and college fdlorc of the

parUeipaate It wae found from the local etody tbat «

fewer abecneca and Urdiee were charged affiinet the

parUdpante thaa againet the aon-participaate There

were fewer parUeipaate involved in diacipliaary troob-Ice tban wem aon^parUcipaate Par tleipa tioa aay act have rdeed the ceholarehip of the etodeate, bot the


Page 53: Approved - TDL


ParUdpaate who failed are few ae eomparcd d th the

aaaber cf aoa*partieipaBte who failed* laru few eta-

deata iCic wem active ia ooteide aetiviUee dropped

cat ef eebod, tdiile aany nca^parUcipaata withdrew^

on the matter cf capleyocat aore parUeipaate bad beea

able tc find work than had aiui-partieipaBte d e c ,

them were fewer parUeipaate Baillag ia coUege than

there wem acMfti parUclpaata*

Pacdiy parUcipatioB was eeea to bave setae

effect upoa the acbiUty, dieclpUac, claee apoaeor-

• d p , eddanee, caaaodty actlviUee, aad faeolty

appmieal prebleae of the participaate* aaay aore

parUcipaBta advaaced la the prof caeioa thaa did the

Bon»participaata* the ability to direct extra-corri­

colar acUviUce a e attributed aa the reaeoa for ee­

euriag better pod Uone* BarUcipaUng teaehem had

fewer dicciplinary prebleae tbaa the aoB-participa&ta*

teaehere who participated were favored aa claee Bpo»»

com over the aon-participaate* Many aom etodeate

eeu^t gddaaec froa parUcipMtite thaa from aon-parU*

clpaate* teaehere who were acUve ia extra-schod

aetiviUee were acre acUve ia the activitlee cf tbe

coanudty thaa were the aoa-par tleipa ting tcacbere*

PUrUclpaUag tcacbere mted the variooa actlviUee

acre aeariy ia accord d t h the mXt^m aad objcotivce act

fcrth Iy Icadiag cdoeatimd writera thaa did the BOB-

Page 54: Approved - TDL


the flBdiBge cf ceoBodty reactiea arc aore

d i f f i ed t cf cjqprceciee A croee-aceUcB cf the eca­

audty did aot mak tbe aeUvitiee ia any odfom nan­

acr* the local paper gave mocb oom epacc to certda

aotivitiee tbaa tc othere tka pobliolsed activitlee

received acet ef tbe mepoaee aa evideaeed ia gate re­

eeipte aad attCBdaace*

ffiffA^^^* ^ ^» •^^•d ia Chapter I , ' •

"the etody ie act widely ccaprch^uilvc aor f d l y COB-«

Clodvc"* the preblea ie a local eae and ae aoeh will

have ccaclodona of a local natorc* la view of the

fhet tbat lafoitaaUoa la extreaeiy Udted la obJeeUve

etodice ia tbe field of extra-corricolar activity

valoee, the writer redlaed the laadeaoacy ef tde

particular iaveetlgatioe However, the fdlowiag cca-

elaeimie reparoecat a thooghtfd etody aad appear to

aaiataia ia the Burkbomett High 8ebccl*

Pupil parUeipatioa in extra-eorrleolar ac­

UviUee abewe a teadcacy tc iapreve or aaiataia attcn-

daace, dleeipUae, aad echeiaredp* Xt teade tc re-

doee witbdmade, i t teade tc d d eapieyacat, aad i t »

ehowe a teadeaey to redoee eellege fkilom* therefore

cxtra-eomicolar aetlvitiea bave vaiuee for the parti*

clpaate* Tboe, they are werth*wdle to the atodeat

aad alec tc the ecaaudty and the eebcol*

Page 55: Approved - TDL


facdty parUcipaUca ehowe a teadency te

iapreve the poedbilitlea of advaaeemeat to better pc*

d U c a e xt tcBda tc reduce dleeipUaary trcublea,

and iadieatee a favemble iafloence opoa claee epoaeor-

ehip* faeolty par Uclpa Uoa ehowe a tendency tc vital*

lac gddaaec prebleae* xt alec teade to iapreve eivlc

aad prcfceeicaal epirit* Tbaa, extra-corriedar ae*

UviUee bave valoee for the teaehere partieipatlag ae

direetore er epoiuicm*

the valaee tbat accrue tc the mpile and tc

the tcacbere bclaog alec to tbe cenaodty* Tbe peeple

ef the cmaMidty chewed a diveraity of opidone coa»

cerdag the mak cf the varicoe activitlee, bot they

eepported thoee aeUvitiee wdch were enphaelaed acet*

Therefore, valoee are dcdved froo cxtm-

earriwdar aeUvlUea ia Borkbumett d^b i^ihccl tc

the bcacfit cf the popU, the teacher, aad the eoa*

aodty thrcogh the school* Tde etody hae thaa aa-

awerod the taoeUen cf thie prodeat tbat ia , "of

what pmoUod valoc am extm*corricolar acUviUcet"*


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OUBBBBIOEr, lk$ 9^9 iNiblic ^ocaUca ia the Udted dtatce. m'TirkT HoiSbi'dTidiifUtf floew wBwT^ 1984*


PBBtiBU, B* I** Jgi ^gW^^e^^^^^^^a^^w^e e

M8I3PWB, B# 6*, ^ M ; f g F ^ i f ^ l ^ ^ tS^^^^*''' ' '** ^ ^ *

"™- ••i&'Toi?*!?^?^^^^!* BAtXOBAIi dOQXBtt f OB TUB 8TUDT Of IS)U0ATX0B, TwcBtr*

H g H fW^f^^i mebiagton, D* c * . * t l B ;

fBIBOXJ , B* w*, me iudor dah ^bcoi . BOW fork,

BXXDBB, W* 8«, I* 8«* the Fondaacatale cf PobUc jahocl Ad* ddkiOTWi. »crycii*~igrteinSB^

B08KBB* le* aad Al OB, 0* f*« ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ! ? ^ ^ ^ ^ tiviUen* BOW fork, D* Q* Hoata aae uco-paay, xv88*

BOBMBBi r*, and A i Li&B, 0* f*, a f a d l B f i MY.'r

Page 57: Approved - TDL


the feUaelBg tuceUoaadm ie the type aeed teward the clone ef both ^e 1987*88 and the 1988*89

eebcol tcrae*

Page 58: Approved - TDL


MJUSl <3L niM. .>ciriQi« aUTiyi jixui

ClaeelfieaUca af pereoa aaewcriag (check one)

Boaineea aan Prof seal oniAl'TSn" H ooacwlfe Teacher "'' ' ' Mida tor

Baak the fcllowiog aeUviUeo ia what yea consider their order of lapcrtaaee by putting the nomber cf mak on the Uae after each itsa*.

Aseeiahly pregraaa___ mm\ii*XX Baakctbali Claee elobe Claee playa Dcba te Teclaaatimt

*»«* ay wriUHg P o c ^ l l Olce claa """ Hcae rcca W^iMi ar**ir* baa%oet Pep e^ead ' dpadiOi ^SSSSBTS Tetmia Track




typing eonieatils' Volleyball [ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.'

l o yea tdak partlelp^itloa la theee actlviUee ookrea a etadeat oorc l ikely to eocceed in college?

Do you tdak particlpaUoa In theee aetiviUee marca a etodeat acre l ikely to aoeceed la the boaiacea worldf

Idiat de yoo eoaeider tbe Venefit&s of 'ihc ubove ocaUoa« ed actlviUee?

I III M l W i — M — w i l l . • • ! • HIM • — 1 I 1 W — W I im • • — W W I — i — 1 ^ — 1 ^

mmmmmmm^mmmmmmmmmtmmimmtmmmmmm'^.^m.mmmmmttmmmm^mi i« i • m '••• •» i—p«iwp«»w>—^fcM—»»—-««—i^»—i.i^»w»«—<.••—»»—

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmimm. n im im ««—<—«»>. i •!• mn • uw w——a—xww—w^—><•—<«——»i^w«>—»^»<——«—«»

^WPW."—WWI—I^ IPM—.M——mKM—»»w»- i1 m •wi ««w.»tj»»»|ri a • • II I I • «IMMM»»»—ate—«llill» 1 1 . ill! II — M ^ ^ l ^ — « » . » » ^ » — —