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Appendix A - Level Test (Reading Example).pdf

Appendix B - Level Test (Basic Grammar Questions).pdf

Appendix C - Level Test (Listening Questions).pdf

Appendix D - Level Test (Speaking Questions).pdf

Appendix D - Level Test (SpeakingGrading Rubric).pdf

Appendix E - English Questionnaire for Students.pdf

Appendix F - Group Assessment Form.pdf

Appendix G - Informal Assessment Guidline.pdf

Appendix H - Assessment Rubric for Students.pdf

Appendix I - Self Assessment.pdf

Appendix J - Grading Rubric (Reading).pdf

Appendix K - Grading Rubric (Writing).pdf

Appendix L - Grading Rubric (Listening).pdf

Appendix M - Grading Rubric (Speaking).pdf

Appendix Q - End of Course Questionnaire for Students.pdf

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Reading example 1: (wikipedia)

General Yi Sun Shin was a famous Korean who is honored by having his likeness placed on the

100 won coin. He lived in the 16th century and is considered one of the greatest naval

commanders in the history of naval warfare.

One of General Yi's greatest accomplishments was resurrecting and improving the turtle ship.

With his creative mind and the support of his subordinates, Yi was able to devise the

geobukseon, or Turtle Ship. Contrary to popular belief, the turtle ship was not actually invented

by Admiral Yi; rather, he improved upon an older design that had been suggested during the

reign of King Taejong.

The turtle ships designed by Yi held eleven cannons on each side of the ship, with two each at

the stern and the bow. The ship's figurehead was in the shape of a dragon.

Turtle ships are the most famous part of Admiral Yi's fleet; however, he never deployed more

than five in any one battle. Turtle ships were first used in the Battle of Sacheon (1592) and were

used in nearly every battle until the devastating Battle of Chilchonryang.

Turtle ships were mostly used to spearhead attacks. They were best used in tight areas and

around islands rather than the open sea.

Vocabulary comprehension: questions 1-2.

1. What does the word resurrecting mean? a. to swim b. to bring back into use. c. inventing d. build 2. What does the word subordinates mean? a. an underwater vessel b. a number larger than 100 c. enemies d. individuals of a lower ranking

Reading comprehension: questions 3-6

3. When did General Yi first use turtle ships in battle? a. the Battle of Sacheon b. Battle of Chilchonryang c. World War one d. Battle on Kimchi 4. What is the best title for this story? a. Korean/Japanese Battles b. Turtles like ships c. Yi Sun Shin and the turtle ship d. War and peace 5. What part of the military was General Yi part of? a. Army b. Navy c. Air Force d. Government 6. When did General Yi live? a. 20th century b. 19th century c. 14th century d. 16th century

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Basic Grammar questions: 1. Tony works in a restaurant. He is a __________. a. reporter b. lawyer c. teacher d. waiter 2. Susan _________ Paul’s invitation to go to the party on Sunday. She is going alone. a. broke-up b. turned on c. ran out d. turned down 3. I didn’t call you because my phone is __________. a. working b. broken c. clogged d. bend 4. He ________ best at night when it is quiet. a. study b. studying c. studies d. student 5. We just found the perfect person for the new receptionist position. She is very _______ and highly efficient. a. dull b. pleasant c. hazardous d. exhausting 6. It is important to drive ________ on icy roads. a. careful b. carefully c. careless d. carelessly 7. You want to sleep. You feel this way. a. embarrassed b. hungry c. tired d. confident

8. Theo ________ blue eyes and curly hair. a. is having b. have c. has d. has to 9. Yesterday, Tim _________ to get milk at the store. a. forgot b. forget c. forgetting d. forgets 10. Choose the best answer. Wanda struck it rich __________. a. in a five – kilometer race b. in the oil business c. in an affluent d. with a baseball bat. 11. Busan is ______________ Seoul. a. the biggest than b. smaller than c. smallest than d. bigger than 12. _________ a phone in this room? a. Is there b. Are there c. Were there d. Have there 13. Where ______ you last week? a. was b. are c. were d. we’re 14. I __________ lunch yet. a. have ate b. has eat c. haven’t eaten d. ate

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Listening: Listen to the conversations then answer the questions.

Conversation 1 M: Hey, Anna. Are you going to get a job again this summer? W: No, I’m not. In July I’m just going to stay here and relax. Just go to the beach and the park. That sort of thing. M: That sounds nice. And then what are you going to do in August? W:I’m going to work on a film. M: Wow. You mean you’re going to be an actor? W:No. Of course not. I’m going to help with the special effects in the film. You know, working with computers. The film company asked me to help because I’m an IT student. M: Are they going to pay you a lot? W:Actually, I’m not going to be paid for it at all. It’s just for experience. M: Oh, I see.

1. What is the woman going to do this summer? a) She’s going to make a lot of money b) She’s going to act in a film c) She’s going to travel in July d) She’s going to volunteer for a film company

Listen to the conversation then answer questions 2 and 3. M: Would you like to go to a gag concert? W: A gag concert? That sounds like fun. M: Yeah, I read in the newspaper that the final of this year’s TV gag show series will be recorded live starting on March 3rd at SBS. W: Yeah… Let’s go! We can take my younger brother too. He loves that kind of thing. M: Sure. It’s pretty cheap too. Tickets are only $9 for adults and $5 for kids under 10. Every day the show starts at 2 o’clock and ends at 5.

2. When is the gag concert? a) March 3 b) March 5 c) March 8 d) March 9 3. How much are children’s tickets? a) $9 b) $5 c) $10 d) $2

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Listen to the announcement then answer questions 4 and 5. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I’d like to welcome you all to our 15th annual conference of traffic signs and signals. It’s nice to see so many people here. Let me give you the agenda for the day. For the first hour we will hear from our managing director, finance manager and our C.E.O. Then we’ll break for half an hour at eleven o’clock for tea and coffee. Then we’ll meet again for a fascinating lecture about the future of road travel. Lunch will be served at 12.30 in the Angel Room. Go out of the hall, turn right, go down two levels and the Angel Room is on your right.

4. The people at the conference make signs for stores. a) true b) false 5. The lecture will begin at 11:30. a) true b) false

Listen to the conversation then answer questions 6, 7 and 8. M: So do you like movies, Anna? W:Yeah, I guess so. But these days I’m pretty busy at work, so I only get to go to the movies once a month or so. M: So what kinds of movies do you like? W:Well, ones where I can sit back and relax and laugh. I don’t like movies that are scary or violent. I can’t stand horror movies and sci-fi movies. M: Yeah, I know what you mean. I don’t like them either. I can’t stand all the special effects. W:Yeah. I prefer real stories about real people. M: Uh-huh, a really good drama with an interesting story. W:No…, they’re too serious, I think. I don’t want to feel sad when I go to the movies. I prefer movies that make me laugh. M: Sure, I like that too. I always enjoy those Eddie Murphy movies, you know, where he plays different people in the same story. W:Yes, me too. They’re really funny. M: Or something with an exciting story, something fast and fun. I mean, look at the James Bond movies, for example. I always go and see them when they come out. W:Yeah. So do I. I’m crazy about Jet Li. I think his films are terrific. M: Yeah, his movies are always good. W:So it sounds like you go to the movies a lot, Ted. M: I do. I try to go whenever I can. We should go together sometime.

6. The woman likes comedies the best. a) true b) false 7. The woman enjoys dramas. a) true b) false 8. Both the man and the woman like action movies. a) true b) false

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Speaking Level Test

1. Reading. You will read the passage out loud. You will have 60 seconds to

prepare. Prepare by reading the passage out loud.

2. Describe the picture. You will have 60 seconds to prepare. You should prepare

by finding the things you want to describe and think about what you will say

about them. Then you will have 45 seconds to describe the picture.

3. Short answer. You will have 5 seconds to think after each question is asked.

Then you will have 15 seconds to answer each question.

Where are you from?

How old are you?

What is your favorite food?

What did you do this morning?

What will you do tonight?

See above those clouds, near where the blue sky appears to fold?

Some say it is the entrance to the floating isles where pirates still rule

the air and dragons choose to live. Only the most skilled pilots can

sail their craft close enough to even glimpse the light coming from

within. You can't find those who know the way; they find you. Rather,

you four lazy tourists must learn from your books and be ready, so

that you may not miss an opportunity to travel to that mysterious

place. It would be an adventure that you would never forget. Now, I

think that's enough with this pleasurable story telling. Go home and

join your aunt - she's cooking fine food!

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4. Long answer. You will have 20 seconds to think about your answer after each

question is asked, then you will have 45 seconds to answer.

Describe your favorite holiday.

Describe how to make kimbop.

Do you think there are too many tests in school? Why or why not?

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Speaking Level Test Grading Rubric

Advanced Intermediate Basic



There is some difference between the R/L, i/ee, Z/S, B/V sounds. There is little or no use of the “eu” sound at the end of any words.

There is some difference between the B/P and F/P sounds. There is some use of the unvoiced “th” sound. There are some “eu” sounds at the end of some words

There is little or no disparity between the aforementioned sounds. The student can only say basic phonemes that have a correspondent in the Korean language.

Intonation, rhythm

and stress

The student can read every sentence with some intonation. The student can read nearly all sentences with proper word stress. Created language will have some stressed words. There is apparent rhythm within the passages.

The student uses proper “upward” intonation with questions and “downward” intonation with statements. Read sentences contain some stressed words. The student uses some rhythm concerning the flow of the passages.

The student uses a very monotone voice. There is little or no stress within the speech, created or read. There is no rhythm.


(created language)

The student can use simple past, simple present, simple future, and present continuous tenses. The student can use verb phrases, adverbs (sequencing and non-sequencing), adjectives, basic prepositions, and pronouns appropriately. Some mistakes are acceptable.

The student uses most of the aforementioned tenses appropriately. The student can use most of the aforementioned grammar pieces appropriately. A mistake in almost every sentence is acceptable.

The student has great trouble with word placement. The student can only use 1 or 2 tenses. The Grammar is similar to Korean grammar. The sentences may be nearly incomprehensible.

Speed and flow

The students answers are thought out and somewhat organized. There is a discernable pattern. The student can read the passage in the allotted time. Answers are chunky, but fast enough to be considered a solitary unit.

The student’s answers show minimal organization. The student can read the passage within the allotted time. The sentences are very chunky, but phrases are fast enough to be considered solitary units.

The student reads less than half of the passage within the allotted time. Most phrases and language chunks are not fast enough to be considered a unit. There is a lot of hesitation. There is little or no organization.

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English Questionnaire for Students

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability in English.

(최선을 다하여 다음의 문항에 답해주세요.)

Name: (이름) ___________________________

Student ID number: (학번) ___________________________

Birthdate: (생년월일) ___________________________

Hometown: (고향) ___________________________

Major: (전공) ___________________________

Year of study: (학년)

freshman (1st year) sophomore (2nd year) junior (3rd year) senior (4th year or higher)

How long have you studied English?

(얼마나 오랫동안 영어를 배웠습니까?)

10 years or more 7-10 years 4-6 years 2-3 years 1 year or less

Have you ever studied abroad? yes no

If yes, where? __________________________________

How long? _______________________________

Check (x) your answer: YES, NO, or Sometimes.

(자신이 생각하는 답변(YES, NO, or Sometimes)에X표시를 해 주세요.)

YES NO Sometimes

1. I like English. _________ _________ _________ (나는 영어를 좋아핚다.)

2. I ask questions in class. _________ _________ _________ (나는 수업시갂에 질문을 핚다.)

3. I use English daily. _________ _________ _________ (나는 영어를 매일 사용핚다.)

4. I am afraid of my foreigner teacher. _________ _________ _________ (나는 원어민 선생님을 무서워 핚다.)

5. I use English outside of class. _________ _________ _________

(나는 교실 밖에서도 영어를 사용핚다.)


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Please circle your answer. Then write 1-2 sentences.

(자신이 생각하는 답변에 동그라미 해 주세요. 그리고 그렇게 생각하는 이유를 핚 두 줄로 적어 주세요)

Do you think English is important for your future career? yes no not sure

(여러분의 미래 직업 선택에 영어가 중요핚 영향을 미친다고 생각하십니까?)

Why? _______________________________________________________________

Write at least 2 things you like and don’t like about studying English.

(여러분이 영어를 공부하는데 있어서 좋아하는 점과 싫어하는 점을 각각 두 가지씩 적어 주세요.)

Things I like about studying English



Things I don’t like about studying English



Please check (x) the correct box. How confident are you with the following English skills: reading writing, speaking and listening?

(다음 표의 각 문항을 읽고 자신이 생각하는 답변에 X표시를 해 주세요. 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기, 듣기의 어의4가지 영역을

사용하는 것에 대해 여러분은 어떻게 느끼고 있습니까? )

Strongly Agree

Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Reading Comprehension (읽기)

I understand content and vocabulary when reading English

(나는 내용과 어휘를 이해하며 영어를 읽는다)

Writing (쓰기)

I am comfortable in my writing abilities in English

(나는 영어로 작문을 하는 것에 전혀 어려움을 느끼지 않는다.)

Speaking (말하기)

I am not afraid to speak English in front of people.

(나는 사람들 앞에서 영어를 말하는 것이 두렵지 않다.)

Listening (듣기)

When I hear English being spoken, I understand what is being said.

(나는 영어를 들을 때 어떤 내용인지 바로 이해 핛 수 있다.)

What skills do you want to improve on throughout this class? (check all that apply)

(러분이 본 영어 수업을 통하여 향상시키고자 하는 영역은 무엇입니까? (해당하는 사항에 모두 체크해 주세요.))

___ grammar-(문법) ____ reading-(일기) ____ pronunciation-(발음)

___ speaking-(말하기) ____ writing-(쓰기) ____ presentation-(프레젠테이션)

___ listening-(듣기)

***When you are finished with this questionnaire, please give it back to your teacher. Thank you!***

(설문지를 작성한 후 선생님께 제출 부탁 드립니다. 감사합니다!)

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Group Assessment Form

Speaking Skills

Group 1: 4 3 2 1


Grammar and Vocabulary



Group 3: 4 3 2 1


Grammar and Vocabulary



Group 5: 4 3 2 1


Grammar and Vocabulary



Group 7: 4 3 2 1


Grammar and Vocabulary



Group 2: 4 3 2 1


Grammar and Vocabulary



Group 4: 4 3 2 1


Grammar and Vocabulary



Group 6: 4 3 2 1


Grammar and Vocabulary



Group 8: 4 3 2 1


Grammar and Vocabulary



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Informal Daily Assessment Observation


Whole Class Pair Work

___comfortable working with others ___overall class comprehension of grammar and vocabulary. ___participation-volunteering, responding to questions

___positive social interaction (learning from each other) ___negative social interaction (not improving) ___ staying on task ___task completion

Group Work Individual Work Practice 1. Social / Academic Interaction ___group contribution ___volunteering ___staying on task ___task completion Presentation 2. Fluency ___presentation ___voice projection ___flow ___time management

1. vocabulary and grammar use ___from daily unit ___correct use ___pronunciation 2. effort ___confident ___ voice projection 3. participation ___volunteers ___asks questions 4. fluency ___natural speed ___pauses / hesitations

Teacher Self Assessment of lesson: (y/n) ___ Did the students use the grammar and vocabulary correctly?

___Were there enough opportunities for the students to practice?

___Was the presentation of the material clear?

___Did the activities match the target lesson?

___Were the objectives clearly stated in the beginning of the class?

___Were the objectives clearly stated in a language suitable for the class?

___Did the class meet the objectives by the end of the class?

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Assessment Rubric for Students

Criteria / Score 4 3 2 1


3 or more full sentences in one speaking turn.

Good pace.

2 full sentences in one speaking turn.

Ok pace.

Un-natural. Many pauses or

hesitations. Difficult to follow.

Can’t understand.




use the vocabulary and grammar from the lesson correctly. Students think

‘outside the box’

Can use the vocabulary from the lesson correctly, but doesn’t think of own


Incorrect sentence structure.

Incorrect sentence structure. Use of

Konglish. (made up words using Korean

and English)




Excellent group. Everyone is participating


Most of the students are participating

equally. .

2 people are participating. 2 people

are quiet.

1 person is participating.




Speech is loud enough to hear. Pronunciation

is clear.

Speech is ok. Pronunciation is


Cannot hear the speakers very well.

Will not present

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Unit Self-Assessment Name:__________ Unit: ____________ Title: _________________ Date: ____________

Vocabulary learned (directly) Please write each vocabulary word in English and the Korean translation. Then write a sentence where each vocabulary word is used correctly. If you can use more than one vocabulary word in a sentence that would be FANTASTIC! 각각의 영어 단어와 그 의미를 한글로 적어 주세요. 그리고 각 단어가 올바르게 사용되고

있는 문장을 적어주세요. 한 문장에 두 개 이상의 단어를 활용하면 더욱 좋습니다.

English Korean Sentence











Vocabulary learned (indirect) English Korean Sentence






Grammar learned Write out the grammar rules that we have studied in class and then translate the rules into Korean. 이 수업을 통해 배운 문법 규칙을 영어로 적고(아래 표의 왼쪽 칸) 각 규칙을 한국말로(아래

표의 오른쪽 칸) 설명하세요.

English Korean

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Please write a 9-line conversation where you would use the vocabulary and grammar learned. Each line needs to be at least 5 words long. 여러분이 배운 단어와 문법규칙을 활용하여 아래에 9줄 정도의 두 사람의 대화를 만들어

보세요. 각 문장은 최소 5단어 이상으로 구성되어야 합니다.










Student Introspective (자기 평가)

Checklist: Circle the best choice for you.

자신이 생각하는 답변에 동그라미 해 주세요.

What percent of the vocabulary and grammar learned in this unit do you understand? 본 수업에서 배운 단어와 문법의 몇 퍼센트 정도를 이해하고 있습니까?

100-80% 80-70% 70-60% 60-40% 40-0%

How comfortable do you feel using the new vocabulary and grammar studied when speaking English? 영어로 말을 할 때 배웠던 단어와 문법 사용하는데 얼마나 편안하게 느끼고 있습니까?

100-80% 80-70% 70-60% 60-40% 40-0%

After studying this unit do you think you will try to use the vocabulary and grammar points outside of the classroom? 본인은 이 수업을 수강 후, 수업에서 배웠던 단어나 문법을 수업 밖의 상황에서 사용하기

위하여 어느 정도의 노력 할 것이라고 생각하십니까?

Yes Maybe No

The English vocabulary and grammar concepts we studied in class, do you use them in Korean?

한국어에서도 본 수업에서 배웠던 단어나 문법 개념을 사용하십니까?

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

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Reading Rubric















- Groups words logically when reading aloud.

- Changes voice tone to emphasize important

content. - Alters voice and pace in accordance with text

punctuation. -Can be heard by all in


- Usually groups words in a logical manner. - Uneven emphasis given to important

content. - Tone and pace follow text punctuation fairly

well. - Loudness of voice

varies. - Mispronounces some words but able to self-


- Reads word by word with no logical grouping. - Speaks in a monotone, with little change in pace

or voice inflection. - Speaks too softly to be heard by all in audience.

- Slurs and mumbles words.

- Mispronounces some words.

- Read word by word and must be assisted

with many words. - Meaning is lost in the

difficulty with the words. - Speaks in a monotone with no change in pace

or voice inflection.

.- Have hard time reading basic word and mispronounce a lot of

them. - Meaning is lost in

general and no intonations, inflection,

and emphasis is found.

Summarizing - Accurately and completely summarizes

the main events in correct sequence, the

main characters, and the setting.

- Summarizes the main events, the main

characters, and the setting.

- Summarizes most of the events, most of the

main characters, and the setting

- Unable to adequately summarize events, most of the main characters,

and the setting

- Unable to grasp the general ideas, events,

the main characters, and the setting.




-Clearly and accurately identifies the main idea, and includes most of the

relevant supporting details.

-Response is written in the student’s own words.

-Identifies the main idea correctly, and includes

many supporting details. -Response is written

mostly in the student’s own words.

-May contain minor inaccuracies.

-Identifies the main idea, and includes many

some supporting details. Response is written

mostly in the student’s own words. -May

contain major inaccuracies.

- Attempt to identify the main ideas, and includes few supporting details.

-Much of the response is copied directly from the text. May contain major


- Fail to identify the main ideas; however, the

main idea may be stated incorrectly or may be

missing. -Contain some incorrect

or irrelevant details.

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Vocabulary -Recognizes all the words

-No hesitation.

-Recognizes most words

-Sometimes have hard time with confusing


-Recognizes words appropriate to grade level but experiences


-Recognizes basic words but lack of understanding of

majority of the words

-Unfamiliar with most of the words

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Grading Rubric: Writing














The student makes very few or no grammar mistakes or spelling errors.

The student makes a few errors, but the overall flow of the paper isn’t impeded by these minor errors.

The student makes some mistakes and at times it can be difficult for the reader to understand the writing.

The student makes many errors and or spelling mistakes. These mistakes make it difficult for the reader to understand the writing.

The student makes many grammar or spelling mistakes. The errors are so prevalent that the writing becomes unreadable.


The student answers the writing topic in every possible way. Their thoughts are very well developed and relevant.

The student answers most of the subject matter and does a fairly good job developing their ideas.

The student answers some of the subject matter, but doesn’t maintain enough supporting ideas for the topic.

The student is able to answer some or part of the questions.

The student does not answer the questions

Flow / Order

The student is able to answer with a good flow. The writing is put together well.

The order of the student’s writing is comprehensible, with just 2-3 misplaced sentences.

The student’s writing order is ok. There are a few too many misplaced sentences to make the writing illogical.

The student gets off topic too much to keep a sensible order.

The writing is out of order. The scattered flow makes it too difficult to understand.


The student uses an extensive range of vocabulary while developing their ideas. This vocabulary strengthens the stance of their writing.

The student uses a rich quantity of vocabulary to develop their ideas. They make very few errors in usage. The lexicons are repeated a few too many times.

The student uses a few more challenging words in developing their writing, but some are not used properly.

The student uses some simplistic vocabulary that became a bit repetitive and or uses a few words in an inappropriate way.

The student uses very simplistic vocabulary in their writing. The student uses too many words in inappropriate manners.

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Grading Rubric: Listening













The student is able to understand and interpret the information well. He/she can clearly respond to the instructions spoken. He/she can identify and note the key words from the activity.

The student can understand the instructions given but still has difficulty responding. The student is able to determine some of the key information.

The student may have obvious difficulty in understanding the task instructed. He/she may require a repeat or two to fully understand.

The student has very little understanding of what the speaker is saying. He/she struggles to hear or understand the key words or message.

The student can’t match a picture with what is being said.



The student is able to respond to the instructions without hesitations. (put the ball on the table)

The student is able to respond to these instructions but may have a few hesitations.

The student can understand the instructions but takes too long.

The student may be able to respond by but responds incorrectly.

The student cannot do the task being asked or does it incorrectly.

Ability to Predict




The student can understand the story or exercise and can predict (using speech) what will happen next. He/she can use his/her own background knowledge to explain why he/she thinks this.

The student can predict what will happen next. His/her response is practical and appropriate. As he/she can do this, expanding to explain WHY may be troublesome.

The student understands what is happening and can predict the next sentence or picture, but cannot put it into his/her own words. The student cannot guess without some kind of hint.

The student is able to predict what will happen next with pictures. The student cannot expand on this topic. (answer why)

The student cannot predict what will happen next. The student may make a guess based on the prettiest picture.




Ability to


The student is able to respond to questions orally. He/ she can summarize a lecture or short story and can add some of his/her own ideas and opinions. The student may ask effective questions to clarify the verbal information.

The student can answer multiple choice questions about a lecture or short story, but cannot quite expand with his/her own ideas.

The student can understand the basics of a story or dialogue heard. However he/she cannot answer discussion questions about them.

The student is able to use short answers in response to the listening activity.

The student cannot respond to the questions about the listening activity.

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Grading Rubric: Speaking











Pronunciation The speakers speech is clear, and understandable

Slightly unclear with some of the vocabulary. Overall comprehensible for the listener

Clear problems with the typical r/l, p/v/b. Not very comprehensible for the listener.

Too many unclear pronunciation errors. The listener has to struggle to understand the speaker.

Incomprehensible. The listener, though trying, still can‟t understand what the speaker is saying.

Fluency Natural, smooth flow of language. No hesitations. Speaker is able to use longer sentences and speak uninterrupted for a longer period of time.

Good flow, however with some hesitations. Overall great sentences, not too short or simple.

The speaker speaks at a descent pace. The sentences are simple structures and not too long. The speaker doesn‟t speak for too long at a time.

The speaker uses basic vocabulary and basic grammar. The speaker takes a while to respond.

Short one-two word answers.




It‟s apparent that the speaker can use complex language grammar to change the sentences. The speaker uses the vocabulary correctly in his/her speech.

Understands the grammar and vocabulary but still makes mistakes.

Incorrect use of grammar or vocabulary. The speaker may use be instead of do in incorrect circumstances.

Incorrect or no use of grammar in sentences. The speaker may answer with simple „Yes, I do‟ when the question is in the past. Still the speaker uses very short simple sentences to respond or ask questions.

Won‟t even try to use the grammar. Will stick with Yes/No, one word answers.

Effort The observer can see that the speaker is trying to get his/her point across with use of gestures and hands. The speaker is confident. The speaker is trying to use his/her skills to speak for a longer period of time.

The speaker is trying to use longer sentences, but is still uncertain or unsure of himself/herself. Not enough confidence.

Not showing much confidence. The listener can‟t hear the speaker very clearly because he/she is too quiet.

The speaker is answering in short sentences. The speaker doesn‟t want to ask any questions.

No effort. Didn‟t say more than “hello,” “yes,” and “no.”

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Final Questionnaire for Students

Directions: Please answer to the best of your ability. This is completely anonymous. Do not put your name on this assessment. You should use this to assess your own personal English development from this class. This survey will also be used by the teacher to develop better lessons in the future.

안녕하세요. 이 설문지는 본 수업을 수강하고 있는 여러분들의 영어 실력 향상 정도를 분석하고자 제작되었습니다. 또한 설문조사의

결과는 선생님께서 더욱 질적읶 수업을 준비하시기 위한 중요한 기초 자료로 활용될 예정이오니 여러분의 솔직한 답변을 부탁

드립니다. 설문조사의 결과는 외부로 유출되지 않으며 익명으로 실시되오니 이름을 쓰지 않으셔도 됩니다

Check (x) your answer: YES, NO, Sometimes.

(자신이 생각하는 답변(YES, NO, Sometimes)에 X표시를 해 주세요.)

YES NO Sometimes

1. I am more comfortable speaking

English with my native English teachers. _________ _______ _________

2. I asked questions in class. _________ _______ _________

3. I use English more often. _________ _______ _________

4. I participated daily. _________ _______ _________

5. I have tried to use English outside of class. _________ _______ _________

Please circle your answer. Then write 1-2 sentences.

(자신이 생각하는 답변(yes, no, not sure) 에 동그라미 해 주세요. 그리고 그렇게 생각하는 이유를 한 두 줄로 적어 주세요.)

Do you think English is important for your future career? yes no not sure

Why? _______________________________________________________________

Check at least one thing you liked and didn’t like about this English class.

(본 영어수업을 들으며 좋았던 점과 만족스럽지 않았던 점을 최소 한 개 이상 골라 체크 해 주세요)

Things I liked about this class:

___ lesson delivery 선생님의 설명

___ student-teacher rapport 선생님과 학생의 신뢰관계

___ class activities 수업 중 활동

___ teacher feedback 선생님의 피드백

___ class materials (book, projector, handouts, etc) 수업 자료 (책, 프로젝터, 유인물 등)

Comments: __________________________ 기타 의견

Things I didn’t like about this class:

___ lesson delivery

___ student-teacher rapport

___ class activities

___ teacher feedback

___ class materials

Comments: _________________________

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Please ( X ) the box for your answer. How comfortable are you with the following English skills: reading writing, speaking and listening?

영어의 4가지 영역읶 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기, 듣기에 대하여 여러분은 어떻게 느끼고 있나요? 다음 표에 있는 각 문항을 읽고

자신이 생각하는 답변 (Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) 에 X표시를 해주세요.

Strongly Agree

Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Reading Comprehension I understand content and vocabulary when reading English.

Writing I am comfortable in my writing abilities in English

Speaking I am not afraid to speak English in front of people.

Listening When hearing English being spoken, I understand what is being said.