Download - APIBA Newsletter N° 49 - August 2014

Page 1: APIBA Newsletter N° 49 - August 2014

Newsletter No. 49 - August 2014

From the President Dear APIBA Members,

Long time no read! I’m pleased to be in touch with you once again on behalf of APIBA’s Executive Committee to share news and announcements. Once again this year we held our Annual Fellowship Lunch on August 23. The new edition of this event, which was first held in 2011 to celebrate APIBA´s 40th Anniversary, gave us all, APIBA Members and friends of our Association, a great opportunity to get together to strengthen bonds, have some fun and toast to many more years of commitment to the English teaching profession. There´s a lot on our plate for this second part of the year. Winter holidays have renewed our energy and given us a lot of ideas and enthusiasm to work hard to ensure that our members get the best possible training sessions in ELT. Stay tuned and read on! Best regards, Virginia López Grisolía APIBA President [email protected]

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HOW TO GET PUBLISHED – ELT theory and Practice: Writing for an Academic Journal

Apiba co-sponsored this event held on March 13 at the Lenguas Vivas J.R. Fernández. Graham Hall was the presenter and Melina Porto and Cristina Banfi were the local panelists on the round table that followed. In the picture below, Dario Banegas, AJAL´s editor, Cristina Mayol, FAAPI´s president and Virginia López Grisolía, APIBA´s president Read more

Look at some more pics

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On April 5 2014, APIBA held its SIG Opening Event as usual at INSP-UTN. Our SIG Liaison Officers for 4 years non-stop, Viviana Myslicki and Romina Arena announced they were stepping down as from July. Prof. Diana Schcolnicov took over as LO and Claudia Antinori, as her Assistant. We would like to take this chance to express our deepest gratitude and recognition to Viviana and Romina for their impeccable work in the coordination of APIBA Sigs. We would also wish Diana and Claudia all the best in this new undertaking. For further information about their monthly work and calendar write to:

[email protected] Read about APIBA´s SIGS There were thank-you’s to the outgoing LOs during APIBA ANNUAL FELLOWSHIP LUNCH last August 23. Here Viviana and Romina saying goodbye.

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An occasion to get together with friends and colleagues and celebrate our passion in common: our teaching profession. APIBA is the place to meet and share.

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Take a look at some more pics. We had so much fun! ☺☺☺☺

FAAPI 2014 by APISE Santiago del Estero

Just about to start! Don´t miss this out! Looking forward to seeing you all there!

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Read more about the well-known speakers participating in the ANNUAL FAAPI CONFERENCE


Whatever became of…..? A recap of the approaches to the

teaching of Grammar, Language, Literature and FLT

Methods at Teacher Training Colleges.

So much has changed in the teaching approaches t over the past

decade! Get updated on the recent-goings on.

Our speakers are all well-known ELT practitioners with a wide

experience in their fields. More info about biodatas and abstracts

coming up soon!

Enrol NOW:


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IES Lenguas Vivas J.R. Fernández and APIBA Playing (with) Shakespeare Shakespeare for Kids and Teens November 3

rd from 6-8.30 pm

Free of charge. On a first-come first-served basis More info coming up soon

Welcome to the NEW MEMBERS 2014

Patricia Gómez-Presbítero Sáenz-1986

Marcela Pérez-ISPT UTN-2011

Carlos Reynoso - Lenguas Vivas J.R. Fernández”-2002

Héctor Sebastián Álvarez- Lenguas Vivas J.R. Fernández- 2013

Patricia López- ISFD N° 24 -2005

Daniel Ferreyra Fernández-J.V. González 2008

Graciela R. Amatto- ISFD N° 83, San Fco. Solano, Quilmes, Pcia. de BA- 2002

Sergio Rodriguez Ramos-J.V. González 1997

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APIBA Members’ Contributions

APIBA Members: Send your contributions to [email protected]

Letters to the Editor - Classroom Tips & Ideas - Articles -

Anecdotes - Reflections

Why Am I an APIBA Member? Leave your testimonial HERE

APIBA Members

Become an APIBA Local Delegate HERE

News from FAAPI: A.J.A.L.

Read AJAL Vol. 02, No. 01 (May 2014)

More information for those interested in publishing HERE

Discounts and benefits for APIBA Members

1. Discounts

See all discounts for APIBA Members

If you are an APIBA Member and would like to suggest a discount for your fellow Members, please write to [email protected]

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2. Free monthly publication service: Events and Job Offers

APIBA Members with their dues up to date have a free publication service on APIBA’s social networks

Those who wish to publish, please write to [email protected]


Pay your annual dues NOW!

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Great news! Back in 2008, APIBA launched the Best Graduating Average

Award and since then it has been giving it out both at ISP J.V. González and

at Lenguas Vivas SB de Spangenberg. Last August APIBA extended this

distinction to two more institutions in the City of Buenos Aires. Now this

prize will be given out in the following institutions as well:

ISPT Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

IES Lenguas Vivas J.R. Fernández

We have been invited to participate in the graduation ceremonies of all four colleges in the months to come. More about this, in the next newsletter and on FB


President: Virginia López Grisolía

Vice-President: Jorge Ghenadenik

Secretary: Romina Nulhem

Treasurer: Cecilia Cicolini

Deputy Treasurer: Cristian Collucci


Diana Schcolnicov

María Luisa Ghisalberti

Laureana Moreno

In accordance with legal regulations for “Asociaciones Civiles”, the APIBA

Executive Committee is composed of elected Members of the Association (see

APIBA Statutes, Article 8) who perform their duties pro bono.

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Hace a la profesión

[email protected]