Download - API Conference: March 2008

Page 1: API Conference: March 2008

© 2008 IBM Corporation

The Business of APIs Conference:

Info 2.0 API Strategy

David BolokerCTO, Emerging Technologies Group

Lauren CooneyProgram Director, Info 2.0 Community

March 17, 2008

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OverviewInfo 2.0


What is Info 2.0 All About?

Web 2.0 is about connecting people, and making technology efficient for collaboration, re-use, and end-use.

Web 1.0 was about connecting computers and making technology more efficient for computers.

Info 2.0 changes how a business professional can utilize the data assets of an enterprise and make

them remixable

Info 2.0 dramatically improves organizational competitiveness by revolutionizing information access and enabling situational applications

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OverviewInfo 2.0

* Release schedule TBD

InfoSphere MashupHub – Why it Matters

Ability to “Web 2.0” enable existing systems

Advanced Transformation & Mixing

Connectors for Core Enterprise Systems

Enterprise-class Security and Governance

Scalability, Reliability, Performance & IBM Support

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OverviewInfo 2.0

Info 2.0 Overview

Discover & Unlock

Assemble & UseDiscover & Unlock

Core to Info 2.0 is InfoSphere MashupHub, a new-style web 2.0 catalog that links to Enterprise and external information sources and converts them to RSS, Atom and XML feeds.

InfoSphere MashupHub has a master catalog for these sources, and provides Web 2.0-style tagging, user ratings and other community elements common in social computing environments as well as security, metering, monitoring and governance.

Transform & Mix

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OverviewInfo 2.0

Discover & Unlock

Assemble & Use

Transform & Mix

Info 2.0 Overview

Transform & Mix

Many of the information sources initially stored in InfoSphere MashupHub will be altered before being used in an Info 2.0 Mashup. This is done by “DAMIA”, IBM technology which allows information sources to be further merged, filtered, transformed, annotated or published in new formats, before being saved back into Mash-up Hub.

For many customers this is the most significant and powerful aspect of Info 2.0 because it enables content remixing before the mash-up is created – simplifying and focusing the eventual mash-up user interface.

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OverviewInfo 2.0

Discover & Unlock

Assemble & Use

Info 2.0 Overview

Assemble & Use

Once assets have been accessed and prepared, they are assembled in the third step into a mash-up with QED Wiki, Lotus Mashups, Portals, Web applications or even desktop applications like Excel.

Users combine and remix assets located in Mash-up Hub – linking them together in powerful ways to exploit new business opportunities. For example, many companies have databases that they want to make mashable in order to efficiently share data with their business partners.

Transform & Mix

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OverviewInfo 2.0

InfoSphere MashupHub Architecture

MashupHub has a modular architecture that provides a comprehensive set of Enterprise capabilities for information discovery, transformation, mixing and management.

Each module performs a distinct function, and each module can be invoked via open APIs

Source Management

Hub Services


Transform & Mix

Feed / Widget Catalog

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OverviewInfo 2.0

Info 2.0 MashupHub API Strategy

• MashupHub Catalogue• Based on Atom Publishing Protocol (APP)• Entire catalogue is exposed as an ATOM feed

• DAMIA (middle layer) can transform ATOM feeds into RSS or XML docs

• Plug-in API Architecture • Goal to support creation of feeds from other data sources (key to MashupHub)• Any developer can create a plug-in which codes to MashupHub API

• Example: IBM IMS team is currently writing an IMS plug-in for MashupHub

• Widgets included (currently planning one for iWidgets)

• Focus on REST as API mechanism• Decision because REST is Feed and Atom oriented• But… not opposed to Web Services

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OverviewInfo 2.0

MashupHub Programming Interfaces

• Catalog API• Register feeds, upload widgets, edit metadata, delete

• Metrics API• Obtain Widget and feed usage metrics

• Search API• OpenSearch • Find feeds or widgets• Includes predefined searches for recent, popular, tags, etc.

• Administrative API• Basic administrative functions (being defined)

• Plug-in design API• Editor• Execution• Community/Search