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Advanced Placement World History (WHAP) is a challenging one-semester course that is meant to provide students with an expansive view of the history of the human world. The course is structured around the investigation of selected themes woven into key concepts covering distinct chronological periods. AP World History is the equivalent of an INTRODUCTORY COLLEGE SURVEY COURSE! The purposes of this course are threefold. First, it is designed to prepare students for successful placement in higher-level college and university history courses. Second, it is designed to help students understand and develop the skills and habits of mind used by historians in constructing historical narratives. Finally, it is meant to teach students critical thinking, learning, and research skills they will need to be active global citizens in the 21st century. Students will be able to demonstrate their mastery of course content and materials by taking the College Board AP World History exam in May.


WHAP is structured around the investigation of five themes woven into 19 key concepts across six distinct historical periods. (See the appendix at the end of this syllabus for more detailed information.) The goal of this course is to encourage students to develop a sophisticated “big picture” narrative of human history beyond the effort to just collect and memorize information. Though the course will indeed deal with facts – names, dates, events, and the like - it places greater emphasis on historical analysis so that students develop the skills and tools utilized by historians in their construction of history. This is done by focusing on four historical thinking skills: (1) crafting historical arguments from historical evidence, (2) chronological reasoning, (3) comparison and contextualization, and (4) historical interpretation and synthesis. In addition to fostering these skills, the course encourages students to think on many different geographic and temporal scales in order to compare historical events over time and space.

Considering the ambitious goals of the course, it is no surprise that it relies heavily on college-level resources. This includes college-level textbooks, a wide variety of primary sources, and interpretations presented in historical scholarship. In addition, this course contains a wealth of visual images – art, architecture, artifacts, photographs, etc.-meant to broaden the students’ understanding of the products of human societies across the span of world history. These resources are designed to develop the skills required to analyze point of view and interpret evidence to use in creating plausible historical arguments. These tools will also be used to assess issues of change and continuity over time, identifying global processes, comparing and contrasting societies and various aspects of their culture, and understanding diverse interpretations of historiography.

Moreover, this course is meant to show students that the advanced study of world history can be an enjoyable experience as well. Therefore, a wide variety of student-centered activities have been included such as small group projects, debates, discussions, and other interactive assignments that will help students develop higher-level habits of mind while broadening their content knowledge. Many of these activities will also encourage students to move beyond the typical Eurocentric view of global history presented in most secondary world history courses and provide a more balanced global perspective.


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College-level Textbook:Strayer, Robert W. Ways of the World: A Global History. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009

Supplemental Sources: Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel. The Fates of Human Societies. New York, NY: W. W. Norton, 1999 Reilly, Kevin. World of History: A Comparative Reader. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009 Readings in World History. Orlando, Fl.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990 Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in World Civilizations, Volumes I and II, edited by Helen and Joseph

Mitchell, New York, NY: McGraw Hill. 5th edition, 2007 The Human Record. Edited by Alfred Andrea and James Overfield, Boston: Houghton Mifflin; 5th edition, 2004


In many ways WHAP may be different from any history course you have taken in the past. In this course YOU, the student, are responsible for teaching yourself the factual content. My role as your teacher is to help you understand how all those factual details fit together in the puzzle that is the “Big Picture” narrative of world history, while also teaching you the skills necessary for success on both the AP exam and in the 21st century classroom. Therefore, the assignments in this course have been structured in such a way as to help you master the course content on your own so we can use our precious class time to learn “Big Picture” concepts and practice our historical skills. The following is a brief overview of common activities that will be used in each of the five units so that we may meet all of the objectives mentioned previously in the course description section of the syllabus.

Reading & Chapter Outlines: In order to pass this course, you NEED to READ. In the section of this syllabus titled Course Unit Planner I will have a day-by-day breakdown of all your reading assignments from the first day of class until the last. The readings are listed for the day they should be completed (i.e. read them the night before). You will also be expected to outline as you read. In class, I will teach you the Cornell system of note taking and that will serve as your model for how to do your chapter outlines. These two assignments are the most effective way for you to manage the enormous content load this course requires on your own.

WHAP Flashcards: Another assignment that is meant to help you manage the enormous content load in this course is AP World History Flashcards. This will help you gain familiarity with the people, places, events, and ideas that you are required to know and keep it fresh over a long period of time. You are required to make a flashcard for each term that appears at the end of each chapter of the textbook. Your flashcards must be completed on an index card and must include the name of the term, a definition, analysis of the term’s significance in World History, and ci. More information on how to do these flashcards will be provided to you via a handout we go over in class. These flashcards will be enormously useful study tools that you can use for your unit tests, the final exam, and the AP exam in May.

Multimedia Lessons: We will use two specific digital sources to reinforce course content and themes. The first of these sources is the splendid You-Tube series World History Crash Course written and produced by history teachers John Green and Raoul Meyer. Episodes from this series will be used to provide concise yet comprehensive overviews of key concepts and historical events after introducing them in class. The second source we will use is the History Channel’s mini-series Mankind: The Story of All of Us whose episodes correspond very closely with AP World History’s featured time periods and themes. Selected episodes from this series will be shown to provide a visual review of the “Big Picture” content of the unit.

Snapshot Charts: The last homework assignments you will be given in order to help you manage the content load in this course are snapshot charts. Snapshot charts are graphic organizers that are meant to provide you with quick summaries of



Major Grades = 75% Tests Writing Assignments/DBQs Small Group & Individual


Minor Grades = 25% Notebook (Chapter Outlines) Flashcards Snapshot Charts Quizzes Unit Review Timelines

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civilizations, empires, concepts/ideas, or events that occur within a similar time period. They will be given to you at various times this semester and will be another valuable study tool to help you prepare for tests.

Unit Review Timelines: In addition to your readings, outlines, and flashcards, you will also be expected to create a timeline of key dates for each unit. Two days before the end of a unit, I will provide you a handout with the “Must Know Dates”. For homework that night you will need to identify the correct dates for each event, place each date correctly on the timeline template, and briefly write the significance of each event on the timeline Your timelines will also serve as review tools for all our unit tests. The day before each unit test we will use them as part of a class debate in which we attempt to rank the top ten dates for that unit’s time period. Again, we will go over more specific details on how to construct these timelines in class.

Tests: When it comes to major assessments my ultimate goal is to prepare you for the AP exam. The first way that I will prepare you is through unit tests. I will use each unit test to assess your understanding of course content and your mastery of the AP historical skills we practice in class. You will have five unit tests over the course of this semester, and though each will vary in the number of questions and the nature of the writing tasks, they will all feature AP caliber multiple-choice questions, artifact identifications, document interpretation, and a writing task that will follow the progression from constructing a thesis on the first test to writing a full essay by the end of the semester. Furthermore, the course will culminate with a final exam modeled on an actual AP exam that you will take at the end of January. (*Note: Any student who is absent during a unit testing day has 3 days to make up that test. They will receive a different test than their classmates and must make it up on their own time – either BEFORE or AFTER school.)

Writing Assignments: Writing is a huge part of the AP World History Exam. The section of the exam that usually makes or breaks a student’s score is the open-ended section. In this section, you will have 130 minutes to write three historical essays. The three types of essays you must write for the open-ended section of the WHAP exam are as follows…

1. Document Based Question (DBQ) : Students analyze evidence from a variety of sources in order to develop a coherent written argument that has a thesis supported by relevant historical evidence. Students will apply multiple historical thinking skills as they examine a particular historical problem or question.

2. Change and Continuity Over Time (CCOT) : Students identify and analyze patterns of continuity and change over time and across geographic regions. They will also connect these historical developments to specific circumstances of time and place, and to broader regional, national, or global processes.

3. Comparative Essay (C&C) : Students compare historical developments across or within societies in various chronological and/or geographical contexts. Students will also synthesize information by connecting insights from one historical context to another, including the present.

However, many of you coming in to this class are new to AP history classes (and most of you are new to high school!)Therefore, in this class we will have a progression of writing assignments that will help you practice the skills of effective writing before you even attempt a WHAP essay. We will start first with the structure of a good history essay, next work on crafting an effective thesis statement, and then move on to pre-writing strategies before we actually tackle a real WHAP essay. Once you are ready to write a full essay, you will first write a DBQ, then a CCOT, and finally a C&C. Your full essay assignments will first be given as take-home assignments and then by the end of the semester be timed in class. In addition, we will use peer editing and review strategies in class to help you reach your maximum potential as a writer.

Small Group Projects: In addition to tests and essays, you will also be expected to complete projects in small groups of 2, 3 or 4 students in each of our five units. These projects will be interactive assignments meant to enhance your understanding of course content and themes while also providing you with the opportunity to practice the essential life skill of working with others on a common task. They are also intended to provide you with a creative alternative to your other major grades. Considering the difficulty of the tests and essays in this class, your small group projects will offer you vital opportunities to boost your major grade average which accounts for 75% of your overall grade



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The following section will provide you with a day-by-day guide to our AP World History Course. This will provide you with the topic of our lesson on each day of the semester and the reading assignments that must be completed the night before that class period. Although we will attempt to follow this daily guide as closely as we can, you must remember that it is subject to change depending on unforeseen emergencies such as inclement weather, class assemblies, pep rallies, and other school functions that may cause us to miss class time. Still, this planner is a useful guide to the course since it has been created to specifically meet all WHAP requirements in the short amount of time our course meets.

Course Unit Planner Key: Readings and assignments are listed in Italics (WOW = Strayer,Ways of the World Textbook) Readings are listed on the day they are to be completed NOT read (i.e. read the night before!) This list does NOT include all source readings. “Big Picture” Questions are listed to provide the focus of the unit lessons and activities. They represent the

larger themes of the unit that reflect the general patterns in global history during that time period. Skill Focus means that we will be working specifically that day on an important AP historical skill. Project means that we will be working on a small group project during that period.

Intro to the CourseTheme: Becoming “Travelers” not “Tourists” in their study of World HistoryText Reading: Ways of the World: A Global History, Chapters 1Class Periods: 5

“Big Picture” Questions:1. What is the difference of between a “traveler” and a “tourist” in the study of world history? What

advantages does a “traveler” approach to world history offer students?2. How should I behave while in this class so that I can maximize my potential as a student and

classmate? 3. What skills and materials are needed to be successful in this course?


Wed. 9/2- Breaking the Ice/ People BingoSummer Project due

Thurs. 9/3 – Course Intro: Becoming “Travelers” not “Tourists” Get Binder & Notebook

Fri. 9/4 - Skill Focus: Understanding Historical Time/ Note-taking Strategies (Cornell System)WOW “Prologue” pp. li-lviii; WHAP Geo Challenge Worksheet; Read Syllabus w/ parent

Mon. 9/7 – NO CLASS: LABOR DAY Tues. 9/8 - Skill Focus: Working in Groups/”Paleolithic Pictionary” Group Assignment

WOW 11-32; Chap. 1 Outline due

Wed. 9/9 – Skill Focus: How historians “do” history? Reading & Interpreting source documentsWOW 49-56

Unit 1: Foundations in World History (Beginnings of History to c. 500 CE)


The History of the Human World in Only 90 Days!!! Are You Ready for the Challenge?

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Theme: “Civilization & Empire” - Technological and Environmental Transactions in Early Human History/Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies in the Classical EraText Reading: Ways of the World: A Global History, Chapters 2-7Class Periods: 14

“Big Picture” Questions:1. What is meant by “civilization”? Why did the earliest human civilizations begin in Afroeurasia? 2. How did geographic and environmental factors influence the development of the first civilizations?3. What is an “empire”? What factors account for the rise and fall of empires? 4. What is the purpose of religion in human societies? What are the world’s major belief systems and

how were they used to both support and undermine traditional power structures in the earliest civilizations/empires?

Lessons: Thurs. 9/10 – Milestones in Early Human History

WOW 56-67; Chapter 1 Flashcards due Fri. 9/11 – Mankind: The Story of All of Us, Episode #1, “Inventors”

WOW 85-94 Mon. 9/14– NO CLASS: ROSH HASHANAH Tues. 9/15 – The Origins of Civilization?

WOW 94-113; Chapter 2 Flashcards due Wed. 9/16 – Skill Focus: Writing a Thesis Statement

WOW 133-139; Early Civilization Snapshot Chart due Thurs. 9/17 – What is an Empire? (Conrad-Demarest model)

WOW 143-154; Chapter 3 Flashcards due Fri. 9/18 – Skill Focus: Making Historical Comparisons

WOW 154-168, Quiz #1 Mon. 9/21 – Comparing Classical Empires: Han China vs. Rome

WOW 189-202 Tues. 9/22 – Mankind: The Story of All of Us, Episode #3, “Empires”

WOW 202-209; Chapter 4 Flashcards due Wed. 2/23 – NO CLASS: YOM KIPPUR Thurs. 9/24 – What is the Purpose of Religion in Human Societies? / World’s Major Belief Systems

WOW 209-215, 237-242; Snapshot Chart on Classical Empires due; Quiz #2 Fri 9/25 – Project: World Religion Commercial

WOW 242-252 Mon. 9/28 – Project: World Religion Commercial Presentations

WOW 252-260, 281-292; Chapter 5 Flashcards due; Snapshot Chart on World Religions due Tues. 9/29– Intro to Unit Review Timelines/ Classical Patriarchy Document Analysis

WOW 292-305 Wed. 9/30 – Unit Review Timeline: The 10 Most Significant Dates from the Beginning to 600 CE

Unit 1 Review Timeline due; Chapters 6 & 7 Flashcards due Thurs. 10/1 – Unit 1 Test

Unit 2: An Age of Accelerating Connections (c.500 CE – c.1500)Theme: “Trade”- Regional and Transregional Interactions in Post-Classical Afroeurasia


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Text Reading: Ways of the World: A Global History, Chapters 8-12Class Periods: 16

“Big Picture” Questions:1. Why is it necessary for human societies to establish networks of trade and exchange with one

another? 2. What besides goods or items is exchanged when human societies trade with one another? What are

the negative and positive effects of these exchanges on human societies?3. How do different cultures modify and adapt new ideas, especially religious ones, to meet their own

needs? 4. Were the “barbarians” a negative or positive factor in the advancement of civilization during this time

period? Lessons:

Fri. 10/2– Unit 2 Intro: What makes trade tick? WOW 325-329

Mon. 10/5 – World History Crash Course #9: “The Silk Road and Ancient Trade Routes”WOW 333-351; Snapshot Chart on Afro-Eurasian Trade Networks due

Tues. 10/6 – Project: Silk Road Diary (research day)WOW 351-355; Chapter 8 Flashcards due

Wed. 10/7 - The Middle Kingdom: China at the “center” of the Post-classical WorldWOW 379-390

Thurs. 10/8 – Skill Focus: The Document-Based Question (DBQ)WOW 390-404; Students should bring shoe to class

Fri. 10/9– Spread of Buddhism in China DBQ (from 2004 Exam)WOW 425-434, Chapter 9 Flashcards due

Mon. 10/12– NO CLASS: TEACHER INSERVICE Tues. 10/13– Comparing the Worlds of Christian Europe: Eastern vs. Western Christendom

WOW 434-453 Wed. 10/14 – NO CLASS: PSAT TESTING Thurs. 10/15 - World History Crash Course #13: “Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars”

WOW 473-480; Chapter 10 Flashcards due Fri. 10/16 – A Traveler’s Guide to the Islamic World (courtesy of Ibn Battuta)

WOW 480-488 Mon. 10/19 – World History Crash Course #16: “Mansa Musa, Islam in Africa, & the Tran-Saharan Trade”

WOW 488-500; Quiz #3 Tues. 10/20 – World History Crash Course #17: “Wait for it…The Mongols!”

WOW 521-529; Chapter 11 Flashcards due Wed. 10/21–Were the Mongols “civilized”? (DBQ Practice)

WOW 529-541 Thurs. 10/22 – Diseases in Transit: The Black Death Pandemic

WOW 541-548; Chapter 12 Flashcards due Fri. 10/23 – Unit Review Timeline: The 10 Most Significant Dates from the 600 CE – 1450 CE

Unit 2 Review Timeline due Mon. 10/26 – Unit 2 Test Tues. 10/27 – Diary of a Trade Good Project Presentations

Diary of a Trade Good Project due

Unit 3: The Early Modern World (1450-1750)Theme: “Encounters”- Global Interactions and the Global Expansion of Europe


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Text Reading: Ways of the World: A Global History, Chapters 13-16Class Periods: 16

“Big Picture” Questions:1. Why was Europe the civilization that came to explore the world, dominate global trade, and begin the

process of world conquest during this period? 2. What occurs when different peoples encounter each other for the first time? What are the positive

and negative consequences of such encounters?3. In what ways did European expansion establish the world’s first global economy during this period?

How did this new global economy shift the world’s balance of power to the West?

Lessons: Wed. 10/28 – Unit 3 Intro: Encounter, The Dilemma Facing Planet Eporue

WOW 569-584 Thurs. 10/29 – Why did Europe, and not Ming China, explore and conquer the “New World”?

WOW 584-594 Fri. 10/30 – Encounter 1492

WOW 594-599; Chapter 13 Flashcards due Mon. 11/2 through Fri. 11/6 – NO CLASS: FALL BREAK Mon. 11/9 – World History Crash Course #23: “The Columbian Exchange”

WOW 619-621, 625-631; “Why Europe?” DBQ outline due; Columbus Poster Project due Tues. 11/10 – The Spanish Conquest of the Americas (through Aztec eyes)

WOW 631-639 Wed. 11/11 – Project: Colonial Societies Mural Project (Day 1)

WOW 639-650 Thurs. 11/12 – Project: Colonial Societies Mural Project (Day 2)

WOW 673-682; Chapter 14 Flashcards due Fri. 11/13– Silver and Global Commerce

WOW 682-688; “Gunpowder Empires” Snapshot Chart due Mon. 11/16 – Commerce in People: The Atlantic Slave Trade

WOW 688-698; Chapter 15 Flashcards due Tues. 11/17– The Globalization of Christianity

WOW 721-732 Wed. 11/18 – Colonial Societies Mural Project Presentations

WOW 732-737; Colonial Societies Presentation due Thurs. 11/19– Skill Focus: Understanding Continuity and Change Over Time (CCOT)

WOW 737-747 Fri. 11/20– CCOT Practice: Indian Ocean Commerce, 650-1750 (2008 WHAP Exam)

Silver Trade DBQ Outline due; Chapter 16 Flashcards due Mon. 11/23 – Unit Review Timeline: The 10 Most Significant Dates from the 1450 – 1750

Unit 3 Review Timeline due Wed. 11/24 – Unit 3 Test Thurs. 11/25 – Review Silver Trade DBQ

Unit 4: The European Moment in World History (1750-1914)Theme: “Revolutions”- Revolutions in Politics, Industrialization, and Imperialism that led to the Westernization of the Globe


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Text Reading: Ways of the World: A Global History, Chapters 17-20Class Periods: 18

“Big Picture” Questions:1. What are the ingredients needed for a successful revolution? Are the changes wrought by a revolution

really worth all the trouble? 2. How did industrialization change the course of human history? How did industrialization allow

Europeans to finally complete their conquest of the globe? 3. Would you consider 19th century European imperialism as the “White Man’s Burden” or the “White

Man’s crime”? Did European conquest make life better or worse for the indigenous peoples living within European colonies?

Lessons: Mon. 11/30 – Unit 4 Intro: The Fever Model of Revolution

WOW 771-775; Silver Trade DBQ due Tues. 12/1– Review Unit 3 Test/ Project: Revolutionary Diseases (featuring the Atlantic Revolutions)

WOW 779-787 (stop at Haitian Revolution) Wed. 12/2 - Project: Revolutionary Diseases (work day)

WOW 787-793 (stop at Echoes of Revolution Thurs. 12/3– Echoes of the Atlantic Revolutions

WOW 793-804; Chapter 17 Flashcards due Fri 12/4 – Revolutionary Diseases Project Presentation

Revolutionary Disease Project due; Snapshot Chart on Atlantic Revolutions due Mon. 12/7 – World History Crash Course #32: “Coal, Steam, and the Industrial Revolution”

WOW 825-839 Tues. 12/8– The Urbanization Game I: A Case Study of the New Industrial City

WOW 840-846 Wed. 12/9 – Project: Urbanization Game II: Taming the Industrial City

WOW 846-854 Thurs. 12/10 – Urbanization Game II Presentations

WOW 877-882; Chapter 18 Flashcards due Fri. 12/11 – The New Industrial Class System: A Classroom Simulation

WOW 882-889 Mon. 12/14 – Something Old, or Something New? European Imperialism in the late 19th century

WOW 889-903 Tues. 12/15 – Responses to Imperialism in East Asia: China vs. Japan

WOW 923-928; Chapter 19 Flashcards due Wed. 12/16 – European Imperialism in Africa and South Asia: White Man’s Burden or Crime?

WOW 928-940 Thurs. 12/17– Colonial Resistance Artifact Analysis

WOW 941-948 Fri. 12/18 – CCOT Practice: Long-Distance Migrations,1700-1900 (2011 WHAP Exam)

Chapter 20 Flashcards due Mon. 12/21 – Unit Review Timeline: The 10 Most Significant Dates from the 1750-1914

Unit 4 Review Timeline due; Mechanization in India vs. Japan DBQ due Tues. 12/22 – Unit 4 Test Wed. 12/23 – Project: A History of the World in Six Artifacts

Unit 5: The Most Recent Century (1914-Present)Theme: “Conflict”- Accelerating Global Changes, Realignments, & Challenges for Humanity in the 21st CenturyText Reading: Ways of the World: A Global History, Chapters 21-24


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Class Periods: 18

“Big Picture” Questions:1. To what extent were the two world wars distinct and different conflicts, and in what ways were they

related to each other? In what ways did Europe’s internal conflicts between 1914 and 1945 have global implications?

2. What was the appeal and promise of the Communist Experiment and why did it fail in the end?3. To what extent is violence necessary in the process of decolonization? How was the end of colonial

rule both a blessing and a curse for the new developing nations (former colonies)?4. Where is the human story headed in the 21st century? What are the changes and challenges on the

horizon that may shift the human story in new directions in the near future?

Lessons: Thurs. 12/24 through Fri. 1/1 – NO CLASS: WINTER BREAK Mon. 1/4 – Unit 5 Intro: A Century of Conflict?

WOW 969-973, 977-1008; Chapter 21 Flashcards due Tues. 1/5 – World History Crash Course #36: “Archdukes, Cynicism and World War I”

WOW 1029-1037 Wed.1/6 – World War I Propaganda: What can it tell us about the “war to end all wars”?

WOW 1038-1045 Thurs. 1/7 –The Great Depression: A Global Economic Crisis

WOW 1045-1051 Fri. 1/8 – Look Out Here Come the Dictators! The Rise of Authoritarian/Totalitarian States

WOW 1051-1058 Mon. 1/11 – World History Crash Course #38: “World War II”

WOW 1081-1086; Chapter 22 Flashcards due Tues. 1/12 – The Legacy of World War II: What did the World Learn?

WOW 1086-1094 Wed. 1/13– The Communist Experiment in the 20th century: Stalin’s USSR vs. Mao’s Peoples Republic of China

WOW 1094-1103 (stop at Experiments with Culture: The Role of Islam in Turkey and Iran) Thurs. 1/14– World History Crash Course #39: “USA vs. USSR Fight! The Cold War”

WOW 1103-1108; Chapter 23 Flashcards due Fri. 1/15 – The Cold War Melts: 1989 and the Fall of Communism?

WOW 1133-1144 Mon. 1/18 – NO CLASS: MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY Tues. 1/19 – World History Crash Course #40: “Decolonization and Nationalism Triumphant”

WOW 1145-1150; Olympic Movement DBQ (timed at home) due Wed. 1/20–Project: Flags of Freedom: Nation-Building in the Global South

WOW 1150-1158 Thurs. 1/21 – Flags of Freedom Project Presentations

WOW 1158-1165; Flags of Freedom Project due Fri. 1/22 –Globalization: Good or Bad?

Chapter 24 Flashcards due; Globalization Crash Courses #41 and #42 due Mon. 1/25– Unit Review Timeline: The 10 Most Significant Dates from 1914-Present

Chapter 24 Flashcards due; Unit 5 Review Timeline due Tues. 1/26– Unit 5 Test Wed. 1/27 & Thurs. 1/28 – A History of the World in Six Artifacts Project Presentations

Appendix A: Historical Periodization for AP World History


Friday, January 29, 2016 – WHAP FINAL EXAM!!!!

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riod Title Date Range WeightPeriod Period Title Date Range Weight

1 Technological and Environmental Transformations . to 600 B.C.E. 5%2 Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies c. 600 B.C.E. to c. 600 C.E. 15%3 Regional and Transregional Interactions c. 600 C.E. to c. 1450 20%4 Global Interactions c. 1450 to c. 1750 20%5 Industrialization and Global Integration c. 1750 to c. 1900 20%6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments c. 1900 to the present 20%

Appendix B: Key Concepts in AP World History

Period 1:Technological and Environmental Transformations, to 600 B.C.E.

Key Concept 1.1. Big Geography and the Peopling of the EarthKey Concept 1.2. The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural SocietiesKey Concept 1.3. The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral, and Urban Societies

Period 2:Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies, c. 600 B.C.E. to c. 600 C.E.

Key Concept 2.1. The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural TraditionsKey Concept 2.2. The Development of States and EmpiresKey Concept 2.3. Emergence of Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange

Period 3:

Regional and Transregional Interactions, c. 600 C.E. to c. 1450

Key Concept 3.1. Expansion and Intensification of Communication and Exchange NetworksKey Concept 3.2. Continuity and Innovation of State Forms and Their InteractionsKey Concept 3.3. Increased Economic Productive Capacity and Its Consequences

Period 4:Global Interactions,c. 1450 to c. 1750

Key Concept 4.1. Globalizing Networks of Communication and ExchangeKey Concept 4.2. New Forms of Social Organization and Modes of ProductionKey Concept 4.3. State Consolidation and Imperial Expansion

Period 5:Industrialization and Global Integration, c. 1750 to c. 1900

Key Concept 5.1. Industrialization and Global CapitalismKey Concept 5.2. Imperialism and Nation State FormationKey Concept 5.3. Nationalism, Revolution, and ReformKey Concept 5.4. Global Migration

Period 6:Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to the present

Key Concept 6.1. Science and the EnvironmentKey Concept 6.2. Global Conflicts and Their ConsequencesKey Concept 6.3. New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society, and Culture