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AP European History Midterm

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following was a tenet of Martin Luther's theology?

a. salvation through good works

b. Church tradition as a source of knowledge about God

c. predestination

d. millenarianism

e. salvation by faith alone

2. The greatest significance of the Council of Trent for the history of Europe was

a. its triumph over Protestantism

b. its successful reform of the Roman Church

c. its pledge, on the part of the German princes, not to go to war over religion

d. that it signified a defeat for those who wished for reconciliation between Protestants and the Roman Church

e. that it served as an anti-Protestant force all over the globe

3. The relative peace of the Restoration Period in England broke down when

a. Oliver Cromwell died

b. James II ascended to the throne

c. Charles II ascended to the throne

d. Elizabeth I ascended to the throne

e. a Protestant fleet invaded from the Netherlands

4. The degree of absolutism achieved by the seventeenth-century Bourbon monarchy in France is best explained by

a. the relatively low degree of religious turmoil in seventeenth-century France

b. the fact that seventeenth-century France was a republic

c. the series of "little ice ages" that characterized the climate of the 1600s

d. the availability of cheap housing for the rural poor

e. the brilliance of Louis XIV

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5. The baroque style was popular in buildings built by

a. the aristocratic class only

b. all the classes of eighteenth-century Europe

c. absolute monarchs of seventeenth-century Europe

d. the lower classes

e. the bourgeoisie of nineteenth-century Europe

6. The theory which came to be known as Copernicanism

a. argued that each piece of matter in the universe was attracted to every other particle of matter by a universally operating force.

b. promoted a geocentric model of the cosmos

c. declared that all matter was made up of four elements

d. promoted a heliocentric model of the cosmos

e. argued that the universe was infinite

7. "Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains." This quotation summarizes the view of human nature of

a. John Locke

b. Martin Luther

c. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

d. Voltaire

e. Jeremy Bentham

8. The Middle Passage refers to

a. Scripture

b. the shipping channel that connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea

c. the advent of rural manufacturing

d. the route to China that was the backbone of the silk trade

e. the transportation of African slaves across the Atlantic to the Americas and the West Indies

9. Which of the following were part of the structure of Calvinist communities?

a. pastors

b. doctors

c. deacons

d. elders

e. all of the above

10. The period of British history 1649–1660, in which Britain was ruled without a monarch, is known as

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a. the Restoration

b. the Glorious Revolution

c. the Commonwealth

d. the English Civil War

e. the Norman Conquest

11. In Crime and Punishment (1764), the Italian philosopher Cesare Beccaria extended the Enlightenment line of thought by arguing that

a. the purpose of punishment should be to rehabilitate and reintegrate the individual into society

b. an all-powerful ruler was necessary to keep order and prevent crime

c. the death penalty should be abolished

d. the punishment for crimes should be standard in all kingdoms

e. society corrupts human nature, which is naturally good

12. Which of the following were factors in the breaking of the traditional population cycle in eighteenth-century Europe?

a. the Black Death

b. the Hundred Years War

c. the development of heavy industry

d. the development of rural manufacturing

e. the advent of steam power

13. In France, England, and Spain the Renaissance was centered in

a. the great independent city-states

b. the royal courts

c. small independent religious communities

d. the great universities

e. all of the above

14. The Anglican Church, as created by Henry VIII, differed from other Protestant churches in that it

a. was congregational

b. remained loyal to Rome

c. had an episcopal structure

d. broke with Rome

e. abolished the sacraments

15. The landholding nobles of Central and Eastern Europe differed from those in Western Europe in the period 1600–1715 in that they

a. were drastically reduced in number

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b. made an alliance with the middle classes

c. triumphed in their struggle with the monarchs

d. lost control of their lands

e. retained control of vast estates worked by serfs

16. Enlightened despotism refers to

a. the idea that powerful rulers would act to reform and rationalize European society

b. Prussian militarism

c. the rule of law

d. the extensive, international correspondence network of the philosophes

e. a network of fraternities linked together by a Grand Lodge

17. The enclosure movement in Britain was most directly a result of

a. the development of the manorial system

b. the failure of mercantilism

c. the collectivization of agriculture

d. the development of the Bessemer process

e. the development of market-oriented agriculture

18. The most prevalent form of religious belief among the philosophes wasa. Catholicism

b. Lutheranism

c. Islam

d. deism

e. atheism

19. Which of the following was NOT a component of the triangle of trade?

a. guns

b. silk

c. cotton

d. timber

e. slaves

20. The cottage industry or putting-out system that had a dramatic effect on European economic and social life in the eighteenth century primarily produced

a. steel

b. iron

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c. cotton

d. guns

e. textiles

21. In order to increase the power of the newly unified Spanish monarchy, Ferdinand and Isabella

a. instituted liberal reforms

b. bought the loyalty of the Spanish nobility by strengthening the institution of serfdom

c. allowed Protestantism to flourish in Spain

d. signed an alliance with Britain and France

22. After the publication of Newton's Principia Mathematica in 1687,a. mathematics became the "queen of the sciences"

b. people spoke of a universe instead of a cosmos

c. it was known that Jupiter had four moons

d. it was understood that the cosmos was geocentric

e. Newton was condemned by the Catholic Church

23. Russia participated in the expansionist trend of the late eighteenth century by

a. defeating the Ottoman Turks in 1774

b. single-handedly conquering Poland in 1775

c. invading Prussia in 1770

d. enacting the Pragmatic Sanction

e. invading Finland in 1774

24. Which of the following can be understood as a result of the Seven Years War?

a. The French Revolution began.

b. Maria Theresa ascended to the throne of Austria.

c. Britain became the dominant imperial power in the world.

d. The Ottoman Turks were further weakened.

e. Prussia was weakened.

25. Fifteenth-century attempts to centralize and consolidate power were most successful in

a. France

b. England

c. Italy

d. Spain

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e. Germany

26. Which of the following is true of humanism as it manifested itself in northern Europe?

a. It was less secular than Italian Renaissance humanism.

b. It pursued scholarship and learning in a tradition of religious piety.

c. It was critical of the notion that priests were required to understand and interpret Scripture.

d. It formed part of the foundation for the Reformation.

e. All of the above.

27. Which of the following is particular to Calvinist theology?

a. Salvation is achieved through faith alone.

b. Scripture is the only reliable guide to salvation.

c. The Church must not be hierarchical in nature.

d. Some souls have been predestined for salvation.

e. The Bible should be printed in the vernacular.

28. Which of the following was accomplished by Peter the Great of Russia (1682–1725)?

a. He abolished serfdom.

b. He expanded the Russian Empire.

c. He launched the industrialization of Russia.

d. He curbed the power of the nobility.

e. He provided tax relief for the peasantry.

29. Galileo's discovery of craters on the surface of the moon damaged the traditional view of the cosmos because it

a. demonstrated that the moon was not made of perfect matter

b. demonstrated the power of the telescope

c. contradicted the notion that the Earth was at the center of the cosmos

d. called into question the perfection of God's creative power

e. all of the above

30. Which of the following was argued by John Locke in the Second Treatise of Government?

a. Peace requires an absolute ruler.

b. A government must follow the "general will" of the people.

c. Democracy is the only legitimate form of government.

d. The government must always protect the people's right to property.

e. Monarchy must always be opposed.

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31. The War for Austrian Succession (1740–1748) was caused by

a. Prussian expansionist aims

b. a revolt of Austrian nobles

c. the Pragmatic Sanction

d. French aggression

e. all of the above

32. In the fifteenth century, the Holy Roman Emperor was

a. appointed by the pope

b. dethroned in the Hundred Years War

c. chosen by 7 electors consisting of nobility and clergy

d. almost always a protestant

e. in charge of a vast, highly unified empire

33. The creation of a Spanish Empire in the New World had all of the following effects EXCEPT

a. economic inflation in Europe

b. the establishment of Roman Catholicism in the New World

c. the rise of a wealthy merchant class in Europe

d. the establishment of a hierarchical social structure in Europe

e. the establishment of a system of economic dependence between Europe and the New World

34. A traditional institution within the Catholic Church that was transformed in the sixteenth century to fight the spread of Protestantism was

a. the Reformation

b. the Counter-Reformation

c. the Inquisition

d. the Conciliar Movement

e. the Court of the Star Chamber

35. Which of the following best characterizes the Counter-Reformation?

a. a movement to reform the Catholic Church from within

b. a movement to stamp out Protestantism

c. a movement to create a "third theological way"

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d. a movement to both reform from within and combat the spread of Protestantism

e. a movement to censure thinkers like Galileo

36. The source of Prussian power in the eighteenth century was

a. Bismarck's genius

b. Prussia's industrial strength

c. Prussia's diplomatic alliances

d. Prussia's geographical position

e. Prussia's powerful military

37. Which of the following led an expedition that eventually circumnavigated the globe?

a. Vasco da Gama

b. Amerigo Vespucci

c. Martin Waldseemüller

d. Ferdinand Magellan

e. Christopher Columbus

38. All of the following help to explain why the Renaissance originated on the Italian peninsula EXCEPT

a. geography

b. political organization

c. religion

d. social structure

e. economic structure

39. All of the following posed difficulties for the Christian Church in Europe during the first decade of the sixteenth century EXCEPT

a. the pope's status as ruler of the Papal States.

b. the Church's use of Latin in the mass and in the printed Bible

c. an increasingly literate population

d. the Church's inability to tend to the emotional and spiritual needs of the population

e. the split in the Christian population caused by the Protestant movement

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40. Which of the following would NOT be included in a list of the causes of the English Civil War (1642–1646)?

a. the religion of Charles I's wife

b. wars with Spain and France

c. the invasion of a Protestant army from the Netherlands

d. the invasion of England by the Scots

e. Parliament's refusal to fund the war with Scotland without reform

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Directions: The following question is based on the accompanying Documents 1–10. (The documents have been edited for the purpose of this exercise.)This question is designed to test your ability to work with and understand historical documents. Write an essay that:

has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence from the documents

uses the majority of the documents

addresses all parts of the question

analyzes the documents by organizing them in as many appropriate ways as possible and does not simply summarize the documents individually

takes into account both the sources of the documents and the authors' points of view

You may refer to relevant historical information not mentioned in the documents.

1. Discuss the changing attitudes and arguments regarding the basis for knowledge of the natural world in the following documents.

Document 1

Document 2

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Document 3

Document 4

Document 5

Document 6

Document 7

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Document 8

Document 9

Document 10

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Free Response Question

Directions: You are to answer ONE question from the three questions below. Make your selection carefully, choosing the question that you are best prepared to answer thoroughly.

Write an essay that:

Has a relevant thesis. Addresses all parts of the question. Supports the thesis with specific evidence Is well organized

1. Compare and contrast the motives and actions of Martin Luther in the German states and King Henry VIII in England in bringing about religious change during the Reformation.

2. How and to what extent did the Commercial Revolution transform the European economy and diplomatic balance of power in the period from 1650 to 1763?

3. How and to what extent did the methods and ideals of Renaissance humanism contribute to the Protestant Reformation?