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7925 July 2012

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Mission stateMent To be a world leader in ship repair, conversion, new building and offshore marine engineering, we maintain trusting relationships with our customers, employers, and partners, yielding best returns for shareholders, society and environment. Depending on our talented engineers working alongside with an efficient project management team and a highly skilled workforce, we could guarantee to deliver the projects we undertake timely and professionally.

“SEVAn 650” staged in EXPo2012 yeosu Korea

naming ceremony ofthe wind turbine installation vessel n370

nKK leaders visit CoSCo ShipyardOn July 11th, a group led

by Mr. TAKUYA YONEYA, the Executive Vice President of Class NKK, visited the COSCO Shipyard Group. Mr.Zhan Shuming, the Chief Engineer of the COSCO Shipyard Group, and other relevant persons attended the welcoming reception.

After a visit to the COSCO Shipyard Group culture exhibition ha l l , M r. TAKUYA YONEYA introduced the development of

NKK in the shipbuilding market in recent years, IACS common spec i f i ca t ion research and software development. During the talks, both sides had a deep discussion on the development of further new ship types, software app l i ca t i on s tandards and personnel training, among other things. They expressed good wishes to strengthen cooperation with each other.

On July 10, the Jiangsu week of world Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea was opened at the China Pavilion of the Yeosu Expo Garden.

M r. Fu Z i y i ng , t he v i c e -governor of Jiangsu province, attended the opening ceremony. COSCO Nantong Shipyard took the opportunity to demonstrate its latest achievements by showcasing its “SEVAN 650”cylindrical drilling platform. It attracted hundreds of visitors from home and abroad and Mr. Fu Ziying highly praised the platform.

South Korea is hosting the international expo from May 12, to Aug. 12, 2012. The theme is “the Living Ocean and Coast”. The idea is to foster innovative industries and technologies that use marine

On July 24th, 2012, the third generation wind turbine installation jack up, N370, was named “SEA INSTALLER” at COSCO (Qidong) Offshore base. This vessel is being designed and built for the Danish owner A2SEA as part of the Dong Energy Power A/S.

It’s the world’s most advanced wind turbine installation vessel, which, along with a high of degree of automation, also provides an additional and fully integrated-ability in transportation, lifting and installation of a wide range of large scale generator components. COSCO Shipyard Group has the independent intellectual property rights of this series of marine offshore vessels, in both basic and detailed design. The successful building of SEA INSTALLER truly marks the establishment of a full capability in the design & construction of advanced third generation wind turbine offshore installation jack up units in China.

As demanded in the specifica-

tion, the design and build fulfils all the strict specifications of both DNV Class and the Danish Maritime Authority rules. In the design, a number of advanced marine technologies were adopted, including a DP-2 dynamic positioning system and an all-electric propulsion system,

so the vessel has excellent mobility between the pier and wind farm, and accurate dynamic positioning ability in the floating condition. It is equipped with four cylindrical hydraulic leg lifting systems and an 800 tonne heavy hydraulic crane. This greatly increases the

main deck loading area making it suitable for 5MW to 7MW windmill installations. The hydraulic leg lifting system can load 10 sets of windmill components each time, which fulfils the DNV CLEAN requirements for environmental protection. This vessel is very suitable for future

European offshore wind power projects and has very broad market prospects.

Fo l l ow ing the success fu l delivery of two second generation wind turbine installation jack ups, the third generation wind turbine installation jack up SEA INSTALLER series is now being designed and constructed by COSCO Shipyard. T h e y a r d h a s a l s o s t a r t e d construction of the second vessel in this series. The COSCO Shipyard constantly works to enrich its experience in this field.

At the naming ceremony, the Godmother Mrs. Jonna R. Lausen named this vessel “SEA INSTALLER”. Mr. Jens F. Hansen, the CEO of A2SEA, highly praised the high qual i ty construct ion standards and capabi l i t ies of COSCO Nantong Shipyard and expressed his desire to further s t r e n g t h e n c o o p e r a t i o n i n developing more and higher level Green and low carbon offshore products together.

r e s ou r c e s a nd e ne r g y i n a sustainable and environmentally-friendly way. With the theme of “One Ocean, One Home”, the Chinese Pavi l ion emphasized harmony between humankind

and the oceans, focus ing on showcasing China’s constant efforts to preserve and develop ocean and coastal resources, ocean science and technology and marit ime culture.

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n201&n202 namingn202 sea trails

First 12K DWt asphalt carrier, n409, sea trials

n333 delivered

n383 launched successfully

n385keel laying

On July 3, N201 & N202, the two 57,000DWT bulk carriers, being built for the Far Eastern G roup, were named “ASIAN CHAMPION” and “ASIAN TRIUMPH” respectively, in COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard. Mr. Xu Xudong, the group Chairman, Mr. Wang Shuji, the G. M. o f U-Ming Mar ine Transport Corp., Mr. Wang Yuhang, the President of COSCO Shipyard, and Mr. Dong Yezong, the G. M. of COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard, attended the naming ceremony.

On July 15, the yard completed the sea trails of N202 successfully, within 33 hours. All the test data met the design requirements and the results were highly praised by the ship owners.

On July 12th, the launch of N383, the first 57,000DWT bulk carr ier being bui l t for Greek

c o m p a ny O C E A N S TA R , wa s completed smoothly by COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard.

On Ju ly 13th, the keel laying ceremony of N385, the third 57,000DWT bulk carrier being built for Greek company OCEANSTAR, was he ld in COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard.

On July 8, N409, the first 12,000DWT asphalt carrier (being built for a Hong Kong company), successfully completed sea trials and returned to COSCO Dalian Shipyard. It lasted 63 days from the vessel launching to sea trails and it is expected to be delivered at the end of July.

The special ship is a new business stream for COSCO Dalian Shipyard following its construction of 57K、80K、82K and 92.5K bulk carries and 30k heavy lift vessels, which have formed the foundation for the yard’s market exploration.

O n J u l y 2 n d , C O S C O Dalian Shipyard delivered the 82,000DWT bulk carrier N333 to its owner, GLEAMRAY MARITIME INC. N333, which has been named ECOFAITH G.O., is the first 82,000DWT bulk carrier to be built by COSCO Shipyard. Mr.T.Ba l ta tz i s , the owner ’s representative, Mr.Yang Zhencai,

the LR Class Project Manager, and other team members co-witnessed the moment.

N333 has d imens ions of 229m x 32.26m x 20.25m and a total of seven cargo holds. This 82,000DWT bulk carrier is a new ship type designed and developed independently by COSCO Dalian Shipyard.

n385 keel layingOn July 13th, the keel laying

ceremony of N385, the th ird 57,000DWT bulk carrier being

bui l t for the Greek company OCEANSTAR, was held in COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard.


n352 sea trialsCompleted i ts three-day

sea trials, N352, being built fo r Tu rk i sh owner SEMIH , returned to COSCO Guangdong Shipyard. The vessel is the first 35,000DWT bulk carrier

bui l t by COSCO Guangdong Shipyard. Another vessel in the same series, N353, is being built steadily at the shipyard accord ing the construct ion plan.

n374 Steel cutting

On July 16th, the steel cutt ing ceremony for the 57,000DWT bulk carrier, N374, was held in COSCO Dalian Shipyard. This vessel is the fourth 57,000DWT bulk carrier in the series being built for the Chinese company State Development & Investment Corporation (SDIC).

Page 3: “SEVAn 650” staged in EXPo2012 yeosu Korea panda news/pandane… · EXPo2012 yeosu Korea naming ceremony of the wind turbine installation vessel n370 nKK leaders visit CoSCo Shipyard

Offshore 3


n488 keel laying

SEVAn 650 3# docking and hull erection

t17 Drilling tender barge launched

On July 4, COSCO Nantong Sh ipya rd he ld a kee l l ay ing ceremony for the wind turbine i n s t a l l a t i o n ve s s e l (WTIV ) , N488, being built for A2SEA A/S, a subsidiary of Dong Energy Power A/S. The ship owners, ship surveyors and leaders from the yard co-witnessed the moment.

N488 is the second WTIV designed and built by COSCO Nantong Shipyard. Based on

the experience gained from the previous WTIV, the bow line has been optimized and the ship speed has been greatly advanced for N488, whose lifting capacity is also extended to 900T when compared to the previous vessel’s 800T limit.

Following the delivery of the 2nd generation WTIVs in COSCO Nantong Shipyard, the 1st of the 3rd generation vessels completed sea trails recently. The continuous

optimization and innovation in terms of project management, q u a l i t y m a n a g e m e n t a n d production technology has ensured that the yard has accumulated rich experience with building self-elevating WTIVs and has also blazed a trail for the domestic mar ine i ndus t r y i n c rea t i ng intellectual property from design through to construction.

On July 3, SEVAN 650 #3 was successfully docked in COSCO Qidong Shipyard. The project i s now comp le t ing EL 13 .4 - 24.5M main hull erection and the associated large block erection.

Based on experience gained from the two previous projects, by making full use of the resources

of the Qidong Base and applying l a r g e m o d u l e c o n s t r u c t i o n methods, the block outfitting rate and platform integrity have been significantly improved compared to the previous two platforms. Furthermore, the construction per iod has been shor tened , further assuring steady progress

against schedule.It is reported that on July

12, the #1—6 sect ions were successfully lifted up onto the hull as planned and within 6 working days , ach iev ing the EL 24.5 meters milestone for hull erection and also ensuring a solid basis for erection of the remaining blocks.

On 24th July, COSCO Nantong S h i p ya r d h e l d a l a u n c h i n g ceremony for the T-17 Drilling tender project (N402). The tender barge is being built for the Seadrill Company. Equipment installation and commissioning work will be carried out after the launch.

Successful Repair oftwo vessels wins honors

Two container vessels, “Mare Ionium” and “Mare Thracium”, w e r e r e p a i r e d i n C O S C O Lianyungang Shipyard in June, 2012. Both belong to Hammonia Gmbh & Co, KG, and it was the first time this company had worked with COSCO Lianyungang Shipyard. The yard leaders considered this a very important opportunity.

The main repair scope for the vessels included normal hull and mechanical repairs, in addition to all the hatch covers having to be repaired & painted ashore and the surface treatment and painting of the inner bottom plating and hull.

Due to the vessels’ loading schedules, there was a lot of pressure to ensure the repair was completed to a very tight schedule. In view of the time pressure, the ship repair team

made a de ta i l ed p l an and schedule and presented it to the vessel superintendent. The repair work, including the repair of the main air cooler/fuel oil heater and boiler, was passed at the first inspection. Both sides worked very well together and all their hard work and effort paid off, as all repair work was accomplished to a high standard and both vessels departed smoothly, earning COSCO Lianyungang Shipyard high praise from the attending superintendents.

After the successful repair and departure of both sister vessels, the Managing Director, Mr. Rene Menzel, sent an e-mail to the yard Commercial Director, Mr. Tian Jun, to express his appreciation of the work and effort that ensured the ships had sailed on time; His e-mail is detailed below:

Dear Mr.Tian JunReference is made to a.m. matter and earlier

correspondence.Kindly note that I have been informed today that

our MV "Hammonia Thracium" left already your good shipyard COSCO Lianyungang after she has been successfully dry-docked and repaired as part of her 3rd class renewal.

Further in that context I would like to heartily thank you for your personal application in that very important case and look forward to a fruitful and successful cooperation in the future.

Sincerely yoursHammonia ReedereiRene Menzel-Managing Director-

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Ship Repair & Conversion4

Victorious Completion of Falcon Repair

new Achievement forlPG Projects

FoRtE sailed successfully

Repair of “ KotA MEGAh”

tsm’s “Kanak Prem”in Cosco Zhoushan Shipyard

Following the successful repair of MV EAGLE in October, 2011, the owner decided that they would take MV FALCON to COSCO Nantong Shipyard the following month (November) for repair. Due to revised cargo schedules, the ship repair plan had to be changed many t imes, but the owners continually reaffirmed their plan to bring the vessel to COSCO Nantong Shipyard. At the beginning of May 2012, MV FALCON finally arrived at COSCO Nantong Shipyard, as promised by the owner.

The main repair scope included

sand blasting of the main deck, steel plates renewal, mechanical and electrical work, and other in-dock repairs. As it required almost a month for the spare parts required for repair of the damaged stern tube bearing to arrive, a second docking had to be arranged. The technical standard for the checking of shaft alignment, machin ing of the stern tube bearing and the shaft flange boring were very strict. Our project team made a detailed plan of the repair, actively joining with WARTSILA and other renowned international

companies to solve the technical problems, and thus provided the owner with a high quality repair.

After two months of repair, the vessel sailed away smoothly; we had completed another successful repair mission. The successful repair of both MV EAGLE and MV FALCON resulted in a satisfied owner who has no doubt in our ability to deliver good service and quality, ensuring the establishment o f a m a t u r e c o o p e r a t i v e relationship where trust in each other is established over a long time and is deep and well formed.

On 17th July, after 14 days of hard work by COSCO (Dalian) shipyard, MV”FORTE”, the first semi-submersible vessel in the history of Dalian shipyard, sailed successfully. ”FORTE” belongs to the famous dutch company ”Fairstar Heavy Transport N.V.”. She is a brand new vesse l and was just delivered from GSI (GuangZhou Sh ipya rd International Company Ltd.). ”Fa irs tar ” has a very good cooperative relationship with “Chevron” and the work our shipyard was instructed to carry out prior to the vessel’s first voyage was in accordance with the requirements of “Chevron”. They required that the vessel be completely cleaned including al l the water bal last tanks. The biggest job was the high

pressure water wash of 81 ballast tanks: According to the owner’s requirement, 80% of these tanks had to be cleaned during the 6-day docking period. Faced with this important and difficult mission, the yard arranged for hundreds of washing guns and laborers to work day and night shifts and they managed to complete the task in 4 days. By the final day in drydock, all the tanks had been cleaned and they passed the Australia inspector’s inspection successfully. The owner was very satisfied with the quality and efficiency of the yard’s work. The shipyard learned a lot from working on this new type of vessel, gathering lots of new experience and making good preparation for possible future repair work of semi-submersible vessels!

“KOTA MEGAH” is a container vessel which belongs to our long-term c l ient REEDEREI NORD GMBH. For this visit, the main tasks scheduled for the 28,370GRT vessel (which has a length of 205m and a breadth 27.4m) included: 1.Tank coating: about 40,000sqm; 2. Main Engine and Auxi l lary Engine overhaul; 3. Steel renewal: about 137T.

During the repairs the owner

and ship’s staff were satisfied with the quality and rate of progress of the tank coating and, as a result, requested four more side tanks be

re-coated than was prescribed in the original plan. The shipyard tried its best to avoid conflict between the Cargo Hold steel renewals and Double Bottom Tank coating tasks. To meet the owner’s requirement, the shipyard carried out the hatch cover fitting and testing day and night during the final two days. It took only 40 days to complete all the repairs, despite hot weather, storm and typhoon challenges.

On July 22nd, 2012, M/V KANAK PREM sailed successfully, after 44 days’ hard work, and began her new journey.

M/V KANAK PREM belongs to TARGET SHIP MANAGEMENT PTE. Ltd. Target area ship management provides a complete range of integrated marine services, and owns a fleet of thirteen dry bulk carriers.

The repair of M/V KANAK PREM was their first occasion to cooperate with COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard.

The work scope of the repairs included Tank top, Water Ballast Tank (WBT) & Hatch cover renewals comprising, in total, 700 tonnes of steel; overhaul of 24 sets oil motor and oil pumps and of 4 sets of deck cranes hydraulic piping renewals on deck comprising 900m of lines; sandblasting and painting of 7 cargo holds, main deck hydro jetting and painting, Top side tanks chipping and painting. The 4 sets of deck cranes were quite difficult to repair within

the time available. The plum rain season and a lack of labor, among other things, also caused the project management team some difficulty. However, Mr. Cao, our Executive Deputy General Manager, together with other relevant departments, paid great attention to the repair work. Every day, the sub-contractors were divided into two groups to take turns to work day and night. When the project neared the end, the team stayed on board for four days to make sure it could sail on time.

The repair period was quite protracted and so the yard organized many activities for the owner’s team, including basketball games, a BBQ and parties. The superintendents became quite friendly with our colleagues in the service centre. On June 19th, 2012, one of our colleagues in the service centre got married. One week before, Mr. KARANJIKAR heard the news and sent his best wishes for the bride’s happy marriage. When he was invited to join the wedding ceremony, he was very pleased. Although he was quite busy on board, he still remembered it. On the wedding day, he was early back to the hotel to change and arrived on time. The Captain, Chief engineer and Second Engineer also came one after another. The wedding couple treated them as distinguished guests and led them to honored seats.

On July 12, 2012, M/V “KANAK PREM” sailed successfully, proving that the yard could be victorious, despite rainy days and a lack of labor. Not only did it show COSCO Zhoushan’s spirit, but it also laid a good foundation for cooperation between the shipyard and our good customer, TSM.

games, a BBQ and parties. The superintendents became quite friendly with our colleagues in the service centre. On June 19th, 2012, one of our colleagues in the service centre got married. One week before, Mr. KARANJIKAR heard the news and sent his best wishes for the bride’s happy marriage. When he was invited to join the wedding ceremony, he was very pleased. Although he was quite busy on board, he still remembered it. On the wedding day, he was early back to the hotel to change and arrived on time. The Captain, Chief engineer and Second Engineer also came one after another. The wedding couple treated them as distinguished guests and led them to honored seats.

On July 12, 2012, M/V “KANAK PREM” sailed successfully, proving that the yard could be victorious, despite rainy days and a lack of labor. Not only did it show COSCO Zhoushan’s spirit, but it also laid a good foundation for cooperation between the shipyard and our good customer, TSM.

Recently COSCO Shanghai Shipyard achieved huge success in the repair of three LPG vessels. These three LPGs are all old ladies, with an average age of 20 years. The repair job was huge and complicated and included a total of 100 tons steel renewal, machinery overhaul, spherical tanks foam insulation renewal, and alarm system service. We achieved an average working period of only 20 days per vessel. This outstanding achievement significantly impressed the owner, EVERGAS from Norway, and their management agents, Thome Shipmanagement. The successful repair of this series has convinced them that COSCO Shanghai is a highly qualified LGP repair yard and will be their repair yard of choice in the future.

The fleet manager, Mr. Damir, sent a letter of praise to COSCO Shangha i . In the le t ter he described his satisfaction as

"With this I would like to extend my personal thanks and appreciation for a good job done on Sigloo fleet vessels and very good cooperation between managers, crews and shipyard personnel.

Special thanks to group of people ( They will know to whom I am referring to ) who kept it to the end, making Sigloo Tor sailing on time as scheduled.”

As a result of these successful projects, he is now considering future cooperation with COSCO Shanghai in multiple sectors, including bulk carriers, chemical tankers and even LNGs, in the foreseeable future.

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Join Us? Speakers (Confirmed, From A to Z by first name)


World Shipping (China) Summit 2012 will be held in the city of Xiamen from September 19 to 21, 2012. Centered upon the theme of "Sharing an Orderly Market", the Summit will once again provide a high-profile platform for leaders and shipping professionals to get together to discuss issues of the industry's most pressing common concern and work out visionary and effective plans to address the current challenges faced by the industry and to achieve healthy, sustainable and long-term development of the world's shipping industry.

In the past eight years, COSCO, DREWRY, MARITIME CHINA and JOC (Journal of Commerce) successively co-organized the "World Shipping (China) Summits" in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin,

Dalian, Qingdao, Guangzhou and Boao. Each year, the Summit was attended by hundreds of top leaders from the maritime world including shipping carriers, shippers, ports, shipbuilders, government officials, scholars, bankers, lawyers and other industry professionals. As a high-quality and insightful platform, the summit has built up a critical forum that enables the voices of industrial elites to be heard and allows the joint efforts of shipping community for building a healthy shipping market to be recognized. The Summit has also contributed to the shaping of better industry norms and greater corporate citizenship and to the safeguarding of common interest of all stakeholders of the world maritime community......

Mr. arjun Batra, Major shareholder and Group Managing Director, Drewry Shipping ConsultantsMr. arthur Bowring, Managing Director, Hong Kong Shipowners AssociationMr. Bronson Hsieh, Vice Group Chairman, Evergreen GroupMr. Chang Dechuan, Chairman and President, Qingdao Port GroupMs. Cherry Wang, Container Freight Broker, ACM/GFI GroupMr. Chris Hayman, Chairman, SeatradeMr. Eddy Bruyninckx, CEO, Antwerp Port AuthorityMr. Hopes Jin, Partner and Managing Director of China Business Development, DeloitteMr. H.n.J. Smits, President and CEO, Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V.("Port of Rotterdam Authority")Mr. Jeremy Penn, CEO, Baltic ExchangeMr. Jim Davis, CBE, K(DK),

Chairman, International Maritime Industries Forum(IMIF)Mr. Jim Lawrence, Chairman, Marine MoneyMr. koji Sekimizu, Secretary-General, International Maritime Organization(IMO)Mr. Li Jianhong, President and Director, China Merchants Group LimitedMr. Li Shenglin, Minister, Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of ChinaMr. Ma Hongtao, Anchor, CCTV-2Mr. nicolas (nicky) a. Pappadakis, Chairman, INTERCARGOMr. Peter kerr-Dineen, Joint Chairman, Howe RobinsonMr. Robin Silvester, President and CEO, Vancouver Fraser Port AuthorityMr. Sun Licheng, Chairman & President, China Classification Society(CCS)Mr. tim Smith, Chief Executive, North Asia Region, Maersk Line

Mr. torben C. Skaanild, Secretary General/CEO, BIMCOMr. Wang Xiaoqi, Vice Chairman, China Iron & Steel AssociationMr. Wei Jiafu, Chairman of the Board and Secretary of Party Committee, COSCO GroupMr. Ma Zehua, Director of the Board, President and Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, COSCO GroupMr. Xu Lirong, Director and President, China Shipping (Group) CompanyMr. Yudhishthir khatau, President of BIMCO and Chairman of the BIMCO Board of Directors and of the BIMCO Executive Committee, Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Varun Shipping Company LimitedMr. Zhao Huxiang, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Secretary of the Party Committee, SINOTRANS&CSC......

Panel Discussion 1: Market outlook ■ When Will Europe Walk out of the Sovereign Debt Crisis? ■ How Does the Resources Protectionism Impact Today's Global Trade? ■ Outlook for Oil Price ■ Analysis of Supply-Demand in Global Shipping ■ Solutions for Easing Excessive Shipping Capacity ■ Shipping Market Outlook for 2013-2014

Panel Discussion 2: Emerging Markets ■ Where are the Emerging Markets? ■ Emerging Markets: Potentials and Bottlenecks for Further Growth? ■ Are Emerging Markets Creating Momentum for Growth? ■ Free Trade Zone: What are Impacts of Regional Economic Integration on Trade and Shipping ■ How to Manage Risks in Emerging Markets? ■ How to Further Explore Opportunities In Emerging Markets?

Panel Discussion 3: Shipping across the Strait ■ Review Historic Developments, Accomplishments and Challenges of Cross-Strait Shipping between Mainland China and Taiwan ■ Progress and Plans in Developing the West Strait Economic Zone ■ Outlook for Direct Shipping Across the Strait: Opportunities & Challenges ■ Outlook for Cooperation: Chances of Establishing Shipping Alliance for Greater China

Panel Discussion 4: Seeking for Win-Win ■ Building New Patterns of Cooperation between Shipping Companies ■

Pros & Cons of The Shippers' Involvement in Shipping ■ Shippers and Carriers: Industrial Integration and All-round Cooperation ■ Floating Freight Rate and Service Reliability: the Prospect of Freight Agreement Based on Freight, Cargo Price and Oil Indexes ■ Freight Rate Hedging Tool: Container FFA ■ Developments of Financial Leasing in China ■ New Trends of Logistics and Supply Chain Cooperation

Leaders Forum Session 1 Concerted actions to an orderly Market■ Signs of Market Disorders (Rate Plunge Competition, FFA Speculation, Irrational Expansion) ■ Shared Vision for the Sound Growth of Shipping Industry (Safeguarding Sustainable Common Interest between Shippers and Carriers amidst Market Volatility) ■ How to Set up Coordinated Mechanism for All Parties in the Logistics Chain (e.g. the Terminal-Shipping Cooperation) ■ Avoid Disordered Competition: the Need for Strengthening Shipping Alliances ■ Avoid Excessive Expansion: the Strategies of Controlling Fleet Size ■ Access to Fleet Investment for Financial Institutions, Traders and Shippers

top Views Session 1: Strategic Synergy■ Impacts of China's Iron Ore Trading Platform? ■ Shipping Finance: Challenges and Incentives ■ Supply Chain Strategy for Ports and Terminals ■ Shipbuilding: How to Tackle Over-Capacity? ■ Comprehensive Logistics: Balance between Cost and Service ■ Safety on the Sea: Trends of Anti-Piracy Solutions

Leaders Forum Session 2: industrial transformation ■ Seeking Well-Coordinated Growth of Scale and Profit ■ Pursuing Reasonable Match of Rate-Service ■ Industrial Structure Upgrade (Including Shipping, Shipbuilding & Ship Repair, Terminal and Logistics) ■ Impacts of Mega-ships and How to Cope with It ■ How to Adjust the Fleet Structure: Timing and Ways

top Views Session 2: Sharing the Future■ Advantages & Prospects of Shipping Alliance ■ New Technology, New Ships and New Energy ■ Competition Strategies amid an Era of Rising Cost ■

Innovation on Service Modal ■ The Sustainable Development of Shipping Industry

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