Download - “Serving and Ministering to the Community Since 1873” Rev… · Sat. December 9th – 4pm at Salem UCC Christmas

Page 1: “Serving and Ministering to the Community Since 1873” Rev… · Sat. December 9th – 4pm at Salem UCC Christmas


October 2017



“Serving and Ministering to the Community Since 1873” Rev. Brian Riedy, Pastor

Ph# 610-844-8924 Email: [email protected] “Trinity Tidings” is a monthly publication printed on the

premises of Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church (Hospital Code: 244)

Robin McCloud, Office Secretary, Email: [email protected]



604 Fourth Street

Catasauqua, Pa 18032




NEW Email: [email protected]







DEADLINE for November newsletter

is Wednesday, October 18th

The October newsletter is in honor of our

daughter Wendi Thomas’ birthday

by Frank and Carole Nacci .

Core purpose statement:

“Gratefully sharing God’s love through faith and service”

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Dearest sisters and brothers in Christ,

Let me begin our relationship by sharing my love for each one of you as you have shared with me. The

warm welcome which you gave to myself and my family was very much appreciated. We feel a part of your

family very much because of this welcoming. I can state with confidence that we experienced you living out

your core purpose statement (gratefully sharing God’s love through faith and service).

When I met with the Call Committee, there were several things which excited me about this

partnership. The fact that you have created a core purpose statement is awesome. As I meet with Council,

some team leaders, and the staff of Holy Trinity, I will be asking how we can live out that core purpose in our

everyday lives. Many ministries you currently support are examples of gratefully sharing. What I will be

looking to discover is how I can support, better equip the workers of the ministries, or enhance those


As we begin our journey together, let’s look to Scripture to be our guide. We are told in the NIV Bible

from 1 Corinthians 13:7-8a that, “It [Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always

perseveres. Love never fails.” This reading lets us know that through living out the love we have for each

other, for our neighbor, and for the entire world, we can make change in a world crying out for change.

Over the next few months, I will be scheduling home appointments. I would love to sit with you and

your family, getting to know each other better. If you would prefer a conversation to be held in my church

office instead, that is good as well. I will be meeting with Pr Scott Paradise of St Paul’s, the mission district

pastors, and the staff of the Northeast PA synod. These meetings will be focused on collaboration ideas for

sharing God’s love. Finally, I promise to hold all of you in prayer. I will pray each week alphabetically. If

you have a specific prayer request, please drop a note in the offering plate or call the church office.

Your fellow servant in Christ,

Pastor Brian

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Church Council Members Term Ending Dec. 2017 Terms Ending Dec. 2018 Term Ending Dec. 2019

Cheryl Kneiss: 610-262-0467 Mark Fried: 610-262-2645

Rick Martson: 484-661-5183 Barb Fister: 610-266-1160 RuthAnn Reinsmith: 610-264-4346

Joe Schwindenhammer: 610-573-1957 Open Carol Cunningham: 610-264-2045

Open Open Carole Nacci: 610-264-8785

Youth Rep.: Emily Thomas

OFFICERS President: Barbara Fister Vice President: Mark Fried

Secretary: (Rotating) Treasurer: John Marakovits

The church’s budget deficit at the end of August was

(-25,241.56). The budget surplus at the end of August of 2016 (last year) was

$770.44. In 2016, through the end of August, we received total of $11,042.00 in

memorial fund contributions which came through the books as budgeted income.

Also, in 2016, we received a $10,000.00 cash gift at Easter. Again, this gift was

accounted for as budgeted income. At Easter of 2017, this cash gift was replaced

by $10,000.00 of Apple, Inc. Common Stock. The value of this stock has greatly

appreciated since it was received. Adjusting for these two events puts the August,

2017 budget deficit at (-$4,199.56) which does not take into account the increased

value/amount of the Apple, Inc. stock.

The following special gifts were received in August:

$ 15.00 Pastor’s Discretionary Fund

$ 20.00 Building Fund

$ 40.00 Benevolence

$ 59.80 Chr. Ed. Bill (Paid for by the Scrip Card Program)

$310.00 “Over-the-Top” Campaign

$ 70.00 Trinity Tidings Dedications

$ 70.00 Bulletin Dedications

$ 15.00 Holy Trinity Youth Donation

$145.00 Bear Creek Camp (In honor of Interim Pastor Jimmy


Thank you to everyone who contributed toward these special causes.

We also received $75.00 in donations for the ELCA’s Hurricane Harvey

Disaster response fund on Sept. the 3rd. Please consider a donation. I will forward

these gifts on a bi-weekly basis.

We will continue to accept donations for Bear Creek Camp in honor of

Pastor Werley into October.

Thank you for your on-going financial support of Holy Trinity’s ministry.

John Marakovits, Treasurer

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Have you remembered

Holy Trinity

in your Will?

About the 3rd week of October, you should be receiving envelopes for November and December. If you do not receive them, please contact Robin in the church office. ( 610-264-2641)

At any time, you can give donations to the “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund”. This fund is used to give temporary financial assistance to people of our congregation and community when a sudden need arises. You may send contributions to the church or place them in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. Please mark your checks or envelopes “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund”.


Holy Trinity is a member of the Blood Bank

Program. If you give blood, you may designate it as

Holy Trinity. Also, if you ever need blood, tell them

you’re a church member.

X-Pired Files was a hilarious success. The final culprit was a surprise to many of us. Once again, Bad Bones BBQ LLC prepared and served the delicious food. The final results: $1,121.20 was put into Trinity’s Project Fund, $750 will be sent to the Brett Snyder Medical Fund and $137 will be sent to PA Wounded Warriors. We have to thank 2 of Trinity’s “angels” who sponsored the play, and those women who donated baskets for the raffle. The Morning Glories thank all those who helped with the evening. See you next year????

To my partners in faith and service,

Thank you so much for the opportunity to gratefully share God’s love as one of your transitional pastors. It was for me a very meaningful and enjoyable time of ministry.

Thank you as well for the generous gift that was designated to the Campership Fund at Bear Creek Camp as a way of honoring our time together. The great thing about that is our ministry together will be extended each time those monies are used to give a young person the experience God’s love shared through the camp’s good ministry.

My thankful prayers will keep being offered for your ministry to grow in grace and gratitude in this new time of sharing God’s love through faith and service with Pastor Brian. Blessings. Pastor Jimmy Lee

Please join us for our Intention to Give Sunday on

October 22nd at the 10:30 am worship service when

you will have the opportunity to complete an

estimate of giving card. After worship, refreshments

will be served in the Alice Storch Room. There will

not be an early service.

If anyone would like to help out with donations or

help with Intention to Give Sunday please see Sherry

Creyer, Vickie Chimics or Stephanie Chimics. Your

help is greatly appreciated.

-The SALT Team

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Remember or Honor Loved Ones

Altar Flowers


Oct. 1st Open

Oct. 8th Open

Oct 15th In honor of our daughter Wendi to celebrate her birthday by Frank and Carole Nacci.

Oct. 22nd In honor of Helen Reichl's 95th birthday from her loving family!

Oct. 29th In loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Olin C. Webb by Suzanne Webb.



Oct. 1st Open

Oct. 8th Open

Oct. 15th Open

Oct. 22nd Open

Oct. 29th Open

“Trinity Tidings”

All dedications are taken for 2017. Thank you.

Please Note: To reserve a flower date, fill in the Flower Chart in the narthex. If you do not call the office, the dedication will read “To the glory of

God by (your name)”. To dedicate a Sunday bulletin, call the church secretary (610-264-2641).

Bulletins are $10, altar flowers are $35. Please pick up your flowers or have someone pick them up for you.


We will celebrate Harvest Home on

Sunday, October 15th.

Please remember to bring in your non-perishable

food through October 29th.

Mark your calendar for future events

Sat. October 7th- 3pm- Mayes Guitar Duo

Sat. October 7th – 4-7pm Spaghetti


Sat. October 14th– 3pm Pastor Brian’s

Ordination at St. James

Sun. October 15th– 3pm Pastor Brian’s

Installation and reception

Sat. October 22nd —”Intention to Give”

Fri. October 27th—6-8pm Trick or Treat

Sat. November 11th – 4pm

Ecumenical Service

Sat. December 9th – 4pm at Salem UCC

Christmas Ecumenical Cantata

Hope to see you at some, if not all, of the

activities that Holy Trinity has to offer!

DINNERS R US - PART #2 There are still some tickets available for the spaghetti dinner on Sat. Oct. 7th. , 4-7 P M. Round up your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Save yourself from the dreaded kitchen, and come out to support the PA Wounded Warriors and Trinity’s Property Fund! Stop in for TAKE OUT if you cannot stay to enjoy the festivities. Spaghetti, meat sauce OR meatballs, salad, garlic bread, hot and cold beverages, and amazing dessert bar - all for $8 (adult ticket ) $4 ( child 5-12) and under 4 — FREE. Tickets purchased at the door will be $9.00 - so why not buy yours BEFORE OCT. 1st and avoid the rush? See or call: Ruthanne 610-264-4346 for tickets.

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Youth News

Keep those pill bottles coming, everyone! Kudos to Alex Suter and Brianna Walker for giving up some time on a September Sunday to continue our yard work for a friend of Holy Trinity. Not only is the yard going to become a place of beauty, but a beautiful relationship is also growing with our neighbor. There are still 8 green light bulbs available in the narthex from last year's fundraiser for PA Wounded Warriors. Please consider donating $5 per bulb so you can "green light a vet", showing your quiet support for their sacrifices. The youth donated the cost of the bulbs from their checking account, so 100% of each $5 donation will be sent to PA Wounded Warriors. If you haven't already done so, check out the photo posters in the Alice Storch Room, to keep up with our youth! We are close to meeting the goal of 45 school kits for Church World Service. Items can still be left at the display on the Fair Trade table in the back of the sanctuary. As of 9/19/17, these items are still needed:

16 30-centimeter/12” rulers 9 hand-held pencil sharpeners

Yup, that's all we need. But don't be afraid that you'll purchase something that we already have enough of...any extra supplies will make a great start for our 2018 collection, or even allow us to complete more than 45 kits this year! Thank you to those who have already participated in this annual collection. Don't forget to bring your plastic and paper grocery bags to the basket next to the Food Table in the back of the sanctuary. Along with your donations of non-perishable food, or cash in the "Meant to but forgot" container, the Food Bank uses the bags to share your giving with residents of Catty who are struggling to put meals on the table. With the approach of cooler weather, doesn't homemade bean soup sound delicious? Packages of dried beans, complete with recipe, have been assembled by Linda Wiland and are available next to the fair trade table in the back of the sanctuary. The $5 donation for each package of bean soup goes directly to the Pastor's Discretionary Fund, benefiting Holy Trinity neighbors in need. And check out the fair trade items and chocolate on the table in the back of the sanctuary. This is not a's an opportunity to enjoy or give beautifully handcrafted items, greeting cards, and Divine chocolate that support small artisans in developing areas of the world. The items and chocolate are all pre-paid, so please leave payment in the basket on the table, or give it directly to Diane Czar. (Checks should be payable to Diane.) The table also has catalogs that can guide you

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in giving fairly-traded items or a monetary donation when you need that special gift for someone...or "just because". Coming in November: the annual Ingathering of Christmas gifts for area institutions and agencies. This year's recipient of our mission district's cash donations will be Truth for Women. Here's a little info to get your heart in gear to help this year's featured agency: Truth for Women is a local nonprofit that addresses the problem of human trafficking in the Lehigh Valley. They provide services through the Truth Home, which provides a warm, family setting for up to 5 women for 8-12 months. The home offers a holistic treatment model that includes a structured schedule of classes, therapy, and activities to women seeking a way out of unhealthy lifestyles, promoting healing, wholeness, independence, and family reunification through Biblical principles. Excerpts from one woman's story..."There was a little girl by the name of Beth. She dreamed of one day meeting her prince and living in a big palace...Beth had a mommy whom she loved dearly. But her mommy never told her she loved her. Never held her and rocked her to sleep. Never kissed her goodnight or made the boogie man go away. Instead, Beth's mom took her to the bar and sold her to men for sexual favors so she could get money to drink...When she was 15 years old, she met a man who promised her the world...'Finally, I have met my prince!'...Beth decided to run away with him and start her new life...He immediately began to sell Beth on the street corner in Allentown...She tried to escape but was beaten with a wire coat hanger from head to toe and was covered in cuts. To send home his message, her pimp then shoved her in a bath of salt water so she was in unbearable pain...After years of sexual exploitation and going in and out of prison, Beth decided to go to church in the jail. She began to hear about this man, Jesus Christ, who died for her...She began to hear how much God loved her and how God saw her. He saw her as his beautiful princess...Beth gave her heart and life over to Jesus Christ and fell deeply in love with him. I would like to tell you that this story is all made up, but I can't. Beth is a real woman...This is just the tip of the iceberg of her story...She will not just wake up one day and forget everything that has happened to her. But day by day, thought after thought, her mind is changing because she now has the mind of Christ." Please ask God to prepare your heart and your budget during October, so that when our November Ingathering begins, you will be ready to give generously to the Ingathering, and especially to this year's featured agency, Truth for Women.

Trick or Treat in the Borough

We are thinking of trying a new ministry. On October 27th, Catasauqua will have its annual trick-or-treat

night. Therefore, we would like to distribute hotdogs and hot cocoa from 6-8pm on the lawn of our church to

the children and parents. This will serve a two-fold purpose. First, we understand how difficult it is to get

children ready and fed before the 6pm hour. This ministry will allow the children to grab a more substantial

meal. Maybe they will forgo some of the candy at least for that night. Second, we want to have the

opportunity to meet some of our neighbors. During this ministry, we will only be giving away food, drink, and

conversation. No money will be accepted and no invitations to worship will be given. This ministry is meant

to build community and trust- no strings attached. After handing out food, we plan to host a story time. This

too will happen on the lawn of Holy Trinity starting at 8pm.

To make this ministry happen, we need your help. We are looking to cook and serve about 400 hotdogs and

10 gallons of cocoa. If you are willing to donate your time, money, hotdogs, buns, or cocoa, please sign-up in

the narthex for the item(s) you will bring. The food can arrive anytime between now and October 22nd. We

would like to thank you in advance for your support.

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The deadline for our next SCRIP card order is October 8th.

We need to continue building up the SCRIP checking account for

ongoing Sunday School expenses and next year's Paul Frantz

scholarship! Recently, 2 Christian Education bills were paid out of

SCRIP proceeds: $26.25 for SCS offering envelopes, and $195.55

for fall curriculum. That's your SCRIP card purchases in action!!

Here's an urgent request from the church office: Don't forget that you can designate cards in your order

or from stock for the Pastor's discretionary use. You can place cards any time in the "IV" container on the

food table for ongoing "InVisible" infusions that make it possible for Holy Trinity to assist those in need in

our community. These "IV" purchases are tax deductible. Right now, you can purchase cards from stock

to help with this urgent need - Giant, K-Mart, Weis, and Sheetz cards would be appreciated until

other cards (Walmart, Speedway) can be included in the October 8th order.

See Joe or Luther after worship any Sunday to explore the array of gift cards that are available for

immediate purchase, or call or text Joe during the week (610-573-1957):

AMC American Eagle Applebee's Arby's Barnes & Noble Best Buy

Bob Evans Bon Ton Bonefish Grill Boscov Bravo Buffalo Wild Wings

Burger King Cabela's Carrabba's Chili's Dick's Sporting Goods

Dunkin Donuts Gap Giant iTunes J C Penney Kmart Kohl's

Longhorn Steakhouse Old Navy Olive Garden On the Border Outback

Panera Pet Smart Red Lobster Ross Sheetz Starbucks Subway

Taco Bell Target TGIFridays Weis

Featured card of the month is Cabela's, which provides an 11% profit for Holy Trinity. So, for example,

ordering (or buying from stock) a $25 Cabela's card earns $2.75 for Holy Trinity. A $100 Cabela's purchase

raises $11!!! Hunting season and soon, the Christmas shopping season are great times to purchase a Cabela's

SCRIP gift card. And benefiting Holy Trinity is always in season!!! Plan ahead... think SCRIP!

Since the program started at Holy Trinity in April 2014 to the present, over $5400 has been paid out of

SCRIP profits for Christian Education expenses, including Paul Frantz Scholarships. This is our SCRIP

mission statement in action! YOU made this possible with your orders and in-stock purchases! 16 families

have placed orders in 2017; of those 16, 13 have placed orders more than once in 2017; one of those 13

individuals is not part of our congregation but places a standing monthly order; we average 7 participants a

month. Imagine what we could accomplish if everyone in our Holy Trinity family used Scrip cards!

Why not get into the habit of placing a monthly order, no matter how small? If you're a sporadic supporter

of the SCRIP program, or have never placed an order, why not start by thinking about one area of spending

that you could do every month using SCRIP cards? Don't see what you want on the order form? Many other

merchants, as well as other denominations of the listed cards, are available - just ask Joe!

Don't forget to put your name on your $0-balance cards and drop them in the box in the narthex to be

entered in our next drawing for a free $10 SCRIP card of your choice! Profits since the program started are

now over $8900, we're sure to hit a milestone soon that will warrant another drawing!!!

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Trinity Morning Glories

We are a daytime women’s group here at Holy Trinity. Our focus is on the spiritual and service to others. Along the way, we share food, work, laugh, chat and pray together! Please join us!

Note: Our meetings will always be the 3rd Monday at 10:00 (exception: June’s time will be 11:30).

On Monday, September 18, 2017, 19 women enjoyed a pizza lunch with a salad and desserts. Linda Heiberger’s inspiration devotions reminded is that life is too short to leave kind words unsaid. The words you say, or the letter you write, might just make all the difference in the world. Lucy Lynn followed up with the importance of hugs and their mighty impact. Mary Shafer who is the head of the Lehigh County Humane Society spoke to us on the many services they provide our communities. She told us about the LCHS, its history, goals, upcoming events and needs. The needed items that we sent back with her were: 2 animal beds (1 sm, 1 lg), 1 quilt, 1 bag of sheets, 18 bags of towels, 12 containers of cleaning detergent, 1 bleach bottle, 9 paper towel rolls, 2 buckets for cleaning, 12 reams of paper, 1 dog grooming tool, 13 bags of dry food, 40 cans of wet food, numerous dog animal treats and a box of manila file folders. Linda Wiland and Jackie Simoné created bookmark tray favors for Northampton County Meals on Wheels; we all put the finishing touches on the 50 bookmarks. The X-Pired Files Murder Mystery results were outstanding; $1,121.20 will be put in Trinity’s Project Fund and $750 will be sent to the Brett Snyder Medical Fund. The $127 that was collected for PA Wounded Warriors will be sent to them along with the money from our upcoming Spaghetti Dinner on October 7. Brenda Ondush told us of her daughter, Michelle and her husband, Jim Atkins’ experiences with Hurricane Harvey in Texas. They basically lost everything; their home had 8-1/2 feet of water. We will be sending them $300 in Lowe’s gift cards to help them replace the tools that Jim lost; Jim has building experience and this will help them begin to recover. Michele grew up here at Holy Trinity so we’re really reaching out to “one of our own”. Holiday Hope Chest slips were handed out for Oct. project. Since, September 2008, $28,511 has been donated to special causes; this does not include all the non-monetary donations that have been made over the past 9 years.

Future Dates

Tuesday, September 26, 2017 – Road trip to Dahlia Farm

Bring a sandwich, $12 admission fee and a small flower container

Meet at church at 9:15 to car pool. Questions: call Karen Frankenfield or Lois McAllister

Monday, October 16, 2017: Devotions – Nancy Miller

Holiday Hope Chest Project – Bring your wrapped, filled shoe box

Betsy Easen will speak on the Bethlehem Winter Homeless Program

Bring white socks for men/women, gently worn sneakers, boxes of cereal, peanut butter, jelly, backpacks for homeless program. (NO clothing or personal care items

Decide on Shut-In Treats partners - Jackie Simoné/Diane Jones

Pickle Bites: Janis Charvala; Appetizers: Judy Connelly/Jackie Simoné;

Veggie Tray/Dip: Karen Frankfield; Goat cheese/Asparagus: Lois McAllister

Cucumber Sandwiches: Cheryl Kneiss; Chocolate Trifle Dessert: Linda Wiland

Dessert: Kathy Nattress/Linda Heiberger; Apple Cider: Rena Bond

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Morning Glories – continued

Monday, November 20, 2017: Devotions – Sandi Smith

Sox 4 Seniors at Cedarbrook – Karen Frankenfield – goal: 300 pair sox

50 Northampton County Meals on Wheels Tray Favors– Karen Frankenfield/Lois McAllister

Plan January Homeless Meal – Linda Wiland

Tomato Bisque Chicken Soup: Janis Charvala; Corn Potato Hot Dog Soup: Lucy Lynn

Either Vegetable or Chicken Noodle Soup: Sandy Svitana; Summer Squash Soup: Judy Connelly

Bread: Karen Frankenfield/Carol Cunningham; Homemade Oat Bread: Linda Wiland

Crackers: Brenda Ondush; Ice Tea: Lois McAllister; Desserts: Cheryl Kneiss/Linda Heiberger

Monday, December 11, 2017: This is the 2nd Monday!

Devotions, Luncheon Buffet, Diapers (Sizes 3, 4 or 5) for Mary’s Shelter

Shut-in Treats: Jackie Simoné & Diane Jones to coordinate

Cookie Sale: Carol Hartranft to coordinate; $10 fun gift exchange

Monday, January 15, 2018: Devotions

Northampton County Meals on Wheels, White Sox for Homeless Men/Women

PJ program: Janis Charvala will get info; Plan Feb. 2018 thru July 2018.

Homeless Dinner (date to be determined) – Linda Wiland


2017 Monthly Fellowship and Refreshments

The Fried’s and Marakovits provided fellowship and refreshments on September 10th. This gave us the opportunity to welcome newly called Pastor Brian Riedy and his family to our

church family at Holy Trinity. Refreshments included hors d’oeuvres such as mini quiche and everybody’s favorite, pizza bagels! Desserts included cupcakes, cookies and a lovely cake sent

by the congregation of St. Paul’s.

Future 2nd Sunday of the month Fellowship and Refreshments:


Oct. 8 - Rick Minnich and Sunday School Families

Nov. 12 – Linda & Lester Ettl

Dec. 10 – Janis & Jerry Charvala/BJ & Rich Kunkel


Jan. 14 – Paige Miller, Joe, and Sam Wetzel

Feb. 11 – Cheryl Kneiss, Barb Fister, and Sandy Svitana

April 8 – Diane Czar and the Youth

Want to host in 2018? Call Paige Miller (610 282-2595)

Several months are taken already!

See you after church on October 8!

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Winter and spring of 1981 were spent in thought, prayer and preparation for the arrival of the Be family

from Cambodia, the newest addition to the Holy Trinity Family. In years past, the family of Baran Long

were adopted and assimilated into the St. Paul family.

Baran worked for many years at Muhlenberg Hospital Center and retired as a supervisor. His children are

Chen Lai (Allentown, 6 children), Voleak (married, Bethlehem, daughter, 10 and son, 1) and Neri (married,

one daughter, lives in Salisbury Township and employed as a chef at 3501 grille for 14 years). Residence:

1401 S. Race Street, Allentown, 18103. Phone 610-797-5327.

The Be’s were a refugee family of 12 children in Cambodia, awaiting visas and sponsorship in other

countries. The eldest brother, Tai Long Bun and the youngest sister, Linda Be Tang, Immigrated to New

Zealand. Next oldest brothers, Sang Be, Hou Be, Yu Tai Bun and Pascal Bun settled in Paris, France. (Yu Tai

is now deceased). We were fortunate to have Sok Chou (Emily). Vannara (Henry) and Vanna (Johnny) join

us in Catasauqua. Henry’s twin brother, Steven and sister, Tiffany Be moved to California.

We have fond memories of the fellowship we shared in preparing the apartment for the new arrivals, the

excursions around the Lehigh Valley to sights they could never imagine, teaching them to drive, assistance

in achieving employment, the amazement at seeing their first credit card and all the other myriad

experiences we shared together.

Fast forward over 35 years-

Emily married Raymond Tanh (Tanh Chat) (1984), who emigrated at the same time and was sponsored by

another organization. They lived in Allentown for many years; David was born in 1986 and Daniel in 1988.

Both boys were baptized at Holy Trinity by Pastor Bruce. They moved soon thereafter to Philadelphia and

opened a Chinese Restaurant. In 1992, Darien was born. On July 9, 2017, David was married to his long

time sweetheart, Sophia Lee. Her family is from Korea.

David, the bridegroom, is a paralegal at a law firm in Philadelphia and resides in Lansdale. Daniel lives and

works in New York City and is employed by the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services as a licensed

clinical social worker. Darien is 25 and lives at home.

Vannara (Henry) was married in 1988 and the wedding was attended by several members of Holy Trinity.

He currently lives in Los Angeles, CA with his wife and 2 children. I was fortunate to meet the children at

David’s wedding. Christine recently graduated with a master’s degree from Loma Linda University School of

Behavioral Health. Her brother Winston graduated from high school in June and will enter college in the


Vanna (Johnny) has returned to Cambodia and resides in Phnom Penh. He is in international business and

travels between US and Cambodia. Married with 3 children.

It is rewarding to know they are all prospered and thrived here and they have fond memories of their family

at Holy Trinity.

Pictures cont. on next page of family….

By, Linda Robbins

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