Download - “READING ON THE RISE” Issue 142 4/16/10 142.pdfHe said it was because of my atti-tude, but come to find out he got his ex-girlfriend pregnant and was seeing another woman on the

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“READING ON THE RISE” Issue 142 4/16/10

Page 2: “READING ON THE RISE” Issue 142 4/16/10 142.pdfHe said it was because of my atti-tude, but come to find out he got his ex-girlfriend pregnant and was seeing another woman on the
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This goes out to the Reading School

Board that Rejected the Proposed

Charter School

Think outside the box. What is going on now at the high school level is not

working, swallow your pride and don't let personal reasons get in the way

of doing what's best for the kids

Earl Lucas



For us, a positive classroom climate is one where the

students expect on another to do their intellectual best and to support one another; where the students share high amounts of potential influence--both with one another and with the teacher; where high levels

of attraction exist for the group as a whole and between classmates; where norms are supported

for getting academic work done, as well as for maximizing individual differences; where

communication is open and featured by dialogue; and where the processes of working and developing

together as a group are considered relevant in themselves for study.

(Schmuck & Schmuck, 1983, p. 30)

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Did you know

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell received some push back for attempting to declare April

"Confederate History Month," recently. The action was disturbing to many African Americans, be-

cause celebrating the confederacy is tantamount to celebrating a government that clearly argued

that black people were inferior and needed to be slaves. Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour

backed McDonnell recently by saying that slavery was "just a nit" and that the conversation about

slavery "doesn't amount to diddly."

I am not sure how any elected official can presume that slavery, a holocaust as bad or worse than

the one that occurred in Nazi Germany, was just a tiny little inconvenience in our nation's past.

Barbour, by saying that the conversation on slavery "doesn't amount to diddly" shows both his igno-

rance and is a healthy reminder that the demons of racism still exist in America.

Let's be clear: The confederacy lasted only four years, and one of its fundamental reasons for existing

was to maintain the institution of slavery. There is no other way to slice it, dice it or spin it. Barbour

and McDonnell are the perfect leaders for our generation, since they are the most glaring reminders

of exactly what kind of racism is lined up to attack Barack Obama in the White House. Without men

like this in office, we would have a much harder time pointing out just how bad racism is in America


What's also interesting is that the actions of these two governors (who should have been born 200

years ago) are a clear response to the racist anger that has erupted since Obama took over as Presi-

dent. I've never seen Americans get so riled up over health care or similar political issues. Obama

has been called "the most radical president in history," by Newt Gingrich, which is incorrect. Barack

Obama is not radical, he is simply black. The supportive response by many Republicans to the idea of

a Confederate History Month probably means that they are not celebrating the confederacy IN

SPITE of slavery, but that they are celebrating it BECAUSE OF slavery. In other words, if slavery had

never ended, they wouldn't have their problems with the "uppity negro" in the White House.

The behavior of many Americans today would make Adolf Hitler proud. Barbour and McDonell are

simply doing what many Americans would like to see, especially in the south. The Republican party's

lack of response to this kind of racism is a clear reminder of what they stand for and the fact that

they haven't yet learned to respect African Americans. This is clearly a shame.

." To have Dr. Boyce commentary delivered to your email

Mississippi Governor Says Slavery Conversation is Not Important

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I met this man two years ago and into the sixth month we broke up. He said it was because of my atti-

tude, but come to find out he got his ex-girlfriend pregnant and was seeing another woman on the side

. He told me this and it broke my heart. I took him back despite all the drama because I really love

him. We had not officially gotten back together so when I talked to him about it, he said that he is

done with me and we will never get back together. He is only 24 and he cannot make time for me, not

even to take me out. He calls me when he needs to use my car or for money. Now he has his own car,

and does not even call or come by anymore. I feel like I am going to explode! I gave this man every-

thing and he kicks me to the curb for my attitude. I don't know how I am going to get over him. Am I

being blind or does he have someone else?

Erica G.

I want you to get your best friend and ask her to read this letter to you. Imagine that she is the one who is dealing

with this problem. What advice would you give her? It is obvious that he is using you, and your attitude is just an ex-

cuse for him to get out of this relationship. You need to reassess your definition of love. When a person loves you,

they show it through respectful, caring, giving actions and emotionally supportive words. You need to confront the fact that he has cheated on you repeatedly and ask yourself if you truly believe that is love. I understand that you have

feelings for this man, but that doesn't mean you should allow yourself to be disrespected and mistreated. Dump this

guy, and take the time to figure out the definition of love and how you should be treated by someone who really loves


I have a question about a relationship that I may or may not be in. We have known each other for

years and we broke up because he was not ready to commit at the time. We went our separate ways

and years later we saw each other again and a lot had changed. He told me how much he wanted to be

with me, but after a few disagreements about the same issues he started ignoring me. We are both

Scorpios and are very strong willed and he says he is ignoring me because he does not want to argue. I

am trying to step back and take it slow. We have history and I am in love with him, but he is not paying

any attention to me now. I always make the first move and call him everyday. Every time I try to talk

to him about this he tells me I'm starting an argument. I think he has another woman, because we

haven't been sleeping together that much. Should I give up or is this his way of punishing me for things

I've said and how I've acted?


It sounds like you both re-entered into this relationship with the idea that things had changed, and that all your issues

had miraculously worked themselves out. Once the initial newness wore off, you found the same old problems were

there and you were both still ill-equipped to handle them. You can't address this problem with the same tools you

used before. They didn't work then, and they are now causing you both to repeat the past. Arguments are just two

people with conflicting views in a power struggle to gain the upper ground. When you both believe you are right, and

are unwilling to see the world through your partners eyes, then the connection between you is severed. His response

to the power struggle is to shut down and retreat to his cave. He is shutting you out because he doesn't know any

other way. As he retreats, you push harder which makes him shut down more. Ask him if he is still invested in this

relationship and if he is willing to do whatever it takes to make it work. If this relationship is something that you are

both serious about pursuing then you need to take a class in couples connection, communication, and crossing the

bridge (

Luv Coach Q&A: Drop that Zero!

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How to Re-Establish Good Credit To re-establish credit after you've had credit problems in the past, try these three strategies: 1. Open a Secured Card. With a secured card, you put up a certain amount of cash into an account -- per-

haps $500 or so -- and that becomes your credit limit on the secured card. Apply for a single secured card; you'll get it just by forking over the cash as I described above. Then simply make on-time payments for 6 to 12 months. This will definitely help you boost your credit scores because it will generate some positive payment history for you. It will also help to offset somewhat the past negative marks in your credit files. Before opening a secured credit card, just make sure the bank that is-sues the card does, in fact, report to the credit bureaus.

2. Clean up Negative Information and Mistakes in Your Credit Reports.

Get your TransUnion, Equifax and Experian credit reports. You can get one of each report free each year from ANNUAL CREDIT REPORT. Dispute any mistakes you find. Also, contact your previous creditors and offer then a small lump sum pay-ment to settle your debts, in exchange for them removing the negative informa-tion on your credit reports. Only do this for recently delinquent accounts (i.e. those from the last two years). Also, only give up cash payments to those creditors who agree, in writing, to delete black marks from your credit. If they simply note the ac-count as "Paid" but leave the old, negative information there, that won't help your credit. 3. Pay Your Existing Debts on Time. Even if you have no regular card, it's likely that you have some existing credit ac-counts. Whether you have a mortgage, an auto loan, student loans, or other debts that are being reported to the credit bureaus, be sure to pay all those bills on time -- every month without fail. The single biggest determinant of your credit score is your payment track record. That accounts for 35% of your credit score. So simply paying your bills in a timely fashion will improve your credit rating over time. By using these three techniques, you will see your credit scores improve in a year or less. BUT, if you fit into the category of those adults who have a "thin" credit file or no credit file at all, you can establish good credit too. To establish a credit history, and generate a FICO credit score, you need to have at least one credit account that is reported to the credit bureaus, and that account must be open and tracked for at least six months. So start by applying for a single national brand credit card, such as a Visa, MasterCard or Discover card, before you apply for something major like a mortgage. If you can't get a regular card, open a secured credit card. Pay the secured card on time, and after those payments are re-ported for six months, you'll meet the minimum requirements to get a FICO credit score.

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Health News

1. One in 16 black men in Washington, DC and 1 in 40 black men in New York City are

HIV infected. Of these new infections, 20% are unaware of their status, and continue

to unknowingly spread the virus. More than a quarter of new infections occur in pre-

dominantly Black or Hispanic women since the risk of infection increases within the

same sexual networks. According to El-Sadr in the New England Journal of Medicine:

'HIV disproportionately affects poor black Americans who have substandard education, un-

stable housing, and limited social mobility. This confluence of factors may result in high rates

of incarceration, which threaten a community's social fabric. Such vulnerable populations

must engage in research, program development, and interventions that are culturally rele-

vant and address the socioeconomic milieu in which HIV transmission occurs.'

HIV has become an epidemic within the black population, and this needs to be ac-

knowledged so we can expand the dialogue and save the millions of people who will

be newly infected in the next decade. Tips to help you and those you care about fight

against a disease that is ravaging the black community:

Get Tested: Knowing your HIV status will help to stem the tide of new infections.

2. Use protection: Condoms are a smart way to engage in safe sex, and they stop the

spread of HIV. Be smart and protect yourself.

3. Dialogue: It's time to talk about HIV/AIDS so that it will no longer be a silent killer

in the black community. Teach your kids about the dangers of HIV and unprotected

sex and talk about it with friends and co-workers. As parents, caretakers, health offi-

cials, radio personalities, and media writers, you are the first line of defense against

HIV and it is in your power to open the lines of communication.

4. Education: Insist that HIV prevention and education be taught in schools, in jails,

and find ways to make it accessible to the whole community.

5. Research: We must engage in our own research to understand the scope of this

pandemic within the Black community, and find funding for new ideas to help stop

the spread of this disease.

The power to fight HIV/AIDS lies in our hands, and we have to take the lead on this is-

sue if we want to see real change happen in our world.

Stopping HIV/AIDS in the Black & Hispanic Community

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New Study: African Americans & Hispanics More Likely

Than Any Other Race To Develop Alzheimer's Disease

African Americans and Hispanics are at a higher risk for developing Alzheimer's disease, but most

shocking is the fact that blacks are more likely than any other race to develop the degenerative dis-

ease, according to a new study released by the .Alzheimer’s Association

Older African Americans are nearly twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's than whites, and Hispanics

are about 1.5 times more likely than whites to develop the disease, results show.

While it is unclear why the disease takes such a devastating toll on minorities, the report says condi-

tions such as high blood pressure and diabetes-both of which are known risk factors for Alzheimer's

disease and dementia-are more common in older blacks and Hispanics than in whites and probably

contribute to the prevalence among the groups.

"Likewise, lower levels of education and other socio-economic characteristics that are associated

with increased risk for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias are more common in older African

Americans and Hispanics than in older whites,'' the report says.

Further, minorities are unlikely to know they have the disease and fail to receive early treatment.

Medication can be more helpful during the early phases of Alzheimer's and dementia when patients

are more capable of making decisions and plans, according to a CNN news report

In some cases, treatment isn't sought because family members choose to ignore symptoms out of

respect, the article says. In low-income households, some families can't help but to ignore signs be-

cause they cannot afford to pay for around-the-clock care, unlike most middle-to-upper-class families

that have health care beyond Medicaid. An estimated 11 million Americans provide 12.5 billion hours

of unpaid care for loved ones.

The key for minorities is early intervention, which requires access health care for treatment of the

disease. Below, the Alzheimer's Association lists :10 signs of the disease

1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life

2. Challenges in planning or solving problems

3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, work or at leisure

4. Confusion with time or place

5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships

6. New problems with words in speaking or writing

7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps

8. Decreased or poor judgment

9. Withdrawal from work or social activities

10. Changes in mood or personality

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The 4th Annual

Afro/Latino Magazine Parade June 12th @ 1:00 3rd & Walnut Sts. Reading Pa.

t the Legion Sponsored by Earl Lucas & Efrain Casiano

To be a part of this special day call 484-256-7258