Download - “Join the CONVO-sation” · 2013-02-25 · new alumni experience could be enhanced by officially integrating social media into convocation. the objectives of the social media integration

Page 1: “Join the CONVO-sation” · 2013-02-25 · new alumni experience could be enhanced by officially integrating social media into convocation. the objectives of the social media integration

Waterloo’s convocation goes social!

“Join the CONVO-sation”

2013 CCAE Prix d’ExcEllEncE aWards submission // catEgory 14 // bEst usE of social mEdia

Page 2: “Join the CONVO-sation” · 2013-02-25 · new alumni experience could be enhanced by officially integrating social media into convocation. the objectives of the social media integration

cynthia breen, alumni officer, eservices200 university avenue West, Waterloo, on, canada n2l 3g1519-888-4567, ext. 38305 // [email protected]


in just half a century, the university of Waterloo, located at the heart of canada’s technology hub, has become one of canada’s leading comprehensive universities with 35,000 full and part-time students in undergraduate and graduate programs.

Waterloo, as a home to the world’s largest post-secondary co-operative education program, embraces its connections to the world and encourages enterprising partnerships in learning, research and discovery. in the next decade, the university is committed to building a better future for canada and the world by championing innovation and collaboration to create solutions relevant to the needs of today and tomorrow.

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the sixth decade Plan, Waterloo’s strategic vision for 2007-2017, specifically outlines alumni engagement as a priority.

From the Sixth Decade Plan:

“Engaged alumni are vital to the success of Waterloo. to this end, the university will involve alumni to achieve the goals of the sixth decade Plan and Waterloo’s mission, by:

» expanding life-long engagement opportunities in order for alumni to stay connected after graduation;

» enhancing online resources, enabling alumni to be good ambassadors for Waterloo thereby allowing all alumni to make meaningful contributions to the university; and

» creating opportunities for alumni to become actively engaged in Waterloo initiatives, such as new student and international recruitment, and new co-op work opportunities.”

by integrating social media into the convocation experience, alumni affairs not only facilitated an online connection with new graduates, but provided a contemporary means for alumni to stay connected to Waterloo and easily become involved in all initiatives promoted on official social media channels.

“Join the CONVO-sation”

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in 2012 nearly 7,000 graduating students crossed the stage at convocation to become the university of Waterloo’s newest alumni. these ceremonies were broken down into eight ceremonies in June and four ceremonies in october, for a total of 12. While past ceremonies have successfully celebrated the achievements of the graduating class through various initiatives (gold medals recognizing academic achievement, post-ceremony receptions etc.), the office of alumni affairs felt that the overall new alumni experience could be enhanced by officially integrating social media into convocation.

the objectives of the social media integration campaign were three-fold:

1. » Make the event more inclusive for family, friends, alumni and those unable to attend the ceremony.

2. » Foster a sense of pride and nostalgia among graduating students.

3. » Establish an online connection with new alumni that could provide ongoing opportunities for engagement.

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in order to achieve the objectives a two-tactic strategy was created by christine bezruki (alumni officer, marketing and communications), cynthia breen (alumni officer, E-services) and yen Ho (alumni intern).

the first tactic utilized the official alumni affairs twitter account, @uwaterlooalumni, while the second tactic focused on the official alumni affairs facebook page, uWaterloo alumni.

the campaign required collaboration with several Waterloo departments including marketing and undergraduate recruitment, the registrar’s office, communications and Public affairs and athletics.


» Campaign Messaging:

the social media campaign was built around the messaging “Join the CONVO-sation”, a play on the word convocation using the popular social media phrase “Join the conversation”.

Prior to convocation an official conVo-sation hashtag was chosen and graduating students along with their family and friends were invited to “Join the CONVO-sation” on twitter with #uwgrad2012 and on facebook at uWaterloo alumni.


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» Advertising:

in order for the campaign to be successful, social media users needed to be made aware of the initiative, and encouraged to use the official hashtag #uwgrad2012. as a result, the initiative was heavily advertised one week prior to convocation.

“Join the CONVO-sation” promotions appeared:

» in the daily bulletin, Waterloo’s electronic daily newspaper,

» on mail-outs advertising the convocation reception,

» on all alumni and university social media channels,

» on the Waterloo homepage, and

» on the registrar’s website.

Come Celebrate your new status as a waterloo alumnus at the offiCial ConvoCation reCeption.

No reservations requiredComplimentary desserts and refreshmentsJust follow the red carpet into the Great hall of the student life Centre after your convocation ceremony.

brinG your family and friends!

Congratulations and welcome to the club!

Join the Convo-sation on twitter with #uwgrad2012

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» Budget:

the total cost over the 12 ceremonies for the CONVO-sation initiative was $4,434.87.

Expense breakdown:

» tweetWall Pro service- $705.00

» rental of tV screens – $2,630.88

» social media signs and 2 double-sided whiteboards – $594.09

» twitter stickers for pin cards – $504.90

» Promotion on mail-outs advertising the convocation reception – no cost


Join the CONVO-sation #uwgrad2012

on convocation day, signs inviting guests to “Join the CONVO-sation” were located in the ceremony venue as well as in the reception hall.

the official CONVO-sation hashtag was also advertised on the packaging of Waterloo pins handed out to each new graduate after accepting his/her degree.

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With the assistance of the registrar’s office, the use of the two large screens located to the left and right of the stage in the ceremony venue was secured. for an hour prior to the ceremony these screens ran live twitter walls displaying tweets marked with #uwgrad2012.

live twitter walls were also running in the student/alumni robing room and at the official reception after the ceremony.


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Prior to each ceremony the Waterloo athletics mascot, King Warrior, mingled among the graduating students while carrying whiteboards with the following messages:

» I’m going to miss … at Waterloo

» My best Waterloo memory is…» After graduation I’m going to…» I’m glad to be a Waterloo grad because…

students were given the opportunity to complete a whiteboard sentence and have their picture taken with the mascot by a professional photographer, who was also a Waterloo alumnus.

Each participating student was given an alumni affairs social media business card and then told that following the ceremony, these pictures would be available free of charge on the official uWaterloo alumni facebook page. students were encouraged to tag themselves and their friends in the photos.


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the CONVO-sation campaign successfully met all outlined objectives, and in many cases surpassed expectations.


Make the event more inclusive for family, friends, alumni, and those unable to attend the ceremony.


» the twitter walls allowed family and friends to communicate with graduating students while waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Just saw misha .... amazing ... so proud of u ... ur grandparents are here watching too #uwgrad2012 Amaarhyder

@luketurcotte look to your left #uwgrad2012 SpencerTurcotte

Hi mom dad and oma!!! #uwgrad2012 lynzsmits

good luck to my brother on his walk up the stage, don’t trip! #uwgrad2012 YaaitsShegow

#uwgrad2012 @blairdrose sitting 14th row evanrosee

» the twitter walls provided parents and family a vehicle for sharing their pride.

congratulations Hadi al rashid. We are so proud of you :d:d:d xoxoxoxo mom dad and sis #uwgrad2012 DocSaadia

congrats Josh! graduating with two awards... We loVE you! mom and dad #uwgrad2012 steverosen180

congrats to my fiance steven as he’s convocating today! #uwgrad2012 jfsaliba

@gporcellato a very sPEcial day for a very sPEcial boy... congrats on #uwgrad2012 #soomathy #sittingonthebeachsoon JBortzz

super proud of my sister graduating today! a lot of hard work has paid offand you deserve the bEst! te iubesc! #uwgrad2012 #himomandadam MaddieBeloia

congratulations to the graduating class and especially dr. laura brown! #uwgrad2012 ananiae

#uwgrad2012 congratulations to mElissa morgan -your brother :) JakeMorgan147

Watching my sister graduating is like the best thing ever. congrats! #uwgrad2012 sahilaggarwal03

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» the twitter walls made the event more inclusive for individuals not in attendance.

#uwgrad2012 gonna watch it live from #dubai #uaE. congrats to all my friends at uW. you guys did it!! komallakhani

#uwgrad2012 sara shegow we love you from england QueenNickiMinaj

Watching the live stream to see you go on stage danielle! congrats!!! #uwgrad2012 wzahid

maychu!♥ i’m going to miss you a lot! sorry i couldn’t make it to your convocation today. all the best!! #uWgrad2012 hoikyu

congrats to my boy reece lawrence. i am sure iggy is proud and watching online bud #uwgrad2012 gbowers19

» the twitter walls gave alumni the opportunity to join the celebration.

like father like son! #uWgrad2012 elenafrostad

congrats to all the new mathie alumni! i was there 6 years ago. best feeling in the world #uwgrad2012 #uWaterloo GambitIT

from one uw grad to all the new ones for 2012 “congratulations!”. Enjoy your big day. #uwgrad2012 uWatSummitCentr

a big congratulations to Waterloo’s newest arts grads! i wouldn’t trade my @stJeromesuni arts experience for anything! #uwgrad2012 cbezruki

as a 1995 bmath @uwaterlooalumni congratulations to the 2012 graduating class! Welcome to the working world! #uwgrad2012 RickBahula


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» by posting pictures taken with the Waterloo athletics mascot on facebook, family, friends, alumni and those unable to attend the event were able to view the photos, and comment.

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Foster a sense of pride and nostalgia among graduating students.


» the twitter walls prompted graduating students to share their school pride and reminisce about their Waterloo days.

i can’t believe tomorrow will be my last day ever as a student and first day being an alumni at uW. its been an amazing 4 years! erinnnnnnnnn

Here’s to the hundreds of sleepless nights over the past 5 years #uwgrad2012 StringsInSky

can’t believe i’m a university graduate!! congratulations to all of my fellow graduates of the class of 2012 #uwgrad2012 lynzsmits

Waiting to get my degree! go Waterloo!! #uwgrad2012 joeyrobert

fave thing about undergrad? co-op! thanks to all my placements @thecinematheque @kingston_grand @stratfordmusic @workmanartsproj #uwgrad2012 laurentheobalds

i can’t believe we did it and didn’t die so proud #uwgrad2012 @justcallme_pK @mattPriestap @Johncog5 PBandSway

the day is here #uwaterlooconvocation w the best faculty – science. congrats class of 12 #uwgrad2012 :) AndrewKim47

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» the facebook whiteboards allowed students to share their Waterloo pride and reminisce about favourite memories.

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Establish an online connection with new alumni that could provide ongoing opportunities for engagement.


» over the convocation period there were more than 3000 tweets marked with the #uwgrad2012 hashtag sent from all over the world.

» the twitter wall increased the number of people following @uwaterlooalumni by more than 10%. this increase will provide the alumni officer, E-services, a means of connecting one-on-one with these alumni and act as a way to keep them informed about university news after graduation.

» Posting the facebook photos online increased both the activity (as demonstrated by comments and shares) and the number of “likes” on the uWaterloo alumni page. With each new “like”, alumni affairs obtained an additional avenue for connecting with graduates.

» the total number of “likes” on the alumni affairs facebook pages increased by 13% over the convocation period.

» Weekly total reach – up 240.12%

» People talking about the alumni affairs facebook page – up 1067.69%

» friends of fans – up 10.58%

» at the midpoint of convocation, the alumni affairs facebook page had almost 500 unique visitors to the site in one day.

» over the span of convocation, over 1000 unique users commented or shared photos.

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From faculties and departments:

although designed for students, family, and alumni, the “Join the CONVO-sation” campaign was warmly embraced by faculties and departments across campus. throughout the convocation period, many departments tweeted congratulatory messages to their new alumni:

congratulations to our second graduating class of geography & aviation students! see you in the sky soon! #uwgrad2012 envwaterloo

special congrats to graduates from the russian and East European studies program (dept. of germanic & slavic studies) #uwgrad2012 rantoniomg

you’ve earned your ring, and now you’ve earned your piece of paper too! congratulations graduating Engineers! #uwgrad2012 uWaterlooCareer

convocation @uWaterloo. congrats to all of the new grads! #uWaterloo #uwgrad2012 uWaterlooECoop

From students:

many students expressed surprise at seeing social media integrated into their convocation day. their response, coupled with the success of the campaign, has set a standard for social media use at Waterloo events in the future.

i can’t believe they have a live stream of tweets. #uwgrad2012 gamehead200

there’s a twitter feed at our convo! that’s is just boss!!! #uwgrad2012 JaddeusNg

loVEd how my tweet was posted at the grad ceremony!!! #uwgrad2012 courtneybetts

Woot twitter screen #uwgrad2012 summers_megan

loving the #uwgrad2012 commentary on twitter #uwaterloo m2piazza


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