Download - Anuruddha Edirisinghe - Kavakatu


Anuruddha, Edirisinghe

Executive Director, Infoshare

We are a non-profit technology

company based in Sri Lanka,

building technology solutions

for organizations working for

positive social change.

Our partnership with Microsoft to

build technology for non-profit

organizations in the Asia-Pacific

region. At Tech4Good in mid-

2011, we discussed some areas in

need of solutions.

Emphasis on:

• Developing practical solutions

instead of merely theorizing

about the potential of


• Harnessing innovation in Asia

for Asia

What areas have we been looking at?

Volunteer management

Disaster preparedness

Project management

Monitoring and evaluation

We’d like to introduce you to

What Kavakatu means

measurement / navigation Kavakatu helps you to measure and track progress, but also provides clear reporting and decision support for better planning.

What it is not

Project management system

Task scheduler

Budgeting tool

Communications system

Key principle: avoid duplication of

existing solutions; but instead focus on

unaddressed needs in the social

development sector

What is it, then?

Kavakatu is about helping you

stay on mission. It’s a project

monitoring & evaluation system.

Add a project with a simple form

Ready to add some indicators?

We’ll suggest some for you

Or you can create your own

That’s all it takes to setup a project.

Updating indicators is even simpler

Analyze how your indicators perform

Analyze a complete project

Review all your projects

Overview of your organization

Thank you!

Join us at and register your email address if you’d like to try our beta!