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The Technological Life of Armen

Katerina FundukiAnthropology 102Dr. Leanna Wolfe

Spring 2015

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Armen lays down in his room most of the day. His dog is always by his side and loves his company. Armen says

that his dog shows the most love to him, out of everyone in the house. They’re very connected and his dog, Gucci,

is basically his little best friend.

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Watching television is one of the many things Armen does throughout the day. He watches action movies and shows

on Netflix. Some of the shows he watches are Prison Break, Breaking Bad, and Friends.

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Armen uses his laptop a lot throughout the day. He goes on websites like Facebook and Youtube most of the time. He used Youtube to listen to some of his favorite artists’

songs and uses Facebook to connect with his cousins from Syria.

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Grand Theft Auto is Armen’s favorite video game, and I could tell because he plays it very frequently. He’s my family friend, and anytime I came over he played it at

least once. It shows how obsessed he is into the game and how good he’s gotten over time.

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As the pictures show, technology is a big part of Armen’s life and every day routine. When he is done watching

television or playing video games, he goes on his phone for hours and rarely lets go of it. He uses applications like

Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. He thinks it’s a good option when he’s bored and has nothing to do.

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He cleans his dad’s Porsche at least once every week or two. He thinks it is fun, because he classifies himself as a “car freak” and likes to keep things clean. He feels as if

the car needs to look polished and nice all of the time, so he offers to take it to a hand wash and clean the inside


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Along with the car, Armen likes to make sure his backyard is clean as well. He uses a hose to water down the

backyard, then mops it to make sure all of the dirt and dust is gone. He’s a very clean individual and likes to keep

everything organized and well.

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Armen’s love for motorcycles has grown more and more throughout the years. He bought this motorcycle and fixed it up to look like how he would like. Every once in a while

he’ll take it out for a ride, but not too long because his mother gets a little scared.

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This is Armen’s backyard, under the patio. He informed me that he likes to come sit here and just have a moment to think to himself. He feels as if it is his only escape from

his loud family in the house. He enjoys the nature and fresh air.

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Last but not least, this is Armen’s favorite time of the day. This is where he takes daily naps after school. He prefers this couch over his bed, because he says it is much softer and very comfortable. He says he needs his naps to refuel

for the rest of the day.