Download - Anterior fontanel Ultrasound of posterior fossa...Meijler and Steggerda Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography 2019 Ultrasound of posterior fossa Posterior fontanel Correa AJNR 2004; Steggerda,

Page 1: Anterior fontanel Ultrasound of posterior fossa...Meijler and Steggerda Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography 2019 Ultrasound of posterior fossa Posterior fontanel Correa AJNR 2004; Steggerda,


Sylke SteggerdaLeiden University Medical Center

Leiden, the Netherlands

Cranial ultrasound

posterior fossa lesionsPosterior fossa lesions in NICU

• Increasingly recognized• Mainly in preterm but also full term• Consequences for outcome


Limperopoulos, Pediatrics 2005 & 2007; Limperopoulos Pediatr neurol 2009Volpe, J Child Neurol 2009; Brossard-Racine, Cerebellum 2015; Hortensius Pediatrics 2018

Anterior fontanel

Routine CUS windowPosterior fossa often poor

Meijler and Steggerda Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography 2019

Ultrasound of posterior fossa

Posterior fontanel

Correa AJNR 2004; Steggerda, EHD 2009; Meijler and Steggerda Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography 2019

Better detection small IVH and occipital WMIAlso visualization cerebellum (vermis)

Mastoid fontanel

Improves visualizationBetter detection abnormalities

Enriquez Eur Rad 2006; Steggerda, Seminars FN Med 2016 Meijler and Steggerda Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography 2019

Page 2: Anterior fontanel Ultrasound of posterior fossa...Meijler and Steggerda Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography 2019 Ultrasound of posterior fossa Posterior fontanel Correa AJNR 2004; Steggerda,


Mastoid fontanelAxial (transverse) plane

28 weeks

Mastoid fontanelCoronal plane

28 weeks

33 weeks

• Preterm cerebellar injury

• Hypoxic ischemic injury

• Infections

• Other hemorrhagic lesions

Posterior fossa abnormalities

• Most hemorrhagic (CBH)

• Incidence 3-20% (large and punctate)

• Often clinically silent

• Associated with

low GA and BW

supratentorial IVH (same risk factors)

unexplained ventricular dilatation (!)

Preterm cerebellar injury

Limperopoulos, Pediatrics 2005; Volpe, J Child Neurol 2009; Steggerda, Radiology 2009; Parodi, ADC FN ed. 2015

CBH Classification

Grade 1

punctate (≤ 4mm) lesion(s)

Grade 2

limited CBH (< 1/3 hemisphere)

often lateral/inferior convexity

Grade 3

extensive CBH (>1/3 hemisphere)

often destruction and atrophy

Meijler and Steggerda, Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography 2019; Boswinkel, Cerebellum 2019; Parodi, ADC FN ed. 2015


Grade 1 CBH

MRI at term


Early CUS

Page 3: Anterior fontanel Ultrasound of posterior fossa...Meijler and Steggerda Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography 2019 Ultrasound of posterior fossa Posterior fontanel Correa AJNR 2004; Steggerda,




Grade 2 CBH

CUS day 3 acute stage

CUS 2 wks, same patient subacute stage


Grade 2 CBH

Ventricular dilatation, agitation (*)

CUS 30 wks

(*) Ecury-Goossen 2010

Grade 3 CBH

CBH and subdural hemorrhage




MRI at termMRI 30 wks


CUS 4 wks, subacute stage large CBH

Subacute CBH

Fetal CBH Rh alloimmunization

post IUT bilateral fetal CBH

delivery term age

GA 22 wks

Term age

Fetal CBH can present as

cerebellar hypoplasia

Motor and non motor (cognition, behavior, social)

Depends on size, location

• Large CBH high risk impaired outcome

• Intermediate CBH do better

• Bilateral and/or vermis, less favorable

• Punctate no effect on outcome at 2 yrs

Outcome preterm CBH

Boswinkel, Cerebellum 2019; Hortensius, Pediatrics 2018Limperopoulos, Pediatrics 2007; Brossard-Racine, Cerebellum 2015; Steggerda, Cerebellum 2013

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Perinatal asphyxia

Ischemic cerebellar and brain stem injury

GBS meningitis


Congenital CMV

Cerebellar hypoplasia


Term baby, uncomplicated delivery

Hypotonic, apnea 6 hrs pp

Subdural PF hemorrhage (often echolucent) -> emergency intervention



Term, uncomplicated delivery, irritated, apnea

PF hemorrhage, acute hydrocephalus -> Decompresion, shunt placement


Page 5: Anterior fontanel Ultrasound of posterior fossa...Meijler and Steggerda Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography 2019 Ultrasound of posterior fossa Posterior fontanel Correa AJNR 2004; Steggerda,


Important diagnostic tool

• Preterm CBH

• Other conditions (HIE, infection, PF hemorrhage)

• Antenatal injury, malformations

Diagnostic performance can be optimized

• Additional windows, settings, awareness

Large, relevant abnormalities

• Majority diagnosed on (MF) CUS

Posterior fossa CUS Indications MF CUS

Infants “at risk”

• <32 weeks

• IVH (at any GA)

• Unexplained ventricular dilatation, agitation

• Perinatal asphyxia

• Suspected congenital, infectious, metabolic disorder

• Abnormal AF view

At least once in first week, repeat on indication

• Evolution of lesions, monitor cerebellar growth

All members

EurUS.brain group

Monica Fumagalli

Alessandro Parodi

Paul Govaert

[email protected]

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