Download - Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.

Page 1: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.

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Page 2: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.

Sacraments Draw UsInto the Mystery of God

• God comes to us in sacraments

• Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace

• Sacraments allow to perceive and experience God’s grace

Page 3: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.

Sacraments Draw UsInto the Mystery of God

• Jesus is the primordial sacrament

• Church is the primary sacrament of Christ

• Sacraments allow us to participate in the Paschal Mystery

Page 4: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.

Liturgy and the Paschal Mystery• Liturgy is source and summit of the entire

Christian life

• When we share in Christ’s mission we participate in the world as God wants it to be

• Liturgy=“public work”—we participate in the liturgy for the good of the community

Page 5: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.

Liturgy and the Paschal Mystery

• Through earthly sacramental liturgy we participate in the eternal liturgy of heaven

• Rites of the Church provide a structure for worship—in keeping with faith that Jesus handed down to apostles

• Liturgical year—salvation history unfolds

Page 6: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.

Liturgy and the Paschal Mystery

• Easter is main pillar of liturgical year

• Christmas is second pillar of liturgical year

• Sunday is main pillar of Christian week

Page 7: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.


• Jesus came to destroy suffering and death and create pathway to God

• In Baptism we follow Jesus in suffering and death to be united with God

• We unite ourselves with Christ’s actions

• Sealed with sign of eternal life

Page 8: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.


• Baptism gives us new identity

• We are invited into mystery of life as God intended it to be

Page 9: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.


• Confirmation completes Baptism

• Laying on of hands by bishop, anointed with chrism

• Receive gift of Holy Spirit—identity and relationships changed forever

• Indelible spiritual mark

Page 10: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.


• Sacrament for all baptized, age of reason

• Binds us more closely to the Church

• Commits us to prayer and action

Page 11: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.


• The center of Christian life

• Our heart and soul

• Draws us into the great events of salvation history

• Jesus is present in many ways in the celebration of the Eucharist

Page 12: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.


• Seen as sacrifice since earliest days of Christianity

• Constantly helps the Church become more loving

• Sends us into the world to be the Body of Christ for the world

Page 13: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.


• God makes it possible for us to recognize and turn away from sin

• reconcile=to flow together again

• Turn our lives around to flow again with God

• Affects the fundamental orientation of our entire lives

Page 14: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.


• Purpose is to help us become more faithful

• Restores our relationship with God and the Church

• Two equally essential elements:– Acts of the person who undergoes conversion– Intervention of the Church

Page 15: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.


• When person is forgiven, obstacles to complete union with God and others are removed

• We make peace with God, neighbor, ourselves, and all creation

Page 16: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.

Anointing of the Sick

• Jesus is with us through suffering

• Jesus made suffering redemptive

• Sacrament allows us to unite our suffering with the suffering of Christ

• Sacrament for all who are seriously ill

• God’s healing power given to the world

Page 17: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.

Holy Orders

• Ministerial priesthood at service of common priesthood

• Christ continues to lead and build up his Church

• Three degrees—bishops, priests, and deacons

Page 18: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.

Holy Orders

• Essential rite—laying on of hands by bishop with prayer of consecration

• Confers indelible spiritual character

• Reveals mystery of the Kingdom

Page 19: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.


• God created men and women to be one

• Jesus raised marriage to a sacrament

• Marriage covenant is sign of Jesus’ covenant with the Church

• Marriage established for good of husband and wife, and for procreation and education of children

Page 20: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.


• Spouses are ministers of the sacrament

• Church does not permit divorce and remarriage

• When married couples surrender to the grace of the sacrament, the light and love of Christ shines through

Page 21: Another Look appendix. Sacraments Draw Us Into the Mystery of God God comes to us in sacraments Sacrament=visible and efficacious sign of invisible grace.

Sacraments are the answer to our deepest longings

• Sacraments give us a way of understanding—puts many questions to rest

• God gives us the love, life, joy, purpose, and success we long for through the sacraments

• Sacraments draw us into the mystery of God—gives our lives purpose