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Anomaly Detection of Earthquake Precursor

Data using Long Short Term Memory


Yin Cai1,2, Mei-Ling Shyu3, Yue-Xuan Tu3, Yun-Tian Teng1, Xing-Xing Hu◆1

Abstract: Earthquake precursor data have been used as important basis for earthquake prediction. In this

paper, a recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture with the Long-short term memory (LSTM) units is

utilized to develop a predictive model for normal data. Furthermore, the prediction errors from the predictive

models are used to indicate normal or abnormal behavior. An added advantage of using the LSTM networks

is that the earthquake precursor data can be directly fed into the network without any elaborate preprocessing

as required by other approaches. Also, no prior information about abnormal data is needed by the networks

as they were trained only on normal data. Experiments using three groups of real data are conducted to

compare the anomaly detection results with those of manual recognition. The comparison results indicate that

the proposed LSTM network achieves promising results and is viable for detecting anomalies in earthquake

precursor data.

Keywords: Earthquake precursor data, Deep Learning, LSTM-RNN, Prediction Model, Anomaly Detection

1 Introduction

Due to the interaction between the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate, combined with the westward

subduction impact of the Pacific plate, China becomes the most intense and high frequency intraplate

seismic activity region(Wu et al., 2013). Since the last century, there have been a lot of strong

earthquakes hitting mainland China. Such earthquakes are characterized by their shallow focal depths

and wide distributions, which have caused great losses to people's lives and the properties(Lu et al.,

2018). To effectively mitigate the disaster caused by earthquakes, scientists in China have started

exploring and practicing researches on earthquake prediction as early as the 1960s and became the

pioneering country in this field. After more than 50 years of development, although there were

successful cases, such as the accurate prediction of the Haicheng earthquake in 1975(Wang et al., 2006),

such success is rare and there is still a long way to go. In general, the level of earthquake prediction is

still in the primary stage of obtaining observation facts and accumulating empirical knowledge.

However, scientists have deepened their understanding of earthquake prediction that the most direct sign

of earthquake occurrence is earthquake precursor. Thus, searching for precursors is an important

approach to the earthquake prediction study(Huang et al., 2017; Tsai et al., 2018).

By analyzing the observation data from different domains such as crustal deformation, geoelectricity

and geomagnetism, and ground fluid, scientists revealed the relationships between the anomalies in

Manuscript received by the Editor December 20, 2018; revised manuscript received July 6, 2019

*This work was supported by the Science for Earthquake Resilience of China (No. XH18027) and Research and

Development of Comprehensive Geophysical Field Observing Instrument in Mainland China(No. Y201703).

1. Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100081, China.

2. Shandong Earthquake Agency, Jinan 250014, China.

3. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33146, USA.

◆ Corresponding Author: Xing-Xing Hu (Email: [email protected])

©2019 The Editorial Department of APPLIED GEOPHYSICS. All rights reserved.

Page 2: Anomaly Detection of Earthquake Precursor Data using Long Anomaly Detection of Earthquake Precursor Data using Long Short Term


precursor data and the occurrence of large earthquakes (Ouyang et al., 2009; Ye et al., 2015; Yao et al.,

2012; Han et al., 2015; Shirokov et al., 2015). Earthquake precursor anomaly data can be divided into

two main categories: tendency change and high-frequency mutation. Tendency turning refers to the

abnormal change of tendency compared with the normal periodic variations. High-frequency

disturbance refers to the abrupt change in observation data with the high frequency and large amplitude,

which usually has irregular patterns. These two types of anomalies usually overlap with each other in

actual observations, which largely increases the level of complexity to detect them.

Currently, most of the precursor anomaly detection methods are based on statistics knowledge, where

a baseline and a changing rate of normal data are first calculated, and then any observation beyond a

certain range of variations is considered as abnormal(Huang et al., 2017). Some techniques from digital

signal analysis are also used in the extraction of abnormal data such as wavelet transform(Grossmann

and Morlet, 1984; Zhang et al., 2016; Masci and Thomas, 2015), and empirical mode

decomposition(Huang et al., 1998; Wang et al., 2017; Shah and Jin, 2018). These methods convert the

observation data from the time domain to the frequency domain, and thus the anomaly can be analyzed

and detected from a more detailed perspective. The detection techniques mentioned above are only

applicable to a certain type of anomalies. However, in the actual observation data, different types of

anomalies usually overlap with each other, and it is hard for the current methods to be generalized to all

kinds of anomalies with fairly high accuracies(Yang et al., 2017). Therefore, we need a new approach

that can identify most kinds of anomalies in a unified manner.

Deep learning techniques have become the most popular machine learning method. They can extract

the deep features through the self-learning process of data and achieve the best performance in both

supervised learning and unsupervised learning areas(LeCun et al., 2015;Pouyanfar et al., 2018). RNN

(Recursive neural network) is one of the well-known deep learning models, which can exhibit dynamic

temporal behavior for a time sequence by building the connections between current state and previous

states(Williams and Zipser, 1989; Bengio et al., 1994; Hochreiter et al., 2001; Gers et al., 2000; Greff et

al., 2017). An LSTM(Long short-term memory) network is an RNN composed of the LSTM units and

has been widely used in a lot of data analysis fields such as handwriting recognition, voice recognition,

and machine translation(Soltau et al., 2016; Graves et al., 2013; Frinken and Uchida, 2015).

The earthquake precursor data is a collection of various continuous changing physical quantities,

belonging to typical time series data. We want to take advantage of the ability of the LSTM networks to

handle the long-term dependencies, so that deeper features which characterize the changing pattern of

the data can be captured. Hopefully, such features will improve the accuracy in automatic earthquake

anomaly identification and furthermore bridge the gaps between deep learning techniques and

earthquake anomaly detection.

There are three main problems of current anomaly detection methods: 1) the current methods largely

rely on manual recognition, where the judgement is subjective since different experts may come up with

different outcomes for the same data; 2) the current methods are inconsistent because they have their

specific scope of applications and are incompatible to process multiple types of data; and 3) the current

methods cannot be applied in real-time detection since, under most circumstances, a lot of preprocessing

work is needed before the data can be analyzed. In addition, the outcome highly depends on cumbersome

parameters tuning, which makes these approaches more time-consuming.

To solve the aforementioned three problems, this paper proposes a novel anomaly detection method

for earthquake precursor data based on unsupervised learning. We first build an LSTM network model

to learn the characteristics of normal data, and then it is used to predict the future trends and variations.

The differences between predictive data and actual observation data serve as quantitative indicators of

anomalies. The novelties of this method lie in the following three aspects: 1) the model simulates the

manual identification process, and the training is unsupervised, which will generate recognition results

in a more unified manner; 2) this method is applicable to various types of observation data and does not

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require specific knowledge background for each data type; and 3) the raw data can be directly fed into

the model without any preprocessing stage, making it feasible to be applied in real-time.

2 Earthquake Precursor Data Anomaly Detection using LSTM

In this section, a new approach to address the anomaly detection problem of earthquake precursor

data is presented. First, the LSTM network is used to establish a data prediction model. Next, how to

use the model to detect the anomaly data in the testing dataset is given. Finally, the details of the

algorithm and steps are described.

2.1 LSTM Network

Compared with traditional RNNs, an LSTM network replaces the neurons in the hidden layer with

the LSTM units to overcome the vanishing gradient problem. An LSTM network is composed of

multiple LSTM hidden layers, where each hidden layer represents a time step and consists of multiple

LSTM units, as shown in Fig. 2.1. When expanded, it is equivalent to a feedforward neural network,

sharing parameters between layers. The output of each layer is used as the input of the next layer, so

that it can process time series data of an arbitrary length and extract more complex (abstract) features

(Sak et al., 2014).

Fig. 2.1 The LSTM network architecture (Hermans and Schrauwen, 2013).

A common LSTM unit consists of a memory cell and several gates, where the cell is responsible for

storing state information and the gates are used to control when and how to update the states. An LSTM

structure is shown in Fig. 2.2.

Fig. 2.2 LSTM structure diagram(Greff et al., 2017).

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There are three types of gates in an LSTM unit, namely the input gate, the output gate, and the forget

gate. The input gates determine which information to be updated, and the forget gates decide whether

to keep the memory of the previous state or get rid of it. Thus, the update of the cell state is achieved

through the input gates and forget gates. The output gates determine what parts of the cell state to output.

The equations below show the input, output, the operations of cell state and each gate(Graves et al.,







tanh( ( , ) ) (input),

( ( , ) ) (input gate),

( ( , ) ) (forget gate),

( ( , ) ) (output gate),

(cell state),

tanh( ) (output),

t c t t c

t i t t i

t f t t f

t o t t o

t t t t t

t t t

c W h x b

i W h x b

f W h x b

o W h x b

c f c i c

h o c

= +

= +

= +

= +

= +



where ti , tf , to , tc represent the states for the corresponding gates and cell at time t. tx stands for

the input at time t, while 1th − and th mean the output at times t-1 and t, correspondingly. tc is a

temporary state. W and b stand for the weight matrix and bias vector. is the sigmoid activation


2.2 Predication Model

The predication model is built to allow the machine to learn the normal characteristics of the data, so

that the future data trends can be predicted and the abnormal data can be detected. The LSTM is

implemented in this model, and it is trained by a large amount of normal data. The parameters of the

model are continuously optimized to reduce the loss calculated from the loss function and achieve the

optimal learning results on the data features (Gupta et al., 2014).

The structure of the predication model is divided into three types of layers, namely the input layer,

the hidden layer, and the output layer, as shown in Fig. 2.3. The normal data are fed into the input layer

as the training sets. There are multiple hidden layers between the input layer and the output layer. The

number of hidden layers and the number of neurons in each layer are determined by the data set. The

adjacent hidden layer adopts the full connection mode, and the dropout parameter is set to randomly

suppress the output of some neurons to avoid overfitting in the training process so that all neurons can

be more fully trained. The size of the dropout parameter is inversely related to the amount of information

in the dataset and is positively related to the size of the network. The output layer is a fully connected

layer, where the number of its neurons equals the length of the output vector. In other words, each neuron

in the output layer represents one step prediction output. Since the prediction model is mainly used for

regression, linear activation is used in the output layer. The LSTM network is trained by the Back

Propagation Through Time (BPTT) algorithm(Werbos, 1990). Finally, the Mean Squared Error (MSE)

is used as the loss function to characterize the prediction ability of the LSTM network model.

( )21

ˆ(t) (t) ,n

i i


MSE y yn

= − (2.2)

where (t)iy is the predicted value of the model output at time t , ˆ (t)iy is the actual observed value at

time t , and n is the total number of data samples

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Fig. 2.3 The LSTM prediction model structure diagram.

2.3 Anomaly Detection

The idea of the proposed detection method is to simulate the process of manual detection, where the

changes of normal data follow certain dynamic patterns, and the anomaly is identified when the

observation data deviate from a certain range of variations of the normal behaviors. Thus, an anomaly

detection method is proposed based on the deviations of the observation data from the predictive value

obtained in the prediction model. The prediction error is used as a quantitative measure of how likely it

is an anomaly. To be more specific, the prediction error is calculated by the difference between the actual

observed value at time t and the prediction value at time t-1 obtained from the predictive model. This

prediction error can be also interpreted as the offset from the normal changing trends.

To make the prediction error an effective anomaly indicator, the following two requirements need to

be satisfied: 1) there is a sufficient amount of training data so that the features learned by the prediction

model can well represent the normal changing characteristics; and 2) when compared with normal data,

the anomaly should have a much higher prediction error, so that a threshold of prediction error can be

set to distinguish between the normal and the abnormal data.

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The anomaly detection process is mainly divided into two steps. First, the prediction model on normal

data is trained. The anomaly threshold is determined by the training error, e.g., choosing the highest

training error as the threshold value. Next, the point-to-point prediction on the prediction data sets using

our prediction model is performed. An anomaly is then identified when the prediction error is greater

than the threshold value.

2.4 Algorithm Steps

First, each dataset is divided into three subsets: 1) training set nN , which only includes normal data;

2) validation set nV , which is a subset of nN and is used to validate the convergence of the training

process while preventing overfitting; and 3) testing set nT , which includes both normal and abnormal

data and is used to test the performance of the model.

Then, the anomaly detection algorithm is performed in the following 4 steps.

1. Prediction model training: According to the characteristics of the training set, the hyperparameters

of the model are initialized, including the number of hidden layers, the number of neurons in each layer,

dropout, learning rate, etc. Next, Bayesian optimization is used to find the optimal values of the

hyperparameters. In general, the single-step prediction can detect abnormal data changes in time, and

the prediction result is reasonable. Therefore, the prediction step size is set to 1 by default.

2. Prediction model saving: Randomly select 5% of the training set as the validation set and track the

validation errors. Save the prediction model and validation errors when the model reaches the optimal

point while avoid overfitting.

3. Anomaly threshold value setting: Set the anomaly threshold value based on the validation errors in

the way that the abnormal data are identified with as few false positives as possible. By empirical studies,

the anomaly threshold is set to be twice the average of the validation errors.

4. Anomaly detection: Feed the testing dataset as the input to the prediction model and detect the

abnormal data. The prediction model continuously predicts the value at next time unit based on the input

data. The abnormal data is identified when the prediction error exceeds the anomaly threshold value,

and this error served as a quantitative measure of the anomaly data. The anomaly detection algorithm is

detailed in Fig. 2.4.

As discussed in Section 2.3, the recognition accuracy greatly depends on how well the model can

learn the characteristics of the normal data behavior. However, in the real world, the changes and

variations of the observation data are diverse. Thus, manual fine tuning of the hyperparameters

mentioned in step 1 is performed so that the identified anomaly data show relatively higher prediction

errors in the testing set. In this way, the anomaly threshold value can be increased to minimize the

amount of normal data that are detected as abnormal.

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Algorithm Steps

1: procedure anomaly_detcect(raw_data)

2: model, dectctor ←CREATE ()

3: nN , nV , nT ←SPLIT(raw_data)

4: for n epchs and batch_size do

5: model. TRAIN ( nN , nV )

6: end for

7: _ nN prediction ← model.PREDICT( nN )

8: _ nN error ←Compute the Loss Function using (2.2)

9: thresholds ← detcetor.SET_THRESHOLDS(1

12 _




N errork =


10: detcetor.APPLY(thresholds)

11: for each nT do

12: _ nT prediction ← model. PREDICT ( nT )

13: _ nT error ←Compute the Loss Function using Equation (2)

14: if ( _ nT error < thresholds) then

15: nT : is normal point

16: else

17: nA ← nT : is anomalous

18: return { nA }

19: end for

20: end procedure

Fig. 2.4. Pseudo code of the proposed LSTM anomaly detection algorithm.

3 Experiments

To ensure that the proposed method can be generalized to handle different types of data, three datasets

are selected from three different disciplines witch include typical earthquake precursor anormaly. In

addition, the advantages and robustness of our proposed method are shown by comparing our detection

results with manual recognition.

3.1 Datasets

3.1.1 Gravity Dataset

Gravity observation is an important type of observation data in the discipline of deformation. The

selected dataset is from the China's earthquake precursor dataset- the November 23, 2013 Laizhou

Ms4.6 earthquake. An anomalous data set from the earthquake precursor of China's earthquake

precursors - the daily average gravity observations from Tai’an, Shandong seismic station between

2011/1/1 and 2013/12/31, which contains 1095 samples. As shown in the upper plot of Fig. 3.1, the daily

mean value shows an overall increasing trend. In order to better identify the abnormal data, the data is

generally processed in the form of first-order difference to remove the increasing trend as shown in the

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lower plot of Fig. 3.1. Based on the figure, the red box area is the range of the manually determined

anomalies. The description of this anomaly is as follows. Before the earthquake occurred, the increasing

rate of the gravity observation data slowed down on 2013/8/21, the trend became decreasing on

2013/9/11, and the decline rate slowed down on 2013/10/3, showing a fluctuating decline. The normal

increasing rate resumed on the 2013/11/15, and an earthquake occurred one week later.

Fig. 3.1 Gravity observation data from 2011 to 2013 in Tai’an Station.

3.1.2 Georesistivity Dataset

The georesistivity is a representative observation method in the geoelectricity discipline. At present,

a georesistivity network composed of more than 80 stations has been built nationwide in China, which

has accumulated rich observation data and earthquake cases. The observation data of most georesistivity

stations show annual changes, i.e., the data are roughly periodic with the period around a year, and the

annual variation is generally 2% to 3%. Since the change of the magnitude, shape, and phase of a

periodic signal is already an anomaly, it is more challenging to identify the anomaly from the

observation data superimposed with the annual variation component and background noise. Take the

2018/5/12 Wenchuan Mw7.9 earthquake as an example. The daily mean value of N58°E track from

October 2002 to June 2008 in Chengdu station is selected. The manual detection methods can only

intuitively conclude that there is a declining trend for georesistivity data from 2005 to 2007, when the

previous annual changes become less obvious. About two months before the earthquake, the annual

change pattern resumes to appear. The red box in Fig. 3.1 indicates the manually determined anomaly

data, but it is difficult to figure out the exact time range and variation of this anomaly before the


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Fig. 3.2 Georesistivity observation data from October 2002 to June 2008 in Chengdu station.

3.1.3 Water Level Dataset

A large number of observations show that the prominent anomaly data of ground fluid before strong

earthquakes are in the medium and short-medium terms. The most representative ground fluid data are

water level and water radon observations. Since the dynamic variation characteristics of the groundwater

level data are complex, and the same well hole has different reflection effects on different earthquakes,

it is generally very hard to detect any anomalies directly from the raw observation data. We take the

water level observation data in Gejiu station as an example. The average water level for each month

from May 1982 to May 2008 is selected, which includes 313 data samples in total as shown in Fig. 3.3.

It is clear that the most significant feature of the 26-year water level observation data is its annual

periodic changes, but the annual variation is inconsistent and the regularity is not strong. Thus, it is not

feasible to intuitively determine whether there is an abnormal change in the data.

Fig. 3.3 Water level observation data from May 1982 to May 2008 in Gejiu station.

3.2 Results and Analyses

A detailed discussion of the anomaly detection results of the aforementioned three datasets by using

the proposed LSTM network model is presented in this subsection. As mentioned in Section 2.4, for

each dataset, the part of the data that changes normally is first selected as the training data, and the rest

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is used as the testing data. When the data has obvious periodic changes, the integrity of the periods is

preserved as much as possible in the segmentation process to improve the model's ability to learn the

overall trend of the data. At the same time, zero-mean normalization is performed on all the data to

speed up the convergence of model training. The model structure and corresponding parameters used

by the three datasets are shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Details of the prediction models used for each dataset.

Dataset Network

Architecture Optimizer Lookback




(Training) Threshold


Daily Mean


Recurrent: {60}

Dropout: 0.1

Recurrent: {10}

Dropout: 0.1

Dense: {1}

Linear Activation


Rate: 0.05

Decay: 0.99

40 3 0.001 0.002




Recurrent: {80}

Dropout: 0.2

Recurrent: {20}

Dropout: 0.2

Dense: {1}

Linear Activation


Rate: 0.03

Decay: 0.99

30 4 2 4


Recurrent: {64}

Dropout: 0.05

Recurrent: {256}

Dropout: 0.05

Recurrent: {100}

Dropout: 0.05

Dense: {1}

Linear Activation


Rate: 0.01

Decay: 0.99

200 50 0.1 0.2

Water Level

Recurrent: {100}

Dropout: 0.2

Recurrent: {30}

Dropout: 0.2

Dense: {1}

Linear Activation


Rate: 0.1

Decay: 0.99

50 8 0.25 0.5

3.2.1 Gravity Dataset

It can be seen from the whole process of the gravity observation dataset that the overall data change

is more stable before October 2012, and the anomalies mainly occur after October 2012. Therefore, the

data between January 2011 and June 2012 are used as the training dataset, with the model parameters

shown in Table 1. Since an average training error of 0.001 is obtained, the anomaly threshold value is

set to be 0.002. Then the model is used to generate the prediction results for the testing dataset and the

results are shown in Fig. 3.4.

In the upper plot of Fig. 3.4, the solid blue line is the raw observation data which correspond to the

testing dataset, and the green solid line is the point-by-point prediction result from the prediction model.

The lower plot in Fig. 3.4 shows the mean square error between the actual observation and the predicted

value, and the black solid line is the anomaly threshold value. Similar to the manual detection results,

the predictive model can accurately identify the abnormal trend of the observed data after 2013/8/21. In

addition, the prediction error gradually declines when the observed data begin to resume its previous

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changing trend. However, the difference from the manual detection is that the prediction error shows an

increasing trend since 2012/12/12 when there is a sudden drop. When the data suddenly rises on

2013/5/26, the error shows a significant high value jump, and then basically stays above the anomaly

threshold value until the data resumes its normal behavior. Therefore, the proposed model can detect

anomalies that are not easily identified by humans, detect abnormal data in advance, and quantitatively

describe the abnormality.

Fig. 3.4 Gravity data anomaly detection results.

The prediction results for the first-order differential data are shown in Fig. 3.5. Similarly, the

predictive model is also able to accurately identify the abnormal changes from August 2013 to October

2013, with a significant long-term variation in the errors. In addition, it can be seen from the error curve

that a high frequency disturbance has increased significantly since 2013/1/20, and the amplitudes of

errors are much larger than the previous ones. These abnormal changes extracted by the proposed model

are not identified by manual detection or are difficult to be described solidly and confidently by the


Fig. 3.5 Gravity first-order differential data anomaly detection results.

3.2.2 Georesistivity Dataset

Since the georesistivity data has an annual changing pattern, the data from 2014/1/1 to 2015/9/30 are

selected as the training data to ensure that there are two complete annual change cycles in the training

process. The average training error is 0.1, so that the anomaly threshold is set to be 0.2. The prediction

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results on the testing dataset is shown in Fig. 3.6.

The plot of the prediction errors shows that since June 2006, the observed data have obvious

fluctuations and abnormal changes, and some prediction errors exceed the anomaly threshold value.

Since March 2017, the predicted value begins to rise above the observed value due to the disappearance

of the normal annual change, so the prediction error gradually increases, exceeding the anomaly

threshold value. From November 2007 to May 2008, the observed data accelerate to decline, and such

accelerated decline trend did not appear in the training dataset. Therefore, the prediction model does not

make a corresponding trend prediction, and the prediction error shows a rapid increase. As of March

2008, the data starts to resume the normal rising behavior, so the error begins to decrease, and gradually

returns below the anomaly threshold value. On 2018/5/12, the Wenchuan Mw7.9 earthquake occurred

35km away from the Chengdu observation center.

Fig. 3.6 Georesistivity data anomaly detection results.

3.2.3 Walter Level Dataset

Since June 2000, there were two devastating earthquakes of magnitude 6 or above in the 500-

kilometer range of the Yunnan Gejiu station. They were Yunnan Dayao M6.2 earthquake on 2003/7/21

and Yunnan Pu'er M6.4 earthquake on 2007/6/3. In order to detect anomaly in the groundwater level

data before the occurrence of the two earthquakes, a total of 217 data samples from May 1982 to May

2000 are used as the training sets, with the model parameters shown in Table 1. Therefore, the anomaly

threshold value is set to 0.5, and the prediction results on the testing dataset is shown in Fig. 3.7.

From the results of the prediction errors, it can be clearly seen that the obvious increases of the errors

occur in the three periods from July to September 2002, June to October 2005, and July to October 2007,

which are all far beyond the anomaly threshold value. By analyzing and comparing the predicted values

and actual observations, the three anomalies are mainly due to the changes in the annual variation and

phase of the data. During the two years after the first two abnormal changes, destructive earthquakes

above level 6 occurred, which should be a medium-term earthquake anomaly. This result is consistent

with the experience of the underground fluid anomalies generally characterized by the medium and

short-term anomalies. However, the anomaly from July to October 2007 is more likely to be coseismic

effect of the 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Pu'er, Yunnan on 2007/6/3. Therefore, the proposed model

also works for the anomaly detection of the long-term periodically changing data, and it is capable of

accurately capturing the subtle differences in cyclical changes.






2005/10/1 2006/1/1 2006/4/1 2006/7/1 2006/10/1 2007/1/1 2007/4/1 2007/7/1 2007/10/1 2008/1/1 2008/4/1 2008/7/1









tivity D

ata True Data

Predicted Data






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Fig. 3.7 Water level data anomaly detection result.

4 Conclusion and Future Work

This paper proposes a novel prediction model based on LSTM network for the earthquake precursor

data, which can be applied to automatic anomaly detections. To test the reliability and generalizability

of this method, three different data sets from three disciplines of earthquake precursors are used as the

testing datasets. The results of our experiments show that: 1) LSTM network model effectively alleviates

the problem of gradient disappearance, and the anomaly recognition method is suitable for data sets of

different lengths; 2) The detection method does not require specific background knowledge and

preprocessing of the data, and it is easy to be applied to different subject areas; and 3) The detection

method can not only determine the type of the anomalies, but also quantitatively describe the anomalies.

During the experiments, we found that the amount of training data is an important factor of the

accuracy of the prediction results. The model needs a large amount of normal data to learn the

characteristics of the normal behaviors. With the accumulation of the precursor observation data, further

increasing the amount of data in the training set and using Gaussian distribution to model the prediction

error of the training dataset will be explored to improve the accuracy and reliability of anomaly detection.

On the other hand, the observation data from different stations have different variations, so it will be

more accurate to establish a prediction model for the observation data of each station. In the future, we

will try to use GRU (Gated Recurrent Units) instead of LSTM to simplify the architecture of the neural

network. GRU combines the input gate and the forget gate into an update gate, which is less

computationally complex than the LSTM networks, but can produce similar results as the LSTM



The authors appreciate the helpful discussion and technical support given by the DDM Research

Group of the University of Miami.


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