Download - ANNUNCIATION PARISH · 2020. 4. 27. · Annunciation Parish depends on regular weekly donations from our parishioners to fulfill the spiritual needs of our parish community. However,

Page 1: ANNUNCIATION PARISH · 2020. 4. 27. · Annunciation Parish depends on regular weekly donations from our parishioners to fulfill the spiritual needs of our parish community. However,

Saint Mary Church

626 Willard Avenue

Newington, CT 06111

Phone: (860) 666-1591

Fax: (860) 666-5720

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 4:00pm

www.Annunciat & on Facebook

Church of the Holy Spirit

183 Church Street

Newington, CT 06111

Phone: (860) 666-5671

Fax: (860) 666-9784

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 2:00pm

ANNUNCIATION PARISH 3 r d S u n d ay o f E a s t e r , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 0

Contact Information

Rev. Shawn Daly, [email protected]

Rev. Joshua R. Wilbur, [email protected]

Office Contacts

Mary DesRoches, [email protected] (St. Mary Church)

Kimberly Marchetti, [email protected] (Holy Spirit Church)

Page 2: ANNUNCIATION PARISH · 2020. 4. 27. · Annunciation Parish depends on regular weekly donations from our parishioners to fulfill the spiritual needs of our parish community. However,

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Parish Priests

Rev. Shawn Daly, Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Joshua R. Wilbur, Parochial Vicar

[email protected]

Rev. Lawrence Bock, In Residence

Msgr. James Kinnane, In Residence


James Tanguay, Pastoral Associate

[email protected]

James Blanchette

Michael J. O’Toole, Senior Deacon

Bruce Thompson, Senior Deacon

Music Ministry

Elizabeth Trainer Famularo

Saint Mary Church, Director of Music [email protected]

David Dyson

Church of the Holy Spirit, Director of Music [email protected]

Rectory Off ice Information

Mary DesRoches

Saint Mary Church, Secretary [email protected] Phone: (860) 666-1591, ext. 2

Kimberly Marchetti

Church of the Holy Spirit, Secretary

[email protected]

Phone: (860) 666-5671

Rectory Off ice Information, cont ’d .

Kristyn Figbie, Office Manager

[email protected]

Phone: (860) 666-1591 ext. 4

Nancy Samulenas, Business Manager

[email protected]

Phone: (860) 666-1591 ext. 5

Religious Education Office

Susan Skipp, Director of Religious Education

[email protected]

Phone: (860) 666-3562

Terri Hermann, Coordinator of Religious Education

[email protected]

Phone: (860) 666-3562

Sacramental Ministries


To schedule a Baptism, please contact the rectory for an

initial meeting and a parent preparation session.


Please call the rectory at least six months in advance.

Couples meet with the priest for an initial pastoral

conversation before a wedding date can be set. Please do

not make other plans until a date has been confirmed with

your parish.

For the Sick

We are happy to visit with the homebound. If you or a

loved one would like a home visit, Holy Communion or

the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the rectory office.

Third Sunday of Easter, April 26th, 2020

Welcome To Annunciation Parish, The Roman Catholic Community of Newington

Whether you are a long-time parishioner, a returning parishioner, a new parishioner, or a

visitor, welcome to our community. We are glad that you are here and hope that you feel

at home. If you are not already a member of our parish, please consider joining us.

If you are a member of our parish already, please consider joining one of our ministries.

The Catholic Church welcomes new members of all ages. Children are welcomed into our faith through

the sacrament of Baptism. Adults can either join our faith, or complete their sacraments of initiation

through our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) or our Adult Confirmation program.

If you are interested in any of these programs, please contact Deacon Jim Tanguay at:

[email protected] or call (860) 666-1591, ext. 3.

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Annunciation Parish

The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal

provides help to those in need!

Together, we can and do make a

profound difference in the lives of

many individuals and families, in

a way that exceeds anything we could hope

to achieve on our own. Please consider

supporting this important initiative. Every

gift makes a difference. Organizations right

here in our own town received funding from

the Appeal’s Vicariate Outreach Program

which serves our local neighbors.

All funds contributed to the Archbishop’s

Annual Appeal are used exclusively for the

purposes outlined in the Appeal literature,

which can be found at https://

No Appeal funds are ever used for legal fees

or settlements.


“He took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their

eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he vanished from their sight.”

This one verse from this week’s Gospel may seem to sum up how we are feeling during this

pandemic. One moment we had Mass, we had communion, we had each other… then suddenly

it all ended. We never thought there would be a time when our churches were locked, we

couldn’t go to Mass, we couldn’t receive the Eucharist. What strange times these are! As great

as Masses on the internet are (and thank you for watching them… they take me a long time to

edit and get online!), it’s just not the same. During this time of isolation, let us not forget that

the Eucharist is the center of our faith. When we receive Christ in the Eucharist, it’s not

someTHING that we’re receiving, but someONE. Maybe during this time of separation we are

discovering something that we’ve taken for granted… the ability to receive our Lord in the

Eucharist each and every day.

May the day be soon that we are all together again, so that we can present ourselves to the Lord

in the Eucharist in awe and wonder, and truly say AMEN at the body of Christ.


Please welcome into our parish family the

following child, who was baptized at

Annunciation Parish:

Audriana Maria Puglise

Baptism is a joyous occasion in which

children are initiated into the Catholic faith.

All children are welcome to be baptized in the

Catholic Church. It does not matter if the

parents are single or married outside the

Catholic Church.

ALL CHILDREN no matter what, are welcome

to the baptism of the Lord, as long as they

will be raised Catholic. To get started, please

call the parish office:

Saint Mary - (860) 666-1591 or

Holy Spirit - (860) 666-5671


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Third Sunday of Easter, April 26th, 2020

April 19th, 2020

Weekly Collection: $ 11,053

On Line Giving: $ 5,333

Total: $ 16,386

We are grateful to all who

continue to support

Annunciation Parish by your

prayers and financial


Saturday, April 25th

Benjamine & Pannamma Zacharias, By his Family, H/S

Alicia Wakefield, By her Daughter, H/S

Salvador Bailen, By Carolina & the Bailen Family, S/M

Third Sunday of Easter, April 26th

Emile Pelletier, Birthday Remembrance,

By his Wife, Margaret, S/M

Melina Levesque & Diane Levesque Jutras,

By Bertrand Levesque, S/M

Salvador Bailen, By Carolina & the Bailen Family, S/M

Vincenzo, Paola, Emilia, Jennie & Nuzza Radinieri,

By the Radinieri Family, H/S

Ann Profetti, 28th Anniversary, By her Daughters, H/S

Antonio Passacantando, 7th Anniversary, By his Family, H/S

Monday, April 27th

Costantino & Angiolina Parente, By their Family, H/S

Tuesday, April 28th

Paolo Messina, By his Family, H/S

Wed., April 29th, St. Catherine of Sienna, Dr. of the Church

Special Intention, H/S

Thursday, April 30th

Anthony Rizzo, By his Father, Al Rizzo, H/S

Friday, May 1st

Souls in Purgatory, By a Friend, H/S

Saturday, May 2nd

Leonard Stasky, By his Family, H/S

Maurice Valentine, By Mary Burke & Mary & Victor David, H/S

Harry & Kathleen Hushin, By their Daughter, S/M

Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 3rd

Marie Milardo, By her Son, David, S/M

Rita Bouchard, 8th Anniversary, By the Family, S/M

Stan Wotowiec, By the Barys Family, S/M

Catherine Debenian, By her Son, Daughter & Family, H/S

Arthur Cote, By his Sister, H/S


We pray for:

Gary Joseph Edgerton

James J. Smola

And for the consolation

of their family and friends.

Eternal rest grant unto

them, O Lord;

let your light shine

upon them.


Monday: Acts 6:8-15;

Ps 119:23-24, 26-27,

29-30; Jn 6:22-29

Tuesday: Acts 7:51 - 8:1a;

Ps 31: 3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a,

17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35

Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8;

Ps 66:1-3a,4-5, 6-7a;

Jn 6:35-40

Thursday: Acts 8:26-40;

Ps 66:8-9,16-17, 20; Jn


Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps

117:1bc, 2;Jn 6:52-59

Saturday: Acts 9:31-42;

Ps 116:12-13, 14-15,

16-17; Jn 6:60-69

Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-

41; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b4, 5, 6;

1 Pt 2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10



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T h i r d S u n d ay o f E a s t e r , A p r i l 2 6 t h , 2 0 2 0

May 17, 4:30pm

There is no sandwich collection

in April.

Our next sandwich collection is Sunday,

May 17th @ 4:30 pm in the Saint Mary

School parking lot.



July 18, Saturday, Jerry Seinfeld

Foxwoods Casino - $135

August 1, Saturday, Red Sox vs Yankees,

Boston, MA - Fenway Park - $139

August 19, Wednesday, Lake George, NY

Luncheon Cruise - $99

Sept. 16, Wednesday, Broadway Musical,

NYC - “Ain’t Too Proud” (Temptations)


Contact: John Rocco @ (860) 666-5061

“Were not our hearts burning within us

while he spoke to us on the way and

opened the Scriptures to us?”

Let your heart burn for Jesus and your

spouse by attending a Worldwide Marriage

Encounter Weekend.

The next Weekends are Jul 10-12, 2020 in

East Windsor, CT and Nov 6-8, 2020 in East

Windsor, CT. For more information, call Pat

& Mary Jo McLaughlin at 860-315-2127 or

visit them at



Annunciation Parish depends on regular

weekly donations from our parishioners to

fulfill the spiritual needs of our parish

community. However, if you wish to mail

your contributions to the parish, please use

your church envelopes, and send them

directly to us at:

Annunciation Parish

626 Willard Ave.

Newington, CT 06111

Thank you for your past and future

support of Annunciation Parish.

With gratitude and prayers, Fr. Shawn Daly


As the disciples journeyed with Jesus,

their hearts were burning within them as

He explained the scriptures. They were

overjoyed when they recognized Him in the

breaking of the bread. They returned to

Jerusalem, and told all the Good News.

If you feel the call to share the Good News

with others, contact Fr. Michael Casey,

Director of Vocations, Pastoral Center, phone

860-761-7456, e-mail [email protected]. or

visit the web at

Annual Mass of Remembrance Postponed

The Mass of Remembrance scheduled for

May 5, 2020, is being postponed because of

the impact of the coronavirus. A later date is

being planned in September 2020.

The Mass of Remembrance is a time for

reflection on the lives of our children who have

died from any cause; miscarriage, abortion,

violence, illness, war, or a pandemic virus.


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Pope Francis message on JOY in the time of the Corona Virus

VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Like the women at the tomb whose

sorrow turned to joy after the Resurrection, Christians also are

called to be joyful witnesses to Christ’s victory over death amid

the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis said.

In an editorial published April 17th by the Spanish magazine,

Vida Nueva, the pope said that those who take part in “the Lord’s

passion, the passion of our brothers and sisters, even living our own passion, our ears will hear the

newness of the Resurrection: we are not alone, the Lord precedes us on our journey by removing the

stones that paralyze us.”

“If there’s one thing we’ve been able to learn in all this time, it’s that no one is saved alone,” he wrote.

“Borders are falling, walls are crumbling and all fundamentalist discourses are dissolving before an

almost imperceptible presence that shows the fragility of which we are made.”

In his editorial, titled “Un plan para resucitar” (“A plan to resurrect”), the pope also acknowledged that

an invitation to be joyful “may seem like a provocation or a bad joke in front of the grave consequences

we are suffering due to COVID-19.”

“Like the first women disciples who went to the tomb, we live surrounded by an atmosphere of sorrow

and uncertainty that makes us ask, ‘Who will roll back the stone from the entrance to the tomb for us?’

How will we deal with this situation that has completely overtaken us?” he asked.

In today’s precarious era, the pope said, the stone in front of the tomb symbolizes the worry and

anguish that “buries hope,” especially for the elderly, disabled people, families struggling financially,

as well as health care workers and public servants who feel “exhausted and overwhelmed.”

The weight of that stone, he added, “seems to have the last word.” Continuing his reflection on the

women disciples, the pope said that despite their suffering and fear, they still went out to the tomb

and did “not allow themselves to be paralyzed by what was happening.” While many of the apostles

fled, the women carried their spices and oils to anoint Jesus’ body, much like the many men and

women today who try to bring “the ointment of co-responsibility to care for and not risk the lives of


“We saw the anointing poured out by doctors, nurses, warehouse workers, cleaners, caretakers,

transporters, security forces, volunteers, priests, nuns, grandparents and educators and so many

others who were encouraged to give everything they had to bring a little healing, calm and soul to the

situation,” the pope wrote.

The good news of Christ’s resurrection, he continued, is what brings hope and joy to all and shows

that “our actions - our anointing, our giving, our vigilance and accompanying in all possible ways in this

time - are not and will not be in vain.” “God never abandons his people; he is always close to them,

especially when sorrow is most present,” the pope wrote. Pope Francis said that the current pandemic

also has highlighted the need “to unite the entire human family” and that the only way to conquer the

coronavirus is through “the antibodies of solidarity.”

“We cannot afford to write the present and future history with our backs turned to the suffering of so

many,” the pope wrote. “It is the Lord who will ask us again, ‘Where is your brother?’ and, in our

ability to respond, may the soul of our peoples be revealed, that reservoir of hope, faith and charity in

which we were begotten and which, for so long, we have anaesthetized or silenced.”

Our Sunday Visitor, Junno Arocho Esteves, April 17, 2020