Download - Annual Report 2009-2010 sharing knowledge building …€¦ · Denise Lynch-Lacroix Kinark Child and Family Services Markham Perry Mason Hamilton Police Service Hamilton Karen Moore

Page 1: Annual Report 2009-2010 sharing knowledge building …€¦ · Denise Lynch-Lacroix Kinark Child and Family Services Markham Perry Mason Hamilton Police Service Hamilton Karen Moore

Annual Report 2009-2010

sharing knowledgebuilding connections

strengthening care

Page 2: Annual Report 2009-2010 sharing knowledge building …€¦ · Denise Lynch-Lacroix Kinark Child and Family Services Markham Perry Mason Hamilton Police Service Hamilton Karen Moore

“It is an easy-to-use and comprehensive resource. I recommend this website to all those who work with people in psychiatric distress.”

The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO

Our Mission

The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO is committed to building the capacity of the mental health care system and the evidence base that supports it.

Our Vision

We believe that a fully integrated system, meeting the mental health needs of children, youth and their parents and caregivers, in ways that are evidence-based, can be achieved.

Our Principles and Values

· Focus on children, youth, parents and caregivers

· Assume a holistic view of children, youth and their parents and caregivers regarding the full continuum of mental health needs

· Respect cultural diversity

· Special consideration for the francophone population

· Special consideration for Aboriginal populations

· Focus on determinants of health

· Build on evidence-based and most promising practices

· Foster partnerships to avoid duplication, to build capacity and to complement emerging initiatives

Strategic Impact Areas

· Evidence-based knowledge and practice in use

· Capacity in training, research and evaluation maximized

· Working together with others to make child and youth mental health matter across Ontario

Bringing people and knowledge together to promote the best mental health and well-being of every child and youth in Ontario.

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They say it takes a village to raise a child. Here at the Centre, we couldn’t agree more! In the past year, we’ve worked with hundreds of stakeholders throughout Ontario to strengthen programs, forge partnerships and foster the best possible mental health outcomes for children, youth and families. In 2009, the Centre focused on three key impact areas – sharing knowledge, building capacity and strengthening connections. This focus allowed us to have a positive impact across many sectors (health, education, child welfare, youth justice, developmental services and mental health). Centre teams shared knowledge and supported open and compelling discussions about how to work together to find the best ways of helping children and youth with mental health challenges – at home, at school and at play. This past year, the Centre underwent an independent evaluation that assessed its structure, operations, investments and impacts. We appreciate the efforts of the many people and organizations that provided their candid thoughts and suggestions during this thorough process. We are energized by the report’s primary conclusion that the Centre brings value to Ontarians. The constructive feedback received will now guide our continued evolution. In 2009, the majority of the Centre’s expenditures were in grants and awards distributed across the province. We invite you to review

the upwards of $2.5 million invested in more than 115 local projects covering a range of relevant mental health topics. This report marks the last year of the Centre’s inaugural contract. The Centre is now poised to refine its focus so that it continues to improve the quality and effectiveness of child and youth mental health services within the confines of existing resources. Going forward, the main target group for the Centre is Ontario’s front line service provider agencies and workers that directly deliver child and youth mental health services at all levels of need and across a full continuum of mental health supports – from prevention to treatment. As the Centre transitions into this new era, we’d like to acknowledge the dedication, perseverance and unyielding commitment of the staff and many volunteers who have helped shape and guide the Centre from its infancy to today. We couldn’t have achieved this much, in as short a time, without your guidance and perspective. Thank you all. Our theme this year – sharing knowledge and building connections — means we can strengthen the mental health care system and meet the needs of children, youth and their families and caregivers. Please join us!

Executive Message

Dr. Ian Manion Executive Director

Dr. Simon Davidson Chief Strategic Planning Executive

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2009-2010 Financial Expenditures

Advisory Council

Name Organization Location

Kathryn Bennett McMaster University Hamilton

Michel Bilodeau Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario


Peter Dudding Child Welfare League of Canada Ottawa

Irwin Elman Office of Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth


Bruce Ferguson The Hospital for Sick Children Toronto

Gordon Floyd Children’s Mental Health Ontario Toronto

Paula Goering Centre for Addiction and Mental Health


Susan Hess Parent and Advocate (CAN Representative)


Michael Kirby (Chair)

Mental Health Commission of Canada


Debra Lean Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (SPRG Representative)


Alan Leschied The University of Western Ontario (RITE Representative)


John Leverette Hotel Dieu Hospital Kingston

Alemka Mahalec William Osler Health Centre Brampton

Marian Mlakar (Ex-officio)

The Ministry of Children and Youth Services


Peter Moore Kinark Child and Family Services Markham

Glen Newby New Path Youth and Family Services


Barry Pervin Ministry of Education Toronto

Lynn Ryan-Mackenzie Algoma Family Services Sault Ste. Marie

Peggy Taillon Canadian Council on Social Development


Bill Wilkerson Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental Health

Port Hope








Salaries & Wages $1,718,368

Supplies & Equipment $67,807

Purchased Services $502,935

Education & Training $38,534

Travel & Living (Staff & Committees) $201,856

Grants & Awards $2,410,163

Administration Fees $465,175

MCYS Directed Projects* $280,162


Total: $5,685,000

* MCYS Directed Projects include Challenges Program Evaluation ($18,045); Student Support Leadership (SSL) Initiative ($223,517); Psychotropic Resources ($7,493); Pikangikum ($16,107) and Policy Ready Paper ($15,000)


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Service Providers Reference Group

Name Organization Location

Michelle Bates(co-Chair)

Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board


Michael Cheng Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario


Ken Dostaler Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board


Raghad Ebied South East Ottawa Community Health Centre


Sally Hitchcock Hands, The Family Help Network Parry Sound

Bethany King Windsor Regional Children's Centre


Rachelle Lacoste Child and Family Centre/Centre de l’enfant et de la famille/ Ngodweaangizwin Aaskaa


Debra Lean Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board


Denise Lynch-Lacroix Kinark Child and Family Services Markham

Perry Mason Hamilton Police Service Hamilton

Karen Moore Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth

Carleton Place

Rhonda Persichilli(co-Chair)

Child and Parent Resource Institute


Bindu Prasad Youthlink Scarborough

Brenda Restoule Native Mental Health Association of Canada


Jennifer Speers ADAPT (Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Assessment, Prevention and Treatment)


Tess Vo Griffin Centre North York

Research, Initiatives, Training and Education Committee (RITE)

Name Organization Location

Ian Manion (Chair) The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO


Joe Beitchman Centre for Addiction and Mental Health


Lise Bisnaire Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario


Katherine Boydell The Hospital for Sick Children Toronto

Sandra Cunning Kinark Child and Family Services Markham

Martine Flament Royal Ottawa Health Care Group Ottawa

Joanne Johnston Children's Mental Health Ontario London

Alan Leschied The University of Western Ontario London

John Lyons The University of Ottawa Ottawa

Graham Reid The University of Western Ontario London

Caroline Roncadin Peel Children's Centre Mississauga

Shannon Stewart Child and Parent Resource Institute


Christine Wekerle McMaster University Hamilton

Dare to Dream Review Team

Name Location

Anie Bélanger Ottawa

Andrei Biltan Burlington

Ben Curry Ottawa

Eric Chun-Wah Hong Toronto

Correen Kakegamic Thunder Bay

Karla Kakegamic Thunder Bay

Jennifer Kasun Ottawa

Marella Meekis Thunder Bay

Patricia E. Mirka Dowling

Kasmet Niyongabo Kingston

Laura Novitsky Ottawa

Alyse Schacter Ottawa

Jennifer Xu Ottawa

Consumer and Advocates Network

Name Organization Location

Brian Amarelo Adult Representative Waterdown

Anie Bélanger (co-Chair)

Youth Representative Ottawa

Andrei Biltan Youth Representative Burlington

Sarah Cannon Executive Director, Parents for Children’s Mental Health

St. Catharines

Joanne Curran Adult Representative, co-Founder, Hopewell Eating Disorders Support Centre of Ottawa


Heather Elbard (co-Chair)

Adult Representative, Past President, Children's Mental Health Ontario


Montana Goldrup Youth Representative Hamilton

David Havoic Youth Representative Mississauga

Susan Hess Parent and Advocate Windsor

Sylvia Naumovski President, Parents for Children’s Mental Health Youth Representative


Katie Robinson Youth Representative Thunder Bay

Sandy Wynia-Katz Child and Youth Advocate, Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth


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Knowledge Exchange


“It is an easy-to-use and comprehensive resource. I recommend this website to all those who work with people in psychiatric distress.”

The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO6 The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO

Knowledge Exchange

Knowledge Exchange Sharing tools, resources and new opportunities by Mylène Dault, Director of Knowledge Exchange

At the Centre of Excellence, we feel that practices and inter-ventions taking place in child and youth mental health should be driven by the best available evidence. To allow for this to happen, we make every effort to build strategic programming that allows for knowledge to be used effectively. Products such as,, Credible Knowledge, webinars and the Dare to Dream Program have been developed in light of our belief that knowledge is key to the best outcomes for our children and youth.

sharingknowledge“It’s about sharing what is known, not only from the scientific literature, but also from practice in the field.”

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“eMentalHealth is one of the first resources we give families when they call us for help. It is also one of the first things we show our new staff, students and Board members.” — Cherry E. Murray, Crossroads Children’s Centre

This is knowledge exchange. It’s about sharing what is known, not only from the scientific literature, but also from practice in the field. It’s about making knowledge available to the most people possible in formats and languages that everyone can understand...none of that scientific jargon that only a select group can understand!

Most of all, it’s about providing the right tools and resources, and creating opportunities for this knowledge to be put to good use.

In 2009, the Centre’s knowledge exchange team made great progress in maintaining this momentum as we refined our products and processes in the final year of our inaugural contract. It was an opportune time for us to take stock of what we have accomplished, to assess what tools work best in supporting the exchange of knowledge and to identify ways to improve our activities. We are committed to learning from others and to looking for opportunities to be more innovative as we strive to enhance the lives of our children and youth living with mental illness.

We invite you to read on to discover some of the key achievements of 2009.

Online mental health directory expands across Ontarioby Michael Cheng, MD, FRCP (C), Co-Founder, and Cathy Thornley, Co-ordinator,

Mental health issues are common. But most people, even professionals, have a very hard time knowing where to go to find help.

Now, they have, a growing online directory which makes it easy for anyone, anywhere to find mental health information, including where to go for local mental health help. It’s free, totally confidential and anonymous, and operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. works in partnership with Ontario communities to set up and maintain their own online directory of local child and youth mental health services and information — at minimal or no cost.

Parents, caregivers and family members, health and mental health professionals and educators in more than 14 Ontario cities and seven counties are now finding credible, up to date, child and youth mental health news, events, screening tools, articles and programs and services at The Centre is committed to ensuring is relevant and useful to all those communities involved with child and youth mental health.

Please visit the site, use the information, provide your feedback and help make work to improve mental health for you, your children and your community.

“Here at the Crossroads Children’s Centre, eMentalHealth is one of the first resources we give families when they call us for help. It is also one of the first things we show our new staff, students and Board members. All levels of Crossroads staff, as well as the families and community partners we work with, consider eMentalHealth to be not only an invaluable tool, but an essential one.”

Cherry E. Murray, MSW, RSWExecutive DirectorCrossroads Children’s Centre

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The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO

“School-based mental health programs offering prevention, early interven-tion and treatment are the preferred models.”

Knowledge Exchange

Taking Mental Health to Schoolsby Darcy Santor, Senior Scientist

Current studies show that mental health and substance abuse issues affect one in five school-aged children and youth. Fortunately, these students can achieve better grades if they have access to school-based mental health programs.

To find out how Ontario school systems can better respond, a Centre-sponsored research team undertook a study of the relationship between mental health disorders and declining academic perform-ance. In its 2009 report “Taking Mental Health to School” the research team discovered that the field of school-based mental health is complex and growing rapidly. But programs offering prevention, early intervention and treatment are the preferred models.

The research findings underscore the importance of programs which help students manage stress and reduce violence and substance abuse, as well as those efforts which modify the school environment so it promotes positive social and emotional behaviours. The report also suggests that collaboration between education, health, and children and youth services sectors is paramount for good mental health and for the prevention of disorders and difficulties in the class-room. Central to all of these efforts is the urgent need to ensure that all educators have sufficient levels of health and mental health literacy, not only to implement these types of programs but to respond to the mental health needs of their own students.

The Centre believes in the importance of providing young people, educators and service providers with access to health and mental health literacy tools that can be implemented on a population level. The resource, being co-developed between the Centre and the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, will be supplemented with an “educator version” this fall ( and a forthcoming resource for “service providers.”

“As a hospital-based psychiatrist, working with patients often in crisis and in need of multiple types on interventions, I very much appreciate having access to It is an easy-to-use and comprehensive resource. With the addition of the Library, which provides information on various diagnoses, it has become even more useful. I recommend this website to all those who work with people in psychiatric distress.”

Douglas Green MDOttawa Hospital, General CampusAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Ottawa

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“The Centre believes in the importance of providing young people, educators and service providers with access to health and mental health literacy tools.”

The Student Support Leadership (SSL) Initiative: Leadership, collaboration and partnerships count!by Despina Papadopoulos, Research Associate

The Student Support Leadership (SSL) Initiative, a joint project of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, is aimed at developing leadership and enhancing partnerships within and across school boards and community agencies throughout Ontario. Specifically, the SSL Initiative asks school boards and community agencies to work together to promote student success by supporting the mental health and well-being of Ontario’s children and youth.

Launched in February 2008, this initiative is currently in its third year of a three-year mandate and is aligned with Ontario’s Safe School Strategy, including recommendations from the Working Table on Special Education and Ontario’s Policy Framework for Child and Youth Mental Health.

Identified by the Ministries, the Centre consults with 29 “clusters” of neighbouring school boards/authorities and community agencies across Ontario. Clusters were asked to focus their efforts on the following goals:

• Improved understanding of each cluster member’s services• Improved joint decision-making processes• Improved access to existing services and supports for students

and families

Credible Knowledge: Partnerships at the front lineby Michael van Adel, Research Associate

The Centre is committed to promoting and facilitating the use of credible evidence. For example, credible evidence is used to shape the decisions, practices and policies of those individuals, organizations and health systems which provide child and youth mental health care. In doing so, the Centre brings together people and knowledge in child and youth mental health care.

In 2009, the Centre launched a project entitled Credible Knowledge, which addressed child and youth mental health care questions by:

• Bringing together a panel of expert service providers• Having the panel establish the quality of scientific evidence• Developing recommendations for frontline delivery

A pilot test of this method was completed addressing the question “What is the current credible knowledge concerning the effects of parent-implemented, early intervention with their autistic children?” The results of this test showed that this approach has the potential to be the efficient and effective method which is needed to answer specific questions in child and youth mental health.

Currently, the Centre is exploring the question of “What is the current credible knowledge concerning the effects of anger management interventions for youth justice populations?” Look for findings on this topic in 2010.

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The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO

Knowledge Exchange

become commonplace, even second-nature, in the child and youth mental health sector including agencies, treatment centres, hospitals, schools and communities.

Key programs and online activities such as The New Mentality and Dare to Dream showcase partnerships between young people, parents, service providers and child and youth mental health agencies throughout Ontario. The Centre is proud to be part of these innovative programs.

*(Ready…Set, Engage! November 2007, Nancy Pereira, The New Mentality, a joint project of Children’s Mental Health Ontario and The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO)

Over the course of three years, partnerships have expanded and the level of collaboration between school boards and community agencies, across clusters, has improved markedly. Building on past successes, the SSL Initiative is funded for an additional three years (2010-2013) with an emphasis on fostering leadership and deepening partnerships, in alignment with the Ontario 10 year Mental Health and Addictions Strategy.

The Centre continues to support clusters with future knowledge exchange activities. Additionally, the Centre is linked to other school-based projects, such as the School Based Mental Health and Substance Abuse (SBMHSA) Consortium project, funded by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC).

Getting Engaged With Youthby Erin Smith, Youth Engagement Co-ordinator

Youth Engagement is about partnership. It’s defined as ‘empowering all youth as valuable partners in addressing and making decisions about issues that affect them personally and/or that they believe to be important.’* It’s really about adults and young people working together to address common concerns and create solid solutions.

The Centre is committed to promoting the benefits of youth engagement to individuals, organizations and communities involved with youth and mental health. Our hope is that engaging youth will

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Alyse Schacter,Dare to Dream Review Team Member, 19 years

“I have had the privilege to be on the Dare to Dream

Review Team for the past year and a half. Being

a part of the Review Team is not only incredibly

wonderful but also very rewarding. As youth

reviewers, we get a chance to help motivated

individuals and groups make a difference and

reduce the stigma associated with mental illness.

We are encouraged to share our opinions, ideas and

thoughts in a very warm and friendly environment

where our voice is heard and respected. The Dare

to Dream Review Team is Youth Engagement at its

best: wonderfully fun and incredibly engaging!”

Andrei BiltanDare to Dream Review Team Member, 18 years

“From co-training youth engagement workshops at regional conferences,

reviewing incredible community leadership grant applications as part

of the Dare to Dream Program, sitting on the Consumers and Advocate

Network or being involved in various other leadership initiatives, one thing

is clear: the Centre encourages and allows young people to speak up at

decision-making levels in the organization.

The inclusive environment and the abundance of meaningful

opportunities available, together with the passion of the staff, makes me

realize that with support anything can be achieved, that with belief and

determination, you can challenge the status quo and implement change.

The Centre does exactly this: it looks towards the future, crafts a vision

and leads by example. By the ways in which it runs its business, the

organization has inspired me to realize that youth potential is limitless

and for that I am grateful.”

— Thanks a lot!

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The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO

Knowledge Exchange

psychotropic medications. In addition to general information about what psychotropic medications are and why people take them, this resource includes sections on what to watch for, practical tips and other suggestions for how best to help youth who use these medicines as part of a treatment plan.

My Meds, My Rights (Right) is a brochure for young people about their rights related to psychotropic medications. This resource includes answers to questions about their rights, along with suggestions for where to find information and support to understand and use these rights.

These tools will be available for download at

Psychotropic Medications Helping youth and caregivers manage medications with confidenceby Purnima Sundar, Research and Knowledge Exchange Consultant

Youth-oriented information resources on psychotropic medications, and rights related to their use, are generally hard to find. Helpful, accessible materials used to support adults caring for youth taking psychotropic medications, as part of a treatment plan, are also difficult to find.

The Centre is pleased to introduce three innovative resources to help fill this gap. These tools were developed in partnership with researchers at Dalhousie University with expertise in pharmacology (Drs. David Gardner and Andrea Murphy) and adolescent psychiatry (Dr. Stan Kutcher). Focus groups with youth and interviews with caregivers took place throughout development to ensure the relevance and usefulness of these resources.

Focus on the Facts is a youth-oriented fact sheet that provides information for young people about psychotropic medications – including what they are and why people take them. The one-page resource also contains details about side effects, tips related to taking psychotropic medications and additional resources that might be helpful. Medications and Youth is a fact sheet aimed at caregivers and parents supporting young people who may be taking

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The Re-awakening

A new beginning in old surroundingsWhile there will always be darknessLet yourself be consumed by the light As the door opensLet go of the tinted pastand welcome the bright new world The transitions of my lifeAre seen through my imaginationI see my reflection as a different identity

Mural Project 2009: Re-awakening Artists:Mackenzie FolkesAngelica GendronBrianna Fitzgerald Casy GervaisChanelle MuiseDarius KlassenEmma AkerEvelyn Karina Castellanos Ian HunterGabrielle CôtéGabrielle SnowJuliet EmeryKatie CarreauVictoria Mullin-LamarcheYifan Yang

In partnership with the Ottawa School of Art, the Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO is pleased to share this inspiring mural created by talented young artists.

With guidance and assistance from instructor Adam Davidson and volunteers Laura-Jean Searson, Laura Leah Traverse and Tina Mayberry.

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Knowledge Exchange


“It is an easy-to-use and comprehensive resource. I recommend this website to all those who work with people in psychiatric distress.”

The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO14 The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO

Communities across different sectors, which came together to target a mental health issue, also benefited from the Centre’s consultation services.

Evaluating the results – looking for better waysby Evangeline Danseco, Director of Evaluation and Research

The journey to implementing evidence-informed practices begins with the end in mind: What are the child and youth mental health needs in our community? What are our programs’ intended outcomes? What activities do we need to do to achieve these outcomes? What things do we have in place? What does current evidence tell us about what else we need to do? How do we know we are progressing towards our outcomes? Did we reach our target groups? Strangely enough, these are the same questions we grapple with when evaluating programs.

Evaluation and Research


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We offer various programs and services to build capacity for evaluation, recognizing that evaluation findings provide a wealth of evidence on the effectiveness of child and youth mental health programs in the real world.

At the Centre, we offer various programs and services to build capacity for evaluation, recognizing that evaluation findings provide a wealth of evidence on the effectiveness of child and youth mental health programs in the real world. For example, the Centre’s evaluation grant program reached the most number of agencies compared to all other grants and awards: a total of 30 agencies across seven regions in 2009.

Nine agencies obtained funding for developing their evaluation framework and refining evaluation measures through the Evaluation Capacity Building Grant. Twelve more agencies obtained funding through the Evaluation Implementation Grant to conduct their evaluation activities. Seven agencies piloted their evaluations while two agencies focused on sustaining their evaluation processes.

We are pleased to work with these grant recipients in discovering better ways to serve the mental health needs of children and youth across Ontario. (The list of recipients begins on page 20)

Consultation services – door-to-door service

The Centre provided free consultations on the evaluation of various child and youth mental health programs, to help community service providers and agencies develop or improve their evaluation frameworks. For example, consultants hosted one-day, on-site workshops to help service providers formulate program logic models and identify evaluation questions. Evaluation frameworks were developed for programs on stigma reduction, wrap-around services, day treatment programs, and collaborative school-based mental health programs.

Also, to support organizations in their efforts to implement and evaluate evidence-informed programs, the Centre provided consultations to agencies that requested assistance with accessing and summarizing current evidence on crisis intervention services, the effectiveness of creative therapies, the development of communities of practice, and the comparative effectiveness of home-based versus school-based programs.

Communities across different sectors, which came together to target a mental health issue, also benefited from the Centre’s consultation services. These issues included an addictions and mental health initiative, a collaborative school-based mental health program, and a suicide prevention program.

Webinars – presentations made easy

Learning and communicating is within reach through the Centre’s “webinars” which use current technology to deliver presentations through the internet. Webinars offer a cost-effective approach to provide information and training to many. Webinars are intended as educational tools to enhance skill development and knowledge exchange in the child and youth mental health sector.

An organization can have several staff participate in a webinar using one computer with internet access (to view the presentation) and one phone line (to participate in the teleconference). Videoconferencing capabilities and extensive technical support are not required to participate in the webinars.

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The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO

Evaluation and Research

Engaging the Front Line by Purnima Sundar, Research and Knowledge Exchange Consultant

While the Centre is located in Ottawa, Ontario, our staff travel all over the province to bring new knowledge and evaluation/research supports to people working in the field of child and youth mental health. One of the ways we do this is by hosting Regional Conferences in all nine regions of Ontario. The goal of these day-long meetings is to provide an overview of the Centre’s activities and to engage participants in dialogue on new knowledge related to child and youth mental health. These events are planned with regional representatives from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services and focus on unique topics in each region.

In 2009, more than 800 professionals who work in the area of child and youth mental health attended. They represented childrens’ treatment centres, developmental services, education, health, youth, child welfare, Aboriginal and francophone organizations, youth justice, residential care facilities, community planning tables, regional office staff, and researchers. Presentations and workshops focused on communities of practice, youth engagement, promoting youth resiliency, performance measurement, child and youth mental health and addictions, schools and mental health, and program evaluation.

Centre staff facilitated panel presentations which showcased excellent practices taking place in each region. For example, in southwestern Ontario, various experts working in addictions and child and youth mental health (including practitioners, researchers, and a young person with lived experiences in the system) led an informative and engaging session on this topic, which formed the basis for concrete action planning and next steps for the region to work towards. As well, former evaluation grant and community mobilization

Our staff travel all over the province to bring new knowledge and evaluation/research supports to people working in the field of child and youth mental health.

In 2009, the Centre offered six webinars to more than 100 registrants on a wide range of topics, including:

• engaging stakeholders• preparing for data collection• using qualitative methods• writing proposals

The Centre also offered webinars on doing evaluation in the context of the Student Support Leadership Initiative, and on the Centre’s mental health literacy programs (, and

At the Centre’s website, presentations including the audio-recording and supplementary materials are available for on-demand access. For more information, please visit

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award recipients across the province were invited to prepare and present posters featuring the innovative work taking place in their organizations.

The Centre thanks everyone for attending the conferences and for their interest and enthusiasm. We look forward to seeing everyone again in the 2011-2012 round of regional conferences.

For more information, please contact (613) 737-2297 or visit

Methods Mini-Kits – program evaluation made easier

When evaluating child and youth mental health programs, there are many options and methods to consider. Many resources, however, are difficult to find or are inaccessible because they tend to use academic-type “research speak.”

In 2009, the Centre introduced a series of Methods Mini-kits which are “how to” documents designed to provide introductory-level, up-to-date information on a particular data collection technique for evaluation and research projects. This information is presented in an understandable way. It is intended to give the user an overview of a particular method and its use in the child and youth mental health sector by answering such questions as:

1 What is this evaluation method and how do I use it?2 What are some things to consider when using this method?3 How do I analyze the data that is produced?4 What are some of the strengths and limitations of this method?5 Where can I go for more information?

Currently, the Centre offers mini-kits on: • using focus groups for data collection• conducting qualitative interviews

The mini-kits are meant to complement the supports provided by Centre evaluation consultants and are designed to supplement information provided in the Program Evaluation Toolkit.

These tools were developed by the Centre’s evaluation and research team. Feedback on content, accessibility, and look and feel was provided by service providers working in the area of child and youth mental health in Ontario.

Going forward, mini-kits will be available on: • survey research• arts-informed approaches to data collection

The Centre welcomes suggestions for future methods mini-kits.

For more information, please contact (613) 737-2297 or visit

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Knowledge Exchange


“It is an easy-to-use and comprehensive resource. I recommend this website to all those who work with people in psychiatric distress.”

The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEOThe Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO



In the past year, we’ve worked with hundreds of stakeholders throughout Ontario to strengthen programs, forge partnerships and foster the best possible mental health outcomes for children, youth and families.

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Our Playful Corporate Team: From bottom left: Ian Manion, Simon Davidson, Eric Wellman, Amy Boudreau, Mageya CastedoFrom top left: Pauline Carr, Jennifer Lavoie, Kim Farley.Missing from photo: Vanessa Pleasance.Many thanks go to Farm Boy for the use of its children’s play structure at CHEO.

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20 The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO


Research Grant

Organization(s) Recipient(s) Project Award Term Region Funds Distributed 2009-2010

University of Western Ontario Graham Reid Exploring patterns of service utilization within children’s mental health agencies

July 2008 – June 2010 South West $ 74,734

University of Toronto Rosemary Tannock Effects of a computerized working memory training program on attention, working memory, and academics in adolescents with severe ADHD/LD

July 2008 – June 2010 Toronto $ 74,712

York University Robert Muller The healthy coping program for maltreated children July 2008 – June 2010 Toronto $ 75,000

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Jennifer Dunn Geier Multi-site controlled study of the effectiveness of Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) for children with autism in a community-based setting

July 2008 – June 2010 Eastern $ 75,000

University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research Martine Flament Anxiety disorders in adolescents: Biological and psychological changes with cognitive behavioural treatment

July 2008 – June 2010 Eastern $ 75,000

McMaster University Susan Jack Acceptability of the Nurse Family Partnership Program in Ontario

April 2009 – March 2010 Hamilton-Niagara $ 69,101

York University and Child Development Institute Debra Peplar Aggressive and antisocial young children: Risk prediction, assessment and clinical risk management

April 2009 – March 2010 Toronto $ 60,344

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute Robin Gaines Parent training intervention for language delayed toddlers at risk for autism: A community partnership

April 2009 – March 2010 Eastern $ 97,865

Lakehead University Edward Rawana The Strengths Interventions and Self Understanding (SISU) Research Project

April 2009 – March 2010 Northern $ 89,745

SUB-TOTAL $ 691,501

Expertise Mobilization Award

Organization(s) Recipient(s) Project Award Term Region Funds Distributed 2009-2010

TYPS (Town Youth Participation Strategies) Les Voakes Seeking Synergy: Youth centre best practices addressing mental health and FASD project

April 2009 – March 2010 Eastern $ 19,584

Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Michelle Bates A comparative analysis and description of educational and children’s mental health social workers cognition processes in clinical decision making

April 2009 – March 2010 Hamilton-Niagara $ 20,000

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute Janice Cohen Operationalizing biopsychosocial case complexity: the adaptation of a clinical decision-making tool for use with a paediatric population with chronic medical conditions

August 2009 – July 2010 Eastern $ 20,000

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute Robin Gaines Parent-training intervention for language delayed toddlers at-risk for autism: a community partnership

October 2009 – March 2010 Eastern $ 15,000

Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation Sherry Van Blyderveen Peer victimization, teasing and eating disorder symptoms: considering the role of affect regulation

October 2009 – March 2010 Hamilton-Niagara $ 20,000

SUB-TOTAL $ 94,584

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Dare to Dream

Organization(s) Recipient(s) Project Award Term Region Funds Distributed 2009-2010

Waterloo Catholic District School Board Lori Costigan The Chill Zone June 2009 – October 2009 Central West $ 1,975

Waterloo Catholic District School Board Trish Hergott Star Kidz June 2009 – October 2009 Central West $ 3,610

Canadian Mental Health Association Sonia McDonald Youth Talk June 2009 – October 2009 Central West $ 4,000

Gravenhurst High School Sue Buckingham Gravenhurst Anti-Bullying Project June 2009 – October 2009 North East $ 3,732

Forest Run Public School Oksana Majoski Mental Health Awareness Exhibit June 2009 – October 2009 Central East $ 1,800

West Hill Secondary School Lisa Billings Crystal clear-death by meth: A docudrama June 2009 – October 2009 South West $ 3,043

Greater Essex County District School Board Lesley Reid Drum up a Dialogue June 2009 – October 2009 South West $ 1,020

Orleans Bengals Football Club Lea Godbout Sleepover to Self-Esteem-Achieving Positive Body Image

June 2009 – October 2009 Eastern $ 4,995

ChildReach Shelissa Howard-Tucker Discrimination of Young Parents June 2009 – October 2009 South West $ 3,453

Upper Grand District School Board Roberta Kraven PEACE June 2009 – October 2009 Central West $ 996

Dufferin Child and Family Services Gloria Gampbell Shed the Light June 2009 – October 2009 Central West $ 3,300

Centre Ice Youth Centre Optimist Club of Western Elgin Monica Pelcz Don’t Even Think About It June 2009 – October 2009 South West $ 3,935

Lincoln Heights Public School Lynn Scott Mental Health Play June 2009 – October 2009 Central West $ 1,411

Sir Arthur Voaden Secondary School Sandy Parkins Dare To Care February 2010 – August 2010 Central West $ 4,140

St. Theresa’s High School Jackie Allan-Dougan Y.E.A.H. — Youth Educating Against Harassment February 2010 – August 2010 Central East $ 3,247

St. Teresa Catholic High School Michelle Flood The Hub February 2010 – August 2010 Central West $ 4,905

TYPS (Town Youth Participation Strategies) Youth Centre Julie Willbond Parallel Power February 2010 – August 2010 Eastern $ 3,000

Wilton Grove School Mellisa Coyne-Foresi Triple E (Mental-E, Physical-E, Healthy-E) Day February 2010 – August 2010 South West $ 2,700

Orleans Bengals Football Club Dennis Prouse Mews Orleans Bengals Peer Mentoring Initiative February 2010 – August 2010 Eastern $ 5,000

Columbus House (Pembroke) Inc. Tiffiny Hughes Operation S.T.C. February 2010 – August 2010 Eastern $ 5,000

Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School Ellen Sullivan Stomping Out Stigma (S.O.S.) February 2010 – August 2010 Central East $ 1,520

Dunbarton High School Ingrid Mohorovic S.O.S. (Students Opposing Stigma) at Dunbarton February 2010 – August 2010 Central East $ 4,450

ROCK - Reach Out Centre for Kids Kelly Giuliani First Youth Mental Health Conference Halton February 2010 – August 2010 Central West $ 4,835

SUB-TOTAL $ 76,067

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22 The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO


Undergraduate Award

Organization(s) Recipient(s) Project Award Term Region Funds Distributed 2009-2010

Royal Ottawa Mental Health Care Group Marisa Murray Research on eating and adolescent lifestyles May 2009 – September 2009 Eastern $ 5,000

McMaster University Micayla Ahearn The parent-child relationship: A potential source of resilience for children and youth struggling with an eating disorder

May 2009 – September 2009 Hamilton-Niagara $ 5,000

McMaster University Jessica Pan The caregiver’s experience of caring for an adolescent struggling with an eating disorder

May 2009 – September 2009 Hamilton-Niagara $ 5,000

SUB-TOTAL $ 15,000

Graduate Award

Organization(s) Recipient(s) Project Award Term Region Funds Distributed 2009-2010

University of Toronto Christopher Koegl Calculation of the long-term medical, mental health and criminal justice system costs associated with early childhood conduct disorder

August 2007 – July 2010 Toronto $ 20,000

York University Jennifer Summers Community-based CBT: childhood anxiety August 2008 – July 2011 Toronto $ 40,000

York University Mary Catherin Cappodicia Cyberbulling: A multi-method study of Canadian high school students

August 2008 – July 2010 Toronto $ 20,000

York University Patricia Freeman Cumulative risk and parenting among substance using mothers: exploring the role of ego development as a moderator

August 2008 – July 2010 Toronto $ 20,000

York University Abbie Solish Factors predicting parent involvement in intervention programs for children with autism

August 2008 – July 2010 Toronto $ 20,000

University of Ottawa Laura Armstrong Mind the gap: group differences in youth mental health literacy and knowledge transfer needs

August 2008 – July 2010 Eastern $ 20,000

University of Toronto Rossana Bisceglia Understanding maternal sensitivity August 2008 – July 2010 Toronto $ 20,000

SUB-TOTAL $ 160,000

Post-Doctoral/Fellowship Award

Organization(s) Recipient(s) Project Award Term Region Funds Distributed 2009-2010

University of Toronto Connie Cheung Understanding externalizing behaviours in children in out- of-home care: the effects of child and organizational factors

August 2009 – July 2010 Toronto $ 60,000

SUB-TOTAL $ 60,000

Page 23: Annual Report 2009-2010 sharing knowledge building …€¦ · Denise Lynch-Lacroix Kinark Child and Family Services Markham Perry Mason Hamilton Police Service Hamilton Karen Moore

Our Artful Knowledge Exchange Team:From left front and around the table clockwise: Cathy Thornley, Kerrie Whitehurst, Purnima Sundar, Darcy Santor, Erin Smith, Mike Van Adel, Despina Papadopoulos, Mylène Dault, Mylan Ly, Fiona Cooligan, Angela Wilson.Missing from photo: Don Buchanan and Michael Cheng.Photo location and set-up courtesy of the good folks at Roger’s House, Ottawa. Please visit

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24 The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO


Professional Development Award

Organization(s) Recipient(s) Project Award Term Region Funds Distributed 2009-2010

Equipe Psycho-sociale Melissa-Anne Leduc Formation en Thérapie par la danse et le mouvement June 2009 – August 2009 Eastern $ 8,970

Western Area Youth Services Judi Parsons eLearning Cognitive Behavioural Intervention Curriculums (eCBIC) May 2009 – December 2009 South West $ 35,000

Children’s Aid Society of Algoma Sheri Ongena Mapping Attributions of Parents (MAP) Training June 2009 – February 2010 Northern $ 30,795

Columbus House (Pembroke) Inc. Tina Belanger Addiction Studies Certificate Program June 2009 – November 2009 Eastern $ 5,364

Anago (Non) Residential Resources Inc. Sandy Inglis Cognitive Behavioural Intervention Curriculum June 2009 – December 2009 South West $ 23,030

Crossroads Children’s Centre Michael Hone Phase II: Collaborative Problem Solving Community of Practice May 2009 – July 2009 Eastern $ 33,110

Chatham-Kent Children’s Services Joy Quinlan Increased Access to Play Therapy October 2009 – April 2009 South West $ 1,500

Child Care Resources Michelle Cotnoir Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Certificate Program  January 2010 – April 2010 Northern $ 35,000

Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Debra Lean Cognitive-behavioural intervention in a school-based setting: A focus on children and youth with mental health needs 

January 2010 – June 2010 Central West $ 30,551

Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority, Nodin CFI

Kevin Berube Intergenerational Trauma Treatment Model  January 2010 – April 2010 Northern $ 34,490

Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board David Hoy CBT Training for school social workers January 2010 – July 2010 Hamilton-Niagara $ 26,659

Rose of Durham Young Parent Support Services Janet Chappelle Infant Mental Health Certificate March 2010 – December 2010 Central East $ 14,613

SUB-TOTAL $ 279,082

Evaluation Capacity Building Grant

Organization(s) Recipient(s) Project Award Term Region Funds Distributed 2009-2010

Haldimand-Norfolk REACH Deborah Young Child and Youth Crisis Service  September 2009 – March 2010 Hamilton-Niagara $ 5,860

Hastings & Prince Edward Children’s Services Network

Peggy Yates Hastings and Prince Edward Children’s Services Network September 2009 – March 2010 South East $ 10,000

Catulpa Community Support Services Sheila Davis Simcoe County Wraparound  September 2009 – March 2010 Central East $ 9,568

Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK) Surbhi Bhanot Youth Aiding Youth  September 2009 – March 2010 Central West $ 8,625

Niagara Child and Youth Services Linda Morrice Early Years Programs  September 2009 – March 2010 Hamilton-Niagara $ 8,800

Southlake Regional Health Centre Robin Mitchell Child and Family Clinic, Intensive Psychotherapy Programme  September 2009 – March 2010 Central East $ 10,000

Catholic Family Services Peel Dufferin Susan Harris Safer Families Program  September 2009 – March 2010 Central West $ 9,750

Family Transition Place Norah Kennedy Youth violence prevention in the schools  September 2009 – March 2010 Central West $ 10,000

Blue Hills Child and Familiy Centre Steffanie Pelleboer Evaluation Capacity Building Grant  September 2009 – March 2010 Central East $ 10,000

The Psychology Foundation of Ontario Judith Hills Diversity in action: adapting mental health services September 2009 – March 2010 Toronto $ 10,000

SUB-TOTAL $ 92,603

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Evaluation Implementation Award

Organization(s) Recipient(s) Project Award Term Region Funds Distributed 2009-2010

Child and Adolescent Services, Family Health Division, Public Health Services, City of Hamilton

Louise Oke Quick Access Service  September 2009 – August 2010 Hamilton-Niagara $ 30,000

Columbus House (Pembroke) Inc. Tina Belanger Young Parent Support Program  September 2009 – August 2010 Eastern $ 10,000

Integra Karen Milligan Mindfulness martial arts: an innovative treatment for youth with LD 

September 2009 – August 2010 Toronto $ 23,964

Banyan Community Services Cam Uhler Peninsula Youth Centre  September 2009 – August 2010 Hamilton-Niagara $ 10,000

Dufferin Child and Family Services Alison Leonard Evaluation of the child and family counselling program  September 2009 – August 2010 Central West $ 22,500

Catholic Family Counselling Centre Sandy Hoy A new approach to program evaluation for the Families and Schools Together Program 

September 2009 – August 2010 Central West $ 27,245

Youth Now Intervention Services Jenny Roebuck Talitha House  September 2009 – August 2010 Eastern $ 10,000

Lake Ridge Community Support Services Melissa Johnson Adolescent Social Skills Program — Coping Skills Group September 2009 – August 2010 Central East $ 28,040

June Callwood Centre for Women and Families Anseh Dibaji All Ages Parenting Group  September 2009 – August 2010 Toronto $ 10,000

Services aux enfants et adultes de Prescott-Russell Patricia Ethier Interactions Gagnantes  September 2009 – August 2010 Eastern $ 10,000

The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Diane Bartlett Short-Term Intervention Program  September 2009 – August 2010 Toronto $ 27,450

Regional Municipality of Durham Darren Levine Durham Behaviour Management Services — Behaviour Consultation Program 

September 2009 – August 2010 Central East $ 10,000

Peel Children’s Centre Susan Elbe The effectiveness of Coping Power with the Connect Program 

September 2009 – August 2010 Central West $ 26,296

Kinark Child and Family Services Sandra Cunning A multi-level approach to evaluating multiple levels of Triple P  September 2009 – August 2010 Central East $ 30,000

Craigwood Youth Services Graham Ashbourne Implementation of a program logic model evaluation of an adolescent Residential Care and Intervention Program 

September 2009 – August 2010 South West $ 14,998

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Yona Lunsky CAMH Asperger Social Interaction and Education (CASIE) Program 

September 2009 – August 2010 Toronto $ 28,780

Nova Vita Domestic Violence Prevention Services Raghida Mazzawi Caring Families Evaluation Implementation Grant  September 2009 – August 2010 Hamilton-Niagara $ 10,000

Pine River Institute Samantha Yamada Pine River Institute — program evaluation expansion  September 2009 – August 2010 Toronto $ 15,000

Yorktown Child and Family Centre Karen Engel Evaluating service outcomes for high-risk youth (12-16 yrs) served by two Yorktown Child & Family Centre (YCFC) youth mental health programs: Brief Intensive Child Welfare Diversion (BICWD) and Core Counseling (Core) 

September 2009 – August 2010 Toronto $ 29,988

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute Annick Buchholz A centralized clinical outcome measurement of eating disorders in youth across Ontario: A multi-site partnership 

September 2009 – August 2010 Eastern $ 29,986

SUB-TOTAL $ 404,247

Page 26: Annual Report 2009-2010 sharing knowledge building …€¦ · Denise Lynch-Lacroix Kinark Child and Family Services Markham Perry Mason Hamilton Police Service Hamilton Karen Moore

On Board Is Our Evaluation and Research TeamFront left to right: Sherry McGee, Ilana Smyth, Orsolya Vaska, Susan Kasprzak, Purnima Sundar, Tanya Halsall, Tammy Youssef, Evangeline Danseco. Photo location and set-up courtesy of the Diagnostic Imaging team, patient waiting area, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario [CHEO]

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Community Mobilization Award Phase 2

Organization(s) Recipient(s) Project Award Term Region Funds Distributed 2009-2010

Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK) Kathy de Jong Mobilizing around bullying in the Halton community April 2009 – March 2010 Central West $ 14,800

Community Living Dryden, Sioux Lookout Branch Judy Kay Sioux Lookout community action partnership for FASD April 2009 – March 2010 Northern $ 14,877

Dufferin Child and Family Services Brenda Courtney Mental health in children and youth living with Autism Spectrum Disorder

April 2009 – March 2010 Central West $ 14,625

SUB-TOTAL $ 44,302


Organization(s) Recipient(s) Project Award Term Region Funds Distributed 2009-2010

Kinark Child and Family Services Peter Moore Helping Families Change Conference April 2009 – May 2009 Central East $ 1,000

North-South Partnership for Children, Youth and Families Michael Hardy Original People, Original Works January 2009 – September 2009 Central East $ 9,065

Parents for Children’s Mental Health Sylvia Namouvski Family Engagement Initiative March 2009 – February 2010 Toronto $ 8,100

Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Kathy Short CHAT Cohort Tracking Study March 2009 – December 2009 Hamilton-Niagara $ 16,970

St. Michael’s Hospital Anne Rhodes Child maltreatment and the risks of deliberate self-harm March 2008 – February 2011 Toronto $ 50,000

The University of Ottawa Darcy Santor Health Literacy Program ( Phase II March 2008 – February 2010 Eastern $ 25,000

Child and Wellness Centre of Leeds and Grenville James Thomas The truth about teenage suicide October 2009 – September 2010 South East $ 24,500

Child Welfare League of Canada Peter Dudding 2nd National Invitational Symposium on Child and Youth Mental Health

October 2009 – January 2010 Eastern $ 20,000

Children’s Mental Health Ontario Nancy Pereira The New Mentality: Kempenfelt Retreat July 2009 – September 2009 Toronto $ 3,780

Parents for Children’s Mental Health Sarah Cannon Calendar Sponsorship October 2009 – March 2010 Toronto $ 1,000

Iris the Dragon Gayle Grass Iris the Dragon: Self-Stigma, Public Stigma and Family Stigma

October 2009 – July 2010 South East $ 40,000

Family Service Thames Valley Sandra Savage Evaluation July 2009 – March 2010 South West $ 150,000

Practice and Research Together (PART) Katharine Dill International Knowledge Translation Conference March 2010 – April 2010 Central East $ 40,000

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Joseph Beitchman Neurosciences in mental health (co-morbidity) March 2010 – March 2011 Toronto $ 50,000

Parents for Children’s Mental Health Sarah Cannon From the Inside Workshop January 2010 – March 2010 Toronto $ 35,112

Children’s Mental Health Ontario Gordon Floyd The New Mentality: governance council, strategy session, and volunteer capacity building

February 2010 – March 2010 Toronto $ 8,250

Algoma Family Services Lynn Ryan Mackenzie Feasibility study February 2010 – March 2010 Northern $ 10,000

SUB-TOTAL $ 492,777


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Knowledge Exchange


“It is an easy-to-use and comprehensive resource. I recommend this website to all those who work with people in psychiatric distress.”


About the Centre


The Centre:• Facilitatesandengagesinpartnerships,networks


• Fundsnewresearchandnewresearchpartnershipsthroughacomprehensivegrantsandawardsprogram.

• Providesconsultingservicestoencouragemoreorganizationstoconductresearchandtosupporttheiruseofresearchtoimproveservices.

• Builds,synthesizesandmobilizescrediblechildandyouthmentalhealthevidence.

• Generatesopportunitiesforknowledgeexchangetopromoteevidence-informedpracticeandcommunitymobilization.

• Supportsthecriticalroleofyouthengagementthroughpartnerships,projectfunding,youthspecificgrantsandawardsandyouthrepresentationonitsadvisorycommittees.

Contact Us

The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO

401 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1Tel: 613-737-2297Fax: 613-738-4894

Web Site: onthepoint.caEmail: [email protected]

Please let us know what you think of the 2009-2010 annual report! >>