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Ashley Gordon Annotated Bibliography Dewey, John. "My Pedagogic Creed (1896)." Schools: Studies in Education 7.1 (2010): 77-80. Print. In this article, Dewey discusses what he believes education is and what school is. He examines that school is all about finding a place where student can learn about more hands on, real world learning. He encouraged hands on learning so that the students could use it in their future experiences and be more prepared for real life. He believed that teachers are there to influence and help the child through their experiences. John Dewey really goes into how education is both psychological and sociological, saying that psychological is the basis. I really agree with Dewey when he makes this statement. It got me thinking how when I become a teacher what I can do to make my classroom a better place for students to learn. Psychological comes first because the students thought process is key to figuring out what can be done to help better teach them equally but fairly. Dewey really raises many questions for me because of how influential he is. He is a big part of education and I want to know why more teachers do not use Dewey in the classroom to teach? Dewey feels like a very reliable source because we still use some of his ideas today even though he wrote his ideas on education in the 1800s. My inquiry is all about closing the achievement gap. So I will use this article to be able to explain the importance of education and to define what quality education is by using Deweys definition. I will also use it to find better ways to be able to teach to help close the achievement gap.

p. 4: I believe that, as such simplified social life, the school life should grow gradually

out of the home life; that it should take up and continue the activities with which the child is already familiar in the home p. 3 I believe that education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for

future living p.1 I believe that the only true education comes through the stimulation of the childs

powers by the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself

Helms, Ann D. "Education." CMS Considers Hiring Race Bias Expert. N.p., 26 Jan. 2013. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. This article examines Dr. Morrisons, Superintendent of CMS, efforts to eliminate race biases within the school district. Morrison would like to hire expert Glen Singleton to change the race bias within CMS. A lot of people feel that the bias does not exist but Morrison believed that the percentage of suspensions of blacks in CMS shouldnt be higher than the graduation rate. He also believes that these biases are there and some are not even aware that it exists. Morrison wants to work with Singleton to find a way to help students thrive. The article really discusses how the thought of bringing someone in has brought great controversy. Bolyn McClung was interviewed because he met with the new bias expert that Dr. Morrison wanted to bring in. He felt that he had the wrong approach towards fixing the schools, and many others issues come across from this article. But I it really goes into details of all aspects of what the new bias expert can or cannot do to help the achievement of children. I feel that the article argues for Morrison and his beliefs on reforming the school and that is why the article is reliable to me. The editor is able to back up her statements with interviews and quotes

and that is important to make sure people are actually listening and analyzing to see what they feel is the best option for the community. I will use this article as a way to show how Dr. Morrison is finding a way to further his district and close the achievement gap. I wanted a local experience and this really shows that extra push forward to eliminate the race bias so children will be able to get ahead and move forth within their education. p. 5 Those tests will take too much time from teaching, wont be effective for

improving student or teacher performance, and will soon be replaced by new exams tied to national Common Core standards, Morrison said. p. 1 Some hope he can steer CMS toward a new era of racial equity and student success. p. 2 Ignoring the role of race in education is denying history, psychology and reality.

Helms, Ann D. "Morrison: New State Tests Waste Tax Dollars." Charlotte Observer 25 Dec. 2012: 1-2. Print. The article discusses what the new superintendent of CMS, Dr. Morrison, is doing to eliminate tests within the district. He feels that they are a waste of tax dollars and shouldnt be given. He feels that the basis and reason for the tests are not reasonable and should be taken away. He doesnt feel like his employees should have to give them. I question in the article what the author feels about the test that are being administered. She does not include that bias within the article and I feel that makes her a reliable source. When writing there has to be an unbiased opinion, so when someone reads the article they can develop their own opinion about the article and what is occurring. I agree with the author about the

important of tests within schools. The money could always go to develop more programs to help close the achievement gap and further the education of students and not give out test that sometimes stop their progress. I can use this article to show just what Morrison is doing in his district to help close the achievement gap. Tests are a clutch that stops students from getting ahead and he wants everyone to get ahead. So I could use this as one of the ways CMS as a district is truly pushing to close the achievement gap. P. 1 Its a sharp change of direction for the leader of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Just two years ago, then-Superintendent Peter Gorman spent county money to create dozens of new exams to be used for teacher ratings, only to have them scrapped after he resigned in 2011. p. 1 Why are we in a rush to do all of this testing, then use it for accountability for schools and use it for accountability for teachers? he said. In 2013, Morrison and the school board will refine a long-term plan for CMS. Morrison has created 22 task forces to study key issues, including one on an accountability system, which could include how to move ahead with testing and ratings

Fishman, Stephen M., and Lucille Parkinson McCarthy. "Chapter 10." John Dewey and the Challenge of Classroom Practice. New York: Teachers College, 1998. 182-208. Print. In this chapter, Deweys thoughts on constructive criticism is explained. Dewey says that it must be attended to if you hope to achieve student-curriculum integration. Dewey views analysis as clarification of a things defining characteristics and synthesis as connection of a thing to other objects and events. Dewey suggest videotaped responses of students criticism. The

chapter shows three students papers and the best and most effective way to develop those students thinking and better their work. The experiment done in the chapter is on three students work. The students are able to take the audiotaped recordings of their paper criticism and listen to it as many times as possible and then revise. I feel that the author is very accurate with his understanding because he was actually able to get results from his experiments. The results make him a reliable source because he is able to come out with the book based his findings. He develops the experiments and uses them to help others evaluate their classroom tasks. I will use this as an effective way to help close the achievement gap. I feel that the teaching method will help to expand better ways to examine student work and everyone can learn from the experience. So I will be able to use this to show one way that could work to help close the achievement gap. p. 180 The divorce between learning and its use is the most serious defect of our existing education. Without consciousness of application, learning has no motive. p. 208 Every experience lives on in further experiences. Hence the central problem of educationis to select the kind of present experiences that live fruitfully and creatively in subsequent experiences. p. 85: Having to say something is very different matter from have something to say

Dillon, Justin, Meg Maguire, and Chris Abbott. "Chapter 13." Becoming a Teacher: Issues in Secondary Teaching. Buckingham [England: Open UP, 1997. 142-49. Print. Dillon examines what learning in a classroom should look like and explains how school is a place where students go to learn the future. So the classroom and curriculum need to be set

that way so students will be able to learn effectively. As a teacher, you have to be able to add activities that will engage the students and get them ready for learning and the future ahead for higher education. The teacher should use his/her own biography and wisdom to make lessons to help the students become successful. The activities shouldnt reflect the best way the teacher learns but what is most appropriate for all the students to learn and understand. The chapter really analyzes the classroom and the best way to run that classroom so students are effective. The author uses examples and points out the importance of what not to do to make sure that the correct thing is being done in the classroom. The author seems like they have much experience in the area of teaching and that their knowledge is first hand. I will use this to be able to add teaching methods that will help close the gap. The author really goes in depth about what the classroom should look like and how it should run to help students succeed. So I can also use this to connect Deweys version of a quality education to come up with just one definition. This could also go hand in with what Dewey thinks should be done in the classroom to better students learning. p. 148 Experimental psychology is the source of wealth of ideas on organizing efficient and effective learning. p. 149 If you want to be successful then a good place to start is to learn all the names of the children you teach. At the end of the day, you will be less effective in teaching your subject if you do not also remember you are teaching your pupils. p. 148: As you plan activities for lesson you will continually need to ask yourself why the pupils are going to carry out that particular task. It is always worth reflecting on what the pupils will be able to do at the end of the lesson that they could not do at the beginning.