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Android App Performance Tips

Lê Văn Giáp

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Why ?Smooth


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Why ?Keep battery


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Coding tips Avoid Creating Unnecessary Objects Use Static Final For Constants Avoid Internal Getters/Setters Use Enhanced For Loop Syntax Avoid Using Floating-Point Create package Instead of private Inner


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Use Enhanced For Loop Syntax

Page 6: Android App Performance Tips

UI tips Re-using layout with <include />

Page 7: Android App Performance Tips

UI tips<merge/>

Page 8: Android App Performance Tips

UI tips Loading views on demand <ViewStub/>

Page 9: Android App Performance Tips

UI tipsSmooth scrolling ListView – (AsyncTask)

Page 10: Android App Performance Tips

UI tips Smooth scrolling ListView – (ViewHolder)

…in getView(….)

Page 11: Android App Performance Tips

UI tipsSmooth scrolling ListView



Instead of basic ListView

Page 12: Android App Performance Tips

UI tips Smooth loading image

Lazy load


File caching

Page 13: Android App Performance Tips

UI tips Monitor, Tracking tool

Memory monitor

Allocatio tracker

Heap viewerSystrace