Download - Ancient Egypt 6 th Grade Colorado University Mrs. Anker.

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  • Ancient Egypt 6 th Grade Colorado University Mrs. Anker
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  • 4-1: The Nile River Valley
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  • Anticipatory Set A Greek historian once called Egypt the gift of the Nile. The people of ancient Egypt would have agreed. All life in Egypt depended on this river. What do we depend on in the United States?
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  • Standards H-SS 6.2.1 Locate and describe the major river systems and discuss the physical settings that supported permanent settlement and early civilizations. E-LA Reading 6.1.4 Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word, sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
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  • Objective You will follow the journey of the Nile from its source to the sea. You will also see how the Nile supported permanent settlements in the middle of a desert.
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  • Language of the Discipline cataract interior delta double-crop Menes
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  • The Gift of the Gods
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  • The Nile River was the lifeblood of Egyptians
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  • The Gift of the Gods The Nile River was the lifeblood of Egyptians The Nile River is the longest river 3500 miles
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  • The Gift of the Gods The Nile River was the lifeblood of Egyptians The Nile River is the longest river 3500 miles Unique because it flows from South to North
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  • The Gift of the Gods The Nile River was the lifeblood of Egyptians The Nile River is the longest river 3500 miles Unique because it flows from South to North Unique features White Nile and Blue Nile
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  • Two Separate Lands
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  • Upper Egypt Upstream from the Mediterranean Sea
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  • Two Separate Lands Upper Egypt Upstream from the Mediterranean Sea Lower Egypt Right below the Mediterranean Sea
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  • Two Separate Lands Upper Egypt Upstream from the Mediterranean Sea Lower Egypt Right below the Mediterranean Sea Black Land Fertile soil used for farming
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  • Two Separate Lands Upper Egypt Upstream from the Mediterranean Sea Lower Egypt Right below the Mediterranean Sea Black Land Fertile soil used for farming Red Land Dry, unusable land
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  • Check for Understanding Please determine the BEST answer for the following question. Please write your answer on your white boards and wait for the teachers signal. On the teachers signal, hold up your white boards.
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  • Checking for Understanding A __________ is an area of soil deposited at the mouth of a river Answer Delta
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  • Checking for Understanding What does it mean to double-crop? Answer Farmers could raise two crops on the same land within a year
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  • Checking for Understanding Why was King Menes so important? Answer He united the upper and lower kingdoms under one ruler
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  • Guided Practice/Independent Practice Guided Practice Complete questions 1 - 2 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Raise your hand and wait to get stamped. If you received an R go to the back table with Ms. Graham. Independent Practice Once you have been stamped moved to independent practice and complete numbers 3 and 4 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Homework Note-taking guide on the reverse side.
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  • Ancient Egypt 6 th Grade Colorado University Mrs. Anker
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  • 4-2: Egypt Under the Pharaohs
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  • Anticipatory Set You have read about leaders with armies strong enough to conquer Mesopotamias city- states. But the leaders were not able to unite those city-states into a lasting empire. What unites the students and the teachers here at OPA?
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  • Standards H-SS 6.2.3Understand the relationship between religion and the social and political order in Mesopotamia and Egypt. H-SS 6.2.7Understand the significance of Queen Hatshepsut and Ramses the Great. E-LA Reading 6.1.4 Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word, sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
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  • Objective You will see how the rulers who united Egypt solved a similar problem.
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  • Language of the Discipline authority pharaoh ritual artisan Hatshepsut Ramses II
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  • Egyptian Rule
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  • Early Egyptian civilization lasted longer than any other society in the region
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  • Egyptian Rule Early Egyptian civilization lasted longer than any other society in the region 25 dynasties from old, middle, and new kingdoms Under the Kush kingdom, the 25 th dynasty was established
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  • The God-King
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  • Pharaohs based authority on religion Believed in life after death
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  • The God-King Pharaohs based authority on religion Believed in life after death Pharaohs also provided a government Social order/ classes were established
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  • The God-King Pharaohs based authority on religion Believed in life after death Pharaohs also provided a government Social order/ classes were established Queen Hatshepsut Expanded through trade
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  • The God-King Pharaohs based authority on religion Believed in life after death Pharaohs also provided a government Social order/ classes were established Queen Hatshepsut Expanded through trade Ramses II Expanded through war
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  • Check for Understanding Please determine the BEST answer for the following question. Please write your answer on your white boards and wait for the teachers signal. On the teachers signal, hold up your white boards.
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  • Checking for Understanding _______________ are skilled workers who practice a trait or handicraft Answer Artisans
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  • Checking for Understanding What did the Egyptians believe their gods did? Answer The Egyptians believed their gods controlled everything that happened on Earth.
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  • Checking for Understanding Write down the Egyptian social order from highest to lowest Answer Pharaoh Nobles, priests, and officials Scribes Merchants and artisans Farmers, servants, and slaves
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  • Guided Practice/Independent Practice Guided Practice Complete questions 1 - 2 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Raise your hand and wait to get stamped. If you received an R go to the back table with Ms. Graham. Independent Practice Once you have been stamped moved to independent practice and complete numbers 3 and 4 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Homework Note-taking guide on the reverse side.
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  • Ancient Egypt 6 th Grade Louisiana State University Ms. Graham
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  • 4-3: Egypt and Nubia
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  • Anticipatory Set What does it mean to trade? What products do you believe we trade in the United States with other countries?
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  • Standards H-SS 6.2.6Describe the role of Egyptian trade in the eastern Mediterranean and Nile valley. H-SS 6.2.8Identify the location of the Kush civilization and describe its political, commercial, and cultural relations with Egypt. E-LA Reading 6.1.4 Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word, sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
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  • Objective You will read about the Kush, or Nubian, civilization. You will also learn about the relationship between Nubia and its neighbor, Egypt.
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  • Language of the Discipline commerce luxury goods expedition Snefru tribute Piye
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  • Trade
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  • Trade brought Egypt and Nubia together All goods brought into Egypt belonged to the Pharaoh
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  • Trade Trade brought Egypt and Nubia together All goods brought into Egypt belonged to the Pharaoh Trade within Egypt by using the Nile River Nubia a.k.a. Kush People known as Nubians
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  • Kush and Egypt
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  • In 700 BC Kush conquered Thebes a town in Egypt
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  • Kush and Egypt In 700 BC Kush conquered Thebes a town in Egypt Kush ruled Egypt for almost 100 years Encouraged trade with other civilizations
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  • Kush and Egypt In 700 BC Kush conquered Thebes a town in Egypt Kush ruled Egypt for almost 100 years Encouraged trade with other civilizations Kush or Nubians lost their reign to Assyrians in 663 BC
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  • Check for Understanding Please determine the BEST answer for the following question. Please write your answer on your white boards and wait for the teachers signal. On the teachers signal, hold up your white boards.
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  • Checking for Understanding ________________ were goods that were not needed, but made life more enjoyable in some way. Answer Luxury goods
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  • Checking for Understanding Why did Egypt want to control most of Nubia? Answer Egypt wanted to control Nubia to protect trade
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  • Checking for Understanding When Kush broke away from Egypt, what ended up happening? Answer Kush ended up conquering Egypt
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  • Guided Practice/Independent Practice Guided Practice Complete questions 1 - 2 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Raise your hand and wait to get stamped. If you received an R go to the back table with Ms. Graham. Independent Practice Once you have been stamped moved to independent practice and complete numbers 3 and 4 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Homework Note-taking guide on the reverse side.
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  • 4-4: Life and Death in Ancient Egypt
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  • Anticipatory Set Like other early civilizations, the Egyptians had an established religion. Egyptian religious beliefs affected how people behaved in life. Those same beliefs had a powerful impact on how the Egyptians viewed death.
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  • Standards H-SS6.2.3Understand the relationship between religion and the social and political order in Mesopotamia and Egypt. E-LA Reading 6.1.4 Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word, sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
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  • Objective You will read about the Egyptians religious beliefs. You will also learn about the daily life of the Egyptian people.
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  • Language of the Discipline underworld afterlife mummy
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  • Pharaohs
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  • Pharaohs were seen as royalty and divinities
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  • Pharaohs Pharaohs were seen as royalty and divinities Link between the land, the people, and the deities (gods)
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  • Pharaohs Pharaohs were seen as royalty and divinities Link between the land, the people, and the deities (gods) Many pharaohs were buried in the Valley of the Kings Tombs were filled with golden riches
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  • Check for Understanding Please determine the BEST answer for the following question. Please write your answer on your white boards and wait for the teachers signal. On the teachers signal, hold up your white boards.
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  • Checking for Understanding A ____________is a body preserved by a special process. Answer Mummy
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  • Checking for Understanding How did Egyptians prepare for the afterlife? Answer They lived well They had their bodies preserved for life after death
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  • Checking for Understanding What were Egyptian homes designed for? Answer They were designed to help people stay cool in the desert seat
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  • Guided Practice/Independent Practice Guided Practice Complete questions 1 - 2 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Raise your hand and wait to get stamped. If you received an R go to the back table with Ms. Graham. Independent Practice Once you have been stamped moved to independent practice and complete numbers 3 and 4 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Homework Note-taking guide on the reverse side.
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  • Ancient Egypt 6 th Grade Louisiana State University Ms. Graham
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  • 4-5: Art, Architecture, and Learning in Egypt
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  • Anticipatory Set For 3,000 years, the Egyptian civilization was admired throughout the ancient world for its power and wealth. What do you believe is valued in California?
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  • Standards H-SS6.2.5Discuss the main features of Egyptian art and architecture. H-SS6.2.9Trace the evolution of language and its written forms. E-LA Reading 6.1.4 Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word, sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
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  • Objective You will learn how this civilization also produced great buildings, art, and learning.
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  • Language of the Discipline Imhotep sculpture anatomy papyrus
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  • Science and technology
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  • Developed a form of writing pictures Used to keep important records
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  • Science and technology Developed a form of writing pictures Used to keep important records Physicians diagnosed illnesses Found cures and mummification
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  • Science and technology Developed a form of writing pictures Used to keep important records Physicians diagnosed illnesses Found cures and mummification Astronomers Mapped constellations and charted movement of planets
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  • Mathematics and Arts
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  • Developed practical geometry to survey the land
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  • Mathematics and Arts Developed practical geometry to survey the land Engineers used geometry to calculate the size and location for each stoe in the pyramids
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  • Mathematics and Arts Developed practical geometry to survey the land Engineers used geometry to calculate the size and location for each stoe in the pyramids Arts Statues, wall paintings in tombs, and carvings in temples
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  • Check for Understanding Please determine the BEST answer for the following question. Please write your answer on your white boards and wait for the teachers signal. On the teachers signal, hold up your white boards.
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  • Checking for Understanding __________________ was an architect who designed a new tomb for his pharaoh with six stone mounds, one on top of the other. Answer Imhotep
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  • Checking for Understanding How do we know about life in Egypt? Answer We know about life in Egypt because of paintings on the walls of the tombs
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  • Checking for Understanding What contributions did Egyptians make to technology? Answer Accurate calendar Created a writing system Invented the worlds first paper
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  • Guided Practice/Independent Practice Guided Practice Complete questions 1 - 2 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Raise your hand and wait to get stamped. If you received an R go to the back table with Ms. Graham. Independent Practice Once you have been stamped moved to independent practice and complete numbers 3 and 4 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Homework Note-taking guide on the reverse side.