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Analytical Exposition

Capital Punishment The Way

To Stop Corruption In Indonesia

Thesis : Corruption has happened for many years and today it becomes a bad culture

in Indonesia. Here are some reasons why this country has bad customs. It exists everywhere

in every stratum of society. Most Indonesian adult and even foreigners have known and have

admitted that corruption happen many place.

Arguments :How to stop corruption in Indonesia? The way, existing laws should be

effectively enforced. Those corrupt laeders and officials have no fear of punishments is given

there is no salvation. Let there be a strong anti corruption agency enpowerd to deal with all

economic and financial crimes comitted by individuals and coperate bodies. Backed it with

strong public compaign against corruptions and corrupt individuals. Corruption cannot be

stopped until anyone can be started. In other way, proffesionalism of the public

administration is key. Restructuring the public service is necessary so that there are more

checks and balances. Everybody’s work should be controlled by another agency or

departement that is not conflicting with is s interests. And transparancy , all this information

should be collected and reported and should be available for outsiders and controlling

agencies.that is the way to stop corruptin in Indonesia.

Reitaration : Based on the above points, corruption is becoming bad culture in Indonesia.

It is impossible to stop corruption in Indonesia. Corruption in Indonesia’s system becomes

culture nowadays. And the culture of corruption is indeed difficult to eliminate, but that can

be lost by way of self-awarenes of each individual. Can also be supported by a strong legal

and firm against corruption.

Anggita Dwi Lestari

(XI IPA 3 / 03)