Download - Analytical Balance


Analytical balance Analytical balance is a device electronic in laboratory to measure the weight materials that will be used before do the experiments. The material usually is solid form. For example NaOH Analytical balance used in the laboratory is an accurate instrument that has the ability to detect a 100 gram weight up to 0.0001 g Analytical balance has screen detector. The function of screen detector is to help the user to dtermine the weight of material. Component of analytical balance :1. Waterpass : to indicate that the analytical balance is in balanced position2. Weigh disk : is a place to determine the mass of is usually using a watch glass to measurment3. Botton setting Rezero botton : to set the analytical balance in the state of zero Mode botton : to convert units will be used in weighing On/off botton : to turn on and turn off the analytical balance

How to use analytical balance

1. Prepared analytical balance in equilibrium or water pass (with set screws on balance feet in the water so the water bubbles pass right in the middle).2. Cleaned space in analytical balance with a brush. The disc can be removed and the entire balance of the scales can be cleaned by using ethanol / alcohol.3. plugged outlet on electric socket4. Pressed On button and wait until the numbers 0.0000 g.5. Put the base material (watch glass, paper or thin objects) by opening the glass is not so wide so as not to affect the calculation because it is very sensitive analytical balance.6. Closed glass analytical balance.7. Pressed zero button so that a more accurate calculation.8. Put the material to be weighed by opening the glass is not so wide, so even when it would add or subtract ingredients to adjust the desired mass.9. Closed glass.10. Wait until the numbers on the display monitor analytical balance did not change and in accordance with the desired mass.11. Taken materials that have been weighed.12. Pressed Off button until there are no numbers on the screen analytical balance.13. Removable outlet of electric socket14. Cleaned space in analytical balance with a brush. The disc can be removed and the entire balance of the scales can be cleaned by using ethanol / alcohol.