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  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


    Los Angeles County Codes

    8.04.650 Notices to be given .A. All written notices of violations to food-related businesses shall contain the following written notice: NOTICE--Failure to correctthe above violations by the re-inspection date noted above may result in additional fees for re-inspections.B. When an additional re-inspection fee is due and payable pursuant to Section 8.04.645 of this chapter, the county health officershall provide a written notice of additional re-inspection fee and the delinquency date for payment of the fee to the personengaged in such business and to the treasurer-tax collector. The written notice shall provide the following warning: Notice--Becauseof necessary additional re-inspections of your business, you must pay a fee of (amount of fee). The fee is payable to the treasurer-taxcollector and must be received or postmarked on or before (date of delinquency). Failure to pay such fee by this date shall result inthe assessment of a penalty of $50.00, plus interest of 1-1/2 per month, in addition to the underlying fee . (Ord. 89-0080 2, 1989.)

    8.04.705 Fees for unlicensed activities .A. The county shall recover the cost of the health officers enforcement activities when they are otherwise not regulated by a publichealth license or permit as listed in Section 8.04.720 . The county shall also recover any reasonable costs that it may incur inconnection with the collection of such fees.B. The fee shall be assessed when: 1. the health officer has issued an official inspection report requiring correction of a conditionfound to exist onproperty owned, maintained or occupied by the person or persons liable for such condition; and 2. The condition has been correctedor the health officer has spent at least three hours in attempting to obtain correction of the condition.

    C. The fee shall be determined by the enforcement effort made to obtain correction , as follows: (Ord. 96-0069 33, 1996: Ord. 93-0055 6, 1993.)

    11.06.020 Fee schedule .The director of public health shall from time to time review, adopt, amend, repeal and enforce rules and regulations for theprotection of the public health, safety and general welfare. Such rules and regulations may include a schedule of fees to pay for costof services provided pursuant to Title 8 and Title 20 of this code. (Ord. 2006-0040 84, 2006: Ord. 2005-0053 6, 2005: Ord. 11992 5(part), 1979: Ord. 7583 Part 3 Ch. 10 751,1959.)

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  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11



    The following matrix compares Los Angeles County environmental health fees to those of comparable jurisdictions. Jurisdictions includedin the benchmark survey include:

    County of Orange, California County of San Diego, California County of Alameda, California County of Sacramento, California

    City of Long Beach, California

    This survey identifies the fee charged by each jurisdiction only. The actual cost that each jurisdiction incurs to provide these fee-relatedservices is unknown by MGT. Accordingly, these surveys are often referred to as market rate comparisons.

    Potential New Fees

    A byproduct of the benchmark survey is the identification of potential new fees that the County can institute. Any fee charged by asurvey participant that is not covered by the Countys fee schedule becomes a potential new fee. These potential new fees are listed atthe bottom of the first page of the benchmark survey.

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  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


    (Seating Capacity) (Seating Capacity)(Bar/Restaurant/Rest

    w/Bar) (Seating Capacity)

    $533 - 1,468 $561 - $925 $555-1,470$686/$1,112/

    $1,616 $561 - $1,351(Multiple permits per

    fac.) (# of employees) (Sq. Footage) (Sq. Footage)

    $233 - 1,044 $197 - $1,258 $290-650 $543-1,057 $550 - $1,029

    $98 - 695 $128 - $590 $158-412 $218-554 $132 - $564

    (Per Day)

  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


    Disposal Sites

    Large Volume Transfer/ProcessingFacilities $0.21 per ton/ month $10,268 1 $14,655/month

    Depends on whichLandfill used

    $3,425 - $84,007 perquarter


    Other Non-disposal Facilities (Composting, etc.)

    Full none $114 Per Hour $7,797 $14,660 $2,116

    Standardized none $114 Per Hour $7,797 $14,660 $2,116

    Registration none $114 Per Hour $7,797 n/a n/a

    Notification none $114 Per Hour $649 n/a n/a

    Reinspection Fee none $114 Per Hour none $199/hr $132

    Hourly Rate none $114 Per Hour $119 $199/hr $132/hr

    New Permit Fee $951 $114 Per Hour $119 $199/hr $132/hr

    1. In addition, solid waste disposed outside the County will be charged $0.14 per ton.






    Fee Category



    Los AngelesCounty

    San DiegoCountyOrange County

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    F E E C AT E G O R YL o s A n g e le s

    C o u n t yS a n D ie g o

    C o u n t yS a c r a m e n t o

    C o u n t y

    We l l P r o g r a m

    D o m e s t ic W a te r W e lls $ 3 2 7

    C o m m u n i t y $ 9 1 8Pr iva t e $44 4

    A d d it io na l $1 48 $ 71 1

    C a th o d ic W ells $ 3 2 7Ini t ial $186

    Add i t i ona l $160

    $355 ( inc ludesG e o t h e r m a l H e a tE x c h a n g e W e ll s )

    M o n ito rin g W e lls (in i t ia l) $ 2 0 1 $ 18 6 $ 62 2M o n ito rin g W e lls (a d d it io n a l) $ 2 0 1 $ 16 0 $ 62 2

    P ro b e S u rve y s $ 2 0 1 Ini t ial $186A d d it ion a l $ 50 $ 35 5

    D e s tru c t io n s (In i t ia l) $ 2 0 1

    W ater In i t i a l $236 ;Others In it i a l $186 ;

    Add i t i ona l $120W a t e r W e l l $ 6 2 2

    O t h e r s $ 3 5 5

    M is c e lla n e o us Re qu ire m e n ts n / a

    W e l l M a i n t e n a n c eInspec t ion Fee (Val id

    f o r 3 Y r s ) , 1 s t W e l l$100 Add i t i ona l $30( Ex c l u d e s C a t h o d icW e l ls ) ; M o n i t o ri n gW e l l R e in s p e c t i o n

    $ 11 5

    W el l Inac t iva t ion$ 3 5 5 / y r F e e sbased on averaget ime p er ac t i vi t y.Add i t i ona l t ime

    $178 /h r.

    S t a t e S m a l l W a t e r S y s t e mP r o g r a m $ 1 ,10 4 $ 95 4 .0 0 $ 29 7 - $ 3 ,3 69

    S e w a g e S p ill R e s p o n s eF e e /P e r H o u r

    $ 14 3 $ 1 99 /h r

    L i q u id W a s t e H a u le r s$225 p er veh i c l e ;$ 4 5 9 Y a r d In s p .

    $ 11 0 p e r Ve h i c l e ;$ 8 6 E x a m ;

    $ 15 2 Y ard In s p . n / a

    C r o s s C o n n e c t io n P r o g r a mR ec y c le d W ate r P lan R e vie w $ 1 ,3 48 $ 1 1 0 h r $ 1 15 /h r $ 1 99 /h rR ec y c le d W ate r In s p e c t ion n /a $ 1 1 0 h r $ 1 15 /h r $ 1 99 /h rIn ven to ried F ac i lit y In s p e c t ion (A n n ua l) n / a $ 1 2 4 to $ 2 8 9 / Y r. n /a n / a

    B ac k flo w Te s te r C ert i fic a t io n $2 9 6 /2y rs n /a $9 9B ac k flo w Te s te r L is t in g $ 2 4 0 /y r n /aC on t rac t S e rvic e s n / a n /a $ 1 99 /h rAnnual Back f low Preven t ion Dev iceF e e

    $21 /dev ice ( i n t e rna ld e vic e s on ly ) n /a n / a



    n /a

    n /a

    n /a

    $ 4 3 3

    $ 4 3 3

    $ 6 8 3

    $ 5 0 4

    n /a

    n /a

    n /an /a

    n /a

    n /a

    n /a

    $ 4 4 3

    $ 4 1 9

    O r a n g e C o u n ty

    n /a

    A la m e d a C o u n t y

    $ 11 0

    n /an /an /a

    $ 11 0

    n/ a

    $ 1 0 1

    $ 3 6 1

    $ 1 6 5

    $ 5 9 3

    $ 1 2 6

    n/ a

    $ 3 7 8$ 1 8 1

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  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


    County of Los Angeles PH-Environmental HealthOMB A-87 Cost Allocation Plan



  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11



    DepartmentDepartmentDepartmentDepartment 23630 EP-23630 EP-23630 EP-23630 EP-Land UseLand UseLand UseLand Use

    23631 EP-23631 EP-23631 EP-23631 EP-Wtr QualityWtr QualityWtr QualityWtr Quality

    23632 EP-23632 EP-23632 EP-23632 EP-RecreationalRecreationalRecreationalRecreational


    23633 EP-23633 EP-23633 EP-23633 EP-Cross ConnCross ConnCross ConnCross Conn

    & Wtr& Wtr& Wtr& Wtr

    23634 EP-23634 EP-23634 EP-23634 EP-Solid WasteSolid WasteSolid WasteSolid WasteMgmt ProgMgmt ProgMgmt ProgMgmt Prog

    23635 EP-23635 EP-23635 EP-23635 EP-SW EnfcmtSW EnfcmtSW EnfcmtSW EnfcmtAssistanceAssistanceAssistanceAssistance

    23636 EP-23636 EP-23636 EP-23636 EP-Waste TireWaste TireWaste TireWaste TireEnfcmt GTEnfcmt GTEnfcmt GTEnfcmt GT

    23649 EP-23649 EP-23649 EP-23649 EP-GarmentGarmentGarmentGarment


    23654 EP-23654 EP-23654 EP-23654 EP-Occ Hlth &Occ Hlth &Occ Hlth &Occ Hlth &Rad AdminRad AdminRad AdminRad Admin

    23655 EP-23655 EP-23655 EP-23655 EP-Clerical SuppClerical SuppClerical SuppClerical Supp(Occ Hlth &(Occ Hlth &(Occ Hlth &(Occ Hlth &

    1 Countywide Overhead $31,174 $29,453 $47,783 $26,570 $63,944 $0 $4,133 $24,556 $0 $2,3152 Public Health Overhead 191,150 180,598 292,997 162,924 392,095 0 25,342 150,570 0 14,1973 23626 EH Administration 70,612 63,442 91,404 54,483 128,576 1,393 4,381 54,637 11 2,4464 23628 EP- Admin 239,640 215,033 309,200 184,524 435,650 4,599 14,457 0 36 8,0745 23629 EP- Clerical Support 7,302 6,560 9,452 5,634 13,296 144 453 0 1 2536 23641 BFI- Admin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 23662 BSOP- Admin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 23663 BSOP- Clerical Support 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 23664 BSOP- Staff Development 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    10 23666 BSOP- Spec Supp Progs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 011 23667 BSOP- Court Liaison/Hsg Task 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 012 23665 BSOP- Prog Planning 32,207 24,929 32,490 19,825 45,397 5,487 1,951 19,060 43 5013 23668 BSOP- PH Lic/Permit Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014 23669 BSOP- EH Mgmt Info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 015 23690 BSOP- Spec Ops (Ombudsman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016 23691 BSOP- Quality Assurance Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 23692 BSOP- Consultative Svcs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 018 23671 BHI- Admin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 266,071 0 019 23672 BHI- Clerical Support 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161,895 0 0

    TOTAL CURRENT ALLOCATIONS 572,085 520,015 783,326 453,960 1,078,958 11,623 50,717 676,789 91 27,335

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  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


    County of Los Angeles PH-Environmental HealthOMB A-87 Cost Allocation Plan



  • 8/3/2019 Analysis of Los Angeles Public Health Fees 6.30.11


    DepartmentDepartmentDepartmentDepartment 23824 BHI23824 BHI23824 BHI23824 BHISE- EastSE- EastSE- EastSE- EastHsg DistHsg DistHsg DistHsg Dist

    23827 BHI23827 BHI23827 BHI23827 BHINW- N.NW- N.NW- N.NW- N.

    Housing DistHousing DistHousing DistHousing Dist

    23830 BHI23830 BHI23830 BHI23830 BHISE- MetroSE- MetroSE- MetroSE- MetroSouth HsgSouth HsgSouth HsgSouth Hsg

    23834 BHI23834 BHI23834 BHI23834 BHISE- SouthSE- SouthSE- SouthSE- SouthHsg DistHsg DistHsg DistHsg Dist

    23836 BHI23836 BHI23836 BHI23836 BHINW- WestNW- WestNW- WestNW- WestHsg DistHsg DistHsg DistHsg Dist

    23837 BHI23837 BHI23837 BHI23837 BHINW- MetroNW- MetroNW- MetroNW- MetroNorth HsgNorth HsgNorth HsgNorth Hsg

    Dept ofDept ofDept ofDept ofPublic HealthPublic HealthPublic HealthPublic Health

    All OtherAll OtherAll OtherAll Other 2nd2nd2nd2ndAllocationAllocationAllocationAllocationOrphansOrphansOrphansOrphans


    1 Countywide Overhead $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,395,3532 Public Health Overhead 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,556,0213 23626 EH Administration 30 60,729 52,174 52,209 57,729 52,215 0 0 0 2,999,8304 23628 EP- Admin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,874,6425 23629 EP- Clerical Support 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57,2466 23641 BFI- Admin 0 163,997 140,751 140,863 155,769 140,881 0 0 0 5,216,8787 23662 BSOP- Admin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 23663 BSOP- Clerical Support 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 23664 BSOP- Staff Development 0 0 0 0 0 0 98,160 0 0 98,160

    10 23666 BSOP- Spec Supp Progs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 011 23667 BSOP- Court Liaison/Hsg Task 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 012 23665 BSOP- Prog Planning 116 34,054 28,332 28,469 31,562 28,491 0 0 0 1,252,19513 23668 BSOP- PH Lic/Permit Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014 23669 BSOP- EH Mgmt Info 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 015 23690 BSOP- Spec Ops (Ombudsman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016 23691 BSOP- Quality Assurance Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 23692 BSOP- Consultative Svcs 0 0 0 0 0 0 121,723 0 0 121,72318 23671 BHI- Admin 137 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,247,95719 23672 BHI- Clerical Support 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,986,620

    TOTAL CURRENT ALLOCATIONS 372 258,780 221,257 221,541 245,060 221,587 219,883 0 0 26,806,625

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