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Analysis Of Eminem Featuring Dido - Stan

The Music Video for Stan is a Performance, Narrative video. The video is a primary visualisation of the story about an obsessed Eminem fan named Stan who becomes mentally unstable after failing to receive a reply from Eminem for a period of time ending up Committing murder to his pregnant girlfriend and then killing himself. The video itself is known for it’s film like approach and the video being far longer than most music promos. It has influenced many artists to use the same effect such as Lady Gaga in her videos Paparazzi and Telephone have the same approach. The Video has gained commercial success and was nominated for numerous awards for it’s fantastic Cinematography but also was considered highly controversial due to its heavy themes of violence and murder.

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The first shot we see in the video is a zoom from outside into a house seeing a pregnant woman asleep. Instantly we identify a weak character as the shot emphasizes her isolation and her being pregnant means that she is a lot weaker than normal. These are our initial assumptions on this character and we should believe that the qualities of this character should be apparent later on in the video. We then cut to another character via a medium shot showing a male bleaching his hair the shot allows the audience to see there is some importance within the character and the bleach he is using. More medium shots are shown after of Stanley to emphasize his facial expressions that are shown in this sequence being really satisfied with the hair change trying to replicate Eminem’s hairstyle. When Stanley’s girlfriend knocks on door a high angle shot is used to show the separation between him and the girlfriend. This effect really shows the negative relationship between the two and then we can identify that by the verbal dispute he gives after he reluctantly opens the door.

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The song then begins and we see cuts of Eminem receiving mail and Stan’s Girlfriends on the toilet these cut to cuts allow the audience to see more characters within the videos narrative and how they will relate to each other soon. When Stan’s girlfriend is on the toilet the camera vertically tracks down from the bathroom to the basement where we see Stan. The effect again highly emphasizes the negative relationship that the two must be in separate rooms. We then entirely put in Stan’s perspective watching him write a letter. During this sequence we primarily notice horizontal tracking shots of Stan writing the letter almost in a circular motion this effect allows the audience to see the importance within Stan’s emotions and the background also it creates a sense of unease.

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As the chorus begins a medium shot is used to show Stan’s girlfriend with Stan in the living room following scenes of domestic conflict in between the sequence we are brought into another location in relation to Stan’s letter the Post Office and his letter being left out accidentally the camera after several cuts zooms in on the letter and we can identify it was Stan’s letter that had been dropped. The zoom effect was able to see that the letter belonged to Stan and previously knowing what Stan’s behaviour and instability is like we expect his behaviour to escalate as the audience knowing Eminem will not be able to write to him. We then return to the basement and Stan begins writing another letter. The tracking shots are used again for this part of the sequence and we really can identify Stan’s rage here. A series of flashbacks become apparent in Stan’s second verse in relation to the lyrics this also motivate Stan’s escalating behaviour. In the final words of the second verse there is an over the shoulder shot showing Stan holding a picture of him and a stuck on picture of Eminem covering his girlfriend in relation to the lyrics said ‘’We should be together too’’. The shot signifies importance within the photo and we should assume it will appear later on.

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We cut to Stan and his girlfriend in bed his girlfriend wakes up and realises she can go check what Stan has been up to due to not being able to when Stan is around as the audience can identify in previous events Stan’s violent behaviour has total control over his girlfriend. The vertical tracking shot is used again form the bedroom and the basement showing two completely different scenarios. Not knowing Stan ha woken up also his girlfriend looks at the picture we saw previously by Stan’s perspective. This time we see the picture again by the over the shoulder shot by his girlfriend’s perspective following from that a medium shot shows her in shock not knowing Stan is in the background. The shot provides an effective use of dramatic irony as Stan is lurking in the background and her girlfriend having no idea and tension begins as we already know what Stan is like so we would assume another violent dispute will happen. The next shot is a close up of her face expressing her emotions of shock and worry as she turns around and notices Stan in the room.

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Stan then takes his girlfriend and now we are introduced to Stan being in a car. In the car sequence it shows many close up shots of Stan driving shouting into a tape recorder. The medium shots of Stan in the car mirror emphasizes Stan’s emotions in his eyes and the various close ups allow the audience to see his rage and upset of his accusation of Eminem ignoring him. Point of view shots are also used after when Stan drinks a ‘’fifth of vodka’’ as referenced in the song the POV shots emphasizes Stan’s influence and loss of control behind the wheel and the audience feel uneasy as if we are in Stan’s situation of drunk driving. When Stan drives off the bridge a long shot is used to emphasize the height of the drop.

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Now Stanley and his girlfriend dead We are no back to Eminem looking through Stan’s letters and he begins to write his reply unaware what has happened. Unlike the tracking shots when Stan was writing the camera is still when Eminem writes it suggests a neutral emotion going through when he’s writing knowing that he has lots of fans to write to and thinking that this is just another mad fan of his. The camera cuts back to rescuers opening the car and the cemetery where his young brother stands. Through Eminem’s verse a montage of shots, images from the letter he reads which completes the Narrative. News footage then appears in context of the lyrics we are looking at the news from Eminem’s perspective as he eventually finds out Stan was the one on the news. The video ends with a medium shot of his Brother Matthew looking down on Stanley’s grave we feel sympathy for his brother and the shot allows the audience to see the gloomy background that go well with the context of a death.

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During the introductory sequence the use of editing here is appropriate and meaningful for the audience to understand as there is a use of straight cuts only to show no time has gone past. When the song begins we now see the use of the fade to black transition Between Eminem and Stan’s girlfriend this reflects a change in location. When Stan starts writing more Fades are used to show difference in time and suggests Stan takes a lot of thought to his writing. From there on there is a frequent use of the fade transition. The frequent use suggests to the audience that the video is a long story and many events are happening within the sequence and utilizing the fade effect helps reduce the time and we can focus on the important sections of the narrative. When Stan is writing there is also frequent cross cutting with him and Eminem reading them showing his reactions it allows to give the audience the perspectives between the writer and the receiver. The car sequence like the introductory sequence it is similar with the use of editing as straight cuts are apparent again as the scene here is present in Stan’s situation and no time is going past at the moment. Flashbacks are frequent in this sequence aswell to match the context of the song and allow the audience to review Stan’s events. When we cut to Eminem writing his reply no fades are used this suggests Eminem is writing in a short period of time and we cut to events after Stan’s death in between Eminem writing and flashbacks are again apparent but this time the flashbacks have a filter effect on them to emphasize the uneasiness because Stan is now dead. The video has been edited to the highest level and it is all well executed to create meaning that is apparent to the audience.

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Unlike many music videos Stan takes on videos to a whole new different level. The use of sounds featured in this music video prove to be influential and effective rather than just the song. In the beginning we instantly hear sounds of rain and thunder indicating a heavy thunderstorm and a non diegetic soundtrack is now apparent in the sequence. The music is eerie and it suggests horror conventions. Dialogue is then brought into the sequence and the song starts. The introductory sequence was very well made and it was film like something very unusual in music videos. When the song starts we still hear rain and thunder in the background until the camera tracks down in the basement where all outside noises are now removed. This is very effective as basements usually are very quiet and the sound has been edited well to match the images. When Stan begins writes his letter frequent pencil writing sound effects are used to match the context of the lyrics and the images. This effect carries on into the second verse and Eminem’s verse. In the car sequence rain and thunderstorms appear again and we expect it should as the images on screen shows it and screams from his girlfriend are apparent and it goes well with the context as Stan is drunk driving and we and the girlfriend expect anxiety and danger. When the car crashes appropriate sound effects are used when the car hits the water and sinks. When Eminem begins writing the pencil effect is heard throughout and when the news comes on we hear sounds from the TV ever so slightly it suggests the TV is around somewhere within Eminem’s vicinity and a final loud thunder crash followed by rain ends the video. Sound in the video has been used to the best standards possible it is simple however it all matches the context and this proves to be effective by showing an illustrative relationship between lyrics and visuals.

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The Mise en scene really sets the tone of the video and makes the audience feel uneasy due to it’s nature. In the intro we are plunged into claustrophobic rain-soaked worlds at night during a heavy storm this setting suggests a style of a horror film however it is linked heavily with the song. When we see Stan for the first time the bathroom he is in is has mould and the tiles are in bad condition it suggests his wealth and class being lower class. The bathroom looks highly horror like reminiscent to locations such as The Shining. It helps the audience identify themes of Horror. When we see the Basement there are pictures of Eminem everywhere depicts Stan’s obsession also the basement is dark and gloomy suggests the characters likes to be alone and is unstable. The clothes he is wearing are reminiscent to Eminem’s clothing again depicts his obsession same with his newly bleached hair all this relates well to the song and it allows the audience to assume various things about the characters and their surroundings.

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Lighting in the video was the most essential element to this being very successful. As most of the video is in darkness the characters are well lit and It sets the tone while giving two dimensional images the feeling of three dimensional life. The low lit lighting matches the lyrics and the dark natures of the song and the ambient look makes it seem more realistic and professional. When Eminem is writing to Stan he is wearing glasses to give him an intellectual look which distances him from Stan.

This video offers performance in the sense of the rapper delivering a narrative tale and speaking the part of his fan and it is a clear powerful story. The visual imagery is closely linked to the lyrics that the audience can relate to. The camerawork and editing emphasise the restlessness of the music and there is a strong emphasis on looking: as viewers we look into people’s private lives. In conclusion the video is so effective and realistic that it makes viewers believe that the video was an interpretation of a real life story about Stan when it was all fictional and it also proves to the music industry that Controversy can create success like this video did.