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Page 1: Analysis of Antioxidants

A al sis of A tio ida ts – Get to k ow the reaso s wh ou eed the

Whether it is a health concern, worries regarding beauty or any other aspect of life, everyone seems to

rely on the shortcuts towards instant remedies. Morbid lifestyle contributes largely to the overall

destruction of our bodies with time and we seem to have reached a stage where we are always in need of

instant cures. Fortunately, a few compounds are there to make this job done. An example of one such

readily available compound in the market these days is antioxidant supplements. These are marketed as

an ultimate solution to a feeble and aging body.

What antioxidants are and what’s that they look after?

The term antioxidant refers to a substance that is believed to fight-off age-related diseases such as

stroke, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The most common examples of antioxidants include vitamins

(A, C & E), carotenoids, glutathione, lycopene and a lot more. The antioxidants are best known to cease

the production of free radicals from the oxidized tissues. Free radicals are the molecules that form chain

reactions which causes cell damage. This chain reaction is stopped by the antioxidants and thus cell

death cannot occur. This is the reason antioxidant supplements have been created and marketed as the

answer to most common health concerns.

The key health benefits of antioxidant supplements are as follows:

Fight-off free radicals and prevent cell damage

Repair already damaged cells

Flush-out toxins regularly

Strengthen immune system

Increase rate of metabolism and promote fat burning

Fight-off fatigue by increasing energy levels

Strengthen heart

Increase lifespan by slowing down the aging process

Why you need adding antioxidant supplements to routine?

Although, rich and healthy diet is the ideal source; however, many of us do not consume antioxidants

enriched meals on regular basis. Thus, wisdom lies in considering antioxidant supplements to fill the

voids in routine diet. A few other reason we need antioxidant supplements is that the diet we consume

these days is based on processed foods and contains low nutritional value. Besides, lifestyle changes,

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stress, and pollutant are responsible to worsen health conditions. One other factor is intensive

monoculture farming practice which cause depletion of nutrients in soil.

Which antioxidant supplement is best for you and how to take it?

These are best administered with food. It is not that one mega dose of single antioxidant supplement will

do the wonder. In fact, a combination of antioxidant supplements is advisable because they work best

when put together. For instance, take Vitamin C, glutathione and oxidized Vitamin E as an example. First

two of these recycles latter one; whereas, Vitamin E reprocesses oxidized Vitamin C.

Although, there is no such evidence that mega doses of antioxidant supplements are harmful; however, it

is common sense that excess of anything is bad. Planning to look smart? Think smart! Select best

antioxidant supplements to make a perfect combination that will meet all your health needs for sure.