Download - Analysis magazines

Page 1: Analysis magazines

CLASHWhen did the magazine start?- 2004Who is the target audience - it is targeted at male and females aged 18-35 years old. These are known as the download generation. They use modern bands for this target audience so that they are able to fit there correct target audience. What genre of music does it concern itself with?- they use many different genres and they use modern bands for there younger target audience. Who distributes it and what are the current circulation numbers?- the current circulation numbers are 47,235. it is published by music republic LTD.Clash also has an online magazine in which you can read it. This gets the younger generation to like it as well as they are named the download generation. This will also allow there younger target audience to want to read it.

Page 2: Analysis magazines

Clash always use this big bold title which is sometimes in different colours so that it fits the background colour. This font that they use is also very simplistic and all of the letters are in capitals. I would say that it is a mature font. It is also big and bold which will stand out to the audience and catch there eyes.

All of the Clash magazines have a name of a band or singer as there tag line as it is a music magazine. This band is the 1975. this allows the audience to see what the main topic of the edition of the magazine is. Therefore if they like this band or singer then they will want to buy the magazine to read more about it. This is also in a white font to match the colour pallet of this front cover. This font is a little bit different to the main title as it has a shadow effect. It is also not as big as the main title but it I still very obvious and it stands out a lot.

On this magazine they have put the barcode on the front of the magazine for the shops benefit. But they also have the price right next to the barcode so that the audience are able to see how much it is and then they will be able to make there decision whether they want the magazine as they will know the price of the magazine.

Clash magazines always use plain backgrounds with one staple colour. In this magazine they have used monochrome colours as this background is grey. In some of the other magazine editions they use brighter colours. This could depend on the genre of music in the certain edition. They use one colour for the background so that the audiences main focus is on the model. All of the colours on this front cover are monochrome as the males model suit is also black and white. Therefore you are able to see that clash use very plain colours but also simplistic backgrounds.

All of the Clash magazines also have a famous icon on there front cover. They are usually based around music as it is a music magazine. In this magazine it is the main singer for The 1975. therefore with having well known icons it allows the audience to have recognition. This will then mean if they know who they are then they may want to read more about them, so they will buy the magazine. This magazine also has a close up of the 1975 singer which means that he will stand out to the audience and they will be able to recognise him straight away.

In the Clash magazines where there is a male modelling the males are usually dressed smart and look pleasant. As you can see on this magazine cover that he is dressed smartly in a suit. The males are usually wearing shirts. This is so that it fits the target audience of females and males. The males may even get fashion tips as there are sections in this magazine about fashion.

In all of the Clash magazines they always tell you what the magazine is about. It is like a small description of the magazine. Fro example this magazine says music, fashion and film. Therefore this will attract the audience as if they like these topics then they will want to buy it. This is not in very big writing as it is not the main part for the magazine as there are other tag lines that are more important.

These magazines also have subheadings /tag lines on the side of the magazine as this gives even more detail about what is inside the magazine. This allows the audience to have an idea of what they are going to read. Then if it appeals to them then they will want to buy it. This writing is bigger that the small writing above the title because it is fairly important for the audience. This also says some of the famous icons names that are in that edition of the magazine which appeals to the target audience.

This is the colour pallet which is used in this magazine front cover. They are all monochrome colours as it is very plain and simplistic.

Page 3: Analysis magazines

On the all of the Clash magazines they put contents on the top so that the audience are aware that it is the contents page and they can look at it to find a certain page that they want to read. They have used a very funky font as it is not like a normal font as it has lines over some of the letters. This gives it an unusual feeling which makes it seem indie. This is the biggest piece of writing on the page so that it stands out to the audience what it is.

In this magazine they have used two small pictures of two of the editions of the Clash magazine. This allows the audience to see some of the other editions that they could buy or even read online as they have an online website where you can read the magazines. They have used the magazines that have bright coloured backgrounds so that there is some colour on the contents page. This allows it to stand out towards the audience and catch there eye due to the bright colours.

On all of the Clash magazines they say what are on the covers of some of there magazines. This gives the audience some extra information about some of the other magazines that they may be interested in buying. Even if they can not get hold of those magazines anymore it gives them some information about the ones that they can not get hold off. It also gives information about the covers for example the brands of there clothing and who was on those magazine covers.

Clash also put there features of there magazine on to show the audience some of there main parts that they have in that edition of magazine. They have put lots of different sections on there contents page. I like this layout because it is all visible and very clear where everything is. This features section says features in a big and bold font so that the audience can see it straight away and do not have to look for it. With having it in these sections it also allows it to look much neater as everything is not messed up and all over the page. It is easy to find what you want to find which would appeal to the audience as they will be able to see straight away what is inside and then they will want to buy it.

In this contents page they have also done a section fro the fashion as it is not all just about music it also has elements of fashion. Which is why there is a section for fashion. This will appeal to the audience as they will be modern and may like fashion and that will make them want to buy them. This also shows that they are filling up all the space that they have left.

Another section that Clash has used in this magazine edition is regulars. This means that they are showing the audience people that regularly do things for this magazine. For example a columnist will constantly write more columns for that magazine. This will appeal to the audience because they may recognise these people as they may read that magazine a lot . This helps the audience navigate there way around the magazine and they will have an understating of what is inside the magazine with these different sections in the magazine. This is also written in a big bold font so that the audience can see this section straight if they are looking for it. Then they will be able to find what they are looking for straight away.

On all of the Clash magazines they always put the date, month and year in which that edition of the magazine was published. Tis allows the audience to know what edition magazine they have and they will also be able to know how new or old that magazine is. If you collect the magazines then you will be ale to look at all of the different seasons that you have got and put them in order due to the date and year.

Page 4: Analysis magazines

On this double page spread they have used one big photo for one side of A4 this stands out to the audience because this is the first thing that they will see. This also uses the same model that was on the contents page this may have even been on the front cover. With Clash using a picture it allows the audience to not feel to over whelmed with the amount if writing on the page. They have made the picture so big so that the audiences main focus is on the model. Then if the recognise this model then they will want to buy it. They have also used fairly bright colours on the model so that it stands out to the audience as it will catch there eyes due to these bright colours.

In this magazine on there double page spread they have wrote a big column about this model. In this column they speak about the fashion that this model likes and the brands of the clothing that he is wearing. They also speak about the shopping that he likes to do. Therefore this double page spread is mainly about fashion not really much music,. Although it does have some elements of music as it also speaks about what kind of music this model likes and what there favourite music at that time they liked the best. This double page spread is basically a profile about this model and all the things that they are interested in. they write this information as the audience like to know information about the models and it allows them to find out extra information about them. Also if they know this model and recognise them then they will want to buy the magazine to read information about the model.

On this double page spread they have also made it look indie and fun as they have put a spiral line down the middle of the page. This also shows that they are ensuring that they are covering all the space that they have available. I like this idea and I would like to put some sort of design like this on the magazine double page spread that I will design. This also allows this double page spread to appeal to the audience as it makes the page ;look much more patterned and this will be visible to the audience as soon as they open this page.

On this double page spread it says a good page that you should read. Therefore it is giving the audience recommendations of pages that they may like because they have read this page. This allows it to meet the same target audience as they are making there double page spreads all similar. They make this text in big writing but it is not necessarily bold but you can still see this text as it is much bigger than the column written section.

On most of the Clash magazines double page spreads they usually write the name of the person that they are writing about. For example this one is all about King Krule. They write this is in big and bold font writing so that the audience can see clearly who it is about and then if they know them then they will want to buy it.

On this double page spread they have also wrote a small sentence and then highlighted it in green. This gives the page a bit of colour as this side of the page is very boring and dull. This is done to show who the photographer is as the audience may be interested in who has done this work. They then may go away and find more information about them as they may like there work that they have done. With them writing these names on here it also allows there work to get some credit for it from there audience. It also allows them to get recognised and then there work can become much more famous.

Page 5: Analysis magazines

Dazed and ConfusedWhen did the magazine start?-1992Who is the target audience- the target audience is female and males but the majority female. They are aged 20-30 years old and they like fashion, music, make up and photography. What genre of music does it concern itself with? This magazine is more about fashion. But it also has elements about music. The genre that they are usually based around are indie alternative but they are usually based around a lot of different genres of music. Who distributes it and what are the current circulation numbers? The circulation number is 99,000. The distributor of Dazed and Confused Waddell Limited.

Page 6: Analysis magazines

On all of the Dazed and Confused magazines they use this same font. They also make the Dazed writing bigger than the Confused. This is very catchy and stands out towards the audience because the Dazed is so big. They usually change the colours of this font very often and usually they are really bright. But as this magazine is black and white they have left the title as white as it looks best. This title font also stands out to the audience because the font is with all letters in capitals which makes the writing look bigger and bolder.

This magazine company also always uses famous icons for there front covers of there magazines. For example this on is Carey Mulligan who is a famous actor. Therefore this will stand out to the audience as there is only one person on the front and they will have all of there focus on them. Also if the audience like the famous icon on the front then they will want to read more and they will then therefore buy the magazine. Even if some of the audience do not know who the famous icon is they may still want to find out more about them so they may buy it anyway to find out who they are. All of the Dazed and Confused magazines have one model on the front so that there is not too much going on and the audience are able to look at one person only and they will be able to recognise them.

Dazed and Confused always take there photographs with props in. for example this one shows the famous icon with a microphone that she has in front of her face. On some of there other magazines they use a lot of make up[ and tend to make the models look scary with face paint on.

In this magazine there is a monochrome colour pallet as it is in black and white. Although there is a patterned background as it has polka dots. This is not very visible as it is a plain background in black/grey. In most of there magazines they have different patterned backgrounds which grabs the audiences attention.

There is also a barcode and price put on the front cover to show the audience the price so that they know straight away whether they are going to buy it or not. The barcode is put on for the shops purpose.

On all of there magazines they also use tag lines that are much bolder than the normal subheadings. Usually they are the name of the famous icon so that the audience can make sure that they are correct with who they thought it was. Or even if the audience did not recognise the famous icon and they read the name and knew her then they would want to buy it to read about her. This allows the audience to have some extra information about the magazine that they may buy and then read.

On the Dazed and Confused magazines they all have sub headings on. This allows the audience to have some extra information about the magazine. This will also persuade them more to buy it as they may like the things that are going to be inside which will then make them buy it. These subheadings are visible as they have put them on the top of the famous icon so that they are not hidden and the audience can see them.

This is the colour pallet that is used in this magazine cover. They are all monochrome colours as it has been edited to black and white. Theses are very plain colours and also fairly boring but it looks good as everything is placed well on the front cover.

Page 7: Analysis magazines

On this Dazed and Confused magazine they have put an image of the model that is also shown on one of the front covers. There is also a small description below the image of this model to give the audience some quick information about her and what page that she is featured on. They have out a picture on the contents page so that it is not dull and boring with just plain black writing. This picture does not add and colour as she is still dressed in all black and does not have anything to bright. Therefore it is a very simplistic picture.

On this clash magazine they have wrote the cover above the image of the model. This is because she was featured on the front cover of that magazine. Therefore it is reassuring the audience that it is the same person that was on the front cover as they may want to find out more information about them as they may have found her interesting.

On this magazine they use sections to write there contents page this is so that the audience can see them and find there way around the magazine. This section is the front. This means that the contents page was nit the seconds page and there was some pages before it therefore it is saying what the pages before the contents page where about and the page they are on in case the audience want to go back and look at them.

This section of the contents page is the mains which is the main parts of the magazine. Which could mean the most important articles that are with in the magazine. The title of these sections are not very big and bold which means that they do not stand out to the audience very well although that is what they are trying to do. These main sections also show a small description on the page so that the audience already get a small understanding of what each page is about.

In this section of the contents page it is all about the fashion which shows that this magazines main element is fashion although it ahs some small elements about music. But its main focus is fashion. They have put a section of fashion so that the audience is able to see the most important and the best parts of fashion that are in this magazine. It is also fairly visible and the audience can also clearly see the page numbers as they are bigger than the normal font. Having this section allows the audience to be able to see and find there way around much easier around the magazine. Having this section with a bold title will allow the audience to se it straight away and if they are interested then they will want to buy it as they will like it.

On this magazine contents page they have actually used a lot of page numbers for the examples of the most important pages. This means that the audience will have a wide range of pages that they can look at many of these pages that they may be interested in. but also with them using so many examples it shows that they are trying to fill up all of the space that they have so that the page looks full and there is a lot of information on for the audience to look at.

Page 8: Analysis magazines

On this magazine double page spread they have used the colour pallet of monochrome colours as it is all in black and white and there are no other colours that make it bright. Therefore it does not really stand out to the audience. This comes across as very boring and dull all though it may appeal to there target audience as they will like fashion.

This double page spread also uses a model on one side of A4 as she covers the whole page. This is also so that it stands out to the target audience and so that they will want to read this page as soon as they see this picture as it may appeal to them. This picture is also a mid shot as you can not see the full length of her body and you can only see her waist up. The audience may feel inspired by this model therefore they will want to read more so that they could possibly look like her. Or they may even like there fashion which will mean that they may want to know about there clothes that they are wearing and they will then be able to find out some information about her clothes and where they could possibly buy them from. They have also shown this model with a unusual hat on which will stand out to the audience as they may have never seen it before and they could be intrigued by it. This also means that you can not see the models face.

In this double page spread they have also put on the editors and the photographers of this double page spread. This is put on the picture of the model so that it is clear that they have worked to produce that photo. With them putting these names on it allows the audience to recognise these people and they will be able to credit them with there work or disapprove of the work if they do not like it. But if the audience already knew there work and they liked it then they may want to buy this magazine so that they can see some more of there work that they have done. With Dazed and Confused putting this information on the page it also shows that they are filling up some gaps and making sure all space is filled up. This is in a very small font as it is not that important for the double page spread and it is just extra information for the audience as so e of the audience may want to read this as extra information that they can go away and research on.

On this double page spread you can see that they do not put a title on the top of it too allow the audience to know what the page is about. Therefore the audience may nit have a clue what this article is about and they may just scroll past it as they may think that it looks boring and dull as it is just a long written article. Although this article could have started on the page before and has carried onto this page. Therefore the heading could be on the other page.

This double page spread shows that Dazed and Confused write there double page spreads in a lot of depth and detail. As you can see from this example as it is all written and you can see that it is carried onto the next page and has started on the page before this page. In these paragraphs they are writing about the fashion that this model is wearing and any fashion tips that they may have fro the audience. This shows that they write about things that will fit the target audience as the target audience are shown to like fashion and they are modern.

Page 9: Analysis magazines

VogueWhen did the magazine start?-1892Who is the target audience -Male — 14%,Female — 86% 16-34 years — 66%, 35-54 years — 28%, 55+ years — 6%81% of readers say they get the latest news about fashion and beauty from Vogue67% are inspired by Vogue to experiments in fashionWhat genre of music does it concern itself with?-Vogue is a fashion and lifestyle magazine.Who distributes it and what are the current circulation numbers?- the circulation numbers are 1,259,826.

Page 10: Analysis magazines

Vogue always uses the same font for all of there magazines. They use a big bold font so that it stands out. They use thin bottoms so that it is not to plain and simplistic. This allows it to look a lot more sophisticated. This will stand out to there target audience as it is so big. It also goes across Lana Del Reys head which allows it to stand out even more to the audience.

In all of the vogue magazines they all say where the magazine was made. Fro example this one is Australia. This allows the audience to feel comfortable with where it is made. This also allows the audience to be attracted as they may want to know more background information or they may even be interested in the place that it is made in. they then may go and research the place that it was made. But even if they knew a lot about that place then it may make them want to buy the magazine even more.

Vogue use very pale and simple coloured backgrounds in there photographs. There main colour pallet is pastel colours as they are all pinks, purple and creamy yellows. These are very soft tones so that it does not seem to childish and so it fits there target audience. This also allows it not to be I n your face to much. Vogue also use plain backgrounds so that the audience focus on the picture with the model on. This also allows for all of there focus to be on them.

Vogue always use famous icons for example on this magazine cover it is Lana Del Rey who is a very famous singer. This also attracts the audience as they may be look a likes and they may want to read information about these icons therefore they will want to buy this magazine to find out that information. This will also allow the target audience to see these characters and then if they see them on the front and they like them then they will want to buy it. This also allows idols to be on the front cover which will allow more than just the target audience want to buy it to look like them.

There are also always examples of what are inside the magazine edition. Fro example this one is fashion and music. These are the tag lines as they are bigger writing but not as bug as the main title. This allows the audience to know what is inside of them so that they can then make a decision whether they like what is inside and they want to read more or not. This tag line has to be big so that it stands out to the audience so that they know straight away what is inside of the magazine. If these tag lines where not big and visible then the audience would not buy it as they would not know what they are about to read.

Vogue also always have extra information on the front cover. Some parts of it are also very bold as it allows the audience to see even more information about what is inside. This also attracts the audience to look at it and then want to buy it. These are the subheadings and they also have a small amount of writing underneath. The main subheading is in bold so that they can see what that certain section of the magazine is all about.

Vogue also use many props of jewellery on there famous icons as this stands out. This also allows the audience to be able to look at the jewellery inside the magazine and they will want to buy the magazine when they have seen it on the front cover. With this jewellery being on these famous icons it also allows them to stand out as they use big jewellery so that it is bold and shiny.

This is the colour pallet that is used on this magazine front cover. These are very feminine colours which fits there target audience. These are also very pale colours so that the famous icon stands out the most and the audience focus on the icon more than the background. In this magazine you can not really see much of the background which means the main focus will be on Lana Del Rey anyway.

Page 11: Analysis magazines

In all of the Vogue magazines they write the title on the top and have a bold font saying contents page. I like how they put contents as it allows you to know that it is the contents page and they also do it in bold and big so that it stands out. They have put Vogue behind the contents page writing to show that the contents page is more important than the title as the audience will already know the name of the magazine.

On all of the Vogue magazines contents page they all have a main image that is usually positioned in the middle like this image is. This is so that it appeals to there target audience and it is usually of a model , they are usually dressed very fashionable. Therefore the audience will want to look in the magazine as the target audience is interested in fashion. This also makes the contents page have a bit of colour and this will be the first thing that the audience will see therefore they will have to make sure that there picture is perfect to stand out to the audience.

In all of the Vogue magazines they put at the bottom of there contents page about all of there staff for example the editors. This allows the audience to have some extra information about the editors and the photographers . They make like these people and will recognise them so they will want to buy it. Or they may want to know more about there work so they will therefore go away and do some more research on therm. I think this is a good idea as it allows the reader to see these peoples work and they can be seen to produce good work and they will get praised for the work that they have produced.

This magazine has also used subheadings/tag lines that are catchy for the audience as this will make the audience want to read that section in the magazine therefore they will buy the magazine. The tag line on this magazine is in a big and bold font so that it stands out to the audience. they have also used a very formal font as it makes the whole contents page look smart.

On all of Vogues contents page they all have this information on the sides. This tells you what the most important parts of the magazine are on those certain pages. I would like to put the numbers of the pages on my magazine when I try and do mine. I also like how they have laid out these and the colours that they have used for the main subheadings. They have put the subheadings in blue so that they stand out and they are also bigger than the little bit of black writing that is below so that the audience can see that the sub headings are the most important parts.

On this magazine they have tried to cover as much space up as possible as they have put writing down the side in a very small font as it is obviously not to important. This also allows the audience to have some extra information that they may want to know about. This will then make the audience want to buy it.

On every Vogue magazine they use the month and year that it is published. This is so that the audience know what edition they have so that if they then want to buy another edition they can make sure that they are not buying the same one that they already have.

Page 12: Analysis magazines

on this double page spread they have used a very plain background colour but it is also a bright colour. This is so that it stands out to the audience and it will catch the audiences eye. This bright background is also used so that the model can wear a plain coloured dress and so that the colours will go together. It is important for the audiences attention to be grabbed so that they take interest in this magazine and they will then want to buy the magazine.

On this magazine double page spread they have also used a model fro on side of A4 as part of there double page spread. They have used a big image so that it stands out towards the audience. They have also made the model central so that the audience focuses on the model first they then may take some inspiration from her and they will then want to read more about her an they will then want to buy the magazine. I like the idea of having a big picture on one side of the double page spread. Therefore I will use this idea for my double page spread that I will be making.

They have also wrote on the middle of the double page spread. Which looks like information about the clothing in which the model is wearing, but also about the photographer and editor so that they get credit and recognition of there work that they have done. This also shows that they are trying to fill up as much space that they have available. But this information is always wanted by the audience so that they can see the work of these people that have made the magazine and then they can go away and do some research and find any more of there work that they like. Therefore these photographers and editors will then get recognised and can become famous.

On all of Vogues double page spreads they all have articles about the models that are shown on the pictures next to the article. For example this article is about the model on the right. This article is all about fashion as it is a fashion magazine. It is discussing the clothing that this model is wearing and information about where you can purchase them. It also discusses the latest fashion that the target audience may want to follow. This allows the audience to get some inspiration from fashion in which they can get ideas or even copy there fashion ideas and they will then go and buy some of this clothing that is discussed.

On this double page spread there is a couple of sentences underneath the title of the double page spread. It is all about the model and who it is. It is just the basic background information about the famous icon. For example in this magazine it is Cheryl Cole. This writing is not in bold it is just in a bigger font size than the article. This is because it is the most important part about the article and it allows the audience to have a rough idea what the article is about without having to read it. This then allows the audience to feel comfortable what the article is about rather than having no idea what it is about.

On all of the Vogue magazines , on there double page spreads they put the title of the double page spread in a really big sixed font and in bold. This is so that it stands out to the audience and will catch there eyes. They have also used a font that is easy to read and you can understand what it says. This is a casual font to show that it is a casual double page spread. This is also so big so that the audience have an idea what the article is about. This will then mean they can decide whether they like the sound of the article or not.