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Charles University in Prague

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics


Vojtech Kolomicenko

Analysis and Experimental Comparisonof Graph Databases

Department of Software Engineering

Supervisor of the master thesis: RNDr. Irena Holubova, Ph.D.

Study programme: Informatics

Specialization: Software Systems

Prague 2013

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I wish to express my gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor, RNDr. IrenaHolubova, Ph.D. for her thoughtful guidance, valuable suggestions during manydiscussions and her kind supervision of this diploma thesis.

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I declare that I carried out this master thesis independently, and only with thecited sources, literature and other professional sources.

I understand that my work relates to the rights and obligations under the ActNo. 121/2000 Coll., the Copyright Act, as amended, in particular the fact thatthe Charles University in Prague has the right to conclude a license agreementon the use of this work as a school work pursuant to Section 60 paragraph 1 ofthe Copyright Act.

In ........ date ............ signature of the author

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Nazev prace: Analyza a experimentalnı porovnanı grafovych databazı

Autor: Vojtech Kolomicenko

Katedra: Katedra softwaroveho inzenyrstvı

Vedoucı diplomove prace: RNDr. Irena Holubova, Ph.D.

Abstrakt: V poslednıch letech se nova skupina NoSQL databazı, zvana Grafovedatabaze, stala velmi popularnı kvuli stale se zvysujıcı potrebe zpracovavat aukladat grafova data. Cılem teto prace je zkoumat ruzne moznosti a omezenıgrafovych databazı a provest analyzu a experimentalnı porovnanı vybranychzastupcu teto skupiny. Za tımto ucelem byly formulovany obecne pozadavky natestovanı grafovych databazı a byl vyvinut rozsiritelny testovacı nastroj, nazvanyBlueBench.

Klıcova slova: grafove databaze, NoSQL, benchmark, experimentalnı porovnanı

Title: Analysis and Experimental Comparison of Graph Databases

Author: Vojtech Kolomicenko

Department: Department of Software Engineering

Supervisor: RNDr. Irena Holubova, Ph.D.

Abstract: In the recent years a new type of NoSQL databases, called Graphdatabases (GDBs), has gained significant popularity due to the increasing needof processing and storing data in the form of a graph. The objective of thisthesis is a research on possibilities and limitations of GDBs and conducting anexperimental comparison of selected GDB implementations. For this purposethe requirements of a universal GDB benchmark have been formulated and anextensible benchmarking tool, named BlueBench, has been developed.

Keywords: graph databases, NoSQL, benchmark, experimental comparison

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Introduction 3

1 NoSQL Movement 41.1 Introduction to NoSQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.2 Consistency in NoSQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2.1 CAP Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.2.2 BASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.3 Key-value Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.4 Column-family Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.5 Document-oriented Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.6 Graph Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.6.1 Graph Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.6.2 Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.6.3 RDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.6.4 TinkerPop Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.6.5 Graph Query Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 Graph Database Systems 132.1 DEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.2 InfiniteGraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142.3 Neo4j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152.4 OrientDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.5 Titan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3 Benchmarking 203.1 Recommended Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1.1 Graph Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.1.2 Query Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213.1.3 Benchmarking Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.2 Benchmark Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.2.1 Real Graph Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.2.2 Graph Data Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4 Related Work 254.1 GraphDB-Bench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254.2 Survey of Graph Database Performance on the HPC-SGAB . . . . 264.3 Benchmarking Traversal Operations over Graph Databases . . . . 284.4 A Comparison of a Graph Database and a Relational Database . . 294.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


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5 Final Design of BlueBench 325.1 General Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325.2 Used Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335.3 Conducted Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5.3.1 Individual Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345.3.2 Benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

5.4 BlueBench Software Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375.4.1 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385.4.2 Operation Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395.4.3 Core Benchmark Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405.4.4 Logging of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405.4.5 Loading the Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415.4.6 Addressing Vertices across Scopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

5.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

6 BlueBench Results 436.1 Testing Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436.2 Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436.3 Assessed DB Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446.4 Results of the Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

6.4.1 Graph Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506.4.2 Traversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516.4.3 Shortest Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536.4.4 Non-traversing Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556.4.5 Manipulation Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566.4.6 Summary of the Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

6.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Conclusion 59

Bibliography 61

A Contents of the CD 64


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In the recent years, there has been a huge increase of importance to store andanalyze data in the form of a graph. Be it social networks, Web graphs, recom-mendation systems or biological networks, these graphs have at least two thingsin common – they are highly interconnected and huge, and so is the complexity ofalgorithms used for their processing and analysis of their characteristics. Unlikeother types of data, networks contain lots of information in the way how particularobjects are connected; in other words, the relations between the objects.

Graph database management systems (GDBs) have emerged to fill the gapin the market by providing solutions to the problem of storing and working withlarge graphs. GDBs elevate the relations to be the most important entities inthe database model and are optimized for exploiting the relations to gather in-formation from the graph. In addition, relations are not only mere connections;they contain attributes as well as the other objects in the graph do. GDBs arerequired to handle these attributes as efficiently as the graph topology itself, sincethe attributes are often used as guideposts for crawling the graph.

A variety of GDB implementations has been appearing, and most of the sys-tems are usually accompanied with biased proprietary tests claiming that theirperformance is somewhat superior. Nevertheless, a large scale unbiased bench-mark comprising the most substantial graph database functionality and puttinga higher number of GDBs into a comparison has not been conducted yet. Webelieve that this is most likely to be the reason of the versatility of interfaces ofparticular GDB engines, their configuration specifics and different capabilities.

As a consequence, the objective of this thesis is to summarize the backgroundbehind the graph databases family and describe a chosen set of GDB represen-tatives. Furthermore, a discussion on the aspects and implementation details ofa fair and complex graph database benchmark is laid down. Finally, a bench-marking suite based on these recommendations, called BlueBench, is created andthe performance of a selected set of GDBs experimentally evaluated. The testeddatabases are carefully chosen so that BlueBench compares not only the most pop-ular GDB engines, but less conventional representatives as well. For this purposewe have implemented a simple wrapper around a selected relational database,which provides the basic functionality expected from GDBs. Therefore, we willbe able to confirm or deny the assumptions about relational databases not beingcompetent of handling graph data efficiently.

Contents Overview

In the first chapter we define the term NoSQL and categorize the best knownrepresentatives. Most famous implementations of graph database systems aredescribed in detail in Chapter 2. Then, in Chapter 3 we illustrate what prin-ciples a good graph database benchmark should obey. Analysis of any existingbenchmarking projects follows in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5 our proposed bench-marks are designed. Finally, the benchmarking process and the final results arediscussed in Chapter 6.


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1. NoSQL Movement

In recent years a new family of databases known as NoSQL1 has gained lots ofpopularity, particularly because of the need of storing and effectively retrievinghuge volumes of data. Graph databases belong into this family despite theirslightly higher complexity; therefore, we provide a brief background to NoSQLand its core technologies.

This chapter is organized as follows. First, NoSQL and its key features aredescribed in short. Second, the most popular types of NoSQL databases arelisted. Last, we provide a little more detailed description of graph databases anddefine the most fundamental terms that will be used in this thesis.

1.1 Introduction to NoSQL

NoSQL is a common label for databases which reject the tradition of usingrelational models as it is done in Relational Database Management Systems(RDBMS). By contrast, the NoSQL family of databases focuses on providingmore scalable, distributed and efficient solutions for handling huge amounts ofdata. This is made possible by a more relaxed consistency model and less schema-oriented database designs in comparison to RDBMS.

In particular, NoSQL might be a good choice for an application when the datathat is needed to be stored does not conform to any easily definable schema orwhen the tables in an RDBMS database would be too sparse (i.e. having manycolumns, each of which is only used by the minority of rows). Furthermore, therelational model expects the data stored in separate tables to be connected bylogical relations which are used for joining the tables when a more complex queryarrives. This works well when the tables’ size is not extensive, otherwise theperformance decreases with increasing size of the data and number of requiredjoins. NoSQL databases are usually optimized for handling very large data whereparticular elements are not closely related; therefore there is no need for expensivejoins. How exactly the storage layer and other parts of NoSQL databases aredesigned is different for each NoSQL database type.

1.2 Consistency in NoSQL

In order to really make efficient storing of large volumes of data possible in NoSQLdatabases, the transactional model is usually relaxed and does not guarantee thesame assurances as it is in RDBMS. In NoSQL, performance and scalability ispreferred over consistency. In general, scaling can be performed using two distincttechniques:

• Vertical scaling. This only means increasing a computational power (e.g.adding memory, CPUs) of a single node so that the database system canbe more efficient.

1Often referred to as “Not only SQL” or “No to SQL”; however, none of these expansionsare precise or fully agreed upon.


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• Horizontal scaling. Instead of running the software on a single machine,the database is distributed on a number of nodes forming a cluster. Thedistribution can be done for the purpose of replicating the database, i.e.duplicating the data to distribute the load. That is opposed to partitioning(or sharding) the database, which means dividing the database into dis-junctive parts which are then managed by the nodes separately. The twoapproaches can be combined for best results.

While horizontal scaling is seemingly the cheaper option because no superiorhardware is needed to be used, it presents complications with data consistencyand synchronization of the nodes.

1.2.1 CAP Theorem

To describe more precisely how the consistency and other important propertiesof a horizontally scaled system can be balanced, the CAP theorem has beenformulated. It states that in a distributed system it is impossible to achieve allthree of the following properties:

• Consistency. Any two concurrent operations see the data in the same state.This enforces a duplication of all data updates to all nodes in the clusterbefore the writing transaction is concluded.

• Availability. All requests are guaranteed to be answered; in other words,the system is expected to be available at all times.

• Partition tolerance. The distributed system has to continue to work evenin the event of a failure of a part of the system.

While RDBMS are not partition tolerant, NoSQL databases typically do notguarantee that the data are completely consistent. That is, a write operationexecuted on one of the nodes does not necessarily have to wait for the update tobe propagated across the entire system.

1.2.2 BASE

BASE is a set of properties defined to be a counterpart to much more pessimisticACID (i.e. atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability) transaction model.BASE can be described as:

• Basically available. The database appears to work most of the time, al-though partial failures are tolerated.

• Soft state. The state of the system can constantly change, even at times ofno requests.

• Eventual consistency. The state of the database will eventually becomeconsistent.


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This set of properties gives the database system the freedom of not checkingthat the data is consistent with every processed transaction; consequently, theoperation throughput gets higher and horizontal scaling can be put into practicea lot easier. On the other hand, provided answers to database queries need notbe always accurate or even successful; the responsibility of assuring higher levelsof consistency is shifted onto the application.

1.3 Key-value Databases

Key-value stores are the simplest of NoSQL databases and are oriented towardsperformance and horizontal scalability. Their name literally describes how key-value stores work – as a hashmap data structure where opaque values are storedand retrieved by a key. The power lies in the simplicity of the store; there is noschema, the values can be of any type and the records are not considered to berelated.

In theory, the value is not structured or interpreted in any way and can onlybe retrieved as a whole. Thus, no aggregated or other similarly advanced queriesare supported. Consequently, the need to parse the value is shifted onto theapplication. There is a small risk presented by this architecture; if the applicationoften retrieves big chunks of data only to use a small portion of the filtered value,it leads to wasting of resources and worse efficiency.

The choice of what entities will work as keys is mostly straightforward, it canbe any unique strings coming from the application’s domain (e.g. usernames,emails, session IDs, etc.). In case a key is lost or cannot be computed for somereason, key-value stores usually support some sort of full text search or can pro-vide a list of all existing keys.

A lot of attention is understandably paid to scaling. The advantage is thatsharding is particularly easy to achieve; it is only needed to hash the key and usea portion of the hash to determine on which node the record should reside. In ad-dition, the data are often replicated to provide some level of fault tolerance. Thisis done in a way that records are distributed into buckets which are duplicateda specified number of times. Each node then stores a determined set of bucketsso that no machine is an exact replica of any other. Therefore, it is possible toload-balance more efficiently during the recovery of a collapsed node [23].

1.4 Column-family Stores

Column-family databases are based on a more expressive data model than key-value stores, yet they achieve comparable levels of scalability. A column denotesa single key-value pair, and any number of columns can be combined into a supercolumn which has a key as its identifier. Furthermore, sets of columns or supercolumns are stored in a row which is identified by its row key. Lastly, whena row contains only columns, it is referred to as a column-family, whereas a rowcontaining only super columns is called a super column family.

This arrangement can be compared to relational tables because there are rowsand columns, too. However, the big difference is that in column-family storesthe columns do not necessarily have to be organized identically for each row;


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consequently, the storage remains efficient even in the case when relational tableswould be very sparse. The database works as a nested hashmap; upon a query,firstly the right column-family is identified by the row key, and, subsequently, thevalue from the appropriate column is found by the provided column key. In caseof super columns one extra level of granularity is automatically considered.

Thanks to the higher expressiveness of the model, the application can struc-ture the data to follow an arbitrary pattern (e.g., entities from a domain can bestored as one column family per entity, and any details of the entity are stored inparticular columns). Therefore, database queries can contain elementary filteringfacilities based on the column values, because the basic column-family structureis known to the database. Nonetheless, aggregated queries are usually not sup-ported.

The columns in a column-family are designed to be mostly accessed togetherand the database consistency model is often based on this assumption. There-fore, atomicity is guaranteed at the column-family level; conversely, operationsspanning multiple rows are not necessarily treated as a single transaction.

1.5 Document-oriented Databases

As the name suggests, document-oriented databases use documents as their coreentity. The documents are usually retained in collections where they are expectedto have a similar schema, although it is not enforced in any way. Each documenthas a unique identifier which can be assigned by the database or provided bythe application. In this aspect document-oriented databases are very similar tokey-value stores, because the identifier plays the same role as the key and the doc-ument corresponds to the value. What is, however, different, is the way the storelooks at the value of the record. Documents have an examinable structure whichis distinguishable by the database and can typically contain basic types, arrays,maps and so on. Moreover, the structure is stored and exposed in a specifiedformat, e.g. XML or JSON.

By definition, document-oriented databases should be able to provide an APIor query language that allows for retrieving documents based on the content.Queries should support filtering, aggregating, etc. Typically, the database retainsan index on the document identifiers so that document retrieval by its key is fast.In addition, adding additional indexes on arbitrary fields in the content is oftensupported.

Atomicity of transactions is usually guaranteed at a single document level;however, support for transactions of an arbitrary length can be provided, too.Document-oriented databases, similarly to other NoSQL solutions, should be op-timized for horizontal scaling, taking advantage of the fact that documents aremutually independent. Therefore, sharding is usually based on the documentidentifier, or a value of a specified field.

1.6 Graph Databases

In contrast to the other NoSQL implementations, in a graph database the rela-tions between the objects are of primary importance. Graph databases support


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a graph model which allows for a direct persistent storing of the particular objectsin the database together with the relations between them. In addition, a GDBshould provide an access to query methods that not only deal with the storedobjects, but also with the graph structure itself. The best known example of suchan operation is traversal, which in its most simple form can be used to obtainthe neighbors of a specified object, that is, the objects that the specified objectis directly related to.

The advantage of having a direct access to heavily interconnected data comesat the cost of very complicated partitioning of the database. To be able toefficiently partition the graph data onto a number of separate machines, the graphmust be reorganized so that the smallest possible amount of relations crosses theboundaries of a single machine in the cluster. Algorithms for performing thisoperation and then keeping the database in the same state after further datachanges have not been successfully put into practice; therefore, the problem ofefficient partitioning of graph data remains open [23].

1.6.1 Graph Model

The topology of a graph G can be expressed as G = (V,E), where V is theset of vertices (also called nodes) and E is the set of edges (or relations). Anedge connects two vertices which both have to exist, i.e. no dangling relations areallowed. Finally, a graph can be directed or undirected, which denotes whether thegraph’s edges have a direction or not. In addition to the topology, there usuallyis more information contained within the graph, amount of which distinguishesbasic graph models:

• Labeled graph. All the edges have a label which denotes the type of theedge. There also is a Vertex-labeled graph variant where even vertices canhave labels.

• Multi-graph. Multi-graph is a labeled graph where multiple edges can existbetween any two vertices, granted that these edges have different labels.

• Attributed graph. Graph elements can have attributes (also called proper-ties) appended to them to carry additional data. Properties are usuallyexpressed as a map of keys and their associated values.

• Property graph is defined as an attributed directed multi-graph and it is themodel which is implemented by the majority of graph databases [1].

We note that this is only a limited selection of graph types that are laterreferred to in this thesis.

1.6.2 Data Structures

The decision of the appropriate data structure for storing the graph, be it in thememory or on a persistent storage, has crucial effects on the resulting performanceof the system. However, there is not an architecture which is ideal for all typesof graph operations; consequently, the choice of the data structure necessarilydepends on the way the application will be mostly used.


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Adjacency Matrix

An adjacency matrix is represented as a bi-dimensional array of boolean values,with the size of both the dimensions equal to the number of vertices in the graph.The array is indexed by the identifiers of the vertices and each boolean valuedetermines whether the two corresponding vertices are connected by an edge ornot. It is a trivial observation that the adjacency matrix is symmetric when itrepresents an undirected graph.

This data structure is very efficient for examining the connection of two givenvertices and for adding new edges; however, it lacks performance when all neigh-bors of a specified vertex are required. Moreover, it is highly inefficient in termsof occupied space; especially in the cases when the graph is sparse. Finally, thisstructure is not well suited for adding vertices because such a task depends onan allocation of space for a new row and a column.

Incidence Matrix

The arrangement of an incidence matrix is similar; it also has a form of a booleanbi-dimensional array. The difference is that the incidence of vertices and edgesis recorded; thus, each row of the matrix represents a vertex and each columnrepresents an edge. The incidence of an edge and its two vertices is then indicatedby the values in the corresponding column. However, this data structure exhibitssimilar drawbacks as an adjacency matrix; in addition, its space inefficiency iseven worse, because the array’s size coincide with the number of edges which isusually higher than that of vertices.

Adjacency List

An adjacency list consists of a collection of lists, where each of these lists symbol-izes the identifiers of neighbors of one vertex. This data structure has much lowerspace requirements in comparison to the matrix representations. The storage ef-ficiency can be further increased by employing compression techniques which areusually based on the similarity of identifiers of neighboring vertices. Moreover, itis a naturally efficient solution for the type of query demanding all neighbors ofa vertex, which is often needed when traversals are performed.

However, when it is needed to be decided whether two vertices are connectedby an edge, the performance becomes lower because in the worst case scenariothe algorithm must iterate over all the records in the list belonging to one of thevertices.

1.6.3 RDF

The Resource Description Framework2 (RDF) is originally a standard designed byW3C3 for representing data in the Web. It has become a popular representationfor graph data and adopted as a model by a number of graph databases (calledRDF stores) even though graph representation was not the primary designationof RDF [2].

2Resource Description Framework, Wide Web Consortium (W3C),


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RDF defines triples as statements about resources, which consist of subject,predicate and object parts. Such statements can be directly used to model a di-rected labeled graph where each edge has its label represented by the predicateand the source and target vertices are denoted by the subject or the object re-spectively. A property graph can also be modeled; however, it is not as straight-forward because properties must be stored as additional objects and the relationof a vertex and a property described by another predicate.


Storage and Inference Layer (Sail) is a low-level interface created by OpenRDF4

as an abstraction of the accessing methods supported by different RDF engines,so that various RDF stores can be used interchangeably by a single application.Several implementations of Sail include MemoryStore, which uses only memoryas a data storage, and NativeStore (further referrred to as NativeSail), which ispersistent.

1.6.4 TinkerPop Stack

TinkerPop5 has been developing a stack of applications designed to simplify andunite the way of working with graph databases engines. Most of the softwareis created in Java, which is also meant to be the primary accessing language;nevertheless, interfaces in other languages are provided as well. Majority of thebest known GDBs support the TinkerPop accessing methods together with theirown interfaces, which gives strong hope that it will become a respected standard.A brief description of the most significant parts of the TinkerPop stack nowfollows.


Blueprints6 is a set of interfaces enabling applications to take advantage of thecomplete functionality provided by TinkerPop, once the chosen graph databaseimplements the common API. The interfaces are designed to be very transparentand offer mostly elementary methods which can, however, be combined to buildmuch more complicated queries. Blueprints works with the property graph model;consequently, if a GDB exposes a stronger model, that extra functionality canonly be utilized via its own native methods. In summary, Blueprints can be usedindividually, but its fundamental role is to abstract away the implementationdifferences of the database systems for the upper layers of the TinkerPop stack.


Rexster7 is a configurable graph server which exposes any Blueprints-compliantgraph database through the REST HTTP protocol. A binary protocol, called

4 graph research team, property graph model interface,

blueprints/wiki7Rexster graph server,


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RexPro, is also supported for better performance on a single machine. Dog Houseis a browser-based user interface also offered by Rexster. The whole TinkerPopstack is elegantly interconnected; communication with the Rexster server froma Java application can be performed by instantiating the RexsterGraph class andthen using the standard Blueprints methods.


TinkerGraph8 is a lightweight in-memory implementation of the property graphmodel, and is part of the Blueprints package. TinkerGraph doesn’t have anysupport for transactions; it primarily serves only as a reference implementationfor Blueprints and its graph model. However, indexing of elements based on theirproperties is supported and is implemented using a HashMap collection.

1.6.5 Graph Query Languages

There are a number of languages designed for querying graph databases; theymainly differ in expressing power and what purpose the are designed to serve. Abrief description of the best known graph querying languages follows.


Pathway Query Language9 (PQL) is an SQL-like declarative language used formatching subgraphs primarily in biological networks.


GraphQL10 is a declarative querying and manipulating language considering graphsas the fundamental unit of information. GraphQL defines its own algebra whereeach operator takes a collection of graphs as an input and returns a collection ofgraphs generated according to specified rules. Structure of the graphs and evenattributes of the graph’s elements are considered during the calculation of thequeries. GraphQL is intended to be used generally; in other words, it was notspecifically designed for a single kind of graph databases.


SPARQL11 is another declarative language influenced by SQL. It was developedfor querying RDF and it is an official W3C Recommendation.


Gremlin12 is a part of the TinkerPop stack; therefore, it works over all graphdatabases that implement the Blueprints interface. Gremlin is designed for itera-tive traversing of the graph which is controlled by the application in a procedural

8TinkerGraph implementation of the Blueprints graph interface,



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manner. In addition, it supports graph manipulation and all other functionalityfrom Blueprints, because it directly utilizes its methods.

1.7 Summary

In this chapter, we depicted the principles behind NoSQL and briefly explainedits key features. Subsequently, the best known representatives of the NoSQLfamily were summarized – with closer attention being payed to graph databases,their available backend implementations and provided query methods.


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2. Graph Database Systems

In the previous chapter we generally characterized Graph databases together withother types of NoSQL database solutions; however, since one of the main goals ofthis thesis is giving experimental analysis of a selected set of GDB systems, it isnecessary to understand what main features and implementation specifics thesesystems have.

Consequently, in this chapter a detailed description of today’s mainstreamgraph database management systems is provided. We believe that the mostinteresting properties are:

• API. What interface is exposed by the database system. In other words,how the database can be queried.

• Internals. How exactly the databases’ methods of storing data to persistentstorage, indexing and caching are implemented.

• Concurrency. What consistency model the databases support, possibly de-scribing the mechanism behind transactions handling if available.

• Scalability. What approaches the database systems take to horizontal scal-ing; in addition, whether partitioning (or sharding) is supported.

The list of the selected GDB systems with the description of their main fea-tures now follows.

2.1 DEX

DEX1 is a closed-source commercial graph database written in Java with a C++core. It was first released in 2007 and its goal is to be a high-performance andscalable solution for working with very large graphs [17]. DEX is currently thethird most popular graph DBMS today [18].

The graph model this database exposes is called “Labeled and directed at-tributed multi-graph” because the edges can be either directed or undirected,all elements belong to arbitrary types and there can exist more than one edgebetween two vertices. DEX provides a native API for Java, C++ and .NETplatforms; in addition, it is compliant with Blueprints interface and the databaseserver can be remotely accessed via REST methods. The database can thereforebe used in a variety of applications.

DEX uses its own bitmap-based highly compressed native persistent storagewhich should be very effective and have a small memory footprint thanks to thelight and independent data structures [20]. The fundamental data structure usedis a “Link” which is a combination of a map and a number of bitmaps thatenables fast conversion between an object identifier and its value and vice versa.When object’s value is needed, the map is used; whereas the bitmap can returnall object identifiers associated with a specified value. The whole graph can thenbe stored as a following combination of links :

1DEX graph database,


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• One link for each element type which allows conversion between elementidentifiers and their types (or labels).

• One link for each element attribute. The particular values in the link aremade up by the actual values of the attribute.

• Two links for each edge type, one for out-going and one for in-coming edgeendpoints. In this case the link values represent the identifiers of verticesincident with the particular edge. Therefore, to traverse from a vertex toits neighbors, firstly the appropriate bitmap in the link for out-going edgesis returned because it contains identifiers of edges connected to the vertex.Then, the map in the other link is traversed to finally obtain the identifiersof the vertex’s neighbors.

The structure used for the maps is a B+ tree2, the values are stored as UTF-8strings and the element identifiers are 37 bit unsigned integers. The identifiersare grouped and compressed in order to significantly reduce the size of the struc-ture [20]. Attribute values can be indexed when required by the application toaccelerate the speed of the element scan based on properties; this is ensured byadding the index on the values in the appropriate attribute link.

DEX offers a partial ACID transaction support, called “aCiD”, because theisolation and atomicity cannot be always guaranteed [17]. The transaction con-currency model is based on the N-readers 1-writer model3.

There is a DEXHA4 extension enabling horizontal scaling for larger work-loads that are preferably read-mostly. The replication is achieved using the Mas-ter/Slave5 model with the help of Apache Zookeper6. In the event of writingdata into the database, the current slave immediately synchronizes with the mas-ter and then the changes get eventually propagated to the other slaves. Therefore,the database’s consistency is relaxed to an eventual consistency in the DEXHAmode. There is lots of work still to be done in this field; for example, when a slavewhich is in the middle of a write transaction is disconnected from the master, thewhole system gets into a lock because the master cannot force the transactionto be rolled back. Furthermore, the system cannot deal with the situation whenthe master crashes. However, the automatic election of a new master will beimplemented in the future [21].

2.2 InfiniteGraph

InfiniteGraph7 is another commercial graph database written in Java with a C++core. It was initially released in 2009. The priorities of this graph database system

2B+ Tree data structure, 1-writer model allows any number of read transactions to be executed concur-

rently, whereas a write transaction can exist as the only transaction at a give time4DEX high-availability, replication. Multi server architecture where one of the servers is a master

which has to be communicated with upon any data update. By contrast, reading of data canbe performed without the supervision of the master.

6Apache Zookeper,,


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lie in scalability, distributed approach, parallel processing and graph partitioning[22].

InfiniteGraph uses a “Labeled directed multigraph” model which also includesbidirectional edges. The database can be exposed through an API in variouslanguages (Java, C++, C#, Python) and provides a distinct Traverser interfacewhich can also be used for distributed traversal queries. This is accompanied withBlueprints support; as a consequence, the database can also be accessed usingRexster or Gremlin facilities.

The database system conforms to a full ACID model. In addition, it alsooffers relaxing of the consistency for accelerated temporary ingests of data [24].The graph database uses Objectivity/DB as a backend; and thus adopts its dis-tributed properties allowing scaling and replication. Unfortunately, we could notobtain any more information on this matter because, to our knowledge, there isno accessible technical report or publication with any description of transactionhandling or InfiniteGraph internals in general.

2.3 Neo4j

Neo4j8 is written completely in Java, it is an open-source project and its firstrelease dates back to 2007. Neo4j is a very well known graph database system,in fact currently the most popular one by a great margin [22].

Neo4j features a graph model called “Property graph” which is in reality verysimilar to the models the afore mentioned databases offer. The native API isexposed through a whole range of different languages, e.g. Java, Python, Ruby,JavaScript, PHP, .NET, etc. There also are many kinds of ways how to querythe database, for example via the native Traverser API, or using SPARQL orCypher query languages9. The database system also implements the Blueprintsinterface and a native REST interface to further expand the versatility of wayshow to communicate with the database. Neo4j also supports custom indexes onelements’ properties using external indexing engines, currently employing ApacheLucene10 as the default engine.

Persistency of Neo4j database is provided by a native graph storage back-endmainly using adjacency lists architecture. The three main components of thegraph (i.e. vertices, edges and element properties) are stored in three separatestore files. Vertices are stored with a pointer to their first edge and the firstproperty. Properties store is a group of linked lists, where there is one linkedlist per vertex. Finally edges are stored as two double-linked lists (one for eachendpoint of the edge) along with the edge’s type and pointers to the currentedge’s endpoints and first property. All pointers are expressed in the form of aninteger object identifier and all records in the three files have a fixed size andabsolute position corresponding to the object identifier. Therefore, addressing inthe store files can be performed by directly computing the byte where the recordis starting. Such arrangement can simplify loading of the data from the persistentstorage and enables fast direct traversing of the graph [23]. Furthermore, there is

8Neo4j graph database, query language,

html10Apache Lucene search engine library,


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a two-tiered caching architecture in Neo4j which should limit the number of diskreads. The lower tier, filesystem cache, divides the store files into pages which areheld in the application’s virtual memory so that their management can be left upto the operating system. In the higher tear, object cache, the particular elementsand other graph’s objects are kept in a state much more closely resembling thecurrent application needs, which is achieved by analyzing read patterns in theapplication [23].

Full ACID transaction concept is supported by Neo4j. This is achieved byhaving in-memory transaction logs and a lock manager applying locks on anydatabase objects altered during the transaction. On successful completion ofthe transaction the changes in the log are flushed to disk, whereas a transactionrollback means only discarding of the log.

Neo4j database can be distributed on a cloud of servers using the Master/Slavereplication model and utilizing Apache Zookeeper to manage the process. Shouldany write request be performed on a slave node, this slave will synchronize withthe master and the updates will be eventually pushed to all the other slaves. Asa consequence, the database consistency property is loosen to eventual consistencywhile the rest of ACID characteristics stays the same [26]. However, the databasedistribution solution applies only to replication of the data which helps the systemto handle higher read load; at the moment Neo4j does not support sharding ofthe graph [27].

2.4 OrientDB

OrientDB11 is not only a graph database management system, but a wide-rangeNoSQL solution providing a key/value store, document-oriented database andfinally a graph database. OrientDB is written solely in Java and has become verypopular shortly after its initial release in 2010 [22].

The GDB system adopts “Property graph” as its graph model and providesAPI in many programming languages. Many approaches can also be used to querythe database, namely the native Traverser API for Java embedded solutions,REST interface for remote access or an SQL-like query language which is calledExtended SQL and has been developed alongside OrientDB. The database is alsoBlueprints compliant and thus several other ways of accessing the engine areavailable. In addition, unlike the majority of other GDB systems, OrientDBprovides support for basic security management which is based on the users androles model.

OrientDB’s graph database is built atop the document database for whicha native model of a persistent storage was created. Specifically, the storage isdivided into three parts:

• Data segments. The contents of all the records are kept here. Each segmentis represented by one physical file and it is dependent on the configurationprovided by the application how exactly the data is segmented.

• Clusters. This part keeps the references to the content in the Data segmentspart of the storage. The usage of clusters is application specific, usually one

11OrientDB Graph-Document NoSQL DBMS,


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cluster corresponds to one logical type of data. For the OrientDB graphdatabase implementation, separate clusters are used for the distinct entitiesin the graph (e.g. vertices, edges, indexes, object identifiers, users, etc.).

• TxSegment. Logs for all the open transactions are kept at this place.

Both the Cluster and Segment parts further consist of two file types, namelyData files, which store the data, and Hole files, which keep the information aboutany free space left after records deleted from the Data files. This space canbe reused during successive allocation. All identifiers of objects in the databaseconsist of two parts, which are the cluster number and position within the cluster.Therefore, whenever a record is to be loaded, the appropriate Cluster is queriedfor the record location within the Data segments and that information is used toobtain the record data from there. While the actual data can be accessed locally,remotely, or can be stored only in memory, the principles of the storage stay thesame [30].

OrientDB uses its own data structure also for indexing properties of elements.It is an innovative algorithm called MVRB-Tree which is a combination of a B+tree and a Red-Black tree12 and which consumes only half as much memory asa Red-Black tree while keeping the speed of balancing the structure after an insertor update [28]. The caching mechanism is also quite sophisticated and is spreadover several levels; from caches exclusive to a single application thread to cacheson the physical storage level. However, each caching level has a different impacton the isolation of the changes of records during the transaction and must bemanually configured or periodically invalidated in order to ensure that the datais up to date [29].

Transactions in OrientDB have all ACID properties which is ensured by uti-lizing the MVCC13 method. Thanks to this approach, there can be concurrentreads and writes on the same records without the need to lock the database; how-ever, all the records must carry their version so that the age of the record can bechecked on a transaction commit [31]. The resolution of any transaction conflictsis left up to the application, which can either repeat or rollback the transaction.

This database system can also be distributed across a number of servers ina cluster, using Hazelcast14 for the clustering management. Amongst the nodesin the cluster the Multi Master15 replication method is supported. Therefore,all of the servers are allowed to perform read and write operations on their ownreplicas of the database while notifying the rest of the nodes in the cluster. Suchnotification can be synchronous or asynchronous, the latter being faster, howeverguaranteeing only eventual consistency property. Each node keeps its Operationlog in case an alignment operation with other nodes has to be executed. Fur-thermore, Synchronization logs are kept for the situations when a conflict occurs

12Red-Black binary search tree data structure,

13Multiversion concurrency control method often used by database systems to provide dataintegrity during a concurrent access by having each transaction work on a different version ofthe database and merge changes during the commit.

14Hazelcast Open Source project, Master replication. Multi server architecture where all the servers have an equal role

in the cluster and are allowed to modify the stored data. Any modifications to the data arethen propagated to the rest of the servers and any discovered conflicts resolved.


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during the replication. The default policy behavior is that the older changestake precedence over the newer ones, which get logged into the Synchronizationlog instead. Entries in the log can be manually resolved later. Similarly to theother graph database systems, the discussed distributed solutions only work withreplicas as sharding is not supported by OrientDB yet.

2.5 Titan

Titan16 is one of the newest graph database systems as it has emerged veryrecently, in 2012. Similarly to other GDB engines, Titan is written in Java and itis an open-source project. The authors claim that it is a highly scalable solutionspecialized on handling graphs distributed across a cluster of many servers [33].

The “Property graph” model used by Titan can be accessed via two providedinterfaces. Titan can either be run as a standalone server which should be queriedby REST methods, or be embedded in the user’s Java application for which caseit supports the Blueprints interface. Compliance to Blueprints also naturallyopens up the Rexster and Gremlin possibilities. Furthermore, to index elementsby their properties users can choose between two external indexing engines de-pending on the application needs. Specifically, the engines are Apache Luceneand ElasticSearch17 which can be used to perform effective full-text searches ornumeric-range and geo searches respectively [34].

As a backend, Titan supports three particular key-value or column-familydatabases which have a contrasting influence on the transaction and scalabili-ty properties of the resulting system. Therefore, it is possible to choose betweenCassandra18, HBase19 and Berkeley DB20 depending on the application’s businessrequirements. In particular, selecting Berkeley DB has the effect of very limit-ed horizontal scalability and concurrency; nonetheless, it is the best performingsetup for databases running on a single machine. On the other hand, Cassandraand HBase provide native support for distributed solutions at the cost of uncer-tain consistency, or availability respectively [35]. The main features of the threebackends can be seen in Table 2.1.

Backend Consistency Scalability ReplicationCassandra eventually consistent linear yesHBase vertex consistent linear yes

Berkeley DB ACID single machine not supported

Table 2.1: Backends supported by Titan [35].

In order to store the graph to a persistent storage Titan uses adjacency listsdata structure. Namely, one column family in the underlying backend repre-sents one vertex’s adjacency list with a row key equal to the vertex’s identifier.Moreover, each element property and edge is stored in a single column with the

16Titan: Distributed Graph Database, search engine server, Cassandra key-value store, HBase column-family database, Berkeley DB,


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edge direction, label, or key saved as the column prefix [36]. An index can becreated on any vertex property so that the vertex can be retrieved faster whenthe property’s key-value pair is provided. The index is then simply stored in thedatabase as another column family. Lastly, Titan uses a few other optimizationtechniques (e.g. vertex-centric indexes, edge compression) to accelerate severaltypes of queries against the database [37].

2.6 Summary

This chapter provides the description of selected graph database managementsystems and their most significant properties. Naturally, there are many moredatabases in today’s market, but as it cannot be in the scope of this thesis to gothrough them all, only a small representative set of the best known GDB systemswas picked.

The most important features of the databases are summarized in Table 2.2. Inshort, all systems are programmed completely or at least partially in Java, whichalso is their primary interface. All the databases also implement the Blueprintsinterface with the advantage of an automatic support for Gremlin and Rexster.While nearly all of the database vendors use a different name for the graphmodel their database system exposes, it is always effectively equal to the Propertygraph model; consequently, there is no need to make any distinction. Two of thesystems use a native persistent storage specifically developed for working withgraph data while the rest utilizes existing NoSQL databases. All the evaluatedsystems support some level of transaction standards and replication strategies;and only InfiniteGraph claims to be able to partition the data. Finally, none ofthe engines take any support for security into consideration. This, however, doesnot hold for OrientDB.

DEX InfiniteGr. Neo4j OrientDB Titan

Language Java, C++ Java, C++ Java Java Java

API Java, C++, .NET Java plenty plenty Java, REST

Querying BP BP, PQL BP, Cypher BP, SQL-like BP

Graph Model Property graph (or very similar)

Persistence native Objectivity/DB native own Doc. DB a Key/value DB

Concurrency aCiD ACID ACID ACIDbackend



Multi-masterreplication replication

Table 2.2: Database systems’ features [3, 38, 39].


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3. Benchmarking

Benchmark is an experimental assessment of the performance of an object, in thiscase a graph database system. To ensure that a benchmark provides meaning-ful and trustworthy results, it is necessary to guarantee its fairness and accura-cy. Doing so is not always straightforward as different graph database productscan target and be optimized for different scenarios. Therefore, a good GDBbenchmark should address a wide range of the most usual functionality expectedfrom graph databases while ensuring that the benchmarking environment and thewhole process in general is unbiased and deterministic.

The chapter is organized as follows. We begin by stating what the mostessential functional requirements from a graph database are nowadays. This willhelp us to define categories of graph queries which should be examined by a graphdatabase benchmark. Finally, we will focus on the problem of obtaining datasetsthat each benchmark must logically work with – and abilities of artificial graphdata generators.

3.1 Recommended Design

We believe that a comprehensive and thorough benchmark should address themost significant features and usage patterns of the software being tested. Asa consequence, benchmarks written for graph database systems must inevitablybe different from the ones made for other types of databases. Specifically, graphdatabases are optimized for working with relations between the stored objectsand their more complicated traversals. Although there are other database typesconsidering relations between objects (e.g. Object databases, XML databases),benchmarks created for them cannot be efficiently used also for assessing graphdatabases, because they do not take advantage of the relations to the necessaryextent [4, 6].

To be able to name the recommendations for a benchmark which reflects themost common usages of graph databases, it is crucial to analyze typical operationson graph databases and categorize them by their characteristics. Furthermore,appropriate benchmark setting and results interpretation must be considered.

3.1.1 Graph Operations

There is a number of operations that are expected to be handled by a graphdatabase system and that vary in complexity and other aspects. Firstly, therenaturally are the elementary CRUD1 operations that work with graph elementsand their properties. Furthermore, relations between vertices are mainly exploitedby the traversal operations; be it the simplest traversal only giving the neighborsof a vertex or complex operations exploring big parts of the graph. Two illus-trative traversal operations are search and path algorithms which go across thegraph until a certain condition is met and return the desired visited elements.

1CRUD data operations (Create, Read, Update and Delete) and the elementary functionsof any persistent storage.


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The afore mentioned set of generic operations is often used by applicationsto compute more specific and complex procedures. Namely, this includes graphanalysis algorithms, calculations of graph properties, graph matching methods,etc. These operations differ in the way they access the elements of the graph andmust be taken into account at the time of selecting the right representative setof operations to be incorporated into the benchmark.

3.1.2 Query Classification

To be able to select a set of characteristic operations for a benchmark, it is usefulto begin with classifying the operations by different criteria respecting particularaspects of dealing with the database. Specifically, there is a number of featuresin which particular database queries contrast each other:

• Traversing/Non-traversing queries. This categorization is based on whetherthe operation considers the relationships between vertices or not. Whilegraph databases’ main focus lies on vertex relationships and thus on traver-sal queries, non-traversing operations cannot be ignored either as they areimportant in many use-cases (e.g. counting elements with a certain at-tribute).

• Respecting attributes or labels. Whether the query takes element propertiesinto account or not.

• Manipulation/Analysis queries. This means classifying the operations intothose transforming the database and those that do not modify the dataat all. It should be noted that queries storing any calculated intermediateinformation into the properties of the graph elements, in fact, manipulatethe graph.

• Locality of the queries. We categorize the operations depending on thenumber of elements processed. Local queries get into contact with onlya limited neighborhood of the starting point of the operation, whereas globalqueries access significantly large parts of the graph.

• Using indexes. Distinguishing whether the operation utilizes any sort ofdatabase indexing or not is also of importance.

All these categories should be represented by at least one operation so that thevarious aspects of graph queries are covered by the resulting benchmark [4].

3.1.3 Benchmarking Process

Setting up the benchmarking environment correctly is crucial for the experimentsto be fair. In other words, all the tested graph databases should be run underequal conditions; otherwise, the results are not guaranteed to be accurate. Name-ly, the testing graph datasets and input parameters, should they be generated atrandom, must be identical for all the analyzed systems. Equivalently, the orderof operations executed on the database must stay the same. The databases alsoneed to be configured correspondingly; for example, to work at the same level ofdata consistency (having the same transaction properties) and so on.


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There are many approaches to interpreting the benchmark results. Firstly, alloperations should be run a fixed number of times to provide average or similarlyaggregated results that can compensate any possible deviations caused by therunning environment. In addition, it is not only the execution time of particularoperations that can be measured; metrics like database’s persistent storage sizeor memory footprint of the application can be also analyzed.

3.2 Benchmark Datasets

The right choice of datasets that will be used for running database benchmarksis important to obtain precise and meaningful results. In addition, it is necessaryto test the databases on a sufficient number of datasets of different sizes and com-plexity to get an approximation of the databases’ scaling abilities. The selectionof appropriate datasets is even more complicated in the graph data context asthere are many unforeseen aspects that have to be taken into consideration.

3.2.1 Real Graph Properties

Although graphs are used to represent networks in many diverse fields (e.g. socialnetworks, biological networks, citation networks, recommendation systems andmany more), they usually share a number of common properties which cannot beobserved in completely random graphs following the Erdos-Renyi2 model [40, 41].The most significant properties of real networks are:

• They are scale-free which means that the degree distribution of the nodes inthe network follows a power law distribution3. Therefore, there is a minorityof nodes in the graph that have an extraordinarily high degree while mostof the vertices are very loosely connected with the rest of the graph.

• The clustering coefficient of the network is high, i.e. there are communitiesof nodes which are connected much more densely within the communitythan with the rest of the graph.

• They have the small world property because the average diameter4 of thegraph tends to be rather low. Consequently, graph traversals are usuallynot very deep.

3.2.2 Graph Data Generators

In order to estimate a graph database’s performance in real situations, it wouldbe most accurate to benchmark the database on the authentic data coming fromthese situations. However, it is often complicated to obtain data that match thebenchmarking application’s needs – in terms of both the format and the size of

2Erdos-Renyi model of a random graph defines that each edge in that graph appears betweena pair of nodes with an equal probability and independently of the other edges in the graph.

3Probability distribution of vertices follows the power of their degree,

4Average diameter of a graph is the mean length of the shortest path between any pair ofvertices in the graph.


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the data. This is the reason why it is generally more convenient to use a graphdata generator which synthesizes the data according to provided parameters.Nonetheless, such generator should build artificial graphs that are as similar aspossible to the ones created naturally; in other words, the generated graphs shouldposses the above mentioned real graph properties.

The generators that were found to be utilized in existing graph databasebenchmarks include:

• R-MAT generator5. R-MAT features a transparent and parameterizedmethod of a direct creation of the resulting graph’s adjacency matrix [4].There is a minor limitation coming from the used algorithm; namely, thenumber of vertices of the target graph must be a power of two. On the oth-er hand, the model can be applied for the generation of weighted, directedand bipartite graphs and, most importantly, the produced networks havethe power law distribution property [5].

• Barabasi-Albert model6. This graph model iteratively creates the networkby adding one vertex at a time until the desired size of the graph is achieved.After a vertex is added, it is connected with a random set of already existingvertices; this set is chosen proportionally to their degree. As a consequence,the power law distribution property is necessarily present in the graph. Thealgorithm can serve for the creation of both directed and undirected graphs[42].

• LFR-Benchmark generator7. Similarly to the above mentioned models, thisgenerator also creates network datasets that have the power law distributionproperty [6]. Moreover, artificial communities of tightly coupled verticescan be automatically implanted within the generated networks so that theresult’s resemblance of real data is even stronger [7].

3.3 Summary

In this chapter, the problem of developing a graph database benchmark was de-picted and the most elementary recommendations outlined. It is apparent thatthe most detailed decisions always depend on the actual implementation of thebenchmark and cannot be generally summarized. Consequently, this chapter fo-cused mainly on providing the testing data and distributing various operationsinto categories so that no important aspects of a real graph database usage sce-narios are omitted in the resulting benchmark.

In summary, there is a strong importance of traversal operations when workingwith graph data [6]. In addition, the most important graph features a GDB shouldbe able to work with are: edge labels, edge direction and element attributes[4]. Therefore, assessing the performance of operations addressing these factorsshould become a center of attraction of a sound graph database benchmark. The

5R-MAT recursive artificial graph generator, model is a growing model for generating synthetic scale-free networks.7LFR-Benchmark artificial network generator,


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provided testing datasets and the benchmarking process should respect thesefacts.


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4. Related Work

In this chapter we describe and compare various existing works presenting a graphdatabases benchmark. Any advantages and disadvantages will be discussed andtaken into account at the time of our own benchmark implementation.

4.1 GraphDB-Bench

GraphDB-Bench1 is an extensible graph database benchmarking framework builton the TinkerPop stack, heavily using Blueprints, Pipes and Gremlin in order tobe easily executed on any Blueprints enabled graph database system. It providesan interface for user-defined graph database testing operations, automaticallymeasures their execution time and logs all results. GraphDB-Bench also containsscripts for an automatic generation of synthetic graphs and then plotting bench-mark results, using the iGraph2 library. In case the users want to provide theirown graph data, thanks to Blueprints, input files in the GraphML notation areaccepted.

The project was started in the year 2010 and the original intention was tobecome a main stream unbiased benchmarking tool which is open and easilyextensible. It would come to be a part of the TinkerPop stack and be usedto benchmark graph database systems automatically with every new version ofBlueprints. All the benchmark results would be kept in a public repository foranyone’s reference. Therefore, if anyone could contribute with their own sets oftests suites, gradually most of the bias related to benchmarking would be reducedand a reasonably fair benchmarking tool developed [10]. However, GraphDB-Bench has not been further expanded since about 2011 and is nearly a deadproject now, adopted only by individuals for their own private testing purposes.

Tested Scenarios

In the currently accessible package, the framework comes out with an examplebenchmark (and with its results) comprising the following tests:

1. Simple breath first search traversals starting from a number of randomlyselected vertices, running to a range of depths.

2. Loading graph data from a GraphML file into the database.

3. Performance of writing into an index. In this test, all the graph’s verticesand edges have a string property which is filled in the graph’s index.

4. Reading from an index. A number of random vertices are looked up in thedatabase’s index based on the vertices’ property.



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All these tests are run against a dataset of a varying size, from a tiny graph ofa thousand vertices to a large graph consisting of a million of vertices. Nonethe-less, the benchmark itself claims the results should not be taken too seriously butonly as the framework’s proof of concept.

Tested Systems

TinkerGraph, OrientDB and Neo4j were tested in this exemplary benchmark.TinkerGraph, which is only an in-memory implementation of the Blueprints in-terface, was much faster in almost all tests. Apart from that, Neo4j surpassedOrientDB in graph loading and reading from the index. On the other hand, Ori-entDB was faster during index writes. Interesting situation arrived during thetest measuring the performance of traversals. Neo4j was faster in traversals whenthe depth was up to four and OrientDB began to dominate when the traversaldepth was higher than five.


GraphDB-Bench seems to be a very handy tool for quick assessing of any graphdatabase supporting the Blueprints interface. Thanks to Blueprints, any imple-mentation details specific to the actually tested database are abstracted away.The framework is written in Java as it is the primary graph databases accessinglanguage.

The benchmark attached to the distribution of GraphDB-Bench is a small-scale one which is not surprising since it is only an example usage of the frame-work. But it still shows that such a tool can be used for serious benchmarking inthe future.

There is a clear disadvantage of the project. Its dependency on Blueprintsand the TinkerPop stack in general does not allow any database which is notBlueprints enabled to be benchmarked by the framework. In addition, for thebenchmarks to be really fair, some experts would be needed to fine tune the vari-ous GDB systems’ configuration for the best performance. The truth is that thisproblem could by easily bypassed by stating that only basic initial configurationwould be considered. This, however, would be inconsistent with the typical graphdatabase usage in a real production environment.

In summary, GraphDB-Bench is a very nice attempt to bring some standardand routine into benchmarking of graph databases. We can only hope that theproject will be revived in the future and put into practice again.

4.2 Survey of Graph Database Performance on


In paper [3] the authors describe and implement guidelines from the HPC3 Scal-able Graph Analysis Benchmark [4] which is normally used to assess the perfor-mance of graph algorithm libraries.

3High Performance Computing.


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Tested Scenarios

The benchmark consists of four testing scenarios where the execution time ismeasured:

1. Loading the graph into the database. This includes all necessary indicesas well. The created graph is then used in the following tests and is notchanged any more.

2. A query against the database which ignores any relations. They implementa simple query finding all edges having an attribute equal to a certain value.

3. A traversing query. Namely a number of breadth first search traversals tothe depth of three which are started from all edges found in the previoustest.

4. A query which traverses the whole graph. They calculate the Betwennesscentrality4 of the graph, which is a graph property that can be found onlyby traversing the whole graph several times. The high number of traversalsgives the opportunity the estimate the TEPS5 value.

The graph data used in this benchmark do not come from a real environmentbut are artificially created using the R-MAT generator [5]. R-MAT is capable ofbuilding a graph with properties that are typical of graphs in real life situations,most importantly having the power law distribution property.

The benchmark is implemented in Java as all the tested databases are eitherwritten in Java or provide an interface in it; nevertheless, Blueprints or any similarhigh level wrapper is not used to the advantage of being able to configure theparticular databases to perform as well as possible.

Tested Systems

Four databases were selected for the benchmark, namely Neo4j, DEX, Jena andHypergraphDB. Regarding the results, DEX was shown to be the best perform-ing of the analyzed engines in almost all of the tests. Apart from that, Neo4jperformed much better than Jena during traversing operations, and Jena sur-passed Neo4j in the first two tests (loading the graph and scanning the edges).HypergraphDB could not be assessed on most of the operations because it wasnot possible to load the graph into the database for majority of the initial datasetsizes in time.


All tests were conducted for various sizes of the initial graph, including sizeswhere it is not possible to load the whole graph into the memory. This approachdoes not only reveal how well the graph databases scale but also how advancedcaching techniques they employ. The authors also discuss possible improvements

4Betweenness centrality is a measure of each vertex and is defined as ratio of the number ofthe shortest paths between any pair of vertices that pass through the mentioned vertex to allthe shortest paths that do not.

5Traversed edges per second, commonly used to express the speed of a traversal.


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of the HPC Benchmark which would ensure the four tests would be balanced morethoughtfully in terms of execution time and scaling; thus giving more accurateresults. The warm-up time of the operations, which basically means how long ittakes for all the necessary data and structures to be cached into the memory, isalso described in great detail. In addition, many different metrics are measuredand discussed (physical size of the data in the database, TEPS against the graphsize, objects loaded per second against the graph size, etc.), which leaves theimpression that this article is very thorough and precise.

4.3 Benchmarking Traversal Operations over Graph


The article [6] provides a thorough description of a benchmark created by thesame authors. The benchmark is implemented in Java, uses Blueprints API,and most importantly, heavily utilises GraphDB-Bench6 framework. Graph dataused for the testing are synthesised via the LFR-Benchmark [7] generator whichproduces graphs with properties similar to those of the real world graphs. It gen-erates network data sets with power law distribution property and with artificialcommunities implanted within the networks [6].

Tested Scenarios

The following tests are described in the paper and their execution time is mea-sured by the benchmark:

1. Loading the graph into the database.

2. Computing the local clustering coefficient of ten thousand randomly chosenvertices. To achieve that, breath first search traversals two hops away fromthe chosen vertices are needed to be performed.

3. Performing breath first search traversals for three hops from ten thousandrandomly chosen vertices.

4. Running an algorithm for detection of connected components which re-quires a traversal of the whole graph. The algorithm needs to store someintermediate state information as it works its way through the graph. Twopossibilities were considered:

Store the information in memory (not using the database).

Use the GDB and store the information as a vertex attribute. Retrieveit when needed.

Tested Systems

The benchmark described in this article is run against these GDB systems: Neo4j,DEX, OrientDB, NativeSail and SGDB (which is their own research prototype

6GraphDB-Bench benchmarking framework,


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of a GDB). The results of the benchmark are preliminary and not very clear,but SGDB seemed to perform significantly better than the rest of the systems.However, SGDB is only a research prototype with some concurrency issues andnot a ready product [15]. Amongst the rest of the engines, DEX and Neo4jshowed to be more efficient than OrientDB and NativeSail for most of the testedoperations.


The tests were also run on graphs of various sizes, where the biggest ones were solarge that it was not possible to load them into the actual database in time; andthus were left out from the benchmark. The last of the tests which stores the tem-porary information required by the algorithm either in memory or the databaseitself proves the latter to be about an order of magnitude slower; therefore itreveals quite a big room for improvement of the particular systems.

Another interesting observation was shown during the benchmark runs, whichis probably related to the way how some of the systems implement the BlueprintsAPI. For traversing, the authors tried to do the expansion either through outgoingor through incoming edges, where both of them should give the same results andexecution times. However, half of the tested systems were significantly slowerwhen the approach of outgoing edges was used.

In summary, this paper and the corresponding benchmark are well writtenand show a nice usage of Blueprints and GraphDB-Bench for benchmarking graphdatabases. On the other hand, only traversing operations are tested on the GDBsystems and any operations ignoring relations and focusing mainly on attributesare missing.

4.4 A Comparison of a Graph Database and

a Relational Database

In the article [8] a comparison between a chosen graph database and a moretraditional relational database is described in detail. Not only do the authorscompare the systems objectively using a benchmark, they also provide a sub-jective view on other aspects of the systems, such as quality of documentation,support, level of security, ease of programming etc. For the data generation of thebenchmark, they come up with their own generator of random directed acyclicgraphs. Those graphs, however, do not seem to be satisfying any of the realworld graphs’ properties (e.g., power law distribution property, small diameter,high clustering coefficient).

Tested Scenarios

Following operations were tested and measured in this benchmark. They divideinto two groups, traversal and non-traversal queries:

1. Finding all vertices with the incoming and outgoing degree being equal tozero.


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2. Traverse the graph to a depth of 4 from a single starting point.

3. The same as the previous test with the depth of 128.

4. Count all nodes having their random integer payload equal to some value.

5. Count all nodes having their random integer payload lower than some value.

6. Count all nodes whose string payload contains some search string.

Using completely random strings of a certain length.

Using a dictionary.

For the non-traversal part of the queries, a few different types of payloadswere tried one by one.

The authors also considered various sizes of the random graph to point outhow the database systems scale. In addition, they measured the physical size ofthe DB once all data were loaded; in other words they compared the systems interms of disk usage efficiency. On the other hand, the loading times of the datainto the DB were not covered at all.

Tested Systems

Neo4j was selected as a representative of graph databases and MySQL (accessedvia JDBC) was chosen for relational database systems. Regarding the results,Neo4j clearly outperformed MySQL in the traversal tests. Performance resultsof the non-traversing queries were mixed because MySQL was faster with integerpayload handling, in contrast to string payloads where Neo4j was faster in mostcases.


The article describes the objective and subjective comparison between the twodistinct database systems in a very neat and clear fashion. In also discussesthe main reasons behind any performance inconsistencies. On the downside, thetraversal tests of MySQL could have been implemented to benefit more fromvarious constructs SQL offers. Furthermore, the set of conducted tests couldhave been larger to cover more aspects of a typical usage of a graph databasesystem.

In summary, this paper and the attached benchmark show an interestingcomparison between selected representatives of an SQL and a graph databasesystem. This is important to support the assertion that graph databases are reallyperforming much better in situations related to graph querying and updating.

4.5 Summary

In this chapter we described a few benchmarks tailored for comparison of graphdatabase systems. Each of them covers slightly different aspects of an overallperformance of a GDB and they all even come up with more or less different


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results. All the benchmarks test traversing of a graph stored in the databaseand some of them assess the speed of non-traversal queries (e.g., index lookups,filtering based on properties of elements) against the DB system. All of themare written in Java as it has been adopted as a main accessing language by allthe tested graph databases. To provide data for the testing all the works chooseartificial graph synthesizers over real world datasets; with the advantage of beingable to quickly obtain graphs having needed properties and sizes.


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5. Final Design of BlueBench

In this chapter the constitution of our own benchmark suite, BlueBench, is dis-cussed and designed. We begin with a brief summary of aspects of existingbenchmarks, focusing on their shortcomings. The description of the testing envi-ronment and used platform then follows. Finally, the exact tests that BlueBenchconsists of are specified and the software architecture of the benchmarking projectis explained.

5.1 General Goals

During the analysis of existing benchmarks we gathered some important factsthat could help in designing BlueBench. In this thesis we will try to confirmthe results from those benchmarks and come up with some more interesting testscovering important aspects that have been neglected so far.

To begin with, in all of the existing works various sizes of the input graph dataare used – to the advantage of being able to determine how well the particulardatabase systems scale with data size. On the other hand, only size in termsof vertex count is altered. None of the works considered varying the numberof edges, or average vertex degree. We will try to accommodate this feature tobe able to see how the graph density influences the performance of the assesseddatabase system. Furthermore, none of the described benchmarks were run onreal datasets, but only on synthesized graphs. Using generated data providesthe convenience of custom selection of the input graph properties; however, onemust fully rely on the utilized data generator. In BlueBench at least one set ofreal data will be used to further support the results obtained from the runs ongenerated datasets.

Another issue was well simplified in all the existing works. Namely, in all thetests assessing graph traversal performance, only relations between vertices aretaken into account. Despite the fact that graph traversing is the most importantfeature of graph database engines and all the engines support further traversalparameters, such as filtering the traversing path by edge labels or vertex/edgeattributes, these parameters were completely ignored. Therefore, BlueBench willalso cover situations where the above mentioned attributes are employed for thetraversal queries.

There also is some room for improvement regarding the selection of testedDBs. Even though various types of systems (e.g. traditional databases, RDFdata stores) were tested in the previous works, the choice still tends to be rathernarrow, with maximum being five. In addition, although relational databasesystems are usually depicted as a typical example of DBs that are outclassed bygraph databases when it comes to graph traversals, only one of the mentionedworks benchmarked the performance of such a system on graph data. Thus, wewill try to include a bigger number of database systems in our benchmark whilekeeping the versatile selection and including a representative of RDBMS.

In summary, the above mentioned disadvantages of existing benchmarks im-pose some requirements on BlueBench. Namely, it is the variety of input graphdata, also the choice of tested scenarios, and lastly the richness of the selection of


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tested database engines. By contrast, some of the common aspects of the existingbenchmarks seem to be handy; most importantly it is the environment to conductthe tests in and how to interpret the results.

5.2 Used Technologies

For the implementation of the BlueBench benchmarking suite we have selectedJava as the main programming language. This was done for the following reasons:

1. Java is without doubt the primary API language for a majority of graphdatabase systems. Many of them are even implemented in Java. This factgives the advantage of accessing the GDBs using usually the best docu-mented, feature richest and most debugged interface with lots of onlinesources.

2. The same rule applies to many of the libraries or frameworks dealing withgraph data.

3. It is fairly easy to set the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to reflect the needsof the benchmark suite. From limiting the maximum allowed memory tosetting what type of garbage collector will be used.

4. The suite can be effortlessly run on any platform with the JVM installed.

5. Finally, it leaves the opportunity to run any of the GDBs inside the JVMand thus saving interprocess communication and getting more accurate re-sults.

Then it was crucial to decide how to access the particular databases; whetherto use their native Java APIs or use Blueprints interface from the Tinkerpop stack.Blueprints could abstract away any implementation details, simplify the part ofthe suite which communicates with the DBs and most importantly guaranteethe fairness of the algorithms; on the other hand, such abstraction also disablesthe usage of any advanced specific speed-ups the DBs might provide. It waseventually determined that Blueprints would be used primarily because it wasnearly impossible to find any common ground between all various interfaces thatthe DB vendors provide. However, for any situations where at least some of theinterfaces followed similar principles the tests were programmed twice using bothways. Therefore, it could be measured which of the implementations performsbetter.

Another important decision to make was about where to run the testeddatabase systems. As already mentioned, most of the DBs enable their incorpo-rating into the benchmark process, i.e. running them in its JVM. Unfortunately,the databases that do not support this would be put into a slight disadvantagebecause they would have to be accessed remotely, that implies at higher transfercosts. In the end it was decided to run the systems in the same JVM since thedelays in communication with the remotely accessed DBs due to local networkusage were hardly noticeable. Furthermore, thanks to Blueprints as the primaryGDB interface, the option of running all the tested systems remotely throughRexster was still left open in case it was needed.


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Lastly, utilizing Gremlin for most of the graph queries was considered. Grem-lin is the graph accessing language from the TinkerPop stack, so it would betrivial to include it in the benchmark suite. However, since no extra functionali-ty is offered by Gremlin because the methods from the Blueprints interface stillhave to be called after parsing the query, we have decided to use the providedBlueprints interface directly so as to have a better control over the execution.

To sum up, BlueBench is implemented in Java and the database engines arerun in the same JVM as the benchmark itself if possible. In addition, BlueBenchheavily utilizes Blueprints as the main but not only interface to access the test-ed GDB systems. The latest version of Blueprints at the time of writing thebenchmark suite was 2.2.0.

5.3 Conducted Tests

BlueBench is divided into three different standalone benchmarks which, howev-er, share most of the input data and most of the tested operations. That waythe individual operations in the particular benchmarks can be compared acrossbenchmarks while the consistency and fairness is guaranteed. How exactly thisis achieved is explained in this section.

5.3.1 Individual Operations

Each benchmark consists of operations which have clearly defined boundaries andexecution time of which is always measured. Each operation gets the Blueprintsgraph (hiding the actual database system implementation) and when it is done,it must leave the database in a consistent state. Every operation can receive anynumber of arguments which are prepared by the benchmark itself. The set ofoperations has been selected to reflect most of the requirements from a graphdatabase system and to incorporate operations from very complicated ones tovery trivial ones. This is the complete ordered list of all operations used inBlueBench:

1. DeleteGraph. This operation completely clears the database along with thedata and indexes from the disk. It is essential to run DeleteGraph at thevery beginning of the benchmark to ensure that the database is in its initialstate.

2. CreateIndexes. Indexing of vertices by selected property keys is begun.This operation has to be performed before any elements are loaded into thedatabase, as explained in Section 6.3.

3. LoadGraphML. This operation inserts elements into the database accordingto a GraphML input file. Not only does LoadGraphML prepare the graph forthe rest of the benchmark; equally importantly, the execution time of thisoperation gives away how efficiently the database system is able to insertdata. In addition, most engines work in a transactional mode by default,and not respecting that fact would result into a very low performance asevery single insert operation would be wrapped in an individual transaction.


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Therefore, to prevent this from happening the transactions are handledmanually and work with a buffer of a certain size.

4. Dijkstra. The shortest paths between a randomly selected vertex and allother reachable vertices in the graph are computed. Only paths using edgeswith a certain label are considered. This is the most complex traversal op-eration in the benchmarks because it works with relations between vertices,edge labels and even edge properties (weight of the edge). In addition, itmust inevitably traverse the whole graph.

5. Traversal. A simple breadth first search traversal to the depth of five froma given starting vertex is conducted. Unlike the previous operation, onlya proportional part of the graph should be visited by this traversal.

6. TraversalNative. As opposed to the Traversal operation, the native APIof the underlying GDB engine is used instead of the standard BlueprintsAPI whenever possible. These two operations get executed with the sameparameters; it is thus possible to compare the performance of one againstanother.

7. ShortestPath. This operation computes the shortest path between two ver-tices while ignoring edge labels and all properties. An important differ-ence between Traversal and ShortestPath operations is that the former us-es getVertices() Blueprints method whereas the latter utilizes getEdges().Both methods are crucial for any complicated graph algorithm; however,their implementation and thus performance might be significantly different.

8. ShortestPathLabeled. The same as the previous operation; however, onlyedges with a certain label are considered. On top of that, the path iscomputed twice because the label restriction eliminates too many results.Firstly, one of the vertices is taken as the source of the path and the otheras the target, then vice versa.

9. FindNeighbors. This is the most primitive traversal operation – it only findsthe closest neighbors of a randomly selected vertex.

10. FindEdgesByProperty. This is the first of the non-traversing operationsand it browses the graph database while looking for all edges with a certainproperty equal to some string value. The value is not random but it ischosen from a dictionary of all the values that the edges could posses.

11. FindVerticesByProperty. Precisely the same as the previous operation, withthe difference that the search is conducted for vertices instead of edges.

12. UpdateProperties. This operation tests how efficiently the database engineupdates properties of elements. A predefined set of vertices is firstly se-lected, then this set is divided into pairs, and finally, every two vertices ineach pair swap their properties. The initial set is created by adding everyvisited vertex during a shallow breath first search performed from a ran-domly chosen starting vertex. However, the creation of the set does notcount towards the total execution time of the operation as only updating of


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properties should be measured in this test. Similarly to the LoadGraphMLoperation, the transaction buffer is used.

13. RemoveVertices. By contrast, this operation tests the performance in delet-ing vertices. A set of vertices is selected identically to the previous opera-tion, and those vertices are deleted from the graph database. This obviouslyincludes all edges that are attached to them. Again, the transaction bufferis used to speed up the operation.

It should be noted that the graph database is not modified anymore onceall the data is loaded, naturally with the exception of the last two operationswhich test the engines update/remove performance. Also, all the operationsexcept TraversalNative are implemented using the DB systems’ Blueprints APIwhenever possible. Any exceptions to this rule are described in Section 6.3.

5.3.2 Benchmarks

The three benchmarks that are part of BlueBench constitute of individual oper-ations as it is depicted in Table 5.1. Each benchmark focuses on measuring ofdifferent aspects of the GDB system’s performance and the choice of operationsreflects it. As most of the operations are shared amongst the benchmarks, eventu-ally the results could be compared BlueBench wide (i.e. observing the differenceof performance of a single test in two different benchmarks).

Operation Labeled Graph Property Graph Indexed GraphDeleteGraph Yes Yes YesCreateIndexes YesLoadGraphML Yes Yes Yes

Dijkstra Yes YesTraversalNative Yes Yes Yes

Traversal Yes Yes YesShortestPath Yes Yes Yes

ShortestPathLabeled Yes Yes YesFindNeighbors Yes Yes Yes

FindEdgesByProperty Yes YesFindVerticesByProperty Yes Yes

UpdateProperties Yes YesRemoveVertices Yes Yes Yes

Table 5.1: Operations performed in the benchmarks.

Labeled Graph Benchmark

As the name of the benchmark suggests, an input graph with only labels (i.e.without properties) is accepted. The performance of basic traversals on the graphwhere elements have no payload is measured and analysis of speed of loadingand deleting the vertices is included. Labels are taken into account during thetraversing.


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Property Graph Benchmark

Property graph benchmark accepts the same format of input data; however, itexpects that the elements have certain properties to be able to run tests basedon them. These tests include traversing queries working with properties (e.g. Di-jkstra) and also non-traversing queries where the relationships between verticescould be ignored (e.g. FindEdgesByProperty). The UpdateProperties operationis also included not only to measure how quickly the DB systems can read prop-erties, but also write.

All the traversing tests from the Labeled graph benchmark are left in place tobe able to observe whether the presence of properties in the graph will have anyeffect on the performance of operations that do not work with properties at all.

Indexed Graph Benchmark

This benchmark will be run on the precisely same data as the Property graphbenchmark. The only noticeable, although substantial, difference is the inclusionof the CreateIndexes operation which sets the database engines to start indexingvalues on some of the properties. This step should presumably influence theperformance of most of the successive operations, either positively or negatively.For example, tests working directly with properties (e.g. FindEdgesByProperty)should be completed much faster; on the other hand, tests directly changing theindexed data (e.g. LoadGraphML) will have to take the indexes into considerationand thus be noticeably slowed down. When the execution of the benchmark isfinished, it will be possible to compare the results to those of Property GraphBenchmark in order to monitor how well the indexes are handled in various DBsystems.

Blueprints supports two ways of indexing elements’ properties in the databasethrough IndexableGraph and KeyIndexableGraph interfaces [16]. The former oneis less automatic and supports specific querying techniques with added parame-ters, e.g. to achieve case insensitive searching. Nonetheless, it is implemented byfewer database systems than KeyIndexableGraph, which is why we had to selectKeyIndexableGraph interface to facilitate indexing of the elements in the graphdatabase.

5.4 BlueBench Software Architecture

BlueBench is directly patterned on GraphDB-Bench and adopts all main architec-tural features of the framework. The concept of Operations, Operation Factoriesand Benchmarks was not changed because the core of the work on BlueBenchwas adding new functionality, support for more database engines and variousgraph operations. Although basically all source files had to be modified to ac-commodate the new functionality, original GraphDB-Bench classes were left inthe com.tinkerpop.bench package and any newly created classes were saved underpackage cz.cuni.mff.bluebench. The most important design decisions and featuresare described in this section, accompanied with slightly concise UML diagrams.


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5.4.1 Operation

Operation is an abstract ancestor for all measurable actions that are executed onthe currently assessed database. Before executing, each Operation is set with itsarguments which is an array of strings. The actual run of the Operation consistsof three phases: initialization, execution and conclusion. These three phasesare represented by corresponding methods, always call their counterpart whichshould be overridden by child classes, and are executed one by one by the classrunning the benchmark. While initialization or conclusion phases only preparethe object with the arguments and do the cleanup respectively, the performanceof the execution phase is measured.

Figure 5.1: UML diagram showing Operation class hierarchy.

For the reason that sometimes it is necessary to approach particular DB en-gines differently, the NativeOperation class was added. Any operation directlyextending this class serves as a wrapper for any specific implementations of the ini-tialization, execution and conclusion phases, while it still could provide the phas-es’ default behavior. This is achieved by the decideNativeImpl() method whichchecks the class type of the graph that is currently worked upon, and initializesthe callerObj object with the result of the appropriate version of getNativeImpl()method. This is performed only once during the operation’s onInitialize() phase,and from then on the methods for the three phases are supplemented by initNa-tive(), execNative() and conludeNative() respectively. It is convenient to overridethe methods in a designated inner class such as in this example:



protected NativeOperation getNativeNeo4jImpl() {

return new Neo4j();



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private class Neo4j extends TraversalNative {


public void initNative(String[] args) {


There are two scenarios when NativeOperation can be used with an advantage;either in the case of any implementation specifics imposed by the tested databaseengine, or for assessing some special functionality of the underlying databasesystem that is not covered by the common interface. The class hierarchy ofOperation is shown in Figure 5.1.

5.4.2 Operation Factory

OperationFactory is a class implementing Iterable and Iterator interfaces so thatit can by conveniently iterated in a “foreach” statement to successively returnparticular Operations that are contained in the factory. A pair of methods initial-ize() and onInitialize() is used to achieve the same effect as it is with Operations.Method loadOperation() constructs a new Operation with the given type andarguments; these are acquired by calling onCreateOperation() method. To helpwith carrying these details between various classes the class OperationDetails isprovided.

Figure 5.2: OperationFactory and related classes.

The primary task of a descendant of the OperationFactoryBase class is gradu-ally providing arguments and a single Operation which will use them. For exam-ple, this behavior can be used to execute the same test multiple times, althoughwith different random parameters. However, a more advanced factory was neededto implement some more complex comparisons of the DB systems. To assure thattwo distinct operations can be run with identical arguments, the OperationFac-toryMultiple was introduced. This factory works similarly to the basic one; thedifference is that it is initialized with an array of Operation classes and a list ofarguments. Then, when next() is called, the current operation and the following


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argument are returned unless this was the last argument of the list. If that isthat case, the list of arguments is reset and the operation array pointer advancedby one. Another capability of OperationFactoryMultiple is giving the exactlysame set of parameters for each consecutive run of a particular Operation. Thisis achieved by OperationArgsProvider class which caches each list of argumentsonce it has been required by a factory. Without such functionality it would not bepossible to compare performance results of the same tests in different benchmarks(e.g. when the DB has set indexes and when it does not) because the parametersof the tests would not be corresponding.

OperationFactory and the other mentioned classes are depicted in Figure 5.2.

5.4.3 Core Benchmark Classes

As can be seen in Figure 5.3, each concrete benchmark implements methods toprovide sufficient information about the testing; namely what operations and op-eration factories will be used, what DB systems will be tested and what initialdatasets will the systems be filled with. So, when a Benchmark object is con-structed, the run() method is automatically executed on the given set of testedDB systems, and inside that method a new instance of BenchRunner class iscreated to perform all provided operations on the DBs one by one. There arethree special operations used to ensure that the execution of every factory and itsoperations has equal starting points. Specifically, the Graph is always closed andexecution of a garbage collector attempted after a factory has finished, and rightbefore the start of another factory, the Graph is opened again. This is taken careof inside BenchRunner.

To alleviate the complexity of BenchRunner, the getOperationFactories()method already combines all operations with all particular types of input da-ta and returns a joined list of factories ready to process. Therefore, it is notnecessary for the list of initial datasets to leave the scope of the concrete imple-mentation of a benchmark and BenchRunner can be used only to iterate throughthe provided list of operation factories.

There are two helper classes to simplify work with different DB engines andhide their implementation. GraphDescriptor provides methods to safely open,close and delete a Blueprints graph. By contrast, DB is really an “enum” whichdescribes particular DB systems and contains core methods for manipulation withthe underlying engines.

5.4.4 Logging of Operations

Execution time and result of every Operation is stored in “csv” files, one file perDB system and benchmark. However, operation logging is also used to record theaccurate sequence of operations and their input arguments. This is performedat the beginning of each benchmark by the createOperationLogs() method; afterthat, every successive execution gathers the data from the logs using methodloadOperationLogs. Thanks to that, it is evident that the operations order andthe arguments are identical for every tested DB system; in addition, the bench-marks can be either entirely or partially re-run as long as the logs are kept. Italso means that it is not necessary to process the operation factories obtained by


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Figure 5.3: UML digram of Benchmark and related classes.

getOperationFactories with every run of BenchRunner, but only during the exe-cution of createOperationLogs() instead. Each regular iteration of the benchmarkis served by a special factory OperationFactoryLog which is employed to read theoperations from the log and pass them to the BenchRunner.

Some DB system must be provided for the creation of the operation logs be-cause BenchRunner works equivalently during the logs creating and logs loadingphases. The chosen system is passed to Benchmark in the constructor; nonethe-less, it is not important what system is selected since the performance is nottaken into account during the logs creation. As a result, we have decided tocreate a trivial implementation of the Graph Blueprints interface, called Dum-myGraph, which could be used for very fast logs creation, because no results arecomputed during the execution of the implemented methods.

5.4.5 Loading the Graph

Populating the assessed graph database with graph data can be taken as an ex-ample of NativeOperation utilization. Some differences are presented by severalDB engines and it was not possible to load the data in any unified way. Thereforewe have slightly rewritten the original Blueprints GraphMLReader and modifiedit to accept an implementation of GraphFiller interface as a parameter. Becausethe graph database is filled with data in a separate operation, it was convenientto turn the operation into a native one and make it implement the GraphFillerinterface. As a result, methods for adding vertices or edges, committing trans-actions and so on can be overridden to match the particular requirements of theGDB engines.


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5.4.6 Addressing Vertices across Scopes

Because BlueBench is a graph database benchmark suite, many operations dealwith the graph structure and begin on a preset vertex or edge. This startingelement should most often be decided at random and be identical during all thetest runs. It was important to decide how and in what form to keep identifiersto those elements between runs of different benchmarks on different DB systems.To slightly alleviate the problem, it has been decided to use only vertices for thiskind of task.

The first trivial solution would be identifying the vertices by the IDs theywere given upon the insertion into the database. However, according to theBlueprints specification, the ID can be selected by the database engine itself sothe provided one could be completely ignored. A partial solution to this problemis the IdGraph template class1 which could be used as a wrapper around thoseGraph implementations that ignore the given custom ID. The solution is saidto be partial because for the functionality to work, the underlying Graph mustbe an instance of KeyIndexableGraph so that the vertices can be indexed by thewrapper. Unfortunately, not all of the DB systems we want to test implementthe mentioned KeyIndexableGraph.

Another plausible workaround might be using vertex properties to hold theirunique identifiers. It would then be effortless to select the right vertex by callingthe Blueprints getVertices() API. Nonetheless, since we were considering includ-ing RDF data stores into BlueBench, it was impossible to utilize properties forany task. For the same reason it is not possible to obtain a set of all vertices ina predefined order and then iterate through, not to mention the performance ofsuch a query.

At last, we have decided to use our own helper “Map” data structure whichwould contain pairs of vertex IDs, one of them being a simple number and theother one the real identifier that the vertex was given at the time of insertingthe vertex into the database. This map is always filled at the beginning of theDB benchmarking when the graph data are loaded into the DB and kept for allsuccessive operations. This approach, however, poses a minor limitation; it willnot be possible to use any BatchGraph2 implementations because in that case thevertex ID does not necessarily have to be determined during the insertion.

5.5 Summary

In this chapter we discussed the most important design decisions that led to theactual implementation of BlueBench. In summary, BlueBench is a benchmarkingsuite consisting of three standalone benchmarks, focusing on traversing, elementproperties and element indexing respectively. BlueBench is a direct extensionof GraphDB-Bench framework and therefore it adopts its main features, such asusing Java as the programming language and Blueprints as the common interfacefor accessing the particular underlying DB systems.

1Blueprints IdGraph,

2Blueprints Batch,


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6. BlueBench Results

In this chapter we begin with an explanation in what environment and on whatdata BlueBench was executed. This is followed by a list of all the GDB systemsthat were assessed, which includes any of their implementation specifics and nec-essary workarounds coming from them. Lastly, the results from the benchmarkare described and plotted.

6.1 Testing Environment

The tests were executed on a computer equipped with a single core Intel XeonE5450 running at 3.00 GHz and 16GB of RAM, with Ubuntu Server 12.101. TheJava Virtual Machine of version 1.7 was started using the default parameterizationexcept for the starting and maximum heap size, set to 12GB. The remaining 4GBof memory were left for other running system processes and, most importantly,for two of the tested DB systems which could not be run inside the JVM. Furtherdescription of this issue follows in Section 6.3.

6.2 Input Data

In BlueBench both artificially generated data and real graph datasets were usedto fill up the tested databases.

Specifically, the first benchmark which completely ignores how the databaseshandle properties was run twice. Once on synthesized data and then on data col-lected from Amazon’s co-purchasing network2 as it looked like in the year 2003.This network forms a directed graph consisting of more than 260.000 verticesand about 1.234.000 edges, where vertices represent products and a directed edgefrom product a to product b means that product a was frequently purchasedtogether with the product b. This dataset was selected for the benchmark be-cause of its appropriate size and also because the co-purchasing graph possesestypical real-world network properties (e.g. power law distribution, high clusteringcoefficient)[9].

For the rest of the benchmarks, which also work with vertex and edge prop-erties, no suitable real datasets were found, so only artificially generated graphswere used. The generation was performed with the igraph3 library, namely thesynthesizer implementing the Barabasi-Albert model. String labels were addedto all edges once the graph had been constructed. Afterwards, for all the bench-marks with the exception of the first one, several properties were appended tothe edges and vertices of the graph so that all elements had one string and oneinteger property.

All the benchmarks were executed on artificial directed graphs having 1, 50,100 and 200 thousand vertices and an approximate mean vertex degree equal to

1Ubuntu Server Quantal Quetzal, product co-purchasing network, collected on 2nd of March 2003, http://snap. igraph library,


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5 and 10. This gives the total of eight different graphs with sizes ranging fromonly about 6.000 elements to as many as 2.200.000 elements.

The input data were stored in the GraphML file format for it being one of thestandards for handling graph data. The format is supported by the igraph libraryand it is easy to be read in the application using only XML parsing standardfunctions. GraphML might be a little slower to parse for its slightly smallerstorage efficiency; however, since this is the only file format used for input graphdata in the benchmark, at least in this aspect the fairness could be guaranteed.

6.3 Assessed DB Systems

During the first benchmark, where properties are ignored, the following DB sys-tems were assessed: DEX 4.7.04, InfiniteGraph 3.0.05, MongoDB 2.2.36, our ownprototype MysqlGraph, NativeSail 2.6.47, Neo4j 1.8.18, OrientDB 1.3.09, Tinker-Graph 2.2.010 and Titan 0.2.011. Thanks to the size of this set none of the bestknown DB systems are left out, and several different technologies are represent-ed (e.g. typical GDB, RDF store, Document, ...). In the rest of BlueBench allof these databases except NativeSail were benchmarked as it is not possible tonaturally work with element properties in NativeSail DB.

Specific configuration can obviously be set for all of the systems to achievethe best performance. However, the benchmark would not be fair if some of thesystems suffered from any possible lack of proper configuration and some didnot. Therefore, to avoid any fairness issues caused by insufficient knowledge ofthe right configuration of the systems, we have decided to strictly use the initialconfiguration only. Finally, all the GDBs were run with their transaction modeenabled in order to be able to observe performance of their consistency ensuringmethods.

Although the DB systems share a common Blueprints interface, there stillare many differences in the way of how it is necessary to work with the engines.More detailed commentary on why particular database systems were chosen anddescription of any of their implementation specifics are laid out in this section.General description of the systems is in Chapter 2.


This system had to be included in BlueBench for it being a well-established pieceof software in the graph database world. Also, the results of DEX in all ofthe described existing benchmarks were very promising. In addition, there areimplementations of the most common graph algorithms offered by DEX; therefore,performance of their graph traversal method was measured in the benchmarks,too.




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On the other hand, Blueprints interface is not absolutely respected by DEXand there are some peculiarities that had to be taken into account during theimplementation. Firstly, any collections of returned vertices or edges implementCloseableIterable and must be explicitly closed to free native resources of theengine when the work with the collection is finished. Furthermore, vertices havelabels in DEX similarly to edges. This had to be kept in mind as precedingsetting of the vertex labels is required for some important features to work, suchas creating custom indexes in the graph.


Although InfiniteGraph has been around for quite a long time, we could not finda single benchmark comparing it to other GDB systems. This might be the reasonof a quite specific interface this DB system provides. Despite the fact that theBlueprints interface is also supported by InfiniteGraph, many operations with theDB have to implemented completely differently, most often using native methodsof the engine. This includes working with transactions, where, as opposed toBlueprints, a transaction has to be both started and stopped manually in orderto enclose multiple operations in it. In addition, handling with custom elementindexes must be done entirely through the native API because InfiniteGraph doesnot conform to the Blueprints interfaces that are designed to make the work withindexes easier.

Most importantly, the database does not naturally support labels; customJava classes for all vertices and edges must be created instead. This implies thatany operations adding vertices or edges to the graph or setting element propertieshave to be done uniquely to the current implementation and Blueprints APIobviously cannot be used. Moreover, the native InfiniteGraph API had to be usedto execute a lot of other basic operations (e.g. finding elements with a certainproperty). Therefore, quite extensive workarounds had to be implemented to beable to incorporate InfiniteGraph into BlueBench.

A conceptually different interface of finding paths in the graph is containedwithin InfiniteGraph. It could be elegantly used to perform graph traversals aswell; thus we added assessing of this operation’s efficiency to BlueBench.


Although it might be interesting to see how a non-graph NoSQL database wouldperform in graph related tasks, such comparison has not been conducted in anyexisting work. We have decided to include a NoSQL system in BlueBench toreveal how big the difference in performance could be.

MongoDB was chosen as a typical example of a Document database systememployed for working with graph data. There currently is one more non-graphNoSQL engine with an accessible Blueprints wrapper, which is ArangoDB12. How-ever, at the time of implementation of BlueBench it was discovered that someof the wrapper methods were performing very poorly or even returning wrongresults; and that includes the most important functionality, such as returning



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neighbors of a vertex or returning all edges in the graph having a certain prop-erty. Last but not least, MongoDB is currently the best ranked software of alldocument-stores [19].

This is the reason why MongoDB was chosen over ArangoDB as a represen-tative of the non-graph NoSQL world in this benchmark. There is only a slightdisadvantage for this engine in terms of competitiveness with other DB systemscoming from the fact that MongoDB cannot be run inside the Java Virtual Ma-chine to avoid latency caused by inter-process communication. Nonetheless, thislatency should not be extensive as all the processes will be run on the samecomputer.


In order to be able to compare the performance of a relational database sys-tem with graph database systems, we implemented the Blueprints interface withMySQL 5.5.2913 and included the newly created GDB, simply called MysqlGraph,in the benchmarks. Having MysqlGraph in BlueBench can further support theclaims that relational database systems are not suitable for graph related queries;on the other hand, it would be interesting to observe that some of the GDB sys-tems perform worse in some scenarios, should such situation occur. MySQL waschosen because of its widespread use in both academic and commercial fields.Other reasons for the selection include the fact that it is not an object-relationaldatabase like Oracle14 but a pure relational database [11]. Also, an extensivesupport is provided to MySQL users which could greatly simplify the process ofimplementing the application.

The MySQL server can be run in a standalone process and connected to therest of the program via JDBC15. Similarly to MongoDB, there could be some de-lays coming from the communication between processes; nonetheless, such setupof the access to a MySQL database is very usual across application fields andtechnologies.

The architecture of MysqlGraph database is depicted in Figure 6.1. Thisarrangement allows for a very straightforward implementation of the Blueprintsmethods while keeping the queries efficient. It should be noted that the indexesin the properties tables are required by the architecture to ensure the uniquenessof property names for particular elements. Therefore, any calls to BlueprintsAPI for adding or removing indexes on properties are completely ignored and thedatabase system should perform identically regardless of the indexes being usedby the application or not. Another thing that could catch the attention is the typeof properties’ values; it is only a string with a set maximum length. In reality,the format should be TEXT or similar to allow for unlimited size of properties,yet such a decision would definitely degrade the performance. We have decidedto keep the VARCHAR format and leave open the possibility of extending theschema by adding another table for very long strings having TEXT type.

13 database,

html15The Java Database Connectivity,


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edgeId INT(11)

name VARCHAR(256)

value VARCHAR(256)






edgeId INT(11)

sourceId INT(11)

targetId INT(11)

label VARCHAR(256)









vertexId INT(11)

name VARCHAR(256)

value VARCHAR(256)






vertexId INT(11)





1 ∞1

Figure 6.1: EER model showing the design of MysqlGraph database.

As it is with true graph database engines, native implementations of somealgorithms are usually provided. We have considered writing the basic traversalalgorithm using either joins or inner selects ; unfortunately, such implementationwould be a little too complicated and very probably inefficient in comparison tothe original way the algorithm is conducted in BlueBench. Thus, we have decidedonly to stick to the Blueprints interface.


To represent RDF stores in the benchmarks, assessing of NativeSail was incor-porated into BlueBench. NativeSail was selected because Sail is the only RDFproduct currently supporting the Blueprints interface and NativeSail is the onlyalternative of Sail implementations that uses a disk to store the data.

There are some restrictions coming from NativeSail being an RDF store. First-ly, there are syntactic constraints on the format of vertex identifiers and edgelabels; these must respect the URI format. This is the reason why all graphdatasets used in BlueBench follow this convention. Another peculiarity of RDFstores is that element properties are not natively supported. In order to achievehaving properties, they would have to be simulated by adding a vertex per prop-erty and connecting this vertex by an edge with the original parameterized vertex.Then all Blueprints methods working with properties would have to be overrid-den. We have decided that applying such workaround usable for only one DBsystem should not be in the scope of this thesis and removed NativeSail from thesecond (properties-testing) benchmark instead. In addition, no custom indexescan be used while working with Sail; this in combination with the propertiesrestriction automatically disqualifies NativeSail from the third benchmark also.

In summary, it was decided that NativeSail performance would be assessedonly on the tests of the first benchmark.


Neo4j is one of the best known and most popular graph database systems; ontop of that, its results came out considerably good when assessed in any of the


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existing benchmarks. Therefore, there was no question whether to include Neo4jin BlueBench or not. Neo4j even provides several algorithm implementations outof the box, graph traversal being one of them, so we have added Neo4j’s traversalimplementation test into BlueBench to measure its performance.

Including Neo4j in the benchmarks was exceptionally straightforward as thereis no significant deviation from the Blueprints interface presented by this graphdatabase system.


OrientDB is another well-established software in today’s graph database market.It provides pretty flawless conformity with the Blueprints interface so incorporat-ing OrientDB into BlueBench was easy. However, there is one exception; namelythat at the time of running OrientDB we could not achieve to maintain the trans-action buffer as large as for the rest of the DB systems. The bigger the bufferis, the less often fresh data need to be committed and thus the performance ishigher. Therefore, we lowered the size of the buffer for OrientDB only not tohave the rest of the systems suffer from the issue.

There is a native implementation of the traversal algorithm included in Ori-entDB and exposed through the provided Java API; nevertheless, we could notadd the assessment of the method’s performance into BlueBench because theresults that were being returned from the method were evidently incorrect.


TinkerGraph is an in-memory direct implementation of the Blueprints interfaceand is a part of the TinkerPop stack. Not having to work with the secondary stor-age obviously gives big advantage in performance; however, it limits the size of thedatabase to the memory size. Therefore, inclusion of TinkerGraph in BlueBenchshould be taken only as a proof of concept and to show what a supposedly idealperformance would be like.


Titan is a quite new graph database system, taking Blueprints as the primaryinterface to work with the graph database. This fact promises that this DBsystem has been optimized for the Blueprints methods and so the performancein BlueBench would be high. It is possible to choose from various storage back-ends when working with Titan; we have selected Oracle Berkeley DB 5.0.5816.This way the best possible performance should be guaranteed [12] because thedatabase will be used on a single server inside the JVM. More detailed descriptionof allowed back-ends and Titan in general is in Chapter 2.

There are some limitations imposed by Titan. To begin with, all elementsobtained from the database are automatically invalidated every time a new trans-action is started. Therefore it is required to re-get any element which is needed tobe used again if the application is not in the same transaction context anymore.This influences the beginning of every benchmark when all the vertices and edges

16Oracle Berkeley DB,


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are inserted into the database, and also the tests where lots of elements are up-dated or deleted. As a solution, every cached vertex or edge is always refreshedbefore it is used again. It would be a little too complicated and with a smallbenefit to keep a set of elements that are valid in the current transaction becausesuch approach would only be a substitute for a similar structure used by Titanitself [13].

Other limitations are related to index handling. Firstly, as of Titan 0.2.0,indexing edge properties is not supported and thus only vertex index is used by theindexing benchmark while creating indexes in Titan database. This workaroundhas two consequences, namely inserting and deleting edges from the database willbe a little faster because the index can be ignored; on the other hand, lookingup edges by their property values will be slower because there is not any indexthat could speed up the query. This will have to be taken into account at thetime of analyzing the benchmark results. The second index-related restriction,which imposed some changes in BlueBench architecture, requires that an indexfor any property name must be created prior to the first usage of that property.Which specifically means that all the indexes must be created before the graphdatabase is filled with data; therefore it will be pointless to measure the timeof the indexes creation and we will instead try to compare the graph loadingtimes with indexes enabled and with indexes disabled. Nonetheless, these twolimitations accompanying indexes are only temporary [14]; as a consequence, theworkarounds can be removed from BlueBench in the future.

6.4 Results of the Tests

We examined the performance of the graph database systems on the operationslisted in Subsection 5.3.1, with the exception of DeleteGraph and CreateIndexes.These two operations were excluded from BlueBench assessments for a numberof reasons. First, it would be complicated to run the tests multiple times, whichis necessary to guarantee a better precision. Second, such functionality is notneeded to be run very often in any kind of application; and when it is run, theexecution speed is not a factor. Third, DeleteGraph had to be implementedindividually for each system; and, thus, the performance would be incomparable.Lastly, due to restrictions coming from the limitations of Titan, CreateIndexesmust be run when the database is clean of any objects, so it would not makemuch sense analyzing it.

Each operation except LoadGraphML was executed ten times, two fastest andtwo slowest times were discarded, and then the rest was averaged. This approachshould mitigate the impact on accuracy caused by temporary processes suddenlyrun on the machine, and also dismisses the result of the first slower operation whenthe system caches have not yet been loaded. Although assessing performance withtechniques not allowing the use of cache is also valuable, it would be misleadingto combine the raw non-cached result with the remainder because the cache wasnot manually emptied. Using only six median values should ensure much moreaccurate results; nonetheless, there still are other factors which can influence theexperiments – the testing machine was connected to the Internet and normalsystem processes were running during the benchmark execution. Given thatthe run time of the whole BlueBench suite was roughly a week on the testing


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machine, it is very probable that some of the tests were slightly influenced bysystem updates and so on.

6.4.1 Graph Loading

The database must be inevitably loaded for the rest of the operations to havedata to work with, and that can simultaneously be used to monitor how fastthe objects are inserted. The insertion speed was measured as Loaded objectsper second (LOPS) so that results from datasets of different sizes can be directlycompared.

Figure 6.2 depicts the LOPS value as it was measured in the Labeled GraphBenchmark. DEX was the fastest system, closely followed by Neo4j, both steady-ing at about 35.000 LOPS. InfiniteGraph and OrientDB placed on the other sideof the spectrum, with performance an order of magnitude lower. This shows quitea difference in insertion speed of the assessed systems; however, the results alsoshow that most of the GDBs scale regularly with growing size of the network –the decrease of LOPS is only sub-linear.


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Figure 6.2: Objects loaded per second in Labeled Graph Benchmark.

The situation changes when element properties are involved in the secondbenchmark as displayed in Figure 6.3. The overall speed understandably dimin-ishes by nearly half and Neo4j surpasses the rest of the systems by a big margin.There is no noticeable slowdown of Titan, and thus it gets on par with DEX. Therest of the GDBs remain much slower. Another change occurs when the graphelements are set to be indexed before the start of the loading (Indexing Bench-mark). Specifically, Neo4j gets behind Titan and DEX which both do not seeminfluenced by the indexes at all. The reason of Titan’s result is trivial, it does notsupport indexing over properties of edges; therefore the insertion is constrainedwith much less burden. By contrast, it will be seen in the forthcoming test resultsthat DEX does not take advantage of the indexes at all – and they evidently areignored during the insertion phase as well.


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Figure 6.3: Objects loaded per second in Property Graph Benchmark.

6.4.2 Traversal

The performance of a breadth-first search traversal which follows the edge direc-tion was monitored. To better estimate how the GDBs scale with growing datasize, the results were expressed as the Traversed edges per second (TEPS). Figure6.4 shows an absolute dominance of Neo4j on sparser graphs with TEPS gettingas high as 300.000. It is followed by DEX, Titan and NativeSail. On the otherhand, MongoDB and InfiniteGraph do not seem to be optimized for this kind ofquery at all, giving out TEPS of only around 1.000 which is further decreasingwith the growing graph size.

The set of denser graphs brought Neo4j much closer to the rest of the systems,mainly to the benefit of DEX. As it can be seen in the plot, Neo4j’s TEPS valueshave a decreasing tendency as the data get larger, whereas DEX’s performance isgradually growing. We would probably see DEX surpassing Neo4j if the operationwas tested on even bigger data. Meanwhile, Titan and NativeSail became roughlytwice slower than DEX, but still clearly separated from the remaining GDBs.

The native implementation of the traversal algorithm provided by a subset ofthe tested engines was executed with the same parameters within the Traversal-Native operation. The performance is compared to the results of the conventionalmethods in Figure 6.5. Apart from Neo4j, the GDBs showed some improvementafter using the native method; especially InfiniteGraph, TEPS values of whichare up to four times higher. A healthy margin in favor of the native method isnoticeable in DEX’s results also. However, we still conclude that once an applica-tion uses Blueprints to work with the database, it is not worth making the effortto accommodate the native interface, because the differences in performance arenot extensive.

The execution times of the Traversal operation when run in the three bench-marks were very similar; in other words, it was shown that the presence of elementproperties or custom indexes on these properties does not have any noteworthyeffect on the efficiency of traversal queries.

A very similar situation occurred in the FindNeighbors operation; after all,the two operations are implemented using the same getVertices() method from


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Figure 6.4: Traversed edges per second in Labeled Graph Benchmark.


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Figure 6.5: Comparison of native traversal implementations and their counter-parts written in Blueprints (Labeled Graph Benchmark).


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the Blueprints interface. Only NativeSail struggled and yielded surprisingly highresults reaching hundreds of milliseconds for the largest graphs. This behaviorwas most probably caused by the FindNeighbors operation fetching all neighbors,even in the opposite direction, in contrast to Traversal operation where edgedirection is respected. Besides that, the rest of the engines showed little or nonegrowth of the response time with the increasing graph data size.

6.4.3 Shortest Path

The breadth-first search and the shortest path algorithms both count as traver-sals and so they could be expected to exhibit a similar performance diversity.However, getVertices() method was used for Traversal operation implementation,whereas ShortestPath employs getEdges() Blueprints API. The mechanism un-derlying these two methods can be separate; in addition, the different algorithmsimply different query patterns, and thus dissimilar caching techniques can beused. Two versions of the shortest path operation were executed, the first with-out considering edge labels and the second following only edges having a labelwhich was previously selected at random. We again cannot confirm any degra-dation of performance caused by properties or indexes attached to the elements;consequently, only results from the first benchmark are discussed.

Figure 6.6 depicts the results of ShortestPathLabeled operation. Their differ-ence from those of ShortestPath is negligible, with the exception of Titan, whichperformed much better in the labeled version due to its vertex-centric indexesoptimization (the index could be used to quickly obtain only the edges havingthe right label). In general, the results are distinct from those of Traversal op-eration; namely, DEX is not the nearly best performing system as it was withsearch traversals, as opposed to Titan which clearly improved. On the otherhand, InfiniteGraph, MongoDB and MysqlGraph remained to be very inefficient,like they were in the Traversal operation.


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Figure 6.6: Run times of ShortestPathLabeled in Labeled Graph Benchmark.

The ShortestPath test results yield another interesting observation. As it isclearly noticeable from the plotted run times, the GDBs took much longer to ex-ecute the operation on the Amazon dataset than on the synthesized graph data,


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in spite of the graph size being of similar magnitude. This was caused by thefact that there mostly is not an existing oriented path between any two verticesrandomly selected from a graph generated by the Barabasi-Albert model. There-fore, the executed algorithms usually finished prematurely and rather quickly.By contrast, the network obtained from Amazon is well connected, and thus theoperations often ran until the path was completed, taking much more time toreturn. This suggests that the graphs created by the selected generator do notnecessarily resemble real networks in every possible aspect.

As opposed to ShortestPath, Dijkstra operation represents a complex queryrequiring the traversal of the complete graph, and making use of both elementproperties and edge labels. Therefore, it is more complicated for the GDBs to takeadvantage of their caches as they would normally do during simpler traversals.This is likely to be the reason of MysqlGraph’s acceptable performance in relationto the other systems and, equally importantly, in relation to its performance inShortestPath.

Neo4j is the most efficient engine for this task; it even outperforms Tinker-Graph by a recognizable margin (by almost 30%). Given that TinkerGraph worksonly in memory and can avoid any delays caused by persistent storages, an ex-planation for this could be that Neo4j managed to load the entire graph into itscaches and calculated the algorithm there. The results of Dijkstra operation areplotted in Figure 6.7.


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Figure 6.7: Performance of Dijkstra’s algorithm in Property Graph Benchmark.

Only TinkerGraph’s efficiency was hindered by the presence of element index-es; otherwise the GDBs were practically unaffected. Besides, with respect to theunderstandable sovereignty of TinkerGraph in all above operations, its perfor-mance in Dijkstra is surprising. Apparently, the algorithms and data structuresin TinkerGraph engine are optimized for less demanding tasks. However, theDijkstra’s algorithm appeared not to be the best possible choice of a complexoperation for GDB assessment. Considerable portions of the run time were spentinside the algorithm itself, leaving only limited room for the differences in theunderlying systems to be fully revealed.


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6.4.4 Non-traversing Queries

The performance of two operations which ignore relations between vertices wasanalyzed; namely, FindEdgesByProperty and FindVerticesByProperty. Both theoperations filter the graph’s elements according to a string randomly chosen froma set of strings which are stored in the elements’ attribute. Therefore, the op-eration requires the database systems to iterate through all the objects in thegraph and perform string comparisons on the specified attribute of the objects.In Indexed Graph Benchmark the GDBs are encouraged to use their indexingmechanisms.

Analysis of FindEdgesByProperty operation’s execution times and the com-parison between plain and indexed benchmark versions is depicted in Figure 6.8.Once the indexes are used, an apparent performance improvement can be seen foralmost all the systems except for Titan, which does not support indexing edges,MysqlGraph, where indexes are used permanently, and DEX – which is the on-ly surprising case. The experiments clearly show that DEX completely ignoresthe assigned index. This problem, in addition to DEX’s already slow one-by-onefiltering, renders the database system very impractical for this type of queries.In fact, the indexing problem can be caused only by the implementation of theBlueprints interface and not by the DEX engine itself, accuracy of which we couldnot verify.

The most efficient persistent GDB for this operation is Neo4j, being at leasttwice as fast as the other systems. Such a big difference is astonishing sincethis purely non-traversing query should definitely be handled at least equallyefficiently by MongoDB, OrientDB, InfiniteGraph and Titan, which have theirbackends based on standalone NoSQL databases (as described in Chapter 2).MysqlGraph’s rapid growth of response time can be explained by the need of anexecution of a join to merge the tables where the edges and their properties arestored.


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Figure 6.8: FindEdgesByProperty in Property Graph Benchmark (left)and Indexed Graph Benchmark (right).

FindVerticesByProperty operation provided similar results in most cases. How-ever, MysqlGraph does not need to join tables to return vertices; thus, it is slightly


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faster than most of the other engines in the Indexed Graph Benchmark. More-over, Titan could use the index this time which made its performance considerablybetter. Finally, Neo4j again excelled amongst the persistent GDBs, being abouttwice faster than the second best performing engine.

6.4.5 Manipulation Queries

Extensive data manipulation queries were executed on the databases throughUpdateProperties and RemoveVertices operations in order to observe how thesystems cope with situations when data need to be changed, or deleted respec-tively.

Performance of modifying properties in the second and third benchmark iscompared in Figure 6.9. The presence of indexes evidently has very negativeinfluence on the efficiency of updating data in all the systems, especially in In-finiteGraph, MongoDB, Neo4j and also slightly on OrientDB. The other systems,however, did not have to consider indexes for various reason discussed above.In conclusion, Neo4j showed very good performance in updating data for beingmore than three times faster than the second best performing system; and it alsohandled indexes quite comfortably. OrientDB and InfiniteGraph ended up on theother end of the scale because the former was more than an order of magnitudeslower when the data was indexed and the latter was very slow throughout theentire test.


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Figure 6.9: UpdateProperties in Property Graph Benchmark (left) and IndexedGraph Benchmark (right).

Deleting a vertex is a rather expensive operation because it requires any edgesincident with the vertex to be deleted also. Since RemoveVertices was alwaysremoving a significant part of the graph in one go, the execution times reachedtens of seconds for the slower systems. Therefore, as it can be seen in Figure6.10, the density of the graph substantially influenced the performance. Neo4j,DEX and Titan could cope with the situation much more efficiently than theother GDBs. When the same operation was run in Indexed Graph Benchmark, allengines apart from MongoDB and TinkerGraph ended up suspiciously unaffected.


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This observation suggests that the indexes must have been updated in anotherthread after the method had returned, as opposed to UpdateProperties operationeffect, where the deceleration was clearly noticeable.

RemoveVertices was also executed in the first benchmark, where InfiniteGraphand MysqlGraph did not exhibit such big problems with graph density as they didin Propery Graph Benchmark ; therefore, it is apparent that the process of deletingtoo many edge attributes was the true cause of their slowdown. Finally, NativeSailis part of the Labeled Graph Benchmark and was tested on this operation, too;only to expose a surprisingly inefficient implementation of the vertex removalmethod. To sum up, Neo4j was the fastest engine for deleting vertices from thesparser version of the graph, while DEX performed slightly better on the densergraph.


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Figure 6.10: Run times of RemoveVertices in Property Graph Benchmark.

6.4.6 Summary of the Results

The results of a number of tests incorporated in BlueBench are depicted and dis-cussed within this section. BlueBench is divided into three particular benchmarkswhich differ in the amount of data stored in the database, but are identical inthe structure of the graph data and very similar in what operations get execut-ed in them. Therefore, it is possible to compare the efficiency of the operationson the set of the selected GDBs, while conducting the same comparison acrossbenchmarks also. This leaves the evidence of how well the databases scale withgrowing size of the network and how much they are influenced by the presence ofattributes or indexes in the graph.

We divided the operations into several groups to make the analysis morecomprehensible: graph loading, traversal queries, non-traversal queries and datamanipulation. It is surprising to observe that the groups of experiments providedresults that are quite alike; in other words, the GDBs’ relative performance wassimilar although it was measured in entirely different scenarios.

Arguably the strongest reason for GDBs to exist is the need of efficient im-plementation of traversal operations on persistent graph data. In this area Neo4j


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and DEX clearly outperform the rest of the systems, mainly because of the spe-cialization of their backends for exactly this type of queries. Neo4j was constantlyachieving the best performance even in the other tests, followed by DEX and Ti-tan. These results are in contrast with [4] which was written four years ago andfavored DEX over Neo4j. Clearly, Neo4j has made a lot of progress over the years.

On the other hand, it was shown that directly using a document-orienteddatabase or even relational database for graph operations is not very efficient.MysqlGraph and especially MongoDB performed well only in tests which wereeither lightly or not graph related at all. Finally, InfiniteGraph was revealed tobe the least performing implementation with notoriously slow traversals; oftenstruggling with scenarios where the final execution time was barely acceptable.However, it must be stated that Infinitegraph is focused on distributed solutionswith horizontal scaling, not primarily addressing performance on a single machine.

The experiments also helped to discover an important difference between thesynthesized data and the data obtained from a real network. The graphs gen-erated by the Barabasi-Albert model exhibited low oriented interconnection ofvertices and higher probability of nodes with an extensive degree; although thelatter feature could be altered by setting an appropriate parameter before runningthe graph generation.

6.5 Summary

The process of executing BlueBench was depicted and its results were interpretedin this chapter. We began with describing the machine which was used for thebenchmark runs and explaining what datasets were used to fill the databases withdata. We then proceeded to list the GDBs that were chosen for the experiments,including the most important specifics that had to be respected during the im-plementation of BlueBench. In addition, the design of our own representative ofthe relational databases world, MysqlGraph, was portrayed. Finally, the resultsgathered from the execution of BlueBench were plotted and analyzed.


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This thesis addresses the need of creating a complex and fair benchmark for anexperimental assessment of various GDB implementations. We have elaboratedon the specific requirements of such a benchmark, and analyzed all possible waysof accessing the databases and conducting the experiments, so that the benchmarkcan cover all functionality expected from the GDBs and yet remain fair. We havealso examined the existing work in the field of graph databases benchmarking; andfound that some valuable results have been produced, yet the testing scenarioswere always limited in terms of the variety of assessed systems, input data ortested operations.

The result of our efforts, BlueBench, can be run both on real and generatedgraph datasets and is composed of a number of testing scenarios which reflect thewide range of use-cases that GDBs have to face today. BlueBench is based on thealready existing GraphDB-Bench tool for its great generality and extensibility;such an approach helped to guarantee the further extensibility of BlueBench itself.

We executed BlueBench on datasets of both varying sizes and graph models,and evaluated an extensive set of particular database systems of different types,which includes native GDB engines, an RDF store, a document-oriented databaseand a relational database. Therefore, not only the performance of the best knownGDBs was compared, also the appropriateness of putting non-graph databasesinto graph-related tasks was verified. However, it was considerably challengingto include such different databases in the benchmarks as many peculiar imple-mentation specifics had to respected.

The final results of BlueBench are engrossing; they confirm the assumptionthat GDBs are much more suitable for graph-related queries than any otherdatabase systems. Among the GDBs themselves, we have managed to separatethe really well performing systems from those that only claim to be the mostefficient.

Future Work

Although lots of effort was put into selecting the set of aspects to be tested byBlueBench, there is much more work still to be done. For example, the perfor-mance of the database systems was measured only on a single machine underconvenient conditions, i.e. the systems had as much memory as they needed.Many interesting results could be obtained from executing the benchmarks ona cluster of nodes where the GDBs would be replicated and a concurrent access(with intentional conflicts) performed.

Moreover, due to the complexity of some testing operations included inBlueBench, all the input graph datasets had to be rather small (no more thana few millions of objects). It would be interesting to observe how the databaseswould cope with data of much higher volumes if, of course, only the less demand-ing operations were executed. The fact is that the GDB vendors claim that theirproducts can scale up to billions of objects in the graph.

Finally, a great success would be reviving the original, although never reallystarted, GraphDB-Bench project which would not be used only be individuals,


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but by entire open communities with the intention of providing a universal graphdatabase benchmarking tool, which would periodically evaluate the performanceof all relevant graph database software. We hope that such a feat can still beachieved.


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A. Contents of the CD

The enclosed files are organized as follows:

/kolomicenko.pdfThis thesis.

/results/The genuine BlueBench results in a .csv format.

/charts/The charts generated from the results.

/BlueBench/doc/api/A very brief reference documentation to the source files.

/BlueBench/doc/install.txtInstructions of how to install and execute BlueBench.

/BlueBench/src/javaJava sources.

/BlueBench/src/pythonPython sources for generating the artificial graph datasets.

/BlueBench/libAll necessary libraries.

/BlueBench/data/datasetsA directory for generated graphs.

/BlueBench/data/resultsA directory for BlueBench results.

/BlueBench/data/DBA directory for the tested databases’ persistent storages.

/BlueBench/run.shA script for building and running BlueBench.