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An Outsider’s Observations on the Singularity Institute

of Artificial Intelligence Kim Solez, MD

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Problem of Audience Heterogeneity

Some already know what the technological Singularity is, others don’t, and are finding out now.

However, if the people and ideas I present are genuinely new and interesting I should be able to satisfy both groups.

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First the people: Marcus Hutter, Rebecca Kendrick

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And the ideas—Marcus Hutter, The Singularity Inside and Out

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Rebecca Kendrick – Elenchus

Elenchus - Open Facebook Group

"Elenchus" is a form of inquiry and debate between individuals with opposingviewpoints based on utilizing Socraticdialogue in asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas.

The only rule: Maintain Decorum :)

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The Technological Singularity“…The technological singularity occurs as artificial intelligences surpass human beings as the smartest and most capable life forms on the Earth. Technological development is taken over by the machines, who can think, act and communicate so quickly that normal humans cannot even comprehend what is going on. The machines enter into a ‘runaway reaction’ of self-improvement cycles, with each new generation of A.I.s appearing faster and faster. From this point onwards, technological advancement is explosive, under the control of the machines, and thus cannot be accurately predicted (hence the term ‘Singularity’)....”

– Ray Kurzweil

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In 2010 I became the only full time University faculty member taking the Singularity University Executive Course

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How Inside Outside and Singularity impact young people, important concepts we will discuss later.

Big Bang Theory (the TV show; 16 million viewers) Singularity University (I went to Exec. Program) Singularity Summit (9,000 views per video) Singularity Institute of Artificial Intelligence (500 views

per video) Kim Solez – Technology and Future of Medicine Course

LABMP 590 (500 views per video) SIAI Rationality and Awesomeness Mini-Camp –

Participants in early 20s –advice on fashion, style, body language, and confidence-building

The Technological Singularity – Dissemination of Ideas

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In the coming decades, humanity will likely create a powerful AI. SIAI exists to confront this urgent challenge, both the opportunity and the risk. SIAI is fostering research, education, and outreach to increase the likelihood that the promise of AI is realized for the benefit of everyone

Goals and Objectives of Singularity Institute of Artificial Intelligence

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Goals and Objectives of Singularity Institute of Artificial


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It Is Commonly Felt That Eliezer Yudkowsky Exaggerates The Challenge of Friendly AI

However, Marcus Hutter suggests that there is an element of human insignificance that makes the whole scenario much more challenging. Also, Hutter has created a general AI which makes the problem seem more immediate!

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It Is Commonly Felt That Eliezer Yudkowsky Exaggerates The Challenge of Friendly AI

However Marcus Hutter suggests that there is an element of human insignificance that makes the whole scenario much more challenging. Also Hutter has created a sort of general AI which makes the problem seem more immediate!

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While these are “just” recreational games, they do contain many prototypical elements of the real world, such as food, enemies, friends, space, obstacles, objects, and weapons

Next could be a test in modern virtual worlds... that require intelligent agents, and finally some selected real-world problems

Hutter’s General AI Is Capable of Mastering Any 1980’s Arcade Game from Scratch!

The same single [AIXI approximation “MC-AIXI-CTW”] has learned to play TicTacToe, Kuhn Poker, and most impressively, Pacman (Veness et al. 2011) from scratch

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Hutter’s General AI Is Capable of Mastering Any 1980’s Arcade Game

from Scratch!

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Outside the Singularity looking in it will be white noise

Inside the Singularity if everything speeds up at the same rate we may not notice anything; it may seem like normal life to us

Even if initially our biological brains count for something in our mental processes, very soon the processing power of the machine implant will vastly outstrip our biological brains. Our biological brains become insignificant regardless of the friendliness or lack thereof of the AI

Hutter For the First Time Conjures Up A Picture of What the Singularity Will Be Like

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Extreme risk taking because we can back ourselves up from backups if something bad happens

Insignificance, lack of identity. Why wait to create backups when we have the processing power to run several lives at once. Can replicate ourselves endlessly in seconds! No more waiting 9 months!

The world has little incentive to keep identities straight when biological brains contribute so little to mental processes. Bigger not better

Aimlessness, lack of sense of purpose

Stuck In A Dysphoric “Eternal Youth” A Caricature Of What It Is Like To Be Young

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The challenge of producing a friendly AI, which SIAI has taken on, becomes just a small part of the much larger challenge of creating a friendly world in which humans still have lives of significance, human history is retained and extended

A positive outcome is possible; let’s make it likely We all need to be engaged in ensuring a positive

outcome for humanity. The future is ours to shape. We need to get busy doing that!

A simple approach is needed to engage the general public on these matters!

Real Youth Today Also Experiences Dystopia Due To Poor Economy, Worth,

Working Hard To Ensure A Better Future For Ourselves!

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Trying to Raise Spirits and Stimulate Interest in the Singularity Through A New Holiday - Future Day

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Edmonton’s First Future Day March 1, 2012. A Small Celebration.

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First Future DayMarch 1, 2012. Sixteen celebrations Around The World

Melbourne, Sydney, Hong Kong, Berkeley, Edmonton, Houston, Hawaii, Sao Paulo, Thanksgiving Point, Utah, Brussels,

Paris, LA, Palo Alto, Washington, Carlton, Australia, Wroclaw, Poland

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The Big Bang Theory is Watched Regularly by 16 Million People in the US. Singularity Episode on

October 1, 2010

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Singularity Episode on October 1, 2010.

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Singularity Episode on October 1, 2010.

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Branding Important Visual Identity – Holi Festival

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Branding Important Visual Identity – Holi Festival

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Would like the ideas to spread like these colorful pigments spread during the festival!

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Crayola Bomb Poem by Robert Fulghum Has Similar Spirit

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Roomba Robotic Vacuum Cleaner – Time Lapse Art

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Hot Air Balloons Can Give Similar Appearance

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RoundLike a circle in a spiral

Like a wheel within a wheelNever ending or beginningOn an ever spinning reel

Like a snowball down a mountainOr a carnival balloon

Like a carousel that’s turningRunning rings around the moon


The Windmills of Your Mind

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Like a clock whose hands are sweepingPast the minutes of it's face

And the world is like an appleWhirling silently in space

Like the circles that you findIn the windmills of your mind !


The Windmills of Your Mind (Continued)

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How can we capture the imagination of the public to start everyone thinking about these matters?

We need the mainstream public to regard the future technological Singularity as fact, not fiction

We need to promote organized thinking about the future in Universities and beyond


Your Suggestions Greatly Welcomed!