Download - AN OPEN LETTER AUGUST 2016 - MOE...Singapore Mathematical Olympiad for Primary Schools (SMOPS) 2016 18. In the SMOP competition held on Saturday, 9 April 2016, at Hwa Chong Institution,



1 August 2016



Dear Parents / Guardians,

1. Time flies! The month of July was an exciting and fulfilling month. We saw the successful

completion of a few school/level-wide programmes, such as P5 NE Show, Open House, the

commemoration of Racial Harmony Day and the P6 Preliminary Oral Examinations. Despite the

longer hours, we are thankful to the team of teachers in QtPS for persevering and continuing to give

of their best.

Important Announcements…

Parents’ Perception Survey

2. We rolled out the Parents’ Perception Survey in May during the Meet-the-Parents session

where our student leaders went around armed with an iPad to get responses from some of you. In the

hopes of getting a better insight into our school processes, structures and programmes, please take the

time to complete the Parents’ Perception Survey if you have not done so. The survey can be accessed

through the QR code below or via the link

3. As always, if you have any questions or comments about QtPS, we invite you to connect with

us at your convenience. We thank you in advance and look forward to growing with you in this home-

school partnership.

Parents’ Smartphone Messaging System

4. We will be tapping on our existing holistic reporting system, C2HAMPS (Character,

Cognitive and Holistic) for school notification and attendance, to ensure better communication

between the school and parents. C2HAMPS will replace SNAAPP, effective from today, 1 August.

As an integrated system for CCA matters, CCE assessments and SMS, C2HAMPS is also able to

disseminate class or school-based information to parents as well as notify parents if their child is

absent from school. Like the SNAAPP App, the notification and attendance application of C2HAMPS

utilises 3G, 4G or WIFI network from the recipients’ smartphones to receive notifications from the

school. Parents can download the free C2HAMPS App from the Google Play Store or Apple APP

Store and activate it. Details of the download and activation will be given in a separate letter to all

parents by the end of this week.

5. We strongly encourage you to tap into this system to keep in close contact with us.

National Day Celebration

6. On Monday, 8 August, we will be celebrating Singapore’s 51st birthday. On that day, all

students will report to school as usual at 7.30 am and school will be dismissed at 10 am. Students are


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to be dressed in red T-shirts and school shorts/skorts/skirts with white socks and school shoes. All

after-school activities such as supplementary/remedial classes and CCAs on that afternoon will be


7. For this year’s celebrations, we have aligned the planned activities to the National Day Parade

theme, “Building Our Singapore of Tomorrow”, which calls for all Singaporeans, individually and

collectively, anchoring on our love for Singapore and building on the contributions of our pioneers, to

work towards Singapore’s future as one people. We hope to foster a deep sense of national pride and

educate our students on the need to contribute to nation building through meaningful activities. Part 1

of the programme will see our students doing activities in their classroom that help them know more

about Singapore and to express their dreams and aspirations. The students will then proceed to the

school hall for part 2 of the programme. They will watch a play and a series of performance items and

participate in sing-a-long sessions. A group of students and teachers from Rainbow Centre will also

be joining us in the celebrations in the school hall.

8. Please note that Wednesday, 10 August, is a school holiday. Your child will only report back

to school on Thursday, 11 August.

PSLE Oral Examination

9. The PSLE English and Mother Tongue Oral Examination for P6 students will be held on 18

and 19 August. P6 students will be given separate instructions on their reporting time. All P1 to P5

students need not report to school on these days.

Gifted Education Programme (GEP) Screening Test

10. The Gifted Education Branch of the Ministry of Education will be conducting the GEP

Screening Test on Friday, 26 August. The test is open to all P3 students and it will be based on what

students have learnt from Primary 1 to Primary 3 in the English Language and Mathematics syllabuses. A

separate letter will be issued to all P3 parents on Monday, 1 August. Parents are to respond by Friday,

12 August if you would like your child to sit for the GEP Screening Test. Reply slips are to be

returned to your child’s respective form teachers. We would like to encourage you to allow your child

to sit for the Screening Test.

Reflection of External Activities in Holistic Report Card

11. Apart from the competitions, enrichment programmes and Values-In-Action (VIA) activities

organised by our school, we would like to recognise your child’s achievement/participation in other

competitions, enrichment programmes and community involvement opportunities outside school. If

your child has participated in any family-initiated activities, please provide us with

evidence of his/her achievement in competitions and/or enrichment programmes in the form

of certificate or photograph of his/her medals/trophies together with the results from the

organisers. This information will be reflected in his/her graduating testimonial.

a letter from the organisation, documenting the number of hours your child has contributed to

the VIA activity and the service that he/she has provided.

12. Please submit the necessary documents through your child’s form teacher by Wednesday, 31


Cyber Wellness Week

13. The Cyber Wellness Week will take place in Week 8 of this term. It seeks to anchor students’

well-being in cyberspace based on two main principles – “Respect for Self and Others” and “Safe and

Responsible Use”. There will be an assembly sharing coupled with fun activities and games during

the various recesses in the MRL to educate our students about safe Internet use. Through the

awareness of risks in the cyberspace and the promotion of good online practices, especially on social

media platforms, we hope our students will be discerning and responsible cyber users.


Dialogue Session with Principal

14. A Dialogue session with the Principal, an event organised by QtPSG, for all interested parents

has been scheduled for this semester. The details are as follows:

Date : Saturday, 13 August 2016

Time : 8.45 am – 11.45 am

Venue : Band Room, Level 3

To Register :

15. Have you heard about Queentowner Outcomes (QtO)? When your child attends his primary

education in QtPS, at the end of the 6 years, he or she will be groomed to be a Queenstowner. The

dialogue session is a great time to catch up, ask questions and connect with other parents as well as

the school. You will obtain first-hand information about the school, QtO and any MOE directives

from the Principal and have the opportunity to speak with her in an open forum. We would also like to

hear from you how we, as a school, can better engage parents in this partnership journey to bring out

the best in our children. We look forward to seeing you on the designated date.


Eco Action Award 2016

16. The Eco Action Award is designed to recognise organisations (corporate, schools, institutions

and associations) for their commendable efforts towards making a difference for the environment including elements that help to conserve the environment and educate or create environmental

awareness to wider public. We are proud to announce that the school is the recipient of Most Fun Eco

Action Award (Merit). Congratulations to members of our Green Club and Art Club and their

teachers-in-charge! It is a positive acknowledgement of their collaborative effort. Well done!

Youth of the Environment Day (YED) Fund

17. The YED, aligned to Earth Day, is an annual international environmental event that engages

the youth to champion environmental ownership and to renew their commitment to care for the

environment. This year’s theme, “Imagine. Create. Change”, encourages the youth to think about their

contributions towards a sustainable environment and to commit to carrying out collective actions to

promote cleanliness and waste minimisation. At QtPS, meaningful activities such as upcycling art

activity, finishing up food, scraping food waste into bins and returning used eating utensils to the

receptacles are conducted. For our efforts in engaging our students during Earth Week, we have been

awarded with $500 YED Fund for our Green Club activities.

Singapore Mathematical Olympiad for Primary Schools (SMOPS) 2016

18. In the SMOP competition held on Saturday, 9 April 2016, at Hwa Chong Institution, 2 of our

students, Kairav Shaurya Makhija and Jonathan Koh Zhaoyun, both from P6 Care, obtained the Silver

and Bronze Medal respectively. Congratulations, Kairav and Jonathan! Keep up the good effort!

8th International Young Whizzes Challenge 2016

19. A group of our P5 and P6 students took part in the 8th International Young Whizzes

Challenge, a half-day science quiz aimed at stimulating the minds of participants to explore science

with a different perspective and at a higher level beyond the classroom. We are pleased to announce

the winners:

Type of Award Name of Students Class

Top Individual

Scorer Kairav Shaurya Makhija 6 Care

Individual Gold

Lee Kenneth Seoyoon 5 Courage

Chua Qi Yang, Kairav Shaurya Makhija, Lao

Enxing & Lum Wei Young 6 Care

Individual Silver Jonathan Koh Zhaoyun & Norman Chung Junwei 6 care

Juleane Louisa Montano Alba & Tristan Yap 6 Courage


Type of Award Name of Students Class


Individual Bronze

Alisha Febrizkya Malika 5 Courage

Chai Yue Sophia, Tay Yi Kai, Yeo Jing Xuan

Natalie & Chua Yi Long, Dylan 6 Care

Maung Moe Yan Htut Thwin 6 Courage

Champion Team Kairav Shaurya Makhija, Lao Enxing, Tay Yi Kai

& Khoo Gek Ting, Karyn 6 Care

20. Congratulations and well done!

Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiads (SASMO) 2016

21. A Math Olympiad contest that aims to arouse students’ interest in mathematical problem

solving, and to develop their mathematical intuition, reasoning, logical, creative and critical thinking,

SASMO is an annual competition that the school participates in. We are pleased to announce the


Award Winners Class


Dominic Oeij, Raghav Kumar, Nathanael Alexander Kusuma

& Tran Thai Ly Thuy 3 Care

Lum Shao Young 4 Care

Leong Li Jet 5 Care

Lee Kenneth Seoyoon 5 Courage

Kairav Shaurya Makhija & Jonathan Koh Zhaoyun 6 Care


Ahmad Rizky Alkiano, Yang Junhyeok, Foong Jing Heng,

Kong Shuozhi & Gopal Anurupa Ajeet Wagle 3 Care

Sun Beichen 3 Diligence

Feng Yining, Mahima Manoj Adattuvalappil & James

Maagdalene 4 Care

Tan Shi Ying, Shermaine 6 Care

Sophie Luo 6 Courage


Julien Leong Qicheng, Eyo Yang Zheng Xu, Rajat Chandy

Augustine, Xavier Koh Wen Rui, Raiyan Leong Ming Xi,

Xiong Allison, Ni Haoran, Heng Yu Hang & Lee Seojin

3 Care

Leong Teng Koon 3 Courage

Julian Mahieu, Ameera Farhana, Ananya Shyam, Ng Han

Sheng & Wang Jiayi 4 Care

Marcus Low Hao Ming 4 Courage

Yang Jiabao, Foong Zi Heng, Fernandes Sanchia Maria, &

Siow Xi En, Aidan

5 Care

Guevarra Allon Benedict Cruz 5 Courage

Gnana Amal Paulraj Joshua Andrew, Dhruv Suresh, Tay Yi

Kai, Chai Yue Sophia, Maya Ariana Weiyan Bte Muhammad

Khalid, Chong El Sa, Norman Chung Junwei & Chua Yi Long,


6 Care

22. Well done, children!

Singapore Math Kangaroo Contest (SMKC) 2016

23. SMKC is a competition that seeks to allow students to apply their Mathematics knowledge

learnt in school. A group of our students from P3 to P6 took part in the competition. We are pleased to

announce the winners:


Award Winners Class


Dominic Oeij, Eyo Yang Zheng Xu & Raghav Kumar 3 Care

Sun Beichen 3 Diligence

Julian Mahieu 4 Care

Jonathan Koh Zhaoyun, Tan Shi Ying, Shermaine & Chua Yi

Long, Dylan 6 Care


Ahmad Rizky Alkiano, Gopal Anurupa Ajeet Wagle, Lee Wei

Jun, Kong Shuozhi, Nathanael Alexander Kusuma, Raiyan

Leong Ming Xi, Wang Yucen, Xiong Allison & Yang Junhyeok

3 Care

S Shrinidhi 4 Courage

Chai Yue Sophia, Gnana Amal Paulraj Joshua Andrew, Graris

Lee Wan En, Lum Wei Young & Naw Tabitha Hsay 6 Care

Sophie Luo 6 Courage


Julien Leong Qicheng, Rajat Chandy Augustine, Tran Thai Ly

Thuy, Xavier Koh Wen Rui & Yang Lin Xuan 3 Care

Leong Teng Koon 3 Courage

Foong Ye Heng 3 Diligence

James Maagdalene & Wang Jiayi 4 Care

Seow Li Wen Scott 4 Courage

Brien Anthony Chia Jinhao, Dhruv Suresh, Fok Jian Bang, Eyo

Yang Xin Yee, Kairav Shaurya Makhija & Tay Yi Kai 6 Care

Liew Rui Si, Pearly 6 Courage

24. Congratulations, boys and girls! Keep up the good effort!

General Information …

School’s Calendar of Events

25. Please refer to Annex 1 for the calendar of events for the month of August. To facilitate your

planning, we have also uploaded our School Calendar 2016 on our website. You can access it at Kindly note that the dates are subject to

change and we will keep you informed accordingly.

Concluding Remarks…

The Tortoise and The Hare Adapted from

There once was a speedy Hare who bragged about how fast he could run. Tired of hearing him

boast, Tortoise who was much slower in speed, challenged him to a race. All the animals in the

forest gathered to watch.

Hare ran down the road for a while and then paused to rest. He looked back at Tortoise and cried

out, “How do you expect to win this race when you are walking along at your slow, slow pace?”

Hare stretched himself out alongside the road and fell asleep, thinking, “There is plenty of time to


Tortoise walked and walked. He never, ever stopped until he came to the finish line.

The animals who were watching cheered so loudly for Tortoise, they woke up Hare.

Hare stretched and yawned and began to run again, but it was too late. Tortoise was over the line.

26. An important lesson we can draw from this ancient tale is focus on the finish line, just as the

Tortoise did. Hare, with its talent in speed would easily have hit the finish line if he was not busy


gloating over his innate gift of speed. The tortoise, on the other hand, sets his sights on the finish line

and never wavered. The finish line was his goal. Bit by bit, he kept moving towards that goal, no

matter what. As author, David Cottrell, wrote in one of his management books, “Success is not about

luck or the economy. It’s about making a conscious choice that No Matter What, you will keep

moving forward to your goals.” Let’s learn from the Tortoise. Set our goal and work towards it. If we

get knocked off our path due to one reason or another, let us keep going. Persevere and stay the

course. This month, we would like to focus on the school value of Perseverance. Let’s hum the same


27. Thank you and have a wonderful month ahead!

Warmest Regards,

Mrs Grace Chua Mrs Helen Tan Mdm Poon Pei Ping

Principal Vice-Principal 1 Vice-Principal 2

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Annex 1

Calendar of Events in August…



Mon 01 Aug

Pre-Assembly: Singing of National Day 2016 Theme Song

Whole School 7.30 am – 7.45 am

MTL Fortnight Whole School During curriculum time

MT Fortnight Recess Activities Whole School 9.45 am – 11.15 am

Assembly: FTGP / Values-based Education Whole School 12.15 pm – 1.15 pm

KidsRead Session Selected P2 students 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm

HMTL Lesson P5 – P6 HMTL students 2.45 pm – 4.00 pm

Mathematics Olympiad Programme (6/8) P3&4 students who signed up 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm

P4 SEP Tag Rugby (4/8) P4 students who signed up 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm

Tue 02 Aug

MTL Fortnight Whole School During curriculum time

P3 Science Practical P3 Level During curriculum time

MT Fortnight Recess Activities Whole School 9.45 am – 11.15 am

ICAS Math P3–6 students who signed up 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm

Wed 03 Aug

P5 Science Practical P5 Level During curriculum time

MTL Fortnight Whole School During curriculum time

5 Honesty VIA @ Rainbow Centre (4/4) 5 Honesty 8.15 am – 9.15 am

MT Fortnight Recess Activities Whole School 9.45 am – 11.15 am

School of Rock Project (4/6) Selected P2 – P5 students 1.45 pm – 3.45 pm

5 Honesty Sci LJ: Diversity of cells 5 Honesty 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm

Thurs 04 Aug

P4 Science Practical P4 Level During curriculum time

MTL Fortnight Whole School During curriculum time

Kalaithiran TL Competition P1 – P5 TL students 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm

P5 Mathematics Olympiad Programme (5/7) P5 students who signed up 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm

P6 Mathematics Olympiad Programme (5/6) P6 students who signed up 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm

P5 SEP Modified Frisbee (1/6) P5 students who signed up 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm

Fri 05 Aug

P3 – P5 Science Practical P3 – P5 students During curriculum time

MTL Fortnight Whole School During curriculum time

P2 CCA Trial (4/9) – Sports Group P2 students who signed up 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm

Sat 06 Aug FGD with P1 parents on changes in PSLE P1 Parents who signed up 9.00 am – 11.00 am

AKP (2/5) – Parent & Child Hands on Food Prep

AKP students 10.00 am – 11.30 am


Mon 08 Aug National Day Celebration

(School dismissal at 10.00 am) Whole school 7.45 am – 10.00 am

Tue 09 Aug Public Holiday: National Day

Wed 10 Aug School Holiday: National Day

Thurs 11 Aug

5 Joy Sci LJ: Diversity of cells 5 Joy 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm

P5 Mathematics Olympiad Programme (6/7) P5 students who signed up 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm

AKP (3/5) – Children Nutrition Workshop Part 2

AKP students 3.30 pm – 5.00 pm

P5 SEP Modified Frisbee (2/6) P5 students who signed up 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm

P6 Mathematics Olympiad Programme (6/6) P6 students who signed up 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm

Fri 12 Aug P2 CCA Trial (5/9) – Sports Group P2 students who signed up 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm

Sat 13 Aug Dialogue with the Principal For interested parents 8.45 am – 11.45 am


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FAX : 64713640

Email: [email protected]

School website:




Mon 15 Aug

Cyber wellness Week (Recess time) Whole School 9.45 am – 11.15 am

Assembly: FTGP / Cyberwellness Sharing Whole School 12.15 pm – 1.15 pm

Sale of School Uniforms For interested parents 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm

KidsRead Session Selected P2 students 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm

HMTL Lesson P5 – P6 HMTL students 2.45 pm – 4.00 pm

Mathematics Olympiad Programme (7/8) P3&4 students who signed up 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm

P4 SEP Tag Rugby 5/8) P4 students who signed up 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm

Tue 16 Aug Cyber wellness Week (Recess time) Whole School 9.45 am – 11.15 am

Wed 17 Aug School of Rock Project (5/6) Selected P2 – P5 students 1.45 pm – 4.15 pm

Cyber wellness Week (Recess time) Whole School 9.45 am – 11.15 am

Thurs 18 Aug PSLE Oral Examination (No school for P1 – P5)

P6 students 7.30 pm – 1.00 pm

Fri 19 Aug PSLE Oral Examination (No school for P1 – P5)

P6 students 7.30 pm – 1.00 pm


Mon 22 Aug

P3 – P5 CA2 EL P3 – P5 students During curriculum time

P6 Prelim EL P6 Students During curriculum time

Assembly: Talk by Artist / FTGP P1 – P5 students 12.15 pm – 1.15 pm

KidsRead Session Selected P2 students 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm

Mathematics Olympiad Programme (8/8) P3&4 students who signed up 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Tue 23 Aug P3 – P5 CA2 Math P3 – P5 students During curriculum time

P6 Prelim Math P6 Students During curriculum time

Wed 24 Aug

P3 – P5 CA2 MTL P3 – P5 students During curriculum time

P6 Prelim MTL P6 Students During curriculum time

Term 3 Art Hub Activity (Recess time) Whole School 9.45 am – 11.15 am

Thurs 25 Aug

P5 CA2 Sci P5 students During curriculum time

P6 Prelim Sci P6 Students During curriculum time

Term 3 Art Hub Activity (Recess time) Whole School 9.45 am – 11.15 am

Fri 26 Aug

P5 CA2 HMTL P5 students During curriculum time

P6 Prelim HMTL P6 Students During curriculum time

P3 GEP Screening Exercise (EL & Math) P3 Students During curriculum time

Term 3 Art Hub Activity (Recess time) Whole School 9.45 am – 11.15 am

3rd Prefect’s General Meeting P4 – P5 Prefects 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm

P2 CCA Trial (6/9) – Sports Group P2 students who signed up 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm


Mon 29 Aug Assembly: Term 3 End-of-term Award Whole School 12.15 pm – 1.15 pm

P6 Prelim Listening Comprehension P6 students 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Tue 30 Aug P5 Care & Cou Art in transit LJ 5 Care & 5 Cou 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm

Wed 31 Aug School of Rock Project (6/6) Selected P2 – P5 students 1.45 pm – 4.15 pm

P5 Cre & Dil Art in transit LJ 5 Cre & 5 Dil 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm

Thurs 01 Sept Teachers’ Day Celebration cum PAD Whole School 11.45 pm – 1.15 pm

Fri 02 Sept School Holiday: Teachers’ Day

Sept Sch


Mon 05 Sept

P6 Personal Best Programme P6 students 8.00 am – 12.30 pm

Indian Dance Practice Indian Dance members 9.00 am – 11.00 am

Basketball Training Basketball Group 1 members 9.00 am – 11.00 am

Malay Dance Practice Malay Dance members 9.00 am – 11.00 am

Tue 06 Sept

Indian Dance Practice Indian Dance members 9.00 am – 11.00 am

Basketball Training Basketball Group 1 members 9.00 am – 11.00 am

Malay Dance Practice Malay Dance members 9.00 am – 11.00 am

T4, Wk1

Mon 12 Sept Public Holiday: Hari Raya Haji










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