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Page 1: An Examination of Giants

An Examinati

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I. Biblical Evidence of Giants

A.(Gn. 6:4) First mention – Nephilim (2350 BC)

B.(Gn. 14:5) Rephaim, Zuzims, Emims (1950 BC)

C.(Nm. 13:32,33) Sons of Anak - Anakims (1450 BC)

D. (II Sm. 21:16-22) Goliath/Relatives (1050 BC)

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II. Extrabiblical Evidence of Giants

A. There are numerous theories, legends, hoaxes

B. There is a large amount of reliable evidence

C. There have been many modern giants

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Hoax Photos

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The giant was 10 feet tall and his tomb was 28 feet long. Half of the tomb was filled with his armor and spear. The Technical Sergeant is holding the giant’s turban which has a brass liner inside. 12 fingers

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Johan Aason - 9’2” Robert Wadlow - 8’11”

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Anna Swan – 7’9” Ella Ewing – 8’4”

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Giant Afghani with US soldier




