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Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19

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Transportation Research Part C

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An efficient dynamic model for solving the shortest path problem

Alireza Nazemi a,⇑, Farahnaz Omidi b

a Department of Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Shahrood University of Technology, P.O. Box 3619995161-316, Shahrood, Iranb Department of Mathematics, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 21 February 2012Received in revised form 11 July 2012Accepted 11 July 2012

Keywords:Neural networkShortest path problemLinear programmingConvergentStability

0968-090X/$ - see front matter � 2012 Elsevier Ltd

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +98 273 339201E-mail addresses: [email protected]

a b s t r a c t

The shortest path problem is the classical combinatorial optimization problem arising innumerous planning and designing contexts. This paper presents a neural network modelfor solving the shortest path problems. The main idea is to replace the shortest path prob-lem with a linear programming (LP) problem. According to the saddle point theorem, opti-mization theory, convex analysis theory, Lyapunov stability theory and LaSalle invarianceprinciple, the equilibrium point of the proposed neural network is proved to be equivalentto the optimal solution of the original problem. It is also shown that the proposed neuralnetwork model is stable in the sense of Lyapunov and it is globally convergent to an exactoptimal solution of the shortest path problem. Several illustrative examples are provided toshow the feasibility and the efficiency of the proposed method in this paper.

� 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The shortest path problem is concerned with finding the shortest path from a specified origin to a specified destination ina given network while minimizing the total cost associated with the path. It is well known that the shortest path problemsarise in a wide variety of scientific and engineering applications including vehicle routing in transportation systems, trafficrouting in communication networks, path planning in robotic systems, etc. (Ahuja et al., 1993; Antonio et al., 1992; Bazaraaet al., 1990; Bodin et al., 1983; Ephremides and Verdu, 1989; Jun and Shin, 1991; Lin and Chang, 1993; Soueres and Laumond,1996). Furthermore, the shortest path problem also has numerous variations such as the minimum weight problem, thequickest path problem, the most reliable path problem, and so on.

The shortest path problem has been investigated extensively. The well-known algorithms for solving the shortest pathproblem include the O(n2) Bellman’s dynamic programming algorithm for directed a cycle networks, the O(n2) Dijkstra-likelabeling algorithm, and the O(n3) Bellman-Ford successive approximation algorithm for networks with nonnegative costcoefficients only, where n denotes the number of vertices in the network (Lawler, 1976). Besides the classical methods, manynew and modified methods have been developed during the past few years. For large-scale and real-time applications suchas traffic routing and path planning, the existing series algorithms may not be effective and efficient due to the limitation ofsequential processing in computational time. Therefore, parallel solution methods are more desirable.

The dynamic system approach is one of the important methods for solving optimization problems. Artificial recurrentneural networks for solving constrained optimization problems can be considered as a tool to transfer the optimization prob-lems into a specific dynamic system of first-order differential equations. Furthermore, it is expected that the dynamic systemwill approach its static state (or an equilibrium point), which corresponds to the solution for the underlying optimizationproblem, starting from an initial point. In addition, neural networks for solving optimization problems are hardware-implementable; that is, the neural networks can be implemented by using integrated circuits.

. All rights reserved.

2.(A. Nazemi), [email protected] (F. Omidi).

2 A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19

Neural networks for optimization problems were first introduced in the 1980s by Tank and Hopfield (1986). Since then,neural networks have been applied to various optimization problems, including linear and quadratic programming, nonlin-ear programming, variational inequalities, and linear and nonlinear complementarity problems (Ding and Huang, 2008;Effati et al., 2007; Effati and Jafarzadeh, 2007; Effati and Nazemi, 2006; Friesz et al., 1994; Gao, 2004; Hu, 2009; Hu andWang, 2007; Kennedy and Chua, 1988; Lillo et al., 1993; Maa and Shanblatt, 1992; Nazemi, 2011a; Tao et al., 2001; Wang,1996, 1998; Xia, 1996; Xia et al., 2004; Xia and Feng, 2005; Xia and Wang, 2000, 2004a,b; Xue and Bian, 2007, 2009; Yangand Cao, 2006a,b, 2008). In particular, neural networks for solving the shortest path problem have been rather extensivelystudied and some important results have also been obtained (Effati and Jafarzadeh, 2007; Xia and Wang, 2000; Wang, 1996,1998). The structures of these models are rather complicated and further simplification can be achieved. Therefore, it is nec-essary to build a different neural network for (1) and (2) with a simple structure, good stability and convergence results.

Motivated by the above discussions, in the present paper, a neural network model for solving the shortest path problem ispresented. On the basis of the Saddle theorem, the equilibrium point of the proposed neural network is proved to be equiv-alent to the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) point of the shortest path problem. The existence and uniqueness of an equilibriumpoint of the proposed neural network are analyzed. By constructing a suitable Lyapunov function, a sufficient condition toensure globally stable in the sense of Lyapunov for the unique equilibrium point of neural network is obtained. This neuralnetwork model has been also successfully used for solving the minimax problems by Nazemi (2011b).

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the problem statement and formulation are described. InSection 3, the system model and some necessary preliminaries are given. The stability and convergence of the proposed neu-ral network are analyzed in Section 4. Numerical simulations are provided in Section 5. Finally, some concluding remarks aredrawn in Section 6.

2. Problem formulation

Given a weighted direct graph G = (V,E) where V is a set of n vertices and E is an ordered set of m edges. A fixed cost cij isassociated with the edge from vertices i to j in the graph G. In a transportation or a robotic system, for example, the physicalmeaning of the cost can be the distance between the vertices, the time or energy needed for travel from one vertex to an-other. In a telecommunication system, the cost can be determined according to the transmission time and the link capacityfrom one vertex to another. In general, the cost coefficients matrix [cij] is not necessarily symmetric, i.e., the cost from ver-tices i to j may not be equal to the cost from vertices j to i. Furthermore, the edges between some vertices may not exist (i.e.,m < n2). The values of cost coefficients for the n2 �m nonexistent edges are defined as infinity. More generally, a cost coef-ficient can be either positive or negative. A positive cost coefficient represents a loss, whereas a negative one represents again. It is admittedly more difficult to determine the shortest path for a network with mixed positive and negative cost coef-ficients (Wang, 1998). For an obvious reason, we assume that there are neither negative cycles nor negative loops in the net-works (i.e., 8i; j; cii P 0;


Pjcij P 0). Hence the total cost of the shortest path is bounded from below. Since the vertices in a

network can be labeled arbitrarily, without loss of generality, we assume hereafter vertices 1 and n are origin and destina-tion, respectively.

There are many applications of the direct graph since it can be used to model a wide variety of real-world problems. Forexample, in a road network, the vertices can represent intersections, the edges can represent streets, and the physical mean-ing of the cost can be the distance between the vertices. In this paper, the shortest path problem to be discussed is: find theshortest (least costly) possible directed path from a specified origin vertex to a specified destination vertex. The cost of thepath is the sum of the cost coefficients on the edges in the path and the shortest path is the minimum cost path (Xia andWang, 2000).

For convenience, we consider the shortest path from vertex 1 to vertex n in a directed graph with n vertices, n edges, and acost cij associated with each edge (i, j) in G. In order to formulate the shortest path problem, there are two typical path rep-resentations methods: vertex representation and edge representation. Because of the advantages of the edge representationover the vertex representation (Lawler, 1976), the development of this paper is based on the edge path representation. Thus,the shortest path problem can be mathematically formulated as a linear integer program as follows (Wang, 1998):





cijxij ð1Þ

subject toXn


xik �Xn


xli ¼1 if i ¼ 1;0 if i ¼ 2;3; . . . ;n� 1;�1 if i ¼ n;

8><>: ð2Þ

xij 2 f0;1g; i – j; i; j ¼ 1;2; . . . ; n; ð3Þ

where the objective function to be minimized, (1), is also the total cost for the path. The equality constraint coefficients andthe right-hand sides are �1, 0, or 1. Eq. (2) ensures that a continuous path starts from a specified origin and ends at a spec-ified destination. xij denotes the decision variable associated with the edge from vertices i to j as defined below

A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19 3

xij ¼1; if the edge from vertices i to j is in the path;

0; otherwise:

Because of the total unimodulity property of the constraint coefficient matrix defined in (2) (Bazaraa et al., 1990), the inte-grality constraint in the shortest path problem formulation can be equivalently replaced with the nonnegativity constraint, ifthe shortest path is unique. In other words, the optimal solutions of the equivalent LP problem are composed of zero and oneintegers if a unique optimum exists (Bazaraa et al., 1990). The equivalent LP problem based on the simplified edge path rep-resentation can be described as follows:





cijxij ð4Þ

subject toXn�1


xik �Xn


xli ¼ di1 � din; i ¼ 1;2; . . . ;n; ð5Þ

xij P 0; i – j; i ¼ 1;2; . . . ;n� 1; j ¼ 2;3; . . . ;n; ð6Þ

where dij is the Kronecker delta function defined as dij = 1(i = j), and dij = 0(i – j).Based on the edge path representation, the dual shortest path problem can be formulated as a LP problem as follows

(Wang, 1998):

maximize yn � y1 ð7Þ

subject to yj � yi 6 cij; i – j; i; j ¼ 1;2; . . . ; n; ð8Þ

where yi denotes the dual decision variable associated with vertex i and yi � y1 is the shortest distance from vertex 1 to ver-tex i at optimality. Note that the value of the objective function at its maximum is the total cost of the shortest path (Bazaraaet al., 1990).

Although the last component of the optimal dual solution gives the total cost of the shortest path, the optimal dual solu-tion needs decoding to the optimal primal solution in terms of edges. According to the Complementary Slackness Theorem(Bazaraa et al., 1990): given the feasible solutions of xij and yi to the primal and dual problems, respectively, the solutions areoptimal if and only if

(1) xij = 1 implies yj � yi = cij, i, j = 1, 2, . . ., n,(2) xij = 0 implies yj � yi 6 cij, i, j = 1, 2, . . ., n,

From the above analysis, it is seen that the shortest path problem formulation based on the edge path representation,(4)–(6) with dual (7) and (8), is a LP problem. Thus, we consider the general form of LP problem as

minimize DT x ð9Þ

subject to Ax� b 6 0; ð10Þ

Ex� f ¼ 0; ð11Þ

where A 2 Rm�n; b 2 Rm; E 2 Rl�n; f 2 Rl; x 2 Rn and rank (A,E) = m + l(0 6m, l < n). Throughout this paper, we assume thatLP (9)–(11) has a unique optimal solution. In the next section, we will try to propose an efficient neural network model forsolving LP problem (9)–(11) and discuss its architecture.

3. A neural network model

In this section, using standard optimization techniques, we transform (9)–(11) into a dynamic system. First, we introducesome notation, definitions, two lemmas and two theorems. Throughout this paper, Rn denotes the space of n-dimensionalreal column vectors and T denotes the transpose. In what follows, k.k denotes the l2-norm of Rn and x = (x1,x2, . . . ,xn)T. Forany differentiable function f : Rn ! R; rf ðxÞ 2 Rn means the gradient of f at x. For any differentiable mappingF ¼ ðF1; . . . ; FmÞT : Rn ! Rm; rF ¼ ½rF1ðxÞ; . . . ;rFmðxÞ� 2 Rnþm, denotes the transposed Jacobian of F at x.

Definition 3.1. A function F : Rn ! Rn is said to be Lipschitz continuous with constant L on Rn if for each pair of pointsx; y 2 Rn;

kFðxÞ � FðyÞk 6 Lkx� yk:

F is said to be locally Lipschitz continuous on Rn if each point of Rn has a neighborhood D0 � Rn such that the aboveinequality holds for each pair of points x,y 2 D0.

4 A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19

Definition 3.2. A mapping F : Rn ! Rn is monotone if

ðx� yÞTðFðxÞ � FðyÞÞP 0; 8x; y 2 Rn:

F is said to be strictly monotone if the strict inequality holds whenever x – y.

Lemma 3.3 (Ortega and Rheinboldt, 1970). If a mapping F is continuously differentiable on an open convex set D including X,then F is monotone (strictly monotone) on X if and only if its Jacobian matrixrF(x) is positive semidefinite (positive definite) for allx 2X.

Definition 3.4. Let x(t) be a solution trajectory of a system x0 = F(x), and let X⁄ denotes the set of equilibrium points of thisequation. The solution trajectory of the system is said to be globally convergent to the set X⁄ if x(t) satisfies


distðxðtÞ;X�Þ ¼ 0;

where distðxðtÞ;X�Þ ¼ infy2X� kx� yk. In particular, if the set X⁄ has only one point x⁄, then limt?1x(t) = x⁄, and the system issaid to be globally asymptotically stable at x⁄ if the system is also stable at x⁄ in the sense of Lyapunov.

Lemma 3.5 (Quarteroni et al., 2007). If A 2 Rm�n is of full rank, then ATA is a symmetric positive definite matrix.

Theorem 3.6 (Bazaraa et al., 1990). x� 2 Rn is an optimal solution of (9)–(11) if and only if there exist u� 2 Rm and v� 2 Rl suchthat ðx�T ;u�T ;v�TÞT satisfies the following KKT system

u� P 0; Ax� � b 6 0; u�TðAx� � bÞ ¼ 0;

Dþ AT u� þ ETv� ¼ 0;Ex� � f ¼ 0:

8><>: ð12Þ

x⁄ is called a KKT point of (9)–(11) and a pair ðu�T ;v�TÞT is called the Lagrangian multiplier vector corresponding to x⁄.

Theorem 3.7 (Bazaraa et al., 1990). x⁄ is an optimal solution of (9)–(11) if and only if x⁄ is a KKT point of (9)–(11).Now, let x(.), u(.) and v(.) be some time dependent variables. The aim is to construct a continuous-time dynamical system

that will settle down to the KKT pair of the LP problem (9)–(11) and its dual. We propose a neural network for solving (9)–(11) and its dual, whose dynamical equation is defined as follows:

Fig. 1. A simplified block diagram for the neural network (17) and (18).

A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19 5

dxdt¼ �ðDþ ATðuþ Ax� bÞþ þ ETvÞ; ð13Þ

dudt¼ ðuþ Ax� bÞþ � u; ð14Þ

dvdt¼ Ex� f ; ð15Þ

with the initial point xT0;u



� �T , where

ðuþ Ax� bÞþ ¼ ½ðuþ Ax� bÞ1:�þ; ½ðuþ Ax� bÞ2:�

þ; . . . ; ½ðuþ Ax� bÞm:�

þ� �;

½ðuþ Ax� bÞk:�þ ¼maxfðuþ Ax� bÞk:;0g; k ¼ 1;2; . . . ;m:

To simply the discussion, we define y ¼ ðxT ;uT ;vTÞT 2 Rnþmþl; D� as the optimal point set of (9)–(11) and its dual and define

gðyÞ ¼

�ðDþ ATðuþ Ax� bÞþ þ ETvÞ

ðuþ Ax� bÞþ � u

Ex� f


37775: ð16Þ

Thus neural network 13, 21, 15 can be written in the following form

dydt¼ gðyÞ; ð17Þ

yðt0Þ ¼ y0: ð18Þ

An indication on how the neural network (17) and (18) can be implemented on hardware is provided in Fig. 1.

4. Stability analysis

In this section, we will study some stability and convergence properties for (17) and (18).

Theorem 4.1. Let y� ¼ ðx�T ;u�T ;v�TÞT be the equilibrium point of the neural network (17) and (18). Then x⁄ is a KKT point of theproblem (9)–(11) and its dual. On the other hand, if x� 2 Rn is an optimal solution of problem (9)–(11), then there exist u� 2 Rmandv� 2 Rl such that y� ¼ ðx�T ;u�T ;v�TÞT is an equilibrium point of the proposed neural network (17) and (18).

Proof. Assume y� ¼ ðx�T ;u�T ;v�TÞT to be the equilibrium of the neural network (17) and (18). Then dx�

dt ¼ 0; fracdu�dt ¼ 0 anddv�dt ¼ 0. It follows easily that

Dþ ATðu� þ Ax� � bÞþ þ ETv� ¼ 0; ð19Þ

ðu� þ Ax� � bÞþ � u� ¼ 0; ð20Þ

Ex� � f ¼ 0: ð21Þ

It is clear that (u⁄ + Ax⁄ � b)+ = u⁄ if and only if

u� P 0; Ax� � b 6 0; u�TðAx� � bÞ ¼ 0: ð22Þ

Moreover, substituting (20) into (19) we have

Dþ AT u� þ ETv� ¼ 0: ð23Þ

From (21)–(23), it is seen that y� ¼ ðx�T ;u�T ;v�TÞT satisfies the KKT condition (12). The converse is straightforward. h

Lemma 4.2. For any initial point y(t0) = (x(t0)T,u(t0)T,v(t0)T)T, there exists a unique continuous solution y(t) = (x(t)T,u(t)T,v(t)T)T

for system (17) and (18).

Proof. It is easy to verify that D + AT(u + Ax � b)+ + ETv, (u + Ax � b)+ � u and Ex � f are locally Lipschitz continuous on anopen convex set D # Rnþmþl. According to the local existence of ordinary differential equations (Miller and Michel, 1982), neu-ral network (17) and (18) has a unique continuous solution y(t), t 2 [t0,s) for some s > t0, as s ?1. h

Lemma 4.3. Let A 2 Rm�n be of full rank. Then the Jacobian matrix rg(y) of the mapping g defined in (16) is a negative semidef-inite matrix.

6 A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19

Proof. Without loss of generality, assume that there exists 0 < p < m such that

ðuþ Ax� bÞþ ¼ ððuþ Ax� bÞ1:; ðuþ Ax� bÞ2:; . . . ; ðuþ Ax� bÞp:;0;0; . . . ;0|fflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}m�p


With a simple calculation, it is clearly shown that

rgðyÞ ¼�ðApÞT Ap �ðApÞT �ET

Ap Sm�m Om�l

E Ol�m Ol�l



where O indicates a zero matrix,

Ap ¼Up�n




. . .

. . .




. . .

. . .






Sm�m ¼Op�p Op�ðm�pÞ

Oðm�pÞ�p �Iðm�pÞ�ðm�pÞ

� �:

By the assumption that A is of full rank, the first p rows of matrix Ap are linearly independent, i.e. matrix U is of full rank.Using Lemma 3.5 and the fact that (Ap)TAp = UTU, we see that (Ap)TAp is a positive definite matrix. Moreover, it is clear thatmatrix Sm�m is negative semidefinite matrix. From the stated observations, we can derive that the Jacobian matrix rg(y)is a negative semidefinite matrix.

If p = m, i.e. (u + Ax � b)+ = ((u + Ax � b)1., (u + Ax � b)2., . . . , (u + Ax � b)m.), then

rgðyÞ ¼�AT A �AT �ET

A Om�m Om�l

E Ol�m Ol�l



Again, utilizing Lemma 3.5 and the fact that A is of full rank, it is easily proved that rg(y) is a negative semidefinite matrix.Finally, if p = 0, i.e. ðuþ Ax� bÞþ ¼ ð0;0; . . . ;0|fflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}


Þ, then we obtain

rgðyÞ ¼On�n On�m �ET

Om�n �Im�m Om�l

E Ol�m Ol�l



In this case also it is easy to verify that rg(y) is a negative semidefinite matrix. This completes the proof. h

Theorem 4.4. Let the assumption of Lemma 4.3 be satisfied. Then the proposed neural network model in (17) and (18) is globallystable in the Lyapunov sense and is globally convergent to y� ¼ ðx�T ;u�T ;v�TÞT , where x⁄ is the optimal solution of (9)–(11).

Proof. Consider the Lyapunov function V : Rmþnþl ! R as follows

VðyÞ ¼ kgðyÞk2 þ 12ky� y�k2

: ð24Þ

From (16), it is seen that

dgdt¼ @g@y

dydt¼ rgðyÞgðyÞ:

A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19 7

Calculating the derivative of V(t) along the solution y(t) of the neural network (17) and (18), we have


¼ dgdt

� �T

gþ gT dgdt

� �þ ðy� y�ÞT dyðtÞ

dt¼ gTðrgðyÞT þrgðyÞÞgþ ðy� y�ÞTgðyÞ: ð25Þ

Employing Lemma 4.3, we attain

gTðyÞðrgðyÞT þrgðyÞÞgðyÞ 6 0; 8y – y�: ð26Þ

Moreover, from Definiton 3.2 and Lemma 3.3, we have

ðy� y�ÞTðgðyÞ � gðy�ÞÞ ¼ ðy� y�ÞTgðyÞ 6 0; 8y – y�:



6 0: ð27Þ

This means that the neural network (17) and (18) is globally stable in the sense of Lyapunov. Next, since

VðyÞP 12ky� y�k2

; ð28Þ

there exists a convergent subsequence

f xðtkÞT ;uðtkÞT ;vðtkÞT� T

jt0 < t1 < � � � < tk < tkþ1g; and tk !1 as k!1;

such that limk!1ðxðtkÞT ;uðtkÞT ; vðtkÞTÞT ¼ ð�xT ; �uT ; �vTÞT , where ð�xT ; �uT ; �vTÞT satisfies


¼ 0;

which indicates that ð�xT ; �uT ; �vTÞT is an x-limit point of {(x(t)T,u(t)T,v(t)T)Tjt P t0}. Using the LaSalle invariant set theorem (Ve-gas and Zufiria, 2004), one has that {(x(t)T,u(t)T,v(t)T)T ? M} as t ?1, where M is the largest invariant set in

K ¼ fðxðtÞT ;uðtÞT ;vðtÞTÞT j dVðyðtÞÞdt ¼ 0g. From 17 and 18 and 27 it follows that dx

dt ¼ 0; dudt ¼ 0 and dv

dt ¼ 0() dVðyðtÞÞdt ¼ 0. Thus

ð�xT ; �uT ; �vTÞT 2 D� by M # K # D⁄.Substituting x� ¼ �x; u� ¼ �u and v� ¼ �v in (24), we define another Lyapunov function

VðyÞ ¼ kgðyÞk2 þ 12ky� �yk2

: ð29Þ

Then VðyÞ is continuously differentiable and Vð�yÞ ¼ 0. Noting that

limk!1ðxðtkÞT ;uðtkÞT ; vðtkÞTÞT ¼ ð�xT ; �uT ; �vTÞT ;

we therefore have limk!1VðxðtkÞT ; uðtkÞT ;vðtkÞTÞT ¼ Vð�x; �u; �vÞ.So, "� > 0 there exists q > 0 such that for all t P tq, we have VðyðtÞÞ < �. Similarly, we can obtain dVðyðtÞÞ

dt 6 0. It follows thatfor t P tq,

12kyðtÞ � �yk2

6 VðyðtÞÞ 6 �:

It follows that limt!1kyðtÞ � �yk ¼ 0 and limt!1yðtÞ ¼ �y. Therefore, the proposed neural network in (17) and (18) is globallyconvergent to an equilibrium point �y ¼ ð�xT ; �uT ; �vTÞT , where �x is the optimal solution of (9)–(11). h

As an immediate corollary of Theorem 4.4, we can get the following result.

Corollary 1. Assume that the hypothesis of Lemma 4.3 is satisfied. If D� ¼ fðx�T ;u�T ; v�TÞTg, then the neural network (17) and(18) for solving (9)–(11) is globally asymptotically stable to the unique equilibrium point y� ¼ ðx�T ;u�T ;v�TÞT .

5. Simulation experiments

In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed neural network, in this section, we test 7 examples by the neu-ral network (17) and (18). The simulation is conducted on Matlab 7, the ordinary differential equation solver engaged isode45s.

8 A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19

Example 5.1.

minimize � x1 � x2

subject to

512 x1 � x2 6

3512 ;

52 x1 þ x2 6

352 ;

�x1 6 5;x2 6 5:


The optimal solution to this problem is x⁄ = (5,5)T. We apply the proposed neural network in (17) and (18) to solve this LPproblem. Simulation results show the trajectory of (17) and (18) with any initial point is always convergent toy� ¼ ðx�T ;u�TÞT . For example, Fig. 2 displays the transient behavior of x(t) = (x1(t),x2(t))T based on (17) and (18) with 50 ran-dom initial points. It is easy to verify that whether or not an initial point is taken inside or outside the feasible region, theproposed network always converges to the theoretical optimal solution x⁄.

To see how well the proposed network model (17) and (18) is, we compare it with the Friesz et al. dynamic system inFriesz et al. (1994), given by

dxdt¼ �ðx� PXðx� D� AT uÞÞ; ð30Þ

dudt¼ � u� ðuþ Ax� bÞþ

� �; ð31Þ

0 5 10 15 20 25−10






x1(t) x2(t)



Fig. 2. Transient behaviors of x(t) of the neural network (17) and (18) with 50 various initial points in Example 5.1.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70−4











Fig. 3. Divergent behavior of the system (30) and (31) with the initial point y0 = (5,�4,3,�2,1,0)T in Example 5.1.

A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19 9

where X � Rn is a closed convex set and PX : Rn ! X is a projection operator (Xia and Wang, 2004a) defined by

PXðxÞ ¼ argminv2Xkx� vk:

Fig. 3 shows that this model with the initial point y0 = (5,�4,3,�2,1,0)T is not stable.Moreover, the above problem is solved by using Kennedy and Chua0s neural network in Maa and Shanblatt (1992), given


dxdt¼ �ðDþ cðATðAx� bÞþÞÞ; ð32Þ

where c is a penalty parameter. It is obtained that this network is not capable to find an exact optimal solution due to a finitepenalty parameter and is difficult to implement when the penalty parameter is very large (Lillo et al., 1993). Thus, this net-work only converges an approximate optimal solution of the problem for any given finite penalty parameter.

Example 5.2.

minimize 2x12 � x13 � 4x23 þ 3x24 � 6x34

subject to

x12 þ x13 ¼ 1;x23 þ x24 � x12 ¼ 0;x34 � x13 � x23 ¼ 0;�x24 � x34 ¼ �1:


For simplicity, let assume x1 = x12, x2 = x13, x3 = x23, x4 = x24, x5 = x34. According to the simplified edge path representation, theequivalent LP problem can be described as follows:

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70−2







x12(t)=x 23(t)=x 34(t)=1



Fig. 5. Transient behaviors of x12, x23 and x34 of the neural network (17) and (18) with 5 various initial points in Example 5.2.

Fig. 4. The graph for Example 5.2.

10 A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19

minimize 2x1 � x2 � 4x3 þ 3x4 � 6x5

subject to

x1 þ x2 ¼ 1;�x1 þ x3 þ x4 ¼ 0;�x2 � x3 þ x5 ¼ 0;�x4 � x5 ¼ �1;x P 0:


The shortest path in the graph of Fig. 4 is: 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4. All simulation results show that the state trajectory of the pro-posed model converges to the unique optimal solution x�12 ¼ x�23 ¼ x�34 ¼ 1 and x�13 ¼ x�24 ¼ 0. Figs. 5 and 6 show that the tra-jectories of the neural network model (17) and (18) with 5 random initial points converge to the optimal solution of thisexample. An l2 norm error between x and x⁄ is also shown in Fig. 7.

To make a comparison, the above problem is solved by using the dynamic system in Friesz et al., 1994. Figs. 8 and 9 showthat this model with the initial point y0 = (�7,6,�5,4,�3,2,�1,0,1,�2,3,�4,5,�6)T is not stable.

Example 5.3.

minimize 4x41 þ 2x12 � 3x24 þ 6x31 � 7x32 þ 3x34 þ 5x42

subject to

x12 � x31 � x41 ¼ 1;x24 � x42 � x12 � x32 ¼ 0;x32 þ x31 þ x34 ¼ 0;x42 þ x41 � x24 � x34 ¼ �1:


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70−6







x13(t)=x 24(t)=0



Fig. 6. Transient behaviors of x13 and x24 of the neural network (17) and (18) with 5 various initial points in Example 5.2.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 700











−x* ||2

Fig. 7. The convergence behavior of kx(t) � x⁄k2 in Example 5.2.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30−10














Fig. 9. Divergent behaviors of x13 and x24 of the neural network (17) and (18) with y0 = (�7,6,�5,4,�3,2,�1,0,1,�2,3,�4,5,�6)T in Example 5.2.

Fig. 10. The graph for Example 5.3.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30−10














Fig. 8. Divergent behaviors of x12, x23 and x34 of the neural network (17) and (18) with y0 = (�7,6,�5,4,�3,2,�1,0,1,�2,3,�4,5,�6)T in Example 5.2.

A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19 11

The optimal solution for this problem is

x�41 ¼ x�31 ¼ x�32 ¼ x�34 ¼ x�42 ¼ 0;x�12 ¼ x�24 ¼ 1:

Thus, the shortest path in the graph of Fig. 10 is: 1 ? 2 ? 4. Figs. 11–13 display the transient behavior of the proposed net-work with the initial point

0 10 20 30 40 50 60−6








x12(t)=x 24(t)=1



Fig. 11. Transient behaviors of x12 and x24 of the neural network (17) and (18) with x0 = (1,�1,2,�2,3,�3,4)T in Example 5.3.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60−4







x41(t)=x 31(t)=x 32(t)=0



Fig. 12. Transient behaviors of x41, x31 and x32 of the neural network (17) and (18) with x0 = (1,�1,2,�2,3,�3,4)T in Example 5.3.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60−6











x34(t)=x 42(t)=0



Fig. 13. Transient behaviors of x34 and x42 of the neural network (17) and (18) with x0 = (1,�1,2,�2,3,�3,4)T in Example 5.3.

12 A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19

0 10 20 30 40 50 60−70











al c

ost f

or th

e pa


Fig. 14. The total cost for the path with x0 = (1,�1,2,�2,3,�3,4)T in Example 5.3.

A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19 13

x0 ¼ ðx41ð0Þ; x12ð0Þ; x24ð0Þ; x31ð0Þ; x32ð0Þ; x34ð0Þ; x42ð0ÞÞT ¼ ð1;�1;2;�2;3;�3;4ÞT :

The total cost for the path, that is �1, is also shown in Fig. 14.

Example 5.4.

minimize 3x12 þ 9x13 þ 12x15 þ 2x24 þ 9x27 þ 8x25 þ 4x35 þ 13x38

þ 12x36 þ 5x47 þ x57 þ 16x59 þ 6x58 þ 2x68 þ 15x79 þ 4x89

subject to

x12 þ x13 þ x15 ¼ 1;x24 þ x27 þ x25 � x12 ¼ 0;x35 þ x38 þ x36 � x13 ¼ 0;x47 � x24 ¼ 0;x57 þ x59 þ x58 � x15 � x25 � x35 ¼ 0;x68 � x36 ¼ 0;x79 � x57 � x27 � x47 ¼ 0;x89 � x38 � x58 � x38 ¼ 0;�x89 � x59 � x79 ¼ �1:


The optimal solution for this problem is

x�12 ¼ x�25 ¼ x�58 ¼ x�89 ¼ 1;x�13 ¼ x�15 ¼ x�24 ¼ x�27 ¼ x�35 ¼ x�38 ¼ x�36 ¼ x�47 ¼ x�57 ¼ x�59 ¼ x�68 ¼ x�79 ¼ 0:

Thus, the shortest path in the graph of Fig. 15 is: 1 ? 2 ? 5 ? 8 ? 9. An l2 norm error between x and x⁄ with 10 differentinitial points is shown in Fig. 16.

Example 5.5.

minimize 3x12 þ 5x13 þ 3x14 þ 7x25 þ x23 þ x34 þ 3x35 þ 2x42 þ 5x45

subject to

x12 þ x13 þ x14 ¼ 1;x23 þ x25 � x42 � x12 ¼ 0;x34 þ x35 � x13 � x23 ¼ 0;x42 þ x45 � x34 � x14 ¼ 0;�x45 � x25 � x35 ¼ �1:


The optimal solution for this problem is

x�12 ¼ x�23 ¼ x�35 ¼ 1;x�13 ¼ x�14 ¼ x�25 ¼ x�34 ¼ x�42 ¼ x�45 ¼ 0:

0 5 10 15 200












−x* ||2

Fig. 16. The convergence behavior of kx(t) � x⁄k2 in Example 5.4.

Fig. 15. The graph for Example 5.4.

Fig. 17. The graph for Example 5.5

14 A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70−3











x x12(t)=x 23(t)=x 35(t)=1

Fig. 18. Transient behaviors of x12, x23 and x35 of the neural network (17) and (18) with x0 = (3,�3,3,�3,3,�3,3,�3,3)T in Example 5.5.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70−3










Fig. 19. Transient behaviors of x13, x14 and x25 of the neural network (17) and (18) with x0 = (3,�3,3,�3,3,�3,3,�3,3)T in Example 5.5.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70−4












Fig. 20. Transient behaviors of x34, x42 and x45 of the neural network (17) and (18) with x0 = (3,�3,3,�3,3,�3,3,�3,3)T in Example 5.5.

A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19 15

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70−20









al c

ost f

or th

e pa


Fig. 21. The total cost for the path with x0 = (3,�3,3,�3,3,�3,3,�3,3)T in Example 5.5.

16 A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19

Thus, the shortest path in the graph of Fig. 17 is: 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 5. Figs. 18–20 display the transient behavior of the proposednetwork with the initial point

x0 ¼ ðx12ð0Þ; x13ð0Þ; x14ð0Þ; x25ð0Þ; x23ð0Þ; x34ð0Þ; x35ð0Þ; x42ð0Þ; x45ð0ÞÞT ¼ ð3;�3;3;�3;3;�3;3;�3;3ÞT :

The total cost for the path, that is 7, is also shown in Fig. 21.

Example 5.6.

minimize 7x12 þ 4x13 þ 6x14 þ x15 þ 2x32 þ 5x34 þ 3x42 þ x54

subject to

x12 þ x13 þ x14 þ x15 ¼ 1;�x12 � x32 � x42 ¼ 0;x32 þ x34 � x13 ¼ 0;x42 � x34 � x14 � x54 ¼ 0;x54 � x15 ¼ �1:


The optimal solution for this problem is

x�15 ¼ 1;x�12 ¼ x�13 ¼ x�14 ¼ x�32 ¼ x�34 ¼ x�42 ¼ x�54 ¼ 0:

Thus, the shortest path in the graph of Fig. 22 is: 1 ? 5. Figs. 23–25 display the transient behavior of the proposed networkwith the initial point

x0 ¼ ðx12ð0Þ; x13ð0Þ; x14ð0Þ; x15ð0Þ; x32ð0Þ; x34ð0Þ; x42ð0Þ; x54ð0ÞÞT ¼ ð�2;2;�2;2;�2;2;�2;2ÞT :

Fig. 22. The graph for Example 5.6.

0 10 20 30 40 50−3











x12(t)=x13(t)=x14 (t)=0



Fig. 24. Transient behaviors of x12, x13 and x14 with x0 = (�2,2,�2,2,�2,2,�2,2)T in Example 5.6.

0 10 20 30 40 50−3









x32(t)=x 34(t)=x 42(t)=x 54(t)=0



Fig. 25. Transient behaviors of x32, x34, x42 and x54 with x0 = (�2,2,�2,2,�2,2,�2,2)T in Example 5.6.

0 10 20 30 40 50−1











Fig. 23. Transient behaviors of x15 with x0 = (�2,2,�2,2,�2,2,�2,2)T in Example 5.6.

A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19 17

Fig. 26. The graph for Example 5.7.

0 5 10 15 20 25 300












−x* ||2

Fig. 27. The convergence behavior of kx(t) � x⁄k2 in Example 5.7.

18 A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19

Example 5.7.

minimize x12 þ 2x13 þ 3x23 þ 3x32 þ 2x31 þ 4x25 þ 2x24 þ 2x42

þ 5x34 þ 5x43 � x45 � x54 þ 2x56 þ 2x65 þ 3x36 þ x35 þ x53

subject to

x12 þ x13 � x31 ¼ 1;x23 þ x25 þ x24 � x12 � x32 � x42 ¼ 0;x31 þ x32 þ x34 þ x35 þ x36 � x13 � x23 � x43 � x53 ¼ 0;x42 þ x43 þ x45 � x24 � x34 � x54 ¼ 0;x54 þ x53 þ x56 � x45 � x35 � x65 � x25 ¼ 0;x65 � x56 � x36 ¼ �1:


The optimal solution for this problem is

x�13 ¼ x36 ¼ 1;x�12 ¼ x�23 ¼ x�32 ¼ x�31 ¼ x�25 ¼ x�24 ¼ x�42 ¼ x�34 ¼ x�43 ¼ x�45 ¼ x�54 ¼ x�56 ¼ x�65 ¼ x�35 ¼ x�53 ¼ 0:

Thus, the shortest path in the graph of Fig. 26 is: 1 ? 3 ? 6. An l2 norm error between x and x⁄with 10 different initial pointsis shown in Fig. 27.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we have proposed a high-performance neural network model for solving the shortest path problem. Basedon the Lyapunov stability theory and LaSalle invariance principle, we prove strictly the asymptotic stability of the proposednetwork. From any initial point, the trajectory of this network converges to an optimal solution of the original programming

A. Nazemi, F. Omidi / Transportation Research Part C 26 (2013) 1–19 19

problem. The structure of the proposed network is reliable and efficient. The other advantages of the proposed neural net-work are that it can be implemented without a penalty parameter and can be convergent to an exact solution of the problem.The results obtained are highly valuable in both theory and practice for solving the shortest path problems in engineering.


The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewer for his (her) suggestions in improving the quality of the paper.


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