Download - An April Fool

  • An April Fool

    Wiley A Few to Many

    Late Night, Now Early A Bite in Time` Past March

    A Chilly Evening Hed Remember Wobbling a Bit, His Friend Following An Order and Paid for the Delivery

    This Flat Bread of Pasta He was Now Seated, Awaiting the Order It Started Raining

    Old Radiator Rattling His Buddy Disappeared,

    Bailey the Dog and a Pickup` A Clang and a Bang from the Truck

    Into the Night His Friend with a Smile Heat Rattling a Clang, Bang and a Boom

    Back Firing` in the Night with only One Light The Order Never Arrived, He had been Cheated A Clang, Bang and a Boom Theyd Returned Willow in the Pickup, It was to Late to Reorder A Tie Stained of Sauce, Bailey was Smiling A Take Out Box in the Back of the Truck

    Naive His Trust of this Old Friend An April Fool

    Wiley lding Piepereit Thinkstock #89954809