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21 September 2010

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International Military AntiquesOffers an Alternative forMachinegun CollectorsSEP 21, 2010 09:18A.M.

International Military Antiques (IMA) Offers an Alternative

for Machinegun Collectors

Schwarzlose Water Cooled Machine Gun

Michigan --( Owning a piece of history is something


Owning a piece of history that is actually a machine-gun requires a lot of

special paperwork and hassle.

The alternative is to get a historic item that doesn’t actually fire. While

that might seem like half the fun is missing, think of half the fun you get

for having a fantastic display item – one that is generally legal to own

and still looks quite impressive.

International Military Antiques (IMA) is one of the premier sellers of

such historical items, as well as other unique oddities and collectibles.

We talked to owners Christian and Alexander Cranmer about their

business, how they got started and what the future might hold for


International Military Antiques

FirearmsTruth: How did your company get started in the business of

selling display machine guns?

Christian Cranmer: IMA started in 1981 as the U.S. retail selling arm

of our British wholesale company, Fire-Power International Ltd which

was founded in 1967. FPI purchased military surplus from third world

governments and sold to European Dealers initially mostly Germany.

Most of the materials, at this early stage, were rifles and handguns with

some militaria (bayonets, swords and accouterments), but a few years

later Machine Guns were added to the menu principally because the

selling governments wanted to include them in their sale offers. Initially,

IMA dealt only in the Militaria side, not adding the Firearm parts until

1990. U.S. Federal Law prevented the importation of receivers (to use an

auto analogy; the “engine block” of the MG) so we broke the weapons

into parts for importation leaving the “engine block” in back at FPI in

England. Supply was initially strong but sales of these spare parts for

existing weapons soon were satisfied so another avenue needed to be

found to move this material.

This led to the development of the “Dummy Gun,” which is essentially a

look-alike display inert weapon but constructed with mostly original

parts. The original parts are then fitted onto a solid aluminum inert

receiver which makes a fantastic display but is totally inert and harmless.

FirearmsTruth: There have been many parts kits on the market, but

how do you ensure that what you’re selling won’t get your customers in


Alexander Cranmer: IMA continually created new models and

submitted them to the BATF Technical Branch for evaluation and

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approval. At that time, the head of tech services would issue a letter

confirming that a weapon rebuilt in the way our sample was presented

was “NO LONGER DEEMED A FIREARM” thereby permitting open sale.

We submitted dozens of weapon systems for which we each got a letter

and is still the basis for not only our Display Gun sales, but the majority

of the US Dummy Gun Market.

FirearmsTruth: To be clear, can you describe exactly what is a display

machine gun?

Alexander Cranmer: A vintage display machine gun is like a Model T

Ford that has a solid engine block, they both look the part but neither

will ever run. The reason a display machine gun looks “the business” is

because it is constructed from original serviceable parts. However, what

makes it a display as opposed to an operational gun is that we replace the

most crucial part, the receiver (or engine block), with a new made

aluminum receiver or an original de-militarized (“demilled”) receiver.

A demilled receiver has been flame cut into multiple pieces (according to

BATF guidelines). We then re-weld this cut receiver into a “lump”. We

call it a lump because there is no internal space for any parts whatsoever,

rendering it completely inert and only useful for display. It should also

be noted that when a receiver is cut in multiple locations some original

steel is lost. This means that when the receivers are “lumped” they are

generally slightly shorter. This additional step makes it virtually

impossible to engineer our lump receivers to working condition. Today,

due to recent import laws, even the barrels have been destroyed or

replaced with an inert rod or tube. In short, it would far be easier to build

a MG from scratch than to attempt to reactivate one of our Display

Machine Guns. Hypothesize for a moment that it was possible to convert

a display machine gun to working condition, well, anyone with the

required skills, tools and materials would be able to make a far more

lethal machine gun in a fraction of the time for a faction of the cost. Lets

go back to the automobile analogy, if you had the skills to build a race

car, would you build a 2010 Ferrari or a 1920 Model T Ford?

FirearmsTruth: What have been some of the most popular and

desirable items?

Alexander Cranmer: German WW2 Machine Guns of the Nazi era are

the best sellers, followed by U.S. and British. In 1996 we offered German

MP 44 Parts Sets for $395 and “Display MP 44s” at $495. Today an MP

44 Display Gun easily brings $3,500. Similarly MP 40 parts sets were

sold by IMA in 1993 at $325, today the going price for an MP 40 parts set

price is well over $ 2,000. We have a saying that there are Nazi

Collectors and there are Collectors of everything else. It is probably a

sense of “dancing with the Devil” as, ironically, some of the biggest Nazi

memorabilia collectors in the world are Jewish. Also, to be fair, the

Germans are and were master engineers. The majority of the German

WWII guns & equipment are simply superior in design and quality than

comparable allied items.

FirearmsTruth: For a long time it wasn’t even legal to own a non-

firing machine gun in many states, but with a few exceptions these are

generally legal today. Do you think the laws controlling the firing guns

make these display weapons so popular?

Alexander Cranmer: Different States and municipalities have

different regulations but, in general, the reason for non-gun or Display

Guns popularity is that legal ownership of a working machine gun,

although possible in some States (not all), requires so many security

measures and responsibilities that an Display Inert Original item without

complications seems highly preferable in comparison. Also, the

availability of registered fully automatic machine guns is very limited

and or owning and transporting a converted semi- auto MG gun drives

up the cost significantly, meaning its far more affordable, easier, and

safer to purchase a display inert machine gun.

FirearmsTruth: Since 2005 there has been a ban on the importation of

parts kits to the United States. Does this mean there is only so much

more stuff out there?

Alexander Cranmer: Actually, there is not a current ban on Machine

Guns Parts Sets, however the 2005 regulation you refer to concerns

barrels. When the Justice Department took over the BATF from Treasury

their lawyers reviewed all existing Laws and decided that the clause in

the 1968 Gun Control Act denying importation for “short” Revolver

Barrels for Saturday Night Specials could also be interpreted to include

Machine Gun barrels. It is not what the Law says, or is intended to say,

but it is the current interpretation of the present Justice Department and

Administration. There are currently moves to have this struck down in

court, we are told, but from IMA’s point of view we have no problem

constructing a Display Machine Gun using a demilitarized or deactivated

barrels in an inert display item.

Additionally, the Government is using various other Laws to impose

import bans on Chinese and ex Soviet Weapons and even American

Returned Goods that was introduced in the 1950s to prevent handguns

made by Smith & Wesson and Colt for example, that had been supplied

to U.S. Allies at no cost (Lend/Lease Program) being re-imported to

compete with those manufacturers in the post war domestic market. It is

now 65 years since WWII ended and this Law prevents one importing a

WWI Springfield bolt Action Rifle made in 1903, over 100 years old, a

rifle possibly carried by our Grand Fathers or even Great Grand Fathers.

This appears to be utter madness and is a slap in the face of every

Veteran who has ever served his country. This particular rifle even

predates the Model T Ford!

FirearmsTruth: Will demand eventually tap out the supply?

For IMA, and most WWII collectors, the end of an era is in sight. Even

the Third World is now almost empty of the desirable WW1 and WW2

materials which have become so popular in the last 20 years probably

because of films like Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers. Today

the Government offerings, such as they are, consist of weapons made in

the 1960s/1970s and 1980s, which have little romantic association. The

vast majority of military surplus now is automatically destroyed,

regardless of value, in accordance with various United Nations

directives. The bright side is that this means that every vintage military

antique in anyone’s collection goes up in value every day.

Peter Suciu is executive editor of, a

website that tracks and monitors media bias against guns

and our Second Amendment rights. Visit:

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International Military Antiques Offers an Alternative for Machinegun


Tags: Antique Guns,, Gun Collections, Gun

Collectors, IMA, International Military Antiques, Peter Suciu


Hunters, Be Prepared for BearsSEP 20, 2010 07:58P.M.

Hunters, Be Prepared for Bears

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

MALTA, Mont. --( With upland bird, archery and

backcountry rifle seasons underway, hunters should be prepared for

what to do in case of a bear encounter.

“This is the time of year when bears are in a constant search

for food before winter, and hunters should be extra careful,

particularly in areas with dense cover where you can surprise

a bear at close range,” said James Jonkel, Montana Fish,

Wildlife & Parks Region 2 Bear Management Specialist.

Hunting is a prime time to encounter a bear.

Hunters should follow these tips in bear country:

• Always carry bear spray, have it close at hand and know how to use


• Hunt with a partner or let someone know your plans and

periodically check in.

• When field dressing the carcass, keep your can of bear spray within

easy reach.

• Get harvested game out of the woods quickly.

• Carry a lightweight tarp or space blanket to put the entails on and

pull them well away from the carcass and then cover the carcass

with the tarp to reduce the scent, if the carcass is left unattended.

• When returning to a site where harvested game is left unattended,

study the site at a distance for any movement or changes and signal

your approach by making plenty of noise.

• Do not attempt to frighten or haze a bear from a carcass.

If a bear finds a carcass unattended and is eating it or has covered it with

debris and it is not salvageable, contact FWP.

For more on black bears, got to the FWP website at on the

Wild Things page and click on Living With Wildlife.

A “How to Hunt Safely in Grizzly Country” brochure is also available at

FWP regional offices.

Montana 2010 Black Bear Regulations

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Hunters, Be Prepared for Bears

Tags: Bear Hunting, Bear Management, Black Bears, Grizzly Bears,

MFWP, Montana, Montana Department of Fish And Game

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Multiple Grizzlies, Black BearsCaptured & Moved in WesternMontanaSEP 20, 2010 07:37P.M.

Multiple Grizzlies, Black Bears Captured and Moved in

Western Montana

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

MALTA, Mont. --( Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

(FWP) biologists and field assistants captured and moved three grizzly

bears and multiple black bears in western Montana’s Region 2 this


On September 11, FWP captured an adult male grizzly bear in the

Woodworth Road area south of Seeley Lake. This bear was habituated to

visiting residential areas and had become too comfortable grazing and

spending time in close proximity to children and others. The grizzly was

taken to a research facility at Washington State University in Pullman,


Another female grizzly bear and her cub were captured on September 14

north of Seeley Lake. These bears were routinely searching out chicken

feed as well as visiting porches and entering buildings looking for

garbage, birdseed and grain. Because they were conditioned to unnatural

food sources, these grizzlies could not be released back into the wild and

were transported to the Tulsa, Oklahoma Zoo.

Since the first of September, FWP staff has also trapped four black bears

in the Missoula area and many additional bears in other western

Montana communities. FWP relocated three of the bears captured in

Missoula to remote mountain areas around western Montana and took

one cub to the FWP animal rehabilitation center in Helena to be held

until it can be released in the spring.

In addition, a sub-adult male grizzly and two other grizzly bear cubs were

killed along the highways in the Blackfoot-Clearwater drainage in August

and September, and FWP continues to receive reports of other grizzlies

and black bears crossing roads and neighborhoods across western


“The conflicts have increased dramatically over the past few

weeks,” FWP Region 2 Bear Management Specialist, James

Jonkel said. “Bears are in a period of intense eating before the

winter season and they’re coming down into the valleys near

communities and roadways looking for natural food, but they

sometimes find easier sources like garbage and chicken coops

along the way.”

When bears show up looking for food and receive food rewards in the

form of pet and livestock food, bird feeders, and garbage left outdoors,

they become conditioned and continue to return to those same areas.

Jonkel said that these bears tend to become bolder and more aggressive

towards humans, and often there is no alternative but to relocate or

euthanize the offender.

FWP is currently working to trap a few bears in Missoula’s Rattlesnake

neighborhood that are food conditioned and chronically getting into

unnatural food sources. Jonkel says that neighborhood residents should

be commended for their work in keeping attractants contained but that

they need to stay diligent through the fall.

“The best solution is prevention,” Jonkel said. “As a property

owner, the most important thing to remember is to minimize

bear attractants.”

Specifically, Jonkel reminds residents to keep garbage stored inside stout

buildings or in a bear-resistant container until the day of collection, take

down bird feeders until December and make sure chickens and feed are

in a secure building or surrounded by an electric fence.

Fruit trees are also a major bear attractant right now, and homeowners

should harvest fruit as soon as it ripens.

“We strongly urge residents to keep all garbage and other

attractants secured until the snow flies,” Jonkel said.

Contact FWP at 406-542-5500 to learn more about how to minimize

backyard bear attractants and what bear deterrent systems, such as bear-

resistant garbage cans or electric fence kits, may be needed to keep

attractants off-limits.

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Multiple Grizzlies, Black Bears Captured & Moved in Western Montana

Tags: Bear Hunting, Bear Management, Black Bears, Grizzly Bears,

MFWP, Montana, Montana Department of Fish And Game

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Leupold, Remington ContinueM-24 Sniper Rifle PartnershipWith New UpgradeSEP 20, 2010 06:29P.M.

Leupold, Remington Continue M-24 Sniper Rifle Partnership

With New Upgrade

Leupold Debuts Mark 4 6.5-20x50mm Extended Range/Tactical (ER/T)

M5 Locking Adjustment Riflescope.

Remington M24 Sniper Rifle with Leupold ERT Scope

Leupold Tactical Optics

BEAVERTON, Ore. --( Remington’s latest upgrade

of its Sniper Weapon System for the U.S. Army, the M-24E1, includes a

new Leupold Mark 4 6.5-20x50mm Extended Range/Tactical (ER/T) M5

Locking Adjustment riflescope.

Specially designed and built with the military sniper in mind, the scope

has an auto-locking elevation adjustment. This feature ensures rock-

solid reticle adjustment is maintained during rough going and stressful

conditions on the battlefield.

“This new scope incorporates all of the features our

warfighters have been asking for,” said Kevin Trepa,

Leupold’s vice president of tactical sales and marketing. “We

are working hard to design, manufacture and deliver the tools

they need to get the job done.”

Leupold President and CEO Calvin Johnston added, “We are

excited that our newest riflescope is part of Remington’s

upgraded M-24E1 Sniper Weapon System. Leupold will

continue to leverage its Oregon-based workforce to provide

the military with superior products built to their


Other key features of the new ER/T include M5 windage and elevation

adjustment dials with audible, tactile 1/10 (0.1) milliradian clicks to

match the range-estimating, mil-based Horus reticle options. This allows

fast, intuitive shot correction in the field. An elevation zero-stop helps

prevent under-rotation in high-stress situations.

With the battle-proven Horus H27 or H58 reticle in the front focal plane,

the scope offers the versatility of a variable magnification optic and the

ability to accurately range at all magnification settings (the reticle

magnifies with the image).

Leupold’s Xtended Twilight Lens System delivers an exceptionally clear,

bright sight picture for outstanding target discrimination at all powers

and in a wide range of lighting and environmental conditions. A lockable

fast-focus eyepiece makes reticle focus simple to achieve and maintain. It

also enables long eye relief to provide the shooter with nearly instant

target acquisition.

Other key features include side focus parallax adjustment for fast, easy

parallax focusing from 75 yards to infinity, from any shooting position.

The 34mm maintube provides exceptional strength and allows for

maximum windage and elevation adjustment.

The Mark 4 6.5-20x50mm ER/T M5 Locking Adjustment riflescope is

waterproof, fog proof and shock proof. Exhaustive testing in the factory

and field ensures durability. With its M5 Locking Adjustment, the

scope’s platform is unique in the Mark 4 ER/T line. It is controlled under

International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and limited to

domestic and international government sales only.

Leupold has offered precision optics for tactical applications since the

1983 introduction of Ultra riflescopes, which were designed to excel

under the most extreme battlefield conditions. Today, more Leupold

long-range optics are in service with the U.S. military than any other

brand. For more information on Leupold tactical optics, go to

Leupold & Stevens, Inc., the preeminent American-owned and -operated

optics company, employs more than 600 people in its state-of-the-art

facility near Beaverton, Ore., where rugged, dependable, high-

performance Mark 4 and Golden Ring optics are designed, machined and

assembled. Leupold is a fifth-generation, family-owned company whose

products are sold worldwide to military warfighters, law enforcement

personnel, hunters, competitive shooters and wildlife observers. The

product line includes rifle, handgun and spotting scopes; binoculars;

rangefinders; flashlights; mounting systems; and optical tools and


Leupold & Stevens, Inc. is a Charter Supporter of the Hunting

and Shooting Sports Heritage Foundation.

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Leupold & Stevens, Inc., P.O. Box 688 Beaverton, OR 97075-0688 U.S.A.

(800) LEUPOLD or (503) 526-1400 Fax: (503) 352-7621

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Leupold, Remington Continue M-24 Sniper Rifle Partnership With New


Tags: High Power Rifles, Leupold, Military Contracts, Military Snipers,

Remington Arms Company, Sniper Rifles, US Army


US Army Awards RemingtonArms a Contract to ReconfigureM24 Sniper Weapon SystemsSEP 20, 2010 06:13P.M.

US Army Awards Remington Arms a Contract to Reconfigure

M24 Sniper Weapon Systems

US Army Awards Remington Arms a Contract to Reconfigure M24

Sniper Weapon Systems

Remington Arms Company

Madison, NC --( Remington Arms Company, Inc.

(“Remington”), a member of the Freedom Group of Companies, is

pleased to announce that the United States Army’s Joint Munitions and

Lethality Contracting Center has awarded Remington a Firm Fixed Price

(FFP) Indefinite Delivery/ Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) contract

(W15QKN-10-R-0403) for the upgrade of up to 3,600 M24 Sniper

Weapon Systems (SWS) currently fielded to the Army pending type

classification as the “M24E1”.

The major configuration change for this system is the caliber conversion

from 7.62mm NATO (.308 Winchester) to .300 Winchester Magnum to

provide soldier’s with additional precision engagement capability and


The contract is for a five (5) year period and has guaranteed minimum

value of $192K with a potential value of up to $28.2 million.

This award follows a full and open competitive evaluation lasting 9

months, which began with the release of the Army’s Request for Proposal

(RFP) on 13 January 2010.

The program will be executed under the authority of Project Manager

Soldier Weapons, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ, and managed by its subordinate

unit, Product Manager Individual Weapons

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US Army Awards Remington Arms a Contract to Reconfigure M24

Sniper Weapon Systems

Tags: High Power Rifles, Military Contracts, Military Snipers,

Remington Arms Company, Sniper Rifles, US Army


Montana Landowners &Hunters Asked to Report Deador Dying DeerSEP 20, 2010 06:02P.M.

Montana Landowners & Hunters Asked to Report Sightings of

Dead or Dying Deer

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Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease in Deer

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

GLASGOW, Mont. –-( Scattered reports of white-

tailed deer being found dead in recent weeks in parts of Montana

Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks Region 6 have prompted state

biologists to enlist the help of landowners and hunters.

“Folks who are out in the field and notice deer that have

recently died from unknown causes are asked to call our

office in Glasgow at (406) 228-3700 to report the number of

animals and the exact location,” said Region 6 Wildlife

Program Manager Mark Sullivan.

“We’ve been awaiting the results of testing on several deer

that have recently been found to determine whether they’ve

died from epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) or some

other traceable cause,” Sullivan said.

“We just learned that a sample from one of the deer tested

positive for EHD. There doesn’t appear to be reason for

alarm, but we are seeing a few deer dying rather suspiciously.

With help from the public, we hope to determine the extent of

the incidents. It may not be widespread at all.”

EHD is an acute, infectious, often-fatal viral disease of some wild

ruminants, especially white-tailed deer. The disease, characterized by

extensive hemorrhaging, fever, and a resultant urge to be near or even

immersed in temperature-controlling fresh water, has been responsible

for significant die-offs over the years in the northern United States and

southern Canada.

A similar hemorrhagic disease commonly called bluetongue also occurs

throughout the U.S. and Canada, but the two diseases are clinically

different. Both diseases can affect mule deer and pronghorn antelope,

but not as commonly as white-tailed deer.

Outbreaks of EHD and bluetongue most commonly occur during the

summer and early fall, and animals typically develop signs of EHD about

a week after exposure. Along with dead deer, landowners and hunters

are asked to watch for deer that have lost their fear of humans, may be

weak and salivating excessively or are semiconscious.

In cases of bluetongue, hemorrhaging and lack of oxygen in the blood

may result in blue coloration in the animal’s mouth. Overall, the

hemorrhages from these diseases range widely in size and involve a

variety of different tissues and organs. Infected animals usually die

within 36 hours of showing symptoms.

At this point there is no known treatment or control of these diseases,

which researchers say have not been found to affect humans. EHD is

spread by tiny biting flies, so a hard frost that kills these insects ends the

spread of any ongoing outbreaks.

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Montana Landowners & Hunters Asked to Report Dead or Dying Deer

Tags: Deer Hunters, Montana, Montana Department of Fish And Game,


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Team Sinclair’s Jeffery RorerWins Big At Canadian FullboreChampionshipsSEP 20, 2010 05:44P.M.

Team Sinclair’s Jeffery Rorer Wins Big At Canadian Fullbore


Sinclair Ammunition Reloading Supplies

Montezuma, Iowa --( Team Sinclair’s Jeffrey Rorer

dominated the field over nine days of competition to win the MacDonald

Stewart Grand Aggregate in the F-Class TR (Target Rifle) category at the

128th Canadian Fullbore Championships held at the Connaught Rifle

Range outside of Ottawa, Ontario.

The win earned Rorer the title of Canadian Fullbore F-Class TR

Champion for 2010.

In F-TR competition Rorer also won the Farquharson Trophy in a

runaway as his nearest competitor fell 21 points off the pace.

The prestigious Governor General’s prize came down to the wire for the

hard-holding Rorer as the other F-Class TR shooters matched him shot

for shot, cleaning most stages handily at various ranges out to 900


In the end, Rorer nabbed that prize, too, despite dropping six points in

the 900-meter stage as the wind let off sharply. However, his nearest

competitor, Matt Wolf, also dropped six points and finished three points

back. Rorer won a total of 18 matches and aggregates over the nine days.

Rorer also helped Team USA win the F-Class team match.

Team Sinclair’s Jeffery Rorer

The 36-year-old North Carolina native has been a member of Team

Sinclair for one year. His rifle was built on a Kelbly Panda action and

trigger with a Broughton Palma barrel chambered for .308 Winchester.

This combination is bedded into a McMillan prone rifle stock and has a

Center Shot bipod. It is topped with a Nightforce 12-42 NXS scope with

NP-R1 reticle.

Rorer’s handloads use Lapua brass, Berger 185-gr. BT bullets and Varget

powder. “My charge of Varget depends on the lot number, but I use

enough to get 2,800 fps,” he said. “I’ve had to vary my powder charge

about one grain over the years.” Rorer uses Redding, RCBS and Sinclair

dies and tools to obtain precision match ammo.


Sinclair International is the world’s premier supplier of high-quality

reloading tools, components and accessories plus unique target shooting

and hunting supplies. Stocking more than 10,000 items, the company

supplies reloaders, shooters and hunters worldwide. To order, or for

more information, call 800-717-8211 or visit and

mention code PGK.

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Team Sinclair’s Jeffery Rorer Wins Big At Canadian Fullbore


Tags: Competition Shooters, Competitive Shooting News, Shooting

Teams, Sinclair, Sinclair International, Target Shooting, Winners

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Take Aim at Montrose, Colo.,for a Memorable Fall HuntingGetawaySEP 20, 2010 05:32P.M.

Take Aim at Montrose, Colo., for a Memorable Fall Hunting


Named one of the best towns for outdoorsmen, Montrose boasts more

than a dozen outfitters.

Montrose, Colo., Memorable Fall Hunting Getaway

Colorado Division of Wildlife

Montrose, Colo. --( Montrose, Colo., is an outdoor

lover’s paradise. So much so that recently, the city was named to

Outdoor Life magazine’s annual list of the 200 best towns in America for


The options for sportsmen are as vast as the Colorado backcountry is big.

Montrose, with its 62,000 acres of BLM-managed lands, boasts elk, deer,

antelope, mountain lions, sheep, waterfowl, rabbits, and even a drawing

for moose season.

Montrose has more than a dozen outfitters standing by to take hunters to

some of the favorite local hot spots. Whether new to the sport or loking

to sharpen their skills, one of these knowledgeable outfitters can help

keep hunters on target.

There are many different trip types available; guided trips

start at about $3,000.

• Action Adventures ( – Specializing in

wilderness horseback pack-in elk hunts, Action Adventures also

offers private land elk and mule deer hunts.

• Camp David Outfitting ( – This

group offers exclusive private land hunts for elk and mule deer on

the beautiful Uncompahgre Plateau. Guided Hunts include lodging,

meals, transportation while hunting, and packing out the animals.

• Conrad’s High Country Outfitters ( –

Archery hunting for big bulls in the Colorado backcountry has been

this outfitter’s specialty for 30 years, though they also cater to

muzzleloader and rifle hunters. In addition to elk and mule deer,

Conrad’s also offers hunts for antelope, black bear and Merriam


• Dark Timber Outfitting ( – Dark

Timber Lodge is nestled on National Forest and BLM land in

acclaimed units 61 and 62, offering 50,000 acres of hunting ground

on each unit. Sportsmen enter the hunting area on ATVs and then

go by foot.

• Hyatt Guides and Outfitters

( – Offering guided hunt

packages, one-on-one guided and self-guided hunts, Bruce Hyatt

specializes in elk and deer hunting with bow and arrow and rifle.

• J & Ray ( – This third-

generation, family owned and operated outfitter has been in the

Colorado outfitting business since 1969. J & Ray hunts elk and deer

in unit 65 in the Uncompahgre Wilderness Area.

• Kinikin Outfitters ( – Kinikin

Outfitters has exclusive hunting rights to more than 20,000 acres

of private ranchland and specialize in memorable elk and mule

deer hunts in units 62, 64, 65 and 70.

• Silverspur Outfitters (http:/ –

Personal service is the hallmark of this family-owned business.

Hunts are all on private land that borders BLM and National


• Soap Mesa Outfitters ( –

Soap Mesa Outfitters offers quality guided elk and mule deer hunts

on its 3,500-acre property overlooking Blue Mesa Reservoir, the

Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Soap Creek and the Gunnison

National Forest, as well as 6,000 acres of West Elk National Forest.

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• Western Colorado Outfitters (

– Western Colorado Outfitters has been providing quality hunts in

Colorado since 1976. This group offers guided elk, mule deer and

black bear hunts on a forest permit area that they have been

hunting for more than 30 years.

For information on hunting seasons, draws, tags and other regulations,

contact the local Colorado Division of Wildlife office at 970-252-6000.

About Montrose (

Montrose is a uniquely-authentic town that has carved out a place for

itself in the landscape and culture of Colorado. Montrose was recently

named to Outdoor Life magazine’s annual list of the 200 best towns in

America for outdoorsmen. Seventy-three percent of the land

surrounding the city is public land, making Montrose a Mecca for all

kinds of outdoor activities, including: hunting, fishing, camping, hiking,

road biking, and mountain biking. A multi-faceted community, Montrose

serves up layer upon layer of discoveries, each more unique than the last.

Whether visitors are looking for adventure, agritourism, history, culture,

shopping, fine dining or anything in between, Montrose has a little

something for everyone.

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Take Aim at Montrose, Colo., for a Memorable Fall Hunting Getaway

Tags: Colorado, Colorado Division of Wildlife, Hunting Trips, Outfitters


SunBuster’s Bruce PiattFinishes in the Money at 3-GunNation ChampionshipSEP 20, 2010 04:19P.M.

SunBuster’s Bruce Piatt Finishes in the Money at 3-Gun Nation


SunBuster’s Bruce Piatt Finishes in the Money at 3-Gun Nation



FARMINGDALE, NY --( World Champion

Professional shooter, Bruce Piatt arrived at the Desert Sportsman’s Rifle

and Pistol Club in Las Vegas to battle it out amongst the country’s best

shooting competitors and finished second in the inaugural FNH 3-Gun

Nation Championship.

Competitors accumulated points over the past year in five qualifying

titled events held throughout the United States leading to the year end


The fast paced Man on Man shoot off consisted of two shooters

simultaneously burning through six 8” steel plates at a 100 yards with a

rifle, then picking up a shotgun to swing through five steel targets

bordered by two clay birds and ending it with a pistol aimed at a six 8”

steel plate rack. The winner was determined by who knocked down the

overlapping plates first. While it was not a timed shoot off, the

adrenaline level of the shooters was at its peak as they ran and handled

all three firearms safely while combining speed and accuracy.

Piatt commented, “I’ve been competing in 3 Gun matches

since they were created. To see this sport evolve, by pulling in

shooters from other disciplines, it draws in more talent and

new faces which can only augment the sport. Who wouldn’t

want to chase down a $25,000 check? 3-Gun events are all

about the fun factor, speed and providing challenging targets

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for all levels of competitors.”

“Shooting in the hot and bright sunny desert climate, can

present a host of challenges for shooters trying to accurately

see their targets downrange. When I was ready to compete, I

wore my SunBuster® Clear lens and then switched out to my

SunShooter Gray lens to rest my eyes afterwards. As I travel

throughout the country, shooting at different times of day or

amongst varied terrain, it’s the flexibility of the various

SunBuster lenses that gives me winning results, said Piatt.”

SunBuster’s president Steve Asman said, “Bruce continues to

dominate the shooting sports while driving it to the next

level. We’re thrilled to be a part of Bruce’s winning results

and success by providing him with quality equipment he can

consistently count on.”

SunBuster has designed The Maverick™ and The Dude™, two

lightweight frames specifically designed for the shooter. Both models

provide a comfortable fit for all-day wearing. Each model includes an

interchangeable lens system of five lenses scientifically created to

enhance and maximize the shooter’s ability to perform under different

lighting and target presentations in competitive shooting. The first lens

system is the Pistol/Indoor system and the second is the

Shooting/Hunting system. Each system offers a patented, lightweight,

rimless insert, which sits behind the lens, available in a wide range of

prescriptions. Additional custom colored lenses are available to add to

either of the systems for enhanced levels of shooting.

To see why others are making the switch to SunBuster’s

SportEnhancementEyewear (S.E.E.) contact: 866- 786-2878 or E-mail:

[email protected]. Web site: Media

members interested in field-testing any of the SunBuster products for

editorial review should contact Lisa G. Cinquino of Whistle

Communications at [email protected], or call (203) 881-8381.

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at Ammo

SunBuster’s Bruce Piatt Finishes in the Money at 3-Gun Nation


Tags: Competition Shooters, Competitive Shooting News, Sponsorships,

Sunbusters, Three Gun Competitions, Winners


Takedown Briefcase AR15 Rifle :UpdateSEP 20, 2010 03:17P.M.

Takedown Briefcase AR15 Rifle : Update

Takedown Briefcase AR Thread

Takedown Briefcase AR15 Rifle : Update

Honeoye Falls, NY -( As we continue work on this

Briefcase AR15 Rifle project , it’s improving more and more each week.

We’ve installed and tested a custom built Osprey Defense piston

conversion and we’ve switched to a DD CHF 14.5″ barrel with a

permanently affixed PWS FSC556 compensator.

With these two changes, we took the rifle to the machine gun shoot in

Tampa a few weeks ago and put a few hundred rounds through it and it

is shooting like a dream; smooth and with no muzzle rise whatsoever,

plus the shorter barrel balances the rifle much better and fits in the case

easily. The complete package as it sits today in the case looks like this:

Components Shown Above:

• Lower Reciever with Magpul CTR, MIAD, DD QD mount, Spikes

buffer and BAD Ambi Safety Selector

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• Spikes Tactical internals with NickelBoron coated FCG, KNS pins,

and extended takedown/pivot pins

• MGI QCB-D upper with custom Osprey Defense Gas Piston Kit and

FailZero BCG, POF roller cam pim

• DD 14.5″ CHF 1/7 barrel with FSB and PWS FSC556 compensator

• SpecterDR 1-4x Optic and Troy rear BUIS

• Surefire X300 weapon light

• Tactical Link Stealth Single Point Bungee Sling

• 4x 30rd Magpul Pmags

• All in a Pelican 1490 case (with no need for foam cutting as

everything currently fits tightly with no metal-metal contact and

no movement when carrying it)

So as it stands, we have a tricked-out non-SBR AR-15 carbine complete

with railed fore end, magpul furniture, large optics, BUIS, sling, light,

and 120rds of ammo in magazines all packed into a laptop-sized case for

carry or storage anywhere that space is at a premium, and discretion is


We will continue to test and tune this rifle as we still have a few tweaks

we are exploring, and a small list of changes for the folks at MGI to

incorporate into the upper. That will all be followed by another round of

functional and accuracy testing including maintaining zero through

various barrels. In addition, we are working on a few different layouts for

the case, as well as exploring custom cases and options later this week.

If you have any input or would like to make any suggestions for this kit,

feel free to post in the forum listed under the Project AR title above.

I’ll leave you with a couple of pics of a simpler and much classier setup

for this rifle:

Briefcase AR15 : Update


AR15.Com originated in 1996 as a mailing list for firearm enthusiasts. As

the years passed and interest grew, a website came into existence to

present those same enthusiasts with a means to collect, share, and

explore information. Shortly afterwards, a bulletin board was added to

create a more interactive experience for the growing list of users. The site

was still in it’s infancy, but was growing in popularity. Visit:

Briefcase AR15 Rilfe

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Takedown Briefcase AR15 Rifle : Update

Tags: AR15,, Black Rifles, Custom Guns


Things to Consider WhenBuilding A Reliable AR 15 RifleSEP 20, 2010 02:41P.M.

Things to Consider When Building A Reliable AR 15 Rifle

By RAR Guns

RAR Independence XRT Rifle

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RAR Guns

Castle Rock, CO --( I often see articles and post

explaining how to assemble an AR15 rifle. While I find many of these

articles to be very informative, most don’t touch on the details that are

required to build a reliable, accurate rifle.

First let’s examine what a reliable AR15 must be able to do. A reliable

Ar15 must first and foremost fire every time you pull the trigger.

Whether in a life or death situation, competition shooting or just

plinking, your weapon needs to work properly. It must also hit what you

are aiming at.

Some of the main reasons an Ar15 will miss fire, is that poor quality parts

were used. Saving a few dollars on a bolt assembly can mean the

difference between a reliable rifle and one that consistently has


When building a rifle from scratch, you should have a sort of blue print.

You should know what parts you are going to use from the outset as

opposed to just buying parts as you find them on sale. This is not to say

you have to buy all your parts at once. But instead, know what you going

to buy and why you’re using that particular part.

I have seen several instances where someone bought a part because it

was cheap. This later caused problems in the rifle. One guy bought a light

weight buffer and buffer spring because it was very cheap. Upon

completing the rifle, he went to the range only to find that he couldn’t get

two rounds in a row through it because it was short cycling. The buffer

and spring did not match the rest of the parts he was using.

You should know how and what you will be using your rifle for. This will

affect what parts you use to build the rifle. For instance, if you plan to

shoot steel cased ammo in your rifle, you will have much more success

with a 5.56 NATO chambered rifle than a .223 chambered rifle.

You will also need a heavy duty SOPMOD style ejection spring kit. This

will insure that you get a successful shell extraction each and every time

you fire the weapon.

Consider Accuracy

Another thing to consider is how important accuracy is. AR15s vary in

accuracy by quite a bit. They can range anywhere from ¼ MOA to 3

MOA. A lot of the accuracy obviously has a lot to do with the barrel you

choose. A barrel does not have to cost $500.00 to be a good, accurate

barrel. You can achieve a sub 1 MOA with a mid range cost barrel. And

contrary to popular belief, a longer barrel is not a whole lot more

accurate than a shorter barrel in most cases. What you may gain in

accuracy will be lost in mobility and weight.

When thinking about how accurate you weapon needs to be, consider the

mission of the weapon. If it is a combat or tactical competition rifle, you

probably what something you can group a lot of rounds quickly in a

small area as opposed to one shot at a time in a ¼ inch hole. There are

several things that can help in this area. A gas piston system will help

with faster target reacquisition as will a muzzle break/compensator.

There are several products available to modify the receiver

extension/buffer tube as well that will reduce felt recoil.

A high quality trigger and lower parts kit can also aid in requiring your

target quickly. I don’t recommend a two stage trigger for a combat or

tactical competition rifle. Instead, I like a short pull single stage trigger

with about 4 lbs. or less of resistance.

Reliable feed is another area that needs to be addressed. There are a lot

of low cost lower receivers on the market that are very good. There are a

few that are only good for paper weights. A good lower should either be

forged or billet. Never use a cast lower receiver. They are unreliable and


A quality BCG is very important to reliable feeding. This is what is going

to push the round into the chamber and lock it into place. A poorly

manufactured BCG will be unreliable and possibly dangerous to the

operator and other friendlies in the area.

The upper receiver may or may not have M4 style feed ramps. In today’s

market, I see no reason not to have M4 feed ramps at least in the

chamber. One problem we see a lot is the fit between the M4 cuts on the

upper receiver and the M4 cuts on the chamber matching up. An

improper fit will cause miss feeds and jams. This can be corrected a

couple different ways. If you’re mechanically inclined, you may be able to

fix the problem yourself. If not, take your rifle to a qualified gun smith or

armorer to fix the problem.

These are just a few things that should be considered when starting to

build your own AR15 rifle.

RAR Guns will at no charge or obligation, give free AR

building advice and help to anybody who wants it. No strings


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RAR Independence XRT Rifle


RAR Guns. Home of the best AR 15s in the world. We don’t just assemble

parts. We measure and test each part before it is installed. Then each

part is function tested to insure proper operation. We have several AR15

models to choose from and we also build to your custom specifications.

We warranty our AR15 rifles for workmanship for a full year no

questions asked. Our AR15 rifles will even perform with most Russian,

steel cased and polymer coated ammo. If it breaks or has a malfunction

within one year of purchase, we will correct the problem for free. Visit:

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at Ammo

Things to Consider When Building A Reliable AR 15 Rifle

Tags: AR15, Gunsmiths, RAR Guns


GunVoters – Vote YourConscienceSEP 20, 2010 02:06P.M.

GunVoters – Vote Your Conscience

By Jeff Knox

I took the little “I Voted” sticker and carefully placed it on the smooth

stock of the pistol.

Manassas, VA --( I’ve told this story before, but I

think it’s worth repeating. I started carrying on a regular basis over 25

years ago while I was a college student in Prescott, Arizona.

I rented a room in the back of Bucky O’Neill Sporting Goods and worked

part-time for J. & G. Sales, the firearms wholesaler. Guns had always

been an important part of my life and that was especially true in those

days as we were shooting practical courses almost every weekend and

frequently during the week.

I was participating as much as my school schedule and pocketbook

would allow – taking advantage of my employee discounts, using the

shops reloading gear, and making a little extra tuning up single actions

for the cowboy shooters.

In the midst of all of that, the time came for me to cast my first ever, in-

person ballot. Having been overseas for most of the time since my 18th

birthday; I had never actually walked into a polling place to cast a vote

before. I remember parking at the National Guard Armory, shifting my

.45 from my belt to a concealed spot under the seat of my ’66 El Camino,

and going inside to vote.

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As I was leaving, a nice lady stuck a little oval sticker on my shirt with a

flag and the words “I Voted” printed on it. The little sticker gave me a

surprising sense of pride and I was feeling rather ebullient as I got back

in the car and slipped the Colt back into its place behind my belt. As I did

so, an idea struck me and I took the little “I Voted” sticker and carefully

placed it on the smooth stock of the pistol.

There was no provision for concealed carry in Arizona in those days, so I

always carried openly. I still do so frequently and I still place my “I

Voted” sticker on the stock. I like the message it sends and the responses

it generates.

As Election Day approaches, it is important that we all remember the

sacrifices that were made to give us this great nation and to remember

that freedom isn’t free. We also need to remember that safeguarding and

restoring that freedom is much more easily done with a vote than with a


With all of the important issues and challenges facing our nation right

now supporting politicians based solely on their position on individual

rights might seem myopic, but luckily there is a broader issue which

every Second Amendment supporter can strongly stand behind.

That issue is Liberty.

There are clear choices on the ballot this year. On one side are those who

see the Constitution as an obstacle to their objectives and something to

be side-stepped, slipped past, or redefined. On the other side are those

who respect and revere the Constitution and the full Bill Of Rights. This

election could easily be seen as a referendum on the Constitution itself.

GunVoters, need to look closely at the races and make sure that everyone

they know understands the gravity of the current situation. We must take

immediate action to shore up our supporters and block out our enemies.

This is true not only of the politicians you’re sending to Washington, but

your local politicians as well. “All politics is local,” goes the saying.

Recent battles over concealed carry and self-defense have demonstrated

the importance of having solid supporters in state legislatures and

governors’ offices.

It’s up to GunVoters to force early retirement on anti-rights,

anti-Constitution politicians across the country.

If you really want to impact an election, bumper stickers and yard signs

are a nice show of support but nothing moves a voter as much as when

you look them in the eye and tell them that it is critically important that

they vote for your candidate. If you do that with your friends, your

family, your co-workers, everyone at church, all of your neighbors, and

the kid who asks if you want fries with that, your earnest, eye-to-eye

endorsement has the power to make a difference. If you can convince a

dozen or more of your friends to do the same, and they convince their

friends, and so on… together you can change an election.

Now is the time. Start earning the right to attach that “I Voted” sticker to

your sidearm and be proud to be a GunVoter.

Permission to reprint or post this article in its entirety is hereby granted

provided this credit and link is included. Text is available at To receive The Firearms Coalition’s bi-

monthly newsletter, The Knox Hard Corps Report, write to PO Box 3313,

Manassas, VA 20108.

Neal Knox Associates – The most trusted name in the rights



The Firearms Coalition is a loose-knit coalition of individual Second

Amendment activists, clubs and civil rights organizations. Founded by

Neal Knox in 1984, the organization provides support to grassroots

activists in the form of education, analysis of current issues, and with a

historical perspective of the gun rights movement. The Firearms

Coalition is a project of Neal Knox Associates, Manassas, VA. Visit:

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GunVoters – Vote Your Conscience

Tags: Anti Gun Politicians, Elections, Firearms Coalition, Gun Politics,

Gun Voters,, Jeff Knox


Make Your Pro Gun OpinionCount Trigger the Vote in 2010SEP 20, 2010 01:15P.M.

Make Your Pro Gun Opinion Count Trigger the Vote in 2010

ARFCOM and the Future of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

By Joe DeBergalis (DirectAction)

Honeoye Falls, NY --( Readers like you and me

along with members of ARFCOM are rarely shy about sharing our


Whether the topic is the best way to sling your AR or the forever popular

9mm vs. .45 ACP debate, we relish the opportunity to put forth our point

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of view.

But even more important than our opinions about bug out bags and

terminal ballistics is making sure our opinions are recognized at the

ballot box.

Just in time for the 2010 mid-term elections, NRA’s Freedom Action

Foundation has launched the Trigger the Vote campaign, spearheaded by

Honorary Chairman Chuck Norris. The campaign is a non-partisan effort

to get as many pro-Second Amendment citizens registered to vote and

into the polling booths this November as possible.

The centerpiece of the campaign is its website,,

complete with voter registration forms and a list of polling places. In

addition, the site has tools that make it easy to share this information

through e-mail or the latest social networking channels; so there is no

excuse for like-minded friends and family not to be at the polling place

with you come November.

Despite a wave of victories in recent years, most notably the Heller and

McDonald decisions, gun owners cannot afford to take an apathetic

approach to this election. On the state level there are continuing threats,

like micro-stamping legislation in New York and long gun registration

legislation in California. Federal legislation has been introduced to end

gun shows as we know them, and legislators are under international

pressure to reinstate the so-called “assault weapons” ban.

In addition, President Obama has already nominated two Supreme Court

Justices who can’t be counted on to uphold the Second Amendment, and

with a razor-thin 5-4 majority in both Heller and McDonald, we need a

large pro-gun majority in the Senate to block any future anti-gun


Of course the Obama administration’s anti-gun machinations don’t stop

at the Supreme Court. Recently the administration launched a behind-

the-scenes attack on gun owners through Hillary Clinton’s State

Department. In an attempt to raise money for its military, which is

constantly under threat from a hostile Communist aggressor, our South

Korean allies are trying to sell to U.S. importers U.S.-made M1 rifles and

carbines that the U.S. provided to the South Koreans during the Cold

War. But rather than bring these historically significant arms home, the

Obama/Clinton State Department has blocked their importation, since,

according to a spokesman, “The transfer of such a large number of

weapons … could be exploited by individuals seeking firearms for illicit


This is an outrageous statement; considering that transfer of these guns

would be subject to the same NICS checks all FFL dealers are required to

perform. But what makes the State Department remarks truly absurd is

that the government chartered Civilian Marksmanship Program

(CMP) currently sells the same models of rifles in question. A new supply

of these rifles would just allow even more shooters to enjoy these

firearms. After all, the American taxpayer has already paid once for these

rifles and should have the opportunity to acquire one rather than see

them relegated to the scrap heap.

Adding to the nonsense, when asked by Fox News for further comment

on why the M1 rifles were dangerous, the Obama administration

responded with their own version of an Abbot and Costello routine. The

State Department directed questions to ATF, ATF directed questions to

the Department of Justice and the Department of Justice then directed

questions back to the State Department. If this weren’t enough, when

further questioned by Fox, the White House directed questions to the

Pentagon, who directed questions to the U.S. Embassy in South Korea,

which sent the issue back to the State Department.

Many ARFCOM members are already following the M1 importation issue

closely. But just following the story won’t save these historic firearms

from possible destruction. Ultimately, fixing the problem will require

congressional action, and that means electing more pro-gun legislators.

So take a minute to get yourself and your friends and family involved in

the Trigger the Vote campaign. By helping to elect strong pro-gun

majorities in the mid-term elections we can block any future plans the

Obama administration may have of attacking the Second Amendment.

About Joe:

Joe DeBergalis is a big contributor at, a great representative

for gun owners everywhere, and a great personal friend. He’s also a

member of the NRA Board of Directors, Vice President of the New York

State Rifle and Pistol Association, and Moderator of ARFCOM’s NRA

Activism Forum. A longtime NRA Election Volunteer Coordinator, he

was named “Volunteer of the Year” in 2005 by NRA’s Institute for

Legislative Action.


AR15.Com originated in 1996 as a mailing list for firearm enthusiasts. As

the years passed and interest grew, a website came into existence to

present those same enthusiasts with a means to collect, share, and

explore information. Shortly afterwards, a bulletin board was added to

create a more interactive experience for the growing list of users. The site

was still in it’s infancy, but was growing in popularity. Visit:

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at Ammo

Make Your Pro Gun Opinion Count Trigger the Vote in 2010

Tags:, ARFCOM, Gun Bans, Joe DeBergalis, Long Gun

Registry, M-1 Garands, Microstamping, Pro Gun Organizations, Trigger

the Vote,

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Deer Hunting Tips From MossyOak’s Mike MonteleoneSEP 20, 2010 12:53P.M.

Deer Hunting Tips From Mossy Oak Pro Staff Member Mike


Mossy Oak

WEST POINT, MS --( Deer Hunting Interview with

Mossy Oak Pro Staff Member Mike Monteleone

Q: How important is pre-season scouting?

A: Post-season is the most important time to find the hideaway habits

and travel routes of big deer. However, pre-season is the time to fine

tune your game plan when trying to seal the deal on a mature whitetail in

a new season, especially if your season starts in early September as in

some cases in the east and south.

During early September the bucks are still in bachelor groups and very

easy to pattern. My best pre-season scouting tactics consist of a hand full

of trail cameras and long range spotting scopes. The spotting scopes will

help you determine the exact location of a deer entering a field at dusk

and the trail cameras will help you determine the trails he used to go

back to bed in the morning.

As soon as the bucks shed their velvet they become a different beast.

They are now on constant alert until late October and early November.

At this time of year, try to catch the big boy in transition between

bedding and feeding but as close to bedding areas as possible. Mature

bucks won’t leave the security of cover until late.

Pre-season scouting is important but also very tricky. Try not to spook

game because the season is fast approaching. Check your cameras right

before or during a rain storm. Do not study the pictures on the camera at

the base of the tree it is attached to. You’ll leave too much scent in the

woods and possibly alert the deer to your presence and location. Open

the camera, switch the chips and move on. Always practice scent control

while walking through the ground of your adversary.

Mossy Oak’s Mike Monteleone

Q: How do you go about scouting early season before the bucks are

making scrapes?

A: Deer are very social animals. They communicate in many different

ways, and scraping and rubbing are the signs hunters see the most. The

majority of scrapes and rubs are seen during the rut, but what most

hunters do not know is that deer scrape all year long to communicate

with other deer in their community. A scrape may be made in November

by a love struck buck but there is a chance that the communication may

still go on throughout the summer and into the fall of the following

season. Although the activity of scraping is substantially less, it does still


Active scrapes in preseason are sometimes hard to find; difficult at best.

The best places to look are still the usual places – stream bottoms,

transitions between thick cover and open hardwoods, edges of

agricultural fields, etc. But be careful when traipsing through the woods

during preseason. You do not want to alert deer of your presence.

No matter where you hunt in the country, a deer’s instinctive habits are

the same for the most part. They all use heavy cover, transitions, funnels

and agricultural fields to eat, travel or sleep, so use bottleneck type spots

in between or around these areas to setup stands. Even if you are

unfamiliar with the area, after you hunt the first few days, you should be

able to fine tune your location to get closer to your quarry.

Q: Do you prefer to hunt in the woods or along agricultural


A: The best place to ambush a buck is in the woods on a travel route to a

food source. I believe most bucks don’t leave the security of cover until

late and there may not be enough shooting light left by the time the buck

reaches an agricultural field. Your best bet is to find a transition zone

that is in a direct path of a buck as he heads to his final destination.

Usually an oak ridge with a few good producing trees or a logging road

with a sweet browse like honeysuckle will stop the deer for a snack before

he gets to the field. Bucks are not as edgy while staging and feeding in

these areas either, because typically they are under some type of cover.

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If you’re trying to harvest a doe, sometimes a field edge is your best bet.

The does always reach the field first and a lot of the time, hours before

dark. Once a doe enters a food plot or ag-field it is as though she drops

her guard just a little which will allow a bowhunter better opportunity.

There is a huge positive when hunting a food plot or field. It is a

concentrated food source and the deer will definitely be there if it is of

good quality. Also, it is in an open space with very little to no cover which

allows the hunter to stay on stand longer. The additional light helps

when judging whether or not the deer is of mature caliber and also

allows a late evening stand hunter better light for shooting accuracy.

If you’re hunting a field edge, be sure to locate your stand in a spot that

will allow you to get out at dark without being detected.

Q: How high should you hang a treestand?

A: The answer is simple. As high as you can comfortably and accurately

shoot your bow.

As we all know a deer’s sense of smell is beyond comprehension. So the

higher you are, the more your scent disperses before it reaches deer nose


If you play the wind correctly, stand height might not play a role other

than hunter movement. However, what if the deer you are hunting

decides to appear from an unexpected direction? If this were the case, I’d

rather be camped-out in the limbs 20 feet up rather than on the trunk of

a bare poplar tree in a 12-foot ladder stand.

My preferred heights are between 17 and 22 feet. Any higher than 25feet,

the shot angle is too steep and the vital area exponentially gets smaller.

Q: Can you have success hunting from the ground?

A: There are a bunch of hunters that choose to hunt from the ground.

Maybe it is because they are afraid of heights or maybe it is because they

are physically incapable of climbing a tree. Or, maybe it is because

there’s no place to hang a treestand. Whatever the case – many deer have

met their demise from hunters in ground blinds and hunters on the


Does hunting whitetails from the ground increase your odds? It depends

on the situation. If the wind is just right and hunting from the ground is

the only way to get close enough to send an arrow through a smart

animal, I say go for it!

Q: Are doe or buck decoys effective?

A: Depending on the situation and the age class of deer you are trying to

harvest, a decoy can be effective all season long.

During early season, it is best to use a small doe decoy or a young buck

decoy. The smaller decoys seem to reassure younger deer that “it’s safe to

come and play”. I particularly don’t like to use decoys during early

season just because I don’t want to lug the thing around the woods.

However, during the late pre-rut and early rut I sometimes carry as

many as three decoys in the field. I set up two doe decoys and one big

buck decoy. If there is a mature deer in the area and he sees the spread,

he’ll come fast. Do not set your buck decoy haphazardly – make sure he

is quartering to you so the approaching buck gives you a quartering-away


Q: Is scent control important when hunting from a treestand?

A: Scent control should be practiced at all times. It should start at home

with unscented detergents for body and clothing, including towels that

you dry off with after you take a scent-free shower. Your hunting boots

should be put on before you go into the woods, not before you get in your

truck. Boots should be doused heavily with a scent-killing spray, and you

should plan your entry to your stand very carefully to minimize the

chances of deer crossing your path.

Carry a small bottle of scent-killing spray in your pack and to your stand.

Once you’re settled and harnessed in, spray yourself again just to destroy

any scent you may have sweated out. Use a gel or lotion type scent killer

for your face, hands and hair before entering the woods also.

Maximize your chances by utilizing good scent control practices no

matter if you hunt from the ground or stand. Good scent control will get

you that much closer.

Q: What calls do you carry?

A: There are many calls a hunter can carry but there are three calls that

every whitetail hunter should have in his fanny pack.

A standard grunt tube is good but a grunt tube that can be adjusted for

different tones and age class grunts and bleats is better. There are times

when an aggressive, deep guttural grunt might spook a deer whereas a

softer, higher-tone grunt will bring an aggressive buck to the base of your

stand. An adjustable grunt tube will afford the opportunity if needed.

A doe “bleat-in-heat” call. The Primos “Can” is the best sounding bleat I

have found. It works wonders during the rut on deer of all ages.

Typically, the can is turned over to create the “bleat-in-heat” but try

blowing through the can to create more authentic and longer drawn-out


A rattle bag or authentic antlers. Rattle bags work well but nothing can

compare to the authentic sound real bone makes when clashed together.

Authentic antlers also allow you to finesse the sounds, whether you tickle

the antlers, grind or clash them together.

There is a draw back when using antlers and that is their size and poor

pack-ability compared to a rattle bag. The best size of antler to minimize

the bulkiness is a set of 2×2 mule deer antlers. They sound great and are

easy to nest together and strap to your fanny pack or back pack.


The Mossy Oak ProStaff is a group of top outdoors men and women from

across the country that act as spokespersons for the Brand. Members of

the Elite ProStaff are people the hunting community will recognize from

their hunting expertise and accomplishments, videos, TV and magazine

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articles. Our Regional ProStaff is a group of accomplished hunters who

promote Mossy Oak in various regions across the U.S. They also manage

a more localized Field Staff in their regions. From event support to retail

store grand openings to radio and TV appearances, our ProStaff adds

value to the Mossy Oak Brand nationally, regionally and locally.

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Deer Hunting Tips From Mossy Oak’s Mike Monteleone

Tags: Deer Hunters, Deer Hunting, Hunting Tips, Mossy Oak, Whitetail

News, Whitetails


Gun Talk Welcomes MountainHome, ARSEP 20, 2010 12:37P.M.

Gun Talk Welcomes Mountain Home, AR

Gun Talk Radio

MANDEVILLE, LA --( Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk (R)

welcomes KJMT FM in Mountain Home, Arkansas as the latest radio

station to air the nationally-syndicated radio talk show.

This 5200-watt news, talk and sports station airs Gun Talk on Sundays

from 2PM-4PM Central. “Mountain Talk 97”, found at 97.1 FM on the

dial, began broadcasting Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk this past Sunday,

September 19th, and is officially the highest rated and most listened to

radio station in Baxter County. KJMT FM can also be found on the web


Did you miss this past Sunday? Dave Workman, writer for the Seattle

Gun Rights Examiner, stopped by, along with Trijicon’s Andrew

Chilkiewicz. Workman spoke to Tom about President Obama’s latest

appointee – Greg Nickels.

Nickels, the former Mayor of Seattle and current gun rights opponent, is

now a United States alternate representative at the U.N.


Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio is in its 15th year of national

syndication, Gun Talk Radio airs live on Sundays from 2PM-5PM

Eastern, and runs on 101 stations, plus SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio. All

Gun Talk shows can be downloaded as podcasts through Apple iTunes or

at More information is available at

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Media News, Tom Gresham

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