Download - American: The Last Three Letters Spell: I CAN



There's nothing more disempowering than a victim mindset. Victim mindset is a mindset that says, “I have no power to….” A mindset that thinks others are treating me unfairly, that life is unfair. This mindset keeps us from having the courage to act, the courage to commit, to stretching goals. Keeps us from having sufficient belief, why bother? “I can't win anyway.” If you have even the slightest symptom of this mindset today's the day to set it aside. I highly recommend Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Essay III, “Compensation.”

A victim mindset seems to be more pervasive in our society today. There was a time when we felt that as Americans we could do anything, we could achieve anything, and we had the capabilities to rise above any circumstance. Today the “I Can” mindset seems to be replaced with a belief that, “My destiny is out of my hands, my destiny depends on luck.”

Take a look at the people who have far more handicaps than you, who achieved outstanding things, people who are younger and older, less educated,

those with physical restrictions and constraints, those who come from a disadvantaged background and still are achieving great things. More important take a look at the obstacles you've overcome, look at the goals you have achieved. You may be more inclined to look at those things you wanted and haven't been able to accomplish, this won't help. It might help if you could honestly look at why, what happened to set you back and how you let it deter you, discourage you.

Attached is a chart. It is a simple yet profound formula you can apply to your life to eliminate

ever being a victim again. We highly recommend you read it and more importantly

the next time you fail or start to step into victim mode ask this simple question: what part did I

play in this? The next time you encounter difficulty, the next time things don't go as you planned, ask yourself this question, answer it

honestly: what part did I play in this? It will set you on the road to never being a victim again. You'll be empowered. You will have renewed confidence. You will see your path forward.

You'll be an achiever. You'll accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible.

Larry W. Dennis Sr., President, Turbo Leadership Systems

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