Download - Amanda Katchmar. Some points that will be discussed in this slideshow are: Inequalities in the workplace Inequalities in religion Inequalities.


Amanda Katchmar

Some points that will be discussed in this slideshow are: Inequalities in the workplace Inequalities in religion Inequalities in the media Inequalities in sports

Males and females differ physically, with different skeletal structures, metabolic rates, average body sizes, and different hormone levels.

Females are also capable of menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation, while men are not.

Men are 50% stronger than women in physical strength.

Female lung capacity is about 30% less than male lung capacity.

Dobson, James

There are studies that show that males and females process information differently: women have smaller brains, but more white matter, which helps them process information faster.

One study has shown that women are happier with their life than men are.

Another study showed that women are more empathetic and usually mirror another’s emotions.

"Difference Between Male And Female Structures (Mental And Physical).“Turner, Bambi

Edmonds, Molly

"Basal Metabolic Rate - One Key to Burning Calories and Losing Weight."

*BMR- Basal Metabolic Rate

In society, men are expected to be “leaders” and provide financially and make decisions for the family.

Women, on the other hand, are perceived as “more nurturing” and would be expected to work full-time in the home as a caretaker for her children.

Sociologists believe that gender roles are created by society, as they vary over different areas.

Blackstone, Amy M.Thomas, W. LaVerne

In early civilizations such as the Roman Republic, women weren’t identified as citizens.

In the Tang Dynasty, women had no say in who their marriage partner was, and were expected to fully comply with their brother’s or family’s arrangements.

In the Byzantine Empire, women were allowed to have careers, and be in public freely.

Karpiel, Frank, and Kathleen KrullJianying, Huo.

Rautman, Marcus Louis

In the Persian Empire, women enjoyed equal rights and were able to vote.

Women in the U.S. did not have the right to vote until 1920.

Lapenna, Stefania"19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Women's Right to Vote."

In Afghanistan, only 4% of girls make it to grade 10.

Recently, on September 25, 2011, Saudi Arabian women were granted the right to vote and participate in municipal elections beginning in 2015. This happened with few protests.

"Women's Rights: On the Frontlines | Human Rights Watch.“Beirut, Lebanon., Neil Macfarquhar; Nada Bakri

Alsharif, Asma.

In the United States, we usually reinforce gender roles at the birth of a child, intentionally or not, by giving a child gender-specific toys and clothes.

Examples of “girl” toys are: dolls, plush toys, and pretend kitchens.

Examples of “boy” toys are: action figures, LEGOs, and toy vehicles.

With these toys, we are enforcing that boys should be “aggressive, tough, and adventurous” while girls should be “polite, gentile, and nurturing.”

Thomas, W. LaVerne

We also lengthen these expectations to education as well. Boys are expected to excel in math and science, while girls to do well in language arts, social sciences, and the arts.

We seem to be moving away from these expectations, as a wide-scale study has shown that women are equally as proficient an men in math.

Tenenbaum, DavidThomas, W. LaVerne

Girls and boys learn and think differently.

Small group instruction is more likely to work with girls because they are more comfortable with asking for help. Boys are likely to not ask for help, or may even become disruptive to get attention when they are having difficulties.

Kovalik, Susan

Studies have shown that females may be victims of bullying more often than males.

Males are more likely to be bullied physically or verbally.

Females are more likely to experience social or psychological bullying.

Females also have been more likely to experience cyberbullying.

"Bullying Statistics 2009.“"Cyberbullying by Gender."

There are more women enrolled in institutions of higher education than men and receive a greater number of honors degrees, but yet they only make about $0.80 for every $1 that a man makes.

Women are seemingly disadvantaged at the start of the job interview because they are expected to be reserved and not ask for a higher starting pay.

Hsu, Cindy.

Another reason for the pay gap between the two genders is pregnancy.

It is said that since women become pregnant, they need to take maternity leave, and simply can’t work as many hours as men do.

Only 11% of private sector and 17% of public workers say that they had access to paid maternity leave through their employers.

Hsu, Cindy.Peterson Beadle, Amanda

Marissa Mayer is the CEO of Yahoo, who caused an uproar when she announced that she will not take maternity leave. She refused to leave her position at the top of the company for 3 months.

She also paid to have a nursery built next to her office.

Parsons, SabrinaLange, Maggie.

"Gender Inequality and Women in the US Labor Force."

The “glass ceiling” is a seemingly invisible barrier that prevents women from holding higher-level positions in business.

As of July 2012, 20 of the CEOs of the Fortune 500 top 500 companies are female.

Men in female-dominated occupations usually do not face glass ceilings.

Leahey, Colleen.Thomas, W. LaVerne

Wolfe, Lahle.


“Well, I think there are

many times an employer would make a choice based on gender for the accomplishment of a certain task. I do not necessarily believe this is discrimination in a bad sense, rather choosing the best possible gender for the task based on the characteristics of the task.”

“It depends on the job, because I do not believe there should be female guards at male prisons and vice-versa.”

“Only if the job makes you deal with cultures or deal with people who do not view genders equal, or if the job requires you to be alone with a group of one gender.”

“Only in cases where the gender must play a role within the job itself. For example, I would not expect a male to work at Victoria's Secret or a female to work in the men's underwear section at JC Penny.”



“It is never good to have an employer discriminate against someone due to their gender.”

“When the job requires very personal contact with one gender, i.e. the person who would need to conduct searches of one gender”

“Law enforcement should be for men”

“Never. if the man or woman who is applying for a job feels that they are qualified both physically and intellectually then there should be no discrimination.”

“Discrimination by gender is not okay at any time. However, hiring someone to fit a specific job requirement that may lean more towards one sex or another isn't discrimination to me. Example - if you need a person physically strong enough to lift 300 lbs., you may hire more men than women.”

“Never” “Never - jobs today

should be gender neutral.”



“Construction worker” “Stock Broker” “Any Career” “Military” “There are none” “Not sure I have any I

consider a male career except male athletes in male professional sports.”

“Sports player”

“Politician” “Father” “I can't think of anything.

Some characteristics of jobs may make them more likely to be done by men, but I can't think of anything that is just ‘male.’”

“Truck driver” “Doctor” “Careers that require great

physical strength.” “President of the US”


“Any Career” “There are none” “Not sure I have any I

consider a female career except female athletes in female professional sports.”

“Secretary” “Make-up artist” “Hair stylist” “Homemaker or

seamstress” “Nurse”

“Ones that are more based on intelligence.”

“Female clothing model” “Teacher (stereotyped)” “Anything from a teacher to

a nurse to a hairstylist, I believe males can do these jobs as well if they please.”

“I would consider a female career as social workers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, physician assistants, therapists, nanny and stay at home moms.”

The first female soldiers fought in the Revolutionary, Civil, and Mexican Wars. These women dressed as males and enlisted under aliases.

As of 2012, women make up 14% of the military.

In February of 2012, the Pentagon allowed women to be permanently assigned to jobs such as medics, radio operators, and tank mechanics.

In 2013, the ban on women serving in combat roles was lifted by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

Wood, Jennie.

There are more women with driver’s licenses than men.

Men, on average, drive 1½ times farther than women.

Women tend to drive “smaller, safer and more fuel-efficient vehicles.”

In 2008, about 180,000 more men were arrested for DUI than women.

Men were also cited for reckless driving about 3.41 times more than women.

DeGroat, Bernie."Ten-Year Arrest Trends By Sex.“

Tannert, Chuck.

Women make up 52% of the voting population, but in 2008, they only made up 16% of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

This is an increase from 4% in 1981, but women are still outnumbered by men in the government.

Thomas, W. LaVerne

Of a total 11,744 individuals arrested for homicide, only 1,176 were female.

Out of 73,459 arrested robbers, 64,844 were male.

Of a total of 848,408 individuals arrested for DUI, 667,017 were male.

"Expanded Homicide Data Table 3." "Ten-Year Arrest Trends By Sex."

Women make up about 85% of domestic abuse victims of reported domestic abuse cases, but 40% of victims of “severe, physical domestic violence” are men.

Men may not report violence against them because it would seem “cowardly,” or lead others believe that they did something to cause the act.

A study by Marianne Hester found that men were likely to be “repeat offenders” of perpetrating these acts of violence.

"Men: The Overlooked Victims of Domestic Violence."Hester, M.

Torr, James D. 

A common stereotype is that males are better at math and science.

Math and science fields, such as engineering, are male-dominated.

One reason that this may be the case is that girls are taught through socialization, directly and indirectly, to stay away from fields aimed at males.

Another reason that these fields are male-dominated is because women have the additional role of family caretaking, and make it nearly impossible to meet the requirements for such a demanding job.

Bryner, Jeanna

Beginning with the first Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, sports

were presented as a masculine activity.

Full-contact sports, such as American football, wrestling, and hockey are often thought of “male sports” and are often male-dominated.

Non-contact sports such as swimming, gymnastics, and tennis are often thought of as “female sports” and are often female-dominated.

"Gender Differences: Sports Sexualizing Women."


“Basketball” “Softball” “Tennis” “Field Hockey” “Swimming” “Volleyball” “Cheerleading” “Golf” “Track” “Dancer”

“Football” “Rugby” “Wrestling” “Hockey” “Baseball” “Lacrosse” “Soccer” “Golf” “Track”

In Christianity, males are often given roles of leadership. Women usually aren’t allowed in positions of leadership requiring ordination.

In Islam, the Qur’an states that men and women are created equally. It also states that men are the protectors of women in a relationship of marriage, but not in society as a whole. In countries with Islam as the dominating religion, such as Turkey, there are a “range of attitudes” toward women.

"Status of Gender Equality in Religion.“"Women in Turkish Society."

In Judaism, as worded in the Hebrew Bible, a covenant was bound between God and the Israelites, indirectly including women.

In Buddhism, nuns have been faced with ruthless discrimination, and are considered to be a subordinate to monks.

In Hinduism, the role of women is often uncertain. In some texts, women are said to be equal to men, while in others, they are not.

“Status of Gender Equality in Religion.”O'Brien, Barbara

On TV and in films, men are often portrayed in a more positive sense than women are. Some examples are protagonists, such as Indiana Jones, and antagonists, such as The Wicked Witch of the West.

Women’s sports events have less time on air than men’s sports events.

Men are portrayed in movies and on TV more than women.

Sayyah, Isabella"Portrayal of Women in the Popular Media."

The Canadian Health Network found that the average model is much taller than the average woman, but weighs about 25% less.

In Sweden, mannequins were on display that had “more realistic proportions.” Girls have developed eating disorders and depression as a result of the portrayals of women in the media as “super thin.”

"Portrayal of Women in the Popular Media.”Sole, Elise.

VonSchlegl, Amanda

If Barbie were a real-life woman, she would: Stand 5’9” tall, Weigh 110 lbs, Have a 39” bust, Have a 18” waist, and Have 33” hips.

Studies have shown that dolls, like Barbie, influence eating disorders in young girls.

Slayen, GaliaSterling, Colin.

In 2013, H&M hired Jennie Runk, who is six feet tall and “plus size per industry standards.”

Runk says: “…Just focus on being the best possible version of yourself and quit worrying about your thighs, there's nothing wrong with them.”

"Jennie Runk: My Life as a 'plus-size' Model.“Sole, Elise.

Disney Pixar’s film Brave was a hit, and the lead female protagonist Merida was a role model for many girls, as she was confident and strong.

Disney redesigned the character to “lend Merida more easily to product designs”, making her noticeably skinnier, older, and exposing more skin.

This caused outrage among many parents, calling her “unrealistic” and “vapid.”

Greenfield, Beth.



“I think that, now more than ever, the role of women is on par with that of their male counterparts.”

“I believe women are portrayed very fairly and accurately in the media for the most part unless it is a sensationalist type of media outlet.”

“Women are portrayed as many of them have allowed themselves to be portrayed.”

“It varies. They are depicted a number of different ways in both a positive and negative light.”

“Too Sexist” “Could be stronger” “As sex symbols” “I don't watch enough

news media to make an informed decision on this question.”



“I think it is getting better, but I still think they are portrayed as sex symbols.”

“We are portrayed as weak or domineering with little in between.”

“This is a broad question. Some women are portrayed in a positive way, like Kate Middleton, Diane Sawyer or Katie Couric. Others, are portrayed negatively, like Miley Cyrus; however, her actions brought about the negative portrayal.”

“I think it has become better. Women of all sizes, shapes and colors are accepted as beautiful both inside and out. Still, there are companies that use women for ads for their products that could be taken as demeaning to women. This can be a negative, because I and many others choose not to buy their products for this reason.

“Getting better” “Unrealistic body images”

Most outlets of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, are utilized by more females than males.

As found in a previous presentation, over 80% of Pinterest users are female.

A new site,, was created on September 28th, 2012. It is essentially a male, masculine version of Pinterest.

Gray, Emma.Bertha, Mike.

Honigman, BrianSpencer, Richard"Manteresting."

Gray, Emma.

If companies want their product to sell, they will usually target advertisements to a specific group of individuals.

It has been found that women will buy products that are aimed at either men or women, while men won’t buy products aimed at women.

Edmonds, Molly

Honda Fit She’s- Honda designed a car just for women, complete with windshield glass that cuts 99% of UV rays, and an A/C system that “can improve the driver’s skin quality.”

ePad Femme- A tablet computer pre-downloaded with apps for yoga, cooking, clothing-size converting, and pregnancy.

Hyde, JustinAlphonse, Lylah M

Nerf Rebelle- They’re the same projectiles with the same power from Nerf’s Elite line, but they’re pink!

BIC For Her- These BIC pens have “a tinted barrel that is thinner ‘for a better handling for women’ and the ‘plug color matches ink color,’ making the pen aesthetically pleasing.”

Busis, HillaryNg, Christina

Some of these societal norms are being broken: 52% of middle management positions are

held by women, as compared to 2% in the 1970s.

The percentage of female Senior Pastors in the Protestant Church has doubled to 10% in 2009 from 5% in the 1990s.

Portrayal of women in the media is starting to show that women don’t have to be “flawless” to be beautiful.

The amount of female athletes in high school sports has increased from 1 in 27 in 1972 to 2 in 5 in 2012.

"Gender Equality in the Workplace.”"Number of Female Senior Pastors in Protestant Churches Doubles in Past

Decade.“Gray, Emma.Sole, Elise.

"Jennie Runk: My Life as a 'plus-size' Model.“Dusenbery, Maya, and Jaeah Lee

Why was this discussion on gender inequalities important?

As you have seen, there are many types of gender inequalities. What

can you do to change these?

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