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  • 8/3/2019 alpheusdaily_nov23_2011


    In this edition: Featured committees House of Commons Decisions made today will impact your organization.

    Featured committees Senate Find out as they happen.

    In the House Chamber

    Items of Interest in the Days Ahead

    The Alpheus Group. Monitoring Parliament for you.

    The Health committee will meet to hear from witnesses on the topic of Chronic Diseases Related to Aging (Older

    Individuals Living with Chronic Diseases in the Workplace).

    Industry will conduct an In Camera meeting for consideration of Committee Business.

    Justice and Human Rights is scheduled to meet again today for a multi-hour session to consider clause by clause

    consideration of Bill C-10 (omnibus crime bill).

    Resource Development in Northern Canada continues to be the topic of study at the Natural Resources committee with

    testimony expected from several mining stakeholders including: Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited, Newmont MiningCorporation, NWT and Nunavut Chamber of Mines, and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.

    Infrastructure Canada officials will appear at the Transport committee as part of its examination of the idea of a National

    Public Transit Strategy.

    John Wiersema, Interim Auditor General will testify at the Public Accounts committee as it meets to consider the Fall

    2011 Report of the Auditor General of Canada

    More information on meetings below:

    Committee &Topic of Debate

    Location & Time Appearing

    Industry1. (In Camera) Committee Business 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

    Room 8-53, 131 Queen StreetN/A

    Justice and Human Rights1. Bill C-10, An Act to enact the Justice for

    Victims of Terrorism Act and to amend theState Immunity Act, the Criminal Code, theControlled Drugs and Substances Act, theCorrections and Conditional Release Act,the Youth Criminal Justice Act, theImmigration and Refugee Protection Act

    and other Acts (clause by clauseconsideration)

    3:30 pm - 11:30 pmRoom 253-D, Centre Block

    Department of Justice officials

    Public Accounts1. Fall 2011 Report of the Auditor

    General of Canada3:30 pm - 5:30 pmRoom 237-C, Centre Block

    Office of the Auditor General of Canada

    Natural Resources1. Resource Development in Northern

    Canada3:30 pm - 5:30 pmRoom 268, La PromenadeBuilding

    Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited NewmontMining CorporationNWT and Nunavut Chamber of MinesInuit Tapiriit Kanatami

    The Alpheus Daily Watch | November 23, 20111

    The Alpheus Daily WatchWednesday November 23, 2011

    Featured Committees House of Commons
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    Committee &Topic of Debate

    Location & Time Appearing


    1. Chronic Diseases Related to Aging(Older Individuals Living with ChronicDiseases in the Workplace)

    2. (In Camera) Committee BusinessPlanning of Future Business

    3:30 pm - 5:30 pmRoom 112-N, Centre Block Canadian Life and Health InsuranceAssociation Inc.

    Fondation Docteur Benot Deshaies

    Transport1. National Public Transit Strategy 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

    Room 228, La PromenadeBuilding

    Infrastructure Canada officials

    Committee Schedules/Agendas are subject to change without notice. All efforts will be taken to update information as it becomes available.

    Bill S-206, An Act respecting World Autism Awareness Day will be considered at the Social Affairs, Science and

    Technology committee with the Bill's sponsor Senator Munson scheduled to testify.

    Defence Minister Peter MacKay will appear before the Legal and Constitutional Affairs committee on Bill C-16, An Act to

    amend the National Defence Act (military judges) along with officials from the Office of the Judge Advocate General and anacademic expert from the University of Calgary.

    Banking, Trade and Commerce continues its study on the present state of the domestic and international financial system

    and will hear from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada.

    Deliberations on Bill S-4, An Act to amend the Railway Safety Act and to make consequential amendments to the Canada

    Transportation Act continue at the Transport and Communications committee where Teamsters Canada, the City ofOttawa and Transport Action Canada are expected to appear. Clause by clause consideration of the bill is scheduled tobegin.

    Aboriginal Peoples continues its comprehensive examination topic of the federal governments constitutional, treaty,

    political and legal responsibilities to First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples and on other matters generally relating to theAboriginal Peoples of Canada with testimony expected from AFN Nation Chief Shawn (A-in-chut) Atleo, Inuit TapiriitKanatami, Mtis National Council, National Inuit Youth Council, Assembly of First Nations National Youth Council.

    In Camera meetings: Conflict of Interest for Senators

    More information on meetings below:

    Committee &Topic of Debate

    Location & Time Appearing

    Social Affairs, Science & Technology1. Bill S-206, An Act respecting World

    Autism Awareness Day2. clause by clause consideration

    4:15 pmRoom 2, Victoria Building 140Wellington Street

    The Honourable Jim Munson, sponsor ofthe bill

    Legal & Constitutional Affairs1. Bill C-16, An Act to amend the

    National Defence Act (military judges).4:15 PMRoom 257, East Block

    The Honourable Peter MacKay, P.C.,M.P., Minister of National Defence

    Office of the Judge Advocate GeneralUniversity of Calgary

    Banking, Trade and Commerce1. The present state of the domestic and

    international financial system4:15 PMRoom 9, Victoria Building 140Wellington Street

    Office of the Superintendent of FinancialInstitutions Canada, Julie Dickson,Superintendent

    The Alpheus Daily Watch | November 23, 20112

    Featured Committees Senate

    The Alpheus Daily WatchWednesday November 23, 2011
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    Committee &Topic of Debate

    Location & Time Appearing

    Aboriginal Peoples

    1. Examine and report on the federalgovernments constitutional, treaty,political and legal responsibilities toFirst Nations, Inuit and Metis peoplesand on other matters generallyrelating to the Aboriginal Peoples ofCanada.

    6:45 PMRoom 160-S, Centre Block Assembly of First NationsInuit Tapiriit KanatamiMtis National CouncilNational Inuit Youth CouncilAssembly of First Nations National YouthCouncil

    Transport & Communications1. Bill S-4, An Act to amend the Railway

    Safety Act and to make consequentialamendments to the CanadaTransportation Act.

    2. clause by clause consideration

    6:45 PMRoom 2, Victoria Building 140Wellington Street

    Teamsters CanadaCity of OttawaTransport Action Canada

    Committee Schedules/Agendas are subject to change without notice. All efforts will be taken to update information as it becomes available.

    Government Orders

    Report stage debate is scheduled to resume onBill C-18, An Act to reorganize the Canadian Wheat Board and to makeconsequential and related amendments to certain Acts*

    Short Title: Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act

    Introduction and 1st reading : October 18, 2011 (Minister of Agriculture, Gerry Ritz)

    2nd reading debate: October 19, 2011; October 20, 2011; October 24, 2011

    Committee consideration: October 31, 2011; November 1, 2011; November 2, 2011, November 3, 2011

    Bill adopted by Committee on November 3, 2011 and reported to the House with amendment on November 4,2011

    Report stage: November 18, 2011

    On November 22, 2011 the government gave notice of intent to introduce a motion to limit report stage and

    third reading debate on C-18

    Private Members' Business

    2nd reading debate onBill C-267, An Act respecting the preservation of Canadas water resources **

    Short Title: Canada Water Preservation Act

    Sponsor: Mr. Scarpaleggia (MP for Lac-Saint-Louis)

    Introduction and first reading: September 19, 2011

    The government has indicated it will introduce a bill entitled, An Act to enhance the financial accountability and

    transparency of First Nations. The text of the bill will not be available until introduction

    Friday November 25, 2011 will be the 6th allotted day of this supply period

    The Alpheus Daily Watch | November 23, 20113

    In the House Chamber

    The Alpheus Daily WatchWednesday November 23, 2011

    Items of Interest in the Days Ahead
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    Looking ahead at Committees this week

    Treasury Board President, Tony Clement, is scheduled to appear before the Government Operations and Estimates committee on

    Thursday November 24, 2011 on Supplementary Estimates (B) 2011-2012

    Minister Jason Kenney is scheduled to appear before the Citizenship and Immigration committee on Thursday November 24, 2011

    on Supplementary Estimates (B) 2011-2012

    Hubert T. Lacroix, President and Chief Executive Officer of the CBC is scheduled to appear at the Access to Information, Privacy

    and Ethics committee relating to the Access to Information Dispute and the Resulting Court Actions Concerning CBC on ThursdayNovember 24, 2011

    Minister of Health Leona Aglukkaq is scheduled to appear at the Senate Social Affairs, Science and Technology committee on

    Thursday November 24, 2011 as part of its examination of the progress in implementing the 2004, 10-Year Plan to StrengthenHealth Care.

    Looking ahead at Private Members' Business this week

    ThursdayNovember 24, 2011; Bill C-293, An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (vexatious complainants)

    Sponsor: Ms. James (Scarborough Centre)

    FridayNovember 25, 2011; Bill C-315, An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (French language)

    Sponsor: Mr. Aubin (Trois-Rivires)

    Additional Information

    * Bill C-18 (Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act)Amendments that will be proposed during report stage of Bill C-18. For details,click here.

    ** Bill C-267, An Act respecting the preservation of Canadas water resourcesThis bill would prohibit the removal of water in bulk from major drainage basins in Canada.

    The Alpheus Daily Watch | November 23, 20114

    The Alpheus Daily WatchWednesday November 23, 2011