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All About:

How to make wudu

Page 2: All About: How to make wudu

Make the intention that the act is for the purpose of

worship and purity.

Start by saying: Bismillah (In the Name of Allah)

Step 1

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Wash your hands up

to the wrists

3 times

Step 2

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Rinse out your mouth with water

3 times

Step 3

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Clean your nose by sniffing

water into them with you right


then remove the water with

left hand

3 times

Step 4

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Wash your whole face with

both hands, from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin and

from ear to ear

3 times

Step 5

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Wash your right arm up to the

elbow, and then do the same

with the left arm

3 times

Step 6

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Wipe your whole head

with wet hands

1 time

Step 7

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Wipe the in sides of your ears with the

forefingers and their outer sides with the thumb. This should be done with wet


1 time

Step 8

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Step 9

Wipe your neck with wet hands

1 time

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Wash your two feet up to the

ankles, beginning with the right foot

and then the left foot.

3 times

Step 10

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You end your wudu with the recitation of the "Kalima-Shahadah”



(I declare there is no god except Allah and I declare that Muhammad is the

messenger of Allah)

Step 11

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1. Natural discharges; like going to the toilet, passing wind, bleeding, full vomiting,

2. Losing sense; i.e. becoming unconscious for any reason such as by sleeping, fainting, madness, drunkenness or by taking drugs.

3.Laughing loudly in salah

Things that break your wudu

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There are 4 things that you MUST do in every wudu. Without it, your wudu will not be complete:

Things that you must do in wudu (Fard)

1. Wash your face (from the forehead to the lower portion of the chin and from one ear to the other; 2. Wash both of your arms up to the elbows; 3. Do masah (wiping your head) covering at least quarter of the head; 4. Washing both of your feet up to ankles.

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There are some sunnah actions in wudu, which if you do, you will gain a lot of thawab (reward):

Things that are sunnah do in wudu

1. To make the intention of Wudu before you begin. 2. To say "Bismillah" before you begin. 3. To wash the hands up to the wrist 3 times. 4. To gargle the mouth. 5. To wash the nostril. 6. To use Miswaak to clean the teeth. "Miswaak" is a special tooth-brush made

from the roots of certain trees. 7. To make Wudu in the correct order. 8. To wash all parts immediately one after the other. 9. To wash all parts 3 times. 10. To make Masah of the ears. 11. To make Masah of the whole head. 12. To make "Khilal" of the beard (pass wet fingers through the beard). 13. To make Khilal of the fingers and toes (pass wet fingers in between the toes

and fingers). 

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There are 5 things that are recommended to do in every wudu:

Things that are liked or recommended do in wudu (Mustahab)

1. To begin from the right side2. To do masah (wiping your neck) 3. To do the wudu by themselves without taking anyone else’s help 4. To face Qibla5. To make wudu in a clean and high place

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There are 4 things that are NOT recommended to do in wudu:

Things that are NOT liked or recommended do in wudu (Makrooh)

1. To make wudu in a dirty place2. To clean the nose with the right hand3. To talk about worldly things4. To do wudu actions that are against the sunnah

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