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2019 Painted Picture

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Hi, my name is Alison King. The following is a detailed vision of what my company Run For Your Life will look, feel like and act like by January 24 2019.

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Sharing it publicly massively increases the likelihood of it becoming a reality and allows you to become part of my vision.

It also hold me accountable and allows the Universe to conspire with me to make it happen.

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What I do

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I help women learn to run and in the process love themselves.

It’s not about becoming the fastest, or running the furthest, but about challenging yourself and becoming the best version of you.

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I work with women who know what they want but don’t know how they are going to get it.

Their new-found confidence spills over to all areas of their life.

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From taking their first steps in a run walking programme, to participating in a big city marathon.

I help these women discover that running is a process to changing their life for the better.

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I do this by running a supportive online community, facilitating great conversation and advice.

I have a range of coaching services to suit individuals, from a DIY service through to an intensive, intimate group setting.

I coach corporate groups to conquer running events and organise parkrun training programmes.

I do this by discovering intrinsic motivation – the reason why you run.

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I also show my community through my podcast, blog and videos, how to get the most from their running and share awesome interviews with runners of all abilities with inspiring stories to share.

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As well as my online community, I speak and lead workshops at retreats across New Zealand and in Fiji.

I run over-subscribed coaching workshops and travel overseas to events in an official capacity as a coach to travel companies.

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I’m also the manager of parkrun Rotorua, which I started to get my community on its feet. It’s a free, weekly timed 5km for runners of all abilities.

I brought Girls on the Run to New Zealand and we have helped more than 10,000 teenage girls raise their self-esteem through running.

I also sponsor, with a partnership through Brooks, my own group of runners who do not have the financial means to run.

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How I feel

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Every woman I connect with gives me a buzz, I give energy but I also receive it back tenfold through seeing smiles and hearing stories of how their life has changed.

I believe I am where I need to be. I am living my purpose and it is also a dream.

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I feel honoured when women come up to me at events to tell me how my community, and my number one bestselling book Couch Potato to Ironman helped them pull on their shoes, that running has changed their life.

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I feel I am making a difference, not only in my immediate community but for women around the world.

And that fills me with joy.

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People tell me that I am walking my own talk, that I embody everything that I coach my own runners.

I feel vitalised, especially after running.

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I start each day with meditation and then a run.

It’s how I get myself ready for the rest of the day.

I eat a paleo diet, and I enjoy making my own foods, including foods for running.

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Because I work for myself I choose to spend as much time with friends and family as possible.

Our son is homeschooled and is learning independence and self-reliability through my example.

He is also running for fun, because he sees how happy it makes me when I run.

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My Global Offerings

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Run For Your Life is a global company with runners enrolled in my community from every time zone.

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My offerings include one-off guides to get you to your race start line, through to intimate and intensive coaching.

I am fluid with what I do, if you can’t find what you need I will create it for you.

I have bestselling books that not only motivate runners but also give them the skills they need to complete their goal race.

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My workshops are a hit and fill up fast. I am a sought after speaker for retreats.

Women want to soak up my knowledge, be inspired by my story and learn how they can do it for themselves.

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This leads to women joining my Run For Your Life community, which gives me further growth for my business and allows me to support more women who are unable to fund their own running.

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Culture and Spirit

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When it comes to partnerships I only align with those that represent what Run For Your Life stands for and are willing to create lasting relationships beneficial to both parties.

I stand for inclusion, that every runner is valued as highly as the other, no matter their speed or race experience.

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We make it easy to learn what you need to learn.

We speak your language.

And we try to make it as fun as we can – though we accept that sometimes a hill reps session can be the opposite (at the time).

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Brand and Image

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My brand represents the women who want to rediscover who they are.

We stand for the natural athletes, the overweight, those who believe they are destined for something more than they have.

We stand for independence, community, freedom, joy and being fearless in the pursuit of what sets you on fire.

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Women want to work with Run For Your Life and in turn inspire their own friends and family to be fit and healthy.

They want to be the change they want to see in their world.

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Sponsors and


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I feel blessed to have the support of a range of businesses who all value the health and wellbeing of women around the world.

Through them we are able to sponsor a group of women worldwide who, due to their family situations, are unable to be in a position to buy running gear and enter races.

I am supported with my travel and have entrepreneurs and businesses working with me to help support their clients and communities, as well as my own.

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I have been featured in national and international media as a spokesperson for recreational runners.

I am the go-to voice for radio and TV to actively promote parkrun and marathons for not-your-average runner.

I am a featured columnist in Women’s Day and I have been featured in the Huffington Post.

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I am interviewed regularly on podcasts but I am most effective speaking at live events, workshops and fundraisers.

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I regularly surround myself with experts, influencers and mentors who are operating on a higher level so that I too can aim to reach their status in my own time.

I continue to raise my own bar higher as a result and in turn pass on to all those who come into contact with me.

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Family, friends and relationships

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I surround myself with family and friends at every opportunity.

Running has gifted me many new friends and I love being able to share my passion and enthusiasm with them.

We run together or spend time in each other’s company away from the forest or footpaths.

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I feel blessed to be accompanied on my journey by my husband who believes in me and enables me to believe in myself.

Together we are bringing up our son to pursue what sets his soul alight.

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Thank you for reading my 2019 Painted Picture.

Join me at to help it come true