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Theoretical, statistical, and practical perspectiveson pattern-based classication approaches

to the analysis of functional neuroimaging dataAlice J. O’Toole, Fang Jiang Herv e Abdi a ,∗ Nils P enard, Joseph P. Dunlop & Marc A. Parent

a The University of Texas at Dallas Richardson, TX, 75083–0688, USA.

Received August 08, 2006; accepted May 02, 2007


The goal of pattern-based classication of functional neuroimaging data is to link individual brain activation patterns to theexperimental conditions experienced during the scans. These “brain-reading” analyses advance functional neuroimaging on threefronts. From a technical standpoint, pattern-based classiers overcome fatal aws in the status quo inferential and exploratorymultivariate approaches, by combining pattern-based analyses with a direct link to experimental variables. In theoretical terms,the results that emerge from pattern-based classiers can offer insight into the nature of neural representations. This shifts theemphasis in functional neuroimaging studies away from localizing brain activity toward understanding how patterns of brainactivity encode information. From a practical point of view, pattern-based classiers are already well established and understoodin many areas of cognitive science. These tools are familiar to many researchers and provide a quantitatively sound andqualitatively satisfying answer to most questions addressed in functional neuroimaging studies. Here, we examine the theoretical,statistical, and practical underpinnings of pattern-based classication approaches to functional neuroimaging analyses. Pattern-based classication analyses are well positioned to become the standard approach to analyzing functional neuroimaging data.


Pattern-based classication analyses are appearing withincreasing frequency in the functional neuroimaging lit-erature and are being applied across a diverse span of

∗ Corresponding Author. Send correspondence toHerv e Abdi,The University of Texas at Dallas,Program in Cognition and Neuroscience, MS: Gr:4.1,Richardson, TX, 75083–0688.

Email address: [email protected] (Herv e Abdi).

URL: ∼ herve (Herv e Abdi).1 Thanks are due to Jim Haxby and Randy McIntosh for insightfulconversations about the theory and practice of data analysis for functionalneuroimaging studies. We also thank Stephen Strothers for pointers touseful references from earlier uses of classiers for brain image data andtwo anonymous reviewers for comments on a previous version of themanuscript. We would also like to gratefully acknowledge Jim Haxby’swillingness to make data from his laboratory available to us and to othersfor independent and open-ended scrutiny and re-analysis—from whichwe, and others, have learned a great deal. Thanks are also due to DanaRoark for helpful comments on the manuscript.

topics. These techniques rst garnered wide attention instudies of face and object perception, where researchersagree about brain activation sites for faces/objects, butare engaged in a vigorous debate about the nature of the underlying high-level visual representations (Carlson,Schrater, & He, 2003; Cox & Savoy, 2003; Gauthier, Tarr,Anderson, Skudlarski & Gore, 1999; Hanson, Matsuka,& Haxby, 2004; Haxby, Gobbini, Furey, Ishai, Schouten& Pietrini, 2001; O’Toole, Jiang, Abdi, & Haxby, 2005;Spiridon & Kanwisher, 2002; Kamitani & Tong, 2005).In vision science, pattern-classication analyses have pro-

duced striking and important results on the neural pro-cesses underlying low-level visual aftereffects (Haynes& Rees, 2005a), predicting conscious visual perceptions(Haynes & Rees, 2005a, Haynes, & Rees, 2005b, Kami-tani & Tong, 2005), dissociating brain areas responsive tobiological motion (Peelen, Wigget & Downing, 2006), anddistinguishing brain states underlying face matching andlocation matching tasks (Mour ao-Miranda, Bokde, Born,Hampel, & Stretter, 2005). In other areas of cognitive

Paper in Press in Journal of Cognitive NeuroScience 18 (2007) 1–19

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science, pattern-based classiers have been able to detectlies from brain activity patterns (Davatzikos, Ruparel, Fan,Acharyya, Loughead, Gur & Langleben, 2005), classifybrain states underlying the experience of reading differentwords (Mitchell, Hutchinson, Niculescu, Pereira, Wang,Just, & Newman, 2004), and predict conscious decisions

about emotional faces at accuracy levels comparable toneuronal data (Pessoa & Padmala, 2005).

Pattern-based classication methods have also pushedthe spatial resolution of functional neuroimaging data be-yond conventional limits, by offering converging “human”evidence for ndings from single-unit neurophysiolog-ical studies in animals (e.g., Kamitani & Tong, 2005;Haynes & Rees, 2005a). These kinds of approaches canoffer interpretative grounding for recently reported datafrom high-resolution functional neuroimaging studies (e.g.,Grill-Spector, Sayres, & Rees, 2006; Schwartzlose, Baker,& Kanwisher, 2005).

The use of pattern-based classication analyses for func-

tional neuroimaging has been reviewed recently with em-phasis on the ability of these methods to “decode consciousexperience” (Haynes & Rees, 2006) and to address ques-tions about neural representation (Norman, Polyn, Detre, &Haxby, 2006). Haynes and Rees (2006) also offer a thought-ful critique of the ethical issues entailed in brain-decodingapproaches. Both of these previous reviews highlight theaccomplishments of this new approach across the domainareas to which it has been applied. Here we take a closerlook at the theoretical, statistical, and practical underpin-nings of pattern-based classication approaches to func-tional neuroimaging analyses. We argue that pattern-basedclassication analyses solve some long-standing technicaland statistical problems for functional neuroimaging dataand provide a more accurate accounting of the data at hand.We also look at the relationship among different classiersand the issues relevant for implementing classiers withappropriate pre-processing and cross-validation schemes.

This paper is organized as follows. We begin with a look at what qualies as a pattern-classication approach to func-tional neuroimaging analysis. Next we detail the advancesmade by this approach on technical, theoretical, and prac-tical grounds, focusing on the question of whether thesetechniques will move the eld forward or simply add unnec-essary complexity to the diverse methods already in place.Finally, we consider the challenges ahead for using pattern-based classiers as a standard in functional neuroimaginganalysis.

Pattern-based classication for functional neuroimaginganalysis: What qualies?

The goal of pattern-based classication of functionalneuroimaging data is to link individual brain activation pat-

terns to the experimental conditions experienced during thescans. These “brain-reading” (Cox & Savoy, 2003) analy-ses address a fundamentally different experimental questionthan traditional exploratory or inferential analyses. Theyask, “How reliably can patterns of brain activation indi-cate or predict the task in which the brain is engaged or

the stimulus which the experimental participant is process-ing?” Pattern-based classiers t the “brain-reading” labelassigned to them by Cox and Savoy (2003), because theyallow us to “peer into the brain” and determine the likeli-hood that a particular perceptual or cognitive state is beingexperienced.

From a practical point of view, classiers use individualpatterns of brain activity from trials in a functional neu-roimaging experiment to predict the experimental condi-tions in effect when the scans were taken. Most commonly,a standard, “off-the-shelf” classier algorithm is applied tothe task of learning the statistical relationship between pat-terns of brain activity and the occurrence of particular ex-

perimental conditions. Individual brain activity patterns areinput to the classier and predictions of the stimulus or ex-perimental condition are generated. The accuracy of thesepredictions can be measured in standard performance mea-sures (e.g., percent correct, d’). The data that emerge fromthis analysis are, therefore, remarkably similar in form tothe data that emerge from behavioral experiments in psy-chology and cognitive science.

The earliest uses of pattern-classiers for neuroimag-ing analysis date back to the early nineties and wereimplemented to classify PET data (e.g., Azari, Pettigrew,Schapiro, Haxby, Grady, Pietrini, et al., 1993; Clark, Am-mann, Martin, Ty & Hayden 1991; Kippenhan, Barker, Pas-cal, Nagel & Duara, 1992; Moeller & Strother, 1991). Theproblem considered in these papers was to classify or “di-agnose” clinical populations (e.g., Alzheimer, Huntingtondisease, or AIDS patients) using patterns of brain activationfrom PET scans. This problem leads naturally to the use of a standard discriminant analysis, which is a linear classi-er. The immediate issue faced by these researchers whenusing standard discriminant analysis for this purpose wasthe larger number of voxels by comparison to the numberof observations 2 . This motivated preprocessing schemesbased on predened regions of interest, hierarchical multi-ple regression analysis (in order to reduce and optimize thenumber of predictors), and a principal component analysis(PCA) (or both). The sophisticated techniques used in theseearly papers are equivalent to the brain decoding methodsthat have recently attracted wide attention in the literatureas a novel approach to functional neuroimaging analysis.

2 The larger number of voxels than observations would require theinversion of a singular matrix (which is equivalent to a division by zeroand is therefore impossible).


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A daunting challenge to understanding commonalitiesamong pattern-based approaches to functional neuroimag-ing analyses is that classiers go by a wide variety of namesincluding neural network classiers (NN), connectionistnetworks, support vector machines (SVM), correlation-based classiers, backpropagation (BP), and linear dis-

criminant analysis (LDA), among others. The diversity of labels and lack of cross-citations have obscured obviousconnections among these analyses, leaving many readersto concentrate more on the specics of particular analysesthan on the general pattern-based classication approachthey implement.

Remarkably, the labeling issue has also obscured a rathertransparent connection between pattern-based classica-tion approaches and partial least squares (PLS) regressionanalysis—a statistically driven pattern-based classicationalgorithm that has been used in functional neuroimagingstudies for over a decade now. The now classic paper in-troducing PLS to the functional neuroimaging community

(McIntosh, Bookstein, Haxby, & Grady’s, 1996) has beencited 217 times and used in roughly two-thirds of thesepapers. Few studies using pattern-based classication evencite the McIntosh et al. (1996) paper on PLS. Notwith-standing, pattern-based methods are introduced uniformlyin recent papers as a “novel approach” to functional neu-roimaging analysis. Concomitantly, few studies using PLSregression cite pattern-based classication studies. A re-cent review of PLS regression analysis of neuroimagingdata (McIntosh & Lobaugh, 2004), for example, does notcite any of the recent pattern-based classication papers orpoint out the equivalent aspects of the approach. It is notsurprising, therefore, that there is limited general recogni-tion of the related nature of the approaches among readersof the neuroimaging literature. From the perspective of researchers with a solid grounding in statistics, however,the labeling of methods in the functional neuroimaging lit-erature is becoming confusing and potentially misleading.

The tendency in science to reinvent the wheel is espe-cially prevalent in literatures that are inherently interdis-ciplinary and where experimental and statistical methodsare borrowed intermittently across domains. One purposeof this paper is to inform a general readership in the be-havioral and brain sciences about the similar nature of thewide variety of pattern-based classication analyses beingused for functional neuroimaging data—and to point outcritical differences among the approaches, where they exist.Seen as a body of work, these papers represent a paradigmshift in the way functional neuroimaging data are being an-alyzed and interpreted. These analyses come from differentdisciplines and go by different names but they accomplishthe same thing. What they accomplish is precisely what isneeded—a pattern-based analysis of functional neuroimag-ing data in terms that relate directly and quantitatively to

experimental design variables.A second purpose of this paper is to understand why

analyses that have been available for decades are only nowbeginning to take hold in the functional neuroimaging liter-ature. We argue that one reason behind the recent popular-ity of pattern-based classiers in this eld is that the time is

ripe for moving functional neuroimaging research beyondthe era of cortical localization, to a new level where ques-tions about neural representation dominate questions aboutneural locus. Pattern-based classication analyses have thepotential to support this next step and to become the stan-dard approach in functional neuroimaging analysis.

A third purpose is to evaluate how the shift will likelyaffect progress in the eld. On technical, theoretical, andpractical grounds, we argue that the use of pattern-basedclassiers will make important strides toward setting a min-imum quantitative standard to which functional neuroimag-ing analysis must adhere and toward making full use of thepotential of neuroimaging technologies.

Before proceeding, it is worth noting that the largestconcentration of papers using pattern-based classicationanalyses for functional neuroimaging have appeared in do-main of face and object processing. This is likely due tothe recent emphasis in that literature on understanding the pattern structure of brain responses for deciding among al-ternative theoretical hypotheses about the neural represen-tation of faces/objects. In what follows, we make liberal useof the studies from this domain to illustrate our points.

Why pattern-based classication analyses are attractingattention

The widespread and accelerating popularity of pattern-based classication analyses in functional neuroimagingcan be attributed to three factors, which provide an orga-nizational structure for this paper. First, pattern-based clas-siers overcome fatal aws in the status quo inferentialand exploratory multivariate approaches. Second, the re-sults that emerge from pattern-based classiers can pro-vide insight into the nature of neural representations. Third,

pattern-based classiers are already well established andunderstood in many areas of cognitive science. These toolsare familiar to many researchers and provide a qualitativelyand quantitatively satisfying answer to most questions ad-dressed in functional neuroimaging studies.

We present these three factors rst as tenets and then inmore detail. We concentrate on how these factors supportthe adoption of pattern-based classiers as the standard ap-proach to analyzing functional neuroimaging data.


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Tenet 1: Fatal aws in the status quo

Voxel-based inferential statistics (e.g., analysis of vari-ance, ANOVA) and multivariate exploratory methods (e.g.,principal/independent components analysis, PCA/ICA)constitute the status quo in functional neuroimaging data

analysis. Voxel-based inferential analyses are awed be-cause they treat brains data from neuroimaging studiesas independent voxels. Exploratory multivariate analysesare awed because they fail to provide quantiable linksto experimental design variables. Pattern-based classiersaddress these shortcomings by treating brain images aspatterns and by providing a quantiable link to experimen-tal conditions. This is a technical advance in the quality of analyses available for functional neuroimaging data.

Tenet 2: Understanding neural representation

Status quo analyses are focused on identifying brain re-gions that are active during perceptual and cognitive tasks.Pattern-based classication approaches to functional neu-roimaging are focused more on understanding how , ratherthan where , the brain encodes information. If successful,pattern-based classier approaches can offer insight into thenature of neural representations. This is a watershed issuefor high-level neural codes that can go beyond trivial ex-tensions of single unit neural response proles to the natureof the neural codes that underlie perceptual and cognitivebrain states. This is a theoretical advance in the kinds of questions that functional neuroimaging studies can address.It is a by-product of the technical advance, but one that re-lies on appropriately framing the experimental questions,rather than simply implementing a classier.

Tenet 3: Familiarity, comfort level, and “attractiveness” of the approach

To ignore the inuence of the sociology of science in un-derstanding why certain methodological approaches “catchon” and others (even rigorous, well-respected ones) are leftto “specialists” is to miss a solid slice of causality in theprogress of science. The practitioners of functional neu-roimaging have come from traditions in psychology, cogni-

tive science, and neuroscience, bringing analysis methodsfrom these domains with them. From a technical point of view, these methods are ill suited to the analysis of func-tional neuroimaging data. Statisticians have long bemoanedthe inadequacies of status quo approaches to functional neu-roimaging data analysis and have succeeded in publishing,but not popularizing, sensible alternatives. Pattern-basedclassiers took center stage in cognitive science under thename of neural networks in the eighties and early nineties.

As techniques, they are familiar to broad and diverse groupsof researchers in cognitive science and are statistically ap-propriate for the analysis of functional neuroimaging data.They are also functionally equivalent to statistically basedtechniques, such as PLS, which achieved the technical ad-vance of Tenet 1 over a decade ago, but have not become

the standard in functional neuroimaging analysis. The tech-nical advance of Tenet 1 is “catching on” and will increasein popularity, under the name of pattern-based classiers,“brain-reading” and “brain decoding” approaches. This isa practical advance as research expertise from a broader range of behavioral and brain sciences can be brought tobear on issues in the analysis of functional neuroimagingdata .

A sub-tenet of the “catch-on” issue is that the brain-reading metaphor suggested by pattern-based classicationalgorithms is an attractive metaphor that might be able tosupplant less positive metaphors for functional neuroimag-ing, such as the “new phrenology” (Uttal, 2001). Whether

a change in metaphor represents an advance (of any kind)in science depends on whether it alters the way researchersand the general scientic public view the value of the re-sults that emerge. This may indeed be the most tangibleadvance to emerge from a paradigm shift.

Technical Advance: What’s wrong with the status quo?Tenet 1

Pattern-based classication methods represent a majoradvance in the analysis of functional neuroimaging data,

because they combine pattern-based data analysis of brainresponses with quantiable links to the experimental con-ditions. The two most common approaches to functionalneuroimaging analysis are awed because they provide ei-ther a quantitative link between the data and the experi-mental conditions or a pattern-based analysis, but not both.Specically, inferential or “hypothesis-led” methods (Fris-ton, 1998; Petersson, Nichols, Poline & Holms, 1999b) pro-vide quantication of functional neuroimaging data in termsof the experimental variables, but do not operate on patternsof neural activation. Inferential analyses operate on singlevoxels, which are treated incorrectly in these analyses asindependent measures.

Exploratory or “data-led” analyses (Friston, 1998; Pe-tersson, Nichols, Poline, & Holms, 1999a) are applieddirectly to the neural activity patterns, but are limited intheir ability to quantify patterns in terms of the originalcondition-based, experimental variables. These analysesquantify free-oating variance in neural activation patternswithout regard to their source, experimental or otherwise.In what follows, we present the assumptions, advantages,and disadvantages of the status quo approaches.


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b.) c.)

Fig. 1. Figure 1. Pattern based visualization. a.) Voxels from the Haxby et al. (2001) that differed signicantly as a function of the object categorybeing viewed by the participant when the scan was taken; b.) a principal component computed from the scans taken while participants viewed facesand houses that explains almost half of the variance in the set of scans from this participant, but is unrelated to the experimental variable. Intensityindicates the weighting of each voxel on this component (positive values in orange, negative values in blue); c.) a principal component that proveduseful for classifying scans by condition (face versus house), but explained only 3 percent of the variance in the PCA.


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Hypothesis-led approaches: A closer look

Hypothesis-led approaches to the analysis of functionalneuroimaging data draw on inferential statistical methodssimilar to those used in the behavioral sciences. A standardhypothesis-testing perspective underlies this approach. A

researcher posits that different brain states will result as afunction of different experimental conditions. An inferentialstatistical test, such as an analysis of variance (ANOVA),is applied to answer the question, “Do the brain states thatoccur in response to experimental Condition A differ sig-nicantly from the brain states that occur in response toexperimental Condition B?” The operational denition of this question reduces to assessing differences in the activa-tion level of any voxel or subset of voxels or “region of in-terest” as evidence for rejecting the null hypothesis of “nodifference” in brain states. Hypothesis-led methods followa “label and analyze” approach. Voxel activations are la-beled by condition and then analyzed in a way that detectsstatistically reliable differences between the activation lev-els as a function of experimental condition.

Figure 1a shows the results of an inferential analysisapplied to data from Haxby et al. (2001) on face and ob- ject processing. Participants in that study viewed eight cat-egories of objects (faces, houses, cats, chairs, scissors, bot-tles, shoes, and scrambled objects). An inferential analysisof these data asks the question, “Does brain activation varyas a function of the object category being viewed?” Inferen-tial methods answer this question, one voxel at a time. Thegure displays the result of applying one-factor (object cat-egory) ANOVAs separately to each voxel in a pre-selectedtarget area of the brain, with voxel activation as the de-pendent variable in each analysis. Specically, we see theanatomy of a participant, with an overlay of the voxels thatwere statistically signicant in their respective ANOVAs.Figure 1a, therefore, shows the parts of the brain that areaffected by changes in the experimental condition, (i.e., theobject being viewed).

The advantage of inferential approaches is that they pro-vide a statistical method for making statements about thereliability of brain response as a function of experimen-tal conditions. The disadvantages of this approach are wellknown, but rarely taken seriously enough to limit the use of these techniques. First, these inferential analyses are voxel-

based and therefore rely on the assumption that voxels areindependent, which they are not—a fact that is universallyaccepted by functional neuroimaging researchers.

The consequence of accepting the independence assump-tion for co-dependent voxels is that it eliminates any possi-bility of measuring or assessing neural codes that reside inthe interactions among voxels . The communication amongneurons is, arguably, the preeminent strength of neural/braincomputation. The power of functional neuroimaging tech-

niques is that they simultaneously measure patterns of brainactivity across large regions of the brain. The use of voxel-based inferential statistics, therefore, systematically elimi-nates most of the data a researcher gathers in a functionalneuroimaging study, reducing the power of neuroimagingtechniques to the level of single unit recordings.

The independence assumption leads to the second moretechnical, but equally vexing problem of multiple compar-isons across statistical tests (e.g., Petersson et al., 1999b).The application of multiple inferential tests to the manyvoxels measured in functional neuroimaging experimentsinates the alpha level for rejecting the null hypothesis. Themore comparisons made, the more likely it is to reject thenull when it is correct (a Type I error). This leads to a liberaltest for signicance that overestimates effects. There are anumber of ways of correcting for inated values, but theseswing the pendulum in the opposite direction toward TypeII errors. This leads to excessively conservative tests thattend to underestimate effects (e.g., Petersson et al., 1999b).

Data-led approaches: A closer look

Data-led approaches to the analysis of functional neu-roimaging data employ pattern-based, multivariate ex-ploratory methods to “characterize” the nature of the signalpresent in the data, including “unsuspected effects” (Peters-son et al., 1999a). Typical exploratory analyses used withfunctional neuroimaging data include principal componentanalysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA;e.g., McKeown, Makeig, Brown, Jung, Kindermann, Bell,& Sejnowski, 1998). These kinds of multivariate analyses

have a long and distinguished history and been appliedubiquitously to problems in engineering and cognitivescience for decades. They are appropriate for functionalneuroimaging analyses because of the multiple measuresof brain activity that are taken across time and brain spacein a typical study.

At the outset, it is worth stressing that brain activity datafrom a standard functional neuroimaging experiment do in-deed vary across both space and time. As such, brain activ-ity patterns can be dened relative to the temporal, spatial,or spatiotemporal dimensions of the brain data. We considerthe importance of this spatiotemporal issue in more detailshortly. For present purposes, however, data-led methods

are applied most commonly to the entire series of brainmaps (spatially arrayed voxels) available from an experi-ment, (e.g., a matrix of n brain maps in the columns withm voxels for each in the rows). The signal characterizationthat results usually takes the form of n brain activity pat-terns 3 (e.g., principal or independent components) that ex-plain different amounts of variance in the set of brain scans.

3 Assuming n < m.


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These components can be ordered according to the propor-tion of variance they explain, but must be interpreted “byeye” in a post-hoc fashion.

The process of interpretation is usually undertaken visu-ally by projecting individual principal or independent com-ponents onto the participant’s brain anatomy and looking at

the projections. The patterns of activity captured in the ex-ploratory analysis are considered meaningful positive indi-cations of the experimental effects when they explain sub-stantial proportions of variance and “resemble” or “echo”the hypothesized regions of brain activation and/or the tem-poral structure expected from the experimental conditions.Additional components may be deemed meaningful whenthey indicate experimental artifacts (e.g., from head move-ment). These pattern-based artifacts can be removed fromthe data when they are interpretable, allowing for a cleanerinterpretation of the experimental data. Un-interpretablecomponents are ignored.

A simple example appears in Figure 1b, using the data

from the Haxby et al. (2001) experiment and the participantpresented in Figure 1a. A PCA was applied to the brainscans taken while the participant viewed faces and houses.Because PCA was applied to brain scans, it is possible tointerpret and visualize the resultant principal componentsas brain scans by projecting them back onto the anatomyof the participant. The rst principal component explainsroughly half of the variance in the scans and is displayed inFigure 1b. It highlights areas near the fusiform and parahip-pocampalplaceareas—these are areas known frompreviousstudies to respond well to faces and houses, respectively.As we will see shortly, despite the general resemblance of the principal component to preconceived ideas about thelocations of the relevant brain areas, a pattern-based clas-sication approach shows that this principal component isunrelated to the experimental manipulation.

Exploratory analyses such as PCA and ICA are “blind”to the structure of the experimental design, and so the goalis to uncover the experimental design in the context of otherimportant components of the data that may or may not beexpected. In contrast to the inferential approach, exploratorymethods can be considered examples of an “analyze andlabel” approach. The pattern data are analyzed rst and arethen labeled post-hoc with an interpretation that ts theminto aspects of the experimental design (e.g., which categoryof objects a participant was viewing).

The fact that exploratory analyses are blind to the struc-ture and parameters of the experiment is both an advantageand a weakness. The advantage is that components explain-ing variance highlight relationships among voxels at botha local and global scale. These relationships can be indica-tive of the co-activation of multiple brain areas to the stim-ulus being presented and also can indicate unsuspected ornon-hypothesized effects, which might escape notice in a

voxel-based analysis.The primary disadvantage of exploratory approaches is

that the interpretation of thederived components, in terms of the experimental conditions and artifacts, is left completelyto the experimenter. Components that are compelling interms of the experimental context are retained. Components

that are not easy to interpret are discarded or ignored.A second more practical disadvantage of multivariate

analyses such as PCA and ICA is the voluminous and some-times unwieldy nature of the resultant output. In fact, asmuch data comes out of the analysis as goes in. Althoughthe proportion of explained variance serves as a guide tothe “importance” of the components, this “importance” isdened by explained variance in the set of brain imagesanalyzed. There is no systematic or prescribed method fordetermining whether explained variance in the set of im-ages has anything to do with the manipulation of the exper-imental variables. As is well known, the functional effectsdetected in f MRI alter voxel activation level by less than a

few percentage points. Consequently, the experimental ef-fects of interest may explain a relatively small amount of variance in a linear analysis by comparison to a variety of other sources of variance in the scans (e.g., head move-ments). Thus, the proportion of explained variance may notbe the best guide to nding components that relate to theexperimental conditions.

Finally, the need to interpret components by eye, froman inherently three-dimensional functional neuroimagingbrain map, is a daunting and potentially error-prone task.Given the volume of data and the number of components tochoose from, it is generally possible to nd something thatlooks “interesting” and meets a researcher’s expectationsabout the location(s) of brain activity changes that shouldaccompany particular experimental manipulations. Thoughpatterns may “look” interesting, and may meet the expecta-tion of a hypothesis, these methods include no formal wayto establish a link between the patterns and experimentalvariables.

Synopsis of the status quo and technical advantages of pattern-based classiers

The problem with status quo analyses to functional neu-roimaging data is that there are fatal aws in what they

accomplish. The inordinate loss of information in voxel-based analyses is an unacceptable waste of functional neu-roimaging data, which are expensive and challenging to col-lect. The need to interpret multivariate exploratory analyseswithout built-in data-driven constraints makes for an unac-ceptably weak tie between brain activation maps and exper-imental variables. Both voxel-based inferential and multi-variate exploratory approaches are ill suited for functionalneuroimaging analysis.


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Two critical differences in pattern-based classicationapproaches over the status quo address the technical short-comings of previous approaches. First, pattern-based clas-siers ask a different question than either inferential or ex-ploratory methods. Inferential methods ask, “Does the ac-tivation level of a voxel vary signicantly as a function of

experimental condition?” Exploratory methods ask, “Whatpatterns of activity explain variations across the set of brainmaps?” Pattern-based classication methods ask, “How re-liably can patterns of brain activation indicate or predict thetask in which the brain is engaged or the stimulus which theexperimental participant is processing?” The answer pro-vided by pattern-based classication methods is a quantita-tive measure of the discriminability of brain maps in termsof experimental variables. These data can be expressed asa percent correct classication or, when appropriate, in sig-nal detection terms as a discrimination index, such as d .The extracted measures of pattern similarity can be submit-ted to inferential statistics and compared to behavioral data

from human participants.Second, pattern-based classication algorithms operate

on brain activity patterns, allowing for the relationship orinteraction among voxels to contribute to the classicationsuccess of the algorithm. The ability of pattern-based clas-siers to use this enormous quantity of data, which voxel-based analyses discard, makes them less likely than tradi-tional voxel-based analyses to underestimate the discrim-inability of brain states as a function of experimental vari-ables. We qualify this claim shortly to make clear that itapplies only to certain types of pattern-based classiers,which are a subset of those used in recent analyses of func-tional neuroimaging data.

Spatial, Temporal, or Spatiotemporal? Again, we stressthat the brain activity data measured in a standard func-tional neuroimaging experiment vary both in time andspace. Consequently, there can be signicant pattern struc-ture in time between voxels and in space between timepoints. Temporal variation typically marks modulations inthe stimulus/experimental conditions in a dataset, whereasspatial variations mark the structure of voxel activationacross different brain locations (assuming a constantstimulus/experimental condition). Most pattern-based ap-proaches have been limited to the analysis of either thespatial or temporal structure of the design (though seeLobaugh, West, and McIntosh, 2001, for spatiotemporalanalyses that encompass the entire spatiotemporal designof a study). In most cases, looking at the spatial or tem-poral structure alone is a reasonable rst order analysis.For example, there can be valuable information gained bylooking at the stability of a spatial activation structure in astimulus/experimental condition and contrasting it to otherconditions. Concomitantly, there can be valuable informa-tion in the time course activation of voxels as experimental

conditions vary.Ideally, pattern-based analyses should consider the full

range of spatiotemporal patterns. However, to limit the com-plexity of this paper and to follow the thread inherent inmost of the literature on this topic, we discuss pattern-basedclassication analyses in this paper only for spatial brain

patterns. To date, most pattern-based classiers in func-tional neuroimaging concentrate on the spatial layout of brain activity by condition. It is worth bearing in mind, how-ever, that both space and time are variables in all functionalneuroimaging studies—though they may have differentialimportance in the context of different experimental designs.In principle, all of the analyses discussed here apply to tem-poral and spatial variations in brain activity data, with thecaveat that interpreting the analyses will differ substantiallyas a function of design type (e.g., block versus event).

Neural representation from functional neuroimagingdata: Tenet 2

Much has been made recently of the fact that pattern-based analyses of functional neuroimaging data provide akind of neural “read-out” of conscious experience (e.g.,Haynes & Rees, 2006). This is a compelling metaphor fora pattern-based classier approach to the analysis of func-tional neuroimaging data, but one that threatens to directthe attention of researchers away from the potential of theseanalyses for making progress on questions of neural codebeyond the limits of established methods. Single unit neuro-physiology, neuropsychology, and status quo treatments of functional neuroimaging data can conrm the importance

of brain locations for a perceptual or cognitive process, butare limited in their potential for elucidating the contribu-tion of the location to the neural code. In rare instances,neurophysiological single unit recordings can show a link between the response of a neuron and conscious perception(e.g., Newsome, Britten, & Movshon, 1989). The motiva-tion of these studies is analogous to brain-decoding, buton the scale of individual neurons. Although these casesestablish strong ties between conscious experience and aneural response, they constitute instances of grandmothercell codes (Barlow, 1972), and may represent only a smallfraction of neural codes.

A veriable link between a real-valued neural activity

pattern and an experimental variable (or conscious percep-tion) (e.g., this brain activity pattern predicts that a personis experiencing this ambiguous stimulus as x) can provideinformation about neural codes that is not available withprevious approaches. This information comes in the formof interactions among voxels, the degree to which neuralcodes are shared at the level of stimuli and/or psychologi-cal tasks, and the ability to visualize pattern-based data thatrelate directly to experimental variables. The challenge is


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to use the information to advance understanding of how thebrain works and to expand the range of questions that canbe addressed in functional neuroimaging.

The literature on face and object processing offers anentry into understanding how pattern-based classiers canprovide insights into neural representation that are not pos-

sible with other methods. It also serves as a useful base for adiscussion of the relative merits of individual classiers foranalyzing functional neuroimaging data. We take up theseissues in the next three sections. In this section, we offera brief sketch of the neural representation issue at ques-tion in the domain of face and object processing. In so faras possible, we separate issues about neural representationfrom issues about the quality and adequacy of classiers.We evaluate the various classiers used in this literature inthe section on “Familiarity, comfort level, and practical as-pects of the approach.” For clarity, however, we provide abrief description of the classier(s) for each study as theyare discussed, leaving the methodological issues and eval-

uation of different classiers to the third section.

Face and Object Processing: Modular versus distributed?

The recent popularity of pattern-based classication ap-proaches for analyzing functional neuroimaging data can betraced directly to Haxby et al.’s (2001) inuential 4 studyof face and object processing in ventral temporal (VT) cor-tex. The Haxby et al. (2001) paper weighed into an existingdebate about whether the neural representation of faces andobjects is modular or distributed . The modular account of representation posits that specic areas of VT cortex are

specialized for representing certain categories of objects(Spiridon & Kanwisher, 2002). Prior to the use of pattern-based classication for this problem, support for the mod-ular approach was based on ndings that certain regions of cortex respond preferentially to particular categories of ob- jects (e.g., faces and houses). By viewing statistically sig-nicant voxels projected onto brain anatomy, it is possibleto locate cortical “hot spots” or maximal activation sites forfaces, houses, and other objects. Faces, for example, elicitmaximal response from an area in VT cortex now knownas the fusiform face area (FFA, Kanwisher, McDermott, &Chun, 1997). Houses and scenes, for example, maximallyactivate an area in VT known as the parahippocampal place

area (PPA, Epstein & Kanwisher, 1998).The distributed or object form topography model posits

that the representations of objects are distributed widelyacross VT cortex (Haxby et al., 2001). Prior to the useof pattern-based classiers, support for the distributed ac-count was based on ndings that the brain regions pre-ferring certain categories of objects also respond to other

4 Cited 221 times as of this writing!

“non-preferred” categories of objects (e.g., Ishai, Ungerlei-der, Martin, Schouten, & Haxby, 1999).

Remarkably, there is little disagreement in the literatureabout the existence of brain areas that respond maximallyto certain objects and little disagreement about where theseareas are located. At issue is whether different categories

of objects are coded with dedicated (modular) or shared(distributed) neural resources.

Pattern-based classier approaches to understanding neu-ral representation

Dissect and classifyHaxby et al.’s (2001) approach to the neural represen-

tation issue was simple and direct. They used a simpleclassier to categorize scans from an f MRI experiment inwhich participants viewed eight categories of objects (faces,houses, cats, bottles, scissors, shoes, chairs, and scrambled

control stimuli). This classier was based on comparisonsof individual brain map correlations, both within and acrossobject categories (Haxby et al., 2001). The idea behind thisapproach is that accurate pattern-baseddiscrimination of thescans is possible if there is a higher correlation among scanstaken while participants viewed stimuli from “within a cat-egory of objects” than while they viewed stimuli “acrossdifferent categories of objects.” Haxby et al. (2001) foundthat the patterns of brain responses to object categories werehighly discriminable.

To look at the distributed versus modular representationof faces and objects, the classier was applied to differ-ent subsets of voxels. The modular hypothesis predicts that

the information for classifying objects by category shouldbe contained primarily in voxels that respond maximally tothe category in question. Haxby et al. (2001) found that thevoxels maximally activated in response to particular cate-gories could be deleted from the classier input with onlyminor cost to classication accuracy. This nding supportsa distributed account of neural representation because itsuggests that the regions of brain that respond maximallyto particular categories of objects are not required to cate-gorize objects.

Following the study of Haxby et al. (2001), Spiridonand Kanwisher (2002) also used the same type of clas-sier with a related, but not identical, operational deni-

tion of “distributed” versus “modular”. Haxby et al. asked,“To what extent do voxels that respond non-maximally toa particular category of objects affect performance in dis-criminating preferred and non-preferred objects?” Spiridonand Kanwisher (2002) asked, “How useful are voxels fromspecialized areas for discriminating among objects fromnon-preferred categories?” Spiridon and Kanwisher (2002)found that regions that give their maximal response to aparticular object (e.g., faces) were only minimally able to


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classify other objects (e.g., chairs and shoes). They con-cluded in favor of a modular organization of ventral tem-poral cortex.

These two studies illustrate a classify-and-dissect ap-proach to understanding neural representation. The rst stepis to show that the classier can discriminate brain acti-

vation patterns with reasonable accuracy. This provides aquantitative link between patterns and experimental condi-tions. The accuracy of prediction gives a measure of thestrength of the link. The second step is to selectively ablatethe voxels input to the classier in a theoretically motivatedway. The effect of this ablation on classication accuracyis taken as an indication of how patterns of brain activitycontribute functionally to the neural code.

Differences in the conclusions of Haxby et al. (2001)and Spiridon and Kanwisher (2002) are likely due to dif-ferences in their operational denitions of distributed andmodular. Although classiers are capable of providing thekind of data needed to test hypotheses about neural rep-

resentation, as for other analysis methods in science, thedenitiveness of the test lies not with the method itself, butwith the framing of the question. A positive outcome of anynew method in science is that it opens a dialog on how toframe questions in the context of a novel tool. To providemore denitive answers to questions about neural represen-tations that are pattern-based, more precise formulations of these theoretical concepts are required. In the case of theface and object literature, these formulations came quicklyin the form of a urry of follow-up studies to Haxby et al(2001) and Spiridon and Kanwisher (2002). These studiesintroduced a host of intriguing renements to the generalnotion of how (or whether) pattern-based neural codes dis-tribute information.

Hanson et al. (2004) moved the representation questionto a higher level of precision by proposing an explicit tax-onomy of neural code types. Working with the data fromHaxby et al. (2001), Hanson et al. dened four neural in-stantiations of distributed and modular codes. The rst com-prises a spatially local/compact code that indicates the pres-ence or absence of an object type. The second adds a poten-tial likelihood estimate to this spatially local/compact rep-resentation. The third code is distributed (i.e., spread out),but non-overlapping. Voxels in this code are dedicated toobject categories, although voxels dedicated to coding spe-cic object categories are not (necessarily) spatially con-tiguous. The fourth type of code is distributed and partiallyor completely overlapping. Hanson et al. (2004) refer to thecompletely overlapped version of this code as “combinato-rial” and stress that this code type is “intensity variable.”Object categories are indicated, therefore, not only by thepatterns of active voxels, but by the relative intensities of the voxels as well. At its extreme, all voxels might be ac-tive for all object categories, with distinctions among cate-

gories coded only by the relationship among voxel intensi-ties across cortex.

Hanson et al. (2004) implemented a variety of feed-forward, neural network architectures with both linear andnonlinear decision rules. The architecture for which theyreport the most interesting results starts with input from

the voxels, follows with a bottleneck of hidden units, andends with projections onto output units indicating the ex-perimental conditions. The sensitivity of individual voxelswas assessed by adding Gaussian noise to the voxels and re-computing classication accuracy. This sensitivity analysisshowed a high degree of overlap among voxels recruited forall object categories and exemplars. Hanson et al. (2004)conclude, therefore, in favor of a combinatorial code.

Knock-out and classifyCarlson et al. (2003) took the representation enterprise

a step further using an elegant “knock-out” procedure that

is capable of deleting entire systems of voxel activationpatterns involved in certain kinds of classications. Theymodeled data from a face and object processing study inwhich participants viewed three categories of objects (faces,houses, and chairs) in either a passive viewing procedureor a delayed matching task (Ishai et al., 1999).

The knock-out procedure was implemented in two steps.First, Carlson et al. (2003) created a multidimensional rep-resentation space of the scans using PCA. Next, a LDAclassier learned to predict experimental conditions fromthe projections of the individual scans on the principal com-ponents. The important difference in this approach is thatvoxel values are not directly input to the classier. Rather,

classier input is based on an extracted exploratory mul-tivariate analysis of the scans (see Section “Data-led ap-proaches”). In this context, the interpretation difculties wediscussed previously for multivariate exploratory analysesare reduced, because the classier quantitatively links theprincipal components to the experimental variables. A re-searcher does not have to guess whether or not a pattern of activation (e.g., principal component) is linked to the ex-perimental manipulation. Moreover, the good points of ex-ploratory multivariate analyses, like their ability to removeexperimental artifacts, return. Factors that explain variance,(e.g., experimental artifact and experimental condition ma-nipulations), will be detected in the multivariate exploratory

analysis. The classier then weights the information usefulfor predicting experimental condition strongly and pushesthe weights on the artifactual information toward zero. Be-cause classier input is in the form of projections of scanson the multivariate axes, the weighting applies, not to indi-vidual voxels, but to entire (overlapping) patterns of voxelactivations specied by the multivariate axes.

The knock-out procedure operates by systematicallyeliminating or “lesioning” the best discriminant axes until


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the classication performance is close to chance 5 . Each“knock-out” deletes an entire complex pattern of brainresponses, rather than deleting individual voxels. This al-lowed Carlson et al. (2003) to look at the interdependenceamong neural codes for the various kinds of classier tasks.With this procedure, it becomes possible to delete all of

the information needed for a particular discrimination task and then to assess the effects of this deletion on any otherdiscrimination task. Carlson et al. (2003) dened category-specic classiers, which discriminated a specic categoryof items (e.g., faces) from the other categories of items(e.g., houses and chairs). Pairwise classiers discriminateda specic category of items (e.g., faces) from another cat-egory of items (e.g., houses). Object-control classiersdiscriminated a specic category of items (e.g., faces)from scrambled items from the category (e.g., scrambledfaces). Carlson et al. (2003) found that category-specicknock-outs reduced classication performance for all threeobject-specic control tasks. This illustrates that there are

aspects of the neural representations that are shared acrossall object categories.

The knock-out technique adds a powerful tool to therepertoire of methods available for investigating the natureof the patterns involved in object representation. Of note, itsets up a framework for investigating the degree to whichneural representations sub-servemultiple tasks, thereby pro-viding a window into the structure of information process-ing in the brain. Questions of task independence, which arekey in many areas of psychology, can be addressed withthis method.

Representations: Merging Brain Space with Stimulus SpaceAn important advantage of pattern-based classication

analyses of functional neuroimaging data is that many of these analyses create a “brain space”. When compared ap-propriately to perceptual spaces or computationally derivedstimulus spaces, brain spaces can ground hypotheses aboutneural representation (cf., Edelman, Grill-Spector, Kush-nir & Malach, 1998; Young & Yamane, 1992). By “brainspace,” we mean simply that in geometric terms, pattern-based classiers classify patterns based on where they arein a multidimensional space that represents brain states.The success of the classier depends upon how neatly thescans/brain states from particular experimental conditions

cluster. Failures of classication indicate that scans fromdifferent conditions intermix in the brain space. The confus-ability of brain scans can be used to leverage informationabout representations, when the hypothesized representa-

5 It is worth noting that Hanson et al. (2004) constrain the number of axesavailable for coding by varying the number of hidden units, a procedurerelated to that used by Carlson et al. (2003). The Hanson et al. resultshave interesting implications for nding the minimum dimensionality of representations.

tions or known perceptual data suggest that certain stimulusconditions should be more or less confusable.

To illustrate a brain space using the data of Haxby etal. (2001), O’Toole et al. (2005) used the “distances” be-tween the brain states that resulted when viewing differentobject categories. These distances were derived with a PCA

followed by a pattern-based classier, similar to that usedby Carlson et al. (2003). The d’s (distances) for discrimi-nating object categories were based on the functional neu-roimaging scans collected by Haxby et al. (2001). Thesedistances can be combined across the individual participantsto give an idea of the consistency of brain representationsacross different observers, avoiding the notoriously error-prone process of physically aligning participant brains.

Figure 2a shows a prole of the similarity of brain re-sponses to the object categories, combined across partici-pants. It is clear that the pattern-based representations of theface andhouse categories arehighly distinct from each otherand from the cluster of other objects 6 . As indicated by the

participant dispersion lines, it is also clear that the neuralresponse to these categories was relatively consistent acrossparticipants in the study. Viewed in computational objectrecognition terms, questions about the nature of face andobject representations in VT cortex can be considered in thecontext of stimulus predictions. How confusable should weexpect the neural representations of object categories to be,assuming a distributed or modular hypothesis (O’Toole etal., 2005)? The object form topography model of Haxby etal. (2001) posits that the representations of faces and otherobjects are widely distributed and overlapping, because VTcortex contains a topographically organized representationof the attributes that underlie face and object recognition. Itfollows that voxels should share information about objectcategories as a function of the degree to which the objectcategories share features or attributes. “Similar” object cat-egories should share more voxels than “dissimilar” objectcategories. An unexpected consequence of this logic is thata distributed coding of objects in VT cortex actually pre-dicts modular brain activations, when the object categoriesshare few common attributes .

To dene “physically similar”, O’Toole et al. (2005) im-plemented a computational model to categorize the stimuliused by Haxby et al. (2001). The resultant stimulus spacewas remarkably similar to the brain space (Figure 2b). Thisis consistent with a distributed code in which the brain re-sponse patterns for different object categories share voxelsin roughly equal measure to the extent to which they shareattributes. It also accounts for brain activation patterns thatlook modular, but which are actually based on distributedcoding principles.

6 See O’Toole et al. (2005) for a discussion of the cat and scrambledcategories, which are not well-t by the computational model.


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Fig. 2. A schematic view of the neural separability of representations for faces and objects derived from O’Toole et al. (2005) based on data fromHaxby et al. (2001). a.) shows a DISTATIS plot derived from the neuroimaging-based confusability proles of the scans from the eight categories(Abdi, Valentin, O’Toole & Edelman, 2005; Abdi, 2003, 2007; Kherif, Poline, M eriaux, Benali, Flandin, & Brett 2003, Shinkareva, Ombao, Sutton,Mohanty, & Miller, 2006). Dispersion lines indicate the consistently of individual participants with respect to the center points of the categories; b.) acombined neuroimaging and stimulus space that shows the compatibility of the neural activation maps from Figure 2a and the stimulus model (outlinedpictures). The distance matrix from the stimulus model projected onto the neural activation distance map (Abdi & Valentin, 2006) reveals a close tbetween brain and stimulus spaces.


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The use of patterns as the primary unit of analyses of-fers advantages in visualizing pattern-based brain activitywith a stronger tie to interpretation than is possible withmultivariate exploratory analyses. We can now return tothe information in patterns for discriminating experimentalconditions. From the PCA-LDA classier used by O’Toole

et al. (2005), the principal component displayed in Figure1c was quantitatively linked to the experimental variable—it achieved a high degree of separation ( d’ = 3.3) betweenface and house brain maps in the brain of a participant inHaxby et al. (2001). This component, however, explainedonly 3 percent of the variance in the PCA. This stands instark contrast to the principal component displayed in Fig-ure 1b, which explained over 50 percent of variance butwas unrelated to the experimental manipulation.

In summary, a veriable link between a real-valued neu-ral activity pattern and an experimental variable (or con-scious perception) can provide information about neuralcodes that is not available with previous approaches. The

information provided by the interaction among voxels, thedegree to which neural codes are shared at the level of stim-uli and/or psychological tasks (e.g., detection of an object,discriminating pairs of objects, open-ended object classi-cation), and visualization of supportive pattern-based dataexpand the range of questions that can be addressed directlyin functional neuroimaging studies.

Familiarity, comfort level, and practical aspects of theapproach: Tenet 3

In the introduction, we noted that pattern-based classi-

ers are familiar to many researchers via the neural network boom of the eighties and early nineties. Shared knowledgeof methods in a eld fosters progress through the commonground it provides for dialog. The quick spread of pattern-based classiers across a diverse range of domains in func-tional neuroimaging is probably due in part to the comfortlevel aspect of these analyses. If it were simply a questionof making a technical advance, PLS regression would nowbe the standard. Pattern-based classication analyses sat-isfy long-standing valid complaints about the inadequacyand inappropriateness of status quo approaches and are rea-sonably well understood in the behavioral sciences. Theycan therefore support a relatively painless transition from

the status quo to a better way of analyzing functional neu-roimaging data. It is important, nonetheless, to see theseapproaches in a correct historical context, where function-ally related analyses are part of the overall change in per-spective for functional neuroimaging analysis.

In this section, we look at some of the practical issuesinvolved in choosing an appropriate classier and in im-plementing it in ways that enable conclusions that answerthe questions at hand. We begin with the topic of choosing

input for a classier from the enormous number of avail-able brain voxels. These pre-processing decisions are crit-ical for determining the scope of conclusion possible andare a necessary prerequisite for training well-behaved clas-siers. Next, we consider cross-validation methods, whichmust be implemented to evaluate the robustness of classier

results across samples. Finally, we consider some criticalfeatures of the classiers and the representations on whichthey operate.

Preprocessing or Input Conditioning

Because the number of voxel activations measured in astandard fMRI study can be on the order of several hundred-thousand voxels, the input used by classiers almost neverincludes the entire set of voxels. Rather, it is common forresearchers to pare down the activity pattern to a smallersubset of the available voxels (e.g., Haxby et al., 2001), a

low-dimensional or compressed representation of the vox-els (achieved usually by PCA) (e.g., Strother, Anderson,Schaper, Sidtis, Rottenberg, 1995), or both (O’Toole, et al.,2005). There are important technical and statistical motiva-tions for the selection or compression of the voxel input to aclassier. One, in particular, is that the number of voxels isvery large by comparison to number of scans. This createsa problem of over-tting, whereby perfect classication canbe obtained for the learning set, because there are too manyfree parameters (i.e. voxels) relative to the number of obser-vations (i.e., scans). Because of this problem, the solutionobtained with a large number of parameters can t a sam-ple dataset, regardless of its relevance or generality across

other sample datasets extracted from the same population.A second, related but more vexing, problem occurs when

the number of predictors is larger than the number of ob-servations. This “multicolinearity” problem makes it im-possible to invert the between-voxel covariance matrix, dueto the fact that it is not full rank. In practice, techniquessuch as discriminant analysis or multiple regression analy-sis fail in these cases. Both multicolinearity and over-ttingproblems can be handled by input conditioning (i.e., pre-processing), cross-validation (see section below), or by acombination of both.

Preprocessing or voxel selection is a common rst step inmany pattern-based classication models of functional neu-

roimaging data. Methods for selecting voxels for input to aclassier include the use of inferential statistics as a screen-ing device for deciding which voxels merit further pattern-based examination. For example, Haxby et al., (2001) ap-plied an inferentially-based regressor to the raw f MRI voxelactivations to locate voxels that differed signicantly acrossthe eight object categories he used. Cox and Savoy (2003)used inferential statistics to target two subsets of voxels: a.)all voxels that varied signicantly over at least one cate-


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gory of object stimuli; and b.) functionally localized voxelsthat discriminated signicantly between object categoriesand their scrambled controls. In both cases, this reduced in-put dimensionality from several hundred thousand to a fewhundred, with the caveat that the classier performance isconditional on the set of voxels that vary signicantly with

respect to some experimental condition variable(s).Reduction of the dimensionality of the classier input

using PCA-based compression is also a common prepro-cessing method. A short digression is useful here to recallthat PCA produces a set of principal components derivedfrom the statistical structure of the set of brain scans. Theseprincipal components form an orthogonal basis set of brainresponse patterns, which can be ordered by the degree of variance they explain in the set of scans. Because individ-ual scans in the training/example set can be reconstructed(exactly) as a weighted combination of the principal com-ponents, it is possible to use these weights in lieu of thevector of voxel activations as input to a classier algorithm.

The use of these weights can vastly reduce the“size/dimensionality” 7 of the input to the classier intwo distinct ways. First, from a practical point of view,full vectors of hundreds or even thousands of voxels canbe condensed to consist of vectors containing only theweights of individual scans on the principal components(i.e., discarding the PCs from further analysis). Second,PCA is a dimensionality reduction technique in a moregeneric sense, because the original scans can be approxi-mated using only a subset of principal components—thoseexplaining relatively large amounts of variance in thedataset. This further reduces the “size” of the input vectorby restricting the weight-based representation to contain asmaller number of elements than the number of availableprincipal components 8 . The work of Hanson et al. (2004)evaluating a non-linear hidden-unit neural network sug-gests that the amount of data reduction possible for fMRIstudies is substantial.

As an example, Strother, Anderson, Hansen, Kjems,Kustra, Sidtis, et al., (2002) used PCA compression to re-duce input dimensionality and noted that it is particularlyhelpful in reducing noise in the input, thereby boosting thesignal to noise ratio (cf., also Moeller & Strother, 1991). Afurther example of this approach can be seen in the work of Carlson et al. (2003) who selected a low dimensionalrepresentation of the information contained in the voxelactivations by using the rst 40 principal component axes.

7 The word size is used here because “dimensionality” could refer eitherto the dimensionality or number of elements in an input vector (of eithervoxels or weights) or to the true dimensionality of the problem, in moremathematical terms (the rank of the covariance matrix).8 This is equal to the rank of the matrix, which is less than or equal tothe lesser of n and m , where n is the number of voxels per scan andm is the number of scans included in the PCA.

This representation allows for their knock-out procedure totarget individual PC axes of voxel activations rather thansingle voxels.

Finally, an example of combining compression schemescan be found in O’Toole et al. (2005), who used Haxby etal.’s scheme to select signicant voxels and then applied a

PCA compression in which they retained the PCs with themost discriminative power.

In summary, pre-processing reduces the dimensionalityof the input and can attenuate noise in the signal. It canalso provide a convenient representation of the input (i.e.,“eigenbrains”) with strong value for visualizing patterns of brain activity that have discriminative power (cf., Figure1c). On the less positive side, pre-processing can create sta-tistical problems related to the exclusive use of a particularsample of variables in deriving predictors (i.e., voxels orPCs) of the experimental conditions.


Cross-validation is the most commonly used method forevaluating the accuracy and generalizability of results frompattern-based classiers. Cross-validation involves a sep-aration of the available data into training and test set(s).The quality of a trained mapping between brain activationmaps and experimental variables can be assessed, there-fore, by evaluating the accuracy of the classier on the“left-out” test-set data. Versions of cross-validation proce-dures include jackkning, bootstrapping (Efron & Tibshi-rani, 1993), and reproducibility resampling (e.g., NPAIRS,Strother et al., 2002).

Cross-validation techniques are needed to evaluate thegenerality of the results from classiers, because these dataare not easily amenable to standard statistical inferential ap-proaches. Specically, as in any standard experiment, it isimportant to know how well the system will perform on adifferent sample. Experimental psychologists typically an-swer this question by performing an inferential statisticaltest (e.g., ANOVA). A “signicant” result is interpreted as apotentially “replicable” result. At present, there is no stan-dard statistical practice for assessing the inferential valid-ity of pattern classiers (e.g., Duda, Hart & Stork 2001).Cross-validation has been used, therefore, to address ques-tions about the robustness and replicability of classiers

across samples.Although the generalizability problem has been consid-

ered extensively in the neural networks and machine learn-ing literatures (cf., e.g., Duda et al., 2001, Ripley, 1996;Hastie, Tibshirani, & Friedman, 2001; Bishop, 2006), brainimaging data pose unique challenges. The most criticalproblem to consider in implementing cross-validation onspatially arrayed brain map data is the issue of temporalstructure of the data set. Specically, the temporal struc-


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ture of experimental conditions combined with the hemody-namic correlation among temporally contiguous scans (e.g.,two scans performed closely in time will be similar forreasons unrelated to the experimental condition) makes thechoice of training and test sets difcult and potentially sub- ject to confounds. These sampling issues play out in differ-

ent ways for event-related versus block designs. Notwith-standing, the temporal correlation problem must be takeninto account in implementing cross-validation procedures.Strother et al. (2002) and LaConte, Anderson, Muley, Ashe,Frutiger, Rehm, et al. (2003) discuss this issue in detail andpresent a comprehensive approach to the problem for brainimaging data.

Critical features of the classiers

In what follows, we overview some important features of classiers applied to the analysis of functional neuroimag-

ing data. The section is meant to provide an accessible andgeneral entry into the kinds of classiers used in this litera-ture, with the caveat that more detailed statistical referencesare available in other work (cf., Bishop, 2006; Duda, Hart& Stork, 2001; Hastie et al., 2001; Ripley, 1996).

Assessing Brain Map SimilarityNearly all classiers operate on measures of the similar-

ity (or inversely, distances) among the stimuli to be classi-ed. An important difference among pattern-based classi-ers is the way these distances are computed. In the func-tional neuroimaging literature, computations vary from us-ing simple correlations to compute brain map similarity(e.g., Haxby et al. 2001; Spiridon & Kanwisher, 2002) tocomparisons based on multivariate representations of thebrain scans (e.g., Cox & Savoy, 2003; Strother et. al., 1998).

Similarity based on correlationClassiers that categorize inputs based on correlation

treat brain maps as patterns, but use only a fraction of thedata available in the patterns for classication. Correlationprovides a measure of the similarity of two patterns . Thecontribution of any given voxel to the computation of sim-ilarity is based on the deviation of its response from theaverage response across voxels—a computation that can be

inordinately affected by the presence of outliers.By comparison to voxel-based inferential approaches,

classiers that categorize based on correlation increase thequantity of information considered from n independent vox-els to 2 n. Specically, as implemented in the classiers wehave mentioned, correlation measures the accord betweenthe neural activity in two experimental conditions at thesame locations in the brain. The decision of whether a brainactivity map was generated during a particular experimen-

tal condition depends, therefore, on the combined estimateof how similar the brain responses are across the n pairs of location-matched voxels.

Similarity based on multivariate representationsOther pattern-based classiers learn a mapping function

from a multivariate representation of the brain activity di-rectly onto a variable indicating the experimental conditionfrom which the scans originate. The learning makes useof “example” mappings from scans to experimental condi-tions. Test data are computed on mappings that were notpart of the example data. The primary technical advantageof multivariate representation is that a classier can learn,not only the discriminative power of individual voxels, butalso the dicriminative power of voxel combinations . Clas-siers can seek, therefore, an “optimal” separation of cate-gories in a multivariate space by nding a set of weights forcombining voxels to accurately predict experimental con-

ditions.The substantive advantage of these classiers is that theymake use of the relationship among responses at different locations in the brain (cf., Cox & Savoy, 2003). Consider-ing the covariance of all possible pairs of voxels in brainactivities, rather than attending selectively only to the pairslocated at corresponding brain locations (as in correlation),effectively increases the information available for each mea-sure from 2 n in correlation, to n 2 in a multivariate analysis.

Most of the classiers used for functional neuroimag-ing data analysis operate on a multivariate representationof brain activity. These include SVM’s (e.g., Cox & Savoy,2003), LDA’s (Carlson et al., 2003; O’Toole et al., 2005),

feed-forward neural networks (Hanson et al., 2004), andPLS (McIntosh et al., 1996). To summarize, classiers thatcategorize based on correlation between brain maps (Haxbyet al., 2001; Spiridon & Kanwisher, 2002) operate on pat-terns, but not in a multivariate space. Classiers like LDA,SVM, and PLS are pattern-based and have the advantageof making use of the multivariate structure of the space incategorization.

In choosing the parameters involved in implementing aparticular classier, a reappearing principle for guiding thereader through the next few sections can be summarized asfollows. If information is available and useful for classi-cation, but not used by a particular classier, that classier

is decient by comparison to a better one that can exploit the available and useful information . This says both noth-ing and everything about which classier to use. It saysnothing, because the true answer to the question of whatinformation is available and useful for classifying a partic-ular dataset is entirely empirical. To nd out what informa-tion is available and useful, one has to implement classiersthat exploit various kinds of information and see which oneworks best.


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In the absence of the data one could gain by taking theimpractical route of implementing all possible classiers,an educated guess about an adequate classier is needed.This brings us to the second axiom. Implement the simplest classier able to effectively classify the data at hand, withthe caveat that the classier be consistent with theoretical

notions about the nature of the information in neural codes.Although beyond the scope of the present paper to justify,we claim that there is more than ample evidence to suggestthat an important part of the neural code lies in the interac-tion of brain response across different spatial locations inthe cortex. We recommend, therefore, that multivariate clas-siers be the standard for functional neuroimaging analysis.

Linear or Nonlinear Classiers?Classiers differ also in whether they are linear or non-

linear. This is a feature of the classier algorithm itself.Classiers seek an “optimal” separation of categories in a

space by nding a set of weights for combining voxels. Suf-ce to say that in geometric terms, linear classiers work in a representational space to nd the best (hyper)-plane forseparating the scans by condition. Non-linear classiers canbend this (hyper)-plane in various (classier-limited) waysto seek a better separation of scans by condition.

We re-iterate that it is impossible to know, a priori, whatkind of surface is needed to classify brain maps in any givendataset. So, for linear versus non-linear, we recommend thefollowing approach. Start with a linear classier. If it fails,try a nonlinear classier. Failure means that accuracy is ei-ther not above chance or is seriously below the accuracyhumans achieve on the best-t analogous task. Human ac-

curacy is sometimes at ceiling in functional neuroimagingtasks, (e.g., we assume that humans never misclassify com-mon objects). In many other cases, however, human accu-racy varies by condition, so perfect accuracy in all condi-tions may not be a sensible goal for a classier.

On the question of whether classiers should be makeuse of the multivariate features of the data, we argued thatthere are ample data to support the view that at least somepart of the neural code resides in interactions among neuralactivity at different locations in the brain. For the questionof whether or not important principles of neural coding willbe missed without considering nonlinear dividers betweenbrain states, the literature is less clear. Two things are cer-

tain. First, if a linear classier works to levels of accuracythat are theoretically acceptable for a given problem, with-out a theoretically motivated reason for seeking a nonlinearseparator, there is little to be gained by using a nonlinearclassier.

Second, if linear separation does not work up to expec-tations, nonlinear classiers are an available and sensiblealternative. We cannot think of neural data that precludebrain state separation by nonlinear dividers. In this case, the

best practice is to compare classiers. The approach of Coxand Savoy (2003) comparing several classier algorithmsfor the task of separating object categories from a func-tional neuroimaging experiment serves as a good example.They implemented three classiers (LDA, SVM, and a cu-bic polynomial SVM classier). LDA and SVM are linear

classiers, whereas the cubic polynomial SVM is a nonlin-ear classier. The output of the classier was a predictionof the object category viewed while the scan was taken.Cox and Savoy did not nd a performance advantage forthe nonlinear cubic polynomial SVM over its linear coun-terparts. There are several interpretations of for this lack of difference, including the possibility that the neural signalitself is linearly separable by object category or that the cu-bic polynomial function failed to capture the true nature of the decision boundaries.

Representational Spaces or Not?

Analyses that use representational spaces, (e.g., basedon PCA, Carlson et al., 2003; O’Toole et al., 2005, ICA, ormulti-layer feed-forward networks (Hanson et al., 2004) of-fer some advantages over direct voxel-based classiers (e.g.,SVM or LDA alone). Perhaps the primary one is that repre-sentational spaces allow for a richer analysis of the pattern-structure of functional neuroimaging brain maps than directvoxel-based classiers. They also allow for visualization of brain states that are proven to be relevant for classifying byscans by experimental condition. This puts the interpreta-tion of brain activity patterns on rmer ground.

Going from good to better to best, the following sumsup the popcorn trail a classier leaves behind when it is

successful for classifying brain states. Classiers based oncorrelation leave no popcorn trail for interpretation, beyondthat available from the average brain map in each condition.In their simplest implementation, direct voxel based classi-ers like LDA and SVM leave behind a pattern of weightsthat species how to combine the voxels to predict condi-tion. Weights with larger absolute values are more impor-tant for the classication than weights closer to zero.

Classiers that operate on a representational space leavebehind a set of patterns and a set of corresponding weightsindicating the importance of each of the patterns in predict-ing experimental condition. As noted, some of these pat-terns will be useful for predicting experimental condition

and some (artifactual or simply unrelated to experimentalmanipulation) will not be useful. Representational spacescan prove helpful in understanding the dimensionality andcomplexity of the brain task being undertaken (see Hansonet al., 2004 for an excellent discussion of dimensionalityreduction). Further, as illustrated by Carlson et al. (2003),there are important advantages in being able to selectivelymanipulate whole patterns linked to performance in a task,with the goal of assessing the side effects of deletion on


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other tasks.On the downside, representational spaces add complex-

ity to the analysis that may or may not be helpful in an-swering the experimental questions at hand. This returns usto the principle “ implement the simplest classier able toeffectively classify the data at hand with the caveat that the

classier be consistent with theoretical notions about thenature of the information in neural codes”.

Challenges for pattern-based classiers in functionalneuroimaging analysis

Keeping inferential analyses in the picture

Researchers in the behavioral sciences are trained toembrace inferential statistics with great fervor—with goodreason (Cohen, 1994). A major challenge ahead is to de-velop and standardize inferential methods for the pattern-

based classier methods in ways that solidify and comple-ment current cross-validation approaches. Inferential meth-ods are ultimately the best approach, when they can be ap-plied appropriately. However, the application of a quanti-tatively sound analysis to the correct data is preferential toan application of inferential analyses to the incorrect typeof data. Individual voxels are the wrong unit of analysis forfunctional neuroimaging.

Pattern-based classication results have been tested in-ferentially with a number of methods. At least two routeshave been proposed and implemented. The rst route mea-sures the stability of the brain patterns contributing to theprediction (e.g., McIntosh et al., 1996) and the second mea-

sures the stability of classier performance across partici-pant brains.

For the rst, PLS regression, as introduced to the brainimaging community by McIntosh et al. (1996), was de-scribed with an accompanying bootstrapping procedure fortesting the inferential stability of the latent vectors (simi-lar to principal components). Dedicated users of PLS typ-ically employ this type of inferential analyses, as a matterof course.

Another way to test pattern-based classiers inferentiallyis to apply inferential analyses across participant brains, to ameasure of classier success in different experimental con-ditions. As noted, classier success is measured by experi-

mental condition in much the same way as it is for humanparticipant success—with a percent or number correct percondition. Applied to the brains of individual participants,classiers can yield data that are structurally analogous todata from behavioral experiments (cf., O’Toole et. al., 2005,for an example), allowing for a direct comparison betweenbehavioral and neural data. The primary weakness of thisapproach is that the extracted measures do not necessarilyrefer to brain activations that are at the same anatomical

locations in the brains of different participants.To retain staying power, an acceptable standard of in-

ferential analyses for the results of pattern-based classierswill ultimately need to emerge. In the interim, we stressthat inferential analysis of voxels, though statistically rig-orous, is based on such a small proportion of the available

data from functional neuroimaging experiments and is notguaranteed to provide a meaningful assessment of the data.

So many pattern-based classiers!

The science of pattern recognition has ourished fordecades in engineering, statistics, physics, and cognitivescience. Relatively minor classier renements that im-prove performance in an engineering or computer applica-tion from excellent to perfect performance are noteworthyin these literatures (e.g., face and ngerprint analysis), butare potentially an enormous distraction for the emergentuse of these methods in functional neuroimaging analysis.A challenge for this eld will be to stay on task and touse classiers that get the job done without forcing the re-searcher into too many unwarranted assumptions. The job isto link patterns to experimental variables in ways that cap-ture as much of the richness and complexity of the neuralcode as possible. Used in this least-common-denominatorway, pattern-based classiers can be used to address ques-tions about neural codes, avoiding the potential pitfall of using neural codes to address questions about the quality of pattern-based classiers. In no way do we wish to suggestthat all classiers are equivalent—they are not. We suggestonly that achieving the highest possible level of classi-cation accuracy may be less important in many functionalneuroimaging applications than arriving at understandableand transparently interpretable solutions to the problem of separating brain states.

Concluding remarks

A large part of the appeal of pattern-based classiers forthe analysis of functional neuroimaging data is the claimthat they are acting like “brain-readers.” This is a realchange in experimental question from previous approaches.We have argued in the context of the recent literature onface and object processing that pattern-based prediction has

advanced our understanding of the neural coding principlesunderlying high level visual representations of faces and ob- jects. This is true even if there is still controversy about theanswers to these questions. The most important outcome of the use of classiers in the face and object processing areais that it is making researchers think in new ways aboutthe representation questions. This extends the appeal of thebrain-reading metaphor beyond prediction and will be of long-term value to cognitive science.


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In summary, pattern-based classiers make a fundamen-tal technical advance in the state of the art by linking pat-terns of brain activity to experimental design variables. Inthe context of appropriately framed questions, these analy-ses open a door toward advancing functional neuroimagingstudies beyond cortical localization toward questions that

offer insight into neural codes. The time is ripe for allowingthese analyses to replace the status quo.


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