Download - ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.

Page 1: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.


This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence.• Some people called him

conqueror and violent overlord.

• Some other called him civilizer and even God!All of them called him

“The Great”.

Page 2: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.

Give your opinion:

• Was Alexander the Great “great”? (please support your opinion)• What made Alexander “Great”?

Page 3: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.

Alexander’s empire in 323 B.C.

Page 4: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.
Page 5: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.
Page 6: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.


Physical portraitLight brown hair

a big chin, bulbous eyes and prominent straight

nose (like his father).

Page 7: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.

Objectives for ch.5 sec.4• Philip II of Macedonia built a powerful professional

army and defeated the Greeks.

• Alexander continues his father’s empire building. He establish control over the Greek city-states and that invaded Persia.

• Alexander’s military genius.

Page 8: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.
Page 9: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.



The father of Alexander

Page 10: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.


• How did the Peloponnesian War pave the way for Philip's conquest

of Greece?

Page 11: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.

Answer:• It weakened Greece and left it vulnerable.

Athens itself was defeated and the other city-states could not agree on united policy against the Macedonians.

• In 338 B.C. some city -states joined forces but it was too late. The Macedonians leaded by Philip II defeated the Greeks. The defeat at Chaeronea ended Greek freedom and independence.

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What qualities other than military success might be considered to be a

great leader?

Page 13: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.


• Good soldier• Wisdom• Diplomacy• Good organization skills• Knowledge about history and geography• Leadership skills

Page 14: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.

Examples: Three stories about the live of Alexander

1) Even as a boy Alexander demonstrated great courage and good military skills. When Alexander was 12, Philip planned to purchase for him a great black stallion named Bucephalus. When the horse seemed unmanageable, however, Philip changed his mind. Un daunted Alexander run forward and turned the powerful animal toward the sun so that it would not be frightened by its shadow. Bucephalus immediately calmed down and allowed Alexander to mount him.

Page 15: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.

Plutarch says that the incident so impressed Philip that he told the boy: "O my son, look out for another kingdom, for Macedonia is too little for you."

Page 16: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.

2) Although Alexander’s conquests made him one of the world’s richest men, his most treasured possession was a well known copy of Homer’s Iliad, given to him by Aristotle.Alexander called it the “perfect portable treasure of all military virtue and knowledge”.Alexander often read favorite passages about Achilles, and he slept with the book beside his pillow.

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Page 18: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.

3) Alexander’s march westward from India across the Baluchistan desert (today southern Pakistan). When water became scarce the thirsty soldiers butchered their horses and drank the blood. On one occasion Alexander was offered a helmet full of water. Seeing that his men has none, he emptied it on the ground.After 60 days they finally enter the Persian royal residence at Pura.

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Baluchistan desert

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Alexander’s Conquests:1. Alexander first establishes control over the

Greek city-states and then invaded Persia.2. He conquered Egypt and Persia in 331 B.C.3. He extended his empire to the Indus river in

northern India-327 B.C.4. We have clear evidence of Alexander’s near

term plans. He ordered his generals to prepare an expedition into Arabia.

Note: Alexander died suddenly on 13 June 323 B.C.

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Alexander died

suddenly on 13 June 323


Page 22: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.


1. What did you learn about Alexander the Great?

2. What happened to Alexander’s empire after his death?

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Alexander the Great Legacy

• Alexander conquest ended the fear of the East, especially Persia.

• Also he ended the era of independent Greek city-states.

• After Alexander we speak of the spread of the Hellenistic era.

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Objectives ch.5/sec.5

• The Hellenistic culture and Alexandria’s strategic place in the ancient world.

• Science and technology developed.

• Philosophy - Stoics seek to control desire and live in harmony with natural and divine laws.

• Art achievement –Hellenistic art.

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• Define Hellenistic and how Alexandria became center of Hellenistic culture.

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HELLENISTICHellenistic refers to Greek culture blended with aspects of Persian, Egyptian, and Indian cultures.

The fusion of cultures resulting from Alexander's conquests had accomplished the overthrow of most of the ideals represented by the Greeks in their prime. Gradually a new pattern of civilization emerged based upon a mixture of Greek and Oriental elements.

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Though the language of the new era was Greek, and though persons of Greek nationality continued to play an active role in many affairs, the spirit of the culture was largely the spirit of the Orient.

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Page 29: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.
Page 30: ALEXANDER THE GREAT 376-323 B.C. This is the historical person who concentrates the most contradictory opinions about its existence. Some people called.

Questions:1. What were some of the achievements of

the scientists of the Hellenistic period?

2. Who was Zeno? What did the Stoics believed in?

3. Who was Epicurus and what did the Epicureans believed in?