Download - ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH · “The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict” published by the Arbinger Institute What if conflicts at home, at work, in our world

Page 1: ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH · “The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict” published by the Arbinger Institute What if conflicts at home, at work, in our world

Aldersgate In Motion


Open Hearts , Open Minds, Open Doors

The People of the United Methodis t Church

7 Shannon Drive Greenvi l le , SC 29615

864-244-1820 phone 864 -244-9701 fax I n T h i s I s s u e

Thoughts from the Pastor 2

Upcoming Sermons 2

Pastor’s Bible Study 2

United Ministries 3

UMW/UMM/Men of Integrity 4

Just So You Know… 5

Epworth Ministry 5

UMW Garage Sale 6

Youth 7

Club 56/Visioneers 8

New Book for Library 8

Connect 9

Learning about Dementia 9

Prayer Concerns 10

Attendance 10

Tithes/Offerings 10

Sanctuary Media Monies 10

Serving Aldersgate 11

Memorials/Honorariums 11

Calendar/Other Dates 12

A u g u s t 3 1 , 2 0 1 8

V o l u me 5

I s s u e


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Thoughts from the Pastor:

Multitasking Multitasking is the ability to do more than one thing at a time.

I heard it defined once as messing up more than one thing at a time.

On a good day I can mess up three or four things at once. Multitask-

ing is a way of life. Many of us regularly do more than one thing at

a time. We listen to books while driving or make phone calls while

taking a walk. The other day I was sitting at the computer reading

an email from Melissa when she called on my cell phone. So to be

cute I emailed her and sent her an instant message while I talked to her on the cell phone.

We often do more than one thing at a time. But it made me think that perhaps prayer is

“Uni-tasking.” When we pray we are doing one thing at a time. Prayer requires that we put

everything else down and turn from other activities to focus our whole attention on God.

Then it occurred to me that prayer is actually “Omni-tasking.” By taking our needs to

God in prayer, we are taking care of everything. We are doing it all by placing God first. Je-

sus said it much better than I can. He said, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his right-

eousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Have you Omni-tasked today?


Sept. 2: Matthew 5:13-16 “The Ministry of Work”

Sept. 9: Mark 7:24-37 "We are the Dogs!"

Sept. 16: Tim Datwyler, Missionary to Ecuador


The book of Hebrews explains the Christian faith from the perspective of Old Testament

Scripture. It opens our eyes with new depths of understanding about who Jesus is as our great

High Priest, and what it means to worship and follow him. Please join us on Wednesdays at 10

am in the Mac Vinson Companions Classroom to study this unique New Testament book be-

ginning September 5. Our first lessons will be:

Sept. 5: Hebrews 1 – Who is Jesus?

Sept. 12: Hebrews 2 - Great High Priest

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United Ministries’ 29th Annual Transformation Walk

Saturday, September 22 First Baptist Church – 847 Cleveland Street, Greenville, SC 29601

Registration: 8:00 a.m. Start Time: 9:00 a.m.

Contact: (864) 335-2615 or [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

United Ministries’ Transformation Walk now includes a 5k run! It celebrates the lives being trans-

formed right here in Greenville. Wherever our neighbors in need may be in their journey, United Ministries is

here to serve and empower them.

This year’s walk is on a Saturday morning. Sign up to walk or run today! The Walk is FREE! T-

shirts are $15. The fee to run the certified 5K is $30 and includes a t-shirt, bib, and official timing with medals

for race winners. Everyone is encouraged to fundraise. Our new location, beginning at First Baptist Church,

will allow us to walk along the Swamp Rabbit Trail.

All proceeds stay in Greenville and benefit United Ministries’ programs in education and employment,

crisis assistance, and homeless services.

To sign up:

Click “Register”

Select “Register to Walk” or “Register to Run”

Choose from the t-shirt or no t-shirt options.

Enter your- First Name, Last Name, and Email Address, and enter your name to sign the waiver. Once you are

registered, you will be provided a link to set up a fundraising page – click that link. Create your personal fund-

raising page. You can call it something like “Carla’s Page” or whatever you’d like.

After you have gone through the steps of creating a personal fundraising page, you will be taken to

your page. On the right side of your page, you’ll see a gray button “Join an existing team.” Click that button

and find the “Aldersgate United Methodist Church” team.

If you are unable to participate, you can still help by supporting someone on our team.

Just go to:

Click on “SUPPORT A FRIEND” and enter your friend’s name.

You may wish to support Pastor Alex Stevenson or some other church member.

The choice is up to you! Thanks for your help and participation.

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The UMW Circles are gearing back up for the

fall season. Below are the dates, times and lo-

cations of each Circles next meeting.

Cindy Harter Circle: Sept. 9 @ 3:00 pm

Meets in the Haddon Friendship Classroom

Circle of Light: October-date to be determined

Louise Best Circle: Sept. 11 @ 10:30 am

Meets in the Haddon Friendship Classroom

Mary Teasley Circle: Sept. 12 @ 10:00 am

Meets in the Haddon Friendship Classroom

Here is the schedule for the next few

months for the UMM monthly meetings.

Please mark your calendar for these meet-

ings and make sure you contact Trevor

King or Susan Hamilton. Food is pur-

chased for each meeting and you certainly

do not want to be left out. :)

Sept. 17—6:32 pm Parker Hall

No Oct. meeting at this time

Nov. 19—6:32 pm Parker Hall

Dec. 17—6:32 pm Monday Night Dinner

and a Movie (couples night)

UNITED METHODIST MEN The Men of Integrity have geared back up for

their weekly meetings. They meet each Tues-

day morning at Broadway Bagels-2426 Hudson

Rd., Greer. They begin at 6:35 am. Just show

up to join them. For questions, email Trevor

King at: [email protected]


“The Anatomy of Peace:

Resolving the Heart of Conflict”

published by the Arbinger Institute

What if conflicts at home, at work, in our

world all shared the same root? And what

if we are contributing – unintentionally –

to the very conflicts we are hoping to re-

solve. The Anatomy of Peace looks at the

root causes of conflict and how we each

can work to become peacemakers. Written

in story format, this book is easy to read,

thought-provoking, and full of hope for

transforming personal, professional, and

global conflicts. The United Methodist

Church’s Commission on the Way For-

ward used this book as one of their re-


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Where do children go when DSS has taken them from

their families because of abuse or neglect? What about

when a mother is struggling with addiction and is neglect-

ing her children? Currently, over 70 children call Epworth

home. Each of these children have found refuge in the

ministry we share as United Methodists in SC. Epworth

Children’s Home has been welcoming children in Christ’s

name for 122 years through the generous support of

churches like ours! We will participate in the annual

Work Day Offering on Sunday, September 9th, to benefit

the children who call Epworth home. Please be in prayer-

ful consideration of what God is calling you to give to this

valuable and life changing ministry. For more information

about Epworth Children’s Home, you can visit them on

the web at or find them

on Facebook.

A new segment published in each newsletter to help us all better understand local and na-

tional problems happening around us so we may be better aware and possibly help in some

way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

National Human Trafficking Hotline

Call 1-888-373-7888 ( TTY: 711)|Text 233733

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers use force, fraud, or coer-

cion to control victims for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or labor services

against his/her will. A tattoo or carving is often used on a victim to indicate ownership by a traf-

ficker/pimp/gang—below are two common types of tattoos used. If you see someone with one of

these tattoos on them, please call the number above and let them know the location of where you

saw the female/male. They might be able to find them to get them help. Thank you!



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It is nearly here. Be prepared for the biggest and best ever UMW Garage

Sale. Come, bring your items and join in the fun of working with us.

The Sale week is September 24—29, 2018.

We will be receiving items on Monday, Sept. 24 & Tuesday, Sept. 25

from 9:00 am—8:00 pm.

We will receive items on Wednesday, Sept. 26 from 9:00 until 4:00 pm.

Thursday, Sept. 27 is “get ready day” and no donations are accepted.

The actual sale dates are Friday & Saturday, Sept. 28 & 29 from

8:00 am—2:30 pm.

The clean up date is on Monday, Oct. 1 beginning at 9:00 am.

Thank you in advance for all your help!

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A Note to the Youth/Youth Parents

First and foremost, let me welcome all the rising 7th grade families officially into Aldersgate Youth!

I am unbelievably excited about the group of young people that have joined us this year and I can't

wait to see what the Lord will do this year in our youth group.

A few things I want to let you know of as we prepare for this year. As many of you know, this past

summer was a life-changing one for me: I got married! Married life has been so good, and God has

blessed us in so many ways in our newlywed season. Not only did God give us each other as part-

ners in life, but he also gave us each other as partners in ministry. Jenny is as excited as I am for this

upcoming year, because she is going to play a large role in investing in this youth ministry.

Our goal is simple: we want to see students develop and grow into mature followers of Jesus. From

this goal we hope that your students grow in their faith, develop community amongst each other,

share their faith with others, and serve the church and local community. ~ Josh Consalvo

◄ August September 2018 October ►

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



No Youth














9 Youth

Group w/


Group time 5:00-6:30










16 Youth

Group w/


Group time 5:00-6:30










23 Youth

Group w/


Group time 5:00-6:30










30 No


Calendar for

the month of



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Club 56 & Visioneers have kicked off the Fall Season by helping with Messy Church and the

Back to School Cookout on August 26. The calendar for September is below but note a

change in the meeting time.

2018—Meeting Time 5:00—7:00 pm, Sunday evenings

Meals served in the Soul Café from 5:00-5:30 pm by parent volunteers. (THANKS!)

September: Building Friendships

2nd – Labor Day Weekend, No Club 56

8th – Club 56/Visioneers – Trip to Asbury Hills-(Saturday)

9th – No Club 56

16th – Club 56 – Famous Friends of the Bible

23rd – Club 56 – Service Night

30th - Minute to Win It Event



The Aldersgate Women's Reading Group completed Where There Is Hope,

by Elizabeth Smart. This is the second book she has written dealing with

her kidnapping from her home at age 14. In this offering she explores

those facets of human psyche that enable people to endure tragic situations.

She provides interviews with people who have overcome misfortune and

travailed, interwoven with reflections on her personal story, and excerpts

from various genres of literature. Ms. Smart writes with a sense of maturity

that is unusual for a 32 year old woman. We highly recommend this book,

since it offers so many ideas for resiliency training, in a very interesting

read. Ms. Smart credits her family, faith, and love of nature as the founda-

tion of her ability to move forward after her horrible nine months in captivity. Susan Smith

has donated her copy to the Aldersgate Library, where it is available for checkout.

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CONNECT HAS STARTED as of August 29, and with it yummy food and a variety of clas-

ses. Don’t forget to make reservations for your meal no later than the Monday of the week

you plan to eat. Cost is $6.00 adults and $4.00 children.

Here is the menu for the next few weeks:

Sept. 5: Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, fruit, dessert

Sept. 12: Pork tenderloin, creamed potatoes, squash casserole, salad, fruit, dessert

Sept. 19: Lasagna, garlic bread, salad, fruit, dessert

Sept. 26: Baked potatoes with all the trimmings, salad, fruit, dessert


Animate the Bible – led by Johannah Myers. This course will run August 29 through Novem-

ber 14, 6:30 – 7:30 pm in the Mac Vinson/Companions Classroom. (No meeting on Oct. 31)

Prayer Shawl Group – come crochet together, making prayer shawls, blankets for Kill-

ingsworth House, graduation blankets and more. Don’t know how to crochet? Here’s a great

chance to learn! Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm in the Library.

Drawing Class—will begin on September 12—October 3, led by Greg Joens. This class will

meet in the Brides Room.




Come out to Aldersgate United Methodist Church on September 22, from 10:00 until

12:00, noon to gain more insight into the debilitating disease known as dementia. Thomas

Haas, the owner of Complete Homecare of America, will be hosting a dementia workshop

entitled “Dementia – A Loved One’s Journey.” He will be educating loved ones on the

different types of dementia, the different stages of dementia and the effects of dementia on

the brain.

The workshop will be held in Parker Hall on that Saturday, September 22. For any ques-

tions, please call Ruth Hughes at the church. 244-1820 ext. 204

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PRAYER CONCERNS As of printing Tuesday, August 30, 2018:

Home: Beth & Warren Rambo, Freida Parker, Pete & Martha Hendrix,

Peggy Miller, Doug Jordan, John & Mary Holmstrand, Mary Lou Stenberg,

Jerry Thomas

NHC-Boiling Springs: Ann Armstrong NHC Mauldin: Atrice Hughey

Rosecrest: Jennie Ruth Waynick

Brookdale @ Hawthorne: Nita Bearden Cascades: Patti Whelchel

Rock Hill /Daughter: Bill Taylor The Woodlands: Annette McDuffee

Mt. Pleasant, SC: Florence Hale Myrtle Beach, SC: Randy Hale Hay-

wood Estates: Ann Linse

Westminster Senior Living at Augusta Place: Melba Poole Rolling Green: Wayne Rowan, Ralph Bell

Mt. Home Health/Rehab, NC: Nancy Reitz

Missionaries Here & Abroad: AUMC Supported - Greenville: Todd, Pam, & Hannah Grace Atta-

way, go to their blog to read more

AUMC Supported Missionaries in Ecuador: Daina and Tim Datwyler, visit their website at

Douglas & Jennings Boone in Democratic Republic Of Congo, Africa

(Wycliffe Bible Translators)


Worship the Lord through giving.

2018 Average Weekly Budgeted iving $ 15,498.09

2018 Average Weekly Actual Giving $ 13,468.55

2018 Actual Weekly Actual General Fund Expenses $ 14,376.14

Previous Week’s Actual General Fund Giving $ 6,442.53

YTD Deficit in Actual Contributions to Expenses - $ 30,858.04

Sunday School Worship

August 19 157 263

August 26 156 272





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Sept. 2, 2018: Lay Readers: 8:45 am Scott Bagley 11:00 am Tom Angster Greeters: 8:45 am Suzanne Haney/Linda McDaniel 11:00 am Jerry Smith/Chris Spellman Acolytes: 8:45 am Julian Gettys 11:00 am Coley Altman Crucifer: 11:00 am Reid Schemm Usher Captain 8:45 am Jack Cornell Usher Captain 11:00 am Hunt Redfern Ushers: Jim Dansby, Danny Dobbs Ushers: Terry Tallon, Steve Graves Jordan Truesdale, Suzanne Haney Joel Vanderwood, Bruce Royal

Sept. 9, 2018: Lay Readers: 8:45 am Bill Smith 11:00 am Melissa Stevenson Greeters: 8:45 am Nancy & Mike Burton 11:00 am Ruth & Gary Hughes Acolytes: 8:45 am Brooks Davis 11:00 am Anna Hoffman Crucifer: 11:00 am Ansley Addis Usher Captain 8:45 am Austin Watts Usher Captain 11:00 am am David Rose Ushers: Doug Jordan Ushers: Clay Garrison Phil Martin, Waldo Watts David Ayer, Cody Owens

Sept. 16, 2018: Lay Readers: 8:45 am Julian Gettys 11:00 am Lyndon Ashworth Greeters: 8:45 am Carol & Phil Martin 11:00 am Brenda & Bob Willett Acolytes: 8:45 am Karis King 11:00 am Hudson Patrick Crucifer: 11:00 am Laura MacGregor Usher Captain 8:45 am Brad Smoak Usher Captain 11:00 am Rick Lankford Ushers: Scott Bagley, Trevor King, Ushers: Doug Patrick, Coley Altman, Mark Wessel Gray Walsh, Grant Lankford

Sept. 23, 2018: Lay Readers: 8:45 am Gayle Mason 11:00 am Sherri Allred Greeters: 8:45 am Susan & Bill Smith 11:00 am Jane & Bill Williamson Acolytes: 8:45 am Bobby Keith 11:00 am Trace King Crucifer: 11:00 am Brooks Schemm Usher Captain 8:45 am David McAvoy Usher Captain 11:00 am Frank Mathis Ushers: Eddie Beam Ushers: Jim Cox, Bonnie Lampe, Suzanne Haney, Tim Davis Trey Covington, Paul Sleight, Coley Altman, III,


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GENERAL FUND: In memory of Lorene Clay by Theodore & Karen Fields, Coley &

Daylene Altman, Dewey Lemons

In memory of Phil Waynick by Mary Mattison, Jim & Betty Griffith

In memory of Barbara Morrow by Horace & Nancy Joens

In honor of the Questers Sunday School Class by Barbara Pickens Foster

MUSIC FUND: In memory of Martha Sue Groce Shives by Cheryl Boyd

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Sunday, September 2:

8:45 am & 11:00 am Worship

9:45 am Sunday School

Monday, September 3: Church Office Closed

6:30 pm Cub Scouts @ The House

Tuesday, September 4:

6:35 am Men of Integrity – Broadway Bagels @ Hudson Rd.

9:00 am Boo Hoo Breakfast (CDC)

7:00 pm Boy Scouts @ The House

Wednesday, September 5:

10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study Begins – Mac Vinson Companions Classroom

5:30 pm Connect Meal – Parker Hall

6:00 pm Youth @ The House

6:30 pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal

6:30 pm Classes

Thursday, September 6, 2018:

7:00 pm Nominations Committee Mtg.-Mac Vinson Companions Classroom

Sunday, September 9, 2018:

8:45 am & 11:00 am Worship

9:45 am Sunday School

3:00 pm Cindy Harter Circle Mtg.– Haddon Friendship Classroom

5:00 pm Youth @ The House

5:30 pm Finance Committee Meeting—Mac Vinson Companions Classroom

Monday, September 10, 2018:

9:00 am Staff Meeting—Library

1:00 pm Prime Timers Bridge—Parker Hall

6:30 pm Cub Scouts @ The House


September 16: Tim Datwyler Preaching at both services

September 23: 4:30 pm Church Council Meeting—Mac Vinson Comp.

October 6: 12:00 pm UMW Luncheon, World Communion/Thank

November 11: 12:00/12:30 Charge Conference

7 Shannon Dr. Greenville, SC 29615

Phone:864-244-1820 Fax: 864-244-9701

Child Development Center 864-268-5028 E-mail:[email protected]

M a k i n g D i s c i p l e s

f o r J e s u s C h r i s t



Alex Stevenson, ext. 207

Sr. Pastor

[email protected] ~

Johannah Myers, ext. 211

Director of Christian


[email protected] ~

Ruth Hughes, ext. 204

Director of Children &

Leisure/Adult Ministries

[email protected] ~

Dr. Grant Knox, ext. 208

Director of Music

[email protected] ~

Ryland Brown


[email protected] ~

Jennifer Nelson Director

Child Development Center

[email protected]



Josh Consalvo, ext. 212

Director of Youth

[email protected] ~

Susan Hamilton, ext. 210

Office Manager/Comm.

[email protected] ~

Cameron Vaughn, ext. 206

Financial Secretary

[email protected]

Sunday Worship Schedule

8:45 am & 11:00 am Worship Services

9:45 am Sunday School

Church Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30 am-4:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am-12:00 pm


. . . We are called to make disciples by embracing all people with God’s love in Christ

and equipping each other for service to God and His world.


“A Stephen Ministry Congregation”

Hearts on Fire…Seeking, Sharing, Serving...For God