Download - ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Page 1: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

•;V--' - •^•--'^3 •'*. / * >•' ; i ' <•








Page 2: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short







1 1 1 A-17th Avo.



71T-4th St. VV.




i t


Day & Night Service—New Heated Studebaker Sedans

Page 3: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

CALGARY ADDENDAAJterations and Additions Received Since Going to Press Too L^te for Classification

Consult this List for names not in Main Section of Directory before iisking "Information" for number wanted.


then Cuslorn Pressed withSLapc-Restoriiiff Care.


IVI7677811 8th Ave- W.



M 1197


M 5531



Telephone Service Calls








Cify of Calgary M1151Nig^ht M1150


Kight IM3GD1





IVI2636[236 - 1Tth AveROY'S Ambuiancel

Ids First Aid Servicel

Ring King^ for



224, 8(h Ave. W.—17lh Are. a< 4tli St, W.


fully INSURED!

BgOAPWAY24-hour service

hospital attention

AND UP TAXIM9696New Fleet, Easy Ride DunioPillo Equipped.

Air Conditioned — Heated Cars.

Page 4: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short



Alberu Co-aperstiv« Council 525 Loiighceil BlJg M4333

Andrews C S res 35 Drake Apts M9350

Ashtou Chirles rrs 226 10a S« NW L2517


Baker Charles M res 333 17th Ave E E5753

Barlow Waller H rti SOS ISlh Are W M9d42

Barnes C res oil 14th Are W MS935

Bates W Stanley Areliitcet 207 Bay BIk M3347

Bell M H res 307 24tU Are W R1904

Bell W C res 331 2Ut Are W R18S4

Berthelsen N res 333 13th St HW L1125Betty W H rea 639 3rd Are W B1534Btnns James H res 4-1731 Collese Lane W4536Blmhard C S rea 4-540 12th Are tV M1018Bond Reuben res 1027 Sth Are W M7I67Boutet Mae res 424 7th St N E R2742Boyd James Confectionery 1624 Centre St N ... H1576Sradbtrm R A res 9 Wellington Apia .M9173Brandt A A rea 1215 15th Are W W2439Bredeson Alfred rea 2223 5th Are NW L2226Brown Miss Helen res 533 5th Are E - .M9104Buchanan J F res lOIS ICth Are W W4155Burns A Erskfne res 1723 flth St W W34B0


Canadian Oil World 621 Centre St - .H1676CarnU D res 518 9a St NE - R1125Carver L H res 1719 2od St NW H1753Chllton W J res 4-219 Sth Avc W M4281Chons F G Market Gardener 4102 ICa St SE ....ES102Comet Auto Service 9th Avc & 14th Si E E5336

Vulcanliinj & Ttre RepairingCook Alfred res 1414 15th St E ES780Cooper Mrs F S rra 4 Hicks Blk - H2877Cooper C S res 1 Cornel! Apts W3416Cooper Winston H res 4 Scarboro Apts W3703Corrijan J V res 1202 Frontenae Ave W2892Costeflo Mrs TTiomas res 337 loth Ave W M5030Coujhiln G C res 101 Davidson Blk M3426Crais Miss Sally res 123 11th Ave NE H3351Croiicr A H res 831 Ist Ave NW 12220

Dan's Srocety 4 Confect 239a 4lh Ave EOancotks W L res 1048 8th St EDavis Sanlord res 626 iTtli Ave WDeibert Mrs R res 1129 7a St EOom Gort MD13 RCAF Recruiting Office

1210 Isi St ED»m Govt MD13 Garrison Hospital

Mewata Park •Donald Alice res 8 King AptsDnimhcHer Transport Ltd 1004 9th Ave E

,...R1219... E5456


. E4029

. M3443

. M4Z96


... E5894


Emslle Farm Service 210 Bay Blk R2311


Fair Delivery 502 4tl> 5i E M1749Ferguson Mrs 1 B ^es 1634 Bowncas Rd U2709Finklestein Mrs Leah res 603 4tli St E M7365French H S res 31)26 Frrmlcnae Ave W3303


Cardnci' Capt A E rci 513 7th St W M9S0gCeddes H E res 1416 Piosjtoct Ave W1479Golden Sheaf Bakery 1601a Uth St W W2688Goresht H res 114 Sth St NE M9349Gfanilcn Mrs 0 J res 1-310 4lh St W M7357Griffiths N W res 322 Sharon Ave W3241Guist Mable res J-DOS 3rd Avc W ,RIS71


Hadch J res 1 Snyder Manor M9309Hagei E M res 3-2119 5th St W R2159Hall J G C res 512 Jlidcau Rd S037SHall S res 2-310 4th St W w M9307Harbour George C res 2315 Westmont Rd .L1762Harrison Fred res 2215 16lh St E E5930

Hayhurst Wm res 1127 Glh Ave .W M1S23Henderson V res 315 loth Avc E ;M2318Hcndry R J res 123 lOlh Ave NW HZ379Hewitt Mrs Edith res 1744 34a Avc SW S0265

HInglcy A res 1-923 4th Ave W R1444Hodges Louise res 519 14lh Ave W R1821Hoiltine L res 710 18th Avc NW H2889Home Improvement Co 615 Sth Ave W M5751Huget Dorothy E res 6-316 12tli Ave W M9407Hunt E H res 3415 0th St W SQ151

Hyde D L res 1306 14lli Ave W W3218


Iredale J H R res 016 19lti Ave NW H2448

Jackson H L res 404 131li St NW L2202Jackson J R res 209 2nd Ave KB K1758Jacobs Ches W res 1924 Sa St W M3322Jenkin T M res 1 Morris Court W4319Joe's Fish Shop New Calgary Market M4288


Kehoe C W res S Gloria Court M9244Kerrison Cllfl res 9 Ward Blk R2518Knight Fred M res 912 4a St NW L2406Kyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68


Laurendeau P res 519 20lb Avc W R2519Lee Joe Fruit & Vcg Sanitary Mkt BIdg M9255Lowe Phyllis C res 1713 filb St W R1656Lunn T res 225 28lh Ave NE H3048


Macaulay Donald res 131S Olh St NW H1578MacKenile Dan res 312 8lh St W R1631March Sydney res 411 Ila St NW U976Maxle Fred E res 414 21st Avc NW H1182McAdam Arthur P res 224 lllh Avc NE ,...H3407McColl Frontenae Oil Co Ltd

Exploration Dept 903-4 Lancaster BIdg , R2342



ii you refer to tbe

Listings Under Various

Headings in the


A SS I F I E DE P H 0 N EE C T 0 R Y 1

McGovern Jas F res 120 18th Ave W ,M3458McNeill K R res 312 Sunderland Ave W1S03

McPhee Mrs S A res COS 14lh Avc W Ri939Msaghcr J E res 2714 17th St E .,M833Mcllctl W A res 1446 Wcstmount Blvd L1982Moore Ken E res 1G44 Broadview Rd L266ZMurphy T Leo res 437 ISth Avc E MS897Murray W Barr res 1205 I9lh Ave W ....W3618


Nickle C 0 res 1625 7th St NW H2849

HIelson Transfer rear 309 12th Ave E M4490


Oudll Henry res 351 2nd Ave NE - H2496

Peakman G res 2621 ISUi St W - .W3S41Poland J F res 720 4a St NE ;;.H3288Prince Edgar res 2014 Centre St N H34S7Prov Govt Implement Pis Oist 810 Centre St ... M9420


Rainbow Cleaners '& Dyers 2013 4th St W M4954Ralston John C res 1010 Slst Ave NW H1501Rayburn Mrs C H res 426 9th St NE R1569Rhodes A D G res 1019 lllh Avc W W4S78Riley Mrs Dora res 1414 2nd St W M4896Rlley Mrs Frank res HounsFicId Heights L1342Rabbins Dr G E Eye Ear etc 611 Soulham BIdg M7239Rose C V res 1G30 I«a St E E4039'


Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490SShort H M res 131 22nil Avc NE H2839Simpson Mrs L E res 110 8lh St NWSmlth-Beeby Investments Ltd

412 Lancaster BidgSmith Robert James res 436 14th Ave NE -Sneller E res 627 10th Avc NE "1857Stier E F rea 3 1310 16th Avc W - •Stringer Mrs Judson res 424 20lh Ave NW .. •• HI*"?Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada

3rd Floor Soulhaiii RlilgSuperior Cigar Shop 4 Alherla BlkSweeney L S res 635 29lh Ave W

W3M3Taylor G F res 1737 lOlh Ave W W3624Taylor Mrs Mary E res 924 16ih Av« .fi2171Tcnnant Capt PS res Mount Royal CoH'E® VV4426Theriault L res 2421 14th StThome Gladys res 1-510 Sth Ave W E5536Thorne Harry J ret 2203 50lh Ave SETime Service 3 Hamilton Apts R1590Tip Top Cleaners 204 Sth Avc K i '''uU4609Trotter &Morton Ltd Ofe 1317 16tl> St W '-355

Shop rear 522 3nd Avc W


Warren J. ES res 3610 la St SW ^ \i002*Warrington AESres 3045 2nd St W^Watt H Ronald res 231 lOlh Avb NWWelnsuin &Co Who! Fruit & Pr<"l ^9995

Bamt 325 lOlh Ave WWerhoweck P ch 637 Sth Ave E

^ ..H2250Young Roy E res 882 24th Ave W^ h2888Youngherg H V res 186 10th Ave

Page 5: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Any of Onr Employees will attend to

Yonr Order for Teleplione Service

with a telephone In the homeyou are In touch with the outside world. It is especially use-lul ror ordering supplies. Keeping In touch with friends andmeeting emergcnoles.

An extension Oeli is desirablewhere the location of the telephone makes It difficult to heatthe tinging, as in a noisy work-shoPi garage, etc.

A Private Branch Exchange permits the handling of all telephone traffic at a centralizedlocation and provides Inter-conununtcation between thesetelephones.




WaU ... 56.00Desk $0.23


Wall S3.00

Desk $355

Uonophone Wall Instruments 25c per month mexcess of Standard Wall Type.

NOTE: Wall Mouophones cannot be installedon Rural Uncs.

Monopnooc Desk Instruments 25c per month inexcess of Standard Desk Type.


Business or Residence Service:lOTTIAL SET S350



Note: If wiring is lound to be in place and

serviceable, an allowance of $1.50 will be

made on the iniUal set and of $1.00 on

extension set.

It Tcicphono la already in placo and

no ctanngca arc required the InstallationFee wilt be Sl.OO.


Extension Wall per month ... $153 SOcExtension Desk " " UO 75cExtension Bell " " ..... 25 centsExtension Gong " " ..... 50 cents

Jack and Plug (Portableextension, mhiimum twooutlets). One outlet Free.Each additional 25 cents

An extension telephone savesmiles of steps. In the kitchMi,bedroom, library, die., ic offers

the housewife wonderful con

venience. An extension may behad for a few cents a day.

BRUWN JUNES & CO.Plumbers 99a 8th Ave W MOOOlJ Brown res ill SO Ave HE H9399T Jones res 199 40 Av NW Loaoi

smith J A Jr res 111 SO Ave W W9999

Extra directory listings are verydesirable tor partners, associatesin a firm, boarders and individual members of the family.Make it easy for your friends toreach you.

A portable extension telephone(Jack and Plug equipment)offers flexible service by makingit possible to use the telephoneat several locatlons.


BOLD TYPE INSERTIONS(Cltv Alphabetical and Classified) Each 50 cents per month

LIGHT FACE TYPE ADDITIONAL INSERTIONS(City Alphabetical or Classified) Each 40 cents per month

DISPLAY ADVERTISINGRates on Application to Directory Department.

OFFICE PHONESCommercial Dept.. M4S16. M4565; Directory Dept.. M4734, M4733.

Page 6: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Apartments^ Blocks and BiuildingsI21 tiae C5ity of Calgary

AbcrilCGn apartments SSui Ave &4th St W

Acsdia Apar.icents 812 23cb Are WAdelsitiB Cluunbars 12Ca 8Q1 Are EAfton Apartmeate 1718 S-A St WA1 AslSAT Temple 505 JTti) Are WAUjarta Slock 805 1st St WAipBrta Comer Lit St vr A: Stb AreAlberta Gnrt Telephones Bids (old)

328 7ih Are WAlberta Qovt Tciepljonw Bids (new)

113 Gth Are WAlbertan Bids 2ad St W & stb AreAlbion Block eOG Centre StAlexandra Terrace MOl-iai 2 St WAlma Lodso lilO 12th Are WAnderson Apartments 804 28th Are WAnne Block 418 4th St EAnne Block loisa Centre St NArcade The 12Cq ath Are WArdem Block 339 Stb Are WA^Ie Court 404 6th Ave WArmour Block 25 4th St 24EAnnoury The 11th St W & 8th AreArmstrons Block 815 1st St SAssistant Eecelver General Building

121 Sth Are WAUll Block 203 22th Ave WAuU Block 12273 9tfa Ave EAronJea Apartments 208 SSth Ave W

Cosnptoa Place 731 3rd Are WConsreaa Ap» 13th Are bet Q <k 7

Sta WConneugbt Apts 710 4tb Ave WCornell Apartments 1314 10th AveWComwaU Apts 305 4th Ave WCoscello Block Stb Ave Or 4lh St ECourt Boaio 7tb Ave bet 4th & Stli

Sta WCreso Apartments 329a OUi Ave WGrown Building 705 1st St ECunninfcham 131k 2iia 12th Ave WCurtis Black IZI5 2nd st ECustoms Bids 11th Are As 1st St E

1 O O F Building 517 Centre StImmlftnitlon Hall 10th Av S: let St EImperial Bank Bids 102 Sth Are EIngraham BIK 3288 Bth Avc WInsurance Exchange 3n-313a 8 At WIris Block 34th Are As 41h St WIrwln Block 130s lOtb St NWIsabella Block 1433 17th Are W

Jasper Block 329 Bth Ave IVJensen Apartments 533 IStb avo WJohnston Dlnclc 127 7tli Ave CJubilee Block 7th Avc it Centre St

BaUey Bluelc 318 Sth Ave BBain Building lltb Ave & Sth 8t WBalmoral Apartments 128 7tb Are EWank ol Commerce Building

303 Centre StBank ot Montreal Bids 140 3 Are WRank of Nova Scotia Apartments

I7th Are & I4:b St WBank of TtironW Bldg U4 8th Are WBanner Block car Centre St Ac 16tb

Are KWBannemisTi Block 230£a 4th St WBarnharc Apts t2th Ave A; Stb St WBoy Block 3280 Sth Are WBedford Lo<tgc 333 4Ui Are WBell Block lOQSo Sod St EBclmotit Apts COS 2nd St WBclvetlcro Apca Uth Avc As 2nd St WBolvolr Lodge 4tb St W bet i4tb Ac

25th AreBennett Block 238 7th Ave BBerkeloy Apartments 133 lltb AvetVBKShorough Apts Tlie 530 4 Are WBeTotldse Building 333 7th Avc EBeverley Apartments Sth SC W A:

24th AreBlow Block 223 7th AVO WBlow Block 2322 9th Ave EBoard of Trade Bids 233 Stb Ave WBourne Block 1213a I4lb St WBowen Apartments 2121 15th 81 WBowen Block 3152 10th St EBowen Courr 202 3rd Avo EBraemar Lodgo 213 4tb Avo WBraealde Lodge 1023 19th Ave WBrigden Block 1413 lUh St WBo'ant Apartments 620 l7Ui Avo WBuenos Ayrcs Aoartments

311 (Kb Ave WBum Block 1217 Otb Are BBums Bids 237 Sth Are BBurpee Lodlto 838 7tb Ave W

Daloe Terroeo 1204 3m St BDavidson Block 220 7th Ave EOelfla Apts G33 3rd Arc WDcvenlsh Apia S08-S16 17th Arc Wde Waal Apts 28 & 34 4ch St NE•i&morr Bloclc 233a Sth Ave EDominion Bonk Bldg 714 1st St EOoni^I Mansions 830 Blvd NWDougail Block 1314 0th Ave EDouglas Apartments 337 Sth Are WDrake Apartments 337 24 Ave WDutfcrin Lodge 517 13th Ave WDwiBht Block 515s 9th SI W

Eastern Block 1227 2nd St EEden Apartments 625 lltb Ave WEdgar Block 210 Sth Ave WEdge Block 1211 1st St WEdwin Block 332a Sth Ave EEIntno Apts 822 Boulevard NWElennor Apartments <i(M 4lh Ave WElizabeth Apts 728 Mlh Ave WElks Building 112-I1C3 7th Are WElliott Apnrtnienta 1107 Ilth Ave WEl Palo ApLi 8th St W & 6tb AveExaminer Bldg Sth Ave & 5th St W

film Exchongo—Bee Calgary FilmExcliauge

PlndlQv Aportments 1318 Ist St WPletchor Block 2711 2nd St EPlcxford House 394 31st Avo Wnora Apia 535 20th Avo WFlorence Apts 10S3 1st Ave NWFoutencllo Cmirt 337 IStb Ave WFhothllln Bulldiiis 229 Stb Ave WFrances ApnrciuGQta 825 4th Avo WPraser Block 1225 9th Ave EFmser & Scntiloom Blk 1329a 9 Av tFreeze Block 119 3rd Avc EFrontier Apartments 331 7tii Ave W

Garden The 323 14th Ave WOomet Block lOib St As 2nd Ave NWGary Apiirtnicnu 233 ISt.h Avo EQayner Apanmciila <»2 2nd Avo NWOeirrglnn Court 621 Sth Ave WGlcumiirc Lodge 334 ].4tb Avc WGlcuwnod Manor 9D4-908 Blvd NWGloria Court 303 23rd Avo WGoderJch Apts 932 17th Avo Warahiim Block C09a Centre StGrain Exchange Bldg 815 Ist St WGraphic Arts Bids 700 2dcI Ave WCreEhiun Block 1403 9tli Ave E

Kennedy Block 1216 Oth Are EKCDSlUglOll Apts 102 12th St NWKerlln Apts 1321 13th Ave WKetr Block lilOa Wcstmount BlvdKlnburn Block 017a ITth Ave WKing Apartments 010 3rd SC WEhmc Block 23Sa 16th Ave NWKraft Building 222 Stb Avo WKresge Block 230 8lh Are W

Labor Hall 229 11th Are £La Loma Court 12 Ave <& l3th St WLancaster Bids Stb. Avc & 2ncl St WLand Titles Bldg 7th Ave & 4th St WLongman Building 330 Sth Ave WLashnm Lodge 925 15th Are WLaurcUn ApU 222 iSCb Avc WCaurorjce Tlic. 24th Ave As Sth St WLauricr Lodge (K)S 13th Ave WLawrence Lodge 724 "Lli Ave WLccEon-Lincbam Blk 209 8ih Avc VtLenore Block 2309 4th St WLoon Apartments 1410 14th St WLliicham Block I02a ath Are ELivestock F.xcliangc Stackyards

E CalgaryLomns Apts 1735 College LoneLorrnlnn Apartments 020 1211) Ave wLough Apts 620 Boulevard NWLoughccd Building 604 1st St WLotiiso Apartments 1026 2nd St ELyndelJ ApartmenW 133 15th Avo E

Maclean Block 109 8tb Avc EMarlon Apts llih St & ISth Ave WMarlborougb Apts 1112 4th St WManvrind Apts 2433 2nd St EMosnu-Rlscli Block 507 Sth Ave WMcDonald Aparls 215 ISlii Ave EUcGllI Apu Oth Avc A: Sth St EMclntyre Bind: 4ch St 3c 22nd Av wMcKay Lodge 1016 19th Avo EMoKciiklv Block 218a Sth Avc EMcNcU Block 2.30-232 Oth AVE EMcTnvlsh Block 015 2nd St EMlclinel Block 9ch Ave As 3rd 8t wMills Block 322 Sth Ave WMiriam Block 403a Sth Avo WMontrono Place 332 Oth Ave WMnrasch Block 642 lit Ave NEMorris Court 1729 College LaneMount Royal Apts 1744 Ttb St WMount Royal Block 805a 17th Ave WMnxnm Apanments 721 13tb Avo W

Ncllson Block ll&a Sth Ave ENelson Apartinonts 1104 tCth Ave WNewbury Aparltnenls 1507 2nd St WNow Calgary Mnrket 125-127 7 Av WNolan's Osill 127a Sth Are WNorfolk Apts 225 13Vh Ave EMormon Block 12Ua Stb Ave WNorth-Wcst Tntvellera' Building

SIS lilt 8t BNorwood Apai'imentfi 1203 ISth Av tv

Oddleiiows' Building 6" Centre StOttawa Apartments 1601 9th St W

Caledonian Block xnca 8th Are E(9algaTy Apartmeiita 330 Sth Avo BOalgniT Film Bxebange Stb Are it

8Ul St WOalgaiy Public Bldg Stb Are 1 St eCameron Block TlSa Ist St ECampbell Aparttnents isiiki 3rd St ECanada Life Bldg 301 8Cb Avo WCanton Block 206 Centre StOaracallnn Apts IlCa loth St NWCanon Block 1330 9tl> Are ECentral Bulidtng 703 Centre 6COhauiicuy Block 110 8tb Ave BOhitlloic Block 1407 11th St WCity HnU 2nd St & 7Ui Arc Eoily HflU Corner 2nd St ib 8ib Ave f-Clarence Blo^ 122 8th Avo WOlnrho Aparimenra 222 Stb Ave Wmiff Apartiutints lio 14th Ave BColEhove Apnrtmouta 129 l5Cb Ave EColleea Aparttnents 1722 5-A St WComery Block 533 I7th Ave WCommercial Bldg 138 Ttb Avo B

H & & Apartmeuta 510 iStb Ave WEtomUton Apartments 140 oth Avo WHunno Apartments 544 17th Ave Wflarmont Apnrtmanis 1537 14 Ave WHarvard Apartments 933 18th Ave WHurvey Block IDOB I2lh Ave WRaskins Block 1332 Oth Ave BHntflcld Court 1833 Park R/;adRhVdon Block 113-l-G Henslngtou RdReoJy Apartments 1411 Centre StBcnlh Block 015 15lh Avc WBcrnld Building Ttli Avc it 1st St WHersert Block 729 2nd Ave NEHester Apartmcnis 1305 4lh St WBtckman Hall SOla 9th Avc WBlckii Block 1304a lot St NWHliller Block 429 Bth Avo EHood & Irvine Blk 113a ath Avs WHope Apartments 1514 22nd Avo WHope Biook 1414 iBt St WHoward Apartments 133 13th A« BHull Block 805 1st St WHunt Block 423a Oth Ave EHuntly Apartments 817 ISth Are W

Padclon Block Bnulevnrd NWFoget Aportnicnu 1913 Sth St WFagat HOll 218 7ib Ave EPome's Hail 429 Ilth St NWPaclsltvn Apartmenti' (199 4th Avc WPatricia Block C07-GD9 1st tit WPort H L Bldg 205 9th Ave WPhyllis AparimuiilB 3840 let Ave NWPioneer Block 117 Stb Avo W

&3m su"'e'"® ™ *""•'̂eUBtoek ®

Pwsltlcnt Atiis ®Pmcesa

R^Swiy &istSt WEellanre ^re EKenfrow Bu^ni St NERlcharSon ,l?0 avc WRllcy BuiidmB!^?^" Btl Ave WRite Court 330 ,5.2*'' Avo WRlvcrmwdB W

Court 015 4tiA A ^Roes Block W __Rom Block (ow ims "A'*

Bouicvnrii "OCa Wcstmouut

Stff.Royal Bank Chmoh,5^ ?nS ^ „Ruptrt Block 4Cl'S.'Ave'E

^Uaiy '̂kwiipf'l®" '5"' Avo Ww

Sllto Ap£°f wSllngsby Blk ^

Southam moS T St & a Avo WStfvcne,BullJinn^

iiSSSasi-'av W

Toole Poet nnd i5 f'WToronm®Gen«JI?'2.® 2nd St W315 8th A?o^&em°''X}rdSn"g' S^5^ei"^t ^


Block 1311 1st St Wojupn Building a03a let St B

348 17th Ave W640 2nd Avo NW

w«»Sh? bP'* 5^"^" S"! Ave Evictoria Block nso Sth Are B

AjwrtmcniB 231 13th Ave E105 8th Ava Wwobh Riock Ist St R A; 7tli Ave

WelllnBlon Apu 509 2iUi AVO WWolla Block 405 8th Are WWosti'm Block (Old) 1093 1st at WWestminster Block 1005 !al St BWilliams Block 1411 4Ui st wWood Roberta Block 928 nib Arc "

? M0 ABldg Uth Ave as let 8t ®V W 0 A Bldg 223 1201 Avc Wyale Annex 3119 Sth St W urTale Apartment BIdRS 2121 51" St"

Zelda Apnrlraeuu 2406 4th St *

Page 7: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short





MARCH 1940





Calgary Emergency CallsFIRE i'OLIUE AMBULANCE

M6SU1 niu4:su


Buoat niiisiNigbt uaasi


ClLj or Calsary. M1151Niebt Miiao



Telephone Service CallsINFORMATION





Page 8: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Alberta Governmemt TelephonesHead Office: C.P.R. Building/ EdmontonCalgary Office: 119 6th Avenue West


Applications for New Service—Changes inLocation—Termination of Service

AU osatters rolatlns IclepUoue servloa. removals, terrnlnatlonof service, directory ilstlngs. adjuslmciii or accounts, collection ol l>lHg,etc.. arc itandled at tde Busluesg orricea at tDo Department.

Chonges in Directory ListingsTbls telepbooe directory Is Issued every cigbt montbs. KottflcatloD

sa to new listings, cbangcs or corrections sbouid be made to tbe LocalOffice at oQce.

Directory AdvertisingFVjr Information as to space or rates for Directory advertising, please

cotmnunlcata with T. Spaldlng. Directory SupcrvlBor. no Oib Ave. woac.Calgary. Phone M4733.

Service DifficultiesBelow are shown tbe telepbone numbers ot peisons to ho called to

report service difficulties. U at any time difficulties are not promptlycoireoted call tbe Mniinger of your Central Office.CNFORMATIO.N—

For Informatlun rcsardine New Subscribers, change ofTelephone Numbers. Long Uutance Line CharKcn, NewToll urriccs. Etc. ... Coll "Informatien** Dial


To Report Telephone Oat ot Order or unsalistactoryLocal Service Call "Trouble" DialTo Report unsatisfactory Long Distance Service

Call "Chief Operator" DialFor District Traffic Superintendent .... Dial M2176LONG distance-

To CaD Long Distapce Operator - — Dial






Use of Telephone1. The aervloe furnished la for the exclusive use of the subscriber

and nieinbora of the subscriber's household or the subscriber's employeesupon the subscriber's ousineM, asitt the suhscrlber ahail uot extend theuse o! the telephone to any other person, nor shall the subscriber truna-tnlt messages for any other peraoii', and if a residence telephone is uaedfor business or professional purposes the Dopartmeut may charge therefor tbe rate charged for Uusiuesg or pinfesslonul telcpboues. The tesl-dcucc telephone number of a subecrthec luay be advertised only In con-lunctlou with the advcriisuig of nla puslness telepbone number.

Tiie Department will endeavor to seep the lines and Instruments ingood working order and undertakes to deer trouble or piaKe repairs withall reasonable despatch, but docs uot guarantee uninterrupted service.

The right of the subscriber 1p Co use Uie tuetrumunts and eonneatlugllnea where the Department may place tbum, but not elsewhere, under•ucb rules iu\ Uie Ueiiartineut Quiy trntu time Li time preacribc.

The use ot obscene, profnue or abusive laugtiage while UBiug the tole-ptiuuo ts strictly forbidden tiud service may be Imtnedlutely discontinuedtor violation of this rule.

a. The Ui";trumenta and all accessories connected therewith shall remain the property of the Oepartincut and the subsoriber shall not remove. alter, or make atiy attachment tlierotm and the suhscrlbct agreesto oompensatc the Depurtmout on demand for any damage, loss or des-iTUetlon of the Oepurttneofs instruments and agcessorie« Whilst such lu-atruRioats and accessories are In or upon the premises of the subscriber.

Construction3. When It ts necessary to erect poles or anchors In order to carry the

wires tmtn tB6 tiialh telephone line bli the tdftfl aliotvflnde or Street tothe applicant's premiiiea. such poles and anchors in connQctlntt tfaerewitbwill be RuppUed and erected bj* tbe Department at the expense of theapplloeni.

Chorges—How Paidi. All charges for liistallatluns. moves and monthly rcutals shall ha

paid th advance, which ahull entitle the subscriber to service with all subscribers connected ta the sania cxcbange, Regular toil lutea will bOcharged for nil service to polula outside of Ibo cacliungc.

5. Subscribers ahull puy the lustiiilatluii charges, rime voutul liisuil-meut laud ooiislruotlou charges. Il uu)>) strictly In ndvuucu. Excess mileage charge will bo added If uulslUe of exchange llmJis. If subsequentrental accotiiitfi remain unpaid after the 15th of the month, service shiillbo dlscoptlnucU and no rebate or rtductlou shall be allowed for sucti ni-lorruptlon to service.

t). Bub.scrlbers sball puy monthly, at schedule rates, for mi messngesand conversutlone over the Long Distance lines. U said uccounts rooiuluunpaid after the tStb of the month, further credit shall ho refused untilsccouat la paid.

7. Subscribers shall pay promptly, upou prcscutatlou of account, allcharges for other mlacellaneous Items, If these charges ore notwithin 15 days, ssrvlco stiall be discontinued.

Complaints Re Long Distance ServiceS. While the Dupurtmrnt win carefully concldcr complululs In 0<iD»

neetlon with toll service at any time received, it would bu approoiaWdIf subscribers would maKo such coiuplaluts huiiiedlately after coiivcrsa-tioD has uKcn place.

Vacation Allowonce8. aoultl a subscriber desire to tiavo Ills Exchange Rcsideaco Service

tcmporacUy discontinued, owing to thu closing of Ills restdcnou, he may duso without funcolUng contmct nr haviag teiephmio removed, and. if arranged for in udvumrc tii writing, un ullowiinco of two-tlllrds of the r.iieper month win he made tor a period or uot less Uiuu oim tniiiiui and notexceeding three montlie In any one your. Subscriber shall stiite, wliifOmahlng appllc-alton. the period for which uu expects to Uu absent andshall pay tor this period In ndviinco. Subncrlber will notify uio Depart-tneut when he wishes service resumed, cither In wrlilug or ij.v callliiB stthe office aad signing ra-connQcl order. Owing to the fact Uuit MuJli-Party Line Telephones cannot be disconuccted without a special trip beltigmade to their locallun. this regulation will not apply to Mulii-party LinoService.

Moves10. The telephone Is first Incated where the subscriber directs and

must not be moved or Inte'rfered with. When the subscriber dcsima tohave the telephone moved Ui any other locullou ontlec Ui writing siuiuidbe given to the local office, at least ten days before the clutngo U desired.The work will tbeu be done as promptly ua possible at regular cliurgee-

Join^ User Service11. A joint user l» g porwiu, finu or corporation who aliares the auU-

scMber's exchange scrvloo In uccorduuce with larlff ptovlslnus. To tnolU*•ate this use of sorvloe. a directory iUIIdb le included.

Business jnlut user nne-Uiird of business Wall-Sct rate.Residence Joint user—SOc per moulh,

Cancellation of Service12. Subacrlbnrs glviug up service must notify the Department '.®

writing, or call at office and sign "Take Out" order. Falling to tl®tnu. subscriber will bo llublo inr all cliurges up to date Inatruuieut le i®*moved or taken over by a new subscriber.

Directories13. Tbe Oapartment of Teivphhiiva uwiunies no llnbllily on accoiiiit

ot errors in or omlfislon# from Its tllreotorlc»- rclopliuno directories areand remain the pn<porty of Alberta Qoveriiiiient Tciephonen. They iir"prluled for the exclusive use ot the Deparinieiit'a patrons and are loanedto lie subscribcra All psrsniiB lire cautioned iigainst reproducing the"'contents, which are fully protected by copyright. SubsorllierB must lib'use any bluder, holder or otltor atlauhineiitii. except as provided byDepartment.

Telephone Numbersl-). Asubscriber's telephone number Is not a port or the itppllcwMh^

for seiwlce, hut numbers will only be chauged when abaolUfcly uoccb*"'or for the beUermeut of the service.

Public NoHceIS. This Department's terilfs are open to public Inspection. „KtsloOd

tlon regarding rates for servloe, tolls and mlKMianeoUB mayupon appUcation from the Departmem's BuAlness Office.


Page 9: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

How to Use the TelephoneAUTOMATIC TELEPHONE

Consult tuo Tclephoae Directory ror iho comet number bciore youmaJte a call. Do not trust lo your memory.

Call "02" for Jnfomitttioa It tbc person or Ilrra you wish to call Isnot listed in tho Directory.

1. Look Up the Number.—Note the letter prccodluB the number. Indicating tho E-tclmngc to which the subscriber you are calling to connected.

1. Remove the Receiver.—Bo carelul not to move tho hook at anytime durtns tho call.

3- Listen lor the Xonc.—This Is ft stendy humming sound, whenreceived it iiidlcnies that the equipment to ready for you to dial.

4. What to Dial- It to neccsstiry to dial In turn, llret the letter In-tllcatlng the Exctuvugo to which tho suhscrlbcr called la connected, andthen each flgiuo of the number lu rotation.

5. How to Dial. Suppose you are calling M2301. To dial this number proceed as follows:—

U) Remove receiver and listen for the dial tone.(3) Place your linger lu the hole over tho letter "M."(31 Turn tho dial around until your finger strikes the fliiBcr stop,

tlicn lift your finger anil allow the dial to return to test without touch-Ing it.

(4) Repeat this opcmtlon for the figures 2-3-0-1. If you find thntyou have lundo nu error hefora you lirivo completed tllollng. hnng tip thorccolver for a few seconda. then remove the receiver, lloten for the dialtone nnd after iiearlng U, dial your call again.

d. Hinging and Busy Signals.-After you have llntoUcd dlaUng youohould hear In Uia receiver cither llio ringing signal tan lulcmilttcnthurr-rr-lng iiound) indlcallne that the cnllcd tolepUouo to being rung, ortho biuy signal—ft mnid buzz-bucz-buza—Indicating that tho culled linoi» busy.

K you hear tho ringing signal aud receive no answer within & reasonable period, hang up 'the receiver and call Inter.

It you hcur tho busy signal haug tip the receiver and after waiting aroasonablo length of time.- call again.

If you bear ncllher Blgrial within half n minute, hang up the receiver lor a row Mcoiitto, then and dial again—If the some condition to found after several ntlemplo, dial "SS" imd report tho cohdlllonto "Trouble" operator.

7. After Vou imvo FIntslicd T.vlking.-Hang up your receiver—Thiswill dtoeoimcct you from the called telephone. Leave your receiver ontho hook a fotv Boconds before starting to make imotbor call.

MANUAL TELEPHONEConsult the Telephone Directory for the correct number before you

moke a call. Do to your memory.Ask for "Information" if the person or firm you wish to coU is not

listed in Uie Directory

1. To cart the Operator give one long ring before removing the receiver from tlia hook and then hold the receiver to the car.

2. Wlien the Operator iteplies by saying "Number?" give tlis numberof the subscriber's telephone desired, slowly and dtolinccly. At Uultl-offlceBxchange.v. first ludicato the exchange desired by the prefixed letter andthen pronounce the number by digit.

Example:—"M1429" should be pronouuttod "M one four-two nine.". .AC other Exchanges pronounce the number desired by digits-Example:—"173" should be pronounced "One-seven Dve,"

3. Face the Transmitter with the Hps almost touching the mouthpiece. Speak naturally, distinctly and not too rapidly.

A. Keep the Receiver to the Ear, and the Operator, after repeatingthe number, xvill connect you witb the subscrlhcr called for. If th'e desired line Is found to be in use the operator will report '-'Line Busy."

S. When Vou Dave Finished Talking place tlie receiver on the hook,small end up, nnd give a short ring. This gives the operator a signal todiscoimeci and you are then in a position to call another number or tobe called.

NOTE:—At Camrose. Lacombe, llarma and Wetaskiwln(Common Battery Exchange) no ringing, except by rural line subscribers, isnecessary. Simply remove receiver from hook and In all other respectsproceed as insiniclcd above, placing the receiver on the hook when con-^versatlon to finished.

0. Do Not Use the Tclcphono during ft thundeislorm.

7. Ilurat Line biibscrlbcrs nhould limit their convcreatlon lo FiveMinutes' duration and must not "listen lu" to coaVersation not intendedfor them as It interferes with Iho Service.

Complnfnt-s:—Complaints regarding telcphoru trouble and unsatlafoc-tory Scrt'lcc shovild bo mado to tho Local Manager, Agent or Chief Operator at the Oriico concerned, and If not rectified within a reasonable time,the matter should be icfcrrcd to the Genera! Truffle Superintendent atEdmonton.

AUTOMATIC EXCHANGESInformation:—Call Inlormallon "92" for numucni of New Subscrlheni.

Changes. Long Distance Line Chaises, New Toll OfDces, etc.

Trouble:—Complaints regarding Telephone Troubles should bo re

ported to Trouble Operator. Telephone No. 92. When reporting troublegive telephone number affected and Its location, also stale as accuratelyas possible iusi how trouble mauiiests Itself. Try tn bo specific, as incomplete Information frequently causes delay in tocatlng nature of trouble.

If a line you are trying to call repeatedly tests "busy." notify TroubleOpomtor. who will investigate whether same is caused by an abnormalcondition on line, or from use. It any lino appears too busy for goodService write to the District Commercial Superintendent. Subsizrlbcrs arerequested not to engage Trouble or Information Operatora in conversation longer than necessary, as by so doing the operator will be preventedfrom giving prompt attention to other patrons..

Information on the Use of Long DistanceStotion-to-StoHon Calls

The Stailon-to-stauon rate applies when it Is not desired to cslabltsbeommunlcatlon with a particular person called.

atatlon-to-Statlon culla must be made by number whenever Tele-nhofte Dlteci^ry information covering the called point is available. When'"^'' information is not avnilablc. the name or address under which thehep listed should be given, specifying that "anyone at that num--r wiu do."

Example:—"45(57, j, jj. Brown speaking. I want to speak to Spring-daic. C84." or "I want to speak to Springdals. anyoneat &lr. John Jones' residence (or business) telephone."

And BoslEatchcwnit—Reduced rates on Statlon-to-Slatlon (any-fl-l. vi"' hfo in effect from 7 p.m. to 12 iiiiduight. with a further reduction from midnight to 4:30 a.m.

M.»ea ni«''i.°°'n'nbln. Manitoba. Eastern Canada and U.S.A.—Reducedin cffBsc from 7 p.m. to 4:30 a.m.. inciutllng all day Suuclnys.

Person-t-o-Person Calls

to-P^w^ speciiy on individual to whom 5-ou must speak (a Person-to-Stattoni^ '̂' " i^ninewhnt higher thaii for an "Anyone', (Station-there am Pereon-to-Pcrson calls require mure operating time aud„ , , reductions durhig the evening or night hours, except forsi-ir^ oi Columbia, Manitoba. Eastern Canada and the Unitedlion r' - ® dails with the operator in the same manner as Sta-

specifying tho name of the person with whom you*lah to speak.

Appointment CallsAn Appointment Call to a Person-to-Porson coil requiring communi

cation to be established at a spccl/lcd lime, and order should be given tothe Long Distance operator In the usual manner.

Messenger CollsA Messenger Call to a Person-to-Pcrson call. neccssUat'ing the scrvtoea

of a Messenger to secure the attendance of a specified person, and ordershould bo given to tire Long Distance operator In tho usual manner. ThoMessenger Service and Report Charges In such cases must be prepaid bythe calling party If the call to placed from a Public Pay Station.

Collect CollsCollect Calls are Person-to-Pcrson or Statloii-to-Statlon Calls, the

charges for whicb ore reversed, i.e.. to be collected from the called party.In such cases the assent of the called party shall bo obtained before theconiioction is established.

Report ChargesUnder certain conditions a Report Charge of approxinialely one-quar

ter of the 5iiitlnn-to-6taiion Day rate will be made on uncompletedPcrsoii-to-Person. Appointment and Messenger Calls, Including WrittenMessages and Telegrams.

A Report Charge shall not be made on a Station-torStatlou call except when the call to placed "Collout" and the charges have not beenaccepted.

Page 10: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

LONG DISTANCE RATES—From CalgaiTTo Places connected with the I-ong: Distance Lines of the Alberta Govcruincnt

Telephones and Connecting Systems in AlbertaXOTE:—^Thcsc KaU-s arc Subjoct to Change AYilhoul Notice.


to-Sbt(ionDay Bate




Alberta Beach


Aldersoft ........

Alexo «...Alhambra

Alix .......Alliance

Alsask. Sask.Altarig

Arnhor ValleyAndrew




Armiittce .......AffOWWOfldAihinofitAthabasca



BUns.S o

.. 1.35

.. 1.S0- .25

_ .15

.. 1.15

.. 2.20

.. .80.. .80.. .60. .65

. .85

.. 2.10

.. I.IO

. 1.651J5

.. .90

.. 1.65

.. .45

. 1.50,. JO


, 1.65- J5. 1.65

Banff .45Barens .55

Barrhead 1J5

Bashaw .75Busano .43Battle (.ake .35

Bawit .90Beacen .Kill 1.50Bcauvallan USBeaver Cressinj .... 1.60Bellis UOBdnalte - .55Benilty .65ei; fish Lake USBis Valley 35Bindloss ....; 1.00.Blaekio —. J5Blalrmsre .65Bloomsbury ....._ U5Blue Ridgs USBan Accord 1.20Bonnyville 1.65Bordenave 1.50Bovr Island 50

Sdwden >^0Bowcll .95Bowmanten 1.05Bewness Golf Club .10Bowncss Park 10Be* Sjflnss 1.50Boyle l.SOBoyne Lake 1-50Brass Creek .20Brant,.....,.. ,30

Breezelawn .95Breton .90Brooks .65Brosseau 1J5Bruce 1.05Buffalo .95.Bulwai* 85

Burdett 90Busby 1.20Byemoor ,65Cadomtn ................ 1.20Caiahe.a ...uu........... 1.15Calmar .93Cambria .45.


BtAtton-TO to-dtatioD

D.-iy ilatc

3 nifns.8 0

Camp Creek 1,35Camrote 90Canmore

Carbon J5

Csrdston .....

Carmangay .. JOCarolsidn 65

Carrot Creek

Carstairs .25

Carvel l.OS

Castor .75Cavendish _ 1.00

Cereal ......... .90

Cesslord ,70

Champion .....Chaurin 1.20Cherhiil ,.. 1.20

ChinookChip Lake ...Chlpman .... 1,20ChlsholmCiaresholm ... .SO

Cltve .65

ClydeCoalspur 1.20Coil Valloy .. 1.13Coehrane .... .15Cold Lake ...- 1.80Columbine ... 1.55

Compeer ...... 1.10Comrey ......Condor .........

Conrad .90


Cooking Lake, North l.OSCooking Lake. South 1.05Coronado 1.20

Coronation ... 85Coutts 1.05CdWiey ........ .65Craigntyle .... ... .55

Cremona .25Crossffeld .....Caar 1.05

Dakin 1.65

Dapp — 1.50

Davis USDaysland .90Deep Creek , 1.6SDelburne 55Delia

Derwent U5

Didtbury 30DenaidtDonatvllle ... 1.65Ooucette ; 1.50Dov/nie 1.35-Drumhelier .

Duchess SO

Ouclos 1.65

DurMngvijie .Ouvernay ..... 1.35

Eastbourne 1.65Casiburs 1.35East Coulee 45EthohHI USEckville 60Cdberg 60Edgarton 1.20


lo-bln tionbay tlaiB

3 MIns.S c

Edrnonton 1.10Edmonton Beach 1.U5Edson 1.35Edwand USEgrcmont 1.35Elk Point 1.50Ellseott 1.50Elnora -50Empress 1.10Endlang .65Entwislle 1.10

Erith a.20Erixon .55

Esther 1,05Etter MeDougall 85Elilkom 1.05

Evansburg I.ISEvarts 55

Exshaw JO

Fallls 1.30Pavrcctt l.SOFerintesh 80

Flalbush 1.65Flat Lake - 1.50

Folsy U5Foothills 1.15Foremost 1,00

Forestburg 85Fort Asslnlboine ... 1.50Fort Kent 1.65Fort Saskatchewan 1.15Fraspur 85Freedom 1.35

Gadsby 70Gainford I.IOGalahad .85

Gleichen 30Glendon l.SOClenevis 1.20Gicnwood .75Gorman 1.65Granada 1.15

Grand Centre 1.80Granum .55

Grassy Lake .85Green Court 1.35

Gull Lake .65Gunn 1,15

Halkifk 75Hanna 65Hardisty 1.00Hay Lakes ,95Hcaton Moor 1.35Hclnsburg 1.50Heisler 1.... .85Hemaruka 85Hespero 60Kighrldge 1.33Idigh River —J5Hilda 1.10Hilllard 1.15Holdcn 1>03Holmes Crotsing ... 1.50Hughenden 1-00Hustir 40

Hylo 1.65•For other classes ol rales to Jasper call the Chlei



to-!jtAlionbay Rato

3 Allns.S c

Iddesicigh : 75Innislail 45Innlsfrce 1.20Irma 1.10Iron Springs 65Irricana 20Irvine 1.15Islay U5

Jarrow 1.05Jarvic 1.50•Jasper 2.30Jonner 30Judiofl - 85

Kapasiwifl 1.10Klllam 93Kintclla 1.05Klrriemuir 1.05

Kilscdty 1.35Knob Hill 85

Lac La Bicne 1.65L-acombc 65Lac ste Anne 1.15Lafond 1.35Lament 1.20Langden 15Lavoy 1.15Lcduc .95Legal 1.20Legend 95Leo 65Lesilevllle 60Lcthbrldge 70Linaria 1.35Lindbergh 1.50LIsburn 1.20Little Gem .VOLloydmlnster 1.50Lomond 50Longvitvr 25Lontfa - 1.35Looma 1.00Lougheed 1.00Lunnford - 1.35Luscar UO


to-Statloubay lUto

3 Mliu.S c

. Meilowdale US

Meteoal 1.20

Meiiikow - 1.05

Mlchichi - .50

Milk River 1.00Millet .90Mililceni 65MilD 40

MInburn 1,20Mirror 65Mission 1,65Monitor 1.00Moiecambe USMorinvlllc UOMerlin 45Mountain Park UOMulhutst 65Mundarc 1.15Munson 43Musldora U5Myrnam .1.35

Nato .90Wanton ysNcerlandia 1.50ffelspur 85Nemiscam I.OONestoiv 1,35New Brigdcn l.DONtwbrook 1,50New Daylfln 85Nevr Sartpta 1,00Niton UONobieford 60Norai 1,65Nordegg ,85North Cooking Lake 1.05

Oketoks ,15Olds 35Oneway l.isOpal 1.35Orlen 1.15Owlseye I.50Oyen 1.00

Mackay l.ZOMacleod .60Magnolia 1.15Magrath 80Matlalg 1.50Ma-Me-0 Beach 85

Manly Hlgtiway .... 1.05Mandla 1.35ManvlJle 1.20Manybeirics 1.15Markcrville 50

Mayerthdrpe — 1.35McLaughlin 1.35Meadowvicw 1.35Meanodk 1.50Medicine Hat l.DDMHlJng Creek 80

Pashley l.ioPatricia .70Paulus 1,15Paxson 1,65Pcarsonvjlle .90Peers 1.20Pembridgc 1.20Pcmukan 1,05Pendant d'Oreilte .. I.ISPendryl .65Penhold 50Pcrryvale 1.50Piekafdvllle 1.35Picture Butle 65Pincher Creek .70Plains 1.35Pijmondon 1.6SPolloekviila .70Ponoka 70Provost 1.15


TO to-SlntlvnSay Rate

3 Mint.S c

Radway X35Rainier 65Ray USRaymond - .80Redelllf 1.0U

Red Deer 35Rciiwaler ,1.35Hetlarr 65Richard 1,65Richdalc .70Rile ISORimbcy .70Rochester 1.50Rethfoti USRotkyford JOReeky Min. House .65Rosebud .35Rose Lynn .70Roiavear USRoss .90Rosslngton 1J5Rowley .50Royalties J5RumsOy 50Rush Lake I.IOBylcy 1.05

St. Albert I.IO8L Una 1.50sr. Paul 1.50SL Vlnceni 1.50Saddle Lake 1.35Sangudo 1.20Sarrad 1.65Saundcrs 75Schuler UDScoHard .50Seotfleld .75Seba .1 MOSedalla .95Sedgcwiek .95Seven Persons. x,ooShsndro 135Shcerness .75Shoal Creek 135Sibbald 1,03Silver Bay ,35Sinclair 1,65Sion 130SkUt .90'Smoky Ljke 1.J5South Cooking Lake 1,05Southworth IJSSpgdden 1,50Standard •»<*••••• MSI* I. JOSlanger UO.Stanmoro .70Stavcly .40Stereo iJSSietilcr 165Stevevliie .70Stony Plain 1.06Strathmore .20SlromB .90

85Sunnynook .65Sweet Grass, Mont 1.05Sylvan Lake .55

Tabcr 75

Tavratinaw 1.35

Page 11: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short


to-StallonDay Bate


(o-SUiionDay natc


to-st.-tiionDay Rate


to-StaCionDay Rate

Scation- sutlon-TO to-StaliuD TO to-statioo

Day Hate Day Bate

3 Mins. 3 nimx.

5 c S eWaierton Park .85 WINIngdon ... US

Wayne .45 Willow Creek .45

Weslerose .... .85 Winfield ....... .83

Westiock 1.35 Winnilred .95

Wetaskiwin ., 85 Wolf Creek . US

White Court .. 1.35WhiUa 95 Ycoford 85

Wildwood 1.15 Youngstown . AO



tJiorsby ...Three HilliTilleyTtpperary

3 MiOS.

« c1.50



3 Mins.

S cTreehu 40

Turner Valley 20Two Hills 1,35

Vale 1.10.70 Vcsrevllle 1.15

TflRtli 1.05

^ MIns9 c

Veteran 90

VIkfng 1.05VMna 1.50

VImy 1.35Vulcan .40

Wabamun 1.10Walnwright .... 1.15

3 ntios.

8 c

Wake-Shyre Lodge .. .20

Walker 1.50

Walsh 1.20

Wardlow .70

Warner .90

Warspite 1.35

Waskatcnau 1J5

In addition to the lurcsoing points Xon^ Distance Connection may be had also teUh the foIloiTint: ptaccs in Alberta and BritishColumbia, r.-itcs lor wliicli can be obtained by calling "LONG DISX.ANCE":—


Acadia ValleyAchcssn .AdklnsAerialAetnaAgrlcolaAlbidn RidjeAidcrsydeAlice iJkeAllsrstflnAlllnghamAmilkAngle LakeAngus RidgeAnkerton


BaintfteBalmaratBalzacSaidoBarnwellBaihgateBattleBattle BendBattleviewBeaumontBeaver HeightjBeaver HillsBraver LakeBeaver MinesBeazcr

BeddingtonBelsekcrGeileviieBelvedereBennettBentonBcrrymoorBeverlyBeynonBIrthamB'rdsholmBIsrajrkBittern Lake

«i; Diamond"htkfaldsBlitkioo,BlondheimBluffionBorloBolarsBonlcaBonnar

BorradaileBothaBotlrclBouyantBow CityBvadshawBremnerStetenaBrigiiivicv,


BrookslcyBrownfleldBrownlow's tand'gBroxhurtsBruderhclmBultalo Head

RanchBulfslo ViewSulordBurmisBurnt Lake

CadoganCalling LakeCalvcrlyCamebcll LakeCampsieCapponCardiliCarlton HillCarolineCarselandCassllsCayleyChaileyChancellor

CheadleChcslerwoldChinClandonaldClarindaCIcarvlewClover BarCtunyClymontCoaldaleCnalhurstColemanColrntonConimcrceConiurinq CreekCennaughtCopevilleCornucopiaCounlessCousinsCrowfootCummingsCuster

OahnierDalcmeadDalroyDarwellDavisburgDelacourDel BonllaOcmayDesjarlaisDewberryDeWlntonDiamond CityDlcksonDinaOInantDintonDobsonDoddsDog PouiidDoondaie

DorenleeDorisDorothyOowlingDowningDrayton ValleyDuaghOutfieldOuhamelOunmoreDunshaltDunstable

Eagle HillEarlleEarlihgEarlvllleEastervaleEden ValleyEdisonEdweilElk IslandElk Island ParkElklonElkwaler LakeEllerslle.EmeryEnchantEnsignEntice



FabyanFairacicsFairbankFalrlicidFalrydcllFaithFalunFarming ValleyFarrewFederalFedorahFcnnFerrybankFlshburnFleet



Forest LawnFour NineFrankFrankburgFreeman River


Garden PlainGarred

GartlcyGemGhost PineGibbons




GlenfordGolden Spike

Good HopeGood LuckGopher HeadCraingcrGraminiaGrand ValleyGreen GladeGreenshieldsGriesbachGrosmontGrelonGwynne

HackfitHaightHairy HillHamlln


Hart SidingHartellHastings CouleeHaven

HayncsHayterHazeldineHeathHeath CreekHeather BraeHeatherdownHclmsdalc


HctheringlonHighlleldHighland ViewHlllcrcslKIM EndHillsorlngHoadleyHobbemaHomeglenHorsehavcnHorseshoe LakeHubailaHuntervilleMuttonHuxley


JeffreyJoffteJoscphburgJumpfng Pound



KllbournKImballKingmanKippenvlfieKlrkcaldyKnee Hill VaUey

LaconiaLake OemayLake IsleLake MinnewankaLake ViewLamoureu*LandonvilieLanlineLaves laLea ParkLeavittLeedaleLeeshoreLewisvilleLibertyLindbrookLinchamLivingstonLochendLockhartLong CouleeLousanaLowe

LoyalistLucky StrikeUundbteckLyalta

MaddenMajotvillcMakepeaceMalmoManlrcdMaple LeafMartinsMarwayneMasinasinMaughanMaunsellMaybuttMaylenMaaeppaMc DonaldvilieMeadowbank

Meadow CreekMcnaikh^erna

McwassinfAidlanifMIdnaporefdiliarvillcMillerMilnertonMonarchMorganMorleyMornlngsidcMossidcMossleigl)MoundMountain ViewMurray Valley



NewcastleNew LindsayNew NorwayNew OxieyNightingale


Norfolk SidingNorthbankNorthern ValleyNerthlcighNorton


Olin CreekOlson CouleeO'MaraOrkneyOrion


PakanParadise ValleyParklandPark ViewPartridge HillPassburgPeacockPearcePearsonPeat


PhillipsPIbrethPInchcr Station

Pine LakeFirmer CreekPleasant ViewPoePoplar RidgePoplar SitePretty HillPrldrilsPrincetortPufferPurple Springs


RafeyRanlurlyRavenRedlandRed LodgeRed RavenRed WiliowReid HiliRcistRcxboroRibslons

Rio AltoRivcrcourseRiviere Qui BarreRockcling BayRocky RapidsRodino

Rolling GreenRolling HillsRosalindRosedalcRoseicaRosemaryRosenheimRosenmil

Ross Creek

RosythRound HillRusylvia

St KildaSt MichaelSaltauxSammensSarcceSather


SeaforthSecbcSexton CreekSharpiesShaughnessySheep CreekShepardShonisShouldiceSidtupSilver Lake

Simons ValleySkaroSoda LakeSouthcskSnendenSpilngbankSpring CouleeSprlngdaleSpring LakeSpring PointSpringvaleSpruce GroveStampedeStand OffStaplchurstStarSterlingvltleStirlingStobart


StrandStrangmurrStrcamslownSugar BowlSullivan LakeSulphur SpringsSummery icwSundieSunnydaleSunnyslopeSwatwcll



TclfordvilleTempestThelmaThroneTmdastoIITollandTomahawkTongue CreekTorringtonTraversTudorTurinTwin ButteTwin LakesTwining




WahstaaWaltrossWandaWardenWarwickWaterglenWater ValleyWaits

WealthyWellingWcllsdaleWestcottWestward HoWhisky GapWhitewGod LakeWhitford


Wilson SidingWilton ParkWimborneWinterbumWeodhouscWood River



British Columbia Points

in the Crow's Nest Pass

Baynes LakeBull RiverCoal CreekCorbinCranbrookCreston


Fairy CreekFcrnicFort StecleGallowayHosmerIsaderc LookoutJ affray


LumbertonMarysvtlloMcGillivaryMichelMorrisseyMoyleMoyie MountainNatalSt Eugene Mtss'onWardnerYahk

Use Long Distance and Advertise in the Telephone Directory

Page 12: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Rates to Certain Points in Canada and the United States of AmericaFROM. CALGARY

Kates to points not listed below maj- be obtained by exiting Long Vlstancc


TO DAY (Exa Sun.) NIGHT and SUN. DAY (IIxc. .Sun.) NIGHT and SUN. CHARGE

3 Add. 3 Add. 3 Add. 3 Add. DAY, NIGHTailns. mill. Mills. Min. Mins. MIn. Mins. Mill. and SUNDAY

AKROS, OHIO $5.25 $1.75 33.25 $1.00 se.75 $2.25 $4.75 $1.50 $ .70BALTLMOHE, MD 6.00 2.00 3.75 1.25 7.75 2.50 5.50 1.75 .80BOISE, IDAHO 1.00 .60 1.10 ,35 3.40 .80 l.CO .50 .35

BOSTON. MASS. 6.50 2.00 4.00 1.25 8.50 2.75 6.00 2.00 JIOBRANDON, MAN. — 2.30 .75 1.35 .45 3.00 1.00 2.05 .65 .40BROOKLYN, N.Y. . 6.25 2.00 3.75 1.25 8.23 2.75 5.75 1.75 .80

Bt'FFALO. .N. V. 5.50 1.75 3.25 l.OQ 7Jt5 2.25 4.75 1.S0 .15BUTTE, MONT. 1.30 JO .90 .30 1.90 .60 1.30 .40 .30CHICAGO. ILL 4.30 1.50 2.75 .90 6.73 1.75 4.00 1.23 .05CLNCLNNATI, OHIO - 5.23 1.75 3.25 1.00 6.73 2.25 4.75 1.50 .70rT,EWr,4ND, OHIO 5.25 1.75 3.25 1.00 6.75 2.25 4.75 1.30 .70DENMtR, COLO 3.00 1.00 L70 .55 3.75 1.25 2.45 .80 .50DETROIT, MICH. 5.00 1.30 3.00 1.00 6.50 2.00 4.50 1.50 .70DLXDTH, .MINN . 3.50 1.00 L95 .63 4.50 1.50 2.95 .95 .55

GREAT FALLS, MONT. 1.30 .40 .70 .20 1,60 .50 1.10 .35 .23HALTF/VX, N.S. 1.25 2.25 4.50 1.50 9.50 3.00 6.75 2.25 .90IIELEN.A. MONT. 1.40 .43 .85 ,25 1.80 .60 1.25 .40 25KANSAS CITY, MO. 4.00 1.23 225 .75 5.00 1.50 3.25 1.00 .60LOS ANGELES, CAL. 4.00 1.23 2.25 , o 5.00 1.50 3.25 1.00 .60-•vriLW.AUKEE. WIS 4.25 1.23 2,50 .80 5.50 1.75 S.75 1.25 .605n.N*NEAPOUS. MINN. 3.50 1.00 1.95 .65 4.50 1.50 2.05 .95 .55MONTREAL, QUE. 2.00 3.75 1.25 7,75 2.50 5.50 1.75 .80NEW YORK. N. Y. , 6.2S 2.00 3.75 1.25 8,23 2,75 5.75 1.75 .80

0,VKLAND. CAL 3.50 1.00 1.95 .65 4.50 1.50 2.95 .05 .55

OM.4HA, NEB - —- 3.75 1.23 2.10 .70 4.75 1.50 3.10 1.00 .55

OTTAWA, ONT. 5.73 1.75 3.50 1.00 7.50 2.50 5.25 1.75 .7.5

PHIL.ADELPUIA, FA. 6.25 2.00 3.75 1.25 8.25 2.75 5.73 1.7S .80

PrTTSBURG, PA. 5.50 1.75 .1.25 1.00 7.35 225 4.75 1.50 .75rORTL.AND. ORE. 2.00 .65 1.15 .33 2.60 .85 1.75 .55 .35REGINA, S.ASK 2.40 .80 3.00 1.00 .60SAI.NT JOHN. NH. 6.75 Z2a 4J55 1.23 8.75 2.75 6.25 2.00 .90ST. PALL. IVUNN. 3.50 1.00 1.95 .03 4.50 1.50 2.95 J)5 .55S-ALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 2.50 JO 1.45 .4.5 3.25 1.00 2.20 .70 .45S.AN rRANCiaCO, CAL. 3.50 1.00 1.95 .05 4.50 1.50 2.95 JI5 .55SASKATOON, SASK- 1.95 .65 2.40 .80 .50SEATTLE, WASH 1.80 .60 1.0.5 .35 2.30 .75 1.35 .50 .35SHELBY. MONT. 1.05 .35 .00 .20 1.40 .15 .95 .30 .20SPOKANE. WASH 1.20 .40 .70 .20 1.60 .60 I.IO .35 .25TACOM.V WASH. . — 1.80 .60 1.06 .35 2.30 .75 1.55 .50 .35

TORONTO. ONT. - 5.S0 1.75 3.25 1.00 7.25 2.25 4.75 1.50 .75VANCOUVER, B.C. 2.60 .85 1.30 .40 3.25 1.00 2.30 .75 .4.-)VICTORIA. B.C. 3.00 1.00 1.60 .50 3.15 lJi5 2.65 .86 .50WASHINOTON, D f. 6.00 2.00 3.75 1.25 7.76 2.30 S.50 1.73 .80WINNIPEG, M.AN 2.75 .90 1.60 .50 3.50 1.00 2.35 .75 .45

Nielli Rites apply from T.OO p.m. to 4:30 a.m.To secure Evening or Night rates on btaiion-ln-statlon cnlls. to points In Siiskatchciran, mil the Operator.PcrsoD-ti)-Pcrsou Nlgbt and Sunday rates do not apply on calls to points in SasUalclicwanfrom Alberta.

Any of Onr Employees will attend toYour Order for Telephone Service




wmi Desk

sg'.oo sd.2s


Wall Desk

$3.U0 43.29

Mnnophone Wall Inscrumenu 2Sc per mombIn exoeu of Standard Wall Type.

NOTE- Wall MouoptiDoea cAiuiot bo installedin Rural Lines.

Uuuopuuue Uusk inslmmcnts SOo per mouibin excess of Siaiidurd DcaU Type.



Business or Residence Service:








Note: If wiring Is found to bo In place andserviceable, an allowance of 41.50 will bemade on the luUial set and of 41.00 ou extension sot.

It Telephone la already In place and nonliaiiKes are rciiulred the fuaiallallon Foewill bo 41.00.



Business Oesldenaa

Extension Wall per MoDtb..4IJS SOo

Extension Desk per ManUt- 1.50 7So

Extension Bell per Month — cents

Gxtonslon Qong per Montli ....50 cents

Jack and Plug (PortableExtension. MtnlnuimTwo Ouueia) One Outlet Free—Each additional.... 35 cents

Page 13: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short



For Information regarding NewSubscribers, Changes of TelephoneNumbers, Long Distance Rates, New

ToU Offices, etc.. Dial—93

Long Distance0

For Long Distance Rates Dial 93.To Report Unsatisfactory Long Distance Service Call 98 and ask lor

Ciiief Operator



To Report Telephone out of Order

and Unsatisfactor.v Local Service




A A Auto Bagjigc Trinsier Vcalcs & Sous81'0 lib St IV M3292

ABC BATTERY SERVICE i::D i2(!9lb Avt^ £ M4485


A M A Auto Camp Miiclcoii Trail S0748A 1 Beauty Shop lOliSo Centre Si N H2SS6A 1 Cartjoc Tlio^ Hnrt 320 3rd Avc IV M1990A 1 SIGNS 113 Slh .tvc E M40S4

A 1 WINDOW CLEANING CO13l;> Centre St S .M3344

Alliott Mrs B res 2J2a ICtli St W W2274Abel Mm J r„ J7,|i St E E5223Abtll Mm E H rea oU!) Ulfi St W M40a7Abcrcromblcl H res 1D18 Ccnirc-A St NE H2635Abernethy H res lu i2ih St S W U742Abraham F R aus Hil. Avc W M9657Abram Frank R rts 1S09 22iicl Av« W W2729Academy ol Uselul Am S37 ITih Av# W W1262

ACADIA FIRE INSURANCE COOF HALIFAX E K Circguire BrancliMyr .109 Grain Gxcliangc BIdg M3993

Acc CarUgC .f.imes Wiiltlakcf 2:i4 30tli Avc SE M7327Accman J res ID.IS l.itli Avc W W3098Athison A J re» 2SJ5 Carlcton Si W2227Acheson Albiil 91-1833ACKLAND D ^ SON LTD fM7318


ACKLAND W a AGENCIESiinuMncv MiclincI BIdg»V AAiLland rci IJ-ia Rd W4296

""(and W H Boyd res dlij Rosbnro lid S0404"ime Carlage & Tiansler Co 1220 13 Ave W....W3107

Furniture Co 318 Sth Ave E M7687

11^^® OARAGE d H (Bob) Wane"IC Wcslmaunl Blvd L1404'•vrtiiien A Ibnigins res L2415

Acme Gretjtjji, 1302 Kcnumglon Road L1492


Aeton F ""''""'"I I'™1> 228 7U. Avc E M4984

••Ad" Andcrjon Apis W3266Adair H LIncliaiii BIh M1255Adaif I e" Apis W1471tflaif J s res 1423 Cib St NW H1320Adam—sfe Adainos end AdaniiAdam C Dres 422 11 5t NW usiaAdam Otvii) 91.4534

t 91.2021

... M7075

... M4923

... M4010


Phone M 4444 <7fc M7996

Adam Mis W P res 1503 31st Avc W W2675

Adam's Machine Shop 330 Tib Ave E .M1054Adames H J res 1403 Sunnnit St W2212Adamt A F res (IS30 7a St SW 50916Adams Alt res 33J2 IMih St \V W2152Adams Betty 014 .Maclean Qlk M324S

ADAMS BROS HARNESS LTDOKIcc 4 Wliolcsile 100 lllh Ave E M1203W A Jolmsteti Mgr res... M3155

Adams C W res 1135 Rlvcrdale Ave S1117Adams Conrtctionery 2£0Sa 4tli St W M9074Adams E D res 1002 SOtli Avc W S0483Adams E G res 2313 33rd Ave W S1235Ad.nms F C res 412 nth Avc W M3864Adams F 0 res 3041 Elbow Drive S0967Adams Georgia rts 1710 nili St W R171Q

ADAMS GROCERY 101 Sth St W ... R2763Adams H K res 10 Barnliarl Apis M5802Adams J H res 316 20lh Ave W MS825

ADAMS DR «l M Eye Ear Nose &Throat 501-503 Southnm Bldg M9394

Adams Or J M res 314 Roxboro ltd S0628Adams Karl H res 232D 3rd Ave NW 1.1310Adams Pat K res 20 St & ITth Avc W W1879Adams R E tea 704 2tid Avc NW L1573Adams R 0 rej 214 27th Ave NW H2144

ADAMS S H KC Barrister 4 SollcilorSl-.IC Uiiinn Bide M1616

Adams S H rts 1340 Ilia St NW L1441Adams Stewart A res .ISl Sharon Ave W2323Adams W P re.« .330 20ll> Ave W MI773

ADAMS WOOD & WEILLERLTD l.ive Slock- Commission MercliaiitsSlock Yards E Calgary E5121Harvey It Adams res M5802Roy W Eurgeson res W26S0.Cliff It Green res ....W1926A V (Art) Adams res .W21D2


ADANAO AGENCIES Asia MotorUnion Ins Co I.Id l.ongliecd Blilg MS561

Adcotk J C rts 713 Eau Claire Avc R2793





50c, 75Cr $1,00 and upd. J. KEEDV. I'lopvictorSECOND AVENUE WESTR2345


Addy C E R res 1314 4a St NW H1S74Adie G G res 343 lUh Ave W M4746

ADLAM COLLEGE OF MUSICG H Adiam Director 3rJ Hr 523 Slh Ave W M4773

Adolph F V/ rea 3003 6th St W .50001Adolph t Hare Leases 22 Central Bldj M4213Adrian Beauty Salon 2U4 Allicrta Corner .M4429Adshcad H 8 res 119 2Sth Ave NW ,..Hldl3

Adshead J C res 5 FotileiicJie Court _.R1S26Advance Press 114 7th Ave E M4946Acllen H A res I Bell BIk M34i4

Aerial Taxi The Imperial Hotel M4440Aetna Life Insurance Co 218 Soutliani Bltlg R1862Ajcr V res 227 28lh Avc NE H2P25Apnew Fred D res 2007 2Ttli St W W2077Agncw John res 520 Inth Ave W .R1737Agnew Mrs T J res 3915 3ril St SW 51115

AGNEW WALTER G Jeweller Sllaist St W M1443

Agnew Walter G res 113 Garden Cruccnt M331SAtello James res 1033 12ih Avc W .W1811Alkenhead Dr Albert C Pliys & Surg 214 CUi

Avc W M9574Alkenhead Dr Albert E res 710 Prospect Ave ,.,.W194SAikenhcad P A res 701 l.rlii St NW..... 1.2037Aikins Miss Eileen rrs 9 rrontier Apts R1969Ainlay A res 206 85th Ave NB HJ193Ainseough Frank rc.s 3'i07 2ml St W M2087Ainsley Benjamin res ST17 3nl St S W S1141AInslcy 6 L res 202O 37tli Ave SW W2098Ainslie R res 3 Besslmruugh Apia R1932Aird Sydney J res 3DI7 3rd St W S0S78Airport City of Calgary H2708Airport Croc & Meal Market 812 3rd St NE,. H1687

A 1 CARTAGETitos. Hsrt, Prop.


Res.220 3rd Avn. W. M86B3M1990

Page 14: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

8 Ais

Aisenbcrg D res l-SWit Dlh St W M7460Aisficistat f res -ill Sth St NE. R26S4

Aitkcn A S res 503 lllh A-«e W _..M1729

Ailkcn Altx res 609 9lh Ave NE H1586Ailken Ailan D res 115 14ili Avc NW _.H1323

Aitken Archie Men's Wear 11-Sa 7lh Avc W... M1833

Archie P Aitkcn res 221 Sth Ave NW H2645Aitkcn Rev C Melville Central United Parsonase

S18 Roxboro Rd ;.,._.SI122Aitken J B res 215 llth Ave NE - H1995Aitkcns—See also Akiiu

Aitkens E J res 3225 Elbow Drive. S04S0Akcd Edward res 721 17th Ave NW H1691Akins—See also AitkcnsAkins Marion res 1-510 Gth Ave W .._ MS791

AKITT & HARRISON Optometrists£: Opticians S07 Soutiiam Bids M2242

Akilt Herbert J res 1724 13th St W _...W4175Akitt J E res 3231 .VL'cge St W3231Akitt Mrs Sarah A res 2115 Idth St W ... .W1711


AL AZHAR TEMPLE 506 17thAve W M7207Roy Buckley. Recorder res -....W449S

Albert Mrs Barbara res 434 ISth Ave NW H1740Albert Park Grocery 91-6623:Alberta Auctiott Mart 3 Roginsky Prop

402 Sth Ave E .M7289Alberta Bakers Assn 3 Fir Bank of Toronto BMg M2628

ALBERTA BATTERY CO LTD420426 9th Ave E M4485

Alberta Biiliard Supply Co 603 IJth Ave W... M2029Alberta Box Co Ltd H Strickland Mgr HtN Ave

& 31t.h St E E5168Coal & Wood Mills Estate - E5290


AlbcrU Casket Co S18 Slh Ave W M7188

ALBERTA CLEANERS 730 2 Av W R2244Alberta Conlcrcncc of Seventh Day Advcntists

2nd Fir Renfrew Bljg M7015Alberta Corner Store 19th Ave & 9lh 5( E ES20&


Alberta Drilling Co Ltd 1 Central Bide R2120Alberta Electric Hatcheries 2417 la St E M2851

ALBERTA FURNITURE COLTD Slingshy Blk RiversideSalr-j Drpt R1566ttfrlce & Accourrtant R1556

Shipping Dept R1576I'scd Furiiilure Store ll.") 7lh Ave W R1560Warehouse 1011 lllh St E E5411C W McArlhuf Secy res .H11475 Sigurdsson Frcsiilcnt & General Mgr res .-..W3025


Alberta Government Liquor Stores—Sec Alberlal.iquor Control Board




—As Your Telephone


ALBERTA GOVERNMENTTELEPHONES 119 6th Ave WInformation reg.vrdlng new Subscribers-Change of Telephone Numbers and LongDistance Rales 92Long Distance Operator 0Chief Operator 93Telephones Out of Order „.._...93CO.MMERCIAL DEPT—CITY

tnstallalions. Moves, Changes of Equipment...M3490Adjustments and CollectionsAccounts MIOOO to M4a99 and RIOOO lo1(2999 M3430

Accounts M5000 lo M9999 East and South... M3038Accounts Hill Louise IVcst and Rurals M5322

It H Geary Sales Representative M2613A C Head Oty Ocrk M4515A Higgins Oty Manager „....fW4565CO.MMEROAL DEPT—DISTRICT

District Accounts M3830

A C Head District Clerk M7323A Higgins District Commercial Supt -..,M7323DIRECTORY AND ADVERTISING DEPT

General OKice - .M4734C A Roxburgh Directory Clerk M4734T Spalding Directory Supervisor. M4733PL.\NT DEPT

A M Blackburn City & District Qerk. R207IE Doolan District Plant Superintendent R2071STORES S23 Ilth Ave WG D Robarts Storekeeper. M354STRAFFIC DEPT

Service Complaints—Local Sc Long DistaiicoF Jackson District Traffic Hiipcrinlcndcnt ... M2176A .M Munro Asst Dist Traffic Supt M2176


ALBERTA HOTEL ASSOCIATION3(hi roolhills Bids 229 SHi Ave W M1594

ALBERTA ICE CO LTD THECentre St S 4: 10th Ave

Motiscliold Order Drpt M2633Olfice and Refrigerator Sales Room ,M7326C G MrNaiigliloii M.inagiiig Director res S0726Ice Prnduclion Plant—Keith 91-6422

ALBERTA IRON WORKS 906 90S9th Ave W M5677,F W Williams Mgr res S0862

ALBERTA LAUNDRY LTDDry Cleaners St Dyers 730 2iid Ave W .R2051Private Branch E.vchange conneetiitg all Dcpts

Alberta Liberal Association 330 Alberta Cor ..... M4526

Alberta Llle & Acc Ins Co Ltd 200a Grain Es-'M1446

ALBERTA LIQUOR CONTROLBOARDGovernnicnt Beer Store and Wa/elioiise

220 Ilth Ave W

City Orders ..._.M7971City Shipper M1353Country Shipper M7973Calgary Brewery Shipper ES787Manager M7974Government Litjuor Store 330 9lh Ave W..M4417Governinent Liquor Store 1216 hlh Ave E... E5S91Gnvcriimcnt Liquor Warehouse 328 9 Av W. M7408Siipcrinlenclcnt M7408

ALBERTA LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATIONS Offiecs Exhibition Grounds M2732E .L Richardson Sec i Managing Dir, M2506R W Burns Grounds i Buildings Supt res .. M7S24

ALBERTA LOAN OFFICE Bloomen-tlia] i Epiiciii 125 Sill Ave E M9208

Alberta Lumber Co Ltd 354 Ilth Ave W 1VI462I




ALBERTA MOTOR ASSOCIATION Sllia Isl St E .M7757.1 \V Bawileii Secretary res W290S

ALBERTA NASH LIMITEDDialbra N.vsh Si La I'ayeiu: Motor Cars 4lhSt W & 7th Ave

Sales Si General Office M7433Service i Slock Room M7733

ALBERTA-NATIONAL DRUGCO LTD 7tli Ave is 3rd Si WCity Order Desk M1305Accounting S: Shipping Departments ..M50Q7B Bcrtraiiil Man.igcr ... _.M3071R F Cook Sdyrctary-Trcasurer. M3071Stationery Department M7041

Alberta News Ltd Mgr is Acctg 621) Sth Ave W..M7836Shipping Room M7826Boy's Sales M20X7

ALBERTA OIL INCOMES LTD304 Lancaster BIdg ni513

ALBERTA OPTICAL CO LTDOpticians (Chauncey's .loivellcry Store) llGaSlh Ave E M2684S Alivyn Barllcit Mgr res 1935 JOih Si W,..,W418S

Alberta Pacific Consolldalcd Oils Ltd 302

Toronto General Trusts BIdg M9347.1 L Hunt Scc-Treas res W4229

ALBERTA PACIFIC GRAIN COLTD THE 4'h I'loor Herald BIdg M8SPrivate Automatic Branch Exchange Connecting all DcptsCall MSB and ask for Deparlincnt desiredNIGHTS (After 6 pm)SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS call foltowingNumbers

INI-XIRMATION AND GENERAL OFFICE ...M83 23General Manager—K C Allen M88 45.Rosiclcnce S1227.Manager W E Robcrlson..,„ MB8 12Residence W4668SALES DEPARTMENTS D MacEachcrn MB8 13Residence ... H3201COUNTRY ELEVATORS

Supl Nortliem Division G R Odcll M68 18Residence S0T23Supt Central Division T Stark. _,..M88 19Residence W3134Supt Southern Division A Boyse...., M88 22Hesidcueo S0543Elevator—Biiltac 91.1731Elevator—Conrich ..._ .91.2614Elevaloi—Delacuur 91-2724Elevator—Slicpard »...„...91-3S34CON&TltUCnON DEPARTMENTSwpl—W E Collins ,.,M88 24Residence HlflgSCOAL DEPARTMENT

Supt—E S Smith 26Residence L1540COMMISSION DEPARTMENTSupt—C G Ycarxvood M88 Z9Residence W3714INSPECTION DEI'AIITMENTJ A Harris MAS 35Residence W4423OILMN ITITURES DEPAR'nHENTU Gdrutli -.,.,.-1 _.,fW88 36Residence - -..M43J4TIUIT'IC DEPARTMENT

J L MacGrcgor - _..M88 40Residence H1462PACIIHC ELEVATORS LTD — M8«

• IMitluctWK - ^J^dhbiidi^iYtmehu^Xi^.


"framthe HOUSE of


Page 15: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short



Comniercial & Publication Printers3IO EIGHTH AVE. EAST CALGARY. ALBERTA

ALBERTA PAINT & GLASS COG07 mil ,\-.e 1V M3930

Albtrti Petroleum Aisotisllon Si'l' l-anca'tiT. M1020


ALBERTA PRODUCE CO LTDOIHcc -»i;7 lOlli Ave f M4225Crejmcry anil Order Dcjil ...M4226

Alberta Stock Yards Co Ltd E Cnlgarj- £5353ItoK Scale House £5484

Alberta Stock Yards Hotel Llvailoeii lUctiango E5320ALBERTA TAXI 71d Otilrr St . M333ZALBERTA WHEAT POOL Sih £i

fltli Floors LoiigliecJ BIilB M4661Private Branch Exchange coiincctiiiK all Deplsl.inv lluichiiiron Chairman iStO LoiisliceJ UlJgn D Purdy ManaRorT C Oliver Aist ManagerEleviior—Baliae 91-1732Elevator—Btnttnlt - 91-3515Elevator—<onricti 91-2633Elevator—Ualrey 91-2825Klevaliir—Ucbeour 91-2734Elevator—Midiiapore 91-5232Elevaliir—Slicoard 91-3735NIOHT CALLSGjntral Oflico M4661l-esv llulcliltiion Chairman UIO Louglieed Bid M4666li 0 Purdy Mgr re» 2723 Mnnlcalm Cre> W1445TEOIIverAist Mor res !12H; Verelifres Si WdA42E Simon Office Mgr rca 2ll03 10th St SW W4680n 0 German Sety res 2424 Morrison St W3765T R tfumplirle* Accountant tea S17 ItidimuJtoad S0336Alex Camerun Treaa res R1031tV -I Graham Commiaslon Dopt ret 042 Rose-date Creiceiil H15294 H Turner Gonoral Supt res 1020 4-ASt NW H2501J II Quinn Supt A Division ros 232 11thAve NE H3382AV McLtod Supt B Divislun roa 111 14lh StNW L23J3H L McDonald Supt C Division rot -'{025 SnlSt W S08-I9M W Jeniiinga Conilruction Dspt rca 3044Srd St W S081SC M Bishop Coal Oept rca ISIO 32rd AveSW .. S0653C C Falrit Insurance m 3012 Oth St W SllAS

Alberta Wiper & Sack Co 202 OSiIa 8 Ave E . M7749wood preserv

ing CO LTD 1910 Olh Avo WSAI-KS tiFFICE M116SPlant I''"'" M7747

ALB«2RTAN JOB PRESS LTDPrinUtt and Pulilitlirrs J Rorhley Mgr 813«th Are K ... M2380II M Harlncy Solas Manaeer res W33S5Manager's res Smith of Polo C|ul> 91-4634

An Extension TelephoneCosts Only

A Few Cents a Day

ALBERTAN PUBLISHERS LTDAlbcnan Blilg 2ml St W & 21ii Ave. RZOOlPrivate. Branch Lxcliange cuniiceUiig nil DcpLalUdiu DcptCO.M.MEUCIAL rillNTISO DEIT«1oh Printing BoohhlndiogNIGHTS alicr 10 |iiiiS.ATURDAYS aflrr V pniSUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS

. rR2001Ed.lorial Dopt

Sporting Editor R2003Busineas Otfiee J: Advertiaing.-...- - R2004Clrculolion Dcpt R2005Composing Room Ft2Q06Radio Studio ft2007P C Culbraith General Manager r<i 80078C M Bell Jr Busineis Manager res W2515

ALBERTAN THE—See A»>ertanPiililishcrs Ltd ... R2001

Albcrlion 0 P res 14JS 4tli St NW H3013Albertton Olc .91-2812Alderman R T res 215 ISlli Ava NW H2737Aldous Mils Evelyn res 1747 L'nd Ave NW L1469Aldous Mrs L res 429 IJlh St NW L1065Aldrlch J G res 32S 4lli Ave NE H1730Aldrich R res 90C I4th Ave W W1801Aldrldjc Rev A R 91-4011Alexander—See .ilau AlexandreAlexander Charles res 3085 Jjt St W S1143Alexander E H n-s 409 IBth Arc E M9488Alexander Grec & Confocty 002 .9th Ave E.. E5444Alexander J P res 414 Superior Av- V/1942Alexander J S res 1B20 IRth Ave W W34e4Alexander Dr L G Phja 4i Sutg 1011 Soulham

BIdg ivi2S04Alexirider Dr L G res 130C Scotland St. ,W4S65Alexander 0 M res 1745 College Lane W2718Alexander P K res fi04 Centre-A SI NW H1304Alexander Robt res 524 23rd Ave W M7612Alexander T V 91-4313Alexander W res Oil lOih Ave E ES87S

ALEXANDRA HOTEL T Lungworili& Son 224 9lh Ave E ... M4671Priv.ite Branch Exchanga conneclInE Rooms.

Albxandie—Sec also AlexanderAlexandre A H res B.32 33rd Avr W Md754Alexandre W 0 res 3611 IBlh St SW SOOIBAlike John rea 625 -Iril Ave \V ...,M1223Alford A C res 315 ISlh Ave NW H2491Alford Miss E res IB SIHs Apis M3744Al5«r C N res 712 5a Si NW .,..12657Allan—See nlsn AjllC/i and Allen

Allan Mrs Christine res 2401 1st 51 W M7S68Allan David M res 3115 £3ri| Ave W M9132Allan Mrs, E rrs 2109 2nd St W IVI7617Allan E Burrltt res S020 4th St W S0202Allen E H res :i2:ii «th St W S0212Allan G H rot HI07 f»h St NW H2882Allan H M res 040 Alexander Crescent H1971Allan Miss J E res 728 4ih St NE .H1873Allan J M res 70S Jfilh St NW 12488Allan James ree Gin 2l)lli Ave W M1523Allan Jamoi L res 21CtU 2mf -St W M7617ALLAN A JOHNSTON Custom House

Brokers 11 Union BIdg M1390Allan Mrs Joseph res 7 nil Bth Avo W M5762Allan R res 2755 14lli St NW L275S

Allan Robert ret 2101 IC-A-St W. W2247


Phone M4444 ot.M7996

Allan Mrs Robert res 1S15 4lh St W M4509Allan Mis Roy res 1210 Wnsliiiount Blvd. L2753Allan Roy P res 3 Harvard Apts W2127Allasia M res 435 Mcredilli Rd - R1663

All-Canada Radio Facilities Ltd SOS SOo SciiithimBIdg R2021H R Carson ManBglnc Director SOS SouthamRldg M2670

Allen—See also Aelico and AllanAllen Mrs A J res 188 I4tli Avo Ei -...__....M3764Allen A L res 2315 16th St E .ES503Allen Alfred J res 313 Sharon Ave ..._ .W4728Allen Blanche rei Sll 4lh Ave NW 12725Allen C W res 927 15th Avo W ..W2S60Alien Gaius res 1516 IRlli Avf IV „_.W3332Allen Gordon H rei S2S 13th Ave W R2433Allen J H res ISO lllh Ave NW H1412

ALLEN DR d L Ph>7 & Surs ll-SlS7tli Ave W M1257

Dr J L Allen res 714 16th Ave W MS752Allen K C res SU 30lh Ave W S1227Allen Mrs Pearl res 6.01S 4lh Ave W M70S4Allen Mrs R B res 211 lllh Ave E M126IAllen Russell G res 407 Superior Ave .W4140Allen Sidney res 3016 4th St \V S03S4Allen T M re* 1832 I2th Ave tV W2S64

Alien W H res 2203 aSiid Ave SW W2388Ailendorf Carl J res 11138 14th Ave W W2498

Allergoth M J IVS 2420 24th St SW W2693Alliance Ins Co of Philadelphia 809 3nd St W....M17e9

ALLIANCE OIL CO LTD3rd rir Toronio General Trusts BIdgSecretary & General Oiricc MIMOF P Byrne President M1891F P Byrne Pre* res - S0B77J G Ceninicll Secy res .W4152

Ailing Peter res 614 lllh Aye W, M728JAilingham W A res 1326 Frontenac Ave W1335AlUs-Chalmers Rumely Limited 028 9 Ave W M197B

ALLISON ALEX Excavatirsg d> ConcreteContraelnr lOOI Cenlre-A St NE H8477

Allison E Pearle res 1842 14ili Ave W W4i607Allison Ernest A res S2S loth Ave NE .........H1526Altlson Frank T Grain Sampling Dept United

Grain Growers Ltd Lougheed BIdg . ....... MBS61Allison Frank T res 1141 Dorchester Avo W3768Allison H A res 733 12lh Av» \V M1079Allison Thomas res 803 16th St NW 12112Allison Mrs W H rc« 116 Itth Ave NW H1964Allright Mrs E R res 3222 l»i St N'K H3a07Allrlght Store W M Sanders Prop 2UlB Brd

St NE H2674


Allum George T res 3617 7lli St W 51289Allum H A res 23 Drake Apti R1417Allwarden E .... _...91-5411Almaek F res 22fi 12th St NE. "1142Alston A res 917 Rldeau Hd SH45Alston A F res 221 Clh Ave W - M4203Altadorc Grocery G S Purdy Prop 1827 34t)i

Ave SW S0680



to TORONTO-$5.50 PlusDomiuloii T&x


Page 16: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

10 Alt CALGARY Arn




Phone Service

M2428E. H. STARR

Alton Mrs K res " Radio Blk H9726

ALTON T & SONS Lumber Yards 4188f(I Ave E R2975

Alward Frank B res li21 loth Ave W M2061Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada 114

Tth Ave E M432SAmbrose Geo res 518 19th Ave W M71S6Ambry Mrs W J res IGOl 7lh St N\V H3397Ambry's Smoke Shop 417 Stli Ave W M4012AMBULANCE &, FIRST AID

SERVICE Roy 0 CunradI'Sfi 17tli Ave \V - M2636


Amel Annett res oil 6th Ave E. R1427American Consulate Toronto Gen Trusts Blds....M4142American Hide & Fur Co 501 6th Ave E. M3749American Meat Market 718 4lU St E— M3936American Woman's Club 1010 14 Ave W W4443Ames C - 91-2011Ames JohnAmos Harry res 504 20th Ave NW, H1072Amos L E res 223 Tth Ave NE H3002Amos S L res 21C 20th Ave NW. H2169ANACONDA OIL CO LTD

SOS Lcughced BIdg M5272W S Henderson M.-itraRiiig Director res S0950

AnceH Thomas res 1611 lath Ave W..._ .W3462Aneeil W res 3304 3rd St NW H3018Anchor Cigar Store 330 9lh Ave E M7403Anthordown Ranch D L Ovnns Mgr. .91-6733Anderl John F res 835 5th Ave W M2031Andersen—See also AndersonAndersen Andrew C res 225 41h Ave W R2905Andersen F res 2110 29th St W W3U4Andersen Frode res 2130 16a St WAndersen J C res 37 8a St NE. -M9261Andersen K AAndersen W G res 2415 SSrd St SW W2410Anderson—See- also Andersen

Anderson A res 919 St NWAnderson A E res 1517 Sth Ave E E5125ANDERSON A MELVILLE

Optomelriit & Optician 324a Sth Ave WWith .1 Vair Anderson .Tewcller _.M3337

ANDERSON ALEX Aect i Insurance209 fith Ave W "2/13

Anderson Alex res 2-104 Tth Ave NW 1-2454Anderson Alex 51-5122Anderson Angus res 811 21sl Ave E E581Anderson Mrs Anne res 221 3Sih Ave ^ S03&3Anderson Miss Annie res rear 311 6th Ave W.. MT332Artderson ApartmenU Janitor 18 Ave i TSt WW3295Anderson Mrs Art res 122 Sth Ave NE H2702ANDERSON BROS Garage & Serv Sin

I2I-12S Tth Ave ""///Anderson C res 802 23rd Ave SE .. E5856Anderson Mrs C _ - i>l-3631Anderson D (Evcieigh & Co) res 2911

15th St w

Anderson 0 K res 30 Beivoir LodgeAnderson Mrs D K res 1819 16lh St W W3SnAnderson David res 015 Sth Ave W MZ947ANDERSON DELIVERY A

TRANSFER THE 628 l4lh Ave E....M5320-I.'.niei H Watson Mgr res,

ANDERSON E J Optometrist513-014 foutham Bid? "4108

Anderson E J res 630 Elbow Drive M7S05Anderson E 0 res 2412 10a St SW ..V.....W2462Anderson Ed G res 329 15lh Ave W. M9046Anderson Enoch i9i-2313Anderson Ernie res 4004 Klbow Drive. S0449Anderson G rcj ITUO 2lith Ave E ES139Anderson 0 L rtj ITlSa 4th St W M9893Anderson G R H res 3601 eili St W...- S0530

Anderson George A res 611 ]2tli Ave E R1809

ANDERSON DR GEORGE AI'lijsiciaii Olfico & res 126 6l}i Ave W M3059

ANDERSON GRAIN & FEEDCO LTD Wholesale & Relail J B Seymour .Mgr 234 7lh Ave E M3395

Anderson H G Sanitarium Treatment Rooms

23 Elks Bids ni888Anderson H P res 1037 2nd Ave NW L1558Andersen Harry J res 2403 2iid St W R29S6Anderson Harry T 91-4821Anderson Miss 1 G res 923 ISlh Ave W W1480Anderson J C res 120 11th Ave NW H2039Anderson J F res 2208 I7a St W W2435Anderson J F S res GOi Anderson Apli. W3534

ANDERSON DR J GORDONVeterinary Siifgcon liO CHi Ave E .M3237Dr J Cordon Anderson res 14.50 Wcstmt Blvd L1452

Anderson J Ray res 2122 5.i St W M2382ANDERSON J VAIR Jeweller 224a

Sth Ave W M3318Anderson J Vair tes 003 SUlon Boulevard. S0475Anderson J W 91-2712Anderson Jack res 443 IStli St NW L1079

Acderson James res 323 37th Ave W S1207Anderson Mrs James H res 428 14lh Ave E M3215Anderson Mrs Jean res 409 5lh Ave W M9835Anderson John H res 1910 Bowness Rd _.L2679Anderson John L res 1531 2Gth Ave W W4234Anderson L 91-2314Anderson Miss M res IS40 33r'l Ave SW S0276Anderson Mrs M W res 108 10th Ave NE H1084Anderson Mrs N M res 1411 Tth St W R1388Anderson Miss Pearl res 520 Gth Ave E M7791ANDERSON PLUMBING CO

135 IGlh Ave NW HllSlM V Anderson Mgr res 1423 7lh St NW H1545

Anderson R S res 2114 5a St W M2292Anderson R W res 921 Sth Ave W M9915Anderson T A res 1 Graham Blk R2241Anderson V H Olflcc 133 6th Ave W .M2039Anderson W {Calgary Power Co) res 2713

Montcalm Crescent W1166Anderson W A res 3707 fith Si W S0779Anderson W G res 119 Mission Rd S0262Anderson W J res 1912 8tli Si SE E5157Anderson W Osborne res 119 17th Ave NW....H2195Anderson & White Optometrists 51.3-514


& HEATING CO 1514 14tU St W W3456Wni Anderson res 1921 26lh St W.... W2644

Andrew H C res 826 Rivcrdale Ave S0496ANDREW H C LTD Wholcsate Grocery

Brokers 3 H L Perry BlcJg M9192Andrews Claude P res 2G1Z 28-A St W .W1916Andrews J res 23'J4 4lh Ave NW L1820ANDREWS LETTER SERVICE

Miss B W Andrews 413 Loiighoed BIdg M7438Andrews Richard res 10 New Ross Bill L1227Andrews W H res 507 ITtli Ave W M4048Andrews Mrs Wm res 1322 lOtii Ave E E5623Angevine A Ches res R Jensen Apis M9118ANGLO CANADIAN OIL CO

LTD 900-903 Lnncasler Dldg M9521J Grant Sprntt General Mgr res .50855W L Pcaker Secy res W1337Meld Office—Call 70r2 Turner Valley


Angow The Misses res 1219 lOtli Ave IV., W2034Angus Malcolm R res llfi 8tli Ave KE H1208Angus-Smith R M res 29 Baniliarl Annex .,..M9134Anhorn Mrs Lyda res 516 20th Ave W M4382Annable C H res 12 IIo(>c Blk M7019Annable J H res 1039 6th Ave W M3023

Annable Mary E n-s -lO-l 5ili Ave W M3980Annand E J res 2130 ISlli St W. .W12S1Annand S A res S14 Sunderland Ave.... W1624Anslie A E res 408 20lh Ave NW H2ej8Anthony G R res 1519 1.2th Ave W .W2804Antiques Ltd House of 220 7t1i Ave W M53S0Anlliff A res 1.736 :i-Jlii Ave SW S0679

APEX LIMITED Cicaucrs & Dyers310 7th Ave E ...M4922

Apperlcy A res 1516 20lli Ave W W2281Appleby Rollit res 427 33lh St NW..,„ L2063

APPLEFORD PAPER PRODUCTS G C Martin Co Rep 332-3269lh Ave W M3844

Applegate Chas res 909 2nd Ave NW L1364Applcton Arthur F res 2515 10-B St W .W2758Applcton C J Tcs 1314 lOtli Ave W ..W3014Applcton R J res -128 ISlli St NW. HITSApwood May res 539 lllh Ave \V ..._.M2B16 'Aquiline T res 429 Oa St NE ...R2502Aqulloii E res 1435 C.a St NW H1514Arbuthnott G C res 214 11a St NW. L16S4 'Arcade The 126a Sth Ave W

Arcade Beauty Parlor M3847Arcade Idea] Shopfte M5767Margaret G Kerr Exclusive Ladies' WearLtd M1977Arcade Hat Shop ; M1977Miss L M Snell Hosiery Gloves Lingerie andCorsets M9167

Archer F B res 3437 lilli St W S058SArchibald Mrs A res 718 Cth Ave W M5785Archibald Rev A C res 513 12Ui Ave W .fil524Archibald Alex C res 701 Alexander Crescent...H254LArchibald J res 828 3rd Ave W R2295Ard Milton E - 91-2031

ARDEN'S LTD 233 Sth Ave W. M2481Arena Rink Victoria Park _.,..M512l

Advance Sates Southam BIdg .M41''''Arends J res 602 1st St E- ,M4702Areas Waller res 1234 6th Ave NW L216BArgus Royalties Ltd 900-90.3 Lancaster BIdg ....M9521Arklcy Robert res 2407 2nd St W nl579Arlidge Mrs J A res 915 I3lh Ave W. W4245Arlington Hotel .713 2nd St W M2667Aimllage D Evan res 536 3fd AVe NW....,_ L1105Armitage Geo res 818 16th Ave NIV -.H1397Armitage J C res 136 Sth Ave NE H2390 ,Armitage Mrs J R res 238 3rd Ave NE H1126Armour W A res 2429 1st St E M9706ArmsTead S res 633 Marsh Rd R1567

Armstrong Edwin E res 5 Georgian Court ..M7064Armstrong Mrs Eliiabeth res 1217 9th St W „.. W4261Armstrong H F res 24 Drake Apis M4462Armstrong Jas res 1440 Weslmount BTvd L1353Armstrong M E res 3 Brueslde Lodge W3263Armstrong R res 2134 IStli St E..- £5842Armstrong R R res 3003 7tli St W S0920Armstrong Ralph C res 1801 Centre A St NW... H278SArmstrong Robert res 723 3rd Ave NW L1825Armstrong Roy J res 522 Slli Ave NE H1201Armstrong Transport -110 Riverside Blvd M5831Armstrong V A res 232 Olli Ave NE. H3360Armstrong Col W C res 1919 Park ltd M3509Armstrong W S res 1931 Sth Si W M578AArmstrong Wy res 513 l-Iili Ave W M3477ARMY & NAVY VETERANS

Cliil. House .328 4lh Ave W 82921Arnett D L res 250 20th Ave NW H1277Arney S L res 1C22 27ih Ave SW W2546Arnold E 0 91-4613Arnold H res 118 12tb Ave NE H34/8Arnold John res 325 aTjti Ave SW .....50376Arnold Miss Phyllis res 2142 Ifilh St W ..W4839Arnold Th U res 3511 Isl SI NW - Hll?*

Page 17: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

'Am CALGARY Bai 11


M2636 Iwl fcp Lm 1^ ti M2636AtnoU 0 C ri;5 -i lilvcmitsilc Aiils M1897Arrmlt 0 C & Ca Ltd nul Lanrsilcr UMi; ...... MISJO

ARROW LUMBER SALES LTDOiiirlct H<miirlli Mn'' -'1 Laiicaslcr BtiJi; .. MldQZ

ARROW OIL CO LTD 3 I Ir Trulls Ulds M188DK I' l'rc» rei S0S77

J !^ci'y rc» W4152ART BEAUTY SALON isifl 5 St W M7122All-Craft Studios rear l.ocsoii-Liiicliam Ulli MSddOAlt Shop The d W Qnotli fttlTa Tlli Avo VV . Md080ART SIGN CO HcrUcrl Itolierli lllda

tst St W M48e3ART'S TRANSPORT rear uoa 13th

Are K M4490A If l.arfen res 1-107 C'entrc-A 51 NE H1497

ARTIC OIL CO Scriicc Station Ware-hoiiso ic Office Still 5l!i Ave E E5214

Artistic Beauty Parlor & Barber Shop The-tOS 6lli St W MS474

Ash—Sec also Ailie

Ash Mrs Arthur res 040 17th Ave NW H2697Ash G Dauplas res 1009 19th Are W Wie24Ash Geo res Oil Clh Ave \V R1938Ash-Ttmple Co Ltd The Denial Supplies 70a

Si'ulliaiii HIdg II131Q1ASHDOWN THE J H HARD

WARE CO LTD M5S55Private Braneli Eccftango eoniicclini! sH DepisWholepilc oriiee & Warehouse 940 I Ith Ave W8 am iu f, pn, Wliolciule A RcloU M555SN'Shl Cells—Ofr.rc M5559JI (1 Morrison Gen Mgr res 04y;t 6th St W-• S9S95Oeiietal Karilivaro \V KriicSrKifllnB q„ud5 i Cutlery W .1 MiiirlinflilIladlo Elecirii-al & Aulo Aceeasoriea W E TowersPfumhini HealitiK D DiirKcssCreclll .Mansjnr U WllhrslumSale® Msnager N I. ScottI'rircr 11 BowenRETAIL STORE I'O 8lli Av« WKIGHT calls—Alter •> pmlUriiware t C'uilafy MS5S5Sputllnj tiomi, 1^5556I'ahil t, Glnia - I«5557House Kiiriiiihlngs M5SS8Chlnj 4- MIoctrleal IJepls - M5636Ralnli WI'aitersun Mgr res 517 10 Av« W M93a2

Ashe W n 91-1813Ashford Rev H E D ret lOfI Se.irhoro Ave W4762Ashley F N res 9Ja iir,| Aoe EW L1407Ashley T res 1812 fliu Si W W2(384Ashman T W res 17S0 29ih Ave SW W2932Ashmead F res J35 yrd Ave NE : .H2272Ashmead Harry res I iui(i Centre St N H2S36A»kew E L B rr> 924 7th Ave W fA9032Asmuntfsan Egscrl res SSIj iiaii.l Ave E E5969Atpden Mrs G Sr res 838 Blvil NW L2304ASPDEN GEORGE 088 Ond Ave NW

^Viiujesflle iolinceoa 4 C'''iif«ello"V>' ^1061Aspden Ceo Jr n-j ;i3u B-A St NW L2252Aipden J W r'-« 2429 Bowneis ltd L2422Asselsline Alice V r»» Sl>7 loth Ave W R2207Asselslinc C V r,-s 1779 lit Ave NW 12483AsselHlne E B res 314 Hlh St NW L2019A8SOOIAT6D BREWERIES

(ALBERTA) LTD I'lS IJih Av Wtlencril Olfice 1 N Wilao.-i See Trcas M4S49J G Wallord Munasing Pirceluf M767B

ASSOCIATED BREWERIES OPCANADA LTD 818 llHi Ave WCell AssoriatcJ Breweries (Allrcrlai Lid

Associated Canadian Travellers 814-317 BurnsUldg M2200

Asjociittd Creameries 437 itlth Ave B M4222

ASSOCIATED URQGERS LTDHead Office 0-3 yth Ave W M4750A C Jcffery M4739lUrry Vlccars rresldont ros...,...., _.M4944

Astell Ernest C rei 1177 Bownces ltd - L2129Astell F C res .340 3Ulli Ave W M9972Aslsr Cake Shop lOUTa Isl St W M4173Aslley Edwin M res 4 Hester Apis,..., ni207Atkm L W res 212 loth Ave NW H2M7

Atkins Apnes res 823 14lU Avo E.... M47S1AUins Mrs M res 121 14th Ave W MS765Atkins Richard 91-5911Atkins W A ret 83.3 Ist Ave NW U34eAtkinson E res 10211 7th Ave W .M5018

Atkinson Miss E H Uueiia Vista Ludge 108Crescent Road H1939

Atkinson Mrs F G res 204 Isl St W R2174Atkinson J A res 922 7tli Ave W R2863Atkinson J K res 1283 lllth Art W W2873Atkinson J T res 1745 Hlih St W W4691Atkinson Mrs M J res 2-SllU lUa St W W4116Atkinson Dr P C Dentist 815 Suullinm SliJg .. M2980Atkinson Or P G res 1120 Prospect Avo VV2720Atkinson W res 86114 24a 5l W W2946Atlas Lumber Co Ltd 354 11 Hi Ave W M4&21Atlas Motors iina «lli Ave W M7670Alias Service SUtion 17th Ave 4 Dili 51 W..M3301Atlreli S re. 324a 16(h Ave NW H1898Attridge A res 5 Halficld Court M3752Attrldge Ed res 2011 ISa St W W2249

ATTRIDGE A MILLER MACHINEWORKS LTD 121 mil Ave W M7333Ucft Allridse '«• " HatncIJ Court M3752

Atlwrjod Teddy res 1908 8th Ave E E5656Auherlln E res 133 lOth Are NW H136SAudet J I res 7 H 4 R Apt. M4728AiJger Mrs M C res 53S 20lli Ave W M1427Auld Ben 0 res 1010 1st Avp NW... tl7J6

AULD DR <J W 8IQ SouHiam M4164hliiii Diseases Spcelalist

Ai/ld Dr J W res 3601 Oil. S( W .S0273Auld Wallace C res S24 Mill Ave W R2477AutI Or E Surgery 1 Auli Btk 1 M3281Auil Of E res 233 12lli Ave W M2802

AUSTIN ARTHUR G Office 011-613Latieaslcr Bhig M2510

Austin Arthur G res 318 14th Avo W M1757Austin G 0 t« 322S IGth Ave W W3706Austin J P res 328 2Bth Avo NW 81623Austin John R res 330 4th Ave NE.—, ,.H2d87Austin M W ras J613 li'itii Avp W V/3766

Austin fl E rc! 908 SJ,& St NW L17SD

AUTO CLUB Information Bureau 813a1st St E M7757

Auta License Oept Prdvinilal GovtNew Court Hoius M842 25

Aulo Taxi & Livery Service J J Reedy i'rop2iid Avo & Oth St W R2345

Mac COSHAM STORACEMovino Made Easy

Phone M4444 £7i.M7996

AUTO WRECKERS A SALVAGE CO lliilhurst Bridge 938 4lhAvo W - R2S31

Autographic Rcslster Systems Lid SOS StliAve W MS743

Avenue Club The 2l30-127a 8th Ave E M2317

AVENUE GRILL 135 Sth Ave W M5844Avenue Grocery & Confect 231 ]3ih Avc- NW... H2022Avenue Service Station Tlli Avc is fitli 5t W.. M1567Avery E res 733 Alc.-onder Crcseeiit H3312


Avis G res S30 ISIIi Avc W W1224Avis Miss Lucile res 8 BariiUart Apts .M7A^Axford H G 'res 123 2Slh Avc NF. HIBABAxton G W res 9U5 19th Ave W W2973Ayer J C res 1914 nth St W „.-.M3«61Ayer John C r« llOll HIbow Drive .St^SAy1»n-s Grocery 2411 2nil 6i E M2891

Baay C res 910 9lh Are W M1091Babotl Mrs John rrs 520 Mth Are K R290SBack Mrs M L res 1-150 Weilrpuuut Blvd U63DBackhouse Ge« res 1733 7th St W .....,.„.W4293Bacon J res SO St Monk.i St E527BBadcock A G res 417 20th Ave NW H1164Baden Powell Or Dentist 399 SoMthaii) Bid: ...• M3B9d



Baggs W W res 214 Devu-iilsh Apts W4072Bagfcy W H .91-5922Bagnall £ H Insurance Apenries 304 Grain Ex. M1949Bagnall Mrs Lucy A res 1940 HO-A St W W2S9DBallet N res 615 5lh Avc W M5783

Bailey—Sec also Bailie, Bally, Bayley and BaylvBailty A E ...91,2733Bailey Miss Bessie F rei COO 3nd St W M4B30Bailey E J res 1861 BoivnMS lid U808Bailey Elnora B re; 1917 38tli St SW W1938Bailey F W res 622 Centre A St NW H2228Bailey H L res 340 If.lli Ave W IW2682Bailey Harold res 317 12ll. Ave E.., MlSBlBailey J res 429 ISth St NW „...L1397Bailey Mrs J res 932 ISth Ave E.,.. M9264Bailey P E res 720 8rd Avc VV R2507Bailey Sam W res 1403 la St NW H3244Bailey W Harvey res 1314 ScullaniJ St... .WI392Bailey W Harvey Jr res CHI Suriilerliiid Ave.,..W1847Bailey Walter J res 808 4tli Ave W R2S05


PILLOW CARS lTli?0t7 0

« QiMutim. - iM,


/r-omtfrf HOUSE of


Page 18: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

12 Bai

Baille D J rc4 1-447 15ib St E _...ESS98Bailie Dfuj Stere 105 Sih Avc W. ,...M9003Bailie J D res !):;2 ISth Ai« W W1890

BAILIE THOS Insurance 424 l«usliecilBMg MsseiR'esitk/ice 2029 IPJh Avc W., W2309

Bailr A R res 2136 loth St W - W1128Bain—See also Bajnc

BAIN DONALD H LTD WholesaleCommissicn Merehuils Oflice and ShippingDcfit Hill Ave A 5th SI W M4273H Rhodes Manager's Office M4277

Bain S H res 710 HSiii Avc W S0831Bain W 0 res JlIO ITlh Avc W W3453

Biinbridgc Rev Wesley res 217'2l5t-Ave W M3117Baincs R tcs4SI4 Bumsland Avc S1152Baird Alfred res 1657 Broadview Rd...^....^ L2314

Baird Andrew B res 1710 7th St W W24S4

Baird James 0 res 2324 Amhcrst St,..- W1950Baird Thomas res 67 14ili St NW -_.,L1484Baker A res 0922 Blvd NW L1793Baker A 0 res 639 7th Ave W ..M3026Baker A Dudley res 1235 14lh Ave W W1S55Baker Dr A H res 2919 Moiitcalm Crescent ....W21598aker Bert Mrxfg Jcwcilcr 127 8th Avc E M9461Baker Bert res 22S Sili Avc NE —.... H1393Baker C M Whol Ury GHs 29-30 Uneham Blk....M934ABaker C M res 1523 Park Rd M3446Balicr Chatfcs W res 1SU4 olh St W M34C5Baker E res 0922 Blvd NW U793Baker Miss E res 72 Calgary Apii H3147Baker E A rrs 4lS 13th .tvc E M4776Baker Miss Edith res 502 17lh Avc W M7359Baker E L res 3633 7tb St W, S1169

BAKER ERNEST L St CO (M2934Slocl.5 Bonds Ss Insurance 414 Grain E.c<h{M2985

Baker F L res 1121 13iii Avc W W1463Baker H Oscar res 544 ISlh Avc W M3793Baker H T res 1305 6th St W MS419Baker Herbert res S611 7th St W -...50402Baker J M res 3G36 6th St W S0313Baker J W res 1926 ua St W M3878Baker James res 1110 5th St W .M5170Baker June P ics 1 Vale Apts R1422Baker Robcit res 420 17lh Ave E. M5416Baker Rose Beauty Salon 22-S05 1st St W M1661Baker T W res 128 Stli Ave NE H1018Baker Wilfred H res 2317 Morrison St W22a5Bakken Christ res 202 18lh Avc NE H128SBalding A J res 1410 3fd St E M1458Baldwin A Wildfire & Sunglow Coal lOth Avo

i 6th SI W M2044A Baldwin res 1324 IStli Ave NW L2444

Baldwin Miss Z May res 103S Wostroont Rd ....1.1332Baldwin Mrs Ueonie res 3015 Gleiicoe Rd S0775Baldwin N F res 1203 15th Avc W W4202Baldwin Mis Owen res 534 6tti Avc W. M2602Baldwin S rrs 2-551 Sth St WBaldwin T E res ISOl 24th Ave. NW L1882Baldwin's Umitcd Real EsUte 704 Centre 5t M7541

A Baldwin res IIS Crescent Rd Crts H5ls..,.H1826Baliiwill Jas H res 1426 6th St NW H2561Btil H res 6 MariUornuEh Apts..., M3557Ball H C res 2333 5th Avo NW L1866Ball J H res 5 Radio BIk M4876Ballathey Buinct & Hescllinc 709 Laticastcr

BldjBallantinc A C rrs 1711) lOlli St W W3095Ballantync J L rvs 1929 llth St W W2151Ballantyne R res 2131 17th St W W2056Ballard Chas P res 319 24th Ave W M9981Baiienline Alex B res 1947 I2th 5t W W4552Ballingall AS res S-605 Iflili Avc W M1695Balmcr Miss Margaret res 932 12ih Ave W W2398Balmoral Apartment Hotel 125 7th Ave E .R1856Balmoral Confetlionery 305 ICth Ave NW H2825Balogh Mrs M res 434 ISth Avc E M7841Balsdon Mrs R W res 633 13th Avo W M91S4Bamford R res 231.8 14a St W W2312Bamlctt Insurance Agencies 710 LancasterBtdg- M5060

Hubert Baniletl res 230 40tb Avc W S0391Bancroft Mrs G J tes 818 ord Ave NW...-.......-LZ654Baiidcrob Hugh - - 91-1233.Banil Trail Service 5tn 16 Avc and 10 St NW..H2S26Bank of Canada Thit 121 Sth Ave W. Mi689


BANK OF MONTREAL Sih Ave 8.Isl St WFrivaic Amomalie Exchange conncclliiE allUeplsI.SFORMATIO.N - M843 9Manager M843 12Assistant ManajC — M843 13Accountant M843 14Assistant Accountant—Securities Dcpt M843 15CoUccllou Department .M843 16Current Account Department M843 17Discount Department - .M843 13Furcign Exchange and Telegrams M843 19Savings Deportment - M843 20Safely Deposit Vaults - M843 21RESIDENCES

H C Francis Manager res .W1692C D Complon Assistant Manager res M3402.A J Aclicson.Accountant res. W2227SUPERINTE.SDENT'S DEPARTMENT M&43 31Superintendent fH843. 22Assistant Superintcodciil — M843 23Secretary - - _...M843 24RESIDENCES

W McDonnell Supt res - W1922C D Hart Assistant Superintendent res ;...M7SS2W D C do Balinhard Secy to Supt res 50518Caretaker's Quarters _.M843 39ELBOW PARK BP.ANCII 2402 4tli St W MS633O C Smith Manager res M42flSSTOCK YARDS BRANCH East Calgary E51i7R ,1 Fairb.-iirn Manager res H2522

BANK OP NOVA SCOTIA 12S SthAvc W M9566F G Burr ManagerPrivate Branch Exchange connecting all DcpisNight Calls (after S pm) ,M9567WEST END BILANCH 17th Ava It 14thSt W W1630H B Nelson Manager Office V/2436NORTH HILL BRANCH 101 10th Avc NW H2582E IVIiccIer Manager

BANK OF TORONTO General Olficc114 Sih Ave W...- - ,M1702Accouulant i Asst AccountaiiL - _....rA1802Manager only S B Chamberlain........ ...M1902

Banks B T res 513 2nd St NE HIUOBANKS DR B W Physician & Surgeon

407-8 Soiitham Bldg M5003Dr B W Banks res 2744 14lh St W._ W3417If no answer call M2428

Banks John res 1421 10th Avc E. E54S0Banks Mrs W J res 317 Bth Ava NE. _.H1558Banks Z S res 617 Ridcau Rd ...50329Bannalyne E R res 821 Roxfauro Rd S0B73BANNER GROCERY 4ib St & 22nd

Ave W M90SOJ Allan res 616 20lii Avc W M1523

Banner J res 108 14lli Ave E M12S1BANNER MEAT MARKET

103 lOlh .\ve NW H2262Bannerman Mrs E M res ISIG 27tli Ave SW... W3508Bannerman J M res 1850 14lli St W W2149BANNERMAN JOHN M Insurance

Agencies 805 Grain Exch. ,.,-R1949Bannister Mis Annie res 1333 lOlli Avc E.... ES109Bannon Joseph res 1707 19lli St E E5465Banny's Confectionery 1340 0th Ave E E5030Banting Mis D res 1724 93 St W _.W4014Banting Mrs M F res 820 Royal Avc W4479BAPCO PAINTS Mfd by OrHlsh

America Paint Co Ltd 614-516 Oth Avc W....M3906Baptie A res .7008 Centre St N., H2012Baptie C R res 52.1 lOth Avc NE H2571Baptie Gco A res 114 I'Jlh Ave NE H2304Baptie WJ res 2108 14-A St W W1673Barber—see also Barbour

BARBER-ELLIS OF ALBERTALIMITED Envciope Mfrs 4 Wliol rapcrlM2274Dlrs Renfrew Bldg 126 ?lii Avc W ^M3010Thomas Stott Mgr res 213 38tb Ave W. 50938

Barber Engineering 4 Supply Co Lid 1003 Lancaster Bldg M9017

Barber H res 607 HUlcrcst Ave.. M5206


Barber J B r« 3S28 Clh St W —.50343Barber J E res 28 Barnliari Apts - .M1581Barber John A res 1658 Wcilniuiinl Bivii ...U77BBarber L W res 510 Uth Ave W ni27S

Barber R H W res 1441 22nd Avc W —.W1102Baibet H J res 218 10a St NW —,U586Barbour A res ISOS Bovvness Rd 1.1955

Barclay—See also Barklcy

Barclay Alex res 1315 4tii St NE— ,....,.....H132SBarclay C res ICIil JOIh Avc W .-..V/3712Barclay G B res 213 12lh Avc KW, H1653Barclay James A res 1049 Ist Ave NW L2031Banttay John res 1830 ISIlh Ave NW.._ L2245Barclay John res 736 Ist Avc NW L2372Barefoot Percy res 116 2Ctli Avc NE _.H17.S0Baren M Fruit Mcrcliaiit Stall 32 Gty Hall Ml!L.R2026Baren M res 814 53lh Ave W — R1S88Barcflholli Rabbi 0 res 431 7th Avc E M492SBarhan S W res 4 Complon I'l.vec M2616Barker Mrs C res 3867 la Si SW. 50593Barker Charles rrs 104 Latvrcnec Loilgc M5991

BARKER DON Calgary Battery Co 117allth Ave W - M7744Don M Barker res 1400 lit Avo NW. 1.1619

Barker Mrs E 91-1612Barker E G res 106 Sth Ave NW. _...H2463

BARKER FRANK J & COOffice 527 Sih Avc W— M757fiIVarehouse E5286

Frunk J Barker res 121 Searboro Avc-.- W20SSBarker Geo - 91-1522

Barker H A res 434 Scarboro Avc W2039

BARKER N A LTD Wholesale Fruit &Produce 510 Olh Ave W MlOll

Barker R 91-4111Baikcr Rufus res lllll Kensiiiglon Rd. 1.1003Barker Tom res 3 Slbley Apts -.M7423Barker William res 42S ISlh Ave NW H2492Barktcy—See also UarcbyBarklcy James R —..-.91-6514Barklcy Raymond —...9DS013Berkley W H —- -.91-6234Barklcy W T -.91-6533Barklsy Ward - —.91-4833Barlow H res 106 lulli Ave \V M923SBarnecut R res 1230 IGtli Ave NW .,H1955Barnes E H _.91-4623Barnes F C Rep Gordon MacKay & Co Ltd

311-312 Oddfellows Bldg M3421Barnes F C res 1343 Montreal Avc W1044Barnes 50c Checker Taxitab 803 3nd St E M7766Barnes Findlay res 1717 Slst Avo W -....51114Barnes James res 222 Crcsctni Rd H1651Barnes Leonard H res 1308 4ih St NW ..H1928Barnes R 0 .91-6231Barnes Vulcanizing 313 17th Ave W ^2876Barnett Mrs Alice res 2536 lOlh St E E5124Barnctt G T res 912 4th Avc NW U981Barnctl R J res 926 a4lh Avc W W170LBarnett Ralph A res 823 Rivcrdalc Ave. 50661Barnelt Mrs Rosabolle Q res 1 Wcstrrn Blk ..,.M2540Barnett Thomas res 601 17lh Ave NW H2S92Barnhart Apartments Janitor Bamliart Annex.., M2439Barnicr C res Sll 2nd St NE H18SSBaron J F res 11 Ward Blk R1655Barr D res 2U6 13lli Ave NE H2122Barr G Murray res 702 Crescent Rd H1921Bair Mrs J A res 1S03 'JTlh Ave liW - W3464Barr L C res I Suiialta Bik W3153

BARR'S DRUG STORE035 laih Ave NW - H33J>

Barraclough C res 14IS 20lii St SW .W29SZBarraclough W res 705 16ili St NW L23t2Barrailcll W R res 34S J4tU St NW L1294Barrglt—See also BarrettBarralt J S res 140 2Bth Ave W. M499SBarre Gco res 3 El I'alo Ajils M3428Barren C B res 1611 6a St MV H131QBarrens J S res 808 12th Are W "2733Barrett—See also BarraltBarrett Charles res 745 41,a St NW - USOJBarrett 0 E res 1727 HSrd Av« SW -Barrett W J res 1706 20fh Ave E. - ^955Barrle Mrs J res 321S lit St NE., -i.—i n3021

Page 19: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Bar CALGARY Bel 13



If if comes to Canada

you can secure if here

Bariissn A rr. 2 McT.nlst, Rll; M712SBARRINGTON RUG MILLS

1505 ITlti Avc «• WZ.m

Sarcoll All rc5 1119 litli Ave W _.W187a

Barton A L res Sli" iluli Arc W S0644

BARRON & BARRONB^irriilvrs & Sitlicilurs 12Ta Slli Are E MZ340J B Barron

A L Barroti

Sarfon Thomas res 9ih Arc NW..._ .H2093Barroa Wm res 2U17 8lli St \V V71913Bans G A 91-6323Barry Alice res 23 Edee Blk ._...M3125Barry Mis 0 Oroccr 703 2;iril Arc E. ES1J7Barry F B r« 1026 21»t Ave SE ,..,£58-10Barry T fl res 173-1 24d St W W2079Barry Wm res 502 12tli Arc E...... -.M4061BARTLE a iJ Inlcrnalioiiul Accountant

lI-S2Sa Sill Ave W M3829Baltic H rtj 532 ISlh Ave W M3614Baitlelt Mrs A res ]T2o 24a St W ...W2303Baillctt Frank res 117 IDlli Ave NE Hi442Baitlelt John L res 905 4lli Ave W M1484

BARTLETT S ALWYN Opiomdrist(Cliaiinccy's Jewellery Store) llGa SlhAve K M2684

Bartlett S Alwyn res 1935 lOlli St \V. W43e5Baiion A H res 2519 ICa St W W4814Barton K res 520 lOtli St W - .M9954Barton Petty res 1-117 lltb Ave E...... ES216Barlsch C rei 522 2]5t Ave W M9123Biic Mis Eeulah res 1151 10th St E _.E5422Basillan Fathers rps ISIS Ist St K M2541Bass G H 170.7 S4lli Ave SW S1109Basiette Mrs A res 3004 20a St W W30D2Batchclor 0 E rrs 310 Anderson Apis W2907BalChelor Mrs Oeo D res 301 l.jtvrencc Lodge . B2824Bale John res 1111 7lh Ave W M3170Bate Miss M res 1508 oil) St IV M1596Bittman'J Confectionery 502 Srd Ave \V 95-215Bales Electric Weldinj 14tli St & 17th Ave E E5517Bates Fred res M2T lOlli Ave E E5083Bates W Stanley Archllcct 13 Liingcnan Bldg..M3347Bates W Stanley res 732 13lli Ave W R1322Batten W res 2T13 17ll. St E ES493Baltisto F Ares 233 9?^, St N\V 1-2101Battle Mrs A res 2300 lOlh St E E5991BATTRUM E D Accountant 21C 217

Burns Blilg M4744Eattrum E 0 res 617 lit Ave NW L160SBaltrum William res si7 lOlli Ave W .•...W3478BawSen J W res 3 Sandrlngliiim Apt! W2905Bawdcn John T res 114 lutii Avo \V M2665BAWLF N GRAIN GO LTD

203-1.5 Lancaster Blilg M13331. R UockI res 791728AriTnip res W2373

Bawiinhlmcr Mrs Jessie res 413 Htli St NW.... L1967

BAXANDALL GEO E Carpcnicr i-Builder 1-103 Ceiilre St N H1253

BAXTER A G Cement & Ciravcl Coii-Iraciur Su'luiiiiini; Puol i Skating lliiik Olflcc^inl ItesiileiK-B 968 4H> Ave W M2509

BaxW Alhsrt res 507 3(llh Ave SW S1261Bjaler F L res 1729 Ulli St W W1176Baxter John res 220 SOtli Ave NE. HI261

109 - 8th Avenue West

Baxter Mrs Kathleen res 1019 4Ll> Ave W M4855

Baxter B T res 1417 J2tli St W W3235Baxter Tom A res JSl-l Srd Si NW HU49

'Bay' Service Station The liudiuii's Buy Parking Lot III. Ave W M4877

Bayes H F res 220 19i1i Ave NE H2I40Bayles T res 821 23rd Ave SE. E5431Baylcy A A res 126 IStli Ave E. M2896Bayly—See ulso Bailey, Bailie, Baily and BayleyBayly Mrs C rrs 303 ICtli Ave NE H2379Bayne—Sec also BainBaync 0 C res 30J2 1st St W SU78Bayne David W res 925 ISlii Ave W W4542Bayne J W res 4 Alma Lodge W1962Beach—see also Bevel*

Beach Floyd K rrs 191-1 5a St W M1S08


Bcacom H 91-5724

Bcacom Henry C res 209 9(li Ave NW H2897Beairrto Mrs Carrie res 1016 IGlli Ave W W1136Bcai S K ITS 32a 23rvl Ave W M4186Seal W H res 327 laih Ave W M5497BeaiC Mrs Annie res 319 6t!> Ave NE H2030Bealc Barbara rci 250 lUrd Ave NE H2942Bcalc Mrs Frances E res 344 titli Ave NE H1961Bcaiing Frank res Si9 23fU Ave SE. E5595Beating Gee C 91-4323Beames H G res 110 lOlh Ave N'W .H24I5


E W Beard Mgr res 1946 12th Ave W W3126Bcarc T H res 2107 17a SI W W2921Bcalor* Mrs A res 8U1 lOlh Ave W M1644Beaton Beauty Parlor C W Leonard Prop 207

StI. Ave W R2153Beaton C M 91-1311Beattic A S ri-s 4 Kinnc Blk H1527Beattic J 0 res 2101 Slh St W .W218SBeattic John res 2440 6l1i Ave NW L2105Beattic W res 200 7th St NE R1902

BEATTY BROS LTD Bern EqiiipmcntPumps & Windmills lOOTa 1009 1st St E M302211 ,I Buckmaslvr Rep res 1240 14lli Ave W W2072

Beatty C res 118 lull* Ave E M752flBeatly Mrs George F rrs 1723 )3ih Ave W W492QBeatty J H res 1726 SOrd Ave W , S0693Beatly J H 91-5423BEATTY POWER PUMP

SERVICE Electric Crafts Ltd 106 6thAve W M9494

BEATTY WASHER STOREBeatty Bros Ltd 401 Slh Ave W .M3735P E Hume Mgr rev W2290

BEAUCHEMIN DR L O208 Grain Exiliaiige DldgMctalrolle Diseases GynecologyUrinary and Skin Disrascs M2011

Bcauchcmin Or L 0 res 503 lOlh Ave W M1765Bcaudct's Barber Shop & Beauty Parlor 1002

17ih Ave W W4244Bcaudry Mrs J 0 res 304 3rd Avo NE..., H18V0Bcaulieu G H res 1317 tith Ave W W16I5Beaumont Cyril T res 624 Slh Ave W -..RigOS

BEAUTY NOOK THE A B RoithOCiS Centre St N H3198

Bcavcn W T res 2400 Blh SI W M9206


PhoneM4444 <>lM79!96

BEAVER (ALBERTA) LUMBER LTDBuilding Material cor luth .Ave & (W2889mil St W _...'jw2789A W Sheffield res 1406 Kensington Rd L1312P A -Mkeiihead Accountant

Beaver Grocery & Cenfect 401 14th Ave E M7649Beaver Mrs P res 1733 13th Ave W W2e20


Beaver Troy W res 4 .Icnscn Apts... R1872Beaver's Coffee Shop SOPa Stli Ave IV M3733Beavers A E res 1 Zelda Apts M2939Beavers Gordon H res 3 Alma Lo^c W2655Beavers R H res 1923 10th St W.., „..W4184Bcailey H J res 1439 5th St NW H3124Beaalcy Robert G res 43 Lorraine Apts...- M7813Beck David res 1914 Broadview Rd L2160Beck E A res 3027 4th St SW S0155Beck L L res 226 3rd Ave NE H2763

BECKER COAL 6th Avs & 6tJ> St E. M3828Becker Mrs D res 321.3 Eiimw Drive —..SD547

BECKER OIL CO LTDOffice i Slailon No 3 1005 Slh Ave E E4064

Service Station No 2 16 Ave Edmonton

Trail ....•, H232fi

Service Station No 4 335 lOlh St NW L2666

Becker Refineries Ltd 1005 Slh Ave E E4064

Refinery at lioyallies Rural 1010 High lUver

BeekcU H L res 210a 25th Ave W M9211

Beckett J E res 911 Olh Ave W M9121Beckett J H res 2'J03 14th St W - W3021


Bedford Lodge P Proverbs 323 4th Are W R1966Bee Alfred res 736 4ih Ave W ,. RZ604Beeby L res 114 Crescent ltd H3441Beedhsm Albert res 3 Bryant Apts -..._...fV12265Bee Hive Corifcctioncry 644 1st Ave NE M5488Befus Mrs C res 917 4th Ave NW L1129Befus Mrs V res IS Thomson Bfk - M1413Begg 8 0 res 2I1U 4lh St W .. R1876Bcgg Mrs James rtts 1715 2.5th Ave W W4e,[)9Begg John res 724 6th .Ave W B1274Bcgg W A res 4-309 13lh Ave W tl/r7530Beggs hfliss Arial E res S39 lllh Ave E........... M4561Begrie E res 1935 19th Ave E - E5956

Beiseker & Davidson Ltd Farm Lands RenfrewBldg M45S8

Bcland Waller res 12S'J 32th Avo W W4S51Belanger Victor res 1S16 32nd Ave SW S0241Bclbin A res 220 Stii Ave NE _:H2186

Belgium Glove & Hosiery (Western) Ltd328 Sth Ave \V M1330

Belisic Adolphe res n Oloria Court -.H3785Belkin C L res 529 12th Ave E .M5293Belkin Harry res 6 Deven'ish Apts - W4105Belkin S !•«« ISIfl 9th St W W1820Bell Alfred E res 902 3rd Ave W R25iMBell Beauty Parlor The 100-1 2iid SI E ......M72'18Bell C S res G Connuught Apia R2263




Dominion Tax


Page 20: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

14 Bel CALGARY Bil

WHO CALLED ME?A Nnmeiicnl Index is Published Simultaneously with This Directory, telling the nnme of the subscriber on nnyTelephone listed in the City Section. Copies may be obtained by culling at the Directory Office or by Fhon'ing M4734, when one will be mailed and charged to your account. PRICE 75 CENTS PER COPY.

BCLU A CO LTD Generul InsuranceBrokers SIS Sciuthnni BHg M4420

Bell Mrs 0 R res 11.13 l!lll> Ave NE H226SBell Frank E res 1004 20ih Ave SE. ESSO?Bell Frank E C res 1023 18»h Ave W ,.,W4451

Bell G Max (Albertsii) res liS4 Salcm Ave ....W251SBell Mrs George res 340 14ili Ave W M3823Bell Haroli W B res 1429 4lli St NW H19S2Bell J Leslie res 2104 Sth St W W20a5Belt J Wesley res 12 Barnhart Apts..._ M1410Bell John A res S33 5th Ave W M1780Bell Mrs Matjil res 728 12lh Ave W M4897Bell Max res 82S IStb Ave W WL376

BELL. A MORRIS 827 Stli Ave W R1061Warehouse ITtli Ave £: llth St E E528SJ Leslie Bell res 2104 81h St \V W2069C E Morris res 308 Roxborough HJ 50811

Bell P M res 032 lOth Ave W W2ao9Bell R res 1813 271h Ave SW W1752

Be" H res 1403 2.3r«I Ave NW L2S13Bell R A G res .101a 7tli St W R2886

BELL REFINING CO LTDGeneral Office .Manchester. .. S0896Order Desk - 50895

•Manager 50896Bl-XL SERVICE STATIONSNo 1 T V Minton 23rd Ave fc 4th St W M3454No 2 C F Leif 9ih Ave & Cth St W M365iNo OAR Holmes 15 Ave Si Slli St W M3224No 5 1402 9th Av« E £5758

Bell Miss Sue res 3 Aeadia Apts M3760Bell T A Cast Stone it Cem Prod tS2 3 Ave E R2192Bell T M rrs 3o7 7lh Ave NE - ..H3016Bell Taxi «US Und St W M3300Bell W A ret SOB AnderaoQ Apis W3206Bell W E res 724 14th St E E5373Bell Walter res 901 ISlli Avo W W3771Bell Win rvj fiSli 3rd Ave W M1924Belt Wm res SIS Ifilli Ave W RU70Belliiitharn Henry res S17 ITth Ave W W1813Belmont Cafe 1209a 1st St W 95-121Belt John res 1530 15th Ave W W2179Belton C E res 820 Rlh Ave W M9260Belton W G res 1109 otli Are W K3331Belyea Bros 91-341SBcllharg A res 621 S2ik1 Ave W ,.M9034Belzberg £ res 0*16 1st Ave NE R1321Belzberg Louis res 522 23rd Ave W M1575SeUberg M res 1508 lOtli St tV W4307Ben's Confettionery G04 Centre St..._ M4789Benbow Mrs M res 725 8td Ave W R1633Bonfisld Bryce res 225 Superior Ave W1006Benjamin C res 117 9th Ave NE H3430Beniamtn H A Ltd Ins Brokers 309 8tb Ave W M2839

SloeU Exchange Phono II/I3826li A Bcnjaiiila res 735 Rivordale Ave 50495

Benjamin's Clothes Shop 807 1st St W, M7877Benncr Alex res 2006 Salisbury Avo E5025Benner Donald res 21.1 lUlh Ave NE H2130Benner J rrs 42 fith Si NE ... R2619Benner P res 1128 IStb Ave W W1191Bennet's Cartage 313 lOtli Ave W M2473Bennel E K 91-4825Bonnet J F res 55 14ilj St NW L190iBennett—See also BonnetBennett A Gordon res 2102 IQUi Si W W268J.Bennett A W res J21 12l.h Avo NW H2287

Bennett Mrs B C res 3 llanilltoii Apts M9606Bennclt C A 91-5935Bennett C V res 304 Lawrence Lodge ni909Bennett David 91-2024Bennell E A res .1930 1st Si SW SU37Bennett Mrs E H res 1304 Glarlslone Rd L1162Bennell E Myrtle res "17 l.lIJi Ave W M3306Bennett F J res 1910 Salisbury Ave ....... E5132BENNETT GLASS CO LTD THE

220 228 7tli Ave E M1778

After Office Hours and Holidays |LIJWBennett H H res 317 37Ui Ave W 50671

BENNETT HANNAH NOLANCHAMBERS & MIGHT BarristersSolicitors etc 6I10-G03 I.ancaster Blili( M7916Private Branch Exchangeconnccllnit all OeplsAleaandcr Hannah KC res 010 Crescent Blvd SD43611 Q Nolan K C res SOS Koy-at Ave W4407E J Ch.niibers K C res 27UX Montcaitu Cres W4069O H E Might rci 140 2iid Ave W fl2ie6J J Saucier re.<. 222B Amlierst St W2571C M Peacock res 118(1 IBIli Ave W W2466

Bonnett J Edward res 227 25th Ave W M5243Bennett J W n-s 250C 14a Si W W2618Bennett Mrs John res 403 1st Ave W R14J0Bennett M B res 511 4th Ave W M2996Bennett P C res 1812 I4lh bl W W47e2

Bennett Percy H res 218 Illh Avy NW H1724Bennett R C res 7ID fia St NW L1612Bennett Rev T J res 112C Oth St E £5505

Bennett & White Construction Co Ltd 302 Examiner Blilg M9586A Gordon Grnnett res 2102 lOtli St W W2681

Bennett Wilfrid J res 1503 2I«t Ave SW W1887


Benothe Mrs A res 1307 Stli Si K M3106Bensen Louie res 3I0a Centre St R1127Benson A Bruce rex 8ii0 ]71h Avo NW H1329Bentley A res 530 JSlli Ave NE H1572Benlley Alfred H res 119 ll'Jml Ave NW H1294Bentley Harold E res 212 4lli Ave NE H2060Bentley P rr, 32C lllh Aie NE ,,,. H3066Benrie Mrs C A res 109 24lli Ave SE M127i

BERCOV OR H A Pl>yslc>ali & Surgeon101,3 Soulhaiii Bldg M7092ftesldencc IRno Bowiiesj ltd 1,2090If no ansuer call M242d

Bercovice Peter res OOS 14th Ave £ R2239

Bcrcovlch Fanny res 2411 4lh Ave E R2967Beresfoid T F res 1512 Slli Ave NW L1782Batjman J res 0 tVallaic Apis ., M3334Sergstrom N 0 res 1708 14lli Ave W W2145Bcringer M S rvs 2201 7lli St W W2941Berkc Frank C res 2011 23td Ave W W4912Berkoff Robert B res 317 Dcvcnish Apts W1602Bermingham A G res 834 I4lli Ave W . ...... R2351Beimlngham Fred L G rvs 1800 Sth St W W25SSBernhard A 0 res 17 Sills Apts M9625Bernstein Mrs S res 816 2ni| St NE H1344Berrin F G res liiOl S'Jnd Ave W S12S4Berrinjlon Frank res 1027 7a St NW H2811Berrington Henry res miO 35ih Ave W M7029Bcrrlngton J T res 1432 2«ll) St W W1692Berrington R res ItOti 30lli Ave NW., H316BBerry C F res 211 il-A St NW L1833

Berry Fred res 100 Amlersun Apis W4I2GBerry J T res 319 89th Avo W 50869Berry R H 91-2721Beiryman A M res 720 3Slh Ave W S0630Bencht Ezra H res 2S0t nth Ave W W2114Bert's Beauty Parlor 333 11th Avo W M5634

• Bert's Transfer Olli Ave & 2ncl St E .fdl826Bertram Alfred res 209 S A St NE R1325Bertram P res 1839 Bowncss ltd LlSBOBertrand B res 1023 Servlae Ave ,....W3423Berre Mrs J res 346 ISIIi Ave W M4013Besen Mrs Elizabeth res 707 IGtli Ave W MOWJBessell R res 509 Anderson Apts ....W4233Best A J res 619 I4tli Ave E M2303Best Mrs Mary res 1413 iBtli St E.,._ E5522Setts Geo res H2t 1st Ave NW L1305Betts Kenneth C res 3623 7a St W JOSJ?Betty Shoppe The l.adirs' Wear 130a 8 Ave tV M9644Sevan 8 res 327 I Ith Ave E M7263Bevan R S res 341) 2l5lAvr W M1754Beverage Dispensers Local 265 L'llS Isl St E ...M41S0Beverldge Alex res 333 13iti Ave NW H1512Beveridgc Mis H D rvs SIR 19th Ave W R1119Beverldge S E res 640 ISth Avo W M7190Beveridgc Thos res 1405 Centre St N H2844Scverldge's Rlley Park Groc 1309 5 Ave NW... L2555Bewick Jack Jr res 332 7th Ave NE .HJB39Bewick Mis John res 129 18ili Av# £ M43I2Bewley S H res 815 12lli Ave W " M2878Beyer Albert L rvs 629 9a St NW..- |.ioS5BIbby John res'338 19A Si NW 13003BIhby L rvs '2515 ITHi 5t B """'e5547Bibby Wm A res 1330 lllih Ave W " "'W22QJBible Society 117 7lU Ave W M5335Bice P n rvs 503 lllli Ave NE H2316BIckell D E 91<32lBiekell T A res 650 Isi Ave W RlflTflBIckell WC res 929 ISih Ave W ,„Z..W4632BIcknell J S res 2314 3rd Avo NW L2S45Bute WGres 1103 lyih St W ."!!w3185Blorwagen ADres »U3 7lh Ave W " MISTJBig Apple Cale 1113 1st St w., -,"-^1144929BIG BEAR MARKETS

C T llari«er :I4(I Ktli Ave W M5303BOG CHIEF AUTO SALES

I71I1 Ave £: 1.--1 St W M2997BIG CHIEF AUTO SERVICE

17ili Avo Ai Isl Si W ^ M2994BIG CHIEF BODY <& PAINT


J7th Ave & Isl Si tV M2994Biggar Douglas 91.H21Biggs Miss Gwcnillan F res 325 ISlli Ave W , M73&9BIG HORN BREWING GO LTD

THE Orrice—Manchester S0'JS4Uutiliiig Plant -...,-.50755

BIgland Ernest res 2208 XD-A Si E £5925Bllban Ote Estate 91-15)5Biles MLros 239 39tli Ave NE ...Z.-HWdZBill's Barber Shop & Beauty Ptrler ISlQa

91h Ave E gjyggBdllnger C A res 430 SIst Ave N\V -,„...H1445BilMnjham H res 426 14lli St NW L2Q21Billings Mrs Elsie res 1409 la Si NW ......HlPWBillings W C res 10 Hallicld Court..., M5W4

Find Where to Buy It in the YELLOW PAGES

Page 21: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Bit CALGARY Bon la





A MalllinuEC :i2:; Sll. Avc E M1089No 3 Market 107 Till Ave W _...M9230


Blllen A V res S30 13th Avo W _...R11408>lt»n rrid A res 34JC 3191 Avc SE £5118Billon J C M res 1431 4a St NW H1482Billon S R 91-4532Billon W R -.91-4521Bingliam Mrs Edna 1 res 4 Isaht-lla BIk W1192Blnjham Mis F A res '321 14th Avc W W1490Bingham 1 F res Ci2 ttidoou lid SD042Blngley Chas J res 2000 S-A St W S0659Blnkley D F res 1421 l.'.lh St E - E5926Binks Charles R res 502 Blvd NW .L1829BInnie Q res 1738 Sa St W 003662Binnfe J 0 res 912 I'lli Avo E £5977BiNNINGS LTD Ladies' Wear IIS Sth

Ave W M525aB C Biniiinff res 2008 Slli St W .M2256

Btnnlon Ruficit res 1173 Boivness ltd .L1914Binns J E Dcanc res 1GI3 2a St NW H3046Binns J H res 1000 Isl SI NW H2603

BIRCH DR J H Physleiau & Surgeon2'112a Sth Ave E IV12464Dr J H Birch res 3325 Vcrchcrcs St W285611 110 annscr call M2428.

Birch John W res 303 3th Ava NW L2627

Birch L C Viughan- res 17-10 lOlh St W W3740Birth Mrs M A res 835 4th Ave NW L2130Birth W F res 122.3 12lh Ave W W3164Bud F C res 2809 Sth St SW .51107Bird F S res 223 iilth Ave NW H3493Bird G F res 4M I2ih St NW L2064Bird George res 3120 5:i St W M2754Bird H G res 430 Hlh Ave NE H3344Bird R A Centrjl Studio 25 CciilrnI Bldg .M5209Bird Ronald res 1224 lllth St E £5765Bird S P res 405 19ih Avo NW H13S5Birkett G A res 10.12 Outre St N H1366Bukclt T W res 1G02 7lh St NW H2S46BIRKS HENRY & SONS (WEST>

ERN) LTD Icivdiers & Silversmithsnirhs uidi; 214 Sill Avu W M9515IVjvaio Braiidi Kxeharigc roiincctliig all DcptsD E niacit Mub Dir res 2707 Wolfe St W1553

Bilks K 0 f« 2-51U nth St W M3647Birmingham—Sec BcrminghainBirney John A red 813 14lh Avc W RX242fiirncy R V res 2723 17th St E E54078"ncy W. G - 91-5524Birnie Thos res 307 ytli Ave NW L1376fiiiicii a G 13H, yf W1614births marriages &

deaths RECiSTnATlON OFFICEOtiiiuiid Itc|jiirir New Court House MB42 26

Birtlcs W J res 8 New I'lacc E4030BISHOP AGENCIES LTD Gen Ins

As's 4-2203 Sth Avc W M3243J A Bliimp Matiastr res 3 Klexlofil House... M9675

Bishop Beit res 2004 Portland Avc E5721Bishop C C ,c3 1307 O A St NW H29SaBishop C Ha* rcj ISlC 33rd Ave SW S0653Bishop Frank W res ltJ27 2mi Ave NW 1.2121Bishop p m 5.«i)4 .till Avc W... M7604B'»«np R E rts 82): 14th Ave W R2444BISHOP SPECIALTIES Carnival and

iJiincs Novcliios 523 Sth Ave W M5823Bishop Thomas rei l.Dlil IJih St W W4844Bistct A ir, 113 Sdi Avc NE H1696Bitwangcr E F res 2128 16A St W W3J33B'swangcr Mrs Helen res 414 Sth St W M3603Biswangcr N rci S38 Slat Avc W M3386Bitlmjnn Pelt! res 310 5th Avc E RBll

Bit! Gus res 502 Sth St NE M4497

Bjarnason S res 1424 Kciiainglon lid 1.1440Bjordal Alfred res 1450 ITtU Avc W W1797Blachly J res 2 Dnuglas Bik M1885Black All H res 132 ISth Avc NE - H2163

Black D res SIC Sharon Avc - W3307

Black D E res 2707 Wclfc St W1553

BLACK D E dt CO LTD Jcivellers(Sec Birks Henry & Sons (Western) Ltd ....M9S15

Black E res 831 Juth Avc W fil268

Black G E res 2327 Morrison St W1562

BLACK HARRY H Dickson Cartage123 12lh Avc E M7737

Black Herbert rvs 4002 Elboiv Drive 50858Black J M res 1007 4th Avc W M39B3Black J Robert res 1S17 2nd St NW H3386Black & Murray Blacksmiths 229 Smi Avc W ..R230SBlade Mrs R M res 519 25lh Avc W M1569Black Robert res 524 ISlli Avc E M7615Black Robert res 1014 12tli Avc W W2431Black Thomas 91-1825Black W res 214 l.llli St NW L1406Black W C res 3S.12 la St SW 50919Black & White Meat Market 1101 Sih St E £4060BLACK'S DRUG STORE 106 lOih

St NW .L1107W Clifford Black res 1733 2nd Ave NW L1058

Blackadar Mrs 5 L res 2111 7th St W R2842Blackburn A M res 103 lOlh Ave NW H3045Blackburn D Furrier 218a Sth Ave W M5114Blackburn E J res 1220 14th Avc W W4341Blackburn Richard res 1727 3nd Ave NW L23D8Blackley Charles res 811 IStJi Avc W W411J.Blacklock Archie T R res 506 .3Sth Ave W S0813Biackstaffe C W res 309 14lli St NW L2143Blackwcll A C res 1213 21st Avc NW H126(JBUckwood A C res 1017 13th Avo W W1997

Blair A res 324 22nd Ave W R2133Blair £ M res 209 7lli St NE M9207

Blair G C res 715 14lh Avc VV M3553Blair J res 929 7lh Ave W M1927Blair James res 107 lOih Ave NE. H1073Blair Mrs Lucy E res 813 IStfa Avc W R1947Blair P B res 1415 9th Si W W4196Blair S J res 715 14lh Avc W R2-103Blair William res 2"26 yStb Ave SW 50743Blake E R res 1109 131h St W W4653Btakc Guy W res 1120 lath Avc W W1370Blake William res 224 IStli Ave NW H2815Blakeman C E res. 214 3Ulh Ave SE M7133Blanchaid C 5 res 907 Wales Hotel M1018BLANCHARD & ROSE Barristers

i Solieitors 302 Insuraiiee Exch .M4461C S Blanchurd res Wales Hotel M10180 H Hose res 602 12th Avc W .M4083

Blanchfleld John res 130 26th Ave SW M4D52Bfanchfield Mrs N A res 1625 ISlli Ave W W?406Blankslcin I W res 224 Superior Ave W2607Blatchford R A res 2421 Westmont R.l .H455Blatthford Reg res 2112 7ili Ave NW L1351Blatchford Wm H res 1B03 Scotland St _...W2417Blayiock J res 1010 6lh Avc W R1390Blcackley A res 409 "tli Avc E M9409Bieacklcy Mrs Arthur res 8 DuKciin Lodge R2S0SBleviss J res 513 4Ui St E M4337Blewclt Rev John rts 131D 4ill St NW H2233Slick Ernest A res 8809 Isi St SW S0126Bligti P res 1533 Iflth Avc NW - L1533Blight A res 1724 121li Ave W .W3136Blight Ei'win res 1011 5th Avc W.,,, M3512Blight John res 127 23ra Ave W M7259-Blight Mrs M res 730 Isl Ave NW U1005Blight S res 1332 14th Ave W W2194ailnstbn R res IIIO Sth St W R1858Bliss Walter F res 2711 Sth St W ,.W1217Block P res 617 4lb Ave W M5406


PhoneM4444 c7tM7996

Blomficid Charles W J res 111 loth Ave W ..... M5248Blomficld J E res 1649 Bowness Rd L2697Slomfidd Mrs Randolph res 220 7lh Avc NE ,...H2894Bloom Gco res 320 Giti St W - R2334

Bloomcnthal A res 52L Sth Ave E M4432Bioomcnthal A res 319 25th Avc W _... M9280Bloomficid H E res 215 4th Avc E R2957Bloor Fred res l."9 31st Avc NE - H1330

BLOW BROTHERS LIMITEDInsurance and Rentals 212 7th Avc W M5811Donald M BIoiv res 1037 lllb SI W _.W2224

Harry F Blow res 3625 Elbow Drive S0-t43Blow D C res 502 uib Ave W -...M30S3

Blow Mrs Leslie res 1812 1-^th St NW L2595Blow Miss S B D res SoPa 4lh Ave W R2916Blow W R res 2704 Montcalni Crcseent W1753




5uS ilrd Ave W M28I2

BLUE RIBBON LTD Wholesale TeasCoffees Baking Powder etc 122 11th Ave W... M4598

Blue Willow Tea Room 403 Sth Avc W M4S85

Blue Window Library & Gift Shop 401a SthAvc W R2:29

Blumenschein Ivan res 1112 19lh Ave NW H2173

Blundcn G A res 1127 0th St £ £5063Blunden Jos F res 2222 J6ili St E -...E5321

Blunt Percy N res J52S 12th Avc W W1019BIyth E P res 1005 2nd St W M1279BIyth Sam C res Albert Park E5403Boag Mrs L J res 61 New St ES467Boalch Ernest H res 1950 18lh St W .W1633

Board of Grain Commissioners for Canada Wm

H Blatchford AssL Conimr 625 Calgary PublicBids M2332Grain Appeal Tribunal 623 CalgaryPubBltlg..R2U9

Board of Public Welfare 701 3rd St E _....M37I5

BOARD OF TRADE OfTicc RenfrewBids 118 7l!i Ave W -...M5163

Boardman Miss Evelyn res 1511 Sth Avc E ....E54S2floasten Frederick T res 516 lath Ave W J4S159

Boasten Printing Co S20 Sth Ave W -.M122SBoth C res SOS 32nd Avc E £5939Bodman John A res 3619 2nd St SW ..S0760BocI Chris res 804 1st Ave NE - ..H1560Bocse G P F res 1129 19lh Avc W W4628Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co of Canada

SIS 36th Ave W 50103Boiie Miss Louise res S Lorraine Apts :MS623Boisselle M res 1009 J.Tth Avc E ES248Boldcfhey Case res 223 ICtb Avc W M56S9

Bolter—Sec also BoulterBolter Arnold res 640 5th Ave W M1867Bolton Edward res 71S"2Uth Ave NW ,M2677Bolton Mrs Gea E res 1733 IGth St W :WlB24Bolton Mrs Get) W res 23SS la St E M2779fldltz J M --.....91-1931Bombardierl J res 21S 6n St NE R1493Bomford G H res .7833 Centre St S 50492Bonck J P res 1732 11th Avc W , _.W3Q6lBond A B Piano Tuning liepairieg ts Regu-

luting 1106 7tlt Avc W iM1929Bond D F res 1730 lOu St W .Wi737Bond E H ics 11-16 Wcsimouut Blvd - L2531

Page 22: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

16 Bon CALGARY Bri



Bone—Sec al5p Bo«oBanc G ft m «2 2l5{ Ave NU' ..H3I81Banc P Turner r«t 3^0 4lh Avn W ft2903Bane Mrs William res 225 ITlIi Ave K M3723Bonclla TTiot rea TSS 51li St NW Suniivsida i,... L1667•Banriam ft H L »*» 2a0i Carlelon St W2401Banks Geaije 91-5321Ben Marche Millinery & Dry Gaotfs Mr? M Turfua

TilS-tSSa 17lh Ave \V ,R13o3Benn H J res Xtus alh Ave W .M5i77Banner J 91-1932Ben Ton Barber & Beauty Shop Til 1st St E M2646Ban Ton Meat Market TDl Centre St M4069Bart Tan MesMngers Til Ut St K M2646Bean Alec res 515 3r4 Ave W ft2348Boon E res J529 20tli Ave SW W1322Boon Eflward Jr rvs 1614 27llt Ave 5\V W3747Boon J R f«» 121T 29lh Ave MV H2732Dcete A J _..........51-4S2ZBooth Alfred res ill 14tli Ave NW H1029Booth Emett res 919 SSlh Avo SW S1293Booth F res SI9 IStli Ave NW H14S4Booth G M rc« 322 ITlli Avo NW H1179Booth George rr' 112 35th Avo SW H2481Booth J H res 123 fllJi Avo KE H3040Booth Lewlj E res 12S2 lyih Ave W WX055Booth Thos TVS 606 Sth Ave W :„._....,.M3187Beolhe W Roy r»i 3711 lltli «t W W4740Boppre Louis res 234 21st Ave W - M5410Berth H 0 res -140 SOlli Ave NW .H2254Borden Jim - ,....91-3234Borden ft L res 355C 4lh Ave NE. H2821BorCJki J 31-3012Boroal W J res 1627 X5lh Ave W W3404Borland ft C res aSSO 7a St W S0263Borrowman D res l71o 25th St W WX097Borlon Miss R r« 1-739 6lli Ave W R1236Borup Niels 91-3115BOSCH DtSTRIBUTORS (American

A llobert) Huttoii's 131 lllli Avo W M5895BOSSARO E P Locksniilh SOS Sf'

W .M3146Bossard E P vM 313 4lh Ave W MS286Boslitth Staplers & Service 120 Gtli Avo W ... M1561BOSTON HAT WORKS A

NEWS CO 100 Sth Avo W M7938Boston Shoe Hospital 207 12lh Ave W..._ M4317Buswell F res 624 2nJ Avo W R2307Bolhvlell W K res 1123 Sth Aw W M7870Betting W res 907 2ntl Avo NW L1934Boltomley R 91-5223Bottrell A P res 1604 9th Ave E £5(143Botwrlght W J re# 631 e(h Ave W M10a3Boucher Mrs A L res 124 24lh Avo W M5153Boucher Alfred res 323 IStli Aver W M4295Bouther C H roa 1720 lOo St W W1242Boucher H D res 3731 341h St W W2090Boucher J T res 907 14tli Ave W W1865Boucher 0 A Office 500 Lancostor BldB ,M4569Boucher 0 A res 1139 imh Avo W WlfiS4BOUCK DR CHA8 Fhyticlsn 6 Surseon

202 l:n>i«rv.ooa Blh M1643Bouck Dr Chas run 1034 Prospoot Avo W4865BouIIPm E L res ilSOS Olli St W S03S9Boulter—See iil:o ButterB#ulUr Mrs Miud res lOM Sth St E E5624Poullon—Scv HoltonBounds Mrs ft 1 rua 25 Hcaty Api* M5970•oundy L L rw 1722 6Hi Ave NW I.X218Bourne Mrs Geo R rua i.73 Xith Avo W M58X2Bnutgt J ra 424 7(h St NE R2742Bbvey E C rca 200 Andersoo Aiifs ..W2602Bowden Louis ro» 3004 4ili St W S0035Bonvdcn Mrs Roiey ros 218 Tlli Ave NE HJ432Bowdlor G H rvi 330 Stiaron Avo W,2103Bowflll F A ros 1113 0lh St E ES170Bpwcn Bavld R X*I a020 Otit St W .......S0796

Bovven M L res 202 3r<l Ave E M1338Bowen Robt res 302 JOlh Ave NE H1055Bowen W G res 512 Elbow Urivc .MS451Bowers C res S34: lolh Ave W M4223Bowers Ceo E res ttC 30th Ave .VW H1629

Bowes Ella res 1-539 Cth Ave W M7829

Bowes Leo C res 1512 4lh St W M1501

BOWES SEAL. PAST PRODUCTSi'orler & Orr Distbrs AOS Sth Avo W M9091

Bowlen J J res 3I0S Elbors Drive S0592Bowien Miss Mary L rrs 1413 Centre St S M4338Bowman A E 91-2422Bowman E N rci 12S 3 (th Ave N'E HI4a4Bowman H M res S21 15th Avo W - M1243Bowman Mrs J W res 1109 IStli Ave W W4)0QBowman Margt Ladies' Siicu Shop 236 8 Av W, M2676Bowman P G res 209 15ih St NW L2401Bowman's Transport 321 lOth Avo G M4377Bow Marsh Grocery 536 9lh St W M3006Bow Marsh Meat Market 534 Dili St W M4347Sown—See aivo Bono

Bown C Q res 1200 -tlh St NW H2860Bowness E W res 1233 lOll. Avo W Vy426&Bowncss Golf Club—Call Long Uisi.inceBOWNESS PARK—Call Lons DistaneoBowness Rd Service Station Bowness Dd

& Krn.sinsion Rd L2239Bowness Taxi M Kasher 91-6412Bowron W res 1033 20lh Ava E ,,,.£5119BOWSER S F CO UTD

A J Shrubsall Co 411 2ntJ St W M4451Bowsher A P rrs 7 Drake Apis M7182Bow Vailry Cafe 1217 9th Avu K ES004Bow Valley Super Service Stn 5 Av if 4 St W MS313Boyanowsky W Boyan res 64S Meredith ltd .,..R1750Boyee—See also BoyieBoyce A E res 3614 Centre St Parkliill S095oBoyca A 6 res 717 yOlh Ave SW S0666BOYCE ALEX Pltinililni; Healing & Gas-

fitting '143 IJrd Ara NW L1379Boyce Stanley C res 317 lllti Ave E M4729Boyd B C res 338 15ih Avo W ..,...M3297Boyd C W res 413 Idlh Av.r E M7225Boyd David res 1454 Wcslmounl Blvd L1122Boyd F H res 915 ISlh Ave NW H1030Boyd Mrs G W res 130 12lh Avo NG H3365Boyd J C res 1707 1st St G' ....M71C14Boyd iJames res 1C24 Centre St N H1576Boyd Jas R & Co Office 523 Sth Ave W M36S6Boyd Miss -jessie res 191.1 4th St W MX22<IBoyd L n W res 3223 AHeuo St W4147Boyd Dr R W Rndiuw & X-l'ay InslUule

224 Tth Ave W M9X83Boyd Dr R W res 3409 8lh St W 50981Boyle MiiS L res loOUa 4lh St E M2759Boyle Mrs Laura W res olh Ava W M2429Beyle R A res 6 Henna Apts M3420

•Beyse—Seo also Boycofloyto A 3821 7e St SW S0S43Boys' Work Board of Alberta AMn J Cniopcr See

301-302 lOOF BIdi - .M9797Bracken Art res 1713 12lh Ave W W2561Brackman E res 3001 14th St W W4903Bradford C E res 3511 lOth Avo W WX416Bradijh J H res 810 X4th St NW L2602Bradley A J res 1820 lOlli St W .W3283Bradley C M res 210 8th Avo NE H3174Bradley H res 1810 31st Avo WW L2707Bradliy R res 231 Ids St NW 1.2045Bradley Mrs W res 713 loth Arc W R1285Bradley W R res 1838 IBili St W W3279Bradley Wm A res 3100 17th Ave W W4664Bradley William E res 8X4 DOth Avo SW S04X2Bradley Wm E res 2029 4th Avo NW.... L247DBradiey'a Footwear Ltd Ell lit St W M1572

Carjun Bradley res 1307 16lh Ave W .i..........W3337Bradihaw T tea 821 22na Avo SE E5024

Bradshaw T C res 424 Olh Ave NB H171SOiady Clem ,.,..9X-S34lBrady Mrs L res 1021 5lh Avu W M5494Brady W H res 4IU Andeijoii Apis W28DBRAEMAR LODGE Mrj E Dinmornl

215 4lh Avm W B2932Bragg A W trj 1310 Bih S*. NW H303SBralley W W res 213 15th St .NW U2074Brand G A 9X-3321SranSer G rp.s 462 ]2tli St .NW L2172


Brandreth J H res ulu .1-tti) Ave E .M4401Brjnnan C C rrs 1316 Jit .'t NW H2335Branton W A res COl Salein Ave „..,W4S5SBrasher A Edward res 1610 34ih Avo W 5X292Brask Knud res 934 Hlh Avo W .W3651Brass G I'Tih Mcrchiiit Stall IQ C1iy lUll MKl n2026Braun A fpi C Klorenee Apl» L1241Braun F J res 143.1 Olh St NW „,.„,..H328JBrawn Edward us 346 X7ih Ave NW H3056Brawn Gerald rrs 2518 14* St W. .^2379Bray Colin res 1159 6lli Avo W ..M28J7Bray R E res 1127 JCth Ave W W47nBray Wm A res 919 15ih Avo W W4644Bray William E res 1135 ISfli Ave W ,.„WX515Braybrook F rrs S33 22n.l Ave E E581SBraync W res 1S21 9t1i Ave E C5830Bratll A res 1227 20lh Avo NW H2623Bfcakenrldgo E E res 1910 Clh St NW ,.H1852Brcckcn P R rca 320 1st St NE H2476Brcekenrldge J res 1501 Child Ave R15S3Breckon Ralph E res 4408 7tb St NW H15MBrede S re> 422 Tlh St NW L1731Brehaut Sarah C res 1635 lith Avo W V/1097Breltner John res 1909 2iih St SW V/i072Brcmner Eben 91-S12}Bremncr William res 2221 14a St W W2478Brennan John res 3619 tfth St W „..._..50194Brerelon C H res 2318 14a St W W3424Brerelon L R res 1510 loth Ave W „..,W130iBrethour Mrs Edith M res 813 ICtli Ave W M23&7Brett J M res 2605 12th St W W1766Brewer Ml« Sarah res 1227 IGth Ava W _.W4656Brewer T W rrs 254 ITlh Ave NE H1657Brewers & Bottlers Sup Co Ltd 313 lO Av W M7996Brewery Investments Ltd 200 .Southam Bid? M9486BREWS R L Eleelrieal Eijulpment 304

lllh Ave E M2914It L Brews res 719 20lh Avo SW .50773

Brews R W rca 1139 luth Avo W. W1697BREWSTER ORpSS & MORKILL

(ieneral Insurnnce Adjusters25 Michartl Dldg „,M9S41H S Morkill MiinuBcp rc» .W473XW H Rohcrlson res ,„H20B6A McPhall res „.,„.H1590C F Kelly res H28X2

BREWSTER TAXI Fellic Mondeo rropI'ttlllser Hotel M998B

Briand t rca .123 16th Avti E ..N99MBrleker Mrs Catherine ics 2091 8lh Ava E,..„.E5947Bflcker H res 120 16lh Ave E ,.....MX253Brleker H M res .114 IStli Ave NEBrido E J res 3220 Harlnlalo Blvd L2«15Bridge Confcclitincry 2505 dih SI W „,.M7J15Srldgctand Beauty Parlor & Barber Shop 830

Ist Ave NE BJ915Brldgeland Cornsr Store 903 X»t Avq Nli R12S1Brldgelind Hardware 827a lit Av« NE ni386Brldgeland Meal Market 911 1st Ava NB -ItZSOSBridgeman—See also BrldgmanBridgtnian Mrs Chotolale Shop 1317 let St WM9W2Bridgeman Mrs J N res 317 lOlli Avo W .SOJliTBrtdgar Cordon res 722 2n'l Avo NW C2352Bridges R E res 313 lOth Ave NG H1S65Bridgland—See Bridsclond

Page 23: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Bri CALGARY Bro 17

BRITISH INDUSTRIES LIMITEDVancouver, B.C. - Bdmonlon, Alta.

Besiaa, Saak. • Winnipeg, Dlao.



nioiitrcal, Quc. - Toronto, Ont.

London, England - New Tork, U.S.A.

Bri(Isn>"i—See also Bridgcman

BHilgman H C res 30i> Lawrence Loilse M173SBrieiley E res 1S37 Si W W4840Brlciley W F res 1034 Wcstmount Blvd _-L1636Brtjieo C res 2110 ISlh Si W W135BBirjilen F E res 3210 I'arlcfialc Blvd L1182Bilgdcn W J res 1708 IGlh St W W1809Brigdcn's Shoe 6 Repair Store l-113a llih

St W ^ W4303Brisss Mrs B res 732 1-llh Ave W M3505Briggs E R res 015 22nd Ave W M1466Bflggs J E res 1U22 7lh Ave W M9219

BRIGGS TANNERY & FUR COLTD THE Oflicc it: Factory Buriislaixl ....E5430

Bright Rev Alfred Grace Fresbylerlati CliurcbMiiihtcr's Study 'Jili St & loth Ave W ....... WISSB

Bright Rev Allred res 1721 9a St W W1710Brighton Mrs Agnts res 1213 Idtli Ave W VV2795Brighton George rci 702 7t)i Ave NE H2703Brighton lack res 447 12lli Si NW L1208Brill David W res 210 11a SI NE R1231Bnnacomb H res 2I(J7 Ist St NE H1749Brtndle James res 213 IStli Ave NW Ha802Brink W van-den Jr res 3117 JOlli St E £5914Blinker Mil C res 314 Snl Ave W M7220Bfistce L A res Wirnlsor Park S0433Britannia Meal Market 437 Uih Ave E M7008

BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE CO Bisliup Agencies Ltd Agls4-223a Slh Ave W M3243

BRITISH AMERICA PAINT COLTD OH-Slij trill Ave W M39D6••IJAi'CO" PAINTS 4 VARNISHESOrder Uesl: 6 SiiippcrCredit Depl 6 General Ofrice M4d46E G McAulay Miiriaser res W35fl8' Oty Salcsinnri res M2870


City Order Desk 8.30 am to 5pm {m3K9tVarchuuie M3569 'MarLcliiitf Deparlnient 4 Aceuunlant )S n Lbyrl 1 M3169rJlMrtcl Salei Maneger LOW Boyit [ M3569Sales Piomolioii Supervisor M' J Snnford.. [IVinincial Manager J G C Halt .M3269NIGHTS SATURDAY after 12 o'clock noonand HOLIDAYS M3569PRODUCTTON DEPARTMENT C E Watt (ilhAle 4 Ijt St IV M3669REITNEUY DEPARTMENT Blh A\'e E"vRiinry Siirflrintcndent M S Berinscr E5268General Oirice E5465^"•ck Loaillng Dctwl E5937O'UTISH AMERICAN SERVICE STATIONS^0 1 Dyson Service cor let St W 4 Oth

M1626^8 3 Bow Valley Stii Ave 4 4tli St W M5313

3 Avenue Tib Ave 4 Blh St IV Ml 567"0 4..Ml,„on IStli Ave 4 4t!i St W M5318>•» 5 Marble Arcli J3tli Ave 4 Stii St W 95.247No 0 Mount Royal 17th Ave 4 Otii Si W W2137N" 7 Seiieliofo 17 Ave 4 30a St SW 95-107No S Sunajta 12lh Ave 4 14tJr St W 95-153

Continued an Next Column


No 9 Hillhurst Kimsinglon Rd 4 lOlli StKW L154S

No lU Chinook loth Ave 4 Centre Si N H1170

No 12 Island 9ll. Ave 4 12ih Si E E5309No 13 The Bay 7lh Ave 4 2nd St W M4877

British Dominlan Oil 4 Development Corpn Ltd213-214-215 Duuiinluii Batik Hide M5S32



RETAIL DEPARTMENT 02550D A Kcan Mgr Calgary Dlv'nACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT .R2650G R Morris Ollicc Man-sgrr 4 AccouiilaiitWHOLESALE DEPARTME.NT

110 nth Ave E R2750W 11 CrayEXECUTIVE OFFICES 105 Slh Ave W R2450A E R l orn; Vice-Prcs ami Gcii MgrMiss D D ilidiiips I'fiv SecyItt lion W Dudley-Ward V C ClwinuanA E U Long res __.H2370

British Pork Butchers 3233 2nd St E M5I333


Brilton Edward Chester res 1012 28t!i Ave W W15528io Chris res 607 9a St NW L1332Broad John David res 2138 37lh Ave W W2235Broadcast Programs 2iid Ave 4 Cih bl W.,_.M7373Broadway Service Station 8 Av 4 7 St W M3733Broadway Shoe Shine Parlor 820 Centre St .... M1074BROADWAY TAXI Chas Standel! 230a

9tli Ave E M9896Broatch Miss Alison res ] Connauglil Apis M7621BROCK COMPANY "WEST-

ERN" LTD THE Sth Ave 4 2ndSt W R2CI46ITivale Branch Evchanse connecting all DcplsOiriro

Staple DcparliiicntHouse Kuriiishlng DoptCent's Furnlsliings DcptSiiiallivarcs Dcpl

Ready-to Wear DcptCountry Order DcptShipping DepartmentNight Calls H T Baker res 350S 6tli St Vf.. M5419tV Willaii Winspear Mgr res 314 Garden Cfca M5917

Brock J W res UlU 1st St W R2506Brock L M res 1C02 3 Ith Ave W W2612Brock Miss M M res 0925 Blvd NW Li559Brock M W res 1320 15tli Ave W W3770BROCK STANLEY LTD Manufac

turers Agenls t.auudry Macliincry 4 Supplies623 8ll> Ave W M3950W Cocliranc Mgr res S0357

Brockbank Gco L res 8028 Isl St VV _..$0878Breckle P W res 1523 ISth Ave W W37Q5Brodle Mrs A res 1508 IStli Ave NW L1836BRODIE OR I H Phys 4 Surg 202

Uuderwood Blk M1843

Brodic Dr I H res 3403 6lii St W S0563


PhoneM4444 9LM7996

Brodic J H res 3G25 Cih St W S0610Bradie Meter Co Ralph N Ine H L Pitrry Bldg M5&S0Brogan V/ S res S18 Sudbury Ave. .W4413Brokovski E W res 12 College Apts M9414Brokovski J Craig res ISIO 61I1 St W _..M38I6Brokovski J Cralg & Co Barristers 4 Solirdtors

3 Royal Bank Ciuimbers _.....MS327Bromley C H res 322 17ih Ave NW H1932Bromley R J res 217 31st Ave SE .M5217Brooker F G res 2312 lit St NW H320SBrooker S res 140S 22rid Ave NW _,..U.009

BROOKER'S BATTERY ANDIGNITION SERVICE Radio Tubes4 Service cor 3rd St 4 IClh Ave NE...... K2551

Brookes—Sec also BrooksBmekes-Avcy W G res 3610 7tli St W 50^9Brookes E J res 540 Salciu Ave ....W2345Brookes F S ;91-4021Brookes I res 817 4th Ave NW L2095

BROOKES TED FLOWERS506-508 Sth Ave W _.B2468Night Calls E J Brookes res W2345

Brookman Miss Lucy res 309 IStfa Ave W M4665Brooks—Sec also Brookes

Brooks A J res 826 14tli Ave E MI953Brooks A W 91-2032Brooks Mrs Ellen res 809 SOlli .Ave W _.. M9014Brtwks J res 916 2iid St NE H2956Brooks Capt J L res 823 141h A\-e E - MS274Brooks J R res 231 loth Ave W „.M5A72Brooks Joseph res 6 Anderson Apis .W3626Brooks P L res 214 Rlli Ave NE H2167Brooks Robert J res 2724 7th Ave NW L2734Brooks W H res 918 3rd Ave NW U840Brooks Capt W M res 301S 4lli St W _,...S0053Broome W res 121 39lli Ave NE H1998

BROOMFIELD A CO Barristcra 4Solicitors 215-216 Lauc.siter Bldg M5325D J Bruomndd res 712 32url Ave W_ S0457

Broomficid S res 1604 13tli Ave W W1746Brophy Mrs Warburton res 309 Underwood Blk. M2866Brotherton Mrs R A res 401* Centre St .....M2306Broughton W H res 825 Blh Ave NW....: .L1727Browcr Geo M res 225 Scarboro Ave. W2432Brown—See also Browne,

Brown A E res 928 7-A St NW H3194Brown A H fcs 1(!I2 lOlJi Avo W _W3284Brown A1 res 213 10th St NE R1243Brown Albert Ellis res 1315 Bib St \V .M1352Brown Alex 0 res 1016 12th Ave W „;W2440Brown Allan M Stuart res 431! Blvd NW U.925Brown C 0 res 1 Oltnwa Apis W4446Brown C R res .3 Rose Court M5265Brown Charles T res 22-t, 4llih Ave W 50332Brown Clarence L res 414 17i!i Ave E ft2539






Page 24: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short





Brown Consolidatsd Petroleums Ltd232 Loughfed Bldg MdSIl

Brown Cullen W res 829 4tl> Av« NW L2276Brown Mils 0 F res 220a lllh St NW L1989Brown Mrs 0 W res 629 4lh Av« W M2518Brown David res 320 SJiaron Avc W2430Brown Mrs David rea 1 Marlborougli Apts...—. M91S2Brown Oerlix Market 114 10th St NW L1123Brown Don S res 513 2I$t Ave NW H2608Brown E A 91-4925Brown E G res 1837 2flUi St W W1733Brown Mrs E W res 111 SSiicI Avc NE H1191Brown Edwin C res 110 Sth Avc NW H1162Brovrn Ephraim 1 res 821 St NW L1637Brown F res ISIO 10th Avc E ._..._...ESS35Brown F J res ISDS Boumcss IW L1423Brown Frank res 1223 Ifilh Avc W W3223Brown Fred res 1 McDonald Apts M4117Brown G res 1814 Jfia Si SW W3432Brov/n G M res 8.12 Srd Avc NW - L2131Brown Garage C I. Brown 1111 Stli St W W3555Brown Gco A res HS26 I-ltli St £ E5860BROWN INSTRUMENT CO THE

213 LoLigJiced Blng - M53E3Brown J A res S12 2nd St Nli H1160Brown 1 A E. 91-2222Brown J C res 1028 14th Avc W W1189Brown 1 K res 309 I2th Avc NW H3489Brown J Edwin res 1427 7th St NW .H324SBrown Rev J Rex res 1408 1-A St NW..._ H1979Brown James res 3830 1st St W S0905Brown Joe M res 240 Klli Avc NW .H3079Brown John R res I5I8 1st St NW..._ H1798Brown Mrs L res 1319 Centre St S ..M2390Brown L W loa 1019 1st Avc NW L2633Brown Mrs Lilian res 2023 2ea St W W1687Brown Miss M E res 1801 2nd St W .M1293Brown Miss Maliel F res 2 Brv-ant Apts — M7150Brown Mrs Mary res 220 13lli Avc W ..R2710Brawn Matthew S res 104 7th Ave NE H2333Brown Maurice L res 3009 Champlaln St W3562BROWN MOVER A BROWN

LTD 233 Looghecd BIdg M4611I'rivjtc Branch Lxchangc connectiog nil Depts1? A Brown Sr rrs W1S07K A Bruwn Jr

iT W Meyer res S0477Brawn Oil Corporation Ltd 232 Louglicsd BIdE..M4611Brown Philip ros 1007 22nd Ave E - E5150Brown R res S27 6lh Avo W -..,M7886Brown R A res 1216 Prospect Avc W1507Brown Mrs R C 0 res 734 liltii Avc W M3889Brawn R E res 1603 10th St W W4398Brawn R W res 2748 Woifo St „...W274aBrown Robert A rrs 316 Olh Avc NE H204QBrovm Ruby res <17 9lh St W M3046Brown T E r«s 1731 8rh St E ESa07Brown Capt T M res 015 Ilivordnle Avc S0980Brown T P res 3013 Cliamplnin St W1646Brown Mrs T W res 133 26th Ave NW H1037Brawn Mrs Theda C rrs 11 Marlborougli Apis ..M1760Brown Thos res 013 15th Avc W W4172Brown Mrs Thos M res ROO lOth Ave W M1437Brown V L res f-820 B)vd NW L2490Brown Vernon res 186 3rd Ave W M1560Brown W C res 219 14th Ave W .1 M5302Brown W G res 940 Blvd NW L2797Brown W H res 1-82S Bivd NW L2403Brown Miss W J res 302 15th Ave W M30S2Brown Mrs W R res 732 4','a NW L2322

Brown Wallace C res 1 Burpee Lodge M1635Brown Mrs Walter res 2709 Centre St N H1444Brown Wm C res 321 13th Ave W M7131

Brown Wm E Meat Mkt 2 New Central Mkt M3734

Brown Wm Howard res 710 14a St E ....£5782

Brown's Re-Sale Depot 137 5th Ave W M3093ffrown's Transport 4tU Ave & Centre St M3435Browne A H res 348 IBtii Avc W M3559Browne S N res 330 Sunderland Ave W1547Brownte F A res 720 1st St NW H2730Brownie F S Men's Clothes 6-328a Slli Av W..M9911

Brownie F S res 514 9lh Avc NE H2446Browniee M C res 2220 Hope St W1923Brownice Maxine res 910 ITlh Ave E E5980Bruce A A res 1408 11th Ave E E5621

Bruce C Jr res 3-7:i3 I'Jtli Avo W M5734

Bruce Chas res 3811 ISlh St SW S07I8

Bruce Mrs Emma £ res 1484 Glh St NW .H3316Bruce James H res 13 Hairicid Court M7024

Bruce James S res 112 Sard Avc W M1723

Bruce Mis Jean R res 304 Balmoral Apis M2647Brute Mrs K res 5 Norwood Apis W2510Bruce Matthew T res J014 Isl Avc NW U975

Bruce Miss Millie res 3 King Apis M9804Bruce Mrs Peter res 1-414 3rd St NW H1190

BRUCE ROBINSON ELECTRICLTD DcIcO'Ligiit l-'rigiduire Otii Avc & 4liiSi W

Sides M9S06Service M9508Credit hianagcr & Acctg Dcid T 1' Uro^vn M9778S Johnson Service Mgr rrs S0698

Bruce T res 1330 lOUi Ave E ES436Bruce Walter res IG13 6ll> SI NW H3447Bruehlmsn J S res 803 IHtli Are W .W267SBrugger H Upholsterer ITlh Avc W ...... M7447Bruhjeil Mist T Surgical tlolls 613 Grain Ex ,.M2909Srunner A res 306 3QIIi Avu SW S1236

Brunner C 91-3712Brunner C Sr 91-3711

Brunner Ernest res 1007 3-UU Avc SW S0388Brunner Max C res IISOI! lOlli St W S0340Brunsden £ W res Itlndsor Park _.S0366Bryan Hugh W res 613 34th Avc W S0637Bryant Mrs Wm res 115 llth Avo £ M4471Bryte A res 2 Dulfcrln Lodge B2421

BRYCE SALES LTD MIrs Agts1 Lincliam BIk M2319D M McLaren Kcprescntative res W4S23

Brydon A H res 946 Ridcau Rd S0097

BRYDSON'S FURNITURE STORE1120 Wcstiiioimt Blvd.... L12<ISKi'unk Wittup Mgr res .L1052

Brycnton Percy R Barrister 3114 Maclean BIk ... M7627Brync J H res Illth A^e W W34SaBryson M Myitlc res 31 Drake Apts M3216Bucclnt J res .".03 4lh fit NE R1848Buchan Construction Co 1306 llth Ave W W2666Buchan E S res 8.15 19lh Ave W W2004Buchan F S res 1526 3411. Ave W S0710Buchan Wm res 1334 J4lh Ave W ; W1698Buchanan F G res 130 26tli Ave W M7069Buchanan H H tea 327 40th Ave W S0757

Buchanan J G res 1413 20lli Ave NW L1209Buchanan J 6 res 1 Newbury Apts .M5720Buchanan J G res 226 .30th Ave NW H2363Buchanan W C res SI2 Cih Ave W M2452Buchanan Sgt W E res 1417 4ll> St NW H1429Buchanan W W res 1113 9th St E E5921

Buchner A res 310 I4lh Ave NE H2213Buck A H res 120 6lli Avc E ..Rli79Buck E J res 740 Sa St NW L2743Buck Geo W Mlrs Agt 2-104 Slh Avc E M3969Buckingham C res 3625 ia St SW S1149Buckland G B ros 112 22nd Ave NE _..„..H322SBuckles Sheldon res 1014 Summit St W2513Buckley J C Jr 91-6114Buckley Roy C res 1115 13th Ave W W4496Buekman Mrs R S res C Doiigbs Bllt M1921Buckmaster H J res 1340 14tl> Ave W W2072Buckwell H L res 1304 14th Avc W W4049Budge John res 1713 Bovvncss Rd L2763BuHale Cafe Ltd 112 7th Avc W _...,_.M1736Bugler H S 0 res 2330 ISa St SE _.... ES941Buic D H rea 700 Centre A St NW H2S07BulG Mrs E res 711 ll'tli Ave W nl832Builders' Hardware Stores Ltd 364 llth Ave W M4621Builders' & Investors Ltd 310 York Hotel MSlfiOBuker P W res 3805 7a St SW .S0889Bulger Luke res 1829 l-iil. Avc W W349SBulger Mrs M E res 31 Lorraine Apis M4020BULL CHAS A SONS

Rcglslcred Hcrcloid Cadle 91-2211Gull J E res SIS l-llli Avc W R2365Bull John T res 2530 lUth St E E5433BULL'S GROCERY~Sec Long Gco W

Urocery 17111 17tli Ave W W2425Bullard L res 311 5a Si NE H2932Bulfird Wres 531 Oil. Ave NE i"" H1532Bultas A res 1914 2u-A St W W226SSullen Mrs H E res III)« SH. Avo NW.. L1569Bul'cy Mrs A E rrs M27 IB-A St E E94J6Bullock B K res 60S 4tli Ave W R238-IBullough Jack res 3 Aberticeri Apl» 'm1525Bulmer H W res 721 3rd Avc W n299aBuimer John R res 231 28ih Avo SE...„. M7471Bulshin M res 717 i-iR, Avo W rj208Buishin R res 18(14 nth St W ' WJ015Bungalow Confectionery 302 ]2ili Avo'w R2465Sunn C n res 220 8a St NE "" n2209Bunn H Rex res ill 12IU St NW..,."!"i]3™.Llll9BUNNY COTE SERVICE

4|li St and (Itli Ave W M3303Bunyan WT res 1624 IGlli Ave W W2776BUNYAN W T & CO

Wholesale Grocery Brokers 330 lllh Ave W.,M2703Burak Miss Mary res S20 Mcrttiirial Drive , , R2807Burbidgc Arthur res -116 Ifdh Avc NE,H2179BURD PISTON RING CO Agu

Simplrv Auto Supply 811 1st St E, M1D05Burdclt Fuel 91-3033Burdclt Robsil res 1311 15ih'srw.'..'r.".'.'.3^^^^^^^

Bureau G W res 475 I2lli St NW L2420Surgard P V ir» 224 ISlli Ave E _...M5982Burger Henry res 730 17lt. Ave NW H2939Bu'flcss Battery Co 3R4 llth Ave W M4621

George Hindi Dist Mgr res 1410 Slidbourne„ - W2029Burgess D rei 3208 l lth St SW v/1905Burgess Wm rc» »02 7tli Avo W_ MS67SBurgoin H E res 112 38a Ave SE !.,S09MBurgoin Miss M E res 311 Underwood BIk M71S2Burgoiit V G res 32.4 ISUi Avo NW H1282Biirka F res 2102 ]6o St W W2747Burke W C res 530 18th Ave NW H1575Burketl E J res 304 Scarboro Ave.. n...........W4363

NOTICE.—Subscribers will be held responsible for all

TOLL CALLS originating from their Telephones

Page 25: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Bur CALGARY Cai 19

Mode to look

like New

Boston Hot Works10g-8th AVENUE WEST

Hats iVI7938Cleaned and Reblocked

Buiisnd R B rtj 1938 12lli St W W4317Surlind W F rcj 1716 Ul SI K M93S7Burlcigh H M res 2709 ITlli St C ES8S4Burn Ivunc St G res 212 titli Avc NE H1115Burnand S Prinling Wurks 2'JS Ttb Ave E M1056Burns—See also ByrneBurns G F tes 994 Koyal Avc W2S79Burnel Frank L res 314 BStli Ave W .S0368Burnett Mrs Charles res 31.1 4tli St NE M9067Burnett Geo rca 1437 2iid St NW Hld75Burns A E res 2002 7lti Ave E E52S6Burns Chas res 119 24lli Ave W „...M2d67


Head UfFicc East CalvaryPrivate Aiilomadc Exehaiise conncclins allD«par(mi-iiis. CirccI connection may he cili-lainc'l rvitli tlic untlitrnitntioncd Oflicinls andllepartments liy calllns the nuinhcrs indicatedbrlow. To obtain other Dcpartincnis callE60 and ask operntor for Department desired.

.HEAD omCEPrtiidciit & Chairman si Bonrd—Jolin Burns..EBdO(.'•cncral .Manager—It S Munn E622Seerelsrj—J ilmvard Kully - ..._.E64(5Treasurer—W C SleNip - EB72Aecoimtiiiei—!'• A Fallwell EB20AilvertiiUiK—II F Hill ,E627Construction—C Hciikcl E665K\(vorl IJppi—D McFarlund — E654Legal Dcpl—.1 J llghe EW5Itoiail Murkcit~W Shaw ,...EB86Siiperlntcndeiil (Ueiierul)—B Freeman E628Stationery Uepl—H S lliindlcy E635CALfiAHY rACKING HOUSE DIVISIONracking House Manager—D McKarland E654I'rovishin Dept~IV rulllck E645Accounting—F Hicks E648Bcci Dcpl—S Gates - E645Caiiniiis Dcpt—R Walker E64SCashier—H Carter E673Credit Dcpt—n B Cortcy E636Engine Boom—Chief Engineer E658Garage—J Hutlon - E661Livestock DepI—M Dirnne - E632l.iveslock OlFicc—.1 I' Collins - E617Order Dcpl—J Wade ^634

0"I«r Dtpi

I'ruduce Dept—I McConnan E645rurchasuig Dept—W Imics E650rdice' Olflce—J McKitmcy E678ItesUuraril—Keino Inamasu E680Sales Drpt—II H Uiloy ,E623Sales Dcpt E624Siii>erinlcndenl—F G Berrill E649Subles—A Ciirric E661Time OHictt—G N'ohle E6S9Traffic Dcpl—W limes - E650Tralfic Dcpt—M Thomas. E614

Burnt Frederick G res 20O9 2nd St NtV HISQOBurns Jim 1905 lOlh St W., W1120Burnt James F res 488 IGtii Ave NE H2293Burns Miss Jean res 313 31st Ave W R1107Burns John res 930 Prospect Avc .W1279

Find WhereTo Buy It

in the

Yellow Pages

Burns & Mavor Barristers 412 Grain Exch M17J8

BURNS (P) AGENCIES LTDOffice Michael Bldg M4646Private Branch Exchange connecting all DeplsE B Nowers .Manager M1995Burns FounTlation Ltd

P Burns Holdings Ltdr Bums Ilanchcs LtdBow Valley Farm.... .91-4915Bow Valley Farm E llosehka .,91-4913C K n.anch. .91-1014Feed Lot East Calgary E5178Gar.ige Mactcod Trail —...S127S

Burns 'r A res 3048 4tli Si W S0130BURNS R C Law OfRce 413 Grain

Exchange Building M1718Burns R C res SS93 7tli St W S0146

Bums R W Exhibition Grounds M7524

Bums Robert res 7 McKenejr Btk M3151Burns T E res 240 39th Avc W ......S0154Burns W C res 3510 2l5t St SW S0733Burr F G res 309." Mnntcahn (irescent W2480

Burraje J res IMS Wcstinounl Blvd L2343Burrctl G E res 1S2I lO-A 5t W W1083

Burrcll C«i» T res 313 7th Avc .NE Hi562Burrill Dr J S res 1931 lOlh St W W4932

BURRILL PANAR <Ss MOSS DRSDentists o22a Slli .\vc W M3369

Burroughs—Fee nJao BurrowsBurroughs Adding Machine of Canada Ltd

515 Loviglwed BIJg ....M3678BURROUGHS A CO LTD

Law Publishers 517 7lh Avc W ffl2460Burroughs George res IJG 16lh St NW L1797Burroughs John res TOT 1st Avc NW ,.L2698Burrows—See also BurroughsBurrows Mrs A res 795 dih St NE H2053Burrows E ret 1119 Stii Avc W M2268Burrows G D res SOS 6lb Ave W M442e

Burt Mrs A res 928 5th Ave NE..._ RllBlBurton F W Boivncts Park 91-6421Burton H W re* 1S30 ISa .St W W2403

Burton J res S13 Inlh St NW. .L1832Burton J W res 2116 6lh St W M1791Burton James E res 202 3rd Ave NE... H1460Burton Mrs T 91-5731Burlwistic C L rej 14 Ward Blk. nl549Burvll E V res 2910 H-A St E .E5797Burwash A res 603 l3th Avc E M1623

Burwasfi P M - 91-1225

BUS STATION Soutliam Bldg M2131Buichn Albert res 629 23r.l Ave W R1665Bush C C res 818 20lh Ave W M4762Bush 0 D res 426- Ifith St NW L2624Bushelkin A res 2208 7lh St W W1530Bushell F G res 221 Isl Ave W R1468Bushell P res 1405 3td St NW H.1721Bushfield A J 91-1615Buthlield Archie ret 386 7th Ave NE H1492Bushfielrl H F - - 91.1614Bushfield H S 91-1514Bushfield Ray ...91-1223Bushfield Mrs S J res 404 17tb Avc NW H1284Bushfield S R 91-1513Bushfield Miss Sadie res 382 16th Ave NW H2910Busslfnger J ,,..91-3513Busslinger Julius 91-3813BUSWELL OR R E Eye Ear Nose &

Throat 508 Snutbam Bldg M50S7Buswell Dr R E res Falliser Hold - M82Butchart E A res 1433 5ih St NW H2774Butehart W B res 332 33lh Ave W 51116Bulcher Chas N res I1DS loth Avc W W1202



Phone M4444 ot. M7996

BUTCHERS A PACKERS SUPPLIES LTD omcc & Show Rooms 702Centre St M4533Warehouse i Shipping Dept... M5014John Job res 1505 25ih Ave tV W2636'J' (Dave) Gots res 430 Tih St NE KZMZ

Butler Agencies 514 lllh Ave W M798I

Butler C E res 1440 4-A St NW H3366

Butler G Frank tt-s 4 Afton Apts ___....„....R1780Butler H C res 928 5th St NW U895

Butlin James res 320 3C0i Avo SW,,.,. S0125

Butt John C res 3040 Gloncoc Rd .S1217

Buttais William res 305 18th Avc W..,_ _...,M1326

Butters Mrs W H res 12 Huntly Apis ....M4901

Butters W J res 2700 Stir St W W2732Bulterwick Mrs G E m 338 Oih Ave NE H1926Butterwick G F res 3-902 Centre St N H2876

Buy-Ritc Store Grrac & Fruit* 807 ITlll Av W..W2262Bye S H res 208 Itith St NW L232SByers Haicl B res 321 2nih Ave W M1783flyers Jack rej 906 19lh Ave W. WZHSBygravc H R res 923 3rd Avc .\W _.L148D

Byrne—Sec also Bumc

Byrne Francis P res 40(19 Elbow Drive ,.50877

BYRNE FRANCIS P & CO LTD.3rd i'ir Toronto General Trusts BldgSecretary & Genera! OfGee M1880I" P Byrne PccsiJcnt M1891F P Byrne Pres res .5.0877J G Gcnimcll Sccy res W41S2K S Ijngfeldl res 50838

Byrne G U res 3 Goderieh Apis a, :W1952Byrne T C res 1320 Ist St NW..._ .3.,...


C C Cash Grocery 1048 Sth St E.._ E5502CFAC Taylor Pearson & Carson Braadeast-

irg Co Ltd 1006 Souliiam Bidg -.R1036CFCN The Voice of the Prairies Ltd Toronto

Genera! Trusts Bldg .M1161

OslCii Alhcrlan Radio Studio Renfrew Bldg j '̂ooiCNR Grocery & Confte 1420a Isl Si W M2339C P Smoke Shop JtS 9th Avc E M23S0Cable A E H res 1609 2515 Ave SW.... .W4S88Cable's Grocery ^1^1424Cabot Dr C M Eye Ear Nose S4 Throat

214 Cth Avc W M9S74Cabot Dr C M res 1435 81I1 St NW H2S83Caddick John Thomas ret 610 15th Ave NE....H2793

CADILLAC & LA Motors Ltd 321 7lh Ave W M4024

Cadman E W rei 727 ITih Ave NW H2052Cadman Miss Jessie res 626 18th Avc NW H21J04Cadman U W res 12 Hntficld Court MldeO

CADZOW T F LTD Livestock Commission Merchants Slock Yards East Calgary E5301

Cadjow T F res 1115 Colborne Crescent .W1324Caffrey Mrs Margaret res 405 Undonvood Blk... M2924Caggle J S res 112 Garden Creiceot..... .M2062Cahlil J W res 694 5th Ave W M7464Cailes Henry res '223 26th Avo E, M4316Callcs L C res 1S35 30lh Avc SW W1636Cain Mrs James res 308 5lti Ave W _..M3901Cain Wilfred res 832 'J2iirl Avc W. M4498Calritey R D ret 1626 12th Avo W3I.60

Page 26: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

20 Cai CALGARY Cal

NUMERICAL INDEXTo The Telephone Directory

For The City of Calgary

"Tells you (he Name of Subscriber on Any Telephone Numberin the City of Cal!;ary that is Listed in the Directory."


COPIES aiAT BE OBTAINED ON AI'PLlC.iTION TODirectory Supervisor, Alberta Government Telephones

M4734 119 6lh Avc. West. Calgary, AHa. M4733


Per Copy

CAIRNS <1 M Barrister £ Solicitor707 Ijocastcr Blri.e M2252

Cairns J M res oU.I 40th Ave W S1I71Cutlincss Cartage SOO Stii Avc \V M1622


CalecrU Grocery & Conicc 02S I2ili Ave W...W4424CalScr Alex R B res MZ Scarboro Ave W4503Calder Ocntal Lab OU Lccson-Liiicham BIk..... M2575Caldcr W A res 527 ISih Avc W W4454Caldwell A res 1250 12th Avc W W2969

CALDWELL KNITTING CO LTDManiilactufcrs o/ Hosiery Sweaters i: CapsTr^tirrs Bid; 3II1 3st St W M31331. W CalilHeli .Msr res 110 Garden Cres M5019

Caldwell Mrs Row.ona res 505 2rd St W M9339Calgary Aero Club OH Airirart 12th Ave & Sth

St NE H27S5

CALGARY ARTIFICIAL LIMBFACTORY M W Krcller Mgrt:o.5a-00r. 1st St K M4070

CALGARY ASSOCIATE CLINIC214 C-th Ave W :M9S74Private Brandt Exchange connccltng all OfficesDr D S Mactiab

Dr Albert E AikcnhcatlDr J Scovi] MurrayDr G D StanleyDr Harold W PriceDr E P Scarlett

Dr A J Fnher

Dr C M Cabot

Dr Hugh SluartDr Krcdcrieic niclierDr H V MorganDr Ilobcrt S«an

Dr 71 C Gross

Calgary Autt> Body Works rear 2IS 13 Avc W.M1712CALGARY AUTO PARTS

211 lOih St NW - L144SCalgary Badminton Club oil Av & llldciu Rcl ... S1244CALGARY BATTERY CO

!l..n Barkrr Mgr lira lltli Ave W.... M7744Calgary Bindery K Hertcsprutig lOS 2nd St W,...R2442Calgary Blind Club 114 7th .4te E M1343CALGARY BOX CO LTD

2102 lOU. Avc W W3118

(1 R Weaver -Mgr res 30-1 Suiwrior Avc W4236CALGARY BREWING <Ss

MALTING CO LTD E C2ilgary. E5681rriiaiv Auloiiiaiiv Exchange connecting all Depts

Calgary Biokerage Exchange 327 SlIi Ave E..M7713CALGARY BROKERS LIMITED

400 .10:! Lecson-Liiichara BIk R1016

Calgary Builders' Supplies Ltd 5IS 9lli Ave W M7420CALGARY BUSINESS COLLEGE

221.1 S:li Avr W NW039

Calgary Cereal Co 3111 lit Avc ME M5470Calgary Chimney Sweep 313 lOth Ave E M2483CALGARY CLEANERS Ot

DYERS 1 E"4''- ""f 'w ''I M5277Calgary Clintcal Laboratory 224 Tth Avc W ... M9016Calgary CInthing Co 138 Sth Ave E-... M2934Calgaty Club 120 Slli Ave E M9771Calgary Co-op Fur Farmers Assn Ltd 1823

joth A^.• W W4806



Calgary Crematorium Bowncss Road L1S25

CALGARY CYCLE STOREStore So 1 709a 1st St E RX246Store No 2 315 17lh Avc W M5777


CALGARY ESTATES LTDT J S Skinner Il-J Ttli Avc E.... M1515


Administration BIdj M2732E L Richardson General Manager...- M2506Waller L Ross Chief Clerk res - L18S2

K W Burns Grounds & Buildings Supt rcs....M7524

CALGARY FARM & DAIRYSUPPLY LTD toe Agls John DccfePlow Co Ltd HJOTa iOO'J 1st 5l E M3022

Night Calls M C Brunncr res 50340

Calgary Farm Machinery & Supply Co 507 2ndSt E M4870

Calgary Fruit Ltd 523 9th Avc W {msoqoCalgary Furniture Store 228 Sth Ave E -...M1316

CALGARY GAS COMPANYLIMITED THE (Sec Canadian Western Natural Gas Liglit Heat dr Power CoLtd The! R2091

Calgary General Hospital—See HospitalsCalgary Golf & Country Club'Wcst Calgary. S0618

Office S06Q8Calgary Groecry H Sosinsky 328 4th Ave E... R29S2Calgary Hardware Store 226 Sth Avo E ....M1316Calgary Health Club 500 Lceson-Lincliain B!k....M5880




Machine Shop M2758Otfice M4322W Diion M.icliioc Shop Pbrcmau res S0022J 11 Anderson Mgr res L2679



CALGARY KWALITY HATCHERYT J Garbrrt C34 17lh Ave W.... M9677

Calgaiy Mrlllnciy Store 133 Slh Ave W M5909CALGARY MONUMENTAL CO

E S Somcrviile 121 lllth Avc W M1391Calgary fAortgage Corp Ltd Dam Bank Bfdg M3192CALGARY NEWS CO

123 Slh Avc W M7007Calgary Optical Cti 705 Ceiilrc St M2250

(.! S Easlhnm Mgr res M979S


CALGARY PONTIAG LTDGeneral Service Garage S30 Ifilh Ave W R1955

Directory Advertising Pays

CALGARY POWER GO LTDInsurance Exchange 313 Sth Ave WI.NFOILMATfO.N MS728

COMMEnaAt. DEPARTMENT {m562SOPF-KATING AND ENGINEERING ") ueto.:DEI'AimiESTS IIt B Sherman Operating Superintendent J •"44UJ McMillan Purchasing Agent fiflS654ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT M5726BILLl.NG & COLLECriONS - M5728

PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT )II J McLean Production Su|>eriiil<ndcnt (NEW BUSINESS DEPARTMENTW Anderson Salcj Manager 1I, H Hunt LIgliting F.ngiiiecf j M5748SUB STATION East Cslgsry. £5357PRHStDENT—G A Galierty M5778VICE-PRESIDENT—R B Baxter. M5778M.ANAGER— G H Thompson— M5778NIGHT CALLS

Sub Slalion East Calgarj-. ..............;..eS357Operating Superintendent res.... ..W1432District Supervisor res W2S51Engineer res H3055J'roducUon Superintendent res S01S8System Operator res L220Srurcliasiiig Agent res S0167

CaTgary Prophetic Bible Institute 516 Stli

A'"® "Calgary Radio 6 Gramophone Repair Co 60S

StCalgary Retail Credit Grantors

Credit Heporls 31U Slh Avc W. M7966Calgary Rugby Football Club SOU Lancaster ... M7806Calgaiy Sthool Division No 41 507 Burns DldB..M2880CALGARY SCRAP IRON &

METAL CO -507 2iid Si E M4870A S Honvili Mgr res 35UI 22nd Ave w W2193

Calgary Sheet Metal & Plumbing 22U 5th Av E M1684CALGARY SHOE HOSPITAL A




Calgary Stock Exchange Elks Bldg '-!.M5089Memliers' Plione M3134

CALGARY TAXI Herbert 1-andry Nuble

CALGARY TAXIDERMIST 1 Wllookc Prop cor Slh Ave A UHi St W ... , M24S1

CALGARY TENT A AWNINGCD UowlUig Bros Ill-la ITlli Avc W M7606



Calgary Unity Centre 22J.i 8ih Ave W M4758Calgary Valet Service—Sea Valet Cleuiicrs &



Harry E Stockton 602a Centre St M3391




• Doaiinlon To-n


Page 27: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Cal CALGARY Can 21

For Long Distance Rates to All Farts of America

Ctlgary Water Power Co Ltd COd IniiiranceE-tritinec 213 Sill Ave W MS7a8

Calhoun A ros 1331 33lh St NW L2286Calhoun George J rc-t l-SJ'J dlli Ave W M178SCallternia Fi uit Growers Ex 28 Michael Uidj... M1487Cilliway M F rw 1311 13ih Avc W WWSSCailiway Norman M res 1005 ISlli St W W2035Cjllbeek W E 91-63X2Calllttcr Edward K ret 72S lit Avo NW L1144Calmont Oils Ltd 3ril Floor Toronto General

Trmis Bids ,..,....R1120•I Coxon Sco-Treas res ,...„.,..„'...S0207

Cjloren J H reu 1530 Sili Ave B ES501Calow Fred res 2630 lOa St NW U2213Calow Stanley C res 323 33t!» Avo NW H1531CALWIN ROYALTIES LTD

304 Luncatlcr Bids R1513Cameron A rot 7 Old Qoird of Trade Bid; M3011Cameron Alex res -RlOJlCameron Alfred ret 1733 Ulli Ave W W3559Cameron C R rca 1313 7th St NIV HIS02Cameron G M res 525 IBtli Ave W M5127Cameron Gordon M res 1S27 IGa St W, W139SCameron Mrs H res 210 Ctli Avo B........ M5d2SCameron H B res 7S2 Blvd NW 14067Cameron Miss I res 324 JiTh Ave 7V - M5ie3CAMERON J MoKINLEY KC

H.irfi5lrr 10-3283 Stii Ave W MS660Cameron J McKinlcy res S55 Prosjicct Ave... WX114Cameron Dr John G Ctilronraclor 003 Grain Ex M3d66Cameron Dr John C rvs I53il ISlh Ave W WJ730Cameron Mrs M ret 1613 Ulli Avo W W3S09Cameron M S res 203 11th Ave NW H1109Cameron Robert James rrs 1413 4a St E M5B16Cameron T S res 1140 Prospect Ave W1508Cameron Thai H res 820 14lh Avo W M1869Camp G L res 330 Nohio Hotel M2244Camp W L res 701 Srd Ava NW L1707Campanelll Mrs E res 803 Srd Avo NW L2506Campbell A res 206 6l!i Ave NB - H32eOCampbell A res 225 27th Ave SE M2418Campbell A B D ret 1134 loth Avo W...-.......W2225Campbell A 0 res 3102 Talon Ave W2704Campbell A G res 1344 14th Avo W W4683Campbell A J res 610 ISlh Ave E M4163Campbell A J res 835 22nd Ave SE E5009Campbell A L res 709 10th St NW L2670Campbell A M m 81l liih Ave W MaSllCampbell Alex G res 450 22nd Ave NE H1466Campbell Archie T res 1221 Bownoss ltd L1278Campbell C J res 1710 t3th St W W2580CAMPBELL C il LTD Inturanoo Real

Estate Luaus & Ileijtals 401 403 LaricnitcrBids M43S9

Campbell 0 L res 4 Sills Apis M4971Campbell Daniel J ret 324 6th Ave NE. H3242Campbell Mrs E A res C'917a 17th Ave W ..„W3111Campbell E D (St Rly» ret 1913 So SI W IV17350Campbell E D res 70S Crescent Rd H1909Campbell E M res 003 24tli Ave W M1602Campbell Ernest S rvt 1)20 Iti Avo NW L1045Campbell F - -...91.1621Campbell F rat 250 'Jltt Ave NE H2820Campbell F A res 1803 Oih St W W1295CAMPBELL OR F T PlijsleiaD J>

SniBcon Tilo Soutliani BiJg M4775Dr {•• T Campbell res 710 Elbow Drive RlOSlIf no ans%rct call M2428

CAMPBELL FLORAL SEEDS &NURSERIES LTD Store t.aneasturBUg 721 2nd St W M1726G B Campholl Store Mjrriracriliiiiiics Hillhiirst -...L13a7T W Cimpbell res 1480 Sih Ave NW L1442

Campbell Mrs G ret 2424 17o St W W4078Campbell G 8 ret 410 IStli SI NW ...LlSOaCampbell George B res 1212 6lb Avo NW U207

See Pages IV to VI

CAMPBELL & QRIFFIN LTD34S lltb Ave W R1026I'rivate Branch Exchange connecting nil DcpisCreamery I'foduets Butter X'elvct Ice Cream& I'oultryNight Calls alto Sundays di Holld.iys R102S

Campbell Miss Helen res 1403 1st St NW .... H191BCampbell Mrs Hilda res 1520 IGib Ave W WiSSO

CAMPBELL A HILLIER LTDlOiimbitig iL Hraling 1032 ITlh Ave W W4260John S CoKio Secy res 122 12th Are NW H3436

Campbell J 0 res 3603 Elbow Drive S0572Campbell J V ,91-3222Campbell James res 107 loth Ave NW H27iGCampbell James K res 3802 To St SW S0632Campbell Jean L res 322 34th Ave W M3283Campbell John res 200 lOlh Avv NE H2265Campbell L A res 534 lllh Ave NW H2346Campbell Murdo res S23 5th Ave NE H2684Campbell Mrs N H rvs 1014 13lh Avo W W4992Campbell Neil res 431 Ulh Ave NE H1950Campbell Norman A res liST Krsnlcnao Ave. W4770Campbell R res 010 23rd Ave W M3919Campbell R Marshall res lOSQ 6th Avg W M328SCampbell R V res 2205 20lli St W W4714Campbell T res 2509 16 A St SE E5851Campbell T C res 119 24th Ave W M4950Campbell T E res 200 2nd Ave NE H2927Campbell T W res 301 6lh Ave NE-..- K1019Campbell Tom res 2113 Hope St VV1756

Campbell Tom Co Ltd Men's Hatters 516ii SlhAve W M4898

Campbell W rea SOS ISih Ave NW H1659Campbell W Colin rex 3S21 7th St W 51263Campbell W E res 335 24th Av« W M9466Campbell W M res SIS 18th Avb W W1926CampbdII W T res 3 Zclda Apis M570SCampbell William res 5710 Olh St W W3716Campbell William res 1835 18a St W W1539Campbell Wm res 1112 ITlh Ave W W4262

CAMPBELL WILSON di HORNELTD Wholesale Grocers 321 lOtli Ave tVCity Orders M4151Ckiuntry Orders £i Long UUlanec.. M2D22Buyei—Stanley Horne M2566Acrvunling Oept—J Home. .M3197Shipper M1607Mnnager'a residence .W4157

Campkln C res 031 IGth Ave E -.,.M175SCANADA ACCIDENT AND

FIRE ASSURANCE CO T J SSkinner Co Ltd {'rovliiclal Agta 817 1stSt E M3910

CANADA CEMENT CO LTDA H McGuire Sales Mgr 710 Soulham Bidg M1925East Calgary I'rojierty E Hirst E5161A H McCiulre Sales Mgr re> 614 Eltiow Dry M9272

CANADA COLONIZATIONASSOCIATION 11 S Kent DislHclSupi Itooiii 112 CPR Station M81 321

CANADA CREOSOTING COLTD Ilegiomil Office 1910 Otil Ave W MU66




CANADA LIFE ASSURANCECO Ins Dcpt 4lh Fir Canada Life BltiB .. RI203Agents Of(ki R1204Guorge t.omas Manager res S12S1INVICSTMENT DEPARTMENT ftl205N H Moody ManagerA E Cufiln Secretary

MacCOSHAM STORACEMovinq Made .Eus>:

Phone M4444 ofcM7996

CANADA MALTING CO LTDPUiit i General Office E Calgary ... E5379M.anagcr's residence L R Hess E5230

CANADA PACKERS LTD (M2S35.Sales Office II L Perry BIdg .'JMZSJSLivesloeV Dept Stockyards E.ast Calgary E5090

CANADA PAINT CO LTD7as lllh Ave W M7352

CANADA PERMANENT TRUSTCO THE 11 L Spankie Mgr S5 CanadaLife 81% M2626

Canada Pumps Ltd SOS 9tl> Ave W M93Sa


CANADA SECURITY ASSURtANCE CO Branch Oirice Ground FloorDominion Bank Bidg MSlGfiRonald F Swainr Branch Supt res 51264

Canada Steamship Lines 804 4ih St W ..M3820Canada West Products Co tiOTa Uth Ave W M5393Canada West Securities Corpn Ltd Dominion

Bank BIdg 143192


CANADA WIRE Os CABLE COLTD 514 Srd St W .... IM7328I B Caddis Uist Mgr res 8052 Snd St W S070SH L Smart res .312 21st Ave W M3896


CANADIAN ALLIS-OHALMERSLTD cor 4tli St W & nth AvoiSee Canadian Genera! Electric Co Ltd) MX121

CANADIAN BAKERIES LTD13lh Ave ii 11th .St W ,.M7946Brivato Branch Exchango comieetlng all DeptaNIGHT CALLS

Sliipping Dept M7946D .Mitchell M7947Office M7948H £ Wrisht ret S0553D A Ross res W2862R W Ward res -.W4a03

CANADIAN BANK OP COMMERCE THE 101 Slh Ave W ... M8541Private Orancli Exchange connectingall DeptaGeneral Banking OfficeManager H E Ccddes

PEftSONAL LOAN DEPARTMENT809 Centre St m.M5S44J W fioberlson ManogerManagar'a ret 230B SOtfi Av» W

EIGHTH AVENGE WEST BRANCH800 Sth Avo W iM37T4J H McDowell Manager —-•...•....M230SManagar'a ret 1306 Fronfenaa Ave -... W3I19

FIRST ST WEST BRANaf 1203 l«t St W M1823A W penfland Mgr nt 311 87U> Av« W S023dStaff Apnrtmcnti W3238

SUPERINTENDENTS 4 INSPECTOR'SDEPARTMENT 800 Centra St - MS543J Moreion Supsr'nfendent M9432r D Patterson Insiwclor

Canadian Blower & Forgb Co Ltd80S yih Ave W M98ea

Canadian Cafe Lucy Chauu 338 Slh Ave E..... M9274Canadian Ccai Exchanjc Ltd 316 l-ancatier.... M2352Canadian Corps Assn In Alta 118 8th Ave W..M30il

Page 28: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

23 Can CALGARY Can






UcjTiftd Trustee in Bankruptcy LiquidatorsMercantile As<ncy Insurance and BusinessLocators

Aceountit^ Department W H Andrews M3227Mercantile Agency Kenneth Marr - M3255Estates and Insurance A N Ledger. M3227Liquidations and Collections W Wait..—.. W11303Businesses lor Sale Department M3227

(M3227Manager's Office Walter Gcddcs 7M1303Manager's residence 1805 ISth St W..._ W4975

CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO LTD THEAccounting Dcpl SlO-12 flth Avo W. M2590City Order - M2592Manager's Office H C Rindflcisch Mgr M2589H C Rindflcisch Mgr res W1870

CANADIAN FIRE INSURANCE (M7291CO Renfrew Bids )M7292W J Snadricn Mgr res SSi7 Elbow Drive S0324

Canadian Flour & Feed Co CO" 4th St E M733S

CANADIAN FREIGHTWAYS410 Itivcmidc Blvd M5881


Canadian General Associates Auto insurance212 7ih Avc M3700

CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LTD Cor 4ih StW t nth Avc MU21Private Branch Eschange connecting all DcptsDtstrict Manager R S TrowsdaleAppliance Sates Mgr B A ChoppcnMerchandise Sales Mgr H E MiifcrAi>pac3tus Engineer P F PceleNight Calls Service J M Pcrrin H^O/N'ifiht Calls Sen-ice S Lilchinsky L2759.

CANADIAN GOVERNMENTELEVATOR W J McMulUn Supttl-JT c-ilg.vry Public Bldg • "75^Eiev-aior East Calgary

Canadian Import Grocery 125 8th Avc E M7097CANADIAN INDEMNITY CO (^7291

Rcnlrcw Bldg ^"'292W .1 Snaddon Mgr res 3817 Elbow Drive S0324

CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITEDEvj.loiivK Division—Beddiiiston

CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITEDI lirinir.i! irnrtiiiirr Division 21.i JO Av \\ M1345

CANADIAN INDUSTRIESfaint fc V,irni5h Uivi-.ioM 714 2iia .St E .... M4344

CANADIAN INDUSTRIES "-'MITEDbait Diviiiion ii H L Perry Bldg M9194

CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLECO LTD Williinsun & McfJIcan LtdAlbr-ria Disirilmt.jrs filo Stii Avc W M4351A M Taylor «cp res 730-Alexander Crcs ....H1656

CANADIAN tlUNKOO THE 3036lh Avc. E .,......M3588D A Dvorkin Mgr res M2326

Canadian Kclloga Co Ud East Calsnry.. C5966





Alberta Provincial Council 511 LccsoU'Lilic-

iiam Blk Provincial Secretary S G Pcllcy M2054CALGARY (ALBERTA No Ij BRANCH118 7 th Avc EManager J W Kussell ..M4721Members PhonesBilliard Hall M565SLounge Room M5412

Canadian Liquid Air Co Ltd 202 Ist St E M4223Order Desk M4239P Hesleton res 2JS 5th Avo NE .H2361

CANADIAN MEAT MARKETAlf Barroll Prup Mil lllli St W W1073

CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS13th Ave Si 1st St W Vehicle Call ServiceExpress Enquiry & on Hand Dcpt M5680E.vprcss Agent and Chief Clerk M3136

Canadian Nationai Institute for the BlindRoy P Thompson Old Court House Bids4tli St W ..M842 31

CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYSINFORMA'nON AS TO TR^MNS MS656baggage nr»om Station M5656PASSENGER DEPARTMENTCity Ticket Agent 218 8lh Ave W Rail StSteamship M3626Station Ticket Agent Rail Si Steamship M56SGFREICHT DEPARTMENTDivision Freight Agent 218 Slh Ave W ChiefClerk Rales & Trac'ing -— M1840SoUcillng Freight Agent M107OlA(cai Freight Agent Claims Tracing ChiefClerk Rates M5885Inquiry C I. & L C L Shipments Car OrderCar Rental MS86SAccountant Cashier M5966Shed Foreman MS850OI'ERiA'nNG DEPARTMENTSuperintendent & Chief Clerk M2009Yardmastcr - M9433Locomotive Foreman 4: Storekeeper E5410Asst Supt Sc Master Mechanic M729aAccouiilant and Maintenance of Way M7298Investigation Department M2835

CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS 2IS 8lli Ave WTo send a telegram or call for Messenger ... M9555Main City Office Manager 11 Jones _.M9555Grain Exchanec Branch Slh Floor HeraldBldg Trading Floor i,..M5040Booth Phono Grain E.vdiange Branch BthFloor Herald Bldg

CANADIAN OIL CO'S LTD20'J4 Dtli Avc WOrder Desk & Cenerul Office M2921C D Ciley Divnl Manager ] _,..M3753H W Smith Accountant ],I L Hayes Credit Manager M2874A Dewart, Shipper res L1403II W Smith res S0W9C D Ciley resDulniadgc's Wliilo Rose Service StationU02 Centre SI N

CANADIAN PACIFIC EXPRESSCO 215 Sth Ave M5576Private Branch Exchange connecting all DcplsMotor Service On Hand CustomsAgent Asst Agtnt Depot Agent


Cily Ticket Olficc 124a Slh Avc WPrivate Anfoniatie Exchange coimccting nilDepartments

Direct cenneetlen may be obtained with theundermentioned Officials and Departments bycalling the numbers Indicated below. To ob-tain other Departments call M61 9 and askoperator (or department desired.After 11 pm call MSI 201INFORfinATION

Trains—Arrivals Departures Connectionsetc M81 201Passenger Fares & Ticket Enquiries (Sundays—OfOcc open one hour before train times) IVtSl 202Sleeping Car Accommodations (Sundays—Office open one hour beforo train limes) ... M81 203Baggage M81 204Express MS576Freight Hale MSI 301Telegrams .'. . RlOOlTickets—Railway Si Steamship M81 202Tickets—Sleeping Car M81 203Tickets—Railway Si Steamship City Olfice124a 8th Ave W

8.30 am to 5.30 pm except Sundays (M4970and Holidays JM5077



District Aecounlniit C Malcolm M81 206Chlcl Clerk F C Forstcr MBl 206Gcncr.l1 Olfice Mgi 260Payroll Accountant J iDcnholrD }Chief Ocrlt H Robb p"'" ^81 234Machine Room M31 3"4BAGGAGE TRANSFER M395SBAGGAGE

Baggage Master—.T MacKinnon MSI 204Chief Clerk—J D H Frascr M81 207District Mall d: Baggage Agent-D Millar..MSI 207

CAR SERVICE(See Transportation)

CLAIMS—Baggage m81 207CLAUDS Freight Loss and Damage0 S i D Clerk—W E Hiiglics M81 208Grain Claims—A W Richmond M6l 208Chief Clerk—J T Lister M81 209Freight Clnlm Agent—J Stevenson M81 209Cl.AIfiflSi GENERAL, Other than Baggage

and FreightDistrict Clqims Agent—H Cormack M81 210Chief Clerk—W 1 Chislioirn


DIVISION FRWCHT OmCE—Alberta DivisionRate Oerk—G Donnlil M81 301Overcharge Claims S: Diversions—M A J Hicks M8l 302Chief Clerk—E Black )

Division Freight Agent—G A StaplesJCITY FREIGHT OFFICJS

Travelling Freight Agent—H E Scoll MBl 304City Freight Agent—T Hooks. MBl 305

(Continued on Next Page)




Page 29: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Can CALGARY Can 23


HARRY109 - 8th Avenue West



More Makes, More Shopes

Every bowl guaranteed


Intiuiry Iiibumiii Freight J MeJlroyC«>liiiir R li UaleAccounlaiil J K Ittiullnls*Chid 0/S Clerk and Adjuslmenl*H J Bonn

Adjuilnieiils Oullwimd—J C Cooklluiitlli and Outside CoUsctioiis WCar Order and Grain UrskA D YoiinBJ CafToll

Clalmj & Inipcelions—D Clark ....Uvcn & Shurls—A B Biiuilc..._..

Iiilwund Hales—S H By?Ihilboutid Rales—W Emery ...........Clilel Clerk—J A McBuriieyLocal Kreishi Agent—R Scarralt .Alter S pm and on Hviidays call .

SHED orncE

Shed Fiirvmaii—J 1! SnillliAist Chid Clerk—A l(odg«sChecker dlli St WChteker—Imperial OilSTOCK YARDSFiolglit ClerkFUEL

Fuel UeparlnientGENERAL SUPERINTENDENT{Alberta District)C'iilrf Clerk—A L I.oivc M81As»l Chlel Qerk—c C Connolly MSXI'.m Clerk—Ml,, E 1 SliepiMird M81Car nnd Freighi Tracer- Mrs M VV Hill ... M81Transwlatiiin Clerk—A H Wnrron M81Transporiaiio,, Anlstaiil—F II FIdl MBlMcchanien) Dcrk—H (• Sinclair M8XMailer Mechanic—H M Allan M?!Engniucr j Qcrk—F T Jarvls M81Uljtrlvl Engineer—T Lees M81General Superintendent—E D Cotterell .. M81


INFORMATION as to Trains M81 201

INSURANCE DEPARTMENTInsurance lusiwclor-U G Milieu M81 2S1INVESTIGATION MB! 219IMI-ICE DKI'IItispcclor—W J Wsll.KeCliid Clerk—li J Calder

legal DEPARTMENT<See Dapartment of Natuial Resources)

medicalLTild Mcdica) Omeer—Dr L S Moekid M3368

OCPEM-iUUES DEPTL'hid Orrk—0 F RosonB"" - JM81 420Bislritt Slotrthceper—i G Trudd.,.., JM81 421GeiK-rai Foremen—R G Beimclt M81" 422SHOPSWurlis Manager—J P Kelly M01I oiver lionsc MBX"Kdickecpcr M8XVatdn,j5i(r—R ADart MBXpassengerWSTHICT PASSENQKR QFKIC?Rate Clerk—H Cong MSIRvluiid CImk—J E Nivlns MBXtlilel Clerk—G MHall ,Siwtld INpssmger Reii -E OlOecr I MQlDistrict I'ASseiifiet Agent—J w Dawjon J

Max 306Max 306M8i 307


M81 308M8X 308

Aluir ... M81 309

M8X 310Max 3X1M81 312M81 312M81 314M81 314MBX 3XS

M61 3153X4

M81 316.. M81 3X6

,.M01 233..M81 427


..M81 232















STATION TICKET OFITCEiSuiidavs—Ollicc open one hour Ixlorctrain times)Chid Clerk—W M SjurkTieket Agent—R Wood -SIcopins Car AccommodationsCITY TICKET OFFICE 124a Slli Avp WWeek Davs 8.3U am to 8.30 pm

CInel Clerk E T McGuire

Oty Tie)(el Agent—K J Hurkell


Paymaster—E 11 BoalehAsst Paymaster—C A MlUsnAsst Paymaster—F M llardl*PURCHASING

Chid Clerk—J A lostAceouiilanl—C VV llawltp ..Order Clerk Commissary—II It InipeyPurchasing Agent—R J While


SLEEPING CAR RESERVATIONSSleeping Car AecommoilallunaiSuiiduys—Oriiee open ono hour hcforetrain times)


Chid Clerk U It BlackAceountanl—C Child*Terminal Inspccloi—-A J Cunnlnghoin .....Liiirn Roum—II J JjckaonNens DeiMrlmoiil—C H Cuniiliiglinin ...D C Stores—II TaylorSlallon News Stand ...Lost Property ClerkSui>eriiitcndenl—\V A Madarlano

STATION master—J C CorKllellow

STEAMSHIPS—Atlantic and PacificServices


City Ticket Oincc S8I) ntp to 5 30 pme*ccpt Sunday, and Holiday,

SUPERINTENDENT iCalgary Division)Chid Ciork—L Newtiy

Division Ensinecr—R C HarrisII & B Maslcr—J B McDowellGeneral Clork—C W BoydAssistant Suiwrlnlcmient—C I! ListerDivision Master Merhnntc—VV D Dickie ,SuperinlGiiiionl—J W Wllkcs

VAnU OFl'ICK—(Alyth)liifornialion re Cars In nnd OutCrew Clerk,CIncI Clerk—0 f'hilllp, ....GctiernI Yard IHasler—H II FloremllneVptil Mitsler (W«»i Calgary)—J Slirpp ....YARDS

Cur Fotemsn fAlyfh)—C .1 Cmrtcr ....„Coach Yard Foreman iCalgaryj—

C X Mealoii

nOUNDIlnUSE (Alylh)Ci.'w ClerksI.iii'omolivc Foreman

Tiinvkeepi-rSlnrekecijerTELEBBAPHS(See Canadian Profit tejajraplis)TICKET OFFICES(Sec Passengei)TIE YARD—Nws* Crcsk—WaWhmaji M593B

MS) 202

M81 203

JM4970•• (M5077

.M81 224

MBl 22SM81 226

MB! 228MBI 225MBl 251

MSI 203

MBl 253

MBl 252




-MBl 253. MBl 253

MSI 258





MBl 202

... M4970

M81 220

MSi 261M81 251

M81 262M81 262

MBX 262M81 220


E5690M81 273

.... ES6B5

MBl B31

.... E523S

.... E545S

.... E5224

.... E5224



TRANSPORTATION—Tracing & Car ServiceCar and Freight Tracer—Mrs M IV Hill M81 215Car Order Clork I Freight Siicibl M81 310Inlormaliou Cars Arriving & Departing

(Alyth) E56B6Trjii,|joriaiioii Qork—A H Warren M81 216Transiiorlallon Assistant—F H Flett MBl 216


District Su!>erinl.-ndcnt—H S Kent M81 321Supervltor—W R Dick MBl 321Chid Cleric—K C Momo MBl 321


Manager—S G Porter MBl 351

Chief Clerk—E W ThtrlwelJ M81 351Branches


Chid Aecountant—P E Milcson M81 370Aecountani—T C Rnniaiig MBl 3~0{^sliler—0 MeCraelini MBl 370

AGRICULTURAL & ANIMAL INDLiSTRVSuporinlemieiit—J MrCulIoeb M81 373Chid Clork Animal Industry—VV M Liltlr MBl 373


Coal & Peirnlvum Leases—B L Tliurne .... M61 372,1 B d« Hart MBl 372

F..\GINEERINGChid Engineer—A Griffin M81 353Assl Eiigiiievr— G P F 'Boese M81 353Drattiiig Room MSI 353Chlel Surveyor—P T Townsend M81 363.


Geuerat Supt ol Lands—A Nrwnan MBl 337Chiel Clerk—f A G SIcLeaii MBl 357TAW Reid Nia 360Foreslet—K Macliiiin MSI 363Assigiiments ft Transfers—R VV Sauihem MBl 355COLLKXrriONS & INSPECTIONSSu|icrinteniienl—H A Harvey MBl 361Grain l)e,k—J Verrmr MBl 361Asst Siiperliiiemlent—J Miller - M81 358Clnef Clerk—T A HaUali MSI 3S8Chief [iispeclor—E CTirlwIl M81 371SALES lANDS ft TOWNSITESSupcriiiteinlent—VV J Cetuw M81 360Lands—C D Stewart M81 360Leases—P D Turker MBl 360Townslles—A Fled — MBl >60TAS

Ta* Comtiiissloncr—A E Hope MBl 368Chlel Qerk—F N Garrelt MBl >68STATIONERY f, SUPPLIESC Scott


LEGAL DEI'ART-MENTSolleit'jr—I Mi CiNg - MSl 367Atslslitnt Sniii itof—D VV C(ap|>ertol> M81 369Barrister—R if Mileholl ..MBlBurrlslef—CESiuart MBl





cAs IVI9696

Page 30: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

2't Can CALGART Car

STATION-TO-STATION CALLS ARE CHEAPESTThey are Calls from One Telephone to Anothcri when it is not Desired to

Establish Connection with a Particular Person.

CANADIAN PACIFIC TELEGRAPHS M^in Office C P R DepotSlh Ave & Cc.-Ilrc St MOOlTo phone a iclcsram or call for messenger ....fllOOlTriegriiph "Aeent—Donald f^sfieAssl Telegraph Agent—A A DuuglusBookkeeper to adjust accounts R1004

1M2363- IMS340

Broneb Office Insurance Elxebange Sll-SlSaSlh Ave W M5678

Branch Office Slock Yds East Calgary E5735Bntncb Office Palliser Hole! M82Supt Communication Alberta DistrictI. A Ravmond , M81 263Supl'a Chief Clerk—B C Cool M81 268Inspector—R E Larrabcc M31 269liispccior—J A Jopson M81 269Eiupnerr—II tV Dohridge M3X 269



CANADIAN POOL AGENCIESLTD C C Talek Supt 505 LoughecpJ Bidg... M4661

Canadian Red Cress Society—See Red CrossDepot M9004

Canadian Shoe Shine & Repair Parlor & DryCleaning iD3 Siii Ave E M1652

CANADIAN SIROCCO CO LTDA "Walker Distbr 3S97 3th St W M7173

CANADIAN TRACING BUREAUoOy Lccron-Linclrani Bik M4467

Canadian Trades 4 Labor Hail IH 7th Ave E. M4325


Private Automatic Exchange connecting all DeplsIt R miner KC PresidentE W Bonnrss ^'lee-PrcsilIcnt Sl Jtanaglcg DirectorH M lllll ManagerT A Montgomery AecoiinUntD K "Vuialii SccreUry

H l\' Francis Purchasing Agent M7511

CANADIAN WESTERN NATURALGAS LIGHT HEAT A POWERGO LTD THE HiS titli Ave w R2091Private ALloiuatic Exchange connecting allDciiarimenls—Turn on and Turn off, GasBilh, Complaints. Home Service, Etc.H 15 Wilncr KC PresidentE W Bowiicss Vice-president 4t Managing DirectorH S Watts Secrclary-TreasurcrP D Mellon General Supt 4 Chief EngrH W Francis Purchasing Agent M7511West End Shop cor 10th St 4 lllh Ave W R2091

CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSECO LTD Sales & Service SCO Slli Av W M7906H J McEwcn Mgr res 1318 12lh St W W1257W S Fearer Dist Eiigmccr res 1632 C Sl NW H2320Kijht Calls for Sales W4538Ni.;hl calls for Service W2973


Canary Transfer C W Burrows 938 3nl Av NW L1006Candy E C res S36 COtli Avo NW H1189Candyland Confectionery 138 Oih Ave W M2330Canelos John Baker & Conf 43 City Hall Mkt..R2b26Canclos John res 1S14 1st St N'E H1089

Bcdaeh OfCce ncr4ld

Canham A W res 55-1 3lh Ave NW .L2553Canncll Mrs Rebecca res 3411 3rd Avo NW L1043

Carnlff B E res 520 Rideau Rd 50580


Canning A F res I40S 7th St W M7690Canning M F res 6 Aberdeen Apts M1742Cannon b A res SIS 2.7th Ave W M244S

Cannon J H res 3024 tSlIi Ave W _..„.W4811Cannon R A res 1116 7th Ave W M340SCant William res 425 11th Ave NE H2026Cantley Mrs E res 1330 3tli Ave E E5488Canton Chop Sucy Parlor 306 Centre St R1670Canlwell Mrs Bertha res 3 Crown BIdg M5091Cantwell J J res 314a 12th Ave W W1291Canyon Oils Ltd 301 Albcrtan BIdg M9970Cape Miss W M res 1133 IVcstmount Blvd ....... LI536Cap^ll F W res 306 lath Ave NE H2454CAPITAL CARPET CO IS Cul-rove

Apts M2489

CAPITAL INSURANCE AGENCIES-100 Burns BIdg M5133A C Ifagen Special AgentO D Louden Special Agent


Capitol Land Co 611 Centre St ,..M5315Capitol Radio Service 611 Centre St .M5315

CAPITOL THEATRE R Mitcheltree Mer8th Ave W .M4074District Office M2S33

Caplan J res 824 Slh Ave W M4289CapoccI Frederick res 401 1st Ave W M9143

CAR A GENERAL INSURANCECORPORATION United Grain GrowersSecurities Co Ltd Gen Agts Loughecd BIdg M5561

CAR-A-VAN SERVICE P J SpearMgr rear 610 6lh Ave W M3666

Carbon Transport 1010 2nd St E M27975M9177(M5289

Card Slallord res 620 ISlli Ave NW Hi603Cardcll H J res 1403 7lh St W ...R2821Cardiff C M res 1000 11th St E E5131

Carey—Sec Gary

Carle W A res 233 3rd Ave NE H2923

Carliie—Sec also Carlyle

CARLILE A McCarthy LTDStock 4 Bond Brokers 4tb Floor Turoiito j[R187XGeneral Trusts BIdg ^M9428Bond I'rading Dept Private Line ....M9427Information 4 Sloek Quotations m..,......,.„_...M9429

Night Callsn C Carliie (Bondsl res _.S0462

E J Yorath (Bonds) res S1154J M Dillon Jr (Stocks) res 50021

Carliie R C res 1118 Rivcrdale Ave - _....S0462Carlin L E res 214 9lh Ave NE H2093Carlscn Mrs M res 237 34|.h Avo W M30D9

Carlson G rts 402 S3th Ave NW .H2780• Carlson Herbert 2211 ICa Sl W W1179

Caiison Herman I'm 112 10th Ave NW .H1427

Carlson Oscar res 2202 Olh St E E5045

Carlstrom Lenore res 617 13th Ave E ni805

Carllon Ca(6 126 9lh Ave W M1461

Carbon Valley Coals Ltd 404-5 Grain E.\ch ...

CARLTON HOTEL THEC Trnunivcitcr Prup 9lh Av-c W M46S1Private Branch Exchange connecting allRuoius and Departments

Carlyle—See also Carliie

Carlyle 8 W (Bert) res 315 12th Ave W. W453QCarlyle Mrs J Wcldon res 1356 Montreal Ave... W1442Carlyle M D ^.91-3231Carlyle T M res 1116 Sydenham Rd .....W4490Carlyle Mrs W J res 507 lOlh St W M1792Carlyle W L res S31 14ih Ave W „..„...,.R2791CarmichacI D L res 532 17lh Ave E M39S6Ca/miehael Vcrc res 1314 Fronlenae Ave .W1211Carmine Mrs A res 1152 Wcstmouiit Blvd ,„_...„L2462Carnal H res 1S08 flth St W W4249Carney Hugh res 413 lOtb Ave NE H2290Caron Adricn res 513 lltli Av« W .M2281Caron B res 333 Slli Ave NE _..,H3O70Carpenter Mrs C G res 433 7th Ave NW L2434Carpenter Mrs E E res 515 lOth Ave W M4S6QCarpenter F J res 3011 Slh Ave E £5826Carpenter Wm G res 150 Crescent Rd H1723Carr A res IIS 2l5t Ave NE H3031Carr Alex Fire Chief res 1522 10th Ave E .......E5733Carr Charles B res 1621 Shclbourne St _...W13H3Carr Chailts E res 302 3fd Ave W R2146Carr F res 1501 22nd Ave W W2270Carr W W res 1442 Ave SW W455QCarriek Miss Margaret L res Ml Royal College M1325Carrington Jim res -122 lltli St NW ___,L2S68Carroll Most Rev F P res 910 7a Sl NW ...„...H1012Carroll G K res 110 15th Ave E R2222Carroll J P res 1-lU 5th St NW H17ilCarroll Jean res 201 President Apts M1654


Carroll Jean School of Beauty Culture225a Sth Ave W M3377

Carroll P S res 4 Sunalta Bill _.W3038Carroll William M res ISll 2711i Ave SW yyiOI?Cariuthcrs W E res 1725 I2lh St W _-.W43S5Carstallcn Apartmcnls llCa lOlh St NW _.L1011Carsley Mrs S E res 424 Utli St NW L2601Carson G E rci 623 12lh Ave NE H21^Carson H R Office 808 Soutliam BIdg.; M267Q

II R Carson res 334 39th Avo W $0260CARSON P A B;rrrisltr 4 Solidlor

20-21 .Michael BIdg .M4MIllcsidcncc 3601 5tli St W S0530

Carson f4rs William res 526 4lh Ave W R3676Carsivell J E res 2-106 2nd St W M989bCarter A E res 21.6 2uth Ave NK .H2518Carter Alfred res 1216 4lh St NW HJ87ZCarter C G res 31-1 Slit Ave NE _...H3234Carter C L res 312 12th St NW ,..U1290CARTER CYRIL L Roscdale Auto

Service 12th Ave & Centre St N;.._ ..HJ880Carter Miss D res IS E! Palo Apts MSdllCarter G res 2O07 Btli Ave NW 12754Carter George res 3524 1st St KW _.H2047Caller George Wres 1816 3rd St NW —..!h1416Carter Harold res 446 14tli Sl NW L2259Carter J Fred res 73-1 3rrl Ave W R1734Carter J R res 910 18th Ave E E5334Carter L M res 720 1st Ave NW L2215Carter Mis Mary res 1218 14tli Ave W W1696Carter R L res 315 2iid Ave NE - ...H2295Carter R 8 res 338 15th Avo W M3208






Page 31: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short


Soothes and Refreshes






Cjft«r Rahert res 107 llih Ave KW H2658

Carter Ruskin res S!1 15th Ave W M2436

Carter Thos _......_.91-3622

Carlhy D P rc.i M037 2nil Ave NW U2376Carlwfisht A 6 res 20M 2Ga St SW .W1858Cartwrijht £ F _....S1-6S23Caitwright H D re« 2210 Carlelon St W1420

Carlwright Mrs S .91-S61SCartwrighl's Tran;(fer 1S02 1st St NE H1970Carver Uridsiy res 7 £1 Palo Apis M3577Caiy F M 91-2514Caiy Paul L 91-1413Casdy Miss Mary rrs 3 Snyder Manor MS847Cascade Confectionery 4 Grocery 1203 1 St E....fil614CASE tl i CO lOlh Ave 4 4th St W M3855Caskie Robert res 1504 Sth Ave E ES329Cascaday W Wellington rej 443 13lh St NtV ....L2676Cassady W M & Cassady C M C'hiropracloir

9-32S3 Sth Ave W M4919Casselman J J res 451 12(h St NW _.L2191Castidy Mrs M B rns 313 Slst Ave W R1107Cisson Mis Wiihclmina res 1721 Sili St W W1501Castle C H res 31ii 2-lih Ave W M5029Castle D R rci 305 SOlli Ave \\' M2959

CASUALTY COMPANY OFCANADA THE504 •i'Dtoiito Ci'iirral Tni'ls Bldgrtrneral Oflkr A- Aicmt!! M3104J T Berry Branch Mijr ^MS1S3K C Hulfhi-.on Brani-li Srry (Jaifirs T Rcrrv Branch Mt-r res - .S0869K O Hutchison Braiirh Sery rr-: 91-4332

Caswcl! W H res 73S Crescent Ril H3413


CHINERY Union Tractor & MnrveslerCo till cnr Olti Ave & Sth St W MS916

Cathie H Cameron res 1332 lllti Ave \V W2791Catholic Soldier's Club 1515 llHh Ave W 95-160Cathro & Anderson 91-1415Caughey 6 Dougall res 1022 l»t Ave N\V L1648Causlon Bros Plltf Tinsmthng 320 16 Av X1V..,.H2688Caulton j W rrj 2705 1-Jlh St NW .L27D4Cavanaugli—Sre also Kavanagh anil KavnnauchCavansugh L B res 736 13lh Ave W M3436Civanaugh ton A res 3207 Elhow Drive S0226Civanaugh Perty J rcj 301 25lh Ave W M5983Cayanauah Thomas E rr» 1228 14ih Ave W W1863Cave J H res 0 Belvcdrre Apts M1366Cave Lunch Jlla Sth Ave li .M36S2Caven F V res 1114 Frontrnar Ave W2017Cawley V res 232 lOlli Ave NE „_...H2414Ciwsey J N rf» 605 ICtli St NW L2669Cawlhorn Jas res 1415 25a St W W1741Cawlhorne A J - -.91-6712Cawlhornc Jos res 1019 14th Ave W - _,W1909Cayley H res 125 -hSa Ave W SOOllCayrOB B res 3.30 3r.l Ave \V ni633Cecil Edgar E rci 122 7lh Ave NW H1289CECIL HOTEL CALQARY LTD

.1 Wnrne Miir 4ih Ave & 3r.t St K R2982Ccc Pee Confectionery 2'ii: Sih Ave £ M185SCellars—See also Fcllar, Seller, and SellersCellars Oavo W Floor F.vpert 731 Clh Ave W M2Da3

Central Alberta Sanatorium M9561Private Branch Exchange connecting all Depts

Central Auction Mart Ltd 13 Old BoanI ofTrade Bldg M5466

Central Beauty Parlor 4 Barber Shop WmMcLffxI lOOSa 12lh Ave W Wj605

Central. Billiards Basement Maclean BIk M2525

CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGEA llollinrsheaiJ I'.C.T. IM.R.S. Principal 403Sth Ave W 144430

CENTRAL CANADIAN GREYHOUND LINES LTD Snulham Hide M2131Private Automatic Exchange Cotineciing AllDeparlmcnls

CENTRAL CREAMERIES LTDOrder 4 Shipping Desk 130 5lh Ave £ M1239Office M4688

CENTRAL FEED & TRANSFERCallivan Bros 1.520 Hilj St W W4747

Central Furniture 4 Woodworking Co 310 Ist?i E M3392

Central Grocery & Confectionery 1319 S St W W4325

CENTRAL LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO LTD StockyardsE Calyary E5X60R C Johnson res L2242

A Ry'der res E55660 I" tiamniill res W3381

Central Market Grocery Stall C Central ,M.irl.-ct M9864

Central Meat Market Geo Falrley Prop 1CI>314ih St W W326a

Central Messengers 122 fiih Ave W M1009Central Motor Livery Vinoria Hotel Rtb Av E MIOIOCentral Park Service Station 12 Av 4 4 St W..M7045

CENTRAL PRESS CO Primers 4Bnnlililndcrs C02 Onlre St M2324

Central Social Credit Club Bsmt Noble Hotel ....M2800Central Studio R A Bird Photographer 25

Central Bhig „.M5209Central United Church 1st St 4 7th Ave W M2749Centre Smoke Shop 214.a 7tli Ave W M3103Chabillon Eugene res 609 4th Ave W _.M4743Chadburrt Geo F res 1316 6th St NW H2058Chadwlck Mrs H A res 627 2.3rd Ave SW M2230

Chadwick J H res 309 Anderson Apis W1S97Chalcraft Mrs M E res fill 11th Ave NE H3084Chalk Fred J res 1102 Prospect Ave .W3614Chalmets Mrs A res 1406 5ih St E M9151Chalmers Adam res 321 ITlh Ave NW H1751Chalmers G res 909 Ist Ave NW L2686Chalmers Lewis res 24 NorwomI Apis W2213Chamberlain C W res 520 llth Ave NE H2410Chamberlain S B res 3943 12ih St W W1298Chambers Mis A M res 1320 lOth Ave W W4U9Chambers Mrs D V res 1423 6a St NW,.., H2097Chambers E J res 270S Montealm Crescent ,.._.W4069Chambers G W res 1120 14th Ave W W4660Chambers H res 1733 llth Ave W ...W3654Chambers Mrs J res SSI2 1-a St SW S0037Chambers Llew 0 -.,..-.91-1424Chambers W res 1.729 ITlh Ave W W46S1

Chandler Gordon M res 919 Rjileau Rd .S020SChandler Gordon S res 1344 Ifilh Ave W W3615Chandler J B res 137 34ih Ave SW ParkliiR ....$0031


PhoneM4444 e>LM7996

Chandler J E tcs 172S l.'iih Pt W W3-:S6

Channon Clem ros 1I0S Och Are W M9164

Chapin 0 S res 1103 Cnlhnume Crescent W4339Chapman A M res S21 2rd Ave W R2S73Chapman Madame Beatrice res 525 iSth Ave W M2747Chapman C H res 230 4ih Ave W M5326Chapman F P res 1727 241h St 'w W4037Chapman H C (CPRl res 1114 lOtli Ave NW..H12o9Chapman Heniy r»s .312 lOa St NtV L1759Chapman L H rrs 919 39th Ave NW H1672Chapman Richard J res 2203 30lh Ave SW W2267Chapman Wm res 2330 lit St E -.M548IChappie W J res .313 llth Ave W __.RU78Charbonneau Mrs E H res 736 6ih Ave 3V..._...R2723

CHARIS OF CALGARY Corsets205 Sih Ave W M4101

Charkc Thomas res 1422 Sth Ave F .E5017Charke Wm T res 3324 llth Ave F - E5S25Charlebois Cecil C Furrier 1415 1st St W M1431Charlcbois D A res 1317 Centre St S M340S

CHARLES DR B >1 Dentist 415 Soiilhamnidg - MS'0a4Dr B J Charles res 615 Riverrfale Ave S0987

Charles C res 501 Ean O.sire Ave M774S

CHARLIE LEONG BROS Fruit SiVrcelaMes Mi3 llth St W .W1862

Charlie's Clothing Shop Sll 2nd St E „..M542SCharm Beauty Shoppe 127 16th Ave S\V -.H1335Charman A res l.tKt 17a St W W2658Charmin J H res 1609 4lh St NW ..M3237Charters Edward res 104 mth Ave .NW H1S69

Chase A V res S23 ISfh Ave W...- _.R1455Chase Howard C res 4-1731 Cnlieee l.ane W3645Chase James F res 1314 llth Ave E. -.E5428Chase Joseph res 309 3id Ave NE Hll<6Chaston L C res 3635 Elbow Drive S0549Chauncey H R Jeweller 118 Sth Ave E ..M2455

H R Chauncey res 3902 4a St W S0355Cheat M E res 3037 2nd St W -.51241


CHEETHAM & McKENZIEPliimhing Gasfltling Tinsmllhinf & Roofing220 7ih Ave E M7227

Cheetham S res 1144 Westmounl Bird L2693Cheney H L res S.13 Blvd NW _...U836Cheney P res 71S 2nd Ave NW L1373CherneMs G C re.« 1654 Broadview Rd L2331Cherer Claude re* 922 19th Ave W _.W2185Chemolf J res 2-1213 14lh St W .W169SCherrler C A res 1227 12lh Ave W - W3735Cherry W C res 516 Hold Vnrtr R1836Chcrtkow Mrs 6 res 10 Deveuish Apis W2367Cherlkow Tony res 531 Alexander Cresrent H3012

CHESNEY G L Hardware Tinsmithini tH1346dc Gasfiilvrs 108 IClh Ave* NW -.|h17'/7

Chflsney G L re.s 9.3C Sth Ave NW L1444Chesson E T res 342 14lh Ave W M2392Chesson Ernie T res 115 Sa St NE ftl475Chesson Harry T res 4SS l.Hh St NW L2777

Page 32: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

26 €he CALGARY Cit

NOTICE^ READY REFERENCE REGISTER is provid&d' '' for your convenience, on the last page of this directory.

Chester fi Ageficles VVhril l,ntJ;ps' WVafnm Avp w M774a


chesTerrield shop theJi;:: Sii. AvE v.- .... M9mTaclofy rear "10 l<i ?i E Ml540

Cheterener Dave rrs I'.lii IHlh Ave VV .... M9603Chetner Bros .Verr A Sn<I Hd 8<h Ave E .. M1677Chalncr H res -JiO Hih Avc E M9&UChevalier Or 8 J Oitroprartor and Fnnt

Adjuster 2fiT Souttilim Biil.e M4959Chevalier Dr 8 J reS IIS S(!> Ave N\V H1433

CHEVROLET SERVICESTATION Ovncral Supplies l.lH eor IstSi W A- ruli Aw MllOi

Chevne Alex rrs 21'; THi Ave NE H1643Chpyne E T rrs 1(11 JSiti Ave \V , M2S68Cheync W D res 1412 Oili SI NVV H2778Chic Barber Shop 6 Beauty Parlor 004 8 At- W M278SChita^o Hide 8: Fur Co 501 4lli Si E M3949


Chfdlnw M res 1427 t><t St NW H1262Chief of Polite—Police Slnliotl M4720Childe P K G res 002.1 7a Si tV S0706Chtllon Fred rrs All>crt I'.irk E5404Chinj H TVS ISSfi l.ta Si W W3112

CHINOOK BUILDING SUPPLIESr.4') r.Ui Avr E M9934flny or Niglil Service

Chinoait Engineering Corpn Lid .70 Union Btdc M7S8aChinook Service Station 13 Av A: Centre St N 141170Chlerahdo Mr» Hilde rrs 120 IKili Ave E M5214Cfiipperfleld W F res 122 Slst Ave NE H2n2Chisliolm Mrs Helen res 17.30 12th Art W W1C92Chlshelm J C res 12.78 Hlh Avo W W322aChishelm J D rc5 140n rmilfe A St NE H1439Chishfllm Mrs J D re< lOOlia 13tl< Avo VV W422SChlshfllm J N res D08 Riilrnii Bd 80801

CHISWELL W «i (^ Wood & CartaselOlh Ave & 9tli Si VV Vl/2444V.' J Chivwell re« I2l6 I4tfi Avo VV .W4li'9

Chittick Rae res SI.""' IRl'i Ave VV W1572Chlllick Mrs VW J res 927 KUh Ave W W19S9Chlttjck W J H res 917 Boysl Ave W1S37Chmoh W J rrs 4 319 Tilli Ave W IW42eiChivers Mrs Jdlla B28 4lli Av« W —H2294Choate C A res 9!14 Slli Ave NW L2154thoinlelo U res 1513 Slh Ave E E5205Chong Hlng Co Chinrse Grocery 214 Centre Si R1616Chpng Lee Co 210a Centre St ... R2322Chopgen B A res 304 I2lli St NW L2447Choliuette A res fiS3 2let Ave W . M5980Choqoelte Ernest P Sanitary Ocoiicrs 240 IBtli

Ave E M2643Chorley C W res .941 Alexander Cmrent H2129Cheivn Letoy J res ft ArnistrnnB Blii 'M3482CHRIS TRANSPORT 410 nive«lde

Blvil M5881

Christ Church Parish KatI 114 Ave & 8 St W ...50103ChlisteflSen Alfred res 723 3rd Ave NW L1760Chrlstcnscn C 91.2016Cliristensen Carl re« OSa nivprdnlr Ave S0941Chrisiensen Mrs L re* 33R 14lh Ave K.. M9469Chrlstensen Otto rex lOOD Rili Avr E £5381Chrlsiensen T A res 173.1 34th Ave SVV S0227

Christian G«o rrs 2.12 Sftth Ave W fll466Christian Home for Men 119 ftih Ave E M271S

CHRISTIAN SCIENCEIteadlns Room (First Cliurch) 209 LancaslcrBIHr M349i

Christian Science Cemmitlee on Publicationlor Alberta 842 Soiilhain BIrfg M4566

Chilstle—Pre aim CrislyChristie Bronn 6 Co Ltd Biscuit Mfra 224 llih

Ave W M535'3

CHRISTIE DR 6LARA Phjistcian S,Stil^pcn 311 312 SoiJlliam ftlila M2517iJr Clara ClifisMr reH 140 Snil Ave VV n....... R2i86If fio nlisurr call R2081

Christie 0 F rrs ISUt Iftlfi St W W3277Christie Oavid rrs .528 lOlli Avr NE. H2197Christie 0 W rrj 120 Itrd Ave W R2?37Christie George H r«» 3(137 7lti St VV S0136Christie Mis Gladys res 1323 I3lli Ave W W2471

CHRISTIE GRANT GO Dry Coeds124 1211 Kill Ave E .M9205

Christie Mrs J M rrs 727 5lli Ave W ....M4423Christie Jack A rrs 312 2nd Ave NE .....H3120Christie Jas rrs 219 7th Ave NE H3229Christie M R rrs 737 Irtlli Ave VV .R2203Christie M J rrs 4 14 4lli AV'C W R29D4

CHRISTIE DR NEIL A Phyileiah &Sureroii 201 UndirwofBl Blk .... .. M2560

Christie Dr Nell A res 123 Rnxlioro ltd 50824Christie R C rrs 7.44 Ifttli Ave VV M5973Christie Mrs Robert rrj 608 Otli Ave W .M4373Christie V B res 3 llivrfmeade Apis R2202Christie W M rrs R19 Ifttii St NVV L12S4Ctinstoilhef H R res 11122 13ih Ave VV W1226


Chrntchley E T rei .1714 f.lli St VV SOS38Chritehfey H F rrs 3ft2*i 7a St SVV .51196Chrysler Grocery & Confccl 117 IRth Ave E M7127Chfysler 0 L res 2020 f.tli St NW h2566CHRYSLER A PLYMOUTH

SALES A SERVIOE ncnfrciv MotorsMd lltin inn r.ili Ave VV M47d7Nlglit Cills M4753

Chudlelgh A G res 3318 la Bt SE .. . R2820Chudlelgh Mrs Mary A res 1231 Qlst Ave NW ..H2831




Please Mention The


Chutch B C 91-1721Church D C ..,....i....i,„;...,.-91.l713Church Mrs E A res 737 14t1i Ave VV FI2631Church Ceo E 91-1821

' Church Jessie L P res 333 4lfi Ave VV fABlBlChurch of the Tfuth SkOa ist 9t W .M4049Church Mrs Rhoda F rea 3015 Olencoe ltd - S1119Church W K i...9l>2412Churchill J Winston res 340 39th Avo SW .;.-.S0221Cfiufchlll M M res 225 18th AVe VV' f«1354CIley Colin D res 1720 I2ih Ave VV W1727Cinderella Style Sliotipe Ltd 108 7th Ave W ....M295iCionI V rrs 419 Pa St NE .R2644


Dity cartage CO--See Blue ArrowCartage 621 Celiire St M3230

City Deilvery 1220 2rd St R M4T71City Hill Bakery & Prod 0 & 7 nty Hall Mitt. RZOZiCity Hall Beauty Parlor & Barber Shop 713

2nd St E M238City Hall Cigar 8i Hews Stand 711 2fid SI E .,..M7381

CITY HALL MARKET Cor 7ih Ave& 2(iH Rt E h2026Private Brnnch Excliongn connectinB all Stallsflial n202ii and .isli Operator for Stall orMrfcliaht tflqiiirrdMEAT MAItkETSSl.ill 2 Norman Gould iStall .1 Diinlop Quality Meat StallStall 20 Ifrliry YoungmatiStall 26 B)rt Dirks

Slall 27 Fred PIdUipaStall 28 C Karan

FRUIT MERCfjANTS ''SUll ft L RosenhiiimStall 9 Yciko Tafnegl • IStall 11 Wine Clihng & GdStall 13 Hnfry SlieflelStall lo Yiio WongSinll 16 Oeoris* WoflRSlall 17 !..<» PenriliiulterSlall 22 M BarenStiiM £3 UWls KayStall 24 DonB YiieSlall 29 Mail PofiSlnll 34 Joey PingStall Sft Mrs Rriln HaahminFISH MERCHANTStall 10 0 Brass

finOGKRSStall 2ft Corner GroceryStall SO 31 and U3 Farmeri' Tradlitg StnrdStall 37 38 and 36 F.mprtss Qrlicery BtoreiStall 40 Clly Hall Market GroceryPRODUCE MERCHANTS (Butter, CheeU *ESI')Slall 21 Rnsir ShlafmitzStall 41 The l.lllle DairyBAKERS A CONFECXJONEnsStall 1 Regal BakeryStall 6 City Hall Bakery & ProduceSlall 43 iltihri CanelnsStall 43 Clly tlilll Market (^fd (After 6 |itn.Siiiidnys & Ilnlldayt Call K302Q)Market Manoter's res L2SII

City Hell Ntarliei Cafe Stall 4n Gty Hell Mkt n3oi<Clly Hall Market Groc Stall 40 Gty Hal) Mkt .. R2026

Find Where to Buy It in the YELLOW PAGES

Page 33: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

Cit CALGARY Cit 27


CommerciaL & Publication Printers3IO EIGHTH AVE. EAST CALGARY ALBERTA

City Hall Scrvitc Station 7 Av & 2 St C M7890CITY OF CALGARY MUSI

rrivalc Branch Exchange connecting all De-narlmcnts bctivcen the hours of 8 am and 10jjm on oil (Jays excepting Saturday, Sunday andholidays. Dial M1151 and ask operator fornumber des!re<l.

Calls after 10 pm and for Kight, SalurdnySunday and Holiday calls see Kight and Holiday C-ills and Auiomatic Ktimbcrs.

ASSESSMENT t TAX DEPTAssessor & Tax Collector

Ocncral Olfire Local 58General Offiro " 68A D Miirison Assessor " 58


C.ty Clerk J .M Miller Private Office " 47City Clerk General Office " 46City Clerk SicnoEraphers " 55Stationery Dept " 74

COMSU.«SIONER'S OFHCECcmmlssioner .1 A Tsvcddle 43

COMPTROLLIJR'S OFFICECity Comptroller E A llookwayPrivate orOce " 48Accountant " 45Timekeeper " 67Invoices " 67

Ei,ECTRIC LIGHT & POWER DEPTHlilllics Bid?Electric Light Trouble Genera]Olllce. •• 32Electric Light Connections &Meter Readings - " 31Walcnvorhs Connections and Collections n • S3Aecoiinls and Ledger Keeper " 33Lighliog & Home Service " 54Sanding Saw & Special Service! ..... " 51Electric Light Collection* (1 EMalierlcy) *' 52EleclricaT Inspection Dcpt 34Conjlruction & Accounting " 35Trouble Room 9 Ave & 5 St W " 78Central Power lloiire Victoria P.nrk " 25Nn 1 Sululaiipn 5 Ave & 7 St W ... " 26No 2 Sutistation Ogden *' 22No 3 Subitalion Crescent Heights " 23No 4 Siiirstatlon 34 Av i 14 St W " 24Meier Testing Dept Victoria Parts ... " 20Garage 9th Ave & Sth Si West " 19Supt Electric Light and PowerR .Msckay " 30See Night and Holiday Calls

EHCINEER'S DEPTCly Engineer A S t^iapman Private Office " 73Building Permits Office " 61Building & PiunibiiiB Inspectors ..... " 72Paving Dcpt Office " 66l^'ty Laboratory —. " 75Sawet Dcpt l.llli Ave & Sth St E .... '' 27Sec Night anil Holiday Calls

GARAGE 9|h Ave and 8tb St Weal " 19health DEPT

Medleal Olficcr of Health Dr Hill 'and General Office " 35Hr Gerafdine Oakley " 29Bahy Qinlc " 37Menial Hygiene Oitdc 37School Denial Clinic " 38Meat Inspector " 65


Msjor Andy Davlion " 40

CITY or CALGARY—Continued •K •


Parks Department " 4Union Ccmetc.-y Caretaker " 0



Supt Public Works City Hall " 64Chief Clerk - " 64Sub Oiricc Crescent Heights " 10Sub Office West End - " 2Sub Office 9lh Ave ir oih St W... " 79Blacksraillu' & Carpenters' Shop .... " 8


Civic Relief Officer.. " 76soLiaroR's office

aiy SolicKor T W Collinge.... •• 62

STORES & PURaiASING DEPT G WatermanReceiving Dept " SGeneral Office " 7

TREASURER'S OFHCECily Treasurer " 50Assistant Treasurer " 71Paying Teller 4: General Ofriee...... " 70



WATERWORICS DEPT—Utilities BldgSiiperintendcnl'a Office " 56General Office & Troiitrlc " S7Collections, Connectioas St Rates... " 53Rciervnir " 18No 2 Pumping Station " 16Crescent Heights Office " 13Meter Room - " 21See Night and Holiday CatU


TROUBLE G\LLS—NIGHTS and HOLIDAYSElectric Light 1141150AVatcrworks M3691Sewers M3691

Public AVorlcs - M3691AIRPORT—Edmonton Trail H2708

ASSESSMENT 4 TAX DEPTAssessor 4 Tax Collector

A D Murison Private OIfice:.._..._ .M9443Business Tax M3066



CHILDREN'S AID DEPT Police Station Bldg7lh Ave E MS076

CITY CLERK'S OFFICECity Qerk General Office M2414City Clerk J .M Miller Privale Olfiec IV19373


ELECTRtC LIGHT DEPTService 4 Trouble Dept IVI1150Electric Light Trouble Foreman res,...,..,.. H1069Chief Operator R Malcolm res ,...W2871No 5 Substation M9195Supt Electric Light R Mackay res ......... L16ie

ENGINEERING 4 PUBUC WORKSCily Engineer A S Chapman res ....M2747Asst City Engineer J R Wood res W4874Public YVorks Supt P W Stone res H1375Chief Clerk H E Bentley res H2060Public Works Foreman Norlh Side George•Burtouglis res L1797Public Works Fotemnn South Side F Har-hidge res W4212

1 Garbage 4 Street Cleaning Foreman j Jaek-Bon res W4437

PubUc Works Trouble ....M3691


PhoneM4444 ot,M7996


AUTO.M.ATIC NU.MBERS—ConGnucdSewers Trouble M3691Supt Sewfr.B C J Hodge* res L2559Sewage Disposal P!ant..._ ...u......—..._.ES57S

FIRE DEPT ,.M1197Fire Ciiief Hcad(juarters_...~.......__.._.....H2690Tire Chief res ES733


Health Dcpt General Office ..M3532Night Calls Only—Dr iV H Hill Medical Omeer of Health re3....S0251Chief Sanitary Inspector res. L1585FumigaGng i- Quarantine Offleer rw.... .M7232


Private Branch E.xchangc connecting all DeptsChief Constable's Office

Inspectors' OffireDetectives' Office

Magistrate's OfficeBarristers' Room

Police Court Clerk's OfficePolice Court ProsecutorLicense Office

Charge OfficeCaretaker's residencePound and HaymarketPolice GarageOgden StationElectrician

Chief Constable's Of/ice M4720POWER HOUSE Victoria Park.... M5666RELIEF DEPT OFFICE.... M5093

Superintendent's re* ..-..H2833SOUaTOH'S OFnCE _...M5746

STORES 4 PURCHASING DEPT G Wat«nnin..M1092G Waterman res L1324


InformationLost Parcels


AdvertisingSuperintendent M3126Accountant .11/13126General Repair Shop M3234Cty Waiting Room Chief Inspector Conductors 4 Motormea .M7640Supt C Comba res .M7811Supt of Trantporlallon J A«Hargrcaves res... M41S2

TREASURERF S Buchan City Treasurer Private Oifice ....M7223

WATERWORKS DEPTWaterworks Trouble M3691Cilenmore Filter Plant 91-6911No 2 Sub Office .E5628W E Roliinson Waterworks Engineer res... M2335E Jones General Foreinan res H1081




Page 34: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

28 Cla

Claney James res 323 20th Ave W M1768Clappeiton D V/ re* 544 20th Arc. W M9329Clapperton R H rr* 2132 JSih St W -..,.W1232Ctapsoti I. G res 1916 Centre St N H2981Clapstone J UOS 4:h Si E M4192

CLARE BROS WESTERN LTDStoves & Ranges Shcruin-Williams BIdg73S 11th Ave W. M7321

Tlios C Fleming Branch Mgr res H2480Clare C A res 5 Sandrinjiiam Apts W1840Claridge G ras 1019 4th Ave W M1049Clartn C Hirdle res 3-320 17th Ave W MS361Clark—See also ClarkeCtark A E res 345 19th Ave W M5388Clark A I cm 129 lOlh Ave NW H10S8

CLARK A LLOYD & CO LTDMonroe Adding i Calrulaling Machines707 Smjtliam BIdg .M7273

Clark C Bovillc res 2 Ifoxam Apts R1944Clark C Spencer res 3840 Elbow Drive S0574Clark Chas P A res 314 13th Ave NW H3la7Clark E Grant res 740 Crescent Rd H3106Clark E W res 314 Illh Ave NE H3061Clark F C A res f.OS lOlb Ave NE H170SClark F W res lOG 7lh Ave NIV H2263

CLARK F W CO LTD234-22S Traders BldgGty Orders 4: General Office. M7280Manager's Office M7286

Clark G P rrs 219 Sth Ave KE H2632Clark George W res 122 7lh Ave NE. H1752Clark H res 1705 Bowness Rd - L1501Ctark J A res .531 2Snd Ave W M4192Clark J R rca 721 Stl. St NW — L1340Clark James res 70.3 17th Ave NW ............. H1516Clark James P res 620 12th Ave E — M9362Clark Joseph res 1S05 lUh Ave E E5316Clark L W res ISlC i.8tli St W — W2996Clark M T res 1.10 17lh Ave NW H3491Clark Mary A res 119 Sih Ave NE HIlOlClark Michael J r« 1421 2Sa Si W ..„...-,W2582Clark P fi res 1111 9ih St E ES094Clark T F res 4S9 19lh Ave NW —.-.H1305Clark Thos res 452 I2th St NW -.L2426

al<o ClarV

Clarke A rts 2S04 16lh St SW W1960Clarke Mrs A 0 res 414 14th Ave NE H33X6Clarke A G res 340 Searhoro Ave W4389Clarke Hon Mr Justice A H res 863 Prospect

Ave - W4898Clarke A H IfiS 23rd Ave W M1632Clarke A T rra 1717 11th Ave W W3437Clarke Mrs Alice n-s 224 15ih Avo W..._ M3423Clarke C E res IRlfi 12lh Ave 1%' - W3127Clarke D B res 4-902 Centre St N H1702Clarke Mrs F E res 4-1810 1st St E M3862Clarke Mrs Freda res 1S34 33rd Ave SW S0629Clarke Geo W res 1219 Riverdale Ave S050SClarke H F Mfra Agt rear 222 .'ith Ave W M2057Clarke Herbert A res 140S Wcslinount BlvJ ....1.2012Clarke J D res CI2 9th Ave NE H2340ClarkeJ S res 122 9lli Ave NE H2544ClarkeJ W res 129 14Ht Ave W M3018Clarke JamK T res 142S 2nd St NW H1251Clarke John U res 302 30th Ave SW .S0061Clarke L J re-. 2 Yale Apis M3028Clarke Mrs Lewis res 1-309 13th Ave W M2372Clarke M res B Mount Royal Blk • - • W1371Clarke Phyllis Chaoman res 52." 13lh Ava W M2747Clarke Ft H rrs 729 17Ui Ave NW H1965Clarke R M rv.s 1721 11 (h Ave W W1163Clarke Thomas res IfiSS 24lh Ave E E5773Clarke Mrs W S res 111 lOih St NW L2738Clarke Wm C res JflOl l.ith St W W4002Clarke William J res 216 32lh Ave E, M3794CLARKE'S AUTO PARTS

Cor Centra St S t 12(h Avo. M9777G Onrlcc res 2021 Slsl Ave W W1239

CLARKE'S DRUG STOREr<irmerly The .Inhnilon Dnig Store239 If.lh Ave NW H1244

CiartTT L F KC Bare i Sol 406 Lancaster Bldg M3525Ciarry L F res 1723 lOlh St W W4624


CluJMn M res 325 Illh 51 NW L1334


Claxton E res 1812 141h St W W4782Clay Miss Oonnie res 531 ITth Ave W. R1365Clay Dr John W Dentist 901-2-3 Soulhani Bldg .M9292Clay Dr John W rr» 214 Roxboro Rd S0605Clayton H J res 1J21 10th St E ES917Clayton W P res 2310 22nd Ave W W4826

CLAYTON'S RADIO SHOPW ? aaylon Prop 1009 Ut St W M1375

Cleary Frank res ir.OS nth St W M1S9SCleary Joseph F res 821 Rlh Ave W M7823Cicasby S James res 503 14th Ave W M2973

CLEAVE JAMES AGENCIES LTDInsur.mcc Real Esf & Loans 11.1 Oth Ave W M2039James Gcavc res 1111 4th St NW H1S40

Cleaver A C H res 1S19 12nd Ave SW S0439Clegg Erie res I Elaine Apts L1432Clegg Mrs J res 3616 Stanley Rd S0905Clegg Wm A res 102S l»th Ave W W3693Clegg's Grocery F CIcgg 1534 flih Ave E

Red and While Store E558G

Cleland P B res Bisrat Georgian Court M51G4Clclland Mrs W F res 442 21st Ave NW H3449Clement Fred R rrs 218 12ih Ave NW H1220Clement Noel rns 1140 14lh Ave W W46O0Clements Frank 91-4112Clements John H res 175.7 College Lane W3250Clemmer Miss Doris res 1-129 14 Av W.. .. MS793Clemmcr Harold G res 2 Anne Blk H168Sdendenan E F res 914 Sifton Blvd S0374

Cleveland Mrs E res 22.1 l-lth Ave E M5a04Cleveland W res 1.16 11th Ave W M7257Clllf Murray rca 1436 4a St NW H2288Clifford Frank rcs 1207 Bowness Rd L2649Clrtfgrd G A rrs 1212 14lh St SW W3607Clifton Alfred res 1402 2nd St NW H2512Clifton Grocery Sr Confectionery ri13 4[]iAvcW M49d7CIHton Mrs M res 3.107 1st St NE H2264Climie Mrs R F res 2219 18a St SW W2352Cllmo Wm G res 609 15th Ave NE H2956Clinton George W res 221 17th Ave E M4334CUosham C E res 092S Boulevard NW L1831Clitheroe Joseoh K res 112 nth Ave W M2830Cloakey Geo H Office 221 2.1 Lougheed BIdg MI885Cloakey Geo H res 1413 Elhotv Drive SQ596CLOVER LEAP CHEESE CO

J Bergman 5.13 lltli Ave IV M2213

Clow H B rcs 229 Sth Ave NW H1S15Clow John res 170.5 1st St E M7421Clowes Chas C res 929 30th Ave NW ............ Hi626Clowes H res 1622 Rnwnrss Rd .L2la5Clowes J 5 W rcs 441 Illh St NW L1853Clowes Mrs M res 120 2.5tli Ave W M2309

CLUB CAFE 111 Sth Ave W M4323Clutc n H res 21 Drake Apts R2262Clydesdale Mrs M res 2.18 22nd Ave NW H1003

COAL SEI.i.ERS CO LTD (M7483405 8lh Ave \V (M7783

Coates Mrs A res 108 7lh Ave W M34a9Coatcs C rcs l.J12a lOlh Ave E E5457Coates Mrs J P rcs l.H 14th Avo E M7035Coates Roland S res 241-1 29th St W W2163Coates Walter B res IS06 29lh Ave W ..W1D12Cobb M'ss Alice res 2 Hiinlly Apts M4310Cobb & Warren Oil Bkrs Tth Ave & Centre St MS383Coble B res 6 Radin Blk M2863Coble B 0 res 118 2nd Ave NE H21S4Coca-Cola Co of Canada Ltd 120 4(h Ave W M4125Coehran J T 91-4533Cochran Myrtle V re.« 1221 12lh Ave W W2366Coehran W T res 629 21ril Ave W M1671Cochrane Gordon B rcs 209 12tli Ave NW. H1661

Cochrane Mrs M T res G Ilutilly Apis — R2410

Cochrane Ttansfer Clli Avo A 2nd St E. M1826

Cochrane W res 310 39lh Avo W S0357

Cockeram Mrs Wallace res 1722 Tth St W W3660

Cockerton Mrs Catherine res 321 Gth Ave W., . M451S

Cockerton B B Ofliee lOOla 1st St E M9767

Cocks n N re.s 2710 36llt St SW W450Z

Directory Advertising Pays


COCKSHUTT PLOW CO LTDIllh Ave & Centre Si -.M4495General Office Ssles ond Order DeptsManager .1 SnowdenCredit and Collection Mgr H N Kent M4291Repairs and Shipping Oepts .„„,M4890Repairs fSiglit Fhene) >1 BlalclifortL—L1455Lncal Sales _._-.M2362

Codncr C H G rvs 6 Rossmore Apts M4352

CODY DR MORLEY GPhysician 415 Southam BIdg ....__...M7184Specialist in Diseases Infants A ChildrenDr Mortey G Cody res 2315 Sth St W W1133If no answer call M242S

Coffin A E res 211 Roxboro Rd _....S0907Coffin E W res 1-S4C 14lli St W :W2257Coflin Mis G A rcs 416 15th St NW .L2260Coggan Mrs F 0 res 1331 ISlli Ave W W2043Coglon L F rrs 1906 4a St W S0582Cohen A res 1210 Wcstmount L2749Cohen E res 3013 2nd St W S0884Cohen H res 1110 12lh St W ....W1972Cohen M res 1524 lltli Ave W V/3077Cohen Morris res 227 14th Ave E...— „.,.,„.M4I48Colaslmone Emidle res 662 McOougall Rd M7296Celboine F C res 1640 Hth Ave W W3180Colclough LI Col W T rca 525 31sl Ave W ....M4327Cole A H res 330 Sharon Ave .W4204Cole Mrs Jessls rea 0902 Blvd NW U2329Cole Mrs Mary F res 41911 Blh St W...„...._..M4827Cole P res Bsml 1153 Bowness Rd H15SCole Peard M res 1202 16ih Ave NW..„ „._.H2223Cole W G rcs 1914 34tli Ave SW. S06MColeman Ed rcs 2209 ITlh St SW,.,._ _....W2296Colcman T P res 3S07 2nd Si E - S0974Coleman W E res 719 12th Ave W M5499Colcshlll Mrs Margaret res 1809 24th Ave NW L1722Colgrovc R J rcs 1227 Prospect Ave W1B18

Colgrove R J Apartment Co Rental OtHee YaleA Cornell Apts 229 AlUrU Comer _..M4145

Collaid S E res 101 Roxboro Rd .....„..S0158Colledge Arthur res 528 2nd Ave W _.n2364College Fruit SJore 712 17th Ave W R2808

Collftge oF Physicians & Surgeons Dr G R JohnsonA W G Hunt 3 I.angman BIdg S36 S Ave W M430S

Coliett C H rca 2 Burpee Lodge M7683Colley N A res 2 609 4th Ave W._.._ „.M5101Colley W H rcs 913 RIdeau Rd.._ S0045Collier A C rcs 2401 14th St W Wi93l

COLLIER E C Barrister A Soiicitor 32Sa8lli Ave W MlOaSE C Collier rcs 346 13th Ave W M1670

Collier John P rcs 920 inih Ave \V -....-...W2D45Colllnge T W res 1717 24tli St W W1886Ceilings Thomas H Rooms 521 lOlli Ave W._.... M3528

COLLINS & COLLINSChnrtorcd Accis 101 Bank of CommerceBlilj M93GS

Collins Mrs H J rcs 1721 12th St W... W46S4Collins J Riy Mall Clk res 103 Lawrence Lodge M9454Collins J Ewart rcs 1117 ISth Ave W 50482Collins Mrs J L rn 510 20lli Ave W M5684Collins J P res 1734 lOlli St W W2986Collins Jack P res 1019 ISlh Ave SF- E5919Collins Larkham res 3044 1st St W SQ657Collins Norman J res C01 SunHerland Ave W133SCollins Robt H 91-5214Collins W A rcs 102 2Sth Ave W M7073Collins W E res 231 6lh Ave NE - H1895Colllnton George rrs IIS 8lh Ave NW HllSJColllnssplalt Capt C H res 110 4fllh Ave W ...S1201Colllson B W rcs 1225 11|h Ave W W1188Coliison E R res 1140 Wcstmount Blvd L2684

Colonel Belcher Hospllal—See Domlnlnn Gov*erfiment Dopt Pensions and Nail Health

COLONIAL HOTEL 209 Tth Are Fx. M2822Colonists Service Asspc 812 1st St E " 15Coiosimon Mrs Mres 1510 lOtli Ave W W3794COLPITTS BROS Farms A Ranches

ICS I7th Ava IV - M2393Dairy Ranch - — , HooFos Farm -

Garag.- 117 17th Avo WColpitts J Cres 118 iSfli Ave W "9920ColpIlM Wm - -SI-""

Page 35: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short


Colpoys W G res 2305 14a SI W ,_..„.W2493Colion—See also CoulsonColson Wm rcj 104S Betlevue Ave _...E5571

Colton Mrs Mary ri-s 1205 lOlh Ave R E5572

COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO OPNEW JERSEY E F Cregoire BranchMgr •JOO Grain Exchange BMb. M3993

Columbia Pictures of Canada Ltd 70Sa Sch

Ava W M2SS1

COLUMBUS RUBBER CO OPMONTREAL LTD 215 lOih Ave WSample Room ami Orricc— M2908.1 It Dnnlop Manaecr's residence W15I9

Colville Chas res 1120 lOlh Ave NVV H1941Colvin J G res ICIS 4tli St NW H1242Colvln J G & Sons Meat Market 215 JC Av NU' H13&7

COLVIN MEAT MARKET•fhos G Colvin Prop 700 tlrd St NI2 „.,.H1937Thos G Colvin res 709 3ril St NE _....H1999

Colncll P L res SOS fiiifeau fid »....S0933

CotweJI Lloyd M res 1423 7th St NW H1421Comba Chas res 2328 Ist St E M7811

Comba S H res 3034 7lh Ave W M9627Comcry T Ptilr & Pprhngr 032 ITlh Ave W... M1278Comessolti J res 3-303 Clli St W M9484Command Oils Ltd 4 Clarence Bit: M7807

F F llceve Mng Dir res W1731Commercial Credit Corporation of Canada Ltd

•I" C.mnJa Life Bldg-. M7413Commercial Finance Corpn Ltd Michael BMg... M4010



Commoil Ltd 4 Clarence Blk M7807F Reeve Mng Dir res W17J1

Commonwealth Petroleum Ltd 4 Clarence fllk. M7S07r K Reeve Mug Dir res W3731

COMMONWEALTH PRESS LTDPrinlers and Folding Hot Makers 1136 15lhAve W W1154

Compo Leather Products Ltd Mirs 90C S Av tV R1188Comptometer Adding & Calculating Machine

30 Michael DMg M7567


Complon C 0 res 2506 nth St W .! M3402Compton F M re» 1613 IStli Ave W...-. W3331Complon W e res 230 10a St NW L1374Comrie H G res 1340 13rh Ave W W1357Conacher—Sre .nlsn ConnaclierConacher M :.-a 2230 6th Ave NW L1701ConsehCT M Jas res 222 lllh Ave NW H3236

CONCRETE PRODUCTS &SUPPLIES Rille HmK't E Calgary E5789K J llnne)- Manager res .M9Q08

Condon James rrs lS2fi J4t!i Sf W W1S41Cone tWater Heater Co 2030 91h Ave E E5429

Confederation Life Association 401-2-3 Insurance FjrdianBe M7021Itepresenlallvrs M4928

CongooR Mrs tftf L res 8 Graham Blk MJ739Conpei P W res 901 Sih Ave E ES50SCenlln Mrs Mary res JilOB llth Avo W _.,.WH08Conn F res n" aoih Ave NE ,H1734Conn Fred res 310 2rid Avn NE H3102Conn Henry res 2406 Srd Ave NW L2110Corinacher—See al<o ConacherConnacher W M re* 3112 Cnlborne Cre* W4871Cennaughi Barber Shop & Beauty Parlor 1413

Itih St W W4836


Conhcti Joe res 206 32t)i Ave NR. H1848Connelly Thos m 807 I2lh Ave W Rni2Connery Thomas res 2001 24a St SW W2601Connochic J D res 1033 24ih St SW W2161Connolly C C res 1002 Iflth Ave W W4989Connolly Brigadier C E rrs 027 3Sl1i Ave W ... SQ791Connolly J H res 630 flth Ave NE H2915Connolly T P r«s 2011 Srd Ave NW L2091Connor Earle C res 24 Barnfiart Apt* M4495


CONNOR WASHERS & iRON>ERS Heinlrman A Co Ltd Agis 329 SlhAve W M2440

Conrad Mrs J res 21.39 34th Ave SW S0463Conrad J P res 122 15th Ave W M3a71

Conrich Service Station F Mngensen 91-2515Conroy P res 1212 5lh St E M5162CONSOLIDATED PREIGHT-

WAYS 410 Riverside Blvd M5881Consolidated Fruit Co Ltd 24 Miriiael BMg M1280

itcjlcf Service Depl 10" .6lli St W M2661

CONSOLIDATED MINING &SMELTING CO OP CANADALTD I^lophant Br.iciif J'rodiiclsOffices 1230 mill Ave W R20&6

CONSOLIDATED OPTICAL COLTD 2U5 Fonthills Bldg jM1392229 Slh Ave W <M139SE Stanley Tharp Manager res .WISIO

Constable Albert re.s 1928 Murdnck Rd R1221

Constable Mrs C res 10 II di R Apis M3981Constable Mrs Roy S res 347 6ih Ave NE H2072


Consumers Glass Co Ltd II I. Perry BMg M1368

CONSUMERS OIL CO LTD400 Irisiiraticc lixch.snge M44S4IV II Caswfll Manager res H3413

CONSUMERS TIRE COW n Runn 130S Ist Si W M3975



Continental Casualty Co 218 Soiilhain Bldg M4420Continental Fruit 342 Slh Ave W M7376Continental Insurance Co StO Toole Pert BMg M4378

Owen Weslgate Special Agent


CONWAY'S LIMITED Wl.oTes.-de (M1448Toinccos Basement Traders Bldg JM1449John C t'onway res 4 13 Searboro Ave W4176S Wakeford Scc Treas res 303 .1314 St N\V..L2280A G McKeman S-iIcsmaii rw 3730 7 St W,,W4580Bert Shaw Salesman res 173S 17th Ave W.,..W4063

Cook—See also Coake

Cook Mrs A B res CI7 15lh Ave W, R2155Cook A C E res 630 Boulevard NW L2311Cook Archie res 52S 1811. Ave W M1801Cook B Leslie res 2714 Marqurltc St. _.._...W1754Cook C C res 1730 30lh St W _...W1175Cook C M res 3024 2ml St W S0870Cook F L res 624 Tlh Ave NE H2057Cook Geo B res 1961 12th St W W4746Cook Mrs Helen res 2436 Jo St SE..._,.,i MSOICCook Henry res 433 lOih St NE ...R1191Cook J E res 232R IClh St E E5737Cook John E res 405 11a St NW - L11S7Cook Laura res 521 18lh Ave W _.M5626Cook Mrs M M res 923 I4tl. Ave W W1758Cook Df R M res 040 Crescent Rd _..,H2044Cook Robert res 11113 lllh Ave 3V..._.... W2672Cook Robert Jr res 2138 lOa St W W4991Cook Robert F res 3102 14th Ave W W2094Cook Mrs Thomas res 731 13lh Ave W R1971Cook & Wllcock Drs Phys & Surgs Sift

So.ilhnm BMg M7272If Na Answer Call M2428

Cook William C res 1602 13lii Ave W. W3361Cooko—sec also Conk

Cooke Allan G res 9I7a lllh Ave W W1945Cooke J W res 1302 Bowness Rd L1902Cookman C C 91-2121Cool Benjamin C Jr res 1005 23rd Ave NW... L116GCool Leonard rrs 209 (Ith Ave NE H1987Cool Thos H res 827 17lli Ave W W3719Cool W S res 322 711. Ave NE H1402Cooper Mrs C S res 1030 16th Avo W ,W2S48Cooper F B res 931 Clh Ave W - M1509Cooper G C res 634 32th Ave F. M5329Cooper Mrs Ceo res 2-338 15iii Ave W M9353

Cor 29


PhorfeM4444 ^M799^

Cooper Herbert res 446 21st Ave NW H2622Cooper J W res 1217 ISth Ave NW. .....81644

COOPER JACK Shoemaker Si Repairer730 3711. Ave W R2989

Cooper Joek rrs 141.6 6th St NW. H2178Cooper Mrs Mary res 624 34th Ave W „..M718?Cooper Rowland ros 32J0 2!st Ave NW H206S

COOPER S C llry Goods and Grocery1024 17th Ave E E5774Stare No 2 120S 9lh Ave E E5087

Cooper Transport 410 niverside Blvd M5881Cooper W C res 241.6 14lh St W „...W4089Cooper W E res 1023 Olh St E _....E55S3Cooper W Kenneth res 7 Bessborough Apis M4347COOPER W S CO LTD Agents for

Minnespolis-Molinc T7S 0th Ave E M9117Cooper W S res 911 13th Ave W W4924Cooper Wm res 3G07 lOili Ave W... W4025

CO-OPERATIVE MILK CORetnii Snii's 704 lith Ave W _.M5426Manager R V Duffy M5212Aecoiintant J A Price — M5826Stalilc ,W E Renard M5753Engine Room T Lindsay M7581

Co-operatWe Sales Co Mlrs Agts 514 Burns Big M7875Cope C E res 171S 1.3th Ave W W3323Cope D V res SCO Ilillcrest Ave W4606

COPE D V & CO Wlinlcsale Fnrnilure& Floor Coverings 721-723 Slh Ave W M2S32

Cope Wm R res 926 Rideau Rd S0451Copdand J B rts 1419 Tlh St NW H2021Copeland's Tinshop 1514a 1411. St W W4044Copithorne S 91-6232Coplltk Chas res 1310 3rd St E, _M9368Cepp T R res 1402 Prospect Av«....__.„.._ W2540Copping G V res 131 Slh Ave NW H1391Coppeck K R 91-4631Coram Thomas res 910 Rideau Rd S0091Corben Or S H Dentist 910 Southam Bjdg M3263Corhen Or S H res 3053 -Ird St W S1230Corbel J 8 Rk of Commerte reslStll 6th St W .R1131Corbett A S res 6 Strand Apfs M9020Corbett E L res 6.14 ISlh Ave W _M4168Corbett E 0 res 2708 Carleton St _.W1955Corbett Ernest (CPR) res 30SC 2nrf St SW... S0452Corbett Mrs L 91-3123Corbett L W res 632 Srd Ave NW L1165Cording Harry res 3804 1st St F. M4528Cerdlnjley C S res 3039 4lh St W S0539Cordlngiey Hilda res 2419 17lh St W, W2080

Cords Piston Rings (Alberta) Ltd 603 8 Av W M9Q91Dan Duncan Mgr res 291S 10th St W. W292G

Coiey B S res 1612 If.lh Ave W ; .W3522Corkum Mrs Allhea S res 730 Clh Ave W M16S8Corkum C J res 510 Ist St W M5617Corlet Wilfred E res 36.14 Elbow Drive. S0S35Corley R B res 1115 15th Ave W „,,W1571Cormaek A res 3038 4lS St W S0857Cormack H res 405 IJth Arc NW H1252Comack Peter res 218 19lh Avo NE., H1934Cormic J H res S Bryant Apl.s M4S11Corn C J rc.s 2332 Tlh Ave NW L2354Cornborough Mrs A res 80.1 6lh Ave NW LIS51Combnrough Mrs S res 423 9a St NE R1192Cornelissen Adriana res J920 13lh Ave W W1320Cornell Apartments Rental OfRee 229 Alberta

Cofher M414SComer Grocery Stall 26 City Hall Mkl R2026Coinish Mrs A F res 1725 lllh St W „...W1S09

CORONA PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS A ADDERSI. C Smith A Corona Typewriters of 606a Cenfre St M5180

Coronation Royalties Ltd 900-903 Lancaster


(CANADIAN) 631 Calgary Public Be..M1334

Page 36: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

30 Cor

Corradetti N J tm 415 3rd Ave NE R1411Cesgrove C E res 3232 Gtli St W S0237


Costcllo Everett W res B0« 24th Ave W MS473Costello J F Gas App res 209 IStli Ave VV M9381Costello J P res 2017 26a St SW W2596Costello J W res 2102 2nd St IV M2521Costello Mrs James res 2117 Slh St W.... M2354Costello James P res 216 6tli St W M5460Costello Mrs M C res 2108 2nrl St W..._ ,.....M5031Costello P J res 543 21st Ave W _.M3G63Costello R P res 1203 ISth St E ES302Costello Mrs Thorrtas res 337 loth Ave W M7542Cosullo W F res 1322 MonlreaJ Ave W3407Costigane Arthur ft res 1630 7lli St NIV .H2432Costin F res S12 2nd St NW KiOfiOCosy Corner Store Grne i Confecly 115

Mill St MV L2010Cole Albany J res 343 fiih Ave h*E HJ571Cote Mrs C J res 1-335 20lh Ave W M2976

COTE CLAIR «1 Real Estate InsuranceA rnvesttnenls 2S Canada Life BIdg M7049North Jldl Branch 1303 Centre St N HU66Oijr .1 Cote res ICIS Senlae St.... W44L2

Cote Z A res 1I3S Prospect Ave !wi621Cotterall—See #!«« Collerell and CotlrcJIColterall J res 1025 ISlb Ave E E5226Cottecell E D res 939 19th Ave W. W4595Collle Fred G res 1409 Premier Way W3120Cotton Charles res 2J8 18th An Z M3869Cotton Mrs Emily res A Armstrong Bllc M2970Cotton J A res 710 Ridcau Rd S0972Cottrelf—See also Cottornll and CotterellCottrell S J res 1623 IClh St E E5590Couch E J res 602 8lh St NE.. _.R1196Couch W C res 2933 ITa St E E5928Couchman Peter res 52.| 7th St NE R1217

Ceulson—See also Colson

Coulson G R res 3223 Gth St W S0993Coulter J H res 237 Tith Ave NE H1916Coulter W H 91-4713

Coulter Wlllratn r»s 1020 JSth Ave W W140SCouU'S S G res 410 Crescent Rd H3303Couper Mrs James res 115 17II> Ave NE H2411Coupland Mrs John res 109 14th Ave W M1318Court Confectionery & Grocery 617 utii Ave W..R2491

COURT HOUSE 7th Ave brlween 4rliand aril St 11'Darrl'.tcrs" Phone (Downstnirs) M3838Bani".|ers" Phone fUpsialrs)_.... M842 32Office of Cierlt of Supreme and Oisl Courts. M842 33SherUPs Offire M842 34J H f'harmun Private Office M842 33A G A CInwes fleputy Sheriff M842 36A K Turner Deputy Clerk M842 37n 1. Sloan Piihlic Administrator. M342 38Court Reporlers ...- M842 40Jitiljces' Ordrriy - - M842 4131r Ju.ilire S .1 Sliepherd MB42 52.Mr Jiislicn Twcedie M842 44Atr .lustiee l.unney. M842 45.Mr Justire Menillivray,. 6^842 46Mr Justice A U Clarke M842 51Aflomey General - M842 49

Court Mrs S rea 814 llith Ave NW H2789Courlice L T re? 2-1031 13lh Ave W W18e2Courtlands & Sermlngham Studio 322a Slh

Avo W M1917Coutts A ree 2401 la St SK M?4.39Coults Mrs Annie V rea lOlB 14ih Ave W W2298Coutts G B rej 2420 Clh St W M4524Coulure'W U rea Slfl 71U Ave \V 641034Cove J Le Roy re.s 401 Inth St NW L1040Ctiverley W H res 1502 8th Ave E E54S9Cowan—See niso Cotven and Coivin

Cowan Alexander B res 330 Searhoro Ave W16S3Cowan Chas Wm rrs 726 Isi Ave NW L1216

COWAN GR08LAND A COGeneral Insurance Adjusters SOR Instir.inccEsclinngc M9SS1

A n Coivan res 330 Scarlmro Ave W1653C G Crnslsnid res 4004 6ih St W S0455N flalph I'cacork res ,1720 14th Ave W W2155A II Nctvbery res 208 A!id»rsor» ApU W3243


Cowan Mrs F 91-1724Cowan J E res 1633 Broadview Rd L1667Cowan John 91-1734Cowan John A res 1021 14ili Ave W W4923Cowan L E res 203 27th Ave SE M1663Coward Mrs Edmund J A res 2126 fith Ave E ..E5129Coward Mrs G B res 1002 1st Si NW H2S19Coward G L res 3412 Centre St N H2827Coward's Super Service Stn 924 Centre St N....H3293Cowen Mrs Roy res 229 19th Ave NE. H3238Cowie J J res 214 Cth Ave NE H2247Cowie James res 402 J5th St NW..., 10146Cowie J S res 3412 Centre St N... H3411Cowie John S res 122 12th Ave NW H3436Cowie ft E res 915 7a St NW H3424Cowie Ronald res 419 13th Sf NW L2767Cowlln C Jr res 35 Seven Oaks Court £5432Cowling Mrs Christina res 2130 ICa St W ....W4120Cowling F fVI re? 206 34lh Ave NE H2412Cox James res 1034 I7th Ave E _.E4021Coxon J res 932 .3Slh Ave W S0207Coyle F P res 1245 ]2lli Ave VV W4168Coyle Ceo P res 12 Dufferin f.nilge M3667Cozart C A. 91-2131COZART WM & SONS Local Agts

• nil ihsrvesler Co of L'.mada Ltd 127 I tillAve E M4949

Cozart fVIrs Wm res .922 lOch St NW L103SCozens WEE res 1.'21 SlJi Ave E .ES060Cozzubbs Marine res 1223 Bowncss ltd L1243

Coizubbo Rosario res 209 Ifia St NW L1229CPR BAGGAGE TRANSFER

C I' If Station M3955Crabb Frank A res 2902 16lli St SW S0771Crabb J J res R18 34lh Ave E 565207Crabtree T B res 3041 Clh St SW S0991Cragg Miss Emily M res 226 nth Ave NE H2270Craig Chas A res 2020 8(ti Ave E E5312Craig 0 C res 835 I3th Ave VV MS013Craig Mrs E res 217 Jllh St NW L1717Craig Mervin ft- 91-4421Craig W D res 151.8 15th Ave W W4726Craig Wm res 4222 Ifilh St SW 5127-1Craig's Grocery 509 IClli Ave NW H1816Craigmyle Cartage 321 lOili Ave R M9992Ctaik Cartage 9'ui Sih Ave E E4055Craik L R res 1123 lOlh St E E5415Craik Thomas res 251.5 I5lh Sf W W2442Cramplon Mis K I res 9 Doiieias Bik M9139Cran A H res 417 20lh Ave NE H17Q5Cran F res 2720 Ist St NE H272t)Cran John 0 res 1419 Centre A St NR H2424Crandell E H Pressed Brick & Sandstone Co

OfOce f.oi: Mneir-in Bll: M2789Crandell E H res 226 15lh Ave W M2953CraridBll J K zee 1124 ]7lh Ave VV W1I42Crandell Mrs M 91-6433CRANE LIMITED 602 lllh Ave VV M9571

i'ris-iile Dranrh Kxehangc cntinoclingRll DeptsG O Ilinman Mgr res 2726 MontcalmCreseent - W1691It P Douglns Asst Mcr res 125 7tli Ave NW. H1543

Crane ft C res 613 13th Ave W M9077Cranston A 91»3713Cranston Mrs W H res 1629 Ifith Ave W W3582Cransioun Edward E res 3 Sills Apts Rld45Crapo 0 H 91-1632Crawford A Mel 91-4311Crawford Alex res 1317 34lli Ave VV ,W2702Crawford Andrew res 2124 fia St W M3176Crawford Fred res 409 40lh Ave W .50825CRAWFORD iJ W Barrister 23 Csneil.t

Life BIda M7377Crawford J W res 1131 17lh Ave W W1S64Crawford K J res 630 lOtli St NW 1-2630Crawford L W res 920 Ridcau Rd .S0992Crawford ft J 91-1023Crawford ft S res. 617 9a St NW L2580Crawford T res 1603 Summer St W2529Crawford Vernon C res C2P ISili Ave W R1506Crazy Crystals Co Mineral Water Crystals 127

7lh Ave E ..M5204Creagfi Michael res 9-2J01 llih St SE ES113Creak 8 res 471 12(h St NW LMIQCredit Securities Ltd M MacKenzie Secretary

220 eth Ave W M2832


CREECH HARRY Brutglst—See KingDrug Co No 2 ITlli Ave 4; 4th St W M1503

Creed Miss S T res 1307 1st St W M5483Cretn W J res 2 Jlivermcade Apli R1320Cregan P res 929 3rd Ave NW U323Creighton—See also Crichlon and CriglitonCreighton E I res Ifl Weslminsicr BIk M2869Creighton Wm res 224 9lh Ave NE H3367Creighton Wiliiam J res 224 3rd Ave NE H1S39Cremona Transport 303 7th Ave E M5345


Crescent Beauty Parlor IClO Cenlrc St N H2845Crescent Confectionery 730 3rH .Si NE H3241Crescent Heights United Church Parsonage

208 IRllt Ave NW H1229Crescent Masonic Lodge 131 IBih Ave NW H1270Crescent Service Station 301 Klih avc NE, H1379Crescent Theatre 1718 Ceiiirc St N H3336Crichlon—See aiso Creighton and CriglitonCrichlon D 0 res 1320 1 Ilh Ave E E5570Crichlon J 91-4122Crichlon John rce 21(1 Stii Avc NE H1767Crick E H res 523 4li> Avc W litl610Crighton—Sec also Creighton and CrichlonCrighton ft J V.'c.stpro flanaila Insurance Under-

wrilers' A«sn 200 f.oiicheeil Biilg M1444Crighton R J res 1715 itsii, si w .".,.,W4034Crisail F D ret .121 aSlh Avc W SO???Crist Chat A res 116 Onrdcn Cresrcnl M3683


Crocker C E res 6 Sills Apis M4120Crocker Jack H res 331 loth Ave W ,!!!!!!!!!!,"!.M263BCrockett E H res 1909 2nil St NW .H334SCrockett E I res 3217 Rlh St W .,..'..'.,'.,,,..80674Crockett Miss E J res 21 Lorraine Apts.,'.'.'.'.'.'..''..R1880Ciockett Fred A res 2008 9lh Avo E , ES0S7Cfomarly James L res 342 Dth Ave NE..'.'.'.',','.'h120JCromarty P ft res 19 Hiinlly ApH M9C92CROMAHTY W B Barrlsler flOC-" 8

I.atirasler Blilg M4S20Cromarty W Bres .111 Scarborn Ave .,.'.W4JS5Cfomic George res 101 Aiiilersmi Apli ...'.!"!! wl29JCronin Cat! rc.s Jill 30th Ave NE H3440Crooks G A res 310 Devenlsh Apis ..W3022Crooks Ivan H res 244 Searhoro Ave !!!!.,. W1S70Crooks James res 1518 I2ih Avc W W28fi2CROOKS THE DRUQGIST

ITlh Avp A I'llh St W W4602Cropper AAres S22 2l5l Ave RR !!!!!!I!!"!Le560SCrotland C G res 4004 filli St VV S04S5Cross Mrs A E res 1240 -Sih Avc E. E5)03Cross C A res 1518 lOlh Avc W.,.,. W1819Cross Chas res 1830 32n(l Ave W..,'.'.,',...."3.,. 51138Cross Clifton C res 1.125 IVemier Way'..'.'."...'.'.'.WZSSOCROSS CLIFfON C dc CO LTDfMM4S

Invesiniciit Sccurilles 303 l.ancasler lUHg JMUMCiiftnii (i Cross Preshlent res.,.. W2555.1 H R Thomson Seerelary-Treasufer res 50808

Cross Mrs Daniel res 1732 I4lli Ave W W3426Cross David res 127 9ch Avo NW H3690Cross E rea 114 I2lh Ave R, .'I"!l','."...fl4-1036Cross Mrs Frank res 1 El Pn)o Apis.!,.!! M2495Cross J B res 1027 22ml Avc W W1268Cross Miss Margaret res 45 Lorraine Apts M2766Crossfield Traniporl 6th Avc & 2nii St^K M3H26CROSSLAND & BEALE LTD

Piilnicis & Deciiralnrs 714 2nd St E... M4344John Forbes res .127 11th St NW,,., L1450A r. Shaw res 1038 Itl Ave NW L1945

Crosslcy John res 2420 2nil .St F. IVI2243Crosthwaite M P res 515 lliU Ave W .M9171

Cioleau A E res 1509 J4th Avo W .„W4iaiCfousc Johnson res 334 22nd Ave W M7277Crowe Mis C H res 1410 la St NW H21»Crowe Mrs Clara res 601 Tih St W, M3138CROWE F M Phm B Optometrist and

Optician Suite 215-216 Allitiria Corner 1stSt W it 8th Avc WWSDF M Crowe res 522 14lh Avc W M5038

Crowe J J res 1530 ICIh Ave W W1803Crowe T J res 622 24lh Ave VV M3309Crowe Thomas A re» 611 12th Ave W ..I..M4W7

Page 37: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short


CROWLE H E BsrriiUr & Solicitor:.'p>0 Ijncajicr Bid? M3(326

CrowlE H E res SSS filh Av» NE.,,. H1594Ctewn Cartage Co 2-tO Snl Ave E M7776Crown Cash Moat Market 2118 4'lti St W M97e4CROWN FEED L.TD 122 lOib Avc W. M3&29

\ E I.ncki-tl res M4963


Crown'Life Insurance Co S21 LouKbecd BIdg ... M7390CROWN LUMBER CO LTD

aty Yard Cor lOlh Ave & Olh St W .W2443W S luiwther Yard Mgr res 624 RoscdalcCrfjecnt H1693HFAD OFFICE Bank of Commerce BIdg jMlS3612(12 IM Si W JM1S37K T Chritelilry ManaarrIt 1 Mcl.ean Trrasiicer


Croiler Miss Blanche H rea d-ldll 4lh Si W.MS738Croiler C J rr.t 1.SII2 Bellevnc Ave E5710Crazier J S re« liiiri llili Avc W W3030Ctfljicr M S fee 414 I5tii Ave NE H2257Cruitkshank George G re* COS Tiih Ave VV R1915Cruickjhartk J rrs 1.2212 4lU St \V R2321Crulckshink L G res 402 Ro.vboro ltd. S0937Crum A G re* 036 nrd Avc NE H3347Crum C re.i SC13 lit St W... S0141Crumtdehulme F m 2347 Qth SI E ...E5037Cruse—See niio KriireCrystal Mrs A res OIC ICth Ave W W2008Crystal Cafe 112 Otli Avc E I«9142CRYSTAL DAIRY LTD

Orders i Skipping 120 filh Avc E..... M2003Otriec M4689

CRYSTAL GLASS SHOP 222 9thAvc E M92345 li.vnsen Prop res 3l!12 3rd Si SW S0721


CrysIJi W ro4 214 2riil Si W R2657Cudtlie Frank re* 7i)Ii 2nd Ave NW... L1769Cudmore C W re? 2 1310 lllih Ave W. W2624Ciifil C re» 1721) :inH Ave SW S0694Culbcrl C tn lfii2 3rd St K M5953Cuiham H L re* 820 9a St N\V L1850Cullen H B res 8iri 13lli Ave W R1384Cullcn J E rn 70S Mtli St E E5523Cullen J T 91-6512Cullen L rei 18n6 nomsay St E5806Cullen Ray E re* 1216 Ifilh St E. E5967Cullen S B .91 6522Cullen T H. 91-6524Cullen W P 91-6534Cummer Carl B mi 1S07 2Sllt Ave SW W1844Cummer F W re» 3221 I3tli Ave W WJ6S1Cumminq Mrs A rr* 23S CreacenI Ril H3277Cumming A 0 re* f>24 fllilraii Rd S1155Cumminj A E rcj 1311 lOili Ave \V .W3082GUMMING MEEGAN OO

LTD i.- Sain 330 330 7(h Ave W... M2555Fan-. &Service Dcpaitrnetit .R220ll-lied Car l.ol Htti Ave & 2tid St W M2565A K Oliver Sales Mgr rvs S0532Oins E Biillrr Service Mgr rei 143366

Cumming willard & Co Grain Merchonts4lH Lancaster Blrlg M12fl8

Cumming Willard W res 10 Moxam AptCumming* Gordon J re* 333 40(.h Ave W. S0422Cumming* Grain Co Ltd The—See The Independ

ent Grajn Co LtdCumtnlngj J K re* 333 40lh Ave VV S0422Cummin* Mrs B res 1014 20tli Ave E ESS64Cumfnln* J B res 1308 Centre St N H3490Cunningham A J re* "17 Olti Avc VV M3853Cunningham C H res 1917 830 St W .W257SCunningham D res 1420 Jnliet Avc W1957Cunningham 0 H res 007 6th Ave VV M70J1Cunningham Miss G res 5 Alhion Blk M913SCunningham Mrs H re* lr"l)2 aivl Ave SW W4379Cunningham John res 2li7 ftrd Ave VV R2536Cunningham Robert re* 2312 IClh St E E5153Cunningham Stanley re* 826 18lh Ave VV W4825Cunningham Strutiier* C re* 1.624 33H Ave VV ..80290Cunningham W H rci 331 22nd Ave VV Ri894


CUNNINGTON D G Lfnaiirance 7 Bank of Toronto Bldg M2494D G L Ciinnlngton re* 1511 IStlr Ave VV W2392

Cupalo Mrs M res 915 lOlH Ave E. - ES05SCurdl C G res 1921 lOlh St W W4941Curl Shoppc The 1336I> 9th Ave E E5253Curleltc E B Photograptier 111 Stb Avc VV M2345

E 8 Curlctte res &03 Anderson Apt* W3Z34Curlettc Edward T res 3913 Elbow Drive S0714CurliSS E T res 3S26 6th St VV S0338Cutlils J N res IBOS 6th St VV M1719CurliSS Oliver rt* 162 Devcnlsh Apis W4947Curphey Thos C res 134 7th Ave KVV,... H1944Currey Fred res 910 Royal Ave W4109Currle—Sec also Currey and CurryCurfle Archie res 1016 20lh Avc E ES262Currie E P re* 225 12th Avc KW .H2521Currie E & S Ltd 410 l.eeson-Llneh»m BIk

VV A Grincr Reprrserdalive M7052Currie Elsie M re* 36 Ilr.ake Ap(* M3621Currie Mrs Emma res 1315 1<| St NVV H2606Currie J L re.* 1019 8lh St NVV H2795Currie James res loni ;lrd Si NVV H2170Currie Kathcrinc E re* filS 26ili Ave VV M9196Currie M res 66" ITlh Ave NVV H1760Currier A re* 220 2olti Ave VV M74S5Curry—Sec also Currey end CurrieCurry Mrs H Earie res iOlS Mth Ave VV W4962Curson C Decorator 442 14iti St NVV L1392Curtis Mrs Alice M res 20 Sill* Apt.* M4888Curtis C H res 62-3 l-lth Ave VV R1623Curtis P rrs 1710 2nd St W M3083Gush John res 1933 7th Ave E ES093

GUSHING A B MILLS LTDnrricc & MIII cor lOth Ave Si 14ih St W M4648Yard Office W4648n L Cusiilng ManagerII VV Katrgnod Accounlanl St Credit MgrR J Thomson Sales Manager

Cushing G G rc« 1384a 12ih Ave VV. W1379Cushing H D re* 1411 lOlh Ave E ES077Cushing R L res 1005 19th Ave VV W1430Cushing Mrs W H rc* 313 4lh Ave VV 82894CUSHING W H LIMITED

9tli Ave East Caleafv ES678Custanee W W res 1305 4a St NVV HI554Custead Mrs C J re* 7.52 5a St NW LU45Customs—See Dominion Covemment—N.-ilional

Itei-rnup UeptCut-Ratc Hardware Co See Calgary Hnrdware

Store M131SCut Rale Shoo Store 130 8ih Avo E M7212Cut Rate Used Car Sales ill 7lh Avc W IW49Q7Ciithiell R re* 2021 Rlh Ave E E5261Cutler E A re* 320 filh Ave NR H2466Cutler H E rris 1717 10-1 St VV VV2483Cutl J 91-1232CUTTER LABORATORY THE

210 Stii Ave VV M2864Cutting W T re* l-aSS 14lh Avc VV W3SS3Cuyier T W re.* 3228 fill. St VV S1203Czene Wm res 24.1 3rd Ave E R2462


DACK'S SHOES Tom Campbell Co Ltd21Ga 8Ui Avc W

Oad'S Cookie Co 169 Clli Avc VV M2648Oadson R S re* 3209 filh St W S0206Oaffodli Cook Stioppe 720 ITlli Ave W fl2104Oafoe John C re* 514 20lli Ave VV M41I9Oagg Milton E re* 1727 Jllh Ave VV „.......W14S9Dagui Mrs K res IS-ll Nth Ave W W1366Dahl Mrs B rrs 232 19ih Ave E - "1201Oahl G C re* 311 lOlh St NW ......L1059Dafiiback Mrs 6 re* Q Frnser Blk. E5367Oahrouge M S res 125 Bili Ave VV M1679Dailley W G B res 1007 Hlilcrcsi Ave W25a4Oakin E B res 1410 4t{t St NVV H1552Dale F H res 923 ISlh Ave VV W1406


Daley A re* 723 fia St NVV L1242Daley Mrs Mllia 1 res 2123 I<t Are NVV L2140Oaigelty Jamet res 620 15th St NVV L1998

Dav 31


PhoneM4l444 r7t.M7996

Dalgetty W res 1S09 27th Avo SW W23i5Oalgetty William res 1S26 ICth St W W2135Dalgleish Alex S re* 532 lOth Ave NE H1114Oalgleish D Lloyd res 3 Fonlenclle Court M9670Dathousic Oil Co Ltd Office COS 2nd St W MJ031Dal! 0 D res 236 lOth Avc NE - _....H203LD'Allaird'S Ltd 212 Sth Ave VV M3450Dalrymple R res 2309 ISlh St W W2716Dam Emil res 119 7tti Avc NE H1787Oanahcr C M res 2114 4lh St W ...; M5065Dancocks Robert r« 1123 5th Ave VV _.... M5123Dando Miss F L res 3-140Ta lltli SI W W102S

Dangerlield J H re.* 119 9lh Ave NVV H254SDaniels Mrs L A res 2711 17ih St SW _...W1494Daniels L G res 463 ISih Ave NVV .Hi745Daniels' Lunches 500 4th St E M2321

DANKS DR A I Physician St Siirfeon410-111 Soulham Bids M338S

Dr A I Dank* re* 2915 tTarielon St W304D

Dann H W res Ranclimen's Cliih - M4678Dann William J res Sli 10a St NVV..._ L1969Daisy L G res 1035 13th Ave W W2698Darby Louis H res 133 2nd Ave E R2180Dares A C res 1417 22nd Ave NVV a909Dares Alexander C res 536 19tii Avc VV M1795

DARLING BROS LTD Products rear222 5ih Ave W M2057

Darling Hat Shop Ltd 332 Sth Avc W M2213Darling J K re.* 1341 13th Avo W W2942Darlow Mrs Alice re* 6 Goderidi Apts W3207Darroch A W re* S19 14lh Ave VV _..MaOS9Oarroch G E (Ted) re* 3832 6th St SW S0185Dart R A res .3021 .3rd St VV .81125Dart T 0 re* 1311 Bth St E _.M7124

Darts W re* 707 13tii Avc VV R1334Dash Stanley W re* 1927 CStli St W W143SDash W H rc* 81C 15th Ave W B1735Daltner Samuel res 1340 34ih Ave W .W4079

Daum A res 1C24 3rd St NVV H2241Daunccy A R res 521 20nd Ave W ...M4523Dave & George Transfer 5 Ave & 2 5i E M1S26

Davey—See nlsn Davle and Davy

Davey A T res ISOl ITlli St VV W4897Davey Mis E W re? 84.| 4tii Avc NW ,.,..U644David's Dry Goods Store 1223 9ili Ave E E55S9Davidman H Furnilurr Mfr 3 24 Ist Avc E M3914Davldman H res 3208 7l1i St VV .......51189Davidow Sam ren 317 dih Ave NE H3426Davidson—See also Davison and DavitsnnDavidson David D res 1R4» 14lii Ave W .W47S2Davidson E F res 313 lla St NVV .L1507Davidson Eilc res 423 Isl Avc VV ..„,..R281S .Davidson C D res 1732 lllli St W W4458Davidson Mrs 1 M res 1724 i4lh Ave W ........W3454DavHson J A res 410 ICth Ave NVV H2236Davidson J H res 407 8tli St W M98&3Davidson J H res 220 Rrd Ave NE .H2912Davidson James re* 1422 lOih Avo £ E5128Davidson L M res 4 Douglas Blk _.._...M5620Davidson Robert A ret 1820 X7a .St W .....W2610Davidson S J res 201 Sc.irhoro Ave W296BDavidson Mr* Susan re* 115 Davidson Blk M5011Davidson W A res 1218 Ifilh St W W1094

. Davidson Mrs W A re* .3007 Clh SI W $0177Davidson W C res 1227 21M Ave NW H3311Davidson W I re* 224 20th Ave NE H2962•Oaviflson W S Barr i Soir 303 Maclean flik ... M1429Davidson W S res 3 Argylc Court -.M5142Davidson Wm re* 112 loth St NW L207iOavie—See also Davey and DavyDavlB Mrs Robert res 90S 18th Ave NVVOavies—Sec also Davis

Oavles A ces 420 14th SI NVV L2020Davics A H ..91-3015

DAVIES ALLAN S InvestmentSecurities Tooie Peet St Co Ltd R1041

Davies Allan S res 2412 MorrHon St W2S43Davies Cyril re* 2112 ISiii Ave W .,M7540Davies Mrs F M res 1301 IDlh Av« VV .W1206

Page 38: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

32 Dav

Otvies Frank r*» Gl.T l»t A\> W R2154Oavtes Mrs Helma G res G Congress Apis M22SSDavis fiev J R 51-4121Davles Joe Wm res 1222 nth Ave NW L1748Davies Maynard J r« NE 4 24 2wS i.W4998Davies Milton res 2410 KJa St SW W485S

Davies Percy G res 206 11th Ave NW H2362


4'.i9 I.ancaster Bldg M5G15Davies SUnley J res 112? Prospect Ave _.W201iDavies Miss V L res 2007 26th Ave NW 1.2609Davies win res 5234 2nd St SW S1161Davif—See airo Davies

Davis A J res 242*1 Ja St SE M7632

Davis A J res 109 25lh Ave W - M1707

DAVIS A «f PRINTING CO LTDTHE 107 6th Ave W M2207Maniiter's res 109 25tli Ave W M1707

Davis B W res C FonlcncTle Court R2902

Davis C res 1S06 9lh St W .._.WX569Davis C A res 390fi la St SW S0935Davis Chas W res 2S10 Centre St N _.H12S8Davis Chester G res 314 24lh Ave W M7735Davis Mrs E res 2005 2nd St W M3674Davis Fred res 1140 Rlverdale Ave S0465Davis Fred G res 30O2 Clenroe ltd .S0S25

Davis Frederick A rrs rear 134 13ib Ave E R1S18Davis Miss Grace A res 332 21st Ave MV H2832Davis H E res 390.3 17th St SW S1162

Davis Mrs H W res 11 Congress Apts M922S

DAVIS DR L E Chiropractor 1005. 2ndAve NW L2375

Davis Mrs M res 1917 19lh Ave NW L2353Davis M S res 12.9 34th Ave NW - _.H3060Davis 0 0 r« 3423 Gth St W S0123Davts Percy F res 221S I4a St W .W197SDavis R F res .3204 Bnwness Rd L1746'Davis Sam res 1131 fiih Ave W -.M1S70Davis T res 12-lfilh St NW L1916Davis W R rrs 3S19 Sth St SW SOU?Davison—See also Davitlson anri DavissonDavison Andy res 309 4lh St NE ...H1274Davison Mrs John A res 1210 10th Ave E.L... E5823Davisson N P res 73.3 Gth Ave W _.M23S6

Davy—See also Davey and DavieDavy Frank - 91-1525Davy J -91-1725Davy Wm C - „...91-1634Daw E rrs 2.30.=! 38rh St NW - - 1-2715Daw H C res 4.3G iSlh Ave NW — H1334Daw R E r« 929 4lh St NW L2015Dawdy's Lodge Confectionery 739 7ih Ave W R1144Oawson A res K2G 9th Ave NE _.H3387Dawson Mrs C E res 1729 2nt3 Ave NW L1729Dawson Cyril res 2210 17h Si W W1585Dawson Mrs E E res 1G19 2Slh Ave W — W2934Oawson George rrs 1102 Bellcviie Ave E5992Dawson Mrs H res 223 23rd Ave NE H1969Oawson J N rrs 20S 12th St NW -.L2016Dawson J W rrs 1120 P.iHiser Hotel - M82Oawson John res 3312 Km St E E5908Oawson K n-s 209 .3Ist Ave NE H1S47Dawson-Stevevllle Syndicate 100.3 Lancaster M4284Oaw.lon W E res 42.3 13th St NW L2142Oawson W T res 228 16th Avo NW ..._ H2909Daj^See o1sf> DeyDay Constance res 1122 IClh Ave NW H2705Day Mrs F res 1.311 Bth St W M7354Day Frank A res ROS l.llh Ave E M4e33Day H rrs Rosamorc Apt* - M1436Day H H res S37 iSlh Ave W — M7529Day W H tea rtT7 3rd Ave W M1372Daykin Syd res 433 19th Ave NW H1982Dayton L Soon Croc & Veg 22 4th St NB ........R1714Deagon J C res T12 4a St NE H2509


Deal C R re« 3815 7lh St W S015?

DEAL PISH CO THE 119 7(h Av W M4260

Deal W H res 2313 14a St W...._ W2318Dean—See also Oeanr and DeansDean E J res 327 22na Ave SE E4090Dean John res 335 13lh St NW _...L2671

Dean 0 T res 1811 lOlh St W. W1682

Dean P R rrs 172C J3th Ave W W3443Dean R J rrs 3T3 2l5t Ave W !.'M20i8Dean Mrs Wm res .337 13th St NW L1706Dean Zerah W res 225 3Slh Ave W ,30346

DEAN'S PHARMACY W G DeanJ3Mb 9lh Ave F. E5198W G Dran res 3-309 ISlh Ave W M5718

Deane Or R B rrs 2740 Wolfe St W2721Deans Alex rrs 1149 lllh St E E5072

Deans William rrs 422 ISth Ave NW H2803Dess G F res 2714 lOlh St SW W3020de Ballnhard VJ D C rrn 300R rileneoe nd S0518Detmam R F Glenmore Lodge 334 14th Av W M3811

DEEGAN J e & SON Roormg &Wood Preserving ulS Sth Ave E M41Q5

DEERE JOHN PLOW COMP'NYLTD Implements 20.3 HJlh Ave E M4636Private Branch Exchange connecting ail DcptsCalgary Farm & Daio* Supply Ltd ].aicalAgents lOOTa-lOOD Ist St E M3022

Deeton H C res 809 ]4lh Ave W M5831

DEEVES FRED SONS Phimhingllcalins and Casfilling 1711 I'lh Ave W .,.W1074Fred Dccves res 2409 .32rd St W W2829

De Foe C N res 1824 ISlh St SW W3691

Degering C W res 213 Cth Ave NE ..H263?Oe Greeve Then res 210 4th Ave W ...R298S

de Hart J B res 2201 lOlh St W W3551

Delbert A M res 634 20th Ave W M3460

Delsman S J res 216 lOlh Ave NW H2281Deklcrck Mrs Allierta rrs 1T14 1st St E M9203Deianey J M res 103.5 14lli Ave W W3491

DE LAVAL CO LTD Cream Separators & Milkers 10O7a 1009 Ist St E M3022

de la Vergne Mrs C .R res 1711 4th St W M3648Delay George R res 220 llth St NW L1355DELCO-LIGHT Bruce Robinson Elretric

Ltd 9lh Ave i 4lh St W M9506

DELCO-REMY SERVICE STATION W 11 Jolmslon Service Mgr 21012tb Ave W M4435

Dell Jack P res 1 The Cardrn R2S29

DELIVERIES LTD 213 lllh Ave WHead Olflce - Manager NI586?Acrmintaiit —- M44B0Warehouse - M5876

Dell B F res 2.31 23rd Ave W M4165Dell H C res 4B Congrrss Apis -..i R2920de Long Miss Carrie res 14 Central BIdg M2085De Lorme P res S Anderson Apts W1869

DELTA ELECTRIC LTD Automotiveand Eleclrical Supplies 1003 1st St W M4550


Oe LuxG Barber & Beauty Shop 210 7lh Av W M1777Oe Luxe Ice Cream Parlor 2.39a lUh Ave G...MS19SDe Luxe Service Station 4 Av & 8 St W M7633

DEMERITT INSURANCEAGENCIES 694 50.5 luiticiMcr BUIg .... M1015C E Dcmeriil res 204 30th Ave IV S1121

OemetS J T res 211 2Rlh Ave W M9197

Oe Mille Mrs Leo res 10.30 tSth Ave E ES707Demolos James Uniform Mfrs 1122 Isl St W... M3751Oempsey Clarence M res 421 13lh Ave C M1722


Dempster Mts D res G29 24lh Ave NW —HllSlDenbigh C F res 109 Ganion Cresrcnt —..M9144DENCH OF CANADA LTD tM3lH9

1310 Centre St S 1m2757C O Dcnch res 1206 6lh Ave NW LU04

Denholm John res 320C Tth St W S0184Denholm Or R F Dentist 212 Alberta Comer _..M2752

Oenison J res 309 Gth Ave NE H176SDenneU Hcibert res 3020 Ist St SW S0962Dennis C R 91-4731Dennis J D C res 912 RIvcrdale Ave..._ S0418Dennis R S res .3118 Vcrelieros St ...\V2830Oenoon George res 2.319 Carleton St ._.......__.W4193Denoon K rcj 610 IT.lh Ave W M2254DC Pee R res 229 IDa St NW L252Sde Pfyffer Chas H res 1429 Premier Way V/2371de Renry Or H W Dentist 412 Southam BIdg... M26&7Dereume Mts Gedeon res 338 J4th Avo W M9332Oerynck C H res 33.16 1.3i1i Ave W .W350SDE SOTO MOTOR CARS Office &

Sales .330 33C 7!h Ave W M2S55Parts anil Service Dept ; ..RZZOl

Despins A res 840 IBtli Ave W _M9974Despins Claire res 3.21C 12th Ave W M3560DESPINS JULES Hardware & Dec

orator 250Ca 4lli St W M1396Despins Victor Bl-lr i Contr 22S IBth Ave W M3124Oesson A V r.-s 290 ICtli St NW 12011Oesson Chas A res C22 ITlh Ave NW HIU?Desson H E .91-2833Dcsulter Auto Body Works 2003 4ili St W M2423Oesuttcr E res 6.340 2nd St SW .... ...SOOlO

DETROIT.. AUTO BODY WORKSShop 123 lath Ave W f.l065SOflire M4S18

de Veber H A res 309 23rd Ave W M3951Dcvenish Apartments 317-907 30th Ave W W4958Devenish 0 G res 302 Devenlsh Apis W2S.12Devine Gerald B res 320 -tnth Ave SW SllTfiDcvlne James A res 922 4a St NW r-.L1370Devlin Mrs M J res 120 4ili Ave W R13CI3de Vries J res .300 Devmlsh Apis _,„.W3ai6de Waal T H res OOS Meredith Rd R16J5Dewar Alex res 1017 llih Ave W .W446SDcwar Miss C res 829 ISlh Ave W V/1785Dewar D S res 3060 4ih St W S0571Dewar J H res MlC 24lli Ave W W4&74Dewarl A res 1004 Ul Ave NW 1-1403Dewhlrst John res 023 ISlh Ave NW —,HJ314Dewls A S res 1420 4a St E MS66IDe Wolfe H W res 330 3rd Ave NE H2959Dexter William C res 1.319 2nd St NW _-,H340JDey George res 1413 2a St NW .H27SODey James res 6019 1st St SW S0594Dey Mrs M res 1712 7lli St W ..!!!!!!"!!""!!!.... VV4J47Dey Mrs W J res 130 fiih Ave W M1324Dial H E res 1008 Frnntenac Ave ...., W1151Diamond—See also Dj-mnndDiamond Douglas L res 9 G.vleriih ApH W4024DIAMOND FIFTY GENT TAXI

Royal Hole! M2222Diamond L res 32.38 Ctli St W S0448

DIAMOND MOTOR CO LTDCiialu-im Cars 226.231 Cth Ave W M3186Sales St Service

Diamond Mrs Myers res 823 Rih Ave W M13S9Diamond P r«s IIM f.lh Ave W M2ee6Dichmont G res 732 2iiil Ave NW L1283Dicrtmonl Jas ros 2030 21st Ave W - W4197

DICHMONT JOHN Printer & Stationer 2212 4ih St W M30S4

Dick A A Ernnomy Memnrlol Co 2433 2 St.E R28BSDick A A res 2211 7lli St W W2153Dick A M res 308 23ra Ave W MJOa?Dick A W res 3303 Coilmrne Crescent _...W3594Dick J H res 1709 2nd Ave NW .U336Dick J Ure res GIO IGlh Ave NW. H1377

Sci^e^LO^ef QMncticrK - ^"from fho HOUSE of


•fromthe HOUSE of


Page 39: ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 4X City 1940 Mar A to C.pdfKyles A R res 14 College Apts M7C68 L ... Shannon P L res 4 Gloria Court M7162 Sharkey Louis res 905 Illli Ave W W490S Short

3>iC CALGARY Dom 33

We Call

and Deliver

Boston Hat Works-109-8th AVENUE WEST

HAtSmI I Cleaned and Re^Reblocked

Dick Mrs J W res 413 11a St NW U013Dick W R fcs iC Lorrairnr Apis M7716Dtcktfl J S rtj 2010 2l5t Avr \V W4e37DIckit E F ret 1433 4a St NW H2617Dickie Cerslif B Cbvt Tols res 7 Sills Apts ... M4590Dickie T M res 920 ISth Ave W W2a74Dickie W A -.91-1131Dickie W 0 res 3214 3rd St S\V S0782Dickie's Electric \Vm Dickie 1207 13th St W...W2552Dlckieton W H res (127 Hth St NW L1302Oickintcfi F res 1323 lllli Ave W W3178Dickinson i .91-3812Dickinson J H res 3S30 Cth St W S0681Dicks Bert Meat Mkt 20 City ll.ill Mkt Ra026DIckson—Sec sho Di*onDlckson A A Rs 1410 2nd St KW H1886

DiCKSON CARTAGE H 11 BlackJ'top 123 32lh Ave E .M7737

Dickson G E ret 2403 1st St W M3856Dickson H F rca 920 ITih Ave NW H1106Oickjon J res .3000 ISlh St W WUO?OlckJon J B res 1700 Botvncss lid' L20d3Dickson John ret 18 Westminster Blic MS879Dickson K M res 1411 Ga St NW H2990Dickson W res ul3 Sth St NE t...- R1363Dickson Wm ret 219 Sth Ave NW H2194


Dies Frank A res 4'410 lat St E M262SOlelikor C res 719 3rd Ave W - H2719DIctt Jon tci 3G30 lit St SW SllOlOleVt W ret 610 Olh Ave NE - H2278Olpnan Roy res 1120 7lh Ave W M2709Digncy H J res 315 2'ith Ave W M3229Dllllbaugh Miss A I res 045 ISth Ave W .M93S5Dillon J M res 3S09 4th St W .... . S0568Dillon J M If ret 1237 liivrrdale Ave S0021Dilworth V E ret S40 41li Avo W R2S33Dime Messenger Service 122 Commcrrbl Bld^ ..M5171DlmniJ J R res f>12 lOlh Ave NE H1186Dincen G L res IOCS Scotland St W1035Dingle A W res 1725 Botvncss Rd L1602Dingle J W res 024 IGth Ave W M7635

DINGLE NORMAN D KC Barrltlcr &Solicitor 504 Grain Exchange Bi'lB M7275

Dingle Hortnsn 0 ret 220 Superior Ave W1197Dingle W H Whnl Croe IJkr 20 H 1. Perry Big M5757Dinglsy John Thomas res 2131 3rd Avc NW L2014Dfnglcy Wilfrgd res 1020 Wcslmont lid L224QDingman A R res 3014 2nd St W S0345Dingman C W rrs 514 Sunderiaud Ave W2429Dingmin Claude L res 420 Raxboro Rd SQ827Dingwjil Gto res 019 Bail Oaire Ave -.R2823Dining Car Otii Avc A 4lh St W 95-149Dinkel pjul H res 702 Ridcau Rd S1123Dinnlgan Mrs A W tn 3323 7ih St W SOOSSDinning Mrs J res 1030 lOlh Avc E. E5397Dionne A rc.s 44S ISlh Avc NW H23,95Dlottc N res 044 9th Avc NW .1.1433DIppie G F res 1140 Sydenham Rd _,..W1417Oippner R res 1017 17th Ave E ....E5271Dirranc Mrs M ret 4000 Iflili St SE E5744

Ditto F S res 904 2"<1 Avc NW L2221Olvall Mrs A S res 1509 ISlli Ave NW L1584Diver Henry res 216 9th St NW L2361Olvcr May res 319 31 Hi Avc W M7023DIx W C rM 1179 Bftisnc.ts Rd L2079

Dlxon—-Sec also Dlcksnn

Dixon A M rc» Hi" JSlli Ave W W4677Dlxon C rei 441 Ho St NW L1887Oixon Drug Store 504 8th Ave W. M2053

Dlxoti Mrs Elitabelh res 3017 Jst St W S0022DiMh F4td H res 3048 Cfd St- IV S0814

Dlxon Dr Ivan Pliys & Surg lOS Armour BIk . R1636Df Ivan Dixon res 1712 Oa Si \V W4510If no answer call - M2-128

Oixon J E res S37 ISlh Ave W W3530Dixon Mrs J H rrs 903 Lansdowne Avc S0501Dixon J M ret 1721 Hth St W W1834

DIXON DR J M Dentist 809 SouthnmRMg M3884

Dixon Dr J M res 1332 Frontenac Avc W42S6Dixon Vernon Riley Estate L1515

DIXON OR W V Demist Alberta ElkIsl St W & Sth Ave MiaiZ

Dixon Dr W V res 124 Otii Ave E M2006Dlyoume Miss M res H31 Kcntlnston Rd LI801Dobbie James res 014 ICth Ave W W2528Dobbin Mrs Isabella res 1230 ISlh Avc W W1533Oobridgc R W ret 217 Superior Avc W4961Dobson Mrs 8 res 64 Cnignry Aptt M3788Oobson H res 220 30th Ave SE M9033Dobson W H res 731 Blvd NW L2772Dockitcader H W res 1301 nth St NW H124eOodd Leonard res 70.5 ISth Avc NW H1981Doddrldge R J res 112 Ox St NE ....R1124Oodds A ret 32 Drake Apts R1459Oodds J K res 517 3Ut St NW L1805

Oodds Thomas res fill ISth Ave NW H1360

DODGE MOTOR CARS ATRUCKS Oifkc & Sales 330-356 7tliAvc W M2S55Partt and Service Dept R2201

Dohcrly Burton res 9 Wellinglon Apis M1725Dohcfly E J ret 1109 ISth Avc NW H2737Doherty Geo res 929 20th Ave W W2147Doherty Haroid ret 219 1st Ave W ; R1264Doherty J C res 920 6lh St NW U704Doherty Jas J Violin Mkr & Repr 4H 8 Av W M3154Doherty M res fill 23rd Avc W M52S8Doherty Mrs W J res 1 Brvcrlry Apis MS912Doldge W A G res 12 Moxam Aptt .M3702Doll Lou F res S GlensvooJ Manor ..L1923

DOLLAR CLEANERS Ss DYERS.Main Olfire & Plant 1114 I7lh Ave W W2608Down Town Office 717 4(h St W M267BW I'lilskv Mcr rrs 803 Rideaii Rd.,., S0701

Dollar J ...! 91-1714Ooison's Beauty Shoppc 340 17lh Avc W .... M3210Dominion Auto Body Service 224 Tih Avc K M388dDOMINION BANK THE 200 .<t Av E

(jciicral Oiliec M2524Mahagrr only B E Hull M5939

DOMINION BRIDGE CO LTDsnj 21111 Ave .SE(lily Order Desk ES184S.dcs A Engineering Dcpl* ES18SShipper ES734Cciier.ll Office E5785

Dominion Cafe 127 Stii Avr E n2132DOMINION CARTAGE CO

1010 2nd St K M2797Dominion Drive Yourself Auto Lively 111 7(1i


THE 131 Sth Avc E M3672T'ltrniliire Dept ^Office M5039Wareliousa 711 Sth Ave W M2289

Dominion Garage rear 710 1st St E MS227

C/se LongDistance


PhdheM4444 otM7996

DOMINION GOVERNMENTAGRICCLTUBE. DEP.\RT3IEN'T OFInspfcllon D.vlry Produce £ W Light SSOCaigari' Pubiic Bldg M9416P F R A 419 Calgary Public Bliig M1479Egg Inspector Immigration BIdg M7018rrult Inspeelor T II McDotvcIl ImmigrationBldg .M7016HeatLfi of Animals Branch

414 Calgary Public Bldg M1558Markets Service Swine ic Meat GradersStockyards .— _..._ES933Livestock Production ServiceDistrict Supervisor Jack ByersSettlor livestock Kcldman S G Freebom409-411 Calgsty Public Bldg M3520Market Representative D A MacKeitueStockyards E5922Seed Branch fPlant P.'odticlnl 30 Av & 1 St EF.nqiiirirs A Frank Fnulds Dist Supcnisor . M3494l.aboratory N G Lewis M3495ANNUITIES BR.ANCH—

Sm Labor. Department ofCANADL4N PENSION COMnnSSIONr.lT Sth Ave W

District Representative Dr E Sheffield M324QChief Clerk W P.ilcrson __..,M3240

CUSTOMS—See National Revenue, Department of

HEALTH. DEPART.MENT OF—SeeFcnslous and National Health

INCOME TAX OFFICE—See NationalRevenue, Department o(

INL.AND REVTIXUE—See NaUonalRevenue, Department of

LABOR, DEPARTMENT OFAnnuities Branch 533 Caijary Public BWg ... M319G


FOREST SERVICE 39 Customs BMg ...M2331IMMICR-VTION BRANCH Offices 529Calgary Publie Bldg M2773INDLVN AFFAIRS BRANai C P ScJunidt Ift.spcctor 507 Caigarv Public Bldg ..M4760petroleum ENG'iNEER F Al Sitel503 Calgary Public Bldg .M7102WATER AND POWER flCREAC—Calg.iryI'ufilic BId|O II Hoover Enjinerr In Cliarge .M2fi88Office M44S9

N.ATIONAL DEFENCE, DEPARTMENT OF,HQ, MD 13-—tfaigary Public BldgCiciicnd Office—EiH|ulrle» - M4955Oencral Slaft Officers M3390n -Signals O A Radio Station .M5952AA & QMO M9B20DAA & QMO M4990Auxiliary Servicw OfGcer M4248DEO M281SD S A T 0 Union Bldg M2818DM0 M2074

(Continued on Next Page)