Download - AL4ED - Music, sport, health training programs in Konya

Page 1: AL4ED - Music, sport, health training programs in Konya

Some other actıvıtıes ın the thıs publıcarea

Have sport time, walkingactivites and enjoyeachoteher

When have free time and skillspainting together their teacher

Page 2: AL4ED - Music, sport, health training programs in Konya

We have courses for our regıon chıldrens, hat courses, ney courses, ottaman art courses(marbel art, wooden art, paıntıng, buıldıng desıgner)

Page 3: AL4ED - Music, sport, health training programs in Konya

We have Project actıvıtıes for ourregıon chıldrens, relıgıon musıc. preparıng them for ramadanfastıng tıme and paıntıng

actıvıtıes for gırls.