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Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2017 Part 19-138-Caliphate- The State of al-Qaida-45-Our Performance-62 Middle East

The problem is not just the elected official, it's the kuffar who put them there too. January 27, 2017 White House Executive Order "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist

Entry into the United States""There are attempts to give the impression that this decision is directed against a particular

religion, but what proves this talk to be incorrect first is what the US administration itself says ... that this decision is not directed at a certain religion."

One of the more specious lines of argument has been that the new Executive Order is a "boon for ISIS recruitment" – the idea being that somehow Muslims will now be more easily swayed by the ISIS narrative. As if Muslims were children or ticking time bombs so ready to become terrorists if the world is mean to them or Trump excludes them.

And it is hard to see how much a (seemingly mostly temporary) visa ban would help an ISIS narrative that makes much of ancient events like the Crusades and the Reconquista and threatens to "conquer Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women." The ISIS narrative uses and will use everything, but it has been mostly driven in past years by the idealized creation of a supposedly perfect Islamic Caliphate based on "the Prophetic Methodology" and on the sectarian carnage in the Middle East, especially in Syria.

A Million Muslims Ready to Defend Saudi Arabia against Iran; the Taliban in Afghanistan Are Not Terrorists. I'm telling you, a million young men from Africa, Pakistan, and the Arab world want this to happen.

Sheikh Hilayel, Chief Islamic Justice And Imam Of The Royal Hashemite Court: The Gulf's Failure To Help Jordan Could Trigger A Second Syria

Senior Pakistani Cleric Maulana Tahir Ashrafi: A Million Muslims Ready to Defend Saudi Arabia against Iran; the Taliban in Afghanistan Are Not TerroristsMaulana Tahir Ashrafi, Chairman of the All Pakistan Ulema Council, said that "a million young men from Africa, Pakistan, and the Arab world" were "waiting for the Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques to give the order to come to the Saudi kingdom" and defend it against Iran. Speaking on MBC TV on January 27, he further said that while there was no question that Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan was a terrorist organization, with regard to the Taliban of Afghanistan, "even the Americans do not call them terrorists anymore, so why should I?" Tahir Ashrafi: "The Iranians want to spread the ideology of the Rule of the Jurisprudent all over the world, but this is impossible. What they want is impossible to achieve in Pakistan, in the Arab countries, and even in Africa. "Pakistan is a neighbor of Iran. Iran has more than 15 neighbors. Is there a single neighbor who says he is pleased with Iran? Can you name one?[...]"Let me tell you, today it is not about Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, or Iraq. Their goal is Mecca and Medina.[...]"After Operation Decisive Storm, the Islamic nation understands everything. By Allah, a million young men are waiting for the Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques to give the order, to come to the Saudi kingdom and defend the Land of the Two Holy Mosques, under the command of the Saudi army. They are waiting for the Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques to give the order. I'm telling you, a

1The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 1 of 16


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million young men from Africa, Pakistan, and the Arab world want this to happen.

Former FBI agent and counterterrorism expert Ali Soufan says Trump's policy decisions are a "godsend" to ISIL. "ISIS members and ISIS leaders, at least in their propaganda, have been calling President Trump and his ban and his recent policies a godsend," says Soufan, who is also the CEO of intelligence think-tank The Soufan Group. "We cannot win this war by dealing with our friends the same way we deal with our enemies." "We have to protect our country, but we have to do it in sync with our principles, in sync with our values."

1 Feb, "There are attempts to give the impression that this decision is directed against a particular religion, but what proves this talk to be incorrect first is what the US administration itself says ... that this decision is not directed at a certain religion." The United Arab Emirates' foreign minister has said that US President Donald Trump's travel ban on citizens of seven mainly Muslim countries, which has triggered global outrage, is not Islamophobic and does not target any one religion. ign minister of the UAE - a Muslim country - defended the ban. He said that most Muslims and Muslim countries were not included in the ban.

BAGHDAD - Iraq expresses satisfaction on Sunday with a US appeals court ruling against a travel ban imposed by US President Donald Trump, "It is a move in the right direction to solve the problems that it caused," the spokesman, Saad al-Hadithi, told Reuters.

"People need to consider if it’s worth one Israeli, Palestinian or American life to move the embassy to Jerusalem.” The relationship between Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been a testy one at best, and publicly hostile at the worst of times. Netanyahu has clearly stated his support for Trump, and during a meeting between Trump and Netanyahu in September, Trump told the prime minister that he would recognize Jerusalem as the “undivided” capital of Israel.

The Limbo of the Israel Embassy Controversyby Aaron Eitan MeyerNewsdayJanuary 28, 2017 The internet and international community are abuzz over President Donald Trump's unprecedented consideration of whether to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem after nearly three quarters of a century. Whether this is a sincere policy statement or not, it is all the more remarkable considering that as recently as 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that the United States has never officially recognized Israeli sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem since 1948.In response, the Palestinian Authority ratcheted up its rhetoric and issued threats at the Trump administration's declaration; Philip Wilcox, former U.S. consul general to Jerusalem under President George H.W. Bush, said that U.S. policy "has always been that the status of Jerusalem should be resolved through negotiations, and any effort to move it unilaterally would be disruptive and dangerous for everyone."While declaring the move "disruptive and dangerous" is absurd, the problem is that the issue of Jerusalem ultimately has very little to do with the reasons originally given for the U.S. policy in the late 1940s, but has always been done solely out of the perceived foreign policy interests of the United States. To put it bluntly, the origins of this policy had nothing to do with Arab or Jewish interests, but lay in the desire to protect sites holy to Judaism, Christianity and Islam safe and accessible.The U.S. has never officially recognized Israeli sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem.In July of 1937, when Britain still administered the League of Nations' Mandate for Palestine, its Peel Commission stated that partition would revolve around "keeping the sanctity of Jerusalem and

2The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 2 of 16


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Bethlehem inviolate and of ensuring free and safe access to them for all the world." While Britain was attempting to retain some control over holy sites even as its Mandate was proving ungovernable, the priority was maintaining open access.A decade later, when the unique Ralph Bunche drafted the UN plan to internationalize Jerusalem intended to protect sites holy to three major religions, the plan called not only for Jerusalem, but also its surrounding holy places and Bethlehem. The UN partition plan never went into effect, and Israel's territorial limits would essentially be determined by military achievement in its war of independence and post-war armistice negotiations, in which Bunch more than earned his 1950 Nobel Peace Prize.Interestingly, the Israeli leadership was negotiating with King Abdullah I of Jordan to resolve the Jerusalem issue even then. And even as the United States remained in favor of internationalization, Special Representative (later first U.S. Ambassador to Israel) James G. McDonald informed the parties that the United States would approve any arrangement between the parties, and candidly admitted that internationalization was effectively dead.Official U.S. policy since the early 1950s has been that Jerusalem's status should be decided by final peace negotiations.From the early 1950s onward, official U.S. policy remained effectively that Jerusalem's status would be part of final peace negotiations, one way or another, as University of Jerusalem Professor Shlomo Slonim wrote in his seminal book on this subject. Bethlehem, for all its own sanctity, would be virtually ignored, and to this day has remained out of the spotlight of international attention.Regardless of how one may view the Trump administration, his actions to date do not rely on fossilized State Department policy — including even considering relocating the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.It is unfortunate that a stillborn plan originally hatched in the 1930s has contributed to the unnecessarily drawn-out Arab-Israeli conflict with Jerusalem squarely in the center. It is unfortunate that the same people who fear-monger about any change to Jerusalem's status in U.S. eyes ignore — or are ignorant of — the fact that Bethlehem and other holy places were always intended to be included in the political calculus of peace talks. Whether the new president will follow through on his promise, and how its diplomatic effects will manifest, can't be predicted at this point. But perhaps — just perhaps — there is an opportunity that hasn't existed since King Abdullah I was assassinated in 1951 for trying to make peace nearly 70 years ago.Relocating the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem would complete the recognition begun by President Harry Truman, and would serve notice that U.S. foreign policy is no longer content to let matters of this magnitude simply sit in limbo along with stalled attempts at real peace.Aaron Eitan Meyer is an author and attorney.

One Muslim Country Seems Well Positioned To 'Graduate' Off The Visa BanBy: Alberto M. Fernandez

Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir and the Mosque of the Two Niles in KhartoumI recently saw a small but noisy demonstration in a Spanish city. The young demonstrators, pierced, tattooed, and well dressed, were Communists with hammer and sickle flags, and they called for "an end to borders and to walls." But they were not demonstrating against Donald Trump – rather, against

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the seemingly sieve-like borders and barriers of the European Union. Spain's unemployment rate is 20% and its youth unemployment rate is 44%.Today it seems that there are those that want only walls and those that want to tear them all down, and uneasy populations in between. The January 27, 2017 White House Executive Order "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States" has generated tremendous controversy and comment, most of it negative, with heartbreaking accounts of cases of real individual hardship and also partisan spin. Polling suggests more Americans approve of the E.O. than disapprove.[1]

One of the more specious lines of argument has been that the new Executive Order is a "boon for ISIS recruitment" – the idea being that somehow Muslims will now be more easily swayed by the ISIS narrative. As if Muslims were children or ticking time bombs so ready to become terrorists if the world is mean to them or Trump excludes them. The overwhelming majority of Muslims oppose ISIS for their own reasons, not because of us or our policies or because of who is U.S. president. Yes, we can do all sorts of things to hurt our own efforts in the anti-ISIS fight, but denying Muslims their own complexity and agency, and their own motivation, would seem to be not just bigotry but shallow.And it is hard to see how much a (seemingly mostly temporary) visa ban would help an ISIS narrative that makes much of ancient events like the Crusades and the Reconquista and threatens to "conquer Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women." The ISIS narrative uses and will use everything, but it has been mostly driven in past years by the idealized creation of a supposedly perfect Islamic Caliphate based on "the Prophetic Methodology" and on the sectarian carnage in the Middle East, especially in Syria.

One ISIS supporter demonstrated such a broad-brush approach when he commented on January 29: "People are all pissed off Trump slammed the doors on migrants from Muslim lands, and I too am angry, but do you realize that Obama has deported more people than all the 20th century presidents before him COMBINED? This just goes to show it's not just Trump or Obama, it's everyone in this poisoned, corrupt, redneck kuffar [infidel] country. The problem is not just the elected official, it's the kuffar who put them there too. They are all evil all of them, especially the Jews!"[2]

And while much ink has been spilled on the emotions of the moment and on criticizing the new American administration, less has been said on how will the seven governments on the temporary visa ban list seek to come to terms with it.It is entirely possible that the administration will decide, after a comprehensive review, that safeguards are mostly in place and that most visa operations can resume. But in my view, five of the listed countries – Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, and Iran – could be hard-pressed to meet any advanced visa threshold. These are all countries in chaos, often lacking resident U.S. Embassies or with a very anti-American regime in power (Iran).It is quite probable that plausible and logical reasons will be found for Iraq, given its centrality in the fight against the Islamic State, to be removed from this blacklist.[3] The one country most likely to be able to take steps on its own to satisfy the Americans, and that is quite motivated to do so is, ironically, the Islamist government of Sudan.A serial human rights violator and long-time international pariah, the NCP-ruled Sudan is, in terms of its own survival, the most successful Sudanese state in history, in power now for almost 28 years (1989-2017). The independent Mahdiyya state in Sudan only last 14 years before it was destroyed by the British. Despite continued domestic unrest, demonstrations, vibrant civil society activism, and a range of sometimes bloody, low-grade brush wars on its periphery – Darfur, Abyei, South Kordofan, Blue Nile – the regime of Omar Al-Bashir has endured, if not flourished.Conflict in all of those places has not disappeared, of course, especially in South Kordofan and Blue Nile where the SPLM-N has forces. But the level of violence has been intermittent and low-key enough to avoid the negative international headlines Sudan garnered at the height of the Save Darfur

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Movement more than a decade ago. Or it may be that the sort of violence seen in Sudan now seems rather distant and old-fashioned compared to the crushing of cities seen in Syria today.The Sudanese regime has constantly reinvented itself through the years, from a promoter of regional Islamic terrorism and safe-haven for Bin Laden to peacemaker with the SPLM and valuable cooperator on counterterrorism with the U.S. More recently, it shifted from a cozy relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran to a cementing of improved relations with Saudi Arabia. Sudan even supplied troops for the Saudi-led effort in Yemen.[4]A recent, much publicized State Department Dissent Channel message warned that the new travel ban "can only be lifted under conditions which will be difficult or impossible for countries to meet."[5] Sudan, with its well-organized if fearsome national security apparatus, the NISS, and with a full functioning U.S. Embassy, and with the added incentive of the lifting of sanctions and removal from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list, seems the best bet to meet these "difficult or impossible conditions."The Obama administration's January 13, 2017 announcement of the removal of a trade embargo and sanctions was supposedly done with the approval of the incoming Trump administration but kicks in 180 days after that announcement. Unlike Iran, Sudan is not a major regional menace, and an improvement of relations with the United States could be an early diplomatic win for the Trump Administration and possibly could improve life for ordinary Sudanese.[6] Certainly many fierce Sudanese critics of the current regime are in favor of an early improvement of relations with the United States.[7]Sudan is also benefiting from an improvement of relations with a European Union concerned about rampant unmanaged migration flows from Africa to Europe, and is indirectly receiving money to help stem that flow and to improve life in the country's marginalized peripheries.[8]The situation in Sudan is not that stable. There is considerable unrest and growing unhappiness about economic conditions and continued repression. The succession to an aging President Al-Bashir is murky. But Sudan has been a "turbulent state" for decades now, and almost seems a model of some sort of workable governance compared to the anarchy of Libya or Yemen.[9] This is a regime that loves to negotiate and revels in the minutiae of political and security agreements. Certainly the parts of the Sudanese leadership needed to reach a deal with the Americans – the ruling political elite and the security forces – are capable enough to see it through.Endnotes:[1], January 31, 2017.  [2] See MEMRI JTTM report ISIS Supporters React To President Trump's Immigration Policy On Facebook, Instagram, January 30, 2017.[3], January 30, 2017.[4], January 12, 2016.[5], January 30, 2017.[6], January 23, 2017.[7], October 17, 2007.[8], May 26, 2016.[9], October 17, 2007.

According To Iranian Officials, Obama Administration Gave Unwritten Consent In The Nuclear Talks And In The JCPOA Negotiations For Iran To Develop Ballistic Missiles With A Range Of Only 2,000 km – That Is, Capable Of Striking Israel But Not EuropeBy: A. Savyon and Yigal Carmon and U. Kafash*Introduction

5The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 5 of 16


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On January 30, 2017, U.S. sources announced that Iran had conducted a failed test of a new ballistic missile, the Khorramshahr. According to reports, the missile exploded after a 965-km flight.[1] Both Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif (on January 31) and Defense Minister Dehghan (on February 1) stressed that Iran "asks permission from no one in the matter of its defense program."[2]It should be emphasized that contrary to statements by Iranian regime spokesmen who say that Iran's missile program is defensive, missiles with a 2,000-km range are strictly offensive and strategic. This is why Iran has faced constant demands to stop developing them.In the years that preceded the U.S.-Iran nuclear talks, Iran developed ballistic missiles with ranges of 2,500-5,000 km that threaten Europe and even the U.S.Dr. Hassan Abbasi, theoretician of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and director of the IRGC Center for Borderless Security Doctrinal Analysis, said in 2004: "We have a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization and for the uprooting of the Americans and the English."Our missiles are now ready to strike at their civilization, and as soon as the instructions arrive from Leader [Ali Khamenei], we will launch our missiles at their cities and installations... And because of Khatami's policies and dialogue between the civilizations, we have been compelled to freeze our plan... and now we are [again] about to carry out the program... The global infidel front is a front against Allah and the Muslims, and we must make use of everything we have at hand to strike at this front, by means of our suicide operations or by means of our missiles."[3]The London-based Saudi daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat also reported, on June 14, 2004, that the Shihab 4 and Shihab 5 long-range missile projects had been revived, on orders from Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.[4]It should be noted that a December 14, 2013 report on Iran's missile program published by the IRGC-affiliated Mehr news agency immediately following the Geneva Agreement provided details on the various Shihab models. According to the report, Shihab 3D missiles, with a range of 2,200-3,000 km, "can easily reach the occupied territories [Israel]... and cover their entire area." The report also stated that the Shihab 4 has a range of 3,000 km and the ability to launch satellites into orbit, and that "very little information" has been published about the Shihab 5. The diagrams in the article also feature a Shihab 6 model.[5]U.S. Approves Iranian Development Of Missiles With A Range Of Only 2,000 km – That Is, Capable Of Reaching IsraelHowever, after U.S.-Iran negotiations began, and at the end of their first stage, in Geneva in November 2013, Iranian officials began reporting that Iran's missile program for missiles with ranges above 2,000 km was being restricted.Thus, for example, immediately after the interim agreement was reached in Geneva, on December 10, 2013, and in reference to it, IRGC commander Mohammad Ali Jafari said that Iran is capable of producing missiles with a range of over 2,000 km but that Khamenei had restricted the IRGC to a 2,000-km range: "We want to increase the range of the IRGC's missiles, but despite this, the Leader [Khamenei] has restricted us to a range of 2,000 km. We have the capability to increase the range of our missiles, and our missiles should obviously reach Israel... The regime's red lines were not crossed during the nuclear talks with the P5+1 [Group] and in the Geneva Agreement."[6]Indeed, IRGC commanders stressed that the most important thing for the regime was missiles capable of striking Israel; see, for example, comments by IRGC Aerospace and Missile Division director Amir Ali Hajizadeh, who said following a 2016 missile launch: "For us, Israel's evil is totally clear, and the 2,000-kilometer range of our missiles [is intended] to confront the distant Zionist regime."[7]Extensive quotes regarding the Iranian regime's explicit intent to target Israel with its missiles can be found in MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 1135, Iranian IRGC Missile Unit Commanders: We've

6The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 6 of 16


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Developed 2,000-km Range Missiles And Equipped Hizbullah With 300-km Range Missiles; Fars News Agency: Israel's Illusions About Its Natural Gas Fields Will Be Buried In The Mediterranean, December 3, 2014, and Special Dispatch No. 6349, Iran Launches Long-Range Missiles Emblazoned With Slogan: 'Israel Should Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth' , March 16, 2016.

Iranian missile emblazoned with the slogan 'Israel Should Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth" (Fars, Iran, March 9, 2016)On November 17, 2014, the IRGC-affiliated Tasnim news agency posted a diagram explaining that Iran "makes do" with a range of 2,000 km, which it considers "desirable" and which covers all of Israel: "On the Firing Line – The commanders of the army of the Islamic Republic [of Iran] have said several times that with its attainment of long-range missiles with a range of up to 2,000 km, Iran has arrived at the range ceiling that it considers desirable, and that 'in the meantime' there is no need to increase this range. Although the U.S. is 11,000 km from Iran, in recent years it has approached the borders of Iran, [and therefore] its military bases, equipment, and forces are a target for Iran's missiles."Likewise, the Zionist regime is the most important enemy of Iran in the region, and is less than 1,200 km away. Therefore, short- and medium-range missiles are sufficient to strike U.S. bases near Iran, and long-range missiles are sufficient to strike the occupied territories [Israel]. The diagram shows several of these American bases and [also] the missiles that are counting [down] to the moment [when they will be able to] strike them."[8]Additionally, Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan said on August 18, 2015 in response to a reporter's question on the manufacture of missiles with a range greater than 2,000 km: "We do not produce missiles with ranges greater than 2,000 km."[9]Is U.S. Permission For Iran To Develop Missiles With Ranges Up To 2,000 km – Which Reach Israel – A Secret Annex Of The JCPOA, Or Simply Unwritten Consent?In statements, IRGC officials hinted that restrictions on the range of Iranian missiles so that they reach Israel but not Europe were part of the Iran deal. Thus, for instance, IRGC commander Mohammad Ali Jafari referred to the IRGC's November 2, 2015 consent to UN Security Council Resolution 2231, saying: "One of the points in this resolution was the matter of restrictions, which some military elements feared. Therefore, we held meetings in [Iran's] Supreme National Security Council, and also went to the Leader [Khamenei]. The [Iranian] negotiating team told the Westerners that we do not agree to these restrictions. They [the Westerners] said that these issues must be included in the resolution. Even when I met with the Leader, he said that there were no restrictions on developing defensive capabilities. The only restriction relates to nuclear missiles, which, obviously, we never wanted."[10]The next day, on November 3, 2015, Iranian Army chief of staff Hassan Firouzabadi referred to Jafari's remarks, saying: "I confirm statements by the IRGC commander that Iran's missile activity is not restricted. We will follow two restrictions: The first is mentioned in the JCPOA, in the matter of no nuclear planning, and the second is the range of 2,000 km, which has already been noted previously by all elements in Iran."[11]It should be noted that the Hebrew version of this news, which IRIB published on November 4, 2015

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explicitly mentioned, in both the headline and the text, that the JCPOA allows Iran to possess ballistic missiles of a range of 2,000 km. The Hebrew news item read:"Firouzabadi: The Nuclear Agreement Promises Iran Missiles With 2,000-km Range"The chief of staff of Iran's armed forces, Maj.-Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi, stressed that the state, under orders from the general commander [i.e. Khamenei] of the IRGC, undertakes, inter alia, to restrict nuclear planning, but that it is entitled to produce missiles with a range of 2,000 km."Firouzabadi made these statements yesterday (Tuesday) to a group of Islamic regime leaders and officials, and referred to [statements by] the IRGC general commander emphasizing that Iran would commit to the sections of the nuclear agreement with the West that include a restriction on nuclear planning, and that in addition, Iran is entitled to possess missiles with a range of 2,000 km."[12]These statements indicate that although the permission given to Iran to develop missiles capable of striking Israel is likely not a secret annex of the JCPOA, it still constitutes unwritten consent that is an integral part of the nuclear deal. It is convenient for both sides not to publish this understanding in written form – for Iran because it rejects any public reference to its missile program, which it defines as defensive but is in fact offensive; and for the Obama administration, because there would be repercussions if it were to be revealed that it had given Iran permission to develop missiles capable of striking Israel.It should be noted that UN Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015) constitutes an additional concession by the Obama administration to Iran, in comparison with the previous resolution 1929 (2010). This concession has two components:

One, UNSCR 1929 banned Iran from conducting any activity concerning missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, while UNSCR 2231 replaced the word "capable," which refers to objective specifications, with the phrase "designed to be capable" which concerns fluid political matters.

Two, while UNSCR 1929 banned Iran from conducting any missile activity, UNSCR 2231 rescinds this ban.Following Iran's May 9, 2016 missile test, which took place after the JCPOA's Implementation Day – and which embarrassed the Obama administration – IRGC Aerospace and Missile Division director Amir Ali Hajizadeh said: "The Americans are telling [us]: 'Don't talk about missile affairs, and if you conduct a test or maneuver, don't mention it.'"[13]*A. Savyon is Director of MEMRI's Iran Media Project; Y. Carmon is President of MEMRI; U. Kafash is a Research Fellow at MEMRI.[1], January 30, 2017.[2], January 31, 2017; Tasnim (Iran), February 1, 2017.[3] Shargh (Iran), June 5, 2004; Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), May 28, 2004. Also see MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 181, The Internal Debate in Iran: How to Respond to Western Pressure Regarding Its Nuclear Program, June 17, 2004; MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 723, Iran's Revolutionary Guards Official Threatens Suicide Operations: 'Our Missiles Are Ready to Strike at Anglo-Saxon Culture… There Are 29 Sensitive Sites in the U.S. and the West…', May 28, 2004; and MEMRI TV Clip No. 252, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Official In Tehran University Lecture (Part II): We Plan To Target US Nuclear Warheads On US Soil; Should Take Over England, May 22, 2004.[4] A military source in the Iranian Defense Ministry stated: "In a meeting last week with Revolutionary Guards commanders, Khamenei said that Israel was planning to attack Iran's nuclear installations and the Iranian military soon, and therefore defense and military preparedness should be boosted as soon as possible. Khamenei stressed that the increase in petroleum prices allowed Iran to allocate a larger budget to its military projects. [Iran's] Ministry of Defense received $1 billion to resume its Shihab 4 and Shihab 5 project. It is known that in the past, Iran conducted an experiment with Shihab 3 missiles whose range is 1,200 kilometers [and which can reach Israel], but [President] Khatami halted the project of the Shihab 4, whose range is 2,800 [which covers Western Europe], and

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the Shihab 5, whose range is 4,900-5,300 km [and which can reach the U.S.], because he thought it was a project incompatible with Iran's strategic interests and defense needs." Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), June 14, 2004.[5], December 14, 2013.[6] ISNA (Iran), December 10, 2013.[7] Fars (Iran), March 9, 2016. See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 6349, Iran Launches Long-Range Missiles Emblazoned With Slogan: 'Israel Should Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth', March 16, 2016.[8] Tasnim (Iran), April 17, 2014. See MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 1135, Iranian IRGC Missile Unit Commanders: We've Developed 2,000-km Range Missiles And Equipped Hizbullah With 300-km Range Missiles; Fars News Agency: Israel's Illusions About Its Natural Gas Fields Will Be Buried In The Mediterranean, December 3, 2014.[9], August 18, 2015.[10] Fars (Iran), November 2, 2015.[11] Mashregh (Iran), November 3, 2015.[12], November 4, 2015.[13] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 6430, IRGC Aerospace And Missile Force Commander: The Americans Are Telling Us 'Don't Talk About Missile Affairs, And If You Conduct A Test... Don't Mention It', May 15, 2016.

Khamenei Associate Mehdi Taeb: 'The Jews... Are The Only Ones Who Need Weapons Of Mass Destruction In Order To Rule The World – Because There Are 1.4 Billion Muslims And None Of Them Agree To Jewish Supremacy'

In speeches and lectures that have been uploaded to the Internet in the past year, Mehdi Taeb, who directs the Ammar Strategic Base that advises Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, has expressed antisemitic views. In his statements, Taeb has claimed that the Jews aim to control the world and therefore are obligated to kill anyone who is not willing to accept this control, particularly Muslims. He reiterated the antisemitic canard about the Jews controlling the global economy and the media, and stated that they hatch plots and sow division, strife and wars, especially among Muslims, in addition to creating and taking advantage of terrorism worldwide so as to ensure their global dominance. The Jews, he implied, even have power over God Himself. He urged his audience to awaken and act against the Jews, as instructed in the Koran, and to remove the cancerous growth of Israel, as commanded by the father of Iran's Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.This report will focus on two of Taeb's speeches, a 2011 audio recording[1] and a 2014 video,[2] that in the past few months have been posted online several times. The 2011 recording is part of a series of lectures by Taeb, and the 2014 clip is from a Friday sermon in which he referred to a video of statements by an Israeli rabbi with bogus Farsi subtitles added as "proof" of anti-Shi'ite Jewish plots

and terrorist actions aimed at preventing the Mahdi – the Hidden Imam, who is the Shi'ite Messiah – from coming to save the world from the Jews.

Mehdi Taeb (image: In "Know Your Enemy" Lectures: "No One In The World Wants To Control It As Badly As The Jew, Who Says 'Either Be My Servant Or Be Destroyed'"In an hour-long audio recording dated September 23,

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2011, which was part of a lecture series titled "Know Your Enemy," Taeb explained why the Koran warned about the Jews and their global role. The Jews, he said, have special capabilities and they are using them to take over the world. To this end, the Jews have divided the world's population into three categories: themselves, destined to control the world; another group, destined to serve the Jews; and a third group, comprising those who oppose Jewish rule, and which the Jews are working to exterminate. The Jews need atom bombs and weapons of mass destruction to destroy those who oppose them – that is, 1.4 billion Muslims – and they did not establish the State of Israel before conducting a nuclear test.

"He added that the Jews were keeping the Mahdi from arriving, saying: "The Koran speaks much of the Jews, and often warns about them... Surat Al-Maida [the fifth Surah of the Koran]... states that the Jews are your worst enemy... This surah says that you will ultimately realize this, whether you like it or not, but that if you are willing [to understand] and to avoid [falling for the Jewish deceit], then you will be saved. However, if you are remiss and are not willing [to understand], then one day they [the Jews] will awaken you. In the end, being remiss regarding [the Jews] will also bring about [your] awakening... but after you awaken, you will find yourselves in a grave already dug [for you] by the Jews... Why does the Koran warn so about the Jews? Why is it said that the world is a pawn in the hands of the Jews? ... The reason the Koran warns so about the Jews is because they have [special] capabilities, and are the most hostile to us [Muslims, more so than] others. The Jews also know how to attack better than anyone else. They are No. 1 in four ways, and that is why Islam states that we must confront them...

"The Jews want the entire world [for themselves], saying 'the whole world belongs to us' and 'God gave it to us and He cannot take it back.' If you think about the Star of David, you will realize that the Jews want... to take over the world in three stages:

The first stage is Jerusalem... the second stage is from the Nile to the Euphrates, and the third stage is the whole world.

The Star of David has six points. This symbol is meant to shine in the [Jewish] Temple [in Jerusalem]. Its two upper lines symbolize [the territory] from the Nile to the Euphrates, [and once they control that] then the six points of the Star of David will spread across the world and connect up with each other... in controlling the whole world.

"They have divided humanity into three categories... The first class is the Jews, who are supposed to conquer the world... and as long as they do not take over the entire world, God's hands are tied...

The second class is those who are not descendants of Jacob, but who agree that the Jews are the first class... These people are entitled to live, but must serve the Children of Israel...

The third class is those who are not Children of Israel and who do not agree to the supremacy of the Children of Israel, and reject their rule... The Talmud [of the Jews] states that such people should be killed as cheaply as possible – [that is], if you can kill them with a rock, don't kill him with a sword, because that will dull the blade..."According to this, under the global Jewish regime, the Muslims need to be killed... Who needs an atom bomb? ... The Jews! They are the only ones who need weapons of mass destruction in order to control the world, because there are 1.4 billion Muslims and none of them agree to Jewish supremacy... In order to control the world, the Jews must kill 1.4 billion Muslims... and therefore need atom bombs... Until the Jews carried out an atomic bomb test, they did not establish the State of Israel... No one in the world wants to control it as badly as the Jew, who says 'Either be my servant or be destroyed'... For 3,000 years, the Jews have been preparing the ground for this. Today, the world's wealth is in Jewish hands... The world hates the Americans because of their relationship with the Zionists..."The Imam [Khomeini] once said that the Jews say Iran purchased weapons from Israel – because [the

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Jews] know how lowly they are, and how they are hated, and know that anyone with a connection to Israel will be hated as well. They want Iran to be hated, so they say that it purchased weapons from Israel..."America is not severing ties with Israel because 80% of American wealth belongs to Israel... Wherever there is fire and fighting in the world, such as in India and Pakistan, the reason for it should be investigated among the Jews. The same goes for Africa..."Because three years ago Jacques Chirac supported Hizbullah, the Jews are causing chaos in France, so as to make trouble for him... If you Muslims want the Imam Mahdi to arrive, you must remove this stumbling block [to his arrival] – that is, the Jews... In order to control the world, the Jews create chaos...That is why it is said that the world is a pawn in the hands of the Jews..."In order for you Muslims to attain world domination, you must remove this cancerous growth... That is why the Imam Khomeini said that Israel should be removed from the map of the world..."The Koran said that the Jews must pay the jizya [poll tax], must deliver it with both hands, and must also present themselves [to the Muslim authorities] every week – because if you leave the Jews alone, they will scheme."Taeb On Video Of Israeli Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak And "The Jewish Deceit": "This Is The First Time A Clip Of A Jewish Rabbi In A Jewish Synagogue Was Leaked... He Says That [The Jews] Should Do Something So That They [The Shi'ites] Cannot Bring Their Imam Mahdi"A video dated July 18, 2014 and posted online several times in recent months shows Taeb giving a Friday sermon in which he refers to a July 8, 2014 video of Israeli rabbi Amnon Yitzhak giving a speech to a Jewish audience. Although in the video the rabbi is discussing the biblical story of Abraham's hospitality to three visitors in Chapter 18 of Genesis, the Farsi subtitles show him talking about Jewish plans to sow divisions among the Shi'ites so as to delay the arrival of the Mahdi. Taeb says that the rabbi's statements prove that a Jewish trick is preventing the arrival of the Mahdi.Following are Taeb's statements to his audience of worshippers about what he claims the rabbi is saying:"The Koran states that the worst hostility towards the [Muslim] believers comes from the Jews... That is, if the Imam Mahdi cannot arrive, it is because of them. 'Go break his [the Jew's] hands'..."This is the first time a clip of a Jewish rabbi in a Jewish synagogue has been leaked. He gives a speech, and [in it] says that [the Jews] should do something so that they [the Shi'ites] are not able to bring their Imam Mahdi [because the Jews fear]... that if their Imam Mahdi arrives, he will dismantle our entire [Jewish] enterprise..."[This rabbi says:] We [Jews] created Sarkhi[3] so that [the Shi'ites] would be preoccupied. We promote world soccer, so do something in order for them [the Shi'ites] to be preoccupied with soccer, sports, and the like. Do something so that they fail and turn on each other..."This [speech by the rabbi] reveals that they [the Jews] created ISIS so that we are preoccupied with each other and so that the coming of the Imam Mahdi will be delayed. These are the explicit statements by that Jewish rabbi."To watch the video, click the player below. For the translation of the Farsi subtitles, see Appendix A; for a translation of Amnon Yitzhak's actual statements in the relevant segment, see Appendix B.

APPENDIX A: Translation Of Farsi Subtitles Added To July 8, 2014 Clip Of Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak"It is absolutely necessary to distance the Shi'a in Iraq from extremist elements, as well as from thoughts of assisting their co-religionists [elsewhere], as well as from the faith written in their books, and from their Imam Mahdi who [is supposed] to fight us – so that they [the Shi'ites] cannot help him [the Mahdi] in the end times."Therefore, a source [of religious guidance] must be created, in order to divert them [the Shi'ites] from

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their religion and faith, and keep them preoccupied with games, and lead them in the direction of sporting events. [Exploiting] their love of soccer is very important right now."Mahmud Al-Sarkhi, our agent in Iraq, whose projects we generally rely on – after Mahmoud Al-Sarkhi was assassinated, his brother became our agent, and we made him a mirror image of his brother. And his stupid friends confirmed that he was [indeed Sarkhi] himself, after we trained him, and now he attacks everyone to create division."I ask you to log onto Facebook, spread his words and attacks, and become his disciples."APPENDIX B: Translation Of Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak's Statements"It's possible to enjoy this world and live a good and happy life, even in materialistic terms, but with blessings. You can eat delicious food and say a blessing over it, drink a delicious beverage and say a blessing over it. You can have fun, dance and celebrate – but always with a blessing, while [following the] religious commandments. Everything, even the most material things, can be [used as a chance to follow the] religious commandments. When our father Abraham hosted [the three visitors], he stood there, 99 years old, in the heat of the day, after his circumcision. It was the third day after the circumcision, which is the most painful. To make him go back into his tent [God] made the sun come out [and shine hot], but [Abraham] did not go back in. He sees three Arabians, who were [really] angels, approaching him. They looked like heathen Arabians to him, [yet] he invited into his home. He ran over to his cattle, slaughtered [a calf], did everything to be hospitable. He showed them charity, that is the Jewish [way]. What did he feed them? Three tongues of oxen in mustard. He took tongues from three oxen. [He could have] taken one tongue and divided it into three, because it is large, [but] no, he was 100% charitable. You know what was happening at the time? When those Arabians arrived, the Lord was with [Abraham]. 'The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent.'"[1], September 23, 2011; translation starts at 26:00.[2], July 18, 2014.[3] Apparently a reference to Mahmud Al-Hasani al-Sarkhi, an Iraqi Shia cleric in Iraq whose followers attacked the Iranian consulate in Basra in protest over criticism of their leader that was broadcast on Iranian television.

Following Harsh Anti-Gulf Sermon By Leading Jordanian Cleric, Jordan Attempts To Mitigate Sermon's Impact In The GulfBy: H. Varulkar and Z. Harel*IntroductionIn his January 20, 2017 sermon at an Amman mosque, Jordan's Chief Islamic Justice and Imam of the Royal Hashemite Court Sheikh Ahmed Hilayel harshly criticized Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states for failing to provide sufficient economic aid to Jordan, which is in severe economic crisis. The vehemence of Sheikh Hilayel's sermon caused an uproar in Jordan, and sparked fears that it would trigger harsh responses from the Gulf countries, all of which are considered to be Jordan's allies and which have also provided it with economic aid for many years.Jordanian officials were taken aback by Sheikh Hilayel's statements, and were apprehensive about angry reactions of the Saudis and the other Gulf states; they quickly distanced themselves from him and stressed that he was speaking only for himself.Two days after the sermon, on January 22, 2017, Sheikh Hilayel stepped down from his positions as Chief Islamic Justice and Imam to the Royal Court; some stated, however, that he had actually been fired.It should be noted that also on January 22, the official Jordanian daily Al-Rai reported that Saudi King Salman Bin 'Abd Al-'Aziz is expected to meet with Jordanian King Abdullah in Jordan in late March

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to discuss increased Saudi-Jordanian cooperation. Since this report appeared only in Al-Rai and nowhere else, it could be an attempt on Jordan's part to show that Jordan's ongoing relations with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states are normal.This report will review Sheikh Hilayel's sermon, reactions to it, interpretations of it, and commentary on it in the Jordanian press.Sheikh Hilayel, Chief Islamic Justice And Imam Of The Royal Hashemite Court: The Gulf's Failure To Help Jordan Could Trigger A Second SyriaIn his sermon, Chief Islamic Justice and Imam of the Royal Hashemite Court Sheikh Ahmed Hilayel attacked the leaders of the Gulf states, imploring them to send economic aid to Jordan, which he said was "your backing, your support, your mainstay, your backbone." Addressing "the Gulf leaders, the Gulf rulers, the wise men of the Gulf... the Gulf kings, sheikhs, and princes," he said that "things have reached boiling point, it has gone too far. Your brothers in Jordan are facing a bleak situation, and the dangers have closed in all around them." He continued: "I warn once, I warn twice, and I warn time and again that Jordan must not be weakened, harmed, or imperiled.... Where is your support? Where are your hands, extended in goodwill? Where is your money? Where are your riches?"Noting that the Syria scenario could be repeated in Jordan, he said: "If the suffering of Jordan escalates, and the unthinkable happens – it will not stop with Jordan. Everybody will be caught in this cycle... I am calling upon our brothers in the Gulf to help us... to use some of the riches bestowed upon them by Allah to save Jordan." He concluded: "It will be recorded in the annals of history, and people will remember for generations to come, that we reached out to them, in our times of suffering and distress."   Following Sermon, Hilayel Is Replaced As Chief Islamic Justice; Officials: He Was Speaking Only For HimselfThe official daily Al-Rai reported, on January 22, that his statements expressed his own opinion only, as an imam and a jurisprudent. It added that he had made this explicitly clear in the sermon, and that he had never claimed to speak in an official capacity.On January 22, two days after Hilayel's sermon, the Jordanian press reported that he had resigned from both his positions, as chief justice and as imam of the royal court. Later that day, a Jordanian royal decree confirmed the government appointment of Jordanian Grand Mufti 'Abd Al-Karim Khasawneh as the new chief justice.[1] However, some reports in the Jordanian press and the general Arab press stated that he had not resigned and had been fired because of the sermon.[2]In a Jordanian TV interview, government spokesman Muhammad Al-Momani noted that officials resigning from their posts is an everyday occurrence in public service – one steps down, and another is appointed. Jordan, he added, is an open and democratic country where officials can express their opinions. With regard to Jordan-Gulf relations, he called these countries' bilateral relations with Jordan exemplary, and added that that the Gulf countries greatly respect Jordan. Gulf officials are always talking about how deep the relationship between the sides is, he noted, and Jordan too respects and esteems these countries' role and stresses that relations with them are excellent on all levels.[3]Additionally, the online Rai Al-Yawm daily stated, on January 22, 2017, that Jordanian Prince 'Ali bin

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Hussein's visit to Kuwait[4] the day after the sermon, and statements by Jordan's new foreign minister Ayman Al-Safadi on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos that Jordan opposes Iranian involvement in the Arab countries' internal affairs were both part of Jordan's efforts to preempt Saudi and Gulf outrage at Hilayel's sermon.The Sermon Came Against A Backdrop Of Hard Economic Times In Jordan And Anger At Saudis, Other Gulf Countries For Not Providing Economic AidAlthough his associates in the regime stated that Sheikh Hilayel was expressing his own opinion in his sermon, some did not rule out the possibility that his sermon was actually a message from the Jordanian regime to the Gulf countries. Omar Al-'Ayasra, a columnist for the Muslim Brotherhood publication Al-Sabil, wrote that it was not clear whether Hilayel's statements were actually his own and reflected solely his own feelings, or were actually made on instructions from the authorities.[5] The online daily Rai Al-Yawm also quoted Jordanian political sources as saying that Hilayel's statements could be an indication that the Jordanian government was perturbed about the absence of economic aid coming from the Gulf, and particularly from Saudi Arabia.[6]It is notable that Jordan's severe economic situation has worsened even more over the past year, with a budget deficit of $1.1 billion and a $37 billion debt to foreign parties.[7] Furthermore, in recent days, the Jordanian parliament approved a budget, termed by the government "austere,"[8] because of Jordan's obligations to the International Monetary Fund, that is making further economic assistance contingent upon Jordanian budgetary restraint. This austerity budget has also forced the Jordanian government to raise prices on some products, and increase taxes, angering the population. This anger is echoed in the Jordanian media, and in parliamentary debates. that sharply criticized government mishandling of the economy and its hitting of the citizens in their pockets. There have also been attacks in social media on the government, and even on King Abdullah himself, and this criticism prompted a wave of arrests – including of retired generals and former MPs, who have been charged with attempting to bring down the regime.[9] The recent reshuffling of the Jordanian government also has not helped, and it is feared that the economic situation may deteriorate even further. On January 20, 2017, there was a sizeable march in Amman in protest against the recent price hikes.[10]Against this backdrop, there has been occasional open criticism of Saud Arabia and the Gulf states for not sufficiently supporting Jordan economically, despite previous agreements guaranteeing such support. In April 2016, King Abdullah and Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman met in Aqaba, agreed on closer cooperation in various areas, and even signed a memorandum of understandings on establishing a Jordanian-Saudi investment fund.[11] A few weeks later, at a Riyadh summit, King Abdullah and King Salman signed an agreement for establishing a Saudi-Jordanian coordination council, led by the Jordanian prime minister and the Saudi deputy crown prince, to develop the ideas agreed upon at the Aqaba meeting.[12] The Jordanians expected an increase in Saudi investment in Jordan, and in Saudi economic aid to it, and were disappointed when these did not come.[13] According to Arab press reports, the Jordanians became angry as Saudi Arabia dragged its feet on Jordan-Saudi issues that are still pending.[14]Jordanian criticism of Saudi Arabia also came in the wake of Sheikh Hilayel's sermon. For example, parliamentary finance committee chairman Ahmad Al-Safadi criticized Hilayel's sermon by saying, "Even if they feed us dirt, that is no way to talk." He went on to censure Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, noting that while Jordan defends Saudi borders, it receives nothing in return, and warning that "if anything happens to Jordan, God forbid, the Gulf will collapse within days."[15] Also, a week earlier, in budgetary debates in parliament, MP Tariq Al-Khouri noted that Jordan had defended the Saudi border but had received nothing for doing so.[16]It should also be noted that this is not the first time that Jordanians have criticized the lack of aid to the country from the Gulf. Thus, for example, in March 2015, against the backdrop of then-Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh's visit to Iran,  Jordanian journalist Nidal Mansour wrote that one of

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the messages that Jordan was conveying during this visit was criticism of the lack of sufficient aid from the Gulf states to Jordan, while Egypt was receiving considerable aid from them.[17] Around the same time, Samih Al-Ma'aitah, former government spokesman and information minister and editor of Al-Rai, stated that Jordan felt abandoned by some of her Arab sister states, who had not provided it with sufficient economic aid.[18]Likewise, in October 2012, the political editor of the Al-Dustour daily argued that Jordan was not receiving sufficient economic aid from Saudi Arabia. He noted that Jordan was keeping Saudi Arabia's northern border safe, and hinted that it would not be able to continue doing so unless it received more aid from the Saudi kingdom.[19]Jordanian Press After The Sermon: We Must Rely On Ourselves AloneEditorials in Jordan's official and semi-independent press discussed Jordan's relations with the Gulf states indirectly, calling on Jordan to stop relying on the promises of its allies and to rely mainly on itself.In its January 23, 2017 editorial, the official daily Al-Rai discussed the dire economic situation in the kingdom, and tried to allay growing fears by stating that Jordan is capable of meeting all the challenges it faces. It concluded ended with a call for Jordan to rely on itself alone, and implicitly criticized the Gulf states for promising aid but not delivering it. It said: "The only way out of the cycle of crises that is besetting our national economy is to rely only on ourselves, for there is no point in continuing to count on the grants, aid, and promises of Arab allies and others who fail to deliver and who invent pretexts and excuses that make us say "Enough, we are fed up with the foot-dragging and the promises."[20]On its front page on January 23, the Al-Dustour daily published an article by its national affairs editor also urging Jordan to rely on itself and to realize that the countries of the region have economic crises of their own: "National efforts must focus first and foremost on preserving our achievements, increasing our self-reliance, and matching [our actions] to our capabilities and income, so as to ensure our ability to adjust to the surrounding circumstances while maintaining the [current] level of public services. [This,] especially in light of the dropping oil prices that have plunged the region's economies into a slowdown and have affected investments in most of the neighboring countries..."The management of the country in the present and future cannot be conducted with the tools of the past. We must understand the situation and the circumstances of the neighboring countries, those that are experiencing internal strife as well as those that are dealing with unprecedented economic [crises]. Given the situation in the region and its implications, we must leverage our national sources of power with full force in order to preserve the great heritage and achievements of the Jordanian state..."[21]Al-Dustour also published an article by its editor for local affairs that emphasized the "brotherhood" and the "close relations between Jordan and its sisters, the GCC states," and listed the reasons these states should invest in Jordan.[22] * H. Varulkar is Director of Research at MEMRI; Z. Harel is a Research Fellow at MEMRI.[1] Al-Ghad (Jordan), January 23, 2017.[2] Raialyoum,com,, January 22, 2017;, January 23, 2017.[3], January 23, 2017.[4] Al-Rai (Jordan), January 22, 2017.[5], January 23, 2017.[6], January 22, 2017.[7], January 21, 2017.[8], January 21, 2017.[9] Al-Ghad (Jordan), January 17, 2017.[10], January 20, 2017.

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[11] Al-Rai (Jordan), April 12, 2016.[12] Al-Rai (Jordan), April 27, 2016.[13], January 22, 2017.[14], September 5, 2016.[15], January 22, 2017.[16], January 17, 2016.[17] Al-Ghad (Jordan) March 22, 2015.[18] Al-Rai (Jordan), March 15, 2015.[19] Article appears in full on, October 31, 2012.[20] Al-Rai (Jordan), January 23, 2017.[21] Al-Dustour (Jordan), January 23, 2017.[22] Al-Dustour (Jordan), January 23, 2017.

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