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Page 1: AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Point-of ...the abdomen and retroperitoneum, thorax, or heart or to assess for deep vein thrombosis (DVT). For point-of-care emergency


AIUM Practice Parameter for thePerformance of Point-of-CareUltrasound Examinations


T he clinical aspects of this parameter were developedcollaboratively among the AIUM and other organizationswhose members use ultrasound for performing point-of-

care examinations to answer a specific clinical question (see“Acknowledgments”). Recommendations for practitioner require-ments, the written request for the examination, proceduredocumentation, and quality control vary among the organizationsand are addressed by each separately.

This practice parameter has been developed to assist practi-tioners performing point-of-care ultrasound examinations to evaluatethe abdomen and retroperitoneum, thorax, or heart or to assess fordeep vein thrombosis (DVT). For point-of-care emergency ultra-sound guidance, please refer to the American College of EmergencyPhysicians Emergency Ultrasound Guidelines and Imaging Compendium.For procedure guidance, please refer to the AIUM Practice Parameterfor the Performance of Selected Ultrasound-Guided Procedures.

A point-of-care ultrasound examination is a unique diagnostictest, which is complementary to the physical examination. Althoughit is not possible to detect every abnormality, adherence to the fol-lowing practice parameter will maximize the probability of answeringthe clinical questions prompting the study. Occasionally, an addi-tional and/or comprehensive ultrasound examination may be neces-sary. The use of ultrasound in a particular institution or setting mustbe based on access to equipment and appropriately trained personneland should be subject to an organized quality assurance program.

Qualifications and Responsibilities of Personnel

See for AIUM Official Statements, includingStandards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of UltrasoundPractices and relevant Training Guidelines.

Written Request for the Examination

A written request is not required for examinations provided at thepoint of care.


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© 2019 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine | J Ultrasound Med 2019; 38:833–849 | 0278-4297 |

Page 2: AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Point-of ...the abdomen and retroperitoneum, thorax, or heart or to assess for deep vein thrombosis (DVT). For point-of-care emergency

Specifications of the Examinations

A point-of-care ultrasound examination should beperformed for a valid medical indication. These indi-cations are listed for each individual section. Never-theless, there are no absolute contraindications forthe examinations included in this practice parameter.

Ultrasound may be technically limited due tobowel gas, obesity, subcutaneous emphysema, patientpositioning, the degree of injury and rate of bleeding,adhesions from prior surgery, surgical dressings andtubes, and in patients who are in pain.

The main limitation of the point-of-care examina-tion is its operator dependency. The operator mustbe knowledgeable in its clinical use and be appropri-ately trained in image acquisition and in interpreta-tion of the findings. Spectral, color, and powerDoppler imaging may be useful to differentiate vascu-lar from nonvascular structures in any location. Mea-surements should be considered for any abnormalarea. Limited examinations, which do not answer theclinical question, or incidental findings that warrantfurther investigation should prompt a comprehensivestudy.

AbdominalEvaluation of the Urinary SystemIndications/ContraindicationsIndications for a point-of-care ultrasound examinationof the urinary system include but are not limited to1:

• Acute kidney injury;• Oliguria;• Hematuria;• Undifferentiated shock;• Evaluation for hydronephrosis;• Confirmation of Foley catheter placement;• Urinary retention;• Evaluation for renal calculi, masses, or cysts; and• Evaluation for a perinephric abscess.

The examination of the urinary system shouldinclude long- and short-axis views of the kidneys andbladder. Decubitus, prone, or upright positioning mayprovide improved views of the kidneys. Limitations ofthe urinary system include partial visualization of thekidney. The goal of the point-of-care examination is toassess for hydronephrosis, renal calculi, an obstructedFoley catheter, a full bladder, and other bladder

abnormalities.2,3 Use of color Doppler imaging mayassist in the detection of renal calculi. A comprehen-sive examination should be requested for further eval-uation if there is uncertainty of findings seen on thepoint-of-care examination.

The hepatorenal and splenorenal recesses shouldbe evaluated for the presence of fluid. An evaluationfor free or loculated peritoneal fluid should includedocumentation of the extent and location of any fluididentified.

Both kidneys should be evaluated for size, echo-genicity, and the presence of hydronephrosis (Figure 1).The kidneys should be scanned in multiple long-axisand transverse planes for a thorough evaluation. A maxi-mal longitudinal measurement of renal length should bedocumented. Renal echogenicity should be comparedto the adjacent liver or spleen tissue. Renal cysts andmasses may be encountered, which can be of benign ormalignant etiology. If a focal abnormality is identified,the examiner should refer for a comprehensive ultra-sound examination. Small, isolated hypoechoic renalcysts (1 or 2 cysts, <3 cm in diameter) with thin walls,posterior acoustic enhancement, and located in theupper or lower poles typically do not require a compre-hensive examination.

The urinary bladder may then be evaluated inlong- and short-axis planes (Figure 2). The bladdermay be evaluated for the degree of distension, luminalabnormalities, wall thickening, masses, and the correctplacement of a Foley catheter. If the Foley catheter isin the normal position, the bladder should be partiallycollapsed around it (Figure 3). As appropriate, a post-void residual may be quantified and reported.

Figure 1. Hydronephrosis.

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Evaluation of the Hepatobiliary SystemIndications/ContraindicationsIndications for an ultrasound examination of theabdomen include but are not limited to:

• Abdominal pain;• Signs or symptoms that may be referred from theabdominal regions, such as jaundice;

• Palpable abnormalities such as an abdominal massor organomegaly;

• Abnormal laboratory values;• Follow-up of known or suspected abnormalities inthe abdomen;

• Abdominal trauma; and• Search for the presence of free or loculated perito-neal fluid.

The point-of-care gallbladder evaluation mayinclude long-axis and transverse views of the gallblad-der obtained in the supine position. Other positions,such as left lateral decubitus, erect, and prone, may behelpful to evaluate the gallbladder and its surroundingareas. Measurements of the anterior gallbladder wallshould be considered and may aid in determining gall-bladder wall thickening. If the patient presents withpain, tenderness to transducer compression should beassessed for the presence of the ultrasound Murphysign. The presence of pericholecystic fluid should beassessed. Measurements of the anterior gallbladderwall and common bile duct should be considered. Ifthe operator is uncertain about abnormalities found, acomprehensive right upper quadrant sonogram shouldbe requested. Abnormalities should be correlated withsymptoms and the clinical presentation.

Findings related to masses, collections, cysts, orother uncertain findings should be an indication for acomprehensive examination.

Evaluation of Free Abdominal FluidIndications/ContraindicationsIndications for abdominal ultrasound for the evalua-tion of free fluid include but are not limited to:

• Evaluation for the presence, extent, and complexityof free fluid;

• Evaluation for the presence of hemoperitoneum4,5;• Evaluation of the trauma patient;• Procedural guidance;• Shock;• Hypotension; and• Evaluation for occult ectopic pregnancy.6

The examination for free fluid is usually per-formed in the supine position, as free fluid,unless loculated, assumes a dependent positiondue to a gravitational effect. Diagnosis of freefluid requires identification of anechoic or echo-genic fluid in the perisplenic, hepatorenal, perihe-patic, or suprapubic recess (Figure 4). Evaluationfor free or loculated peritoneal fluid shouldinclude documentation of the extent and locationof any fluid identified.

Evaluation for free fluid in both the hepatorenaland perisplenic recesses adjacent to the correspondingkidneys bilaterally should be performed. A thorough

Figure 2. Full bladder.

Figure 3. Obstructed Foley catheter.

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evaluation of the perihepatic and perisplenic regionsshould also be performed.

When using ultrasound to guide paracentesis, apreliminary scan is performed to identify the appro-priate location of fluid and relationship with sur-rounding structures to determine the needle choice(length and gauge), skin entry point, needle trajec-tory, and tracking technique (in-plane versus out-of-plane). Doppler imaging may be used to identifyregional vasculature.7–12

Evaluation of the Abdominal AortaIndications/ContraindicationsIndications for an ultrasound examination of the aortainclude but are not limited to:

• A palpable or pulsatile abdominal mass or abdomi-nal bruit;

• Unexplained lower back pain, flank pain, or abdom-inal pain;

• An undifferentiated shock state13–17;• Undiagnosed acute anemia; and• Screening for an abdominal aortic aneurysm ordissection.

The examination of the abdominal aorta may betechnically limited due to body habitus, bowel gas,obesity, subcutaneous emphysema, patient position-ing, the degree of injury and rate of bleeding, adhe-sions from prior surgery, and patients who are eitherin pain or combative secondary to traumatic injury.The main limitation of the abdominal examination isthat the operator must be knowledgeable in its clini-cal use and be aware that in many patients, the entirelength of the aorta may not be visualized with apoint-of-care examination. If there is a high pretest

Figure 4. Free fluid: fluid in the hepatorenal recess.

Figure 5. Abdominal aorta in the longitudinal plane with antero-posterior measurement.

Figure 6. Abdominal aortic aneurysm in the longitudinal axis (A) and transverse plane (B) with measurements.

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probability, further testing should be performed withcomputed tomography.

With the transducer in the transverse positionabove the umbilicus, the aorta can be found in thetransverse position next to the inferior vena cava(IVC) above the spine. The abdominal aorta shouldbe visualized in both the transverse and longitudinalplanes for as much of the length of the aorta as possi-ble (Figures 5 and 6) and should extend from theceliac axis to beyond the aortic bifurcation intocommon iliac arteries. Measurement of the antero-posterior dimension should be obtained by using thelong- and short-axis views. Measurement of the widthshould be obtained in transverse or coronal views.Measurements are taken at the greatest diameter ofthe aorta from outer edge to outer edge. The lumenof the aorta may be examined for the presence of anintraluminal thrombus or flap. If unexpected or unex-plained findings are obtained, a comprehensive exami-nation should be ordered. However, if the patient isunstable and has an abdominal aortic aneurysm thatis leaking or has ruptured, further diagnostic testingmay delay timely and definitive treatment. An exami-nation for intraluminal irregularity, a mass or narrow-ing, or an extraluminal mass or collection should alsobe performed and if found should prompt a compre-hensive examination.

If an aneurysm is present, the maximal size andlocation of the aneurysm should be documented andrecorded. The relationship of the dilated segmentwith the renal arteries and the aortic bifurcationshould be determined if possible. Fluid or a massadjacent to the aorta should be documented andreported. A comprehensive study may be requestedto follow-up abnormal measurements.

CardiacIndications/ContraindicationsIndications for a point-of-care ultrasound examinationof the heart include but are not limited to:

• Undifferentiated shock18–21;• Evaluation of the pericardial space;• Evaluation of left ventricular (LV) and right ven-tricular (RV) size and function;

• Determination of volume responsiveness;• Evaluation for severe valvular dysfunction22,23;• Cardiopulmonary symptoms;

• Determining presence of left atrial enlargement; and• Screening for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy inyouth athletes.24

Limitations of the point-of-care ultrasound exami-nation of the heart include body habitus, thoracic dress-ings, and subcutaneous emphysema. In addition, off-axis views may produce false-positive or false-negativeresults. Effort should be taken to ensure the axis is cor-rect before interpretation of the study. Limitations tothe pericardial assessment for hemopericardium includepericardial fat pads, cysts, and preexisting pericardialfluid. If the operator is uncertain of findings, a compre-hensive cardiac echocardiogram should be ordered.

Point-of-Care Cardiac Examination: 5-ViewApproachScanning TechniqueThe heart should be evaluated by using appropriategrayscale and Doppler techniques and proper patientpositioning. Adjustment of the depth and gain shouldbe set for optimal visualization of the cardiac structures.The 5 basic views are the parasternal long-axis view,parasternal short-axis view, apical 4-chamber view, sub-costal 4-chamber view, and subcostal IVC view (Views1–5).25–27 Not every view will be obtained, dependingon the clinical question. Comment: Please notice thattraditionally, the marker is on the right side of the moni-tor (opposite that of abdominal pelvic imaging).

View 1. Parasternal long-axis view. In this view, the marker on thetransducer is pointed toward the patient’s right shoulder. The trans-ducer is placed in the 2–3 intercostal space adjacent to the sternumon the left side. An on-axis examination has both the mitral and aor-tic valves in view with the left ventricle (LV) in the long axis. Thepoint-of-care information obtained from this view is assessment ofLV function, left atrium size, mitral and aortic valve evaluation, evalu-ation for pericardial effusion, right ventricular (RV) enlargement, sep-tal bowing, and measurement of the aortic root.

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Different subspecialties place the marker on differentsides of the screen. There is not one “correct” way toposition the marker or the indicator on the transducer.This section suggests one method. Consistency is key,and double-checking the orientation before interpreta-tion of images is essential.

There are many other views used in advancedechocardiography that are not described here. Thepoint-of-care examination cannot and should notreplace a full cardiac echocardiogram. Limited studiesthat do not address the clinical question or need forfurther information should be an indication for a fullcardiac echocardiogram.

View 2. Parasternal short-axis view. In this view, the marker on thetransducer is pointed toward the patient’s left shoulder. The papil-lary muscles should be in view. An on-axis view shows a crosssection of the LV. This view is primarily for evaluation of LV function(ie, fractional shortening) and segmental wall motion abnormalities.It is also used to evaluate septal motion and for right ventricle(RV) enlargement causing displacement of the septum.

View 3. Apical 4-chamber view. The marker on the transducer ispointed toward the patient’s left side. An on-axis view shows all4 chambers with both the mitral and tricuspid valves in view. It isprimarily used to compare RV to LV size. It is also used to evaluateLV function and to evaluate the mitral and tricuspid valves. Thisview can also be used to assess for pericardial effusion.

View 4. Subcostal 4-chamber view. The marker on the transduceris pointed toward the patient’s left side. The transducer is placed inthe subxyphoid position with all 4 chambers in view. This is oftenthe only view obtainable in hyperinflated or ventilated patients. It isused to compare RV to LV size. A pericardial effusion can also beseen in this view.

View 5. Subcostal IVC view. The marker on the transducer ispointed up toward the patient’s head. The IVC should be seen inthe longitudinal axis joining the right atrium. This view is used tolook at the IVC diameter and variability as well as pericardial effu-sions around the right atrium. The IVC is used for volumeassessment.

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Deep Vein ThrombosisIndications/ContraindicationsIndications for an ultrasound examination of thelower extremity include but are not limited to28:

• Swollen lower extremity or extremities;• Pain or erythema in lower extremities;• Unexplained hypoxemia;• Unexplained dyspnea; and• Suspected pulmonary embolus.

Limitations of the point-of-care examination ofthe lower extremity are body habitus and the inabilityto identify key anatomic points. Any uncertainty in

the examination should prompt a full lower extremityDoppler examination.

Specifications of the ExaminationCompression Technique of the Lower ExtremityNote: The words proximal and distal refer to the rela-tive distance from the attached end of the limb, perGray’s Anatomy. For example, the proximal femoralvein is closer to the hip, and the distal femoral vein iscloser to the knee. The longitudinal or long axis isparallel to or along the length of the vein. The trans-verse or short axis is perpendicular to the long axis ofthe vein. Compression can be documented by using

Figure 7. Example of a thrombus (split-screen image).

Figure 8. Example of color (split-screen image).

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cine clips. Alternatively, images without and withcompression can be used for documentation.

To assess for compressibility, perpendicular forceis applied such that the anterior and posterior walls ofthe vein meet. Venous compression is applied every2 cm or less in the transverse (short-axis) plane withadequate pressure on the skin to completely obliter-ate the normal vein lumen.28 A positive sign for DVTis the visualization of echogenic material or a throm-bus within the lumen of the vein and/or noncompres-sibility of that segment of the vein (Figure 7).29–40 Acolor or spectral Doppler evaluation, with or withoutaugmentation, may be used to support the presenceor absence of an abnormality (Figures 8–10).

Recording the ExaminationCompression ultrasound29: The fullest visualized extentof the great saphenous vein, saphenofemoral junction,and common femoral, femoral (formerly known asthe superficial femoral), and popliteal veins30,31 mustbe imaged by using an optimal grayscale compressiontechnique (Views 6–11). The popliteal vein is exam-ined distally to the tibioperoneal trunk.32

Grayscale images (or cine loops) should berecorded without and with compression at each ofthe following levels, at a minimum.33–38

Abnormal symptoms or findings may require acomprehensive study to document the completeextent of the abnormalities. Symptomatic areas such

as the calf generally require an additional evaluationand additional images if the cause of the symptoms isnot readily elucidated by the standard examination.The extent and location of sites where the veins failto compress completely should be clearly recorded.Long-axis views without compression may be helpfulto characterize the abnormal vein.39–42

Depending on the patient’s presentation and clin-ical indication, clinical management pathways mayrequire a more detailed comprehensive evaluation ofthe deep and superficial venous system, evaluation of

Figure 9. Example of a spectral Doppler image with augmentation.

Figure 10. Example of a spectral Doppler image.

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the deep calf veins, or a bilateral study.43–48 Othervascular and nonvascular abnormalities, if found,should be recorded and may require an additionalcomprehensive venous examination for diagnosis.49

ThoracicScanning TechniqueThe thorax should be scanned by using a linear or curvi-linear transducer with harmonics, compression, andsmoothing turned off on the machine. A linear trans-ducer may be used to evaluate the pleura in adults or the

entire thorax in a pediatric patient. The standard trans-ducer orientation is in the longitudinal plane with theindicator pointing to the head or patient’s right.The optimum depth and gain should be set to evaluatethe lung and/or pleural line. Lung setting should beselected to maximize artifacts. Turning off advanced fil-ters such as tissue harmonics allows the artifacts fromthe lung to be highlighted with ultrasound. Each hemi-thorax should be examined in several rib interspaces inthe anterior thorax at the midclavicular line, the lateralthorax in the midaxillary line, and the posterior thorax.

View 6. Common femoral vein (split-screen image).

View 7. Junction of the common femoral vein with the great saphenous vein (split-screen image).

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Lung UltrasoundIndications for an ultrasound examination of the lunginclude but are not limited to50:

• Dyspnea;• Respiratory failure;• Undifferentiated shock;• Suspicion of pneumothorax;• Assessment of the volume status;• Assessment for pleural effusions;

• Evaluation for the presence of alveolarconsolidation;

• Diaphragmatic function;• Abnormal blood gases or other laboratory findingsconsistent with lung pathology;

• Thoracic trauma (focused assessment with sonog-raphy for trauma);

• Pleural-based masses; and• Planning or guidance for an invasive thoracicprocedure.

View 9. Proximal femoral vein (split-screen image).

View 8. Proximal deep femoral vein separately or along with the proximal femoral vein (split-screen image).

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Ultrasound may be technically limited in thetrauma patient because of obesity, subcutaneousemphysema, patient positioning, the degree of injury,adhesions from prior surgery, and often patients whoare either in pain or combative. The main limitationof the point-of-care thoracic examination is that theoperator must be knowledgeable in its clinical use.

Limitations of a point-of-care thoracic examina-tion in the evaluation for pneumothorax includemain-stem bronchus intubation, failure to recognizethe lung pulse (subtle cardiac pulsation of the parietalpleura at the lung periphery) as cardiac-induced

movement, patients after pleurodesis, and patientswith severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease orother lung pathology inhibiting adequate visualizationof lung sliding. Although the sensitivity in the detec-tion of pneumothorax is very high, it is important tonote that small apical or localized pneumothoracesmay not be visualized even in a focused thoracic ultra-sound examination.

Limitations in the evaluation of the B-line patterninclude the ability to differentiate between cardiogenicand noncardiogenic pulmonary edema producing asimilar appearance. Limitations in the evaluation of a

View 10. Distal femoral vein (split-screen image).

View 11. Popliteal vein (split-screen image).

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consolidation pattern include body habitus and failureto place the transducer in the posterior thorax todetect a posteriorly located consolidation.

Examples (Figures 11–15):The finding of lung sliding is 100% sensitive for

the exclusion of pneumothorax present at a giveninterspace. Multiple rib interfaces should be examinedif the suspicion of pneumothorax is high. A small api-cal pneumothorax may be missed because of shadow-ing from bone. If the presence of lung sliding isunclear in a patient with a high pretest probability, afurther evaluation should be performed.51,52

When this pattern is present, pneumothorax cannotbe ruled out. Examples of disease processes that cause

loss of lung sliding without pneumothorax includepleurodesis, severe emphysema with bullous lung dis-ease, a severe acute respiratory distress syndrome pat-tern, opposing main-stem intubation, and apnea.51–53

A B-line pattern can be present in, but not spe-cific to, cardiogenic and noncardiogenic pulmonaryedema. The thickness of the pleura and the locationof the B-line pattern may aid in the differentiation ofthese two disease processes.54–58

The clinician may be able to differentiate betweenatelectasis and pneumonia causing the consolidation

Figure 12. A-lines with no lung sliding.

Figure 11. A-line pattern with lung sliding.

Figure 13. B-line pattern.

Figure 14. Consolidation pattern.

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process. This is a clinical distinction, but the presenceof mobile/dynamic air bronchograms indicates a bron-chus that is patent.59

Pleural UltrasoundIndications for pleural ultrasound include but are notlimited to:

• Dyspnea;• Evaluation for the presence, size, and complexity ofpleural effusions;

• Evaluation for the presence of hemothorax;

• Evaluation of the thickness and irregularity of thepleural line;

• Suspicion of interstitial lung disease;• Evaluation of pneumothorax; and• Determination of the lung point.

Diagnosis of a pleural effusion (View 12) requiresidentification of anechoic or echogenic fluid with typicalanatomic boundaries (chest wall, lung surface, and dia-phragm) with associated dynamic findings (eg, lungflapping, plankton sign, and diaphragmatic movement).In the supine patient, using a coronal view in the poste-rior axillary line, the spine sign should be sought toensure that the anechoic region above the diaphragm isnot erroneously present due to refraction artifacts. Thepleural line should be examined for thickness, irregular-ity, and lung sliding in multiple rib interspaces.51–57,59,60

Quantification or estimation of pleural effusion may beperformed by using the methods of Balik et al61 orRemerand et al.62

Pleural effusions may be examined for size, complex-ity, and accessibility. The complexity of the fluid inhemothorax (Figure 16) depends on the age of thecollection.51


Adequate documentation is essential for high-qualitypatient care. Ultrasound images that contain diagnostic

Figure 15. Mobile air bronchograms.

View 12. Pleural effusion.

Figure 16. Hemothorax.

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information and/or direct patient management (bothnormal and abnormal) should be recorded in accor-dance with the AIUM Practice Parameter for Documen-tation of an Ultrasound Examination.

Equipment Specifications

All studies should be performed at the point of care.

• For abdominal studies, phased array or curvilineartransducers are preferred; however, a higher-frequency linear transducer may be used. Foradults, mean frequencies between 2 and 5 MHzare most commonly used. For most preadolescentpediatric patients, mean frequencies of 5 MHz orgreater are preferred, and in neonates and smallinfants, a higher-frequency linear transducer isoften necessary.

• For cardiac studies, phased array transducers arepreferred. For pediatrics and adults, mean frequen-cies between 2 and 5 MHz are most com-monly used.

• For DVT studies, equipment must be capable ofreal-time imaging for compression of the veins.In most cases, a linear or curvilinear transduceris preferable, but phased array scanners can behelpful for difficult patients. Transducers shouldtransmit at a frequency of 5 MHz or greater,with the occasional need for a lower-frequencytransducer. Color Doppler imaging and Dopplerflow analysis can be used to augment theexamination.

• For thoracic studies, phased array, curvilinear, andhigher-frequency linear transducers are preferable;all may be used, with the preference varying basedon the clinical question to be answered. For adults,mean frequencies between 2 and 5 MHz are mostcommonly used.

The equipment should be adjusted to operate atthe highest clinically appropriate frequency, realizingthat there is a trade-off between resolution and beampenetration. When Doppler studies are performed,the Doppler frequency may differ from the imagingfrequency. Image quality should be optimized whilekeeping total ultrasound exposure as low as reason-ably achievable (ALARA).

Quality Control and Improvement, Safety,Infection Control, and Patient Education

Policies and procedures related to quality control,patient education, infection control, and safety, includ-ing equipment performance monitoring, should bedeveloped and implemented in accordance with theAIUM Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditationof Ultrasound Practices.

ALARA Principle

The potential benefits and risks of each examinationshould be considered. The ALARA principle should beobserved when adjusting controls that affect the acous-tic output and by considering transducer dwell times.Further details on ALARA may be found in the AIUMpublicationMedical Ultrasound Safety, Third Edition.


This parameter was developed by the American Insti-tute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) in collabora-tion with Northwell Health, the American College ofChest Physicians (ACCP), the Society of CriticalCare Medicine (SCCM), the Society of HospitalMedicine (SHM), and the Society of Point of CareUltrasound (SPOCUS).

Collaborative CommitteeMembers represent their societies in the drafting ofthis parameter.

AIUM: John Pellerito, MD, cochairNorthwell: Seth Koenig, MD, cochairACCP: Mangala Narasimhan, MD, cochairAIUM: Chad Jackson, MD

Paul Bornemann, MDSCCM: Jose L. Diaz-Gomez, MDSHM: Benji Mathews, MDSPOCUS: Francisco Norman, MPAS, PA-C

Jonathan Monti, PA-C

AIUM Clinical Standards CommitteeJohn Pellerito, MD, chairBryann Bromley, MD, vice chairRachel Liu, MD

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Marsha Neumyer, BS, RVTKhaled Sakhel, MD

AIUM Expert Advisory GroupAlyssa Abo, MDSrikar Adhikari, MD, MSDavid Bahner, MD, RDMSPaul Dallas, MDEitan Dickman, MDRenee Dversdal, MDMederic M. Hall, MDIrene W. Y. Ma, MD, PhDArun Nagdev, MDVivek Tayal, MD



1. Mayo PH, Beaulieu Y, Doelken P, et al. American College ofChest Physicians/La Société de Réanimation de Langue Françaisestatement on competence in critical care ultrasonography. Chest2009; 135:1050–1060.

2. Noble VE, Nelson BP. Manual of Emergency and Critical CareUltrasound. Cambridge; England: Cambridge University Press,2011.

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