Download - AIM Awards - Honor Roll and Directors

Page 1: AIM Awards - Honor Roll and Directors
Page 2: AIM Awards - Honor Roll and Directors
Page 3: AIM Awards - Honor Roll and Directors

Ostiltonlfnstitut e o f frlutnt et,

we tt Thnobn w,Ilut + t' rweuilttta

frfsel lohnbtpttmbsr 2014 Sturtfn$ 0tusg

llr wrognttion of Wigttnguisllt[ gcbfebement, sn! bp ]hecommenlstion of tbe

frucu[tp un! tlse fl\miniitrstfon tor flbistton llnstttute of filutntpn&ilce,tbe [,smmrttep 0n shur[g ltug sbsrte[ tlrtd prtfticste tor

honor l&ot[T8,toch t5

3/5/2015,ft'^ '/v"z'rCn*4-:-


Page 4: AIM Awards - Honor Roll and Directors

q'r#ton llnstttute of frlutntensryqThttt1hnohn W,llut

frfsel lohnbtpttmber 2014 Sturttn[ 0tuss

lln rctognftfon of Digtinguislle! 9cbtebement, snD bp l&ecomilrelr[stton of tbe

fsrultp un! the fl\ministrstfon tor flbfstton Tlnstitute of frlutnteilnnte,tlte t ommfttep 0r shsr[g bss ubsr[e! tlrfd certftfrute for

honor lhollT8.[oth t6



Page 5: AIM Awards - Honor Roll and Directors

Osrilion Snitttute of frlutntenuryqo

Wtittthnobn T,Ilut

frtsel lsbnbtuttmbar 2014 Sturtiu CIluss

lln wrognftion of DigtrngutgUe\ ?hlltebement, snD bp tsecommpn[ution of tbe

fucultp sn! tbe H\ministrutfon tor 9btstfon llnstitute of filuintensnm,tlle @ommtttee on ubur[s bug shur[e! tlrid certfficste for

hoilor lhoflT8,[och t3



Page 6: AIM Awards - Honor Roll and Directors

ststtotr Sustitute of ffilutnter,wt it tthnobn w,Ilut

t t' I w8ur ttta

frfset lobnSeptember 2014 $turtfu 0luss

lln wcognttion of Dtstingutnben fl$iebement, sn! bp lherommpillstfon of tbe

fruru[tf sn! tbe H\mtnfdtrstton for 9bistton llnstttute of ffiluintpnnnce,ttte [,smmittep 0n sbsrDg ltug sbur[e! tlrfg certftfcute tor

honor ]hoIIT8.loch 14
