Download - AIESEC | Italy 1415 | MC | Planning Guide


The goal of this block is to be sure to have all the instruments from the

previous generation in order to arrive to the planning weekend ready to plan and manage all the possible acitivities of an LC. It includes

transition of contacts, informations, rules, pipeline, legacy and forecasted


This block is meant to create a space for reflecting with your team on tour vision, mission and purpose as a team for the next term. Building an identity and having the clarity of the WHY is

fundamental to have a successful term both personally and professionally.

The more operative part of the planning is this one in which you decide your goals, you plan your

numbers (both MoS and KPIs), you understand your driver and decide your focus. It’s the starting point of

your EB term.

Legacy 2014

Our LC Growth Path

Planning Block

Extra Activities

Consolidation & Closing

Planning time is flexible due to different LCs

realities. Some LCs could take more time for extra

activities or less time for the planning block due to the size of the LCs, number of

operations etc. Anyway suggested time to ivest is

around 8 hours. There will be time for consolidating the plan in CN1 with the


In this part you analize the plan and pipeline of your

predecessors and then you compare with Growth


Here you plan the MoS, KPIs and goals for every area (X and supporting

one) then you decide your LC Focus and undesrtand

your LC Driver.

Here you go with extra activities you would like to

run : Sus, expansions, hosting congresses, having

Ceeders and so on. Then you close and you fill the

planning tool.

Team Values

Team Mission / Vision

Cooking Lunch Together

Team Rules

Team Identity

Bring our vision&values to our LC

Cooking Dinner Together

Liquid Team building + Deep Team building (River of life)

Suggested duration of the session is 45 min to 1 h

The aim of the session is for the new EB to understand what was the plan that their predecessors did till Q2 of 2015. Now that you’re becoming the new EB you need to assess : fesibility of previous plan in terms of MoS and legacy that was left to you. Also it is useful to understand the current status of your LC in terms of resources : HR, money, exchanges in pipeline, extra projects, GIS implementation.

Critic analysis of the previous term from an EB perspective in order that every VPs has a clear idea of the general health of the LC. Moreover the planning is a moment in which all the Eb decides together the goal and own them as promise for their LC and AIESEC in Italy.

- Data analysis ( performances till Q4, HR in the LC, Team current allocation, Financial resources)- SWOT Analysis of the LC; (internally)- Analysis of current behaviours in the LC ( attendance of LCM, involvement in acitivites, LC culture)

Suggested duration of the session is 1h to 1h.30

The aim of the session is for the you to understand what is your growth path as an LC and what are the programmes that you want to focus the most to have your results.

Facilitate a discussion based on data to have a clear perspective on how your LC evolved and what is the expected shape of the next months.

- Forecast the Cluster Allocation of Q1;- What was the programme that grew the most in 2014?- What was the programme that brought more results in 2014? That’s your driver!- What’s the programme you would like to grow the most in 2015?

If you are a newborn LC, if you have oGCDP and iGCDP in the Rising or Potential Cluster, if the most of your HR are already allocated in GCDP, if you feel like GCDP in the programme

that is more relevant for your Local reality right now.

If you are an LC that already has GCDP programmes in Growing Cluster or more exploring GIP might be right

choice for you. Remember that choosing GIP as Focus is aligned with @Italy Focus programme and WENA


Suggested duration of the session is 1h to 1h.30

As we said befor being the Focus programme means that you want it to grow the most during your term, because of the past analysis has the biggest potential. This requires an extra effort to the programme, but it doesn’t mean that to make it grow you have to reallocate resources from

the other programmes. The following scheme can give yo some ideas on how to behave with a Focus programme :

Be sure that you have all the tools : transition, transition for more

advanced LCs, support from NSTs, inputs from


Be sure that you want your Focus programme to jump from of at least 2 clusters during your


Do you have extra people? Do you have

extra money? Invest in your Focus programme!

Organize a Ceedership, invite other VPs to your LCs, gather inputs from your coach, work an SU


Suggested duration of the session is 1h to 1h.30

Driver is the programme that was bringing the most results in the previous term. This should underline that the prograamme is becoming mature or that the programme was the on that

worked better in your Local reality. It can happen that yur Driver and your Focus are the same, because you see the most potential in your driving programme. If your Driver is different from

the Focus :

We are suggesting a structure for every

cluster that will allow you to mantain the same

level of performances.

The driver needs to keep growing even if you don’t invest extra

resources : that’s why you need to work on the


Same amount of resources = more results!

It doens’t mean that if the area is performing

they doesn’t need resources : be sure to

provide to driver as well opportunities to

innovate and grow.

This is the Growth Model of our entity. Here you can find the suggested growth for all the

programmes in every quarter : you can use this first to

understand teh growth path that you were walking and then to plan the numbers you want to

see in the future.

Remember : you don’t have to plan exactly the numbers

suggested, if you want to stay in the same cluster you just need to

achieve the number of the previous one or, you can be brave,

and decide to plan moe to jump of two clusters in the same

quarter. Remember that this is only a suggested way, you can

customize as you wish

Contents of planning block :


oGIP (if your LC runs the programme)

iGIP ( if your LC runs the programme)

TM Plan (Including HR, Recruitment and LC Structure)

MKT Plan for all the areas Financial Plan and budget


Do it backward : based on the previous analysis, the Growth Model, your personal ambition as a team, define

your goal for each quarter till Q4 2015.

Once you decided your final goals (oGCDP, iGCDP, oGIP, iGIP, TMP/TLP) you can move to the plan of the KPIs.

Since KPIs are changing (GIS) we are not requiring you to be superprecise, but at least to build a general idea of the

volumes of operations that you will have every month.Here the Strategic planning is finishing :D

Then it’s suggested to have an LC Timeline (and to hang it in the office ) to be aware of what should happen in

every month in the LC. And then the EB can track based on what was decided during the plan. This is the

Operative Planning and it’s fundamental to going on with all your activities.

This a suggestion on how to face the planning phase :

- Analize your Local Reality;- Open the Growth Model;- Define your LC Ambition

based on clusters (arrive in Wall Breakers in 4

Operations at the end of my term)

- Define the MoS and KPIs- Define strategies on a timeline

(all the Exchange areas and supporting ones)

- Define the LC Structure and Capacity taking inspiration

from the suggested one