Download - AIESEC Hassan Q2 - Q3 Newsletter

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The MiRacle oF

self-discipline There is one special quality that you can develop that will guarantee you greater

success, accomplishment and happiness in life. Of thousand principles for success

developed over the ages, this one quality or practice will do more to assure that you

accomplish wonderful things with your life than anything else. This quality is so

important that, if you don't develop it to a high degree, it is impossible for you to ever

achieve what you are truly capable of achieving.

The quality that I am talking about is the quality of self-

discipline. It is a habit, a practice, a philosophy and a way of


All successful men and women are highly disciplined in the important work that they do.

All unsuccessful men and women are undisciplined and unable to control their behaviors and

their appetites. And when you develop the same levels of high, personal discipline possessed by

the most successful people in our society, you will very soon begin to achieve the same results

that they do.

All great success in life is preceded by long, sustained periods of focused effort on a single goal,

the most important goal, with the determination to stay with it until it is complete.

Fortunately the quality of self-discipline is something that you can learn by continuous practice,

over and over, until you master it. Once you have mastered the ability to delay gratification, the

ability to discipline yourself to keep your attention focused on the most important task in front of

you, there is virtually no goal that you cannot accomplish and no task that you cannot complete.

Successful people plan their work, and work their plan.

One’s entire life is an on-going battle between the forces of doing what is right and necessary on

one hand and doing what is fun and easy on the other hand. It is a battle between the forces of

discipline and the forces of ease or expediency. Once you develop the strength of character that gives you complete self-mastery, self-control and self-discipline, you feel wonderful about yourself.

Doesn’t AIESEC provide this for youth since 1946?

What’s Inside ?

Develop yourself

Your EB loves you


Spring Recruitment 13-14

LC Opportunities

Q2-Q3 Events wrap up

Q2-Q3 Awards



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~Your EB L♥ves You ~

When I joined AIESEC I imagined everything but the experience I

had. Yes, because my experience was way better than my

expectations, and this is something I realized for the first time while

coming back to my place after “Rabat Youth to business forum” with

three special friends.

After every experience, your eyes are more able to see how far you

got and how far you are ready to go. Your mind is ready to draw

your future.

The term 12.13 was the craziest year in my life and surely a unique

year, in which I experienced every possible human feeling, failure,

success, stress, achievements, weakness, strength, fun, friendship,

ups and downs.

And this is what we call in AIESEC the

most intense experience.

It was intense, but now when I think about it, this experience was

perfect for me. Nothing is easy when you decide to learn, to be

committed and to deliver quality work and events. In the middle of

all this you lose yourself and you find a better YOU.

When I decided to apply for Local committee Vice President of

External Relations I knew that it won’t be easy, and it’s not. But once

you remember the promise you gave to yourself, to your EB team

and to your LC you find the strength to go forward, to give the best

you can and try to create wonderful opportunities for your LC

members. Now I am living another different experience, and guess

what, you never stop learning especially when you have to deliver a

quality experience for others.

I promised YOU, my EB and MYSELF to give the best out of me, you

made that promise as well the day of your individual interview, so

are you ready to give the best out of you ?

“I will never let you down”. [July 1st, 2013 00:32]

These were the words of a person who realized that the people in

this family matter much more then the experience she was having.

When I was a member and until the day people were selecting me

to be one of this entity’s leaders, I never believed that I had a good

experience among this organization. My expectations were too high

and somehow selfish. I was measuring success only on my personal

scale: How did I positively change and how much have I learnt?

I was elected as an EB member and all the problems I was avoiding

for what has passed of my life just didn’t seem to be avoided

anymore. Many opinions, many stubborn minds, many “NOs”, many

disappointments and much talking…much much talking…and I hate

talking. I took a break to realize that I was finally starting to meet

one of my expectations:

I was learning and learning just hurts.

It is weird to be a Talent Manger for one complete year handling

“Team Building cycles” and “Team Management” and once you are

in a team you suffer as a person who never knew any team

strategies. When I gave myself time to digest this, I understood

that it was never about strategies but it is about switching

my mind to remember good while bad is around.

Now, each time a fight is picked in my team I stop moving my lips for

a while and remember one good moment I spent with that person

and during which I said to myself: This person will last for a long


Being in a team is not easy; but loving one’s team is easy.

Now, I came to a point where no matter how much I feel hate for

one of my teammates, I never unfeel love for them.

Once you reach that point, you will understand what AIESEC has

given you.

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~Your EB L♥ves You ~

Hello Everyone, I’m Meryeme

Zinoune and I’m the LC VP

OGX of LC Hassan – AIESEC

in Morocco.

This position is a new challenge

in my AIESEC journey. OGX is a

very tough department and

sometimes after days and days of

work, you can have only few

results. That’s why it makes you

stronger and more perseverant.

It also obliges you to be more

organized and teaches you how to

work under pressure.

OGX is also a very addictive

department, you should believe

in it. Rather than numbers, the

human factor is the most

important of all. In fact,

having a team of wonderful

individuals who work in common

to become better and to change

others’ lives is surely the

strongest motivation ever.

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Elections Executive Board Elections

Khalil El Alami (Finance) -- Salma Bouhala (TM) -- KhaoulaHamid (ER) -- Rasha Zenjari (iGIP) -- Imane El Kechchabi (LCP) -- Meryeme Zinoune (OGX)

iGCDP Elections: Second round

Oumaima Fariq


Who’s the IGCDP

Teammate ?

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Good Luck

Reda Zinoune


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IGIP Elections: Second round

Rasha Zenjari



I joined AISEC last year as an IGIP Team Member. The purpose I had for this experience was way far from the actual one. Through the year you notice how your journey impacts you, involves you in the society and develops you as a person. Joining AIESEC was the first step of great choices in my life. I will never forget my adventure within this

organization, and you will certainly do the


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Spring Recruitement was on

and we welcomed our dear newbies warmly.

All of us, today are amazing oldies and welcom new newbies .

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Halima Mastour

Chaimae Chedad

Anas El Baye

Adam Tamim

LC Opportunities





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Sofia Errmyly (OCM) – Fihria Anbar (OCP) – Salma Bouhala (LCVP TM) – Yassine Souhal (OCM) – Ilham Saidi (OCM) – Talha Rifaai (OCM)

The Journey : Shape Your


Fall Recruitement

Information Sessions

OC Fall Recruitement ‘13-14

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Rabat Youth To Business ‘12-13 Powered by AIESEC, Rabat Youth to Business aims at providing a platform for

students to share their inputs to leading Moroccan business about topics that

matter the most to them, as a potential employee, as a customer, or as simply

another citizen.

Rabat Youth to Business connects top young leaders and global business and social

leaders, to explore the topics of entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate

responsibility, and the impact we can have on the world through our positive


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Natco’13 AIESEC conferences are moments when members commitment, the power of AIESEC's vision and the strength of the global network come together to create an intense learning experience.

Each year AIESEC organizes “The National Congress” which is an Executive Board Transition conference that aims at delivering the required knowledge to the new elected members of each board.

This year NatCo was organized by LC Atlas, located in Al Akhawayne University, on 7th 8th and 9th of June’13. It was a fantastic chance to elaborate on our members’ skills, widen their personal network, demonstrate and reward active leadership and have lots of fun at the same time.

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LC Hassan Ftrour’13

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Talent Management Award

The Role Modal Award

The Best Ewa Award

The Excellence Award


Because of its members, LC Hassan has achieved magnificent results

last term and won 4 national Awards.

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Team Building Day (November 24


Kick Off’13 (November 29,30



1st December)


Email: [email protected]

[email protected]